HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-10-02, Page 12to.)110.1.. ...VaLM*,,,rtkr flflf f • riffX et, eit October Noll* und.own, el ontei pest ono wishes e!*trQJK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111111111 et Dim* COsioinimit and, Inc., Miner OCT. 4, 1975 9 p.m. - I am. at the Clinton Logien 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 NOW PLAYING * THURSDAY, OCT. 2 it TO SATURDAY, OCT. 4 it s_ * • "• Atannattan 40, 4( COMING * • MONDAY, OCT. 6 TO * • SATURDAY, OCT. 11 * "MacKenzie" • RETURN ENGAGEMENT ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON OtobCr 4th. at 1 St urs Go4etters, fall rummage sato, G ck4hngan4 Many r ar- tieleS. Atelone haVine articles tor this Please leave at Parish Hall on Friday, October 3rd or at11482,994?.-39,40 THE CLINTON Women's Institute hope to take a bus to the Elmira Mennonite Church and area an Thursday, October 9, 1,75. A number of seats available. If interested call by 6 p.M. Saturday, October 4, 1975, to Mrs C. Holland, 482.7684 or Mrs. Cecil Elliot, 482-3621:-40 YOLI ARE invited to hear Alison Jackson, Mental Retardation Co-ordinator of the - Ministry of Community and Social Services, at Exeter United Church U.C.W. meeting •on October 6 at 8:15 p.m. She will explain the need and the function of the house recently purchased by Exeter United Church for a home for mentally retarded adults: -40 ANDY STEWART SHOW — October 16, 1975 at 8 p.m. in Montcalm School, London. Bus leaves Clinton Legion at 6:15 pan. Tickets $6.50 each (in- cluding bus). For information and tickets phone 482-9478. Limited number only. -40 IN HONOR of their parents' 50th Wedding Anniversity, the family of Lloyd and Esther Mains invite relatives, friends and neighbors to an Open House at the home of their son Arnold in Bayfield, Sunday, , -October 12, 1975 from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Best wishes only PLEASE -40,41 Weekend Entertainment FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 & 4 Country Line Treat yourself and your friends ... for your convenience our Hot Buffet is served THURS., & FRI. 12 noon • 2 p.m. Casual Dress Dine by Candlelight SUNDAY SMORGASBORD 5 p.mt, to p.m. BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY 7--- Visit the KEG ROOM + Colour TV 4- Relaxing atmosphere tet Candlelight Restaurant & Tavern Licensed under L.C.B.O. BAFIELD RD- GODERICH 524-7711 "NEW" BINGO MONDAY, 8:30 P.M. COMMENCING October 6th, AT VANASTRARECREAT1ON CENTRE JACKPOT - '200.00 - IN 54 CALLS with a Consolation prize of $2S.00. If not won, Jackpot grows by S10.00 and number of calls increases by one, each week. 1 5 REGULAR GAMES AT $ 1 0.°° EACH 3 SHARE -THE WEALTH GAMES ADMISSION - 611.09 - INCLUDES ONE FREE CARD. AD- DITIONAL CARDS 25c EACH on 5 FOR S1.09. **00.~.1.• o ADMISSION RESTRICTED TO THOSE 6 YEARS OP AGE OR OftEtt Ot'kerbei,:re 1e 19754-4VO OODERICII Township Womett'S Istituto Meeting an Monday, October 6, 1975, 8p.M. at Helmesville POWl. ; Schoo Mrs- Jean Barnett will show slides and, talk o 'Flowers Around the World". Everyone weleotte-40 THE HURON County Health Unit invites you to attend€the Ad* Health Guidance Centre, Health Unit office, Shipley St.. Clinton. on Thursday, October 9, 1975, from 1:30 - 330 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4. Urine Testing 5.. Blood Pressure 6, Hearing Tests. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS A RE AVAILABLE.--40AR FALL THANKOFFERING of Ontario Street and Wesley - Willis 'U.C.W.'s at Wesley - Willis United Church, Sunday. October 5, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. Audrey and Dave- Kemp will give an illustrated talk on their everiences in the Arctic. Special music — everyone welcome. -40 HULLY GULLY COMING EVENTS: October 4 - Stanley Township Recreation Com- mittee Open Dance - Advance tickets only; October 10 -Open for bookings; October 11 - Hensail Kinettes Dance; October 12 - Snowmobile grass diag races - third event; October 18 - Gauntry Unlirnited Open Dance.-40AR NEW BINGO. - Clinton Legion Hall. 8:30 p.m.- October 2. Admission $1; 15 regular games, $10 each. Three share - the -wealth games. One jackpot $150 in 54 calls or less. Con- solation. One call and 810 added weekly if not won.----39thi "CASH, , BINGO", Seaforth Legionflalt, F'tiday, October 3, 8:15 p.m. sharp. 15 regular games for 810 each. Three specials for 825 and a $75 jack- pot to go each week. (Children under 16 years not permitted.) Admission 81, extra cards 25c each or 7 for SI. Proceeds for welfare work. Sponsored by Branch 156 Seaforth. Royal Canadian Legion. BINGO - October 7, Huron Fish and Game Club. 8:30 p.m. Jackpot 859 in 59 calls. Six door prizes -46U CHANGE OF DATE lesser end Bake Site at St. Andrew's Presbyterian • Church will be hold Nov. 29, 197S 3 - S p.m. Ba • thday. Her (laughter, Rhea, Mrs. Potter, had prepared and arranged the surprise fol. her Mother 'complete with 'a decorated birthday cake which was held at the home of her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Turner, New Sarem visited last week with his mother, Mrs. Bertha Turner. Mrs. Turner also spent a few days with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Stirling and Jerry in Goderich Town- ship. Congratulations to Brian Makins, the son of Mr. and Mrs:. Arnold Makins who has no, cepted a position with Sperry - Vickers Hydraulics in Rexdale. Miss Wendy Greer who is attending Teachers College in London had as her weekend guests at the home of her parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greer and Patti; two friends, Misses Judy Presperin of London and Truitje Gieuw of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Etue, Detroit, Mich. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Swale. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Guilfoyle, Tracy and Bill, Sarnia spent the Village. at their cottage in the v For alt the avid anglers in our reading area, we understand that the rainbow, cohoe and chinook salmon are really running in the Bayfield River ant.some- good sized catches 'Save Been reported with fish weighing up to 30 pounds. The congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church are in- formed that Sunday. October § and Sunda9.'"OCtOber 12 Vali e d nem. Country Singles Dance SAT. OCT. 4 at V ANASTR A , MUSIC BY "FOUR OF A KIND" Refreshments SERVED Watch for 011f special "Octoberfest Dance" on OCT. 111 AT ° V ANASTRA MUSIC BY "ENCORE" 11 SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DINNER gbe Itttte inn BAYFIELD , - 4' - 11b%L 565-2611 SUNDAY,. OCTOBER 12. 5:00 p.m. AND 7:)5,p.m. MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 1:00 P.M. Not mulled cider or Tomato lulge cocktail ' Hors d'oeuvres -Waldorf salad or molded salad Rolfe and mashes Roam turkey and orange cranberry sauce or roast beef and Ycirkshlre pudding Whipped potatoes or glazed sweet potatoes Turnip or green beans almondine Pumpkin pis and whipped cream Brandied mincemeat pie Hot rum sundae Fresh fruit cup with Kirsch Choose tray - fruit bowl- rg.ints Coffee, tea er milk 8.50.„ ik price ucriDen'"'"12, Reservations required — 545.2611 instiOnY Care •Cefilre Itikelt RI it& and *on reeve Harold 1ehh, (News -Record • (continued from page 11) the last regular services for the season. Dwight Nelson will be in charge of both services at 11 a. la The Bayfield Cubs andScouts are reminded that registration will be held at 7 p.m. in the Old Town Hall on Thursday 0-siscr4-.st .0.cot,il-tiv to so Cabaret Dance for Pat and Budd Bell Mee Pat East) Oct. 10th 9:00 - 1:00, a.m. at the Vanastra Rec. Centre • Music By Mozart's Melody Makers • Ladies Bring Lunch .a sci .sc „ct .tk .14 .40 4.4 44. Watch for our GRAND OPENING Vicki's (entry Steekkesse Highway 4 and Base Line, north of Clinton. opening THANKSGIVING .WEEKEND evening, October 2. AU boys seven to 14 years of age are welcome. N. No- 'o N N. N. N. N. S.,. N. N,' OPEN RECEPTION in honour of Mr. & Mrs. Merlin White thee Rita Caza) SAT. OCT. 11 * p.m. at Clinton Legion Hall. e • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • Wtc UNORY WINORAM 411 9:00 am. • -4'.- ton sit/1E ...skating etat skate.a.thon Saturday, Oct. 18,1975 ' 8:00 a.m. 12:00 noon Anyone with sponsors may skate. Three 55.00 prizes for skaters at various levels. Sponsor sheets available at News Record office. Please be prepared to sponsor the skaters and help us help skating. litegistratiiin forms and information sheets for Clinton Figure Skating Club also available at News Record office. IM, 1/1 CLINTON - ONTARIO 41111/411Rir .BOX OFFICE OPEN $ P.M. FIRST SHOW AT a:30 • • • • • • • 1111 000 * MAIM MAY. ocrosaisfil 2 Fti— Soc. 3timptri 7 -*IS II:30 1. AN eitarr4or, 744 con44:1$ p411. MO • Swum% de fru_ • • 3 BITERT141, The-Assable-heyfield. Cesservaties Avikerity invites thepublic to ' "Come close to NatureII • at, the Bannockburn Wildlife Area 11/4 miles east of Varna • Sunday, October 5, 1975 There will be guided nature hikes leaving the parking tot from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. For more information contact the Ausabte - Bayfield -Con- servation Authority. Exeter, 235-2610. • _ PARK GODERICH - - 1,'; TH1 '.:J toii pH,)41 , 1 '8 AIR UND^T OMtO LAST NIGHT—THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2 "The Way We Were" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT •Friday, 1 *:.:Tr- October 3 to October 10 motion picture AWSThe terrifying • from the terrifying No. I best setter. ,.„ r , -,, ',..‘, ... i 4,.., 6 ROY - RD •, - i P- iN.- ‘ I :: ? :::. -: * , ...; ' • :::' 1::::-. ... , :- . - t - - - . .z.:.A-. ' -:*...-% -' - •-• : ... .• - •' • :" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT . Co ing Attractions: • ' , ' • RACE WITH THE DEVIL FRENCH CONNECTION EARTHQUAKE . 111 Subt�d to cI»ng, Withoul Notice OPEN WEEKENDS FRIDAY. SATURDAY, SUNDAY FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Friday and Saturday, October 3, 4 TIE ADVENTURE YOU ww. VER MOW EDGmJa RICIE 1011.1101/10111GMV a tett • ancatei summuifuitat mown "THELAND liar TIME mar ileCUME JOHN mcestrusumPENHAUGON "SEIZURE" PLUS PLUS "MUM THE SURE" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Sunday, October 5 "Chinese Godfather" • — PLUS — "Lust Days of Bruce Lee" — PLUS _ "Slaughter's Big Rip Off" ADULT ENTRTAINMENT Without Notice 11