HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-10-02, Page 7AZ.
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ugnSt a September' , due to aSeofmost9t.b.:# : I; 7. nOthi to
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ell nate the crabgrass. in -
reeler weather -4 ' more
in -
moisture. This moms, a fes the lawn this year, but
t to 1040 . for .
crabgrass ne
s it Inent% to- the seeIIingS, emerg
onditionS; „
to a r Ise ca/AtlOri. WilegiuS
five • os. careless
vulnerable plants, klerblei
P leation could damage
-. scountge it. k'roIeSsOr
Switzer reeeemen,
0000 'et fertilizer in (mitt
September Welton the grass.
In. low September,
Preorergence herbicides, such
, Betasan end Pacthel, should
iould be appicd on tays
etween 15. degrees to 25
degrees C. (about 60degrees to
00 degrees V), preferablY
morning or evening When there
is little ind. To ensure even
coverage when using granular
BaIiMa(aUY, Limited
482-3405 527-0910 262-2418
By JIMF'itrgerald
The Huron Unit at the Can-
djan Society received
good npvis at their annual
„„.„. ling in flobnesvine last
Mouday night, (September 29),
when they learned their 1974-75
Mpaign had more than
topped its objective by 115 per
The Huron Unit's financial
statement revealed that a total
of $49,193.04 was raised in the
county in the year ending
September 30,1975, up from the
$40,558.20 raised in 1973-74.
The campaign raised
1 313.12, compared to
In Clinton. $4,667.81 was looking for the reassurance we
raised in the earnPailiP, and can communicate about the
$2.831- was given dwell& the progress continually being
in memoriam &roams'. • made in the cancer control
The Exeter. Branch raised program."
$5,411.31 in their campaign and Mr. Calhoun said that the
$5,148.65 from their in nearly 200,000 volunteers
memoriam fund. across Ontario can proldlY say.
The Goderich Branch raised they areserving mankind.
58,940.87 through their cam- "Without the cancer
paign in the last year1 and volunteer,. our ' national
54.836.23 thfaugli their in program would grind to a halt.
memoriam donations. - The service of the volunteer is
The Seaforth Branch the backbone of our Society',"
collected a total of 54,023.62 he said.
through their eamPaign. Plus. .Because cit this volunteer
$1,906 from their in memoriam help. Mr. Calhoun said that
fund. . only five cents of every dollar is
W- ham nt on administration with
$27,28051 of last year, and m A de mate
jaunted for $16,127.44 eds year, campaign and another 51,404 cancer research.
'compared to 511,074 donated from their in memoriam fund. Mr. Calhoun stressed,
last Year- — Mrs. Myrtle TvlacNaughton, however, .11:- t more money
Unit president Chester who was convener of the must go'tsiWation to ensure
Archibald of Clinton said the Wingham branch, received a the public detects cancer early.
Society was pleased with its standing ovation when Mr. "'there are thouSands upon
showing- Archibald announced she was thousands of lilies in Canada we
"I know our task is much retiring after 15 years of could save each year — right
broader than that of just fund volunteer work with the today ,-- if only we could get the
raising, but the success of our Wingham branch and the message of the Canadian
- -recent campaign is most Winglzarn follow-up clinic. CancerSociety across to every
gratifying," Mr. Archibald As well as raising funds for Canadian," he said.
'bald. the Ontario Division for He added that cancer has
research and education, the been beaten in over 50 per cent
Hydro use up Huron Unit is involved .in of its outbreaks. “The other 50
education and follow-up clinics. per cent is ourtarget"
The dry weather ' which The annual report showed a The slate of officers elected
prevailed in many parts of the number of films and literature for the 1975-76 year include:
Province during August distributed to children from Past president, Gordon
resulted in reduced flows to kindergarten to grade three, Richardsort of Clinton;
several Ontario Hydro water stressing good health habits president, Chester Archibald of
powered generatinvatations andnostnekcing•
memoriam donations ac- Branch raised $8,263.51 in their over 85 per cent going towards
. Clinton; secretary, Mrs. Helen
andlerced the utility &epliitte *wane Unit distributed, over4Pgatiell ofttnton; treasurer' ,
lost generation with - more 2,000 parnplzleW and screened }tarry Merriman of Clinton;
costly energy from its thermal . at least 14 different films to representative to divisional
statiDOS. many groups. board of directors, Chester
Hydro's operating report The Unit also provided Archibald; delegates to district
shows water ,,., powered units services to 67 patients last council, Chester A,:chibald,
supplied only 34.3percent of the year. including 15 volunteer Ross McDaniel of Goderich,
total energy generated during drivers clocking over 9,000 and Mrs. Helen Davies of
the mortih-compared with 41.2 miles driving patients to Clinton; campaign chairman,
percent in Augu.st, 1974. Coal- 'clinics. Ross McDaniel; com-
1 ired units produced 23,7 .The guest speaker for the mernorative funds, Miss
percent of energy, nuclear 15.7, annual meeting was Ron Catherine Plumtree of Clinton;
natural gas 8, oil, .9, and Calhoun of Thamesford, the educaticei, Mrs. Freda Slade of
purchases, 17.4. Ontario Division campaign Clinton; planning, development
The report indicates primary chairman, who told the bun- and nomination. Mrs. Helen
electrical energy demand grew Bred volunteers at the White - Davies; publicity. 3. Howard
to 6,609.790000 kilowatt-hours Carnation at Holmesvilte that Aitken of Goderich; service to
during the months, up 1.8 with the year end, the eyes of patients Mrs. Walter Forbes of
percent front the similar period our respective communities Clinton; transportation, Mrs.
j'74. are now upon us. They are Walter Forbes ofClinton.
Excellent real wood reproductions with a durable and
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Choose from these favorite characteristic and distinctive
Wood grains—
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and get FREE
French Fries far 3 and
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Doors are ready -hung for fdst and easy installation.
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aluminum finish — stock sizes $A795
ONLY nlir •
Delivery is good_on our custom made storm windows.
Available tor double-hurva and side -slider windows. Be
sure to see us for a quotation during this sale. and here
is how you make your Measurements. Measure with a
steel tape preferably. from the outsider of the house
%viler.) ordinary wood storm would go. See diagram.
. A- width between stdo casings
8- 'height from sill to bottom edge of top casing.
If window is double -hung. Make the following mea-
surement as weL
C- height from bottom edge 01 top casing to centre of
wood meeting rail.
Luxaclad Aluminum Siding!
Soffit can save you money.
It saves%cos be-
cause you can do-it-yourself.
It s_i_we_s on ag_,Uing costs be-
cause the baked enamel finish
will last for years.
ItQflfSts too be-
caute the siding comes with a
backer board applied.
One carton covers 88 sq. ft.