HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-6-10, Page 1H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soil- , T Ii eal• eltorol''Supreme Courb,Notary Public) Conveyancer, Do.aiauiistiontr, 6Sc, Money to Loan. 011ieo in J'ansoil'131001i,t+ixoter• Mc1+'ADD1,N, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, EXETER, - • ONT., "HEW TO THE LINE, CIIIPS FALL WH LETTHE + ERE THEY MAY,,'. Office Samwell'sBlock (Hall's old office,), DaENTAL. jr•®.®aaa pain. Airoporatioue performed with ease anti skill. Geld fillings a speciality. Office 'hours 0 a. m: to 5 p m, 011A11005 MODERATE.TEnnts CASE. CARTWRIGHT,_L. D. S., • gas opened dental rooms ovcj O'NEIL'S I3ANIi, whore he will bo prepared to extracttoethwitbout I -L KIN AN,DENTIST.Lj.D.S 1 traeots Teeth without pain, iv Vitalized Air,or b is in to q 1; by sib using the N'ew Local Antestbo- tic on the gums; makes Gold Filings and all other dental work the bust possible. Rooms Upstairs in SAlaw17LI,'s Bnocs, East side of Main -Street, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL CLUTZ, M. D., • Offlcoat hisresidenco Exeter. W. BROWNING M. D.,`M. C te • P. S,GraduateVictoriaUniversity.Otllce an dlresidence,Dorrinion Laboratory, Exe ter DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. O. P. S O. Office, Main St.Exeter,Ont. Rosiden .0ehouserecently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. DRS.HYNDMAN AND HOOPER, Dr,Hyndman, Coroner for the County of Huron, &o., &c. Dr: Hooper, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; Licentiate iu Miclwifery,Edinburgh(Scotland) Post -graduate Student of the University of Vienna (Austria) and of the OSoorfield Eye , Hospital, Loudon (England) &c., &c. Special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Bar and 'Throat. Oflloo, Main -street, Exeter. DR, WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, a few doors oast of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, and the pres- ervation o1 vision : diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the ear; diseases Of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases o1 the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of iinpai-od hearing. AUCTIONEERS. VOL. XIII,, NO. 42. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1886. IMPORTANT NOTICES. 0,000 )A, ROUND THE COUNTRY. JDITC7raihoal. LQITELT Wishes to announce to the inhabifcaats of preparing g Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE J. DEA111.II•TO'S LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS. L Without a doubt they are the most becoming stylus ever introduced: Ladies, for something in the lJoruer Store North of in very fine style, such as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, & Pickard's, where ho is prepared Pulls, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike.J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Where he will. supply all your wants in the Hair Line, SON !Publishe sIsar), OUN Y>,grprteteee aMr. Wentsel is re aria to build a dwelling house on Victoria street. The brass band has purchased a mllsio. f Our store -keepers have concluded to close. their place of business at 8 o'cloak. Saturdays excepted. While Mr. S. Hedden's barn raising was in progress on Friday afternoou, Mr. C. Essery, was somewhat seri- ously injured by the falling of a rafter, whioh struck him on the fade. But we are glad to see him able to be around again. d Sh 110 finecornetaidagoodelectionoo0 an oe ADVERTISERS can learn the exaot cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing FJENEY EILI3ER, Licensed Auo- Geo. P. Rowell & Co., teepees for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli- Newspaper Advertising Bureau, :ares. Office—At Post -office, Crediton, Out. 10 Spruce St., New York. Send 10cts. for 100 -Page Pamphlet: rray,Townships: Sales conducted at moderato JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborno and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. ETERINARY. TENNENT & nary Surgeo Veterinary to,havo op fortho troa Domestic 11IAinstreet TLNNENT, Veteri- Graduates of the Ontario College, Toron- onod an office tment of all Animals, on Exeter. Calls from a des tante promptly attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c always on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. ' ONEYTO LOAN ON REALES tate f ``'the Huron & ErieLoan ,5' Sav- ingssooiety'. I w rates ofintereei. Apply to John Spaokman,Eseter. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6e percent.according totem' s. Private Fu.nds. Apply to B.V,ELLIOT, August15,'S5'i • Solicitor. Exeter , MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6y percent, 025,000 Private Funds- Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICIiSON, Barrister. Exeter, INSURANCE. T1d.E WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established In 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This comxanv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western On- tario,andaontinues to insure againstloss or damage by Fire,Buildings,Merchandise,Man- ufactories,and all otho r descriptions oflinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ton years this Company has issued 57,005 Policies. covering property to the amount of810,372,03B;and paid iuloss- es alone $709,752,00 Assets, S176,10O.0O, consisting of Cash n Bank, GovernmentDoposit, and the uuass- ossodPremium Notes onhand and inforce. J, W WALDFNM D. President. C. M. TAYLOR, Secretary. J.B. HUGr5Es,Inspector. CHAS; SNELL Agontfor Exeter and vicinity, n1ania1 Railway OF CANADA The Royal Mail, Passenger and rreight Route between Canada and Groat Britain and direct route between the West and all points elver St. Lawrence and Baio des Clra• on t lour,a o New 1' nswick, Nova Scotia, P, E. Island Cape Breton, Newfound lance, Bermuda, and Jamaica. Now and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Day Cars run on through Express trains, Passengers for Groat Britain or ?ho Conti- nent by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a. 111, Thurs- day will join outward mail steamer at Hali- fax a, m. Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ac- commodation at Halifax for shipment of grain and general merchandise. Years of experience:have proved the IN TER - COLONIAL iu connection with steamship teats to and from London,Liverpool and Glasgow to Halifax, to be the Lier p quickest freight route between Cadet -la and Great Britain, Information as to Passenger and Freight rates can be itad on application to ROBERT B. MOODY, Western Freight &Passenger Agent 03P.essinHouse Block, York St., !Toronto. D. POTTINGEII, Chief Superintendent. to N,B:, Nov 13,1885, Railway 0 Send 10 cents postage and we will send you free a royal, valuable sample box of goods that -will put you in the sway of malting more money at ones, than anything else in America. Beth sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time, Capital notrequirud. Wo will start you. Imnionse pay SRI o /or those who start at 0E00. STINSON 00 ,Portland 1ttaiuo! HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its, growth, and will not soil the skin. As a hair dres- sing, it has no superior. Guar - anteedharmless. Prepared by Harkness & Co. London, Ont. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers. CENTRAL DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always, fresh. Family recip- es carefully .prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. LOOK, LOOK CIA Orocory I Sell for Cash ; I Sell Cheap; I sell Only the Best ; I Sell for Small Profits, but I DO NOT SELL AT COST. I do not sell without a profit I will sell as cheap as the cheapest. ROLLER FLOUR, GRAFIA.M FLOUR, CORNMEAL, TEA, TEA, TEA, COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, COCOA, C000A, COCOA, i= Come and see the present with every 6 pounds LI-QUOR TEA. Tobaccos, Cigars, Oranges, Lemons, and PEANUTS. - GEORGE K EM P, Family Grocer. Steamship Agent. SIGN THE FLAG, Drew Block, South Store. all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a special Repairing promptly attended t G -E0. MAN Samwel to make ity. 0. SON; - Late Manager C. T•;acrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment, May 14th 84. ME, !X! !LOfl MR. WM. LYNE is prepared :o do CUSTOM TA!LORINQ At Kirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty • Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. Butter &Eggs' WANTED. J. Matheson Has opened out in Currelley & Co's. Old Stand, EXETER NORTH Complete stock of Groceries. 16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts—Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of E[ RDWA.RE. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60c per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. A reduction of 5 Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Suit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for $7.50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot to soli or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0. Exeter Butcher Shop. R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer —IN ILL RINDS OF— Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Per S. S. LUCIff, Men, Women, eE Children --ARIIIVING DAILY A'T— DULAA llG P 1 KIRK.I ON THE SPOT FOR CIIEAP GOOPS "Never Undersold" 55 1 r AfotTo. C , W,. DULMVIAC E, e 5 Iilimville. The ratepayers are performing their statute labor.—The Zion S. S. Anni- versary will be held on Sunday and Monday. --Contracts for the erection of a oouple of bridges on the 8th and 9th concessions, were awarded on Saturday last,—Tile contraot for the erection of a fence around the town hall was also lel.—Mr. Thos. Smale bears off the honors in the growing of early strawberries, he having picked some of the delicious fruit on the 5th June and with ahristian benevolence and rare unselfishness, presented them to a sick friend who resides in Exeter. Forest. Saturday night the plate glass win- dows in Squire Morris' store were broken by a large stone being thrown through them. No clue to the cul- prits, but it is supposed to have been done by friends of the alleged viola- tors of the Aot. Saturday afternoon six cases of alleged violation of the Scott Act were heard here before J. P's. Roy, of Bosanquet, and Morrie, of Forest: The parties charged were Webster and Carmiohael, proprietere 3f the Franklin House, J. Ralph, of the Farmers' Exchange Hotel; J. S. Mo- douald, of th Union Hotel; M. L. Ryan, of the American Hotel; and W. C.$ Dillon, and Thos. Rose, merohants. Webster and Carmichael were convict- ed and fined $50 and coats. They have appealed. Ralph and J. S, McDonald were acquitted, with costs againet the informer. The other three oases were adjourned one week for further evidence. County Crown Attorney Bucks, of Sarnia, prosecut- ed, and D. S. MoMillan, of Point Edward, and W. J. Porte, of Forest, defended. 1)ashiwooa. Mr. N. Freid, of this plane, left last week for East Saginaw, Michigan, on a visit to friends,—Mr. Gasman, of Germany, adds another soul to our rapidly increasing population.—Mr. Kellerman's new residence is being pushed ahead speedily, and ere long we hope to be able to report the house-warming ceremonies.—Pionic parties may now be (leen daily passing through our village for the famous summer resort, Grand Bend.—Sever- al Zurich bicyclists were in the village last week ; they are spoiling for a contest with our champion.—Mr. E. Rothermeal has had his residence painted, and things generally improv- ed. The premises now present a fine appearance.—Business is again pick- ing put the fact' revives the good spirits of our merchants. The pro- prietors are rapidly pushing ahead the erection of our flax mill ; a great mann acres leave been sown in flax. - Mr. Ealbfieisch is doing a rushing trade in the agricultural implement' business. Merton. A very enjoyable tune was (spent a few days ago at the residence of Mr. D. McRae, Shaayside, Norton, on the occasion of the mat°ri'ttge of his daughteZ', Miss Maggie, to Mr, Arch. Grant, of St. Mary's. The ceremony was performed by :he Rev. \V, S. Ball, of the Presbyterian church. The bride was attended by Miss Jessie McRae, sister of the bride, and Mies Nettie Grant, while the bridegroom, was supported by Mr. Gus Ferguson, of Birr, and Mr. R. McLaren, of Forest, The bride and brfdesmaidg looked charming, arrayed in simple white. The wedding gifts were num- erous and attractive. Between 50 and 60 relatives and friends were present, among wbotn were Mr. and Mrs, Ferguson, 13irr; Miss Boston and Miss Maggie Scott, Ferguson; C. M ❑ n Mrs. d I reMdl'nt re y S tr athrUy; iblfss Genge, blies Robson, Mr. Stew- art, London; Captain Robeson, Mr. and Mies Walker, Mr. and Miss Scott, Dr. and Mrs. Robson, Mrs. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, and many others too numerous to mention. After lunch the happy couple left for their new home, St. Marys. e rnnton.. Srrah Cain, of Biddulph,' was coni milted by J. P.'s Mowbray and Stan ley, at Granton, for being insane arse dangerous to be at largo, and take to the jail London, Tuesday after noon. Oi;er.--Mrs. Douglas Waltman, of the Biddulph and London townline peeped away on Monday morning, at the early age of 25. She leaves a husband and four small children to mourn her lose. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. Benjamin Walden, 161h con. London. BRIEFS.—Mr. Wm. Levitt, sr., is laid up from a kick on the hip from one of his horses, -The appointment of Rev. J. C. Stephenson to Granton for another year, gives general satis- faction. --Mr. Eames, station master G. T. R„ and wife, have gone to De- troit and other points, to spend their holidays ; they expect to be absent about a month. --Out of a dozen notices or more of births in these items during the past six months, not one has been for a boy ; this time it is again a daughter, and the happy father is Mr. Geo. H. Allen, teacher of Revere, on the 2nd inst.--After a visit of seven or eight months in this neighborhood, Mrs. James Thompson left this week to join her husband in their prairie home in.the North-west; she took with her, her sister Miss Violet MoMillan.—The wife and fam- ily of Rev. Mr. Phillips, of Acton, are visiting their numerous friends here ; it is expected that Mr. Phillips will be present at the different appointments on the ;Granton circuit cn Sunday next.—It would be difficult to find a hamlet in which the sidewalks are in a more dilapidated condition than those of Granton ; it is about time for us to pub forth au effort to copy the example of our ambitious little neighbor, Kirkton.--A garden party in aid of the Methodist Churoh re- pairing fund, will be given at Mr. J. Wallace's, on Friday evening ; ad- mission is fixed at the low price cf 15o; rev. Mr. Phillips, a former pas- tor, is expected bo take part in the exercises of the evening. Lucan. Miss Kelly, of Carlile, is at present visiting Mr. J. Atkinson, jeweller. The new fence in front of Mr. W. Stanley's residence is quite an im- provement. Mr. Lemmon, of South Haven, Mich., is at present visiting Mr. Wm. Pratt, of this village. A number of new buggies passed through here last week going north. What is the matter with the northern carriage builders ? Mr. W. Scott, left on Friday last for Napanee, where he intends to follow his neual occupation, cabinet making. Will. will be missed. The Irish Nine, are praotiaing every evening, but are in a weak oonditionat present, having lost three of its members. They can play a very strong game all the same. Mr. Gibson, of this place, who has been ill for the past three months, left on Saturday evening last for a trip to the old country, for the benefit of his health. He was accompanied by Mr. L. Scott, formerly principal of the public school here, whose health has been poorly of late. On Monday last, Mr. Wm. Flem- ming, of London, and Miss L, Keefe, daughter of Mr. Robt. Keefe, of Biddulph, were united in matrimony. They left in the evening for London, and from there they purpose taking a trip to New York. Mr. J. Carrot, returned from Brit- ish Columbia a short time ago. He has hired about thirty-five young men from around Biddulph, to go bridge building 011 the C. P. R. They started ore Monday evening last. Biddulph will be well represented among the Chinese. Kirkton. Mr. Win, Stinson is building it new frame kitchen. Mr. Joseph Hawkey, has just had a comfortable frame house erected in the village. Our tailor, Mr. Lyne, is doing a rushing business as he hag no lee`s' than five hands at work. Our village g can now boast of good substantial sidewaikes. Good use is made of theta too, especially on these beautiful Sunday evenings. Messrs. Samuel and Julius Doupe, returned on Friday last, after spend- ing a pleasant weolt with friends at Mount Forest. Rev. C. Fletcher B. A., of Far- quhar, preached in fine Methodist church on Sunday night to a crowded house. Rev. M. Ball is expected to be the minister for the Kirltton circuit this doming year. This circuit now inoludes Third Line, Salem and Kirkton appointments. 'Our athelete, Mr.. Oros Douse, who won six medals at St. Marys, on. the 24th, went West en Monday, tie attend caledonian games at Strathroy,, and other places. May he return. laden with laurels, At the caledonian games held at Strathr.oy, an Tuesday, our athelete, Mr. Amos Doupe, carried oil several laurels. 3rd for running long jump, 8rd,running, hop, stop and jump, and 2nd turning high jump. Mr. D„ was "in'bad shape, and had some fleet ones to compete againet. Mr. William Hanna, appears to be an heir to misfortune. In our last correspondence we gave an account' of bine beiug dragged under a oulti• vator by a runnaway team. No sooner had ho recovered than a more serious aooldent befell him. Com "' mencing statute tabor on Monday n morn iand co g mining out of the. gravel pit with his .first load, his team, wtlioh by the way, is a very high lifed one, became somewhai unruly, bringing him by some means or other, in contact with the hind 'wheel, breakiug his breast bone in two places and inflicting a gash ilia his head five inches in length, laying bare the skull. It is thought hardly possible that the wheel passed over him, as with the load there was on, it would have crushed him to the earth. He now lies in a very painful and critioal condition, though we are glad to know that Dr. Irving has good hopes of his recovery. i1l114 St. Marys. Mies Norah Clench, of this plane, played at it concert in Leipaio on May 14, given in honor of the anniversary of the birthday of King Albert, of Saxony. She played the celebrated' ohaoonne for the violin written by J. S. Bach, one of the most difficult pieces ever written for the instrumeut, and received great praise from the Leipsio papers for her performance. At the June sitting of the Middle- sex County Oourt and general sessions of the peace, held at London, on Monday, Mr. Sidney Bradehaw, a young man employed in the Bank of Montreal branch, Si. Marys, brought action against the G. T. lt, Company to recover $135, the value of personal effects which were taken from his trunk at the St. Marys town station, burglarized on the night of 'Oct. 28, 1886. Tha station in question is on the branch line to London, and was built for the convenience of the towns people, the regular station being on the main line, about a mile and a half from town. Mr. Bradshaw bad purchased a ticket from Montreal to St. Marys, and had his baggage checked accordingly. He stopped of at Toronto, however, and the trunk .. oame on, he following in a day or so. It was put off on the platform, and no one galling for it in the course of an hour and a half, was put on the next train passing through the town station, where it was left. This, the baggage -master at the regular station said, was customary. The trunk was put in the town station, where no ons remains oyer night, and was taken out by a burglar and broken open. The plaiutiff contended that the trunk should not have been carried past the regular depot to the town station, and also that the latter was not safe or proper plane in which to put baggage, particularly as there was no watch- man. The jury took a different view and brought in a verdict fordefendanta Such a virdiat as this does not smile well for the jury's reasoning propen- sities. 1.••-• l tet11odist Church. The London Conference opened ai St. Thomas, on Thursday last. The President Dr. Sanderson, presiding. Several members were transferred To. the Guelph conference. The confer:'' ence ballotted for president, there being Revs. W. S. Pascoe, Dr. Parker and D. G. Sutherland, standing; Mr. Pasooe received the largest vote, the next ballot gave Dr. Parker the largest. The third ballot between Dr.Parker and W. S. Pascoe, resulted in favor of the former by 10 votes. Several probationers were received. Dr, Rycicman presented the report of the educational fund, ehowing an increase of $224,000 over last year. The Guelph conference convened at Goderioh last week. On Wednes- day evening a grand missionary meet• ing was held, and several stirring ad- dresses were delivered, The follow- ing persons were sent to college:— J. B. Walwin, J. B. Legear, H. Card- well, J. J. Crookshanks, J. W. Friz. zell, E. 33. Shaw and J. F. MoLaoh- lan. In his address in opening the Guelph Conference Wednesday, Rev. letr. McDowell made the following remarks in reference to the liquor traffic :---the liquor traffic, long a powerful obstacle to the advancement of truth and religion, is b000tni'ng, increasingly distasteful to the•rriasses of rile people. The attitude of the churches of ,Christ with respect to this burning question ie one of the encouraging signs of the times. Tho people of God desire and pray; 'that the legislation of this Dominion relat- ing to this giant evil may be alis legislation of prohibition, thstt it may be a eritne to malie and sell alcohol, except for medicinal or mechanical purposes. '• Both conferences aro still in Sea.,M Bion, and as we print nothing has,been learned of the final draft of the etlt; tiomng committee.