Clinton News-Record, 1975-09-18, Page 17'It „g , 4, ,,, „vow.. , r mt. +KY:. to, lo,11.16,V,WO,OgOO t,..,mot..,noognontol not* t, ' oot minIng it . it s on (0t7. 11, flz . u i ., suitor r p . cqateijrs0 T reSO4F01,er$ 411 r0,.$04 and, Wets. the4 010,tOr k1010$0110 41 eWl1 i7fitYe geV. 40 wero sighted • soil flying sont.,hentepternbert absorptjon Iated to two nt of organic we 40 to be fnfliCted • . 110014410sor are Y4re— Oi early win*? Early ,'seem to have ripened at eat two Weeks earlier this ycar• • The first Week in September. rebin was observed feeding 04 the 111000ain ash berries. lthough. *re -has been no freSt be -Was a bit tipsy. Per somethne, flocks. of Crating birds have been etel-Sing to est and feed at • "The Rut". Some of the war- blers seemed to have their spring colours. Lucy had a elm view of -one tittle bird numin up and down the orange blossom shrub in the hedge. Milken it couldn't find any more insects, it dropped *down by the root and cracked a seed- pod, It had all the markings of a black and white warbler in spring plumage. Then she identified some myrtle warblers one day while sitting quietly under the rose arch. And a red -eyed vireo comes to get a drink at the bird bath. The little ruby and orange crowned Kinglets were here in numbers the last week in August which is rather early for them. For the last week in August and the first in September, the Monarch butterflies have been feeding on flowers in the garden, particularly the purple buddleia, before taking off on their long flight to Mexico f6r the winter. Andthose blue jays are still screaming about bad weather coming. If September is warm, Lucy thinks it the nicest month in the year. It is usually October before the deciduous leaves turn in colour and drop off, but already the maples are turning red or yellow. And speaking of trees, Lucy wonders what‘the future holds for our garden specimens or for that matter our bushland too. Three white birch trees have been planted on the lawn. They grew well at first and then' two succombed to the birch leaf miner. The third one has been treated for three seasons with Cygon. Then she noticed little branches dying. .Someone who had a birch tree told her the Cygon should be painted on the trunk every eight days so once again it was treated and the ground around it sprayed, but still brown leaves came on it. Then she read an article from the Chatham bureau of the London Free Press "Brown birches. Fungus hits Ontario Trees." Wiatsy Kenny. management forester with the '0iitbrio• natural resources ministry. said that the name of the fungus STAFF HLIRT EVERYBODY slower sumo awn ON A *NW! • • esio. slow rpux VIADR. Waft ROOM Wieners mt,g:EF gbvicrnic 88? Sausages BEEF & Pax lb 79? Pah 81 1111414 Ott* OP CANADA. mak -mum *NONUNk NOM liWgPtlf$1•59 Cooked, Meats 6'"vacP1441? ,V ZEALAND SAW00010. MON lane SWUM HIS& Action pric Action Priced! 16 CM PKG. ASSORTED FLAVOURS SALTED UNSALTED 1602. i•t" tf4 7.4 ' if you have a relative, friend or neighbor in a hospital. nurs- ing home. or other health care institution. then there's some- thing you should know. Staff cuts hurt everybody. They place a heavier burden on riurSing staff, technologists, dietmpoirand housekeeping' staff.' This hurts you. But most of alt staff cuts hurt your loved ones who need the bet possible health care. Expenses should be reduced. But tors cut out needless frills, not Vital services.' The ServiCe Employees International Union realizes that stall cuts hurt eyerybociy. That's why we need your help. Write tOyour newspaper. Write tO your Nternber of par- liaMent. Insitt On legislation against hrispital Sten Cuts. Remember, the S.E.1.1). needs your help for better health tate. Mare Money -Saving Jane Parker Baked Goods! .*AN* pub= DREAD KW 2 10AVEL-SAVI 15e JAM PAWN, PINEAPPLE TOPPED NON MEM, 1 MINA 1 vonvEAT OE 2 mon IS'AVE 40 JANE moat JANI PAINER SAVE 4e) JANE e**xa, Wm.* Oft ALMON% Donn smoltramo (Sitift 14 -oz cake 750r Bread'' pkg a two, vs.oz foaves45g Strailivberry Pie 13406.22'crt Pie 99, P Nov accieptjng Applicatiens fir employment for th. new Awe fell & pert flaw 40 . ..t.tk . • / ALt PEKES SHOWN NI NOS AO CAMAANNIO MUMS THI0U011 SATOROAT. WS- •