HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-6-3, Page 5a
What, is Free MaSQ!11'y ?
ContrU u ed i+y 1lfr. Geo, F. Dyer, Exefer,
(continued freta last week.)
When the llgyptiatl priests had iu this
manner premixed admission into the
to to ty
of Free Ma ons,they connected the my mythology
of their oou. ntry and their metaphysical epee
()telegenic concerning the nature of God and
the condition of than, with au association , Lifelk itAL O1'FEne ) For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you
formed for the oxeltieiyo purpose of scientific r _ have a printed guarantee on every bottle of
fmprevemout, and produced that eembiva, Five erliousaad Dollars to any Oharltable I Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to euro
tion of science and theology, which in after iustltutiou, SCott'S ElimlllSfon, o> Pure.
Cod Liver Oil, with xiypophosphites,
though stripped of their original purity and,
epleudor. We are certain, at least, that many
rites of the Pagan religion were performed
under the dissemoled name of convivial meet-
ings, long after the publication of the wiper,_
pr's ()dicta, and Psellus informs us that the
mysteries of Co) es subsisted in Athens till
the eighth century of the Christian ora, and
wore never totally supp.reseecl,
(To bo oontinuod,)
JIi4tQrostini I,teitup.
Air, Geo, Russoti, of Aurora, Ont., says he
Was a great sufferer from a running sore of
tiro worst description, wliieh baffled the best,
medical skill, and his life was a burden,
lie was cured by 13, B. B., to his great joy
end tho surprise of bis friends,
Some folio have their work laid out be -fore
hand. Aphysician's work is often laid out
after he has finished it,
ages formed such a conspicuous part of the
principles of Free .Masonry, The knowledge
of Egyptians was carefully concealed from
the vulgar, and when the priests did„ condo,
scend to comumuieate it to the learned men
of other nations, it was conferred by sym-
bols and hieroglyphics, accompanied with
particular rites and ceremonies, marking the
value of the gift they bestowed. What those
ceremonies were which were performed at
initiation into t ..e Egyptian mysteries wo are
unable at this hence of time to determine ;
butas ein' andother my sten
the Elo �i ran nth y es
had their origin in Egypt, wo may be able
perhaps to disoover the qualities of the foun-
tain by explaining the nature of tho stream.
Tho immense population of Egypt conjoined
with other causes, occasioned frequent emi-
grations from that enlightened country. In
this manner it became the ;centro of eivili-
zation and introauoed into the most distant
and savage regions the sublime myatories of
its religion and thee() inventions and discov-
eries which originated in the ingenuity of its
inhabitants. The first colony of the.
Egyptians which grriyed iu Greece was con-
cluded by lnaohua about 1970 years before
the Christian era, and about three centuries
afterwards he was followed by (;scraps, Cod -
mus and Danaus. The savage inhabitants cf
Greene beheld with astonishment the magi-
cal tricks of the Egyptians, and regarded as
gods those skilful adventurers who commui-
cated to them the arts and sciences of their
native land. In this manner were sown those
seeds of improyement which in future ages
exalted Greece to Finch pre.eminence am-
ongst the nations. After the Egyptian colo-
nies had obtained a secure settlement in
their new territories, and wore freed from
those uneasy apprehensions which generally
trouble the invaders of a foreign laud, they
instituted, after the manner of their anees-
tors,'partionlar festivals or mysteries in hon-
or of those who had benefitted their country
either by arts or by arms. In the reign of
Erieth.anius (B. C. 1500,) the mysteries of
the Egyptian Isla were established at Elousis
under the name of the Eleusinia. They were„
instituted Biu honor of Ceres, who, having
come to Greece in quest of her daughter
Praserpine, resided with Triptolemns at
Eleusis and instructed him in the knowledge
of agriculture and in the stilt more import-
ant knowledge of a future state. About the
same time the Panatbenaes wore instituted
in honor of Minerva, and the Dianysiau mys-
tries in honor of Bacchus, who invented
theatres and instructed the Greeks in many
useful arts, but particularly in the culture of
the vino, That the Elousiniau and Diany-
sian mysteries were Intimately connected
with the progress of the arts and sciences is
manifest fro very end for which they
were formed, rad that they were modelled
upon the mysteries ot Isis and Osiris, cele-
brated in Egypt, is probable ;from the simi-
larity of their origin, as well as from the
consent of ancient authors. If there be any
plausibility in our former reasoning noncorn-
ing the origin of knowledge in Egypt, it will
follow that the Dianysfa and the mysteries
Rochester, N. Y., Union and Advertiser.
Friends of Ex-Prosiclont Arthur are very
nuioh disquieted.
Of course he is not going to die:! .Ho is
in the lands of e, yery parameter pbysioiau.
His dootor does not call it Bright's Dis-
ease I No, it is stomach disorder that he is
suffering from new, and every few hours he
takes a cold, and from time to time many
Other symptoms aro developed. These
symptoms the public should know are really
secondary to Bright's Disease.
I-l.is physicians say that everything that
medical skill can do for hila is being done.
This is not so 1
This case is a prominent one because the
general is an ex -president ; and yet there
are thousands of farmers quietly dying, in
their farm houses, of secondary symptoms of
Bright's Disease, palled by every other con-
ceivable name ; thousands of workmen, like-
wise dying, leaving helpless families; hun-
dreds of thousands in all vallcs of life who
have sickened, and. are lfuewise dying, help-
less victims of powerless physicians.
Eightyears ago a very well known gentle-
man was about to enter upon large coin- rheumatism, stiff joints, and cords, lame
moroial transactions. His medical adviser ; back, sprains and other aches, pains and
quietly dropped into his otiioe one day andf lameness, when Hagyard's Yellow Oil, au
tpld his confidential clerk that he would bo unfailing relief, can bo purchased at the
Is more reliable as an agent in the euro of
consumption,, Chrenie Coughs and Emacia-
tion, than any remedy known to medical
science, It is so prey axed. that the potonoy
of these two most valuable specifics is largely
increased. It is also very Inlatable.
A. New York woman who es fond of notor-
iety has bad the hoofs of her hersoe gilded,
and they overate a sensation wheu driven in
Central park.
•'I was off work for two years suffering
from kidney disease, and could get no relief,
until advised by a friend to try B. B. B.
I was oared by two bottles and consider it a
miraculous cure.' Tho above is the sub,
stance of a oomeauteioatiou from Wm. Tier,
of St, Marys, Out
SLEEPLESS NIGHT, made miserable
by that terrible Dough. Shiloh's Curo is the
remedy for you. Sold by T, W. Browning.
From Brussels—Troops have boon sent to
, owing Charleroi district of to rumors that
a g i
there is a likelihood of fresh labor riots
Why do so many limp and hobble abut
on sticks and crotches, suffering from
dead in three months, and that he ought to
settle up his business affairs at once !
That man is alive and well to -day, yet he
was given up as incurable with the same
disease that is killing General Arthur 1
Our reporter met this gentleman yester-
day and in conversation absut the General's
ease, he said :
"I will give $5,000 to any charitable insti-
"tution in the state of New York, to be
"designated by the editor of the New York
"Worn/. the editor of the Buffalo News and
"W, E. Kisselburgh of tiro Troy Tittles, if
"Warner's safe cure (taken according to my
"directions) which cured mo eight years ago,
"cannot cure General Chester A. Arthur of
'Bright's disease from which he is suffer-
"Now I want you to undoretand," ho said,
"that we do not profess to make new kid-
"neys, but we do know from personal ex-
"perience and from the experience of many
"thousands of similar cases, that we eau
"stop the consumption of the kidneys.
"Many a man has gone through life with
"one kidney without inconvenience. Thou -
"sands of people have lived a majoaity of
"their life with one lung. They did not
"have a new lung made. We do not make
"new kidneys, but if the kidney is not con-
sumed too much we can stop disease and
"prolong life if taken in time."
This offer comes from H. H. Warner,
proprietor of Warner's sate cure, of this city.
Mr. Warner also said, "My dear sir, there
"are governors, senators, presidential caudi-
"dates, members of congress, prominent men
"and women all over the country whom I
of Eleusis were, like the societies of Free "personally know have been cured of disease,
Masons, formed for scientific improvement, "Such as Genetal Arthur suffers from, by
"our Warners safe cure, but owing to the
"circles in which they move they do not care
"to give public testimouial to the fact."
Mr. Warner is interested in General Ar-
thur's cage because he is personally acquaint-
ed with hum and ho says that it is, a shame
that any man should be allowed to die
under the operation of old -fashions d power-
ful cathartics, which have no curative effects,
rather than that a modern, conceded specific
for kidney disease whose worth is acknowl-
edged world-wide, should save him.
"If you doubt the efficacy of Warner's
safe cure," say the proprietors, "ask your
friends and neighbors about it. This is
asking but little. They can tell you all you
want to know."
"Wo have kept a standing offer before the
public for four years," says Mr. Warner.
"that we will give $5,000 to any person who
can successfully dispute the gennineaes3, so
far as wo know, of the testimonials we pub-
lish, and none have done it."
Were General A'thur a poor man, unable
to be lett "in the bands of his physician,"
ho would use that great remedy, as many
thousands of others have done, and get well.
How absurd then for people to say that
everything that ecube done is being done for
the ex -president, when the one successful
remedy in the world that has cured, or that
can cure a case like his, has not been used
by them.
There were thirty-three new cases of
cholera and thirty-one deaths in Venice,
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We gear=
antee it. Sold by J. W. Browning.
Contession ot the Late Dr. 'Lie
though, no doubt, tinctured with the doc-
trines of the Egyptian mythology. But it is
not from conjecture only than this conclusion
may be drawee.. The striking similarity
amungst the .-ez anal forms of these secret
associations and the still more striking simi-
larity of the objects which they had in view
are strong proofs that they were only differ-
ent streams issuing from a common fountain.
Those who were initiated into the Elneiniau
mysteries were bound by the most awful
engagements to conceal the instructions they
received, and the ceremonies that were per-
formed. None were admitted as candidates
till they had arrived at a certain ago, and
particular persons were appointed to examine
and prepare them for the rites of initiation.
Those whose conduct was found irregular, or
who had been guilty of atrocious ,erimes wore
rejected as unworthy of initiation, whilst the
successful candidates were instructed by sig
nificent symbols in the principles of religion,
were exhorted to quell every turbulent appe-
tite and passion, and to merit, by the im-
provement of their minds and the purity of
their hearts, those ineffable benefits which
they were still to receive. Significant words
were communicated to the members ; grand
officers presided over their assemblies, their
their emblems were exactly similar to those
of Free Masonry, and the candidate advanced
from ono degree to another till he had re-
ceived all the lessons of wisdom and virtue
which the priests could impart. It may,
however, be objected hero that there were
circumstances in the celebration of Eleusi-
niau mysteries which have no counterpart in
the ceremonies of Free Masonry. The sacri-
fices, the purifications, the hymns and the
dances, which were necessary in the festival
of Ceres have indeed no place iu the society
of Free Masons, but these points of dirsimi-
larity, instead of weakening, rather strength-
en our opinion. It cannot be expected that
in the reign of Polytheism just sentiments of
the Deity should be entertained, and much
less that the adherents of Christianity should
bend their knees to the gods of the heathens.
The ancients worshipped those bejngs who
conferred on them signal benefits, with sac-
rifices, purifioationa, and other tokens of
their humility and gratitude. But 'when
revel -o had disclosed to man more ami
able se hunts concerning the Divine Being
the so re ,of Free Masons banished from
their mysteries those useless rites with which
the ancient brethren of the order attempted
to appease and requite their deities; and they
modelled their ceremonies upon this founda-
tion, that there is but one God, who mast be
worshipped in spirit and in truth. The mys-
teries of Ceres were not confined to the city
of Eleusis they wore introduced into Athens
about 1356 B, LI., and with a few slight vari-
ations, were observed in Phrygia, Cyprus,
Orate and Sicily. They had reached even to
the capital of France, and it is highly prob-
'ablo that, in a short time afterwards, they
were introduced into Britain and other
• northern kingdoms. In the reign of the
Emperor Hadrian they were carried into
Rome, and were celebrated in that metropo-
lis with the same rites and ceremonies tvnich
were performed in the humble village of
Elousis. They had contracted impurities,
however, from the length of their duration,
and the corruption of their abottore, and
though the forme of initiation were still sym-
bolical of the original and noble objects of
the mysteries,they wore s
trap ers
object forwhich theywere framed.
to the �
,Thousands of people all over this country
will hear with keen regret of the death of
Dr, Dio Lewis, For many years he has
been the inspiration of good health to thou-
sands and has ministered comfort to those
who would very sadly have missed his choer-
ing words. Dr. Lewis was one of the most
genial and inspiring of men. He did flet
believe very much in taking medicine, mak-
ing hygiene a great hobby and insisting that
if a person would live right there would be
little necessityof medicine ; and yet in 1883,
his candor above all things elee being
noticeable , he said, "If I found myself
afflicted with a serious kidney disorder'I
would use Warner's safe cure." Adding,
"Tho truth is the medical profession stands
dazed and helpless in the presence of more
than one kidney malady, while the testimon-
ials of hundreds of intelligent and very
reputable gentlemen, hardly leave room to
doubt that the proprietors of that remedy
have fallen: upon one of those happy dis-
coveries which occasionally bring help to
suffering humanity. I am not so narrow
that I cannot gratefully recognize the
precious value of relief in the form of medi.
eine." Dr. Lewis, mot with an accident
\thine injured hirn so that erysipelas sot in
and carried him off. His testimonial, com-
ing as it did from a free, frank and open.
heart, is a very important eonfirtnation of
what so many thousands have said of the
remedy he so highly eonimonilod.
trifling cost of twenty -fife cents ?
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure
Sold by .1. W. Brownine.
Thera is danger ahead from neglected
colds. A tight ooagh and irritated throat
are tho warning signs of lurking danger to
the lungs. tiagyarcl's Pectoral Balsam cures
colds, sore throat, stubborn coughs, and all
bronchial and lung troubles.
The Queen is prepared to return to Lon-
don at any moment should political exigen-
cies require her presence.
SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what yon need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizzi-
ness, and all symptomsof Dyspepsia. Price,
10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. W.
Holloway's Ointment and Pills aro the
best, the cheapest, and the mast popular
remedies. At all seasons and under all
circumstances they may be used with safety
and with certainty of doing good. Eruptions,
rashes, and all descriptions of skin diseases,
sore, ulcerations, and burns are presently
benefited and ultimately cured "by these
healing, soothing, and purifying medica-
ments. The Ointment rubbed upon the
abdomen, checks all tendency to irritation of
the bowels, and averts dysentery and other
disorders of the intestines. Pimples, blotches,
inflammations of the skin, muscular pains,
neuralgic affections. and enlarged glands can
be effectively overcome by using Holloway's
comedies according to the "instructions" ac-
companying each packet.
In Franco members of the Radical Left
have decided to propose the immediate ex-
pulsion of the Orleans Princes,
"A year ago my head was coyered with
sores, and the eruption covered my face also,
and spread eyen until the backs of my
hands were sore. 1 became weak and i11.
Finding no cure I tried Burdock 13lood
Bitt3rs. Two bottles perfectly oared me."
Statement of Miss Minnie Stephenson,
Cocagne, N, B.
snonnH'S COUGH and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares
Consumption. Scld by J. W. Browning.
Dr Carson's Catarrh Cure is no longer as
experiment. No cure, no pay is the tormn
on which it is sold. Money refunded if
not satisfactory. Ask your druggist about
it, then buy it and take no other.
it is proposed to biiug the children of
Louis Riel to Quebec to be educated.
Scrofulous, Swellings, Eruptions, Skin
Disease, Varicose Veins, Swelled joints of
the bands and feet. Female troubles of all
kinds cured by Giles' Liniment, Iodide
Ammonia and Giles' Pills. Sold by 0.
Lutz, Central Drug Store.
Italian railroads, it is said, reduce by 65
per cent. the fares of all dog -bitten persons
who go to consult Pasteur, at Paris.
To tallyho ere suffering from tbo errors and
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
early decay, loss of Manhood, dc, I will send a
receipeclot willenre you, FREE OF CHARGE
This great remedy was discovered by a mis-
sionary iu South America. Send a self-ad-
dressed envelope to REv. Tosurit T. Inman
Station D. New York Cit
GOING NoriTri. Express Mail Freight
London,dopart ...7 55 ear 4 50 p, N. 6 05 eat,
a Exeter 9 13 6 08 9 35
' Hensen 0 24 6 28 30
Nippen..................9 29 6 29 10
Bruoefieli 9 86 0 38 10 25
Clinton...,9 55 7 05 11 30
Londesboro 10 11 7 23 12 00
Blyth 10 20 7 32 32 00 P 3E
llelgrave 10 85 7 47 32 50
Wiugham arrive 10 50 8 05 1 20
GOING SouuTa, Express Mail. Freight
\Viugham,depart 7 20 Aar 8 to P.m. 10 20,A.in
Belgrave. ..,.... 7 38 3 30 31 28
Blyth 7 64 3 46 11 47
Londtaboro 8 02 3 55 12 00
Clinton 8 25 4 16 12 45
Brucofteld ..,....:.8 42 4 36 1 30
Bippon 8 51 4 43 125
Han' -all 8 58 4 48 1 40
Exeter 9 13 4 59 2 355
London arrfr c....10 30 6 00 5 30
K I N A C,
Tho Most DelightrUl
Paine() Steaatore. Loaf Entex.
Four Trips per Week Botweon
the bad taste in ottr Week ail'' notween
Have yo},}1 Sick Headache, y And wars �
About the beginning of the fifth Dentary mouth in the morning ? Do you suffer fromL
Theodosius the Great prohibited and almost Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biliousness? If so, DETROIT AND CLEVELAND
totally extinguished the Pagan theology in 'Dr. Carson's Bitters will Dore you. Try it. Write for our
the Roman empire, and the mysteries of your Druggist will refund money if ndt sat- t' picturesque Mackinac," IIIu9trated
l leueis suffered in the genets. devastation. Alcorn, t'
%%11 Pertioularl, resilOd Frog.
It is probable, however, that these mysteries
were secretly celebrated in spite the severe Boston women have started a rage for Detreit& Cleveland Steam Nay. Co.
hoes y p . Dat
diets of Theodosius, and that they Were' ptttterenps, which aro popular for corsage 0, rk. Wf-IlTcorae, am Pass. AGT..
artly continued during, the dark ages, bouquets. rotenoll'. mice,.
JMPQRWAWT 10 OW ERs. a sTocR !
.4.16 0614,
aAof; MAltl(
Liniment Iodide Ammonia
Removes all Unsightly l3unohes, Cures Lame
Hess in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found -
or, Weak Limbs, Sprung Knees, Spav-
in, Ringbone, Quitter, Windgalls.
No stable should bewithout it. Retiree d
mining 011cllexprose Oompanies all use Giles
Liniment, and 10 the great raorng stables o
Belmont and Lorillard it has achieved won
dere. One trial will convince.
Write DR, GILES, Ilex 5483, N. Y. P. O., wlio
will, without charge, give advice on all diseases
and also on the management of cattle. Sold by
all druggists at 50c. and $51,00 bottle and in
q'tarts at $2,50,in which there is great saving.
Tho Liniment 131 white wrappers is forfamily
use;, that in yellow for cattle.
Used by all Inc leading horsemen on Jerome
Paric,p'leebwood, Beach, Sbeepshead Bay and
T3n11'sHead. Never (Essen oiut,are Tonle, Al-
terative and Diuretic, Destroy Worms; Cure
Indigestion, Oolio, Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh,
Founder, Pink -eye and Rheumatism. The
dose is small and the power is great. The
Powders are Guaranteed and Purchasers
Palling to Obtain a Cure Money Refunded.
Sold by all druggists at 25 Cts. per box.
JO t E31 ,AWN,
Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
ALSO CorrxNs of EvEnx DEsCnIpTION.
A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings
Always on hand.
My Stock of Furniture is un-
Salt f arks
At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the
Exhibition. It Inc been awarded' SIX GOLD MEDALS during the last three years,'
Seo that you get,I. Corless, It is only made by
$,4VEL aocants a 00,, TOOTC
Have recentl received -choice assortment of
4 y e a o
Worsteds Scotch and CanadianTweeds in 'la
Panting in Stripes & Chicks.
Work made up in the LATEST STYLES and a Sure Fit.
The Exeter Clothiers.
Purify the Bleed, correct all Disorders of the
They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in the
Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children anal the aged they are priceless
Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings, and all akin disea:
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it actslike a charm.
The Pills and Ointment are sold at Drones Eoxrmwes's Establishment,
also by nearly every respectable Vendoreof Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. 1ad., 2s. Bd
4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity ofe°the
is lid, size ; the 4s...6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be has in any language
Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address isnot
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
Have for sale TEN HUNDRED TONS of SALT
suitable for Agricultural an d Domestic
Purposes, which they offer
AT 52.50 PER TON
A call respectfully so—
Apply to 'r. B. CARLING, Secretary.
New Dress GGoods—
Albatros Cloths, •
A11 W 00 Ottomans,
All Wool Nun's Cloth,
Prints, Sateen, Cotton Crapes,
Ginghams, Embroideries,
Oriental Laces, Velenoine Laces,
Torehon Laces, Dentine. Laces;
Scoteh Tweeds, Scotch Pantings,
English Worsteds, Irish Borges,
Canada Tweeds, Collonades,
New Gtoceries,
New Field and Garden Seeds.
Call and inspect for yourself, you will
not be importuned to sett.
manor•Genoral,sspecialpernuss3oucat deposit atone. Deposita onSavings Bank accoitntr
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
I have Just received a Car Load of New Stylish Furniture
and I am
5E=.11.-,INCr A' t1 C o s
For the next SIXTY. DAYS. .'will be to your advantage..
to call on me before going elsewhere.
Exeter Post Office Time Table.
Rtrkton, Woodham Winchelsea andElimvillo 4.00p. m.
South,oast and. west, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal,
Manitoba ,United States, English and foreign mails .,. ... ..., 10,16a, .m.
;tenth, oast west &c :.. .. ... -.. .-. 6.45 p.m.
North and east, including Goderich gingham, 'Kincardine and all points
north, Stratford, Toronto,Monirral, and Eastern States,. ... .... ... 10.15 eon
North eaat, &c ...
Sarepta Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
5.30 p.m,
10 00 a.m.
8.15 a. lie
4.15 p.fYt
8.15 a, it'
5.80 p. n3
10,00a, ni.
10' 00 a m ,
Iewe dand paid on auclfrom any MoneyOrder Office in tlfoDoiuiuion of Oanada,G3'ent Britaii
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Zeland,'Franco an Algeria, the German Empire, Swodou,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, lSelgitnw
the Nsthrlands,Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Roumania, United States, Jamaica and 13ar'
i ,
llep ros't will
be beroceivodattltisofficofrom 5l to e300. DopOsitors obtaining the Ica
ceivedfrom9 a.m, to 4p, m, Interest at 4 pot cent per annum will be allo+bed on ell deposit'
1 Lottersiutencled for registration must be posted 15 Minuted before the closing of oath maii
Office hours from7.00m.to7 p, m
it g
Nls,—itis pnrticn[aryretintistsd that the o of matter will kindly add tiro memos a.
sthe clountfosto 6110
i. ��{
�� 1� �, i 73,3OI1N9, Postmaster