HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-6-3, Page 3.1
Notes and S1lggestious,
13Iue ilok water (of Ktntucl3y) bas been
found of decided value in reducing obesity.
Dr, eo Phi in
p n a German scientific jour•.
nals advocates the use of sugar ao a bene•
fide' article of food,
No one should turn their j ews into a nut.
cracker ; it le dangerous even for women to
bito off, as they often do, the ends of thread
in sewing,
Lemons wore used by the Romano to keep
mothe front their garments, and in the time
of Pliny they were oonaidored an excellent
poison, They are natives of Asia.
Dr, Edward Noakes says that in omen of
overdose of tobacco, as ba the slickness from
smoking, eto„ a dose of oamphor ban re-
peatedly proved antidotal in his hands.
Cover a burn immediately with the pulp
of a raw potato. Rub warts with lemon
juice three ;four time a day. ,It is said
it will rem° them. It will be a harmless
exp ;sY y
experiment wa
ant a�
Dr. Barney Yeo, of London, reports the
curious ollservation that there are persons
who usually drink tea without injury, but
in whom when in a depressed mental con-
dition it maidens indigestion and palpita-
tion of the heart.
A late novelty In the use of poultioos
Is to wet a sponge in a concentrated decoc-
tion of mustard, and wrapping it with a
handkerchief bandage for application, It
fa readiy renewed by simply again immerg-
ing in the same Ifquf
Nitre -Glycerin, is 11 em to displace ali
eoholwhen a oardiao or cerebral .stimulant
is needed. One drop of the one per oent
solution of nitro -glycerin is more than the
equal of an ounce of brandy in sash pewees.
Sir Henry Thompson holds that artificial
teeth are an evil in those of advanced years,
because they enable ouch persons to meati -
este flesh. When the tenth fail naturally
it io nature's design that the individual
should rube#et on vegetable diet.
Neuralgic headache in women is, says
the Lancet, largely caused by irritation to
the nerves of tee scalp Doming from the
small bundles, of hair, which aro pulled
back and held in place by hair -pine. The
injury done is lasting in its consequences,
Effects of Tobacco,—An officer in the
French army who had always experienced
headache, vertigo and pains in the stomach
after smoking, has discovered that by
mixing a few dried leaves of Eucalyptus
Glebulas with his toba000 all these efieote
are prevented.
A oorre'spondent of the Medical Record,
In an article on ohrenie Bright's disease,
says : Make the diet as little nitrogenous
as possible. Uee milk freely, and iron and
cod liver oil, for the purpose of making up
the deficiency in the red corpuscles by the
increase in the elimination of albumen.
Ina case under the oare of Dr. A. W.
Foote, the patient was so corpulent as to
render him incapable of any exertion.
Liquor ptease in two draohm doses of fluid
extract o 6 vesiculooia, enabled him to
walk ion dietances and perform light
Fru#t•eating meet obtain more than it
does, not as a luxury, but as a hygienic
measure. Fruit ehould be kept where the
children can help themselves to it. A
barrel of apples will often save a fit of sick-
ness. Three or four eaten every day will
do them ever so much good. Never scrimp
your ohildren's supply of fruit if you can
help It,
The Treatment of E3zema.—A writer
Ives the following
R fmm Ila: S licylio acid,
10 parte ; itathyol, 20 parts ; alcohol, 100
parts ; to : e rubbed on the affected part
twice a day with a stiff brush, after which
the surface is to be well powdered. This
treatment is said to be nery effective, al-
though mild, simple and cleanly, A case of
eighteen years' standing fa cited as having
been cured with it in less than three weeks,
Stammering.—When there is no mai-
formation of the organs of articulation,
stammering may be remedied by reading
aloud with the teeth closed. This should
be pratioed for two hours a day for three or
four months • Another plan is for persona
affected with this annoyanoe, at every
syllable pronounced to tap at the same time
with the finger. By so doing the most in-
veterate stammerer will be enrprieed to find
he can pronounce quite fluently, and by
long and inveterate practioe ho will pro
nounce perfectly well,
ADiver Who Unexpectedly Met With Bead
"Did you ever come acrose any dead
bodies in the water?' asked the reporter,
"Oh, yes, often," was the reply, "I
have been sent to search for them, and I
have run against them unexpeotedly. There
are some of these things I would rather not
talk about, but there are some instances of
stadia corpses that I can recall and don't
mind mentioning. When I was in the Irish
service 1 went down in eighty-five feet of
water to look after the body of a young
gentleman who was drowned when out gun-
ning in a boat with his sweetheart. The
first day I went down I found his gun, and
after that I walked about the bottom for
five days without coming upon the kody.
At last I discovered it held tightly in be.
tween two rocks, with the game bag lying
beside it.
"Another time when I was diving off the
pier at Dungeness, England, when I reached
the.bottom I noticed an objeot leaning
againone of the dock piles, which I took
to be, g of coal, like one of those need
on British steamers, I went -up to it and
took hold of it, when It loosed fromits moor-
ing and the ghastly face a dead man bob
bed •up close to my own. I recovered from
my horror in a moment, and took the body
in my arms and brought it to the eurfaoo.
It proved to be the body of a man who had
disappeared some time before.
"A diver has got to get used to meeting
queer things," he concluded. " Deed men
are foreigners under the Rea as much as the
divers are, but there are tome of the natives
that are pretty nasty. I have ntiver been
attaoked by any kind of a fish, but I have
mot tome sharks that made me feel unplea-
santly. I always carry a short, double
bladed knife in a little ease on my wrist. I
can get it out in two twists of a sorew, and
it is a useful thing to have about when a
shark is around, I stabbed a monster with
it in Hong Kong harbor, but the animal did
not attaok mo. He was probably scared by
the ugliness of the diver's dress- I don't
believe a deb would attack mo, but there is
always a chance of his being able to out the
air pipe,"
A lady student in the Yale Law School
was appointed to make an argument in moot
court recently. A large audience was at-
tracted, and she enstefnod her part with a
high degree of credit, She is described as
very womanly, and handsemo`withal,
Tholr Ipeogrese and Advancement Seco lain -
ed lie she American People.
Dr. Jenny Trout, of Toronto, la an article
in the Chicago Inter Ocean saye of woman's
aro rea in
Canada, In e
d c t
re making eteady advancemen. A
they are gradually supplaubipg men. In
1$54 there were less than 1,000 female
teachers in 0 atarlo, while mere than 2 500
males were employed. At the end of 1883
their poeitioae were ravened, there being
120Q more Women than men engaged in thin
About a year ago a new thoologioal col.
lege was opened in Winnipeg, the capital of
the preview of Manitoba, This is under
Presbyterian control, and This
to have
been intended for mon. But it was soon as-
oertained that there was nothing in its char•
aoter to prevent women from entering as
stndonte. One woman is now in daily at-
tendance and doing rem'trkably well
In the province of Ontario, the wealthiest
and most important in the Dominion, tho
women have for year's made commendable
and oontinued efforts to gain admittance to
the university. Finally Toronto University,
which is a government institution, opened
its doors, and
attended its lectures last w#uter, They de•
monetrat:d at tte examanatione that they
were felly oepable of performing the work
which they had undertaken, Five of them
pawed with honors, two of these carrying
eff gold modals, while another now enjoye
the distlnotion of being the first woman in
the province who has qualified for the posi-
tion of principal in the high schools or col-
legiate heti`uteri, In view of these' facts it
le not surprising that the 400 gentlemen at-
tending this university shoold treat the
dozen ladies with the greatest respect and
oourteey. No doubt their number will be
largely augmented thfe winter. The experi-
ment of educating both sexes In the same
cleseee has been so satisinotory that the
government and the college council are pre-
paring better acoomodation for womin next
session. The government has provided an
efficient superintendent for them, and if
they distinguieh themselves as in the past
winter they will enj•ly still greater advan-
tages. At the last mat;rioulatiun examine•
tlon twenty-one girl.] applied. Among this
number was a colored girl, who will attend
the college.
McGill University, of Montreal, which
first opened Me doors to wom n about a
year ago, has received another munificent
donation of $50,000, maktng in all something
over $100,000 Invested in that oity for the
higher education of women. Progrese ie
also being m tdo in the medical education of
women, Both the Kingston and Toronto
have had an increased attendance during
the past winter. The former is disadvan-
tageously located, but this is 'more than
compensated for by the fact that it Is on a
decidedly better financial baste than the
latter. It has, too, a more liberal charter,
being controlled by women, consequently it
has the largest patronage. In a word, it is
a women's college, while the other is large-
ly a man's college for wcmen.
The business colleges have eaoh year an
Inoreased attendance of women who are
gradually becoming more popular in offices,
stores, etc-, than they were some years ago ;
indeed they are becoming more numerous in
all planes where skill is of more importance
than muscle.
The bee industry Is growing rapidly in
Canada. This is largely owing to the atten.
tion it has reoeived from women during the
past few years,
I very much regret that I cannot furnisb,
as requested, the statistical information as
tothe employment t f labor, etc, No addition-
al figures in this department have been fnr-
niahed by the Government since the public
cation of my report last year. Ho+vever,
from the above it will be readily Seen that
our women have advantages that will cam.
pare favorably with those of any country
similar in population and wealth. They
have, I think, no pause to be ashamed of
Cooper the Novelist.
The frailest thread will draw a man to his
destiny. Cooper became a novelist through
w as challenge
tomake geed a boast.
One evening, while he read a new novel dos•
oriptivo of Euglieh society, he throw it down
saying, " I believe I could write a better
book myself."
" Let me see y,lu do it 1" said his wife,
with a smile, In a few days he had written
a few chapters, which ahe and several
friends approved. Their encouragement
caused him to complete the story, which was
published at his own expense under the title
Precaution "
The novel attracted little attention from
the reading public, but it gave the young
writer an inkling of hie oapaoity for story.
writing. During the following year he
wrote and publiehed't The Spyid which ap-
pealed so strongly to the patriotic sympa-
thies of his countrymen r n th
at e
it beoam a
once a general favorite,
The wife's challenge—intended, doubtless
to spur him to use the talent she knew he
poesessed—made him the anther of thirty-
two works of fiction, five more than Soott
Mollere used to read to his housekeeper
portions of the comedy he was writing, that
he might learn, from the effect they produc-
ed on her, whether or net the piece would
please the public, If she seemed to be unin-
terested, he did not charge her with stupid-
ity ; he erasedthe passage. If she laughed
at tt, he let the liaes stand.
Sir Walter Scott read the hunting scene
ofathe "Lady of;the,i.•ake ' to an old sports-
man, "He will spoil his doge," Raid, the
critic, and Soott profited; by ' the orifi'
Whue "Tne Pliot" was passing through
the press, Cooper read a portion of It to a
shipmate, with whom he had been assn ela-
ted when a midshipman in the navy.
When he came to the description of the
ship's beating out from the " Davit's Grip,"
bis shipmate became restless. Rising from
the chair, he paced up and down the floor.
But in the midst of his exoitement, he re-
tained the seaman's inetinat,
"It's all very well, my fine follow, but
you have let your jib Maud too long 1' he
exclaimed, as if addressing the pilot. Coo-
per accepted the oritioism, and blew his jib
out of the bolt ropes,
Tender Corns,
Soft corns, corns of all kinds removed
without pain or sore stets by Patnem'a
Paining Corn Extractor, Thousands testify
thatit is certain, painless, and prompt, Do
not be impend upon by substitutes offered
for the genuine "Putnam's" lxtraotor,
Sure, safe, harmless,
" Aw Gawge, heard about Milton's Wawa•
also Lost, of cawse." " Naw, has the follab
woolly lost his paw o' dice ? Decidedly pwa-
voking, you know,"
The Houselkeeper's Stay.
"Well, mars, l'il never forget the day
Young Alex Linwood owe to the hall, It
looms knewo
young Mrs. Ainslellwhen;rhe
Arse Miss Howe, Sines her marriage he had
icon on the oontinenr, and of oouree when
immune home he palled to sec her, although
not knowing her husband was dead, Madame
vas standing in the centre of the room
when he came in ; when she saw hint she
gave a little cry and met hint with both
hands outstretched, for her whole face lit
up till she looked really pretty,
"It was easy to see elle loved him, for she
took no pains to hide it, He was very mlioh
surprised to hear of the old'
agnire a death
and seemed very sorry. He was not long
here when Miss Una, the a gsire's daughter„
rode up to the hall, Dismounting, she went
into the parlor, not knowing any one was
there, I never new her look so well. I think
Alex fell in love with her at once,
" Ile Dame very often after of that, even
t , and A en
Mrs. Ainsley saw how much he loved Unm
Me seemed unable to exiet without her, and
but a short time passed before my darling
told me they were engaged,
"One night in summer Alex and Una had
been walking In the garden, When ho had
left her and was walking away past the
arbor by the gate all at once Mrs. Aineley
stepped before him; she caught He arm and
said hoarsely: 'Oh, Alex 1 do yon really love
that doll -fame girl so much? She can never
love you as I do, I loved you before my
marriage, and when you went away I knew
you did not care for me, eo I married 'Squire
Ainsley. Oh, Alex ! let her go and love me,
love me 1' Alex Linwoed's noble Mae was
very end, as he sell gently :
" 'Mrs. Aineley, I am very sorry tor this ;
I hardly dare think how I should feel if Una
did not love me. You say " Let her go." I
cannot ; she is my very life, the only one I
ever loved. I beg you say co more, I pity
you from my heart, but I have no love to
" From that day Una grew weaker and
paler in a strange manner until Alex bagged
her to we a doctor, but she always said she
did not feel sick,
" I called D. Grey one day when madam
was out. He asked Miss Una a great many
questions and then begged to speak with me
alone. When she left the room he turned to
me and mild :
1' Mrs, Willis, has MIos Una enemies?'
" Well, mann, the question took me by
surprise, so I told him all about Mrs. Aiwa
ley and Alex Linwood.
"' Well,' said he, slowly, ' I don't want
to arouse suspicion against Mre. Aineley,
but I think Mies Una is b ing slowly
p olsoned,'
" You cenr• o t imagine my terror ; he gave
me some directions, told me to cook every-
verything myself for Una, and to watch Mrs,
Ainsley, Yon may be sure I kept a sharp
lookout, but I never discovered anything.
My darling was no better, so I told Alex he
had better marry her at onoe and take her
away. So the wedding day was set. The
day before the wedding Una was taken end-
denly very bad, so I sent in a great hurry
for Dr. Grey ; when he name Mrs. Aineloy
was in the room, Dr. Grey telt Una's pulse,
and then fixing hie eyes on madame'.] face,
said :
" °Madame, this girl is poisoned. I shall
pall my friend, Prof. Hague, and we will hold
a consultation.'
"Mrs> Ainsley turned pale, but, composing
herself, anowerod :
"Certainly, doctor, if you think it neces-
sary, Mee. Willis always attends Uaa, and
if she is poisoned I dare say she knows it.'
" When she was gone he left same direc-
tions, and went away promising to go for
Alex. Alex came in half an hour, and the
way he went en was awful ; he took her in
his arms and cried over her like a baby ; he
would not go away, but stayed up ail night
watching her with me,
" About 1 o'clock Alex insisted upon my
lying down, Bo I went into the adjoining
room and sat down behind the certain,
There !s another room opening into this one
where the medicine Is kept, I eat facing this
room and could see it through a slit in the
curtain, All a; once I heard a noise ; leek-
Ing up I saw a panel in the medicine room
elide away, and Mrs. Ainsley carte out with
a lantern in her hand. She went to the
closet and began rummaging among the bot-
tles. I slipped out of the window and went
into U.i.a'e room—the windows open on the
balcony, you know. Alex was standing near
the bed, I pulled him away, whispering ;
'Wait a minute and you will Bee something.'
I pnehed him behind the bod•ourtain and got
under the bed myself, and not a bit too soon,
for just then Mrs. Ainsley came in with a
phial in het hand ; pouring something on a
cloth she was about to put it on Una's face,
when Alex caught her hand ; she 'screamed
and fainted. Alex took both phial and cloth
and laid them away.
"Well, there is not much more to tell, You
know how Mrs. Afnsley got crazy, jumped
out of the window, and was killed ; but, be-
fore that, she confessed that she tried to kiI1
Una, thinking that if Una was dears Alex
marry her. She used to make Una in-
hale the poison, always going into the room
when Una slept. Una was a long time get-
ting well, but six months after Mre, Abs.
ley's death they were married, and a happier
couple never lived,"
No Good Efeot Perceptible.
The businesslike way that children have
of considering the moat sacred things is often
a little startling to their elders. A little
Lynn girl oamo home from Sunday -school
one day impressed with her need of divine
assistanoe to enable her to be a better girl,
Her 'mother encouraged her, and explained
to her how she should seek aid, but she
eaid :
" No, mother, you speak to him about it;
I don't like to,"
A few days afterward she suddenly in-
" Did you ask him, mamma ?"—at the
same time explaining her question by an
upward jerk of her thumb,
" Yoe, my dear, I did."
" Well, he doesn't attend to his business
very well, then ; I haven't behaved a bit
better 1"
'i IEN—TIfREE—and two ladles—aa Canvassers
IVB good pay. H. E. KENNEDY, Toronto, Ont,
UR/ Plympton for sale cheap • small amount
own ; balance at'0 per oent M, J KENT,"Loiidon.
rqual to best Imported : all kinds of re.outting.
Galt Filo Works, PRNDBEiox_Pdaxur, Galt P.O.
$800 so Acro Fnrin—$700 60 Acre Farm
I 100,000aotingplaye, 15benta; 100,000
5 cent music ; instruments' half-price, BUTLAND,
wholesale houeos, manufacturers; first prize
Central Faire.• Addroes b1. D. REtmoAN, Itlantifpe•
turer,: Eamtltbn.
EPRESENTATIVE in each county to loll "Pro-
osal'and Espousal' a bbok on Lai, s,, Court.
ship, Matrimony and kindred themes. Write for
circulars: International Book and Bible house,
Toronto, Ont.
A SHill Leak
will oink a great ship ; and what at first ap•
poaro to be a trifling cough is apt to oulenin,
ate in oonaumptionif not properly attended
to hi time, For consumption, widish le sere
fula of uft
for !t blood a
diseaees, Dr. Pisrmes all
Discovery" has no equal. By druggists..
The fashionableoun clothed
y g man will be hd
so loudly this season that you can hear h18
panto 113 the summer.
Working lbw a horse—a lawyer drawing
up a oonvoyance,.
Our Progress.
Aa stages are quickly abandoned with the
completion of railroads, so the huge drastic,
oathartio pills, composed of crude and bnlity
medioines aro quickly abandoned with the.
introduction of Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Pur•
gative Pellets," which are sagar -ooated, and
little larger than mustard seeds, but oom-
posed of highly oenoentrated vegetable ex.
crumb]. By druggists.
It is the "dunk of a bonnet" that maker
a young girl's head swim.
Young and middle-aged men," suffering
from nervous debility and kini;red"affections,
as loss of memory and hypochondria, 'should
enclose 10 cents in stamps for large illustrat-
ed pamphlet sugBeatiog sure`oure. Address,
World a Diipeneary Medical Aeaooietlon,
Bafialo, N. Y.
Remains to be teen -Any day at the
Don't use any more nanseone eurgatives such
as Pills, Salts, &o., when yon can got in •lir.
Carson's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that
moves the Bo weld gently cleansing all im�ur
ities from the ;ystsm and rendering the Bleed
pure and cool, Great Spring Medicine 50 cis,
There are two things whioh I positively
will not eat for supper," said Gnbbtns. "And
what are they ?" asked his friend, " Break•
Mat and dinn ar," was the reply.
D Improvements ; bracket band saws for attach-
ing to poets; neat, cheep' and durable ; send for
oiroulars. JOHN GILLIES Be CO., Carleton Place,
Oouaty, for the 0, K. Parer and et(oer. Beet
thing. out ; sells at eight ; eamp'e Kite sunt on
rooelpt of price, 163. Q D DAY, Agent,
40 Yooge Si, Toronto, Ont.
BIBLES -large type. splendid maps, beautiful
illustratlone; aontalne 4.000 goestlons and anewera
on Bible Toeice ; liberal borne. International
Book and Bible House, Toronto, Ont.
township, to sell Dr. Tetmege's now book,
"Live Coals."' The keenest and most vigorous
specimen of oratory ever written ; nearly 700 pages ;
only $2 ; full particulars of this and other new booke
rasa. Schuyler Smith & Co , Publishers, London, Ont
Ili Williams' Eye Water has proved itself a 800 -
else by all who have used it according to directions,
1f their eyes were curable, as will bo seen by the
undersigned certifloatee. Ib oared me, 8 year blind,
(mullet taf:ed, 0. Fortin ; 11 bas cured me, °oculist
would not try me, Alexander Wand ; 6 years blind,
Chas, Anilott ; 4 years, Elle Dufour; 83 years blind
and now I see, John Leoroix. Ask your druggist for
it. Wholesale—Lyman man
Y& Co.,
884 $t, Paul $t.,
offered to young Ladles and Gentlemen during
May. Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Commercial Bueineso,
English, Classieal or Mathematle,l courses, separate
or all together, at halt the regular tuition fee. Ad
dress immediately, Tem Tour ro Enemas COLLEGE,
Toronto, Ont.
Berlin, Ont —sole manufacturers in Canada of
automatic engines from 2 to 16 h. p'; automatic en.
Bines for printing offioos ; high speed automatic en-
gines for electric lighting; automatic engines for
cheese, butter, and sausage factories, or any other
purpose shore a light and cheap power is required.
For prise Het and other particulars address as
county for a new book we will plane on the
market in two weeks; it will contain live hundred
pages, and retail at 12 75 ; it le edited by a prominent
Canadian gentleman, who has not made public his
name ; 1t to expected the literary world will he all
astir to find out who the brilliant w (ter 1e; the
book is upon an (mportaet topic, ono never befo-e
diseased by Canadian au;hors ; all wishing to be.
Dome agents for this remarkable vo umo are advieed
to write for particulars. Address, International
Book and Bible House, Toronto.
gives beater sett:faction or that you can moko
money faster with than " World's Wondere," Sells to
all claseee—Chrietiene and Infidels, Catnolics and
Protestants, old and young ; old agents who have
not canvassed for years are going foto the field with
ib; 0. B. Jenkins told 124 the first week ; J. E Brace
says: "The first week with " Wonders" netted me
one hundred and sixteen dollars." A good chance
for unemployed persona ; outfit tree to actual can.
vassers; write fur tarns. BRADLEY, GARaETsoN d:
Co., Brantford.
Productive Town, Village & Farm Property.
6 Union Block— Toronto Street —Toronto.
nt an A
In eve
school dletr'ot to ell our School
Specialties—by commission.
Canadian Novelty Co.,
Toronto, On
Consumers will find it to their advantage
to ask the trade for our make of Files and
Raepe. Ile -Cutting a Specialty. Send
for price list and terms.
Hamilton, - Ontario.
AfIli.Rrlli T CMTC1-'SS
Buggy and Carriage Gears.
This gear eupplies the demand of the Driving Pub -
Ito for l'w hanging buggies, and combines with this
lightness, eaee of motion. great strength and dura-
bility. Prices very moderate. Wheels tired with bur
Double Flange Steel Tire, wear fully four times as
long as those with ordinary the steel Send for our
deeorl ttve circular. J. 7i. ARMSTRONG M'rg
Co., (pLd,), Guelph, Canada.
`I r fpf Ii fj^;;t`
u iuiimnmmulnluun I ii
_ i t untag
ne"714iP,rl3 t
i°L.A. GIF I3,
Camping Depot
;169 Yonge St.,
Send for 0atringuc.
Pork Packers, Toronto.
L. 0. Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon, d, 0. Buda
Glasgow Boot game, Sugar Cured Hen, Dried
Beef, Br aeb Bacon, Smoked Tonere, Wes Pork
Pickled 0namee Cheese, Family or Navy Pork
Lard in Tubs anis Palls. The Beet Brands of Eng,
Itch Pine Dairy Salt in Stook
SYMPTOMS Inactive or 'Irregular
acting Bowels, Pain
across s aw
he I3 els o in 'the lower' a of
t a r
Or 1 e t
the back accumulation of wind ; straining
at Stool, inducing Piles, and often Fistula;
Sallow Complexion ; Headache ; Eruptive
Sores, and, finally; general derangement of
the entire organism is the result of neglected
CAUSE Neglect of Regular Habits;
Food hard ..�,..� a to Digest, Torpid
Liver, Spices, Stimulants and Astringents,
too free use of Cathartics, etc., of a harsh
nature, which destroy the tone of the
Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
- ,,tirIIrfk "
CURE Eat ripe Fruits
and Vegetables,
Oatmeal, Coarse Bread, Mush
and Molasses, Broths, etc. Shun harsh
Physic. Be strictly regular at efforts to
evacuate the Bowels. Correct the inactive
Liver and Biliary Organs with that best of
all regulators
Which tones and regulates the Bowels,
promotes the flow of Bile, whichkeeps the
Blood pure and healthy, and secures a
natural action of the Bowels, without weak-
ening in any manner.
LINTON,t,LARE & CO., Galt, Ont.
Axrs AND HA•
Woaxe. Car.
elage & Wagon
Axles, Iron and
Steel Set & Cap
Screws, etc.
List on application;
WILLIAMS'�T Felt 86 Slate Roofers
Manufacturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, Roofing
Pitch, Building papers, Carpet and Deafening Felt.
Ready Roofing, etc.
For low pekoe address
4 Adelaide St. E., Toronto,
I. Jo
to neer cheese box, veneer leather op thing!
btokbindoro, mcu ding, tenoning, and other machine
knives o beat quality, manufactured by Paras HAY,
Galt Machine Kolte Works, Galt, Ont, ; send for prior
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
lBrand GUELPH , LE WORKS Dui'Lax.
T. PEPPER & CO., Guelph, Ont.
Onr Duplex Axles are all to be had at all the
principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion.
no snow i)rifb ilskiog.owder` o!r" `11ianPtora Oar
80Q Ec laps, Boilers 1r od and Macellan'
eou8 machines tor. sale FQor°particulars e4drose
H, IV, PE rRIE; :Brentford, Qat.
The Royal Manufacturing Company,
6 Perth St., Guelph, Ont.
L. 0. WIDEMAN & CO.,
—MANUrtergssa 01'
Improved. Family and Laundry Mangles
And all kinds of Laundry ,Appliances, Bnrgtir,
Prof Wi
Proof nd
wSnehLo Locke, e $ be e '
Step Indd re, eta, oto,
Model•Making, Hill—Wrightine and gsrpoaterluw
A eats Wanted.
Mon I .ay euro I do not mean merely to stop them fors
coe and then havo them re. I have made the disease return
SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy
to cure the worst cams, Because otters have failed Is no
reason for not now receiving a cure, Send at once fors
treatise and a Prue Bottle of my infallible remedy, Ole,
Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for • trim,
and I will cur, you. Address DR, R• G. ROOT,
Branch Office, 37 Yonzo St., Toronto.
New Orleans Road Cart Co'p,
—MANaFAOruim s-- o
Winters' Patent Road Cart,
Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, &e•
end for Catalogue,
J. WINTERS, Manager.
Galt, Ont.
Allan Line Royal Nall Steamships.
Wool, Union and Damask summer f
_ ray o verpco ,
Sallie g duping winter from Portland eve rq Vitra.
day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in
from Quebec every Saturday t Li 1
CARPETS, calling at Londonderry to Iand mails and passengers
Of now pattarne and designs: Guelph, Ont, for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via
Halifax and St Johne, N.F:, to Liverpool fortnightly
du,ing Bummer menthe. The steamers of the Glee-
gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax,
- Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during sum.
mor between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; WAS.
gow sad Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phhadel
phis fortnightly,
Summer Resort.
A. Schumaeber & Cp.'Baltimore; 'S Onnard & pow,
Halifax ; Shea It Co., St. John's, N.F. ; Wm Thomp-
Love & Alden. New York,;
H.1Bou&rl(Cer, Toronto;
Allans, Bae & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadel•
phia; H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal.
This establishment is now open to the public for
the season.Toe curative properties of 'hese Mineral
Baths are well known for cases of Nervous Debility,
Dioeaeos 0f the Stomach, Skis Dleordere, and Rheu.
Hotel elegantly fitted up for convenience ct In. ^
valide and guests
Bill'ard 1 ar'or, Otcqueb Grounds, eta , in eonnee-
tion with hotel.
Livery stable to cocurcticn.
Tolechone eunnoctlod with ell points.
eabreduc dr a Illboi issuedG.T
e .]taw e
good for entire Beacon- Send for circular, rates, and ;
other intone alio t the p'oprietor.
C. IMG.ES.% Preston.
I have a positive remedy for the above Mame ; by Sts ase
thousands armee, of the worst kind and of long standing
have been cured. Indeed, so strong is my faith to fta
efficacy, that l wi'I send TWO BOT''LFS FREE, together
with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any
sufferer. Give express and P. 0, address.
Branch Office
37 Yo a ng St,, Toronto
T.0 iy,r3,4,,,,R.14:7e3ALct,(1,T.Asi,orSirA,AiltA..,,P,:
1101�ir1G, ST- WE5T-
"To ftONTO.
Mention This -Paper.
Are the Best and Cheapest In the Market. Order
ono from your Barrfage Maker. Take no other kind.
Bend for Catalotrue— 407 King St. W., TORONTO.
hill IIIIIIll111 n11111tIIIIl11
IlIiIIllilll� I I t
1111111 I1. 1111111
Our P cket Wire Fence Is Ring! It surpa,see '
all o her moss for atrongth, durability, neat appear-
ance and quality of materfaL This Is not a lath
!emu, but a good picket fence at hall the cost, suit-
able for lawns, parks, cemeteries, eehoole, gardens,
orchards. vacant Iota, Bide lines, farm and general
purpose fence. It is the cheapest fence in the mar-
ket. We can't be beat for quality el fence. Sole agents
for the Dunkin Fence (laking Machine for the Do-
minion of Canada. Machines and Territory for ea1e.
Send for Price LIe1. 181 River St., Toronto.
Use on your Machinery only the Well-known
SNXSIXMEDALS nave been awarded 1t during the last three yeare, Try oleo our PEER
C iUo�� M M GD��S LESS AXLE GREASE for your Waggons and Horse Powers.
Manufaotnred at Queen City Oil Works, by
—iuuoaaora>«a or—
Awarded FIRST PRIZE, 1885, at Prov#nolal Tait.
London; Central Pair, Hamilton, and NorlthsPak, Walkerton. m
"Grain Saver" and "Peerless"
"Pitts " Horse•Powers, for 4, 6, 8. 16 aid 19
Tread Powers, for 1, 9 and 3 Horses.
Light Separators for Tread and tlweep
2111. Bend for Illustrated and Catalogue Prloe LIlt,
ix, ,
_ =
Hnl�_ — -
[UIY; -
li ;pPllRE
Allan Line Royal Nall Steamships.
Wool, Union and Damask summer f
_ ray o verpco ,
Sallie g duping winter from Portland eve rq Vitra.
day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in
from Quebec every Saturday t Li 1
CARPETS, calling at Londonderry to Iand mails and passengers
Of now pattarne and designs: Guelph, Ont, for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via
Halifax and St Johne, N.F:, to Liverpool fortnightly
du,ing Bummer menthe. The steamers of the Glee-
gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax,
- Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during sum.
mor between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; WAS.
gow sad Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phhadel
phis fortnightly,
Summer Resort.
A. Schumaeber & Cp.'Baltimore; 'S Onnard & pow,
Halifax ; Shea It Co., St. John's, N.F. ; Wm Thomp-
Love & Alden. New York,;
H.1Bou&rl(Cer, Toronto;
Allans, Bae & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadel•
phia; H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal.
This establishment is now open to the public for
the season.Toe curative properties of 'hese Mineral
Baths are well known for cases of Nervous Debility,
Dioeaeos 0f the Stomach, Skis Dleordere, and Rheu.
Hotel elegantly fitted up for convenience ct In. ^
valide and guests
Bill'ard 1 ar'or, Otcqueb Grounds, eta , in eonnee-
tion with hotel.
Livery stable to cocurcticn.
Tolechone eunnoctlod with ell points.
eabreduc dr a Illboi issuedG.T
e .]taw e
good for entire Beacon- Send for circular, rates, and ;
other intone alio t the p'oprietor.
C. IMG.ES.% Preston.
I have a positive remedy for the above Mame ; by Sts ase
thousands armee, of the worst kind and of long standing
have been cured. Indeed, so strong is my faith to fta
efficacy, that l wi'I send TWO BOT''LFS FREE, together
with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any
sufferer. Give express and P. 0, address.
Branch Office
37 Yo a ng St,, Toronto
T.0 iy,r3,4,,,,R.14:7e3ALct,(1,T.Asi,orSirA,AiltA..,,P,:
1101�ir1G, ST- WE5T-
"To ftONTO.
Mention This -Paper.
Are the Best and Cheapest In the Market. Order
ono from your Barrfage Maker. Take no other kind.
Bend for Catalotrue— 407 King St. W., TORONTO.
hill IIIIIIll111 n11111tIIIIl11
IlIiIIllilll� I I t
1111111 I1. 1111111
Our P cket Wire Fence Is Ring! It surpa,see '
all o her moss for atrongth, durability, neat appear-
ance and quality of materfaL This Is not a lath
!emu, but a good picket fence at hall the cost, suit-
able for lawns, parks, cemeteries, eehoole, gardens,
orchards. vacant Iota, Bide lines, farm and general
purpose fence. It is the cheapest fence in the mar-
ket. We can't be beat for quality el fence. Sole agents
for the Dunkin Fence (laking Machine for the Do-
minion of Canada. Machines and Territory for ea1e.
Send for Price LIe1. 181 River St., Toronto.
Use on your Machinery only the Well-known
SNXSIXMEDALS nave been awarded 1t during the last three yeare, Try oleo our PEER
C iUo�� M M GD��S LESS AXLE GREASE for your Waggons and Horse Powers.
Manufaotnred at Queen City Oil Works, by
—iuuoaaora>«a or—
Awarded FIRST PRIZE, 1885, at Prov#nolal Tait.
London; Central Pair, Hamilton, and NorlthsPak, Walkerton. m
"Grain Saver" and "Peerless"
"Pitts " Horse•Powers, for 4, 6, 8. 16 aid 19
Tread Powers, for 1, 9 and 3 Horses.
Light Separators for Tread and tlweep
2111. Bend for Illustrated and Catalogue Prloe LIlt,