HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-09-10, Page 5uutfurd trustee, Howard Shantz. presented the board with a survey he made of the total number of homes., semi- detached homes and town housing units being planned for each area of the City of Stratford and how it would affect enrolment at the present separate schools in Stratford and indicated possible future requirements of additions or new schools. Plans are being made for the official opening of the - new board office now located in the former continuation school and convent in Dublin. The administrative staff moved to the new quarters August 29. The date for the opening has not been set. The board meeting, which commenced at $ p.m. was in committee -of -the -whole until 9:40 p.m. when the regular meeting was "held. When the regular meeting was adjourned shortly after 11 p.m, the trustees continued the meeting as a committee -o€ - the -whole when David DeVries was named custodian at the board offices in Dublin for a one year period. �K. Cb as it tai tyjslup, +!I';. feff' prttt>li e . in Roy Rt # lSteet, f .,, whom thead; "'Id Gc4 spoke dlaid untohim, LORD; - And 1 ap. unto Abraham, unto and unto Jacob, by the GortAlrnighty, but by name Jehovah was 1 not own to them," . (Quotations from the King James version Biala). Then we read in the Catholic ncyciopedia (page 3$) : "Jehovah: The proper name of od in the Old Testament." 14 on page 331: "Modern dews are as uncertain of the acred name ' as their "Christian(" contemporaries." 'Ie whole world is in trouble. And the Preface of the American Standard version tells us. Jehovah is "the ever Dying Helper of those who are in trouble. Asjack Scott says: "We need to keep an open mind that's willing to investigate." Sincerely yours, C.F. Barney, Clinton. UNICEF Dear Editor : Volunteers from across Canada recently attended the annual general meeting and conference ' of the Canadian UNICEF Committee which was held in Toronto. One of the highlights of the S'e! The -P-reSbyterial held in Q00 10* , 1974. arid the Wren tin Oct.6at4p;t ie Ladies'• 4� followed with Mrs. Volland presi Arrangements were made to hold a bazaar in N+nyertxber. Renovations are under ay the school room of tie chum1 ~lan'ce rAc as, oat these discussions it evident that there is a t need for education of Canadiansea this important topic if we are going ' to be able to meet the expanding needs of children. The growing crisis for the children in developing nates prompted UNICEF, for the first time in its history, to declare a `World Child Emergency' last year. Through the support given to UNICEF by -dians their government, both at the Federal and some provincial levels, the Canadian UNICEF Committee's annual con- tribution to the United. Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) reached a record high of $2,620,627 which will help us to expand. our programmes on behalf of the world's children. It was announced at the Conference that the wife of the Prime Minister, Mrs. Margaret Trudeau, had accepted the appointment as "Honorary Hallowe'en Chairman" and that the goal for 1975 will be '*1 million children + 1 million `Hallowe'en for .,UNICEF' boxes = $1,000,000". For the third consecutive year the revenues obtained through the 'sale of UNICEF greeting cards .reached record levels. At the annual dinner, a presentation was made to the Canadian Teachers' Federation in recognition of the support which UNICEF Canada receives from teachers across Canada ii; encouraging development education and participation by their students • 4141, our utti For 'A to Child". nI. uppt. Can We. this goal a psslbli. Yours sincerely, Dorothy, MaKKinnon (Mrs. ".G.) National President, Canadian. Unicef Committee (416) 4822-4444 iS Dress ed' In 100 w Si bills, this -doll will be one of nearly 170 prizes upr for gr s' year's Hospital Awagary Penny Sale Sept. 22 to 27 at the Town Hall. Designed by Rita: Ryan of the Shadow Bots, the. doll Is a muted by co -conveners Mrs. Una Cochrane, left, and Freda Schoenhais. The bills, all In sequence, were ordered especially by the Bank°of Montreal and delivered by a Brinks truck. (ews.Record photo) Enrolment drops .. . (continued from page 1) Aloysius, Stratford, 194 (200) ; St. Joseph's Kingsbridge, 166 (101); St. Columban, RR 2, Dublin, 91 (100); Our Lady of Mount Carmel, RR 3, Dashwood; 235 (435); Ecole Ste. Marie, RR 2, Zurich, 90 (83); St. Joseph's. Clinton, 99 (93); Precious Blond, Exeter, 65 (71) ; St. James., Seaforth, 176 (191) :Sacred Heart, Wingham, 133 (14); St. Boniface, Zurich, 245 (247) ; and St. Mary's Goderich, 229 (216). The board accepted the fuel oil tender of Petrofina Canada Limited for the supply of No. 2 fuel oil from September I, 1975 to Aught 31, 1976, at a discount of 7,2 cents per gallon .off the posted tank wagon price, which at the time of tender was 37.6 cents, except Wingham which was 38.2 cents per gallon. Mrs. Constance ,Birmingham was hired for 40 percent time as a remedial teacher at St. Ambrose School, Stratford, and Mrs. Regena Whaling, f©r 40 percent at St. Aloysius School. Stratford; commencing September 2. Barry Linden was hired for grades 5-6 at Ecole Ste Marie School, Zurich, com- rnencingSeptember 10. Mrs. Mary Jo -An Millen was hired as principal's relief (40 percent) for one year term, cornmencing September 2. John Vinter, director of education, in- formed the board the teaching staffs would be completed when a music teacher was located for St. Patrick's School at Kinkora. A polling station - will be located at Immaculate Conception School in Strat- ford for the provincial election at a rental Eee of S35, Mr. Vintar reminded the trustees of the 1975 conference of the Canadian Education Association to be. field in Toronto Sep- tember 24;26. St. Michael's School in Stratford will be used for the COR weekend again from October 9th to the 1 l th. ' niM with a reading entitle erenity`» Mr . Ruby girth was in charge of the oti*nal that concerned Gd az ltans dealing, with.. �ucation and :medicines in the Fission fields. There was u For Productive Government look. to Experience Jim Hayter .knows that as a member of the Ontario Legislat tough decisions must be....d....He•-.... ._ also knows that they cannot be made without active and continuous consultation in the Riding. He -° has learned that well in his 20 years' experience in local government. Ofl Sept. 18th look to experience for productve goverment. y pn Sept. 18th EIec.t ME ,9;.,1,4 HURQN�M1DbLE SEX ^a..t.r 4r 4:..-;4. W.4 rM+^."�tn°@.b*M..a•,i•4'e. h.'Wn, h•k,.4•�4'4u� Sponsored by Huron*M1 4►`iYiM1Mi. . TOWN OF CLINTON Polling Subdivision No. 22 (Rural) (Clinton 1) Comprising that portion of the Town of Clinton described as follows: commencing at the Iimits of the Corporation on the Gravel Road or the east side of Albert St., thence along Albert St. to Rattenbury St. E.., thence along north side of Rattenbury St. E. to Percival St., thence along limits to the place of beginning. POLLING PLACE: IA - Clinton Arena (o -t) 111 - Clinton Arena (J -Z) - Polling Subdivision No. 21 (Rural) (Clinton -2) Comprising that portion of the Town of Clinton described as follows: commencing at the corner of Albert St. and Rattenbury St. E., thence along east side of Albert St. to Victoria St., thence along the east side of Victoria St. to William St., thence along the west side of William St. to Townsend St., thence along the north side of Townsend St. to Town limits, thence along the Town limits to Ontario St., thence alone the north Si...4 of Ontario St. to Percival . St., thence along Percival St. to Rattenbury St.. thence along the south side of Rattenbury St. East to point of beginning. POLLING PLACE: Legion Hall, Kirk St. Polling Subdivision No. 2/ (Rural) (Clinton 3) Comprising that portion of the Town of Clinton described as follows: commencing at the corner of Victoria St. and Williarn, thence along east side of Victoria St. to Town limits, thence north-west to Town limits to Townsend St.. thence west to south side of Townsend St. to William St., thence along east side of William St. to point of beginning. POLLING PLACE: Legion Hall, Kirk St. Polling Subdivision. No. 30 (Rural) (Clinton 4) Comprising that portion of the Town of Clinton descr'bed as follows: commencing at the corner of Ontario and Victoria Streets, thence along west side of Victoria St. to Corporation limits, thence along said limits to King St., thence along east side of King St. to the place of begin- ning. POLLING PLACE: Legion Hall, Kirk St. Polling Subdivision No. 31 (Rural) (Clinton 5) - Comprising that portion of the Town of Clinton described as follows: commencing at the corner of King St. and Mary St. thence along west side of King St. to Corporation Limits, thence along said ,limits to Mary St., thence along south side of Mary St. to place of beginning. POLLING PLACE: Jack Peck's Garage Polling Subdivision No. 32 (Rural) (Clinton 6) Comprising that portion of the Town of Clinton described as follows: commencing at the corner of Mary St. and King St.. thence along north side of Mary St. to Cor- poration limits, thence along said limits to Pugh's Terrace, thence along south side of Pugh's Terrace and Rattenbury Si W..to Albert St., thence along west side of Albert St. to place of beginning. POLLING PLACE: Clinton Town Hall Polling Subdivision No, 33 ' Rural) (Clinton 7) Comprising that portion of the Town of Clinton described as follows: commencing at the corner of Rattenbury St. W. and Albert St., thence along north side of Rattenbury St. W. to Corporation limits. thence along said limits to-- Albert too -Albert St., thence along west side of Albert St. to place of beginning. POLLING PLACE: Clinton Town Hall VILLAGE OF BAY.FIELD Patti Subr#ivision_ tri.. ,4@, l kcal) (tia:Y_fieig ;1) Ail of the Village of Bayfield. POLLING PLACE: to - Municipal Hall, Bayfield (A -IC) t 6 • Municipal Hall, Bayfield (L -Z ) TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Polling Subdivision No. 74 (Rural) (Stanley Twp. 1) Con ipi isjng Lots on Concessions 1 to 5 north of Huron • County Road No. 3 and Lots 24 and 25 Bayfield Road North. POLLING 'PLACE: Res. of Milton Schreiber, Pa. Lot 2 & 3, Pili. 2 Polling Subdivision No. 75 (Rural) ( Stanley Twp. 2) Comprising Lots on,.Concessions 1 to 5 south of Huron County Road No. 3: Lots 3 to 9 inclusive on South Boun- dary and Lots 24 and 25 Bayfield Road South. POLLING PLACE: Res. of Ted Robinson, Lot 7, Con. 3 Pollute Subdivision No. 76 (Rural) (Stanley Twp. 3) Comprising Lots on Concessions 6 to 9: Lots 10 to 23 on Bayfield Road North: Lots 9 to 23 Concession hayfield Road South: Lots 10 to 15 on South Boundary: Lots 11 to 23 inclusive on Concessions 10 to 11. POLL I N.G PLACE: Stanley Twp. Hall, Varna Polling Subdivision No: 77 (Rural) (Stanley Twp. 4) Comprising Lots on Concessions 12 and 13 Lake Road East and West from Stanley Sideroad 15 north of Bayfield Boundary and Bayfield Road South including Lots in ranges A.B.C.D. and E and Lots 1 to 9 inclusive on Bayfield Road North and Lots 6 to 8 'on hayfield Road South. POLLING PLACE : Res. of Gordon D. Scotchmer, Lal 21, Con. 12 Polling Subdivision No. 7 (Rural) (Stanley Two. 5) Comprising Lots 3 to 10 inclusive on Concessions 10, 11, 12, ,and 13: Lots 15 to 25 inclusive on Lake Road West; Lots 15 to 23 •inctusi've on Lake Road East: Lots 16 to 30 inclusive on South Boundary. POLLING PLACE: Drysdale Store, RR. 2, Zurich For inforntatidn and transportation ahofe CLINTON PROGRESSIVE COERVATIVE ACTION CENTRE Albert Stet. Phone 4112.4514 On. Sept ember)t Elect r Hay AVthOtirect b Atidetkiso P Asl ti 442, jl