The Exeter Times, 1886-5-27, Page 8INSURANCE.
PANY. et l omni.:: also for the H rlxa. FIRE
TNfiTIDANCE CO 1 A1vY,ot Eondon, Seasnkee
A f?orate 1
N.o r
x a a..
d �D r i
the 'ROYAL AN d the
PANY, of
OM-PANY,of London. England.. established 1847.
Assets over ;5,0000; claims and bonuses
paid, over $10,000,.
LOCAL& NEWS.—We Shall be happy to re-
ceive tttall timesifront any hart of the
County, 'items of ocal Stews, such de ac-
cldents,of arty interesting incident what
ever, froze any of our subscribers or read-
ers rlezter-al'Lj fol^ the purpose of public-
Pito. ���fe
is of+rtl a
Minor o s:recrowdedotn r to a1 .a ti this week,
owing t
o thelataamount of other
Bays, Sauuby and Martin exchanged pul-
p its
ill.pits last Sunday morning.
Read the advertisement for tenders for site
for poorhouse for county of Huron,
W. Sanders has been appointed general
agent for Huron and Middlesex, to represent
a New York insurance Co,
Mr. Jolie Crocker has pnrehased from Mr,
Jas. froward three lots on Andrew and North -
streets, for which he pays a good sum.
I. Dearing got thrown from a horse which
he was riding in the procession on the 24th,
and had a couple of gashes out in his head,
but fortunately his injuries are not serious.
Twenty-seven hotel -keepers in Middlesex
were summoned to appear before the P. M.
last week for selliug liquor contrary to the
regulations of the Canada Temperance Act.
The owner of one of the canoes that may
almost at any time be seen on the river, was
upset last week. Wonder how he appreciates
the joke ?
Thursday, Juno 3rct, being Ascension Day,
there will be divine service in Christ Church
TEN CENTS per4inetar tlrstinaertion, Rua
POUR CENTS per line for each subsequent in a 7 o'clock in the evening. Tho Rev. O. H.
lection will be charged f notices appearmt Bridgman, of Iieusall, will preach.
this column. Mr. Jno, Ilayes has opened an ice cream
parlor in connection with the “Metropolitan,”
where cream and cool drinks of the highest
order can be had in season,
Mr, Thos. Cornish, of this plane, sailed
from Quebec on Thursday for England. We
understand there are many others in this
vicinity who will follow suit.
Ig rot? mu pain and palpitation of the
heart it indicates a congestive condition of
system, especially of tha kidneys and liver,
which can be removed only by Warner's
safe cure.
The Exeter firemen are practising for the
demonstration to be held in Stratfordon
June 12. They will compete in the hose -
reel race. We may expect to see them take
first place.
The Main -street Methodist Church intends
making some improvements in and around
the church. A new floor will be put in the
basement and the front entrance to the
church will be altered,
The small canoe on the pond took a turn
bottom upwards on Wednesday, and the
propeller had to wade to' the shore through
water three or four feet deep. On Saturday
evening it also .capsized, and its occupant
got a "ducking:"
Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your
THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1886.
Just received at the Central Drug Store, a
fresh supply of: Hellebore and Insect Powder
Go to U. A. Hyndman'a for Allin's Prize
Tomato and Cabbage Plants.
Soarlatt, the druggist, has ordered a large
supply, of Paris green, wliieh will arrive in
due time, for the execution of the potato bug.
family,;, ; Mark the place where to procure
the pure green when required.
Without exeeption, the best and cheapest
lines in Boots and Shoes we have as yet
seen, can now be had at C. Eacrett's, Chil-'
drons Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys'
Bicycles of all sizes, Men'sHand•snadeBoots;
also harness, trunks, valises of every descrip-
tion, constantly on hand. Call and see them.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods.
The Steamship "Ontario," of theDominion
Line of Royal Mail Steamships wil sail from
Montreal on the 2nd of June for Bristol, Ay
oamoutli Dock—through to London by rail.
Cabin passage'only. This affords an excellent
opportunity of visiting the Colonial Exhibi• mouth in the morning ? Do you suffer from
tion. Apply to Capt. George Kemp, agent, g' •
Exeter. Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biliousness ? If so,
Dr. Carson's Bitters will oure you. Try it.
Your Druggist will refund money if not aat-
unluolry. isfactory.
May is said to be au unlucky month for A meeting .will be held at the Central
marriages. Au old bachelor says that, Hotel at 8 13 this (Thursday) evening for
aoeording to the testimony of his friends
who have slipped their heads into the mat-
rimony noose, the other unlucky months for
marriages are June, July, August, Septem-
ber, October, November, December, Janu-
ary, February, March and April.
Our old friend, Mr. S. P. Halls, of Goder-
ieh, who was in town last week atterding
the West Huron Teachers' Convention, gave
us a friendly call.—Mr. S. Harrison, who has
been attending a medical college at Chicago,
for the past eight months is home spending
his holidays. He has: successfully passed
two examinations.
Prize For Best Managed. Farm,
In the prize list for the Provincial Fair of
1886, the Agricultural and Arts Association
will offer this year three sweepstake prizes
ie ho medalists lathe competition for the
best managed farms in Ontario, which has the invitation
been held by the association for the past
five years. The prizes will consist of silver
cups valued at $100,$60, and $40, respec-
tively. The secretary has already received
eateries from former medalists, owning
farms. in this and neighboring -counties,. as
in thevicinityof
well as from farmers'
Ottawa and Toronto. The judges will enter
upon their work in june.
Huron. ie toinstitute
on t►cll r
� .. a
Tbe sbtni•annuat tneetiu of the
Teachers of West Huron, was; held
in the"Public eehraol, here, on. Friday
tt rd open-
edSaturday Institute op
ed at 9:45, with the President in the
chair. Religious exercises conducted
by Ur. Todd. Minutes of previous
meeting were read acd confirmed:
Mesere. Gregory, Kitty and Tom were
appointad a business committee. The
President gave an address on the
course of readingas recommended
m by
the Minister of Education, and strong
ly advised that Reading Circles be
formed. After several members bad.
expressed themselves in favor of the
saltie, Inepeetor Tom, Messrs. Kilty,
Case, Gregory, Morgan, and Misses
Heise, Henderson and Murray were
appointed' a committee to elaborate a
scheme for forming reading circles
and to report early Saturday morning.
M. A. S. Case thou read a v
paper on "Errore in the use
page." After considerable
®fou op this paper, the Institu
coxa MI lox U D
T1 T C RLn ,
An old physician, retired from practice, hav-
in lmd placed in his bands by an Bait Indian
o able
m tone theformula z ii o ve t
rfie simple g
es yp p
ron44dj' ler the eptoodv and permanent euro of
Consom pion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
and Alli goat and lung affections, also a posi-
tive tiridtradioal cure far NervousDebitityand
all Nervous Complaints, atter having tested its,
'wonderful curative > powers in thousands of
eases, has left it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, l will
send free of oharge, to all who desire it, this
recipe, in Got•man,loranoh or English, with full
directions for preparing and using, Sent by
mail by addressing with stampp, namingi, this
,, AvviCE To MOTHERS.—Are you disturbed at
night and broken of your rest by a sink child
suffering and crying with pain of Cuttinc
Teeth? It so send at ouoe and get a bottle' of
"Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup" for Children
Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will
relieve the poor little sufferer immediately.,
Depend upon it, mothers ; utero is no mistake
about it. It euros 'Dysentery and Diarrhoea,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind
Colic, softens the Gums, reduce sinfammation,
and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
"Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" for children
teething is pleasant to the' taste Incl is the
proscription of ono of the oldest and best
female ph sieiaus and nurses in the United
States, and is for sale by all druggists tluough-
aut tbo world. Price twentyfive cents a hot -
alaable tie. Bo euro and ask" for "MRS. WINSLOW'S
of tan SoornrnG SYRUP "and take no other kind.
It ro�sooa.
journed until 1.30
Ob re•assewbliug in the afternoon
a discussion arose with reference to
calling roll of Institute, when it was
moved by Mr. Gregory, seconded by
Mr. Todd, that the Inspector call the
rollof Instituto both morning and
afternoon at the beginning of the see•
sion, provided that it be not called the
first morning before 10 o'clock.
Moved in amendment by Mr, Morgan
seconded by Mr. Hilly, that the roll
be nailed four times a day, viz.: at the
beginning' and close of each eession ;
amendment earned. W. Houston,
M. A., then spoke for half an hour on
"'Good English," after which, on ao-
count of the children being present,
to ad- (Corrected at5o'clockp• u. Wednesday.
the drill was taken in the eotiool•yard
by Sargeant Robinson, and for which
he received the thanks of the Insti'
lute. Mies Heise then gave an ad-
mirable lesson on "Theory of Music"
with olase, and a hearty vote of thanks
was tendered her for her valuable sot.
the purpose of organizing base ball club, vices. Dr. Rollins favored the Iusti.
as there is a probability of the club joining tute with an address on "School
the Western Amateur Association a
attendance is requested. full Hygiene, n dealing with the, subject in
uner. A cordial
The race course is a place of attraction �= very practical
in the evenings now;, there being some fast vote of thanks was given to the
horses here. Wednesday last Jno. West- doctor. Mr. Houston then resumed
oott's little mare defeated one owned by 1. his lecture on "Good English," deal •
Handford. Jack's mare moves a nimble inQ •with the subject iu .a oouvereati
foot. on
Mr. S. P. Halls, of the High School staff, al style. Institute adjourned till fol.
Goderioh, was one of the winners in the Vio• lowing day (Saturday) at 9 a, ltot. In
toria University examinations last week, the evening in the Main-st.,,ehodist
receiving the degree of B. A. He is an in- ChurchW. Houston, Nil.': f-, gave an
defatgable student, and succeeds well all ,
he undertakes. admirable lecture on "The:.. ohool'and
11Ir• Jong Vail, of this place, Icbampion the State." The audience/was large
roller skater of Huron, has received an in and appreciative, and,:€h;e exercises
vitation from the manager of [the Harriston were interi3persed with fine mueio,.
rink, to compete in a fiye mile race fora rendered bythe united ch tits of the
gold medal and championship of Ontario.
We- understand Our champion has accepted two. Methodist , and g, ,�,,Vt;rian
th u ire were pas -
1 • pas-
sed to the lecturer, the ohlolr, and the
church.` trustee and chairman, and
then all joined heartily i,ln 'singing
"God saye.the Qaeen '"
On Saturdaymorning nail -tate
was oPened with
r by Brown
and Friday's minutes read " '1 con=
firmed. Roll called by , Inku!eotor,
about 60 responding. The following
report' from -Committee on Reading
Circles was read, and on motion ° by
1iIr. Gregory, seconded by Mt. tJonae.,
ScottAct matters,
The Scott Act convention, which is to be
held in Clinton, Friday, the29thinat., should
be attended by every temperance worker in
the county. The resignation of Mr. Scott,
Police Magistrate, has been a little incon-
venient to the supporters of the Act, be-
cause the machinery for its enforcement was
just getting into fair working order. In-
spectors Yates and Sprague have both a
number of cases of alleged violation of the
Act that they would like to proceed with, but,
,of course cannot do so, since Mr. Scott re-
fuses to go and try them. It is anticipated
that at this meeting three new magistrates
for the county will be proposed, one for each
district of the county, and if agreed by the
Government, the working of the act may be
somewhat better- However, the temperance
people are not discouraged by all the dis-
heartening circumstances with which they
have had to contend, and are as fully deter-
mined as ever to secute a measure of observ-
ance of the Act at least.
Farmers' Sons.
By an act passed in the last session of the
Ontario Legislature Assembly, provision was
made for the admission of one student for
every county and territorial district in the
Province free of entrance and tuition fees to
the Agrieultural College of Ontario. The
clause referred to read as follows:—(1.)
Every county and every territorial district
in the Province may have the privilege of
having, during all college terms one student
in attendance, and receiving instruetion
at the college without the payment of any
entrance or tuition fee, The County Coun-
cil of each county shall nominate the stu-
dent entitled to the privilege for the county,
and the Advisory Board shall nominate th.
students for their territorial districts. Such
student must be the son of a practical
farmer, resident in' the County or District,
and have lived on his parents' farm at least
two years prior to his admission to the
college. (2,) Tho Lieutenant -Governor in
Connell may prescribe the manner in which
such students shall be nominated by the.
county councils and 'Advisory Board.
The County Council will therefore doubtless
at their June session nominate a student for
this county, and applications addressed to
either the Warden or the County Clerk from
Farmers' sons who may desire to enter the
college tinder the arrangement provided in
the Act, should be made before the meeting
Of the County Council takes place in June
Fon sour stomach 18e Warner's safe eure.
Fon chills and fever nso Warner's sefecure,
Fon fat coverecl eyeballs' lase "Warner's safe
Fon frontal headach- e - use Warner's safe
Von irregular bowels
rise Warner's cafe
Fan depression of spirits use Warner's tale
Queens Birthday was celebrated on the
Thames Road by the Methodists of Bethesda
holding their annual tea. There was a fair
attendance; not as many, though as on pre-
vions occasions, owing to other attractions
einae:aro ui Revs. LeGear rune]; George
gave short and spicy addresses after tea, and
good mucic was furnished. The proceeds
amounted to over $40.
The celebration committee of the Queen'
Birthday desire Melo thank all • the judges
and others who aided them in the day's
proceedings, and to inform aliwho subscribed
that the surplus after all debts had beea
paid amounted to $88,75, thirty dollars of
which was presented`"Mr.'"Westcott, whose
loss of a valuable horse, whiati,;iie had kindly
lent to help in procession, the nommittee
sadly regret. N. DYER Hnenox, Hon. Secy.
Lest week the License Commissioners for
South Huron met at Kippen and granted
the following druggists' licenses ; under the
seat Act : J. W. Browning, Exeter ; Lume.
den & Wilson, Seaforth ; R. Stanberry, Ray-
field ;
ayfield; 'Chas. Rill, Zurioh. The commission-
ers present were R. Spider, Exeter ; J.:3.
Geiger, Hay, Jno, Hannah, Tuckeramfth,
was appointed a third commissioner. Several
applications were laid ever until next meet-
A petition is beiug circulated to be pre-
sented to the council praying to have the
streets watered. Some other means ought
to be devised to raise money to pay for " the
watering of the streets, than that of assessing
every property -owner in the course in ` pro-
portion to the number of feet frontage
he has. It is not exactly fair for man who
owns 150 feet frontage and derives no benefit
to have to pay as much as one who owns 20
feet and derives great benefit. A better plvn
would be to call a meeting of the property
owners interested, and consider the matter
fairly and arrive at some decision as to the
best way of levying on each man his share
of the expense, according to the benefit re-
ceived. Ball watered, but the xpen ehthe shouldt be tot each of Messrs. Strang, G. Baird, ,sen,.
one proportionate with the benefit derived. Snell anti, Jones, was then appointed!
No ono will Bluely dispute that. Mr. Morgan was appointed a delegate
At the annual meeting of the London to the Proyincial Asseciaiion. Mr.
Thursday last, t
A social was held at Bethesda Methodist
Church last evening, at which e good crowd
Vas present,,
was adopted :—
Your committee recommends. —(1t That 1 est Reductions Yet
the Inspectorate be divided into distriote or � gg
centres, and that'each teacher be allowed, to
oonnect himself with any circle or centre.
(2) That six books be read and discussed be-
fore the oote)ber meeting of the Institute,
viz.: Hopkins, Fitch, Fairy Land of Science,
Physiography, Julius Cteser and Nicholas
Nickleby. (3). That the centres for the
Reading Circles be : Crediton, Exeter, Win-
chelsea, Zuriob, Varna, Holmesville, Goder
ioh, Carlow, Kiutail, Dungannon and Luck
now. (4) That the Inspectgr send a circular
to each teacher explaining the` decisions of
the Institute,' giving the objects of the Read-
ing Circles and asking them to connect them-
selves with` one of the Beading Circles. (5)
That each circle meet on the second `Satur-
day of June, at 2 o'clock, p. m. (6) That
the organization of each Circle be left, with
the members of that Circle:` (7) That the
chairman of each Circle -find :out at the; first'
meeting how many eopiee of each of the ata
works will be taken by tbttt Circle, and re',
port at once to the Inspector ; and that these
books be purchased by the' General Com-
iufittee at the best - rates and forwarded to
the centres at which the Circles meet.
A. resolution committee consisting
Pall Who a t 0 78 to 0 82
Spring Wneat.., .,. ,.. 0 60 to 0 78
Barley ....0 50 to 0 75
Oats .., .,. 030to031
Clover Sood ... , 7 00 to 7 25
Timothy " .. ... 1 75 to 2 00
... 053to056
... 0 10 to 0 10
".. 40 to 0 50
.". 0 04 to 0 00.
• 000to006'
,.. 0.06 to 0 OB
• 040to060
... 025to040
.., 5 50 t o 6 25
... 500to600.
.-. 500to600
• 600to700
▪ 080to657
i„ 0 60 to 0 70
800 to 9 00
Potattoes,per bag
Apples,per bag
DriedApplespr b
Geese per lb.
Turkey per ••
Chickens per pr •••
Eiogs,dressedper l 00
aidesrouhg .. .,,
dressed .
Sheepskins each
\Vool per lb
Woodper cord
Summer Sailings and Arrangements via
Commencing with Extra SS. Ciruasian from
Quebec for Liverpool direct on lath
May, to be followed by
MailSteamer Polynesian, Thursday, 20th May
Mail Parisian Thursday, 27th May
Extra " Sarmatian.........Friday.4th June
Mail Sardinian .'.Thursday, 10th June
Extra " Circa estop Friday, 18th dune
Mail " Polynesian Thursday, 24th June
Masi " Pant an....... Thursday,lstJuly.
Extra "Sarmatian ...Friday, 9111 July
Mail Sardinian...Thursday, 15th July
Extra Oircassian......•..Friday, 2erd Jnly
atai1 Polynesian...Thursday,29th July
Mail „Thursday,5th Aug.
(Note) -The "extra" steamers do not loarry
intermediate and steerage pass niters
DErins.—Oabin, $60, $70 and 8+80, according to
accommodation, Servants in Cabin, 850.' In-•
tormediate,880. Steerage, 890. Return Tio'r-
ele, Cabin, 8110, 3130, 8130. Intermediate, 360.
Steerage, 6;40. LrvEiiroox DraacT,—By Sarma-
tian, Circassian or extra steamers. Cabin, 850
according to'acaommodati
on. Return
n D
and 6
u , � These steamers go di-
�90 and 1to
recttoh verpool.
Through Pullman Drawing -Rome and Sleep-
ing Oars between Toronto and Qt ebec, or Pas
sengers can be booked by steamer to Quebecif
so .desired—passing through tue Thousand
Islands and Rapids of the St. Lawrence by
daylight, • ,
Passengers and their baggage are put aboard
— of .all
theOcean ,team, br s•—at Quebec—free Oc a S s 4
h Circassian,
nsoit eC s
expense. Thecnbinpla
Peruvian, etc..have been altered. The claloon
is now amideliipsonthese steamers, and the
Cabins are so arranged as to be also in the bes t
position to avoid the motion. For Tickets,
etc., apply to
J. SPACKMAN, Agent, Exeter.
ethodist Districton urs ay l as , i was
eeided to allow the trustees of James street Houston gave an admirable address
urch, Exeter to sell present parsonage site on "Spelling Reform" which caused
to apply the proceeds on buying:a new considerable discussion. The Inspee•
one ; also that the conference" pay its por
tion of: the supply for Main -street church.
John Renton, Names Pickard, and W. J.
Clarke were reelected delegates to attend the
conference. D. McItibis and Thos. Werry,
jr., for Elimville circuit ; John Essery, for
Centralia; Lid, Crompton and Wm. Lewis,
for Crediton. Delegates who attended the
district meeting from Exeter were Charles
Southcott and James Picks) d, The total
receipts for Exeter were, James Street,' 33,-
307,59 ; Main -street, 32,210.01. Elimville,
31,999.20 ; Centralia,, 31,514.61 ; Crediton,
A $20,00 ,Biblical licward.
Tho publishers of Rlitledgc's Monthly offer
twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for
Jane, among which is the following :
Wo will give 320.00 to the person telling
us which'is the shortes Commandment in
the Btbleby.7`un° 10th, 1886. Should two
or more correct anawors be reeeiVod, the
REWARD will be divided. Tho money will
be forwarded to the winner June 16th. 1886.,
Portions trying for the reward must genet 20
cents in silver or postal notes, (no postage
stamps taken) with their answer, for which
they will reoerye the Monthly for July in
which the mine and `address of the winner
of the reward and the correct answer will bo
published, and in which several more valet -
able rewards will be offered. Aildroes RvT-
l.xnot PunaieIitiro UO3fPANY, Ebeton, Patna,
tor the gave a lesson on "Perspec-
tive." Votes of then Ise were given to
Mr. Houston, Inspector Tom and Mr,
Case, after which the Institute ad-
jonrned to meet at Goderich in'Octo•
ED TENDERS. Marked "For
EfiliCOProvisions and Light Sep
resod to the Honourable the Pre
the t'•'ivy Council, ottmwa, will beret
to Noon on W FJ DNE1r DAY, 80th Jun
Printed forms of tenders, containing
formation as to rho articles and approximate
We don't allow anyone to be
lower in priced than we are.
We,offer the following bar-
gains'`to you for the next 90
,Appleton, Tracey & Co.
Walthard, Mass., in
a Solid�} Coin Silver
lics,".nd Case, 23.00.
eivoci ftp PA1VZILY GROOi1IY
e. sident of
full in_ And a P. Bartlett 1n
Unable to ]Dress or Undress for
10 Years.
Locxroiv, N, Y„ April 25th, X984.. -For
from lame b
ton years I 'suffered fi
Could not dress or undress myself. Differ-
ent physioians failed to do ine any good.
Had gonstant desire to urinate, when I
could not pass a particle of water. Suffered'
tortures. Tool: three bottles gf Warner's
safe Duro, which effectually and permanently
cured me. Never know it to fail,—FAY-
TheAnuual'eating of the -Neater Salt Works
Co, wilt be held in Messrs. Samwell'& Piekard's
Block, Monday, silt of May, at 7.80 P.n,
T. B.OABLING, Secretary.
10 RENT. -The Exeter Hotel to
rent near the Exeter Railroad Station.
Apply to 1. CABDIN,G,
the Si lot 8, oon 7. Township of Usborne,
of Huron, 5 miles from Exeter; 45 acres.
cleared, balance timber; good prick house and
frame barn on the premises, also a bearing
orchard of ohoice fruit trues and two never- wells of water. The sotlis of excellent
quality and in good condition. Apply to GED.
SL•EessoN, Proprietor, Elinivillo P. O.
-1ARM;FOR SALE.—The subserib-
.12 offers for sale Lot No, 6, Oen. 1,Town-
ship of Bidduiph, Middlesex Co., fivmiles
south of Exeter, on the London Road,160 acres,
00 acres cleared and in a first class state of
cultivation, well drained, good brink house,
good barns and stables, and well watered,
convenient to schools churches, and poet oilloe.
For further particulars apply to WILLIAtd
HOOPER, on the premises..
]ARM FOR SALE.-- The sub
scriber offersfor sale the north half of
lot 30, con. 13, township of Eaet Wawanosh,
County of Huron, containing 100 acres ; well
fended ; a good stream of water from a never -
failing enring ; nice young orchard of choice
fruit trees; a frame bank born and log house
90 acres cleared and seeded down balance
bush. Pride $4,000, two-thirds cash. Possession
given anytime. Apply to D: Stewart, cattle -
buyer, Wingbam, or to J. Matheson, Hay P, 0
ARM FOR GALE.—The subscrib-
er offers for sale0 acres of land,more
or less, being the oth Hat of Lot A., in the'
6th concession, Usborne. There are on the land
a frame house, frame barn, and horse stable,
also a.small orchard and goon water. The
property is pretty well fenced and soil of good
quality; situated 8 miles from Exeter, 7 miles
from Granton , and 9mil'es from Liman. Pos-
session ;,given after harvest . Terms : } pries
chase money cash; balance to suit purchaser.
Apply to JOHN CORNISH, Elimville,
IF' Get the Genuine. Sold Everywhere
ADVEIiTTSERS by addressing GEO. P. R 0W,
E4L R CU„ 10 S ruoo-St. New York, can
learn thex.tot cost of any proposed line of
ADVER'TISING in American Newspapers.
1 '100 -page pamphlet, 10c
Kiln OF CTSBORNE.—Nettoe is hereby
l;iyen that a Court of > Royisiott of the assese-
iiientroll of the Township of Usoorno for the
year 1886 will be held at the Town Ha 11,lllim
villa, on Saturday, the 29th day of May, 1886
at, the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon. Any
person or persons having businose at the said
Court will govornthemeolvoeace ordingly.
G. W. 11ULMAN,
Usborno, May 401,1866. Clerk, Clintyillo.
r Land
c �s
�ON75 �#
Suitab le for a Site for a
Within a mile of the limits of the Towns of
Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, and Wingham, or
the Villages 01 Exeter, Blyth, and Brussels, or
any other plaoe in the County, within a mile
of a station.
Offers stating price per afire will be:received
by the undersigned until the erd JUNE NxxT.
Co, Clerk.
NOTICE,-- ^^
Of the Corporation of
Will meet in the COURT 110 USE, GODERICH,
All accounts against the Corporation' must
be sou t in before the seeond day' of meeting.
May 20th, 1E86, Co. Clerk.
Has come, and the result, is a large
New Pump Factory
Would respectfully inform the inhabitants
of the surrounding townships that he has op-
ened a N'ew Pump Factory in
Where he will keep on hand all kinds of
Pumps, which ho will sell at moderate prices
J. Doupe& Co.
—TELL THE T�L13.---
Wells and Cisterns contracted for at reason- HIGHEST PRICE FOR EGGS ce SUTTER
able prices, and work executed with despatch.
Fix �
Spring& Summer Goods
General Dry -Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres,
Ottoman Cords, Nuns' Cloth, Jersy Cloth, Ginghams,
Lawns, Plain and. Spotted Mullins, Prints in endless, variety.
2244 .. SUN' ,) t) .244
We have now on hand a choice lot of Millinery, B'laek and
Colored Ostrich Plumes. Fine display and remark-,
ably low Priced.
Gents about to purchase a
'' Would do well by calling and examining our large and varied
stock. Suitings in Worsted, Scotch and Canadian
Tweeds. Our Pantings are "Simply Immense."'
TnHats Ties, Scarfs, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs,
Braces and Socks we have a fine
Display. ''''��7'1
` STE(/ M
We take the lead for Style and Durability. We. have just
y y . ,
received the finest lot of Shoes—both in Ladies
and Gents' Wear --that we ever offered, at
prices that will surprise you. Give us
a call.
We will. take any produce you may offer, and will give 'lrhighest
vice. A
call solicited
I. CARLarTt.
quantities required, may be had. on applicc-
tion"to any of the Mounted Police Poste in
the North-west, or at the office of the under-
The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac-
Each tender must he accompanied by an ac-
cepted Canadian Bank Cheque for an amount
equdI t0 ten per cent; of rho fetal value of
rho artielos tend0rod 3cr, which will bo for-
feitedlf the party doolfnos to enter into a
contract when called upon to do so, or if he
fails to complete the service contracted for,
If the tender bonotaceepted, tbo ehequo will
bo returned.
No payment will be made to newspapers ins
sorting this art eortiaernent without authority Watches, Gloeks, and Jewelletilry Cleaned and
• •
a Solid Coin Silver
Case, for $12.00.
Each Watck Warraiatcd for
Five )?`ears.
having iirstbeen obtained, Repeiredprom ; p y
Comptroller: THOS, FITTON.
Ottawa, 1811.1 May01886,
China Cup and SaucerGiven
With EVERY POUND purchased at