HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-27, Page 5NEWt3
of an Interesting Character.
Rev. Timothy O'Connell, the
Ohurgh of England clergyman who
linked up sucb a dust in this diocese
some months ago by his actions and
on account of his inhibition byJ3ishop e
Baldwio,.has groused 'strife in the tiwr udattniu tl;E, onus f
or which, it was
Shiloh's Cltarrh Remedy, Price GO cents,
Sold by J, %y., iBrowmng,
diocese of Baltimore thfough, ; it i3 originahy formol; every.. oaudidate comes r
alleged, a letter written b Bicho , wider a solemn engagement never to divulge' Aewer drug the stomnoh with nauseating
y ! the mysteries c the order, nor communicate and weakening peel expectocluts and opittitos
Baldwin to the Bishop of thatdtooese to tlteuninitiated tiro sooruts with ;which he Iiugyardb pectoral Balsam rs pleasant and
s may be entrusted, anti the proceedings and aud rellen in its effects, and sato in all throat
1 1 ' h tho t 't b and lung complaints that, if neglected, oiail
in consumption.
Tho Michigan Central will build a now The
slip dock at Windsor 600 feet below the old
which it now bears, it will, be necessary to
give a short description of the nature of this
institution, without developing those myster-
ies or revealing those ceremonial observances
which are only known to the brethren of the
ear roc Masonry is an ancients/lid respectable
institt{tion, embracing individuals of every
nation, of every religion, and of every condi-
tion of life: In order to confirm this institu:
Acts. Cyrus Xilborue, I3oamsvillo, Out.,
had what was supposed to be ,a cancer on
her nose, She was about to submit to a
cancer doctor's treatment, when she conclud-
ed to try B 1rdoce Blood Bitters, internally
and "externally, a few bottles of which
entirely owed her.
A Nasal lujeotor free with each bottle of
in which, it is said, O'Connell i
represented as unfit to bo clergyman,
as his ponduct While in London was
not strictly in accordance with the
rules of the Church. 'bile Bishop
of Baltimore has inhibited him and
the vestry of O'Connell's church in
Baltimore. All Saints',` say they will
stand by him and melte n fight against
the order of tit Bishop.
The 1Vlitclleii, Turf Club held their
first races, which were a decided sue-
oess in *leggy' particular. Folio win
is too res..... —Firet race, open tr
Chief, a
—GoderioYi Calef, lst;- Lady Van,
2nd; and Joseio B, 3rd, Time, 2137..
Second raoe, ` green trot --Lady' anoe, harmony and joy characterize these
Fan, let; Effie Dean, 2nd; Abdallnll; mixed assemblies. All distinctions of rank
3rd. Time, 3:15. seem to be laid aside ; all difference in re-
ligious and political sentiments aro forgotten,
An L+ 'ti •' aud thosepettylquarrels which disturb the
itol S Friend. . quiet of private life cease to agitate the mind.
limy Tl CASTLE Pa„ March 27th,
88 —
I hada painful afleotion of the liver, and let Everyone strives to give happiness to his
it alone, until it got : a firan hold of mo. brother, and men seam to recollect for once
Took seven or eight bottles of Warner's that they are sprung, from the same origin ;
that they are possessed of the same nature,
p aux in w ne o ra arm y may e ongeg-
ed. After the candidate bas undergone the
necessary ceremonies, and received the usual
instructions, appropriate words and signif-
cant signs aro imparted to him, that he may
bo enabled to distinguish 'his brethren of the
order from the uninitiated vulgar, and con-
vince others that ho is entitled to the privil-
eges of a brother, should he bo visited. by
land. tl
distresswant ina distantIf to
newly-admitted member be found !qualified'
for a higher degree, lie is promoted, attar
dao intervals of probation, till he has receiv-
ed that Masonic knowledge which enables
him to hold the highest , offices of trust to
wale the fraternity can raise its members.
At regular and appointed' seasons convivial
rneetings of the fratofnity are held in lodges.
constructed for this parpose, and temper:
safe cure, and ate perfectly well, without; nnds a destined for the sumo end. Such
pain. 0'. j, M] LA�VEY, Editor Clarion.• are the prominent features of au institution
which has preduoed a great division in the
The Fran▪ c▪ hise Act. 1 sentiments of the learned respecting its ori-
gin and tendency. Whilst -a certain: class of
Hon. 111x• Thornp40a introduced, leen, alittle over-anxious for the diguity of
on Tuesday, a Bill to amend the their order, have :represented it es co -
Franchise Aot. Iia explained that opal uthe
opposite e, h,aother's,
eh minfluenced an
ainta nedthat it
the first -provision i o the Bill- waswas the invention of English Jesuits to pro-
iuteude'd to despenc° with the "neoes- mote the views ofthat intiiguingand dangcer
city existing ander 111e Act of the ;pus association, Some havelabored_ to prove
assessment tolls belt;; procured b that Free Masolryrose during the•.Crusades;
y that it was a secondary order of chivalry;
the reyising officer's each year. „ The that its harms originated from that warlike
lists Laving beet, auee fcorm l <,yi,a institution, and were adapted to the peaceful,
ostabllailed, it would be n cam para.orderly habits of scientific mqn, A Mr.
lively easy matter, by proper revision Fielding, has attempted with considerable in
genuity and learning, to deduce its origin
in future' years, to proceed without from the institutions of. Pothagaras. 11Ir.
this Inform .tion in detail, Another 1 Berm& supaoseg'itto be acontinnation of the
important provision was 'tea ;Belie it society of Knights Tempters, whilst others
have '
Clear; that the revising: utlicol' need have Its origin to secret associations
not ].old a court fur the ravtslou of
the lists in every polling sub division:
'but tient, as in Nva 83 ti,t, there
shall be a Killing in evet•y' district
averse to the interests of true government,
and ;Damning the chimerical project of level -
Hee the distinctions • of society and freeing
the human mind from the agitations of re-
ligion and morality. But without adopting
auy of these untenable opinions or attempt -
containing not less than three snh• I nag to discover the precise period when Free
division a. It veos rtl•a proposed to ! masonry arose, it may be suiihcient to estab-
provide that 000 applieaut may be 11i51i its claim to an early origin. and to show
substitu'led for another in tlir3 pace of that it has:existed. in different ages of the
an applicant tR r tr ups to withdraw.
home inoonvoniet nae 'had been found,
also,' o arise tram :the requirement
under tlle,existing 'Act,. that when
.ever more than 200 "votors appeared
on the list of any,: polling sub division
Otho litnite.of that subdivision should
be clltarr,,od Bo as to reduce the uutn-.
knee aft;tttiu to 2200, °It waw•f rolpos¢d
that for the preoeut, the existing tub•
d.ivisiou•3 should Steed nut,( the num-
ber of voters incl riled ill them shall
reach 400, and NI1s '116. limits shall prompted them to erect huge and expensive
;he changes; when the number is re- fabrics forcelebrating the worship of their
•laced, as provided in the Act. It gods or perpetuating the memory of their
was also intended to lessen somewhat kings, they would naturally desire to parti-
the cost of t•ho revisers' fiats by re• ciente in that scientifie.knowledge which was
duping the number of columns, and possessed by the architects they employed,
and, as amongst the superstitions people tine
the oaths are inserted in the Bill. ' priestly order seldom fail to gain the objects
' Air. Mills enquired if there woe any of their ambition, they would in this case
change proposed i1 111e qualification succeed in their attempts and be initiated
of wage -careers, into the mysteries, as well as instructed in
the science of Free Masonry. These+remarks:
lion. Mr, Thntnpsou— No. will not only assist us in discovering the
The Bill .w,ts read the . 'ff. rat time. sourceftom which the Egyptian priests de- LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE R'Y.
rived that knowledge for which they have Genre NORTH. ExpressMail Freight
`�'�� ` been so highly celebrated, 'but they will alsoLondon;de rt part ...7 55 A 4 501'. itr. a 05 A.m,
IF Youa'BLOOD is tainted with foul disease, aid us in accounting for those changes' Which 1 ' HL''xeter. 9 13 5 08 9 85
you must restore the kidneys to health if were superinduced on. the forms of Free, enesll . 9 24 6 23 30
_,eou,evet expect to purify it, as they aro the Masonry, and for the admission of men into 1 Brnoofield 9 30 6 98 10 25
p1PsJIt blood parifiers—by use of Warner's the order whose professions had no conned- 011050n 0 55 7 05 11 30
safe cure. tion with the royal art. Londesboro1C 11 7 23 12 00
Blyth 10 20 7 39 32 00P Is
(To be continued.) 73elgravo 10 35 7 47 32 50
Wingham arrive 10 50 8 08 1 20
world ander differentfo^ms and appellations.
Iu Egypt and in those countries of Asia
which lie contiguous to that favored king-
dom the arts and sciences werecultivated.
with success, whilst other nations were in.
volved in ignorance. It is here, therefore,
that Free Masonry would fionrish, and here
ouly can we discover ;narks 'of its existence
in the remotest ages. ,:It is extremely,prob-
able that the first and the only object of the
society of Masons was •the:, potnrnnnication of
Imo -Wedge eouteseted title -their` profession;
and that those only would gain admittance
into their order whose labors were snbsidary
to those of the architect. But when the
ambition or vanity of the Egyptian priests
>A3I;w4ztlr Oi+' ookINTJ315I ;irs,
It may bo useful for the 'reader to know
that the popular preparation known es
llagyard's Yellow Oil has proved a soyoreign
remedy for deafness, many certified cures
being on record. Hagyar's Yellow Oil also
cures aches, pains, aud lameness, and may
bo used internally as well as outwardly,
The sheriff has seized the Pennsylvania
Poughkeepsie and New Ehglaud ISE. It
will be sold May 28,
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A positive cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Meath.
Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store.
Rev. William P. Corbitt, the Great Revi-
valist and Chairman of the Methodist
Church Extension, says Giles' Linirneut
Iodide Ammonia is the best remedy ever put
before the public for neuralgia, He suffered
for 32 years, and never, until he applied this
remedy, could he obtain relief; 'aud takes
pleasure in thus publicly announcing his
cure, as he desacs to be a benefactor to the
human, family,. Sold by C. Lutz, Central
Drug Store.
Tho customs duties of Roumania have
been increased 30 per cent.
TiiE GREAT SOURED of Consumption and
many wasting forms of disease, is scrofula
lurking in the system. The true specific for
'this condition is found in Burdock Blood
Bitters ; that medicine purifies the blood
aud builds tip the enfeebled frame.
Shiloh's Cure will ;immediately relieve
Croup, •Whooping Cough and Bronchitis
Sold by J. W. Browning.
There is probably no better relaxing
remedy for stiff joints, contracted cords, and
painful congestion, than Hagyard's Yellow
011. It cured Mrs, John . Siddell, of Orton,
Oat., who was afflicted for years with con-
traction of the bronchial pipes and tightness
of the idlest. It is the great remedy for
internal or external pain.
Emperor William has given orders that
a m officers t10
t studying '
Franca shall
henceforth,study in Switzerland.
Tho great secret ofbeauty is pure blood.
Eruptions and all blotches chat disfigure the
face, may be quickly cured by Burdock
Blood Bitter,. Annie Beath, of Portland,
certifies that she was cured by this remedy,
after suffering two years.
Are you made miserable by indigestion,
constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yet
low skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive
cue Sold at Dr. Browning's drug store.
Scott's Emulsion of Pare.
Cod Liver Oil, with Rypophosphites,
Possesses the remedial power of these two
valuable specifics in their fullest degree. Is
'prepared in a palatable form, easily tolerated.
by the stomach, 'and for delicate, .sickly
children, Etnaciatiou,:. Consumpton and alI
inipovciiisiied conditions of 'the blood it ' un-
equalled by any:other remedy.
The United States steamer Nipsle, from
South America, which was thought to have
mot with an accident, passed Sandy Hook
Saturday moruiug last.
To all who tcr0 sufferias from 5t,0 errars a
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
early decay, loss of Manhood, S;c, I will send a
receipe that willeure you, FREE OF CHARGE.
This great rehuedy was discovered by a mis-
sionary in South America. Send a self-ad-
dressed envelope to Rev. v. TosEPis T. 11iMAN
Station 11, New York Ott'
What is Free Masonry ?
Contributed by Mr. Geo. F. Dyer, Exeter.
Free Masonry denotes the rule or .system
of mysteries and secrets peculiar to the. So-
ciety of 'Free and Accepted Masons.
One of the first objects of man in a rude,
state of being is to screen himself and his
family from the heat of the tropical sun,from
the inclemency of the polar regions, or from
the sudden changes of more temperate cli-
mates. If he has arrived at such a degree
of improvement as to live under the dominion
110MRSON.--At Christ Church parsonage,
Exeter, on Sunday, 23rd inst., the wife of
the Rey. S. F. Robinson, of, a son.
Interesting Items.
An Editor's Son Saved.
LITTLE Rocx, Ark.. May 11, 1885 —
Several months ago my little boy was badly
afflicted with kidney disease. Leas than
two bottles of Warner's safe cure restored
of a superior and under the influence of re- bine to health.—OPIE P. REED, Ed. Ark. POULTRY
ligious belief, the palace of his king and the 7ravellar,
temple of his gods: will be reared in the most The gravel pit ou the Air Line at Simooe W. G. BIS SE TT
magnificent style which his skill can devise, has been re. -opened and ii gravel train is '
and hie industry accomplish, and will be Breeder
busy 00tho road.
decked with thofalse: ornaments b
naturallycatch the eye of unpolished Why will you cough when Shiloh's Curb I
Y p ed men, will give immediate relief ? Price 100,, 50c, 13110wN LLGHOLtNS and HOUDANS
From that principle which impels tlho lower
orders to imitate the magnificence and splen and $1. Sold by J. W. Browning. NO. 1 YARD—P. Rooks • Cockerel, score 03}; 4
Hens, average score 02. leggy $2.50 per sen
GotNGSouTir, Express: Mail. Freight
wiaghanh,depart 7 20 Aar 3 lO r.ar, 10 20 Aar
Bolgrave 7 88 3 00 11. 23
BlyHHi 7 54 3 40 1147
Loudisboro .,..... 8 02 3 55 12 00
Clinton ... 8,25 Ole 12 4e
Bruceileld 8 42 4 35 1 10
Rippon 4 51 4 43 1'25
Rem all ...... 8 58 4 48 1 40
Exeter 0 13 4 59 2 35
London arrii o....10 30 0 OO- 5 30
dor of their superiors, a foundation" will be
laid for improvement in the, art of building,
and itis extremely,orobable, from those cit.'.
cumstanees w 'c have been mentioned, as
well as from oth rs which the slightest re
ouwill st
i1ac it
t hate
buildingor g es
r arch;:-
tecture will be the fi,rst profession to which
mei; will exclusively devote their attention,
and for which they will be trained by an
established course of preparatory education,
But there is another' consideration which
entitles architecture to a pre-eminence
amongst the other arts; it is itself the parent
of many separate professions; and requires a
combination of talents and an extent of
knowledge for which other professions have
not the smallest occasion. An aequa:ntanco
with the sciences of geometry rind Mochani.
epi philosophy, with the arts of sculpture
end design, and other obstruse and elegant
branches of knowledge ni•e indispensible re-
quisites in the education of a good architect,
and raise hie art to a vast height above those
professions which practice alone can render
familiar, and which consist in the mere ex.
tieFrom of inl
muscular •' r'
c alto l or
C 1 t1 th,
0 CO]
these i`_
K erationsit appeals that thereis s scree
fofindation in the vary nature of nrchiteettn'e
for those extraordinary privileges to which•
Mesons have always laid claim, and which
they have almost aiwaye possessed.—privi-
leges which no other artists could have con-
fidence to ask or liberty to enjoy, and there
appears else to be eonio foundation for that
uoient and respectable order of Free ]]'fasces,
Holloway's Ointment and Pins. —Out_
ward infirmities.—Before the discovery of
these remedies, niauy cases of sures, ulcers,
&c., were pronounced to be hopelessly in
curable, because the treatment pursued
tended the strength it was incompetent to
preserve, and to desperate the symptoms it
was inadequate to remove, Holloway's Pills
exert the most wholesome powers over the
unhealthy flesh or skin, without debarring
the patient from fresh air and exercise, aur;
11us to constitutional vigour is husbanded
while the most malignant elect's, abscesses,
and skin diseases' are in process of euro.
]soda Ointment and Pills make the blood
richer" and purer, instead of permitting it to
tall into that poor and watery state so fatal
to many labouring under chronic ulcerations.
The British war ship Lily arrived ` at
Hnlifex, N. 8., ori Saturday evening from
The llev, Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon
Ind„ says : "Both myself and wife owe our
lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Core. Sold;,'
by J, W. Browning.
(il "hl'•Ol lad Ilaill
� w 1Ci Cl 1 O By
cls d L u
Cameron, luta his arm broken bythe kick Gamc c of
a horse at Ailsa Craig on Thursday last.
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is
guarautced to cure you. For sale by J. • W
Another attempt his been made to burn
down the office of 11Ir. Munro, the Police
Magistrate of Orangeville.
whose history we are now to investigate. Dr, Carson's Catarrh Cure is 00 longer Its
But that we be enabled to discuss Free experiment. No care, no pay is the terms
Masonry su r
n un th
under Oso v '" �
t form i od
irons s which .ors which it is li, ilonov refatul 1 if
hes assumed" in different countrtel nsid at not satisfactory. s�Ask your druggist about
different £Baas, before it received , the name it, then buy it and take, no other.
NO, 2 YARD -1'. Rocks; ' Cockerel, score 91,; 4
Pullets, average score 90; Eggs 45.50 per
NO.3 YAISD—B.:Leghorns, Ctckerel, score 03; 8
Pullets, average scorn 09; Eggs 41 per set..
NO. 4 Y,IRD--Houdans, Eggs ;1- per setting'
These birds were all snored by lir, Jarvis and
wen a good share of prices at the Exeter
Poultry Show,
lam One trio P. Rocks for sale,
��}�, //gyp The Most Delightful
SUI11 Irr TO al
1�1 G R TOUR � C 1 and inspect for n
R 1.yurself, you
not1 importuned ae
speediest and most certain medicine in
the world.
Weak 13ae1:, Enlarged 'Joints, Paralysis,
itheumatistn, Neuralgia, Diphtheria,
'Sciatica, Prolapses, Utero;, Female
The bast end only oortaia remedy to relieve
nein of all kinds, no matter of how ling stand-
ing. Instantrelief guara+ttooci Grippes. Swol-
len Joints, 'Varicose Veins, Bites of Insects o.
Sick Headache. No oil or grease; is clean and
sweet ; will not soil..
Dm-nearer/aeon cre •rfna 11IDYP•Se 13Iilenxts
tueonlyLrniment in the world possessing al-
DIesese, Diabetes, incontinence of 'Urine; Is
terative powers. Can be. taken internally;.
cures Clamps amt. Cone, Diarrhoea and Dye,
soanur ALL DisueaitsTs, TRIAL BOTTLE 250.
Write Dr, Giles, box 3,482, N. Y, P. O, who
will give advice on all,sliseases free of charge,
tateBewaro of unscrupulous dealers and coun-
terfeits. The genuine has she name blown in
the glass and fag simtie of the :-discoverer's
name over each cork,
GILEB' IMPROVED Meennese Pears, Seen
Sunx,RELIAnau and El,pecrivn, Do now GRIPE
and can be taken at of
seasons of l0! sub.
year without restriction as to diet or clothing.,
For alldisorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bo wels,
am. Pr:oe, 253o. per box. C. LUTZ, Agent,
Exeter' Ontario
Walnut c.V.5 Rosewood Caskets
Also Comers OF EvEisr DESORIPTION.
A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings
Always on hand.
My .Stock of Furniture is un-
Ea m mI cL ,•x:at
Salt Narks Company_
suitable for Agricultural and Domestic
purposes, which they offer
AT $2.50 PER TON
A call respectfully so-
Apply to T. 13. OLPLING, Secretary. Furniture Dealer and
ALJ i`,..7 O I L
At Toronto; Every Barrel Guarahltecd, This Oil was used me all machinery 1 m sexy cilu'ing the
Exhibition. It bas been awarded' SIX GOLD MEDALS daring the last three years.
t ',Seo that you get Peerless, It is only made by
SS' &zatrzaL Roarliz 4 CO,, TOROITTC
FOR si511111 .01D IUMMft !flAD!I
C. SOU 1--I
T Ca
T 6 & S O N
Have recently received a 'Choice tee assort>1ue]it of
and OPS
d , Scarch Canadian Tweeds in Plaice
& Checks.
Work made upin the LATEST STYLES LL+ S and a Sure Fit
0. SOVTI-10C OTT dig SON.
The Exeter Clothiers.
Purify the Bleed, correct all Disorders
They invigorate and restore to health DebilitatedConstitutions,
Cohnplaints incidental to Female hile she are invaluable relp iu the
Females of all ages.. For chilclrr-u and the axed they are priceless::
Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, 01(1 Wounds, Sores and Ulcers: It
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Sore'vL rants, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Glandflar Swellings, and all skin disea
•illas no rival'; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm.
-me Pills andointment are sold at TisonrAS .HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, '
also by nearly everyrrespectable Verffloreef'Medicine, hi Boxes aud•Pots,at'le.lide 2s:"$d
4s. 6d,, lis., 22s., aud 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size coutains threetimes the quantity ofjthe
Is 17 d, size ; the 4s. (11. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes aud Pots.
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and call be ha.t in any language
Purchasers should look to the Label on the 'Pate and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious.
I have Just received a Car Load' of New Stylish Furniture
and am
—New Dress Goods—
Albatros Cloths,
All Wool Ottomans,
All Wool Nun's Cloth,
Prints, Sateens, Cotton Crapes,
Ginghams, Embroideries,
Oriental Laces, Valencino Laces,
Torclion Laces, Dentille Lades,
Scoteh Tweeds, Scotch Pantings,
English Worsteds, Irish Sorges,
Canada Tweeds, Collonades,
NOW Groceries,
New Field and Garden Seeds
Paseo Steamers. Low Bated,
Four Trips per Weak Between
vers' Wok Day Batvteen
Mr 1
rite far our
'Picturesque Mackinac"
it , Illustrated.
Contains Tun Particulars, Mailed Pre*.
Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co
-,C. D. 1"11.O0M0, new, PAs3. qct.,
For the next SIXTY DAYS. It will be to your advantage
to call on inc before going elsewhere.
Eze'er Post Office Time Table.
diirkton, Woodham Winehelseaand:Eihnvalie
Soutlneast and wee:, including London, Hamilton, Toronto
?3anitoba,United States, l nglisl, andforeign mails .,. ..,
South, east west etc ...
North and oast including Goderieh, \•g'ingham, 11tnoar'cliue and
north, Stvatfohd, 'Toronto, ilfontrlal, and P,asteru States,.,
North eaet,itc
return Tuesdaye, Thursdays and snturd nye
4.00 P. 3n,
.. 0.45 p. m .
all points
1C,i5 a,nt
5.30 0.in5.50 p. m
ti.0oa.ni. t0.0Oa,
0OoaIn 1000 am
'2'1.'7 -
issued; end paid 00 and from any Stoney order 0llico in the 'DnuhWien of Caned
Zolaucd,France en Al S, Austen South arlc 1 Test. e.
Algeria, tbo Gorman luntpiicy. Srvodon,Ncrrva3�, Ilonntark 1'c nauln, Net.
the 5Iothrlai:ds, Switzerland, Austrisnetuneary, Roumania, United ' eland, and Bat
badob. Stntos, Jatnafca and 13a:
10 00 atm
8,15 a. m
1.11 p. m
8.15 a. TY
Deposits will bo received et this oilico from �1 to 4300. Depositors
maset•General'e speae1 permission can deposit $1000, Deposits on Savings Ba t1c the Po&
oeiveclfrom0a.m.to'4p,11, ititerest;at4 pot cent per annum will be alledontell deism'
ice p, 111
Letters intended for 'Vogl stratlo1 must bo posted tori trs mirnitesboknre the closing of oac'a mail
N 13
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