The Exeter Times, 1886-5-27, Page 3W Th tN aUFIRAGE.
Judging from a rh rely hereon stand-
point, " it would be unwise and, katal to
the (auee of moral reform to throw open
the franohfes tothe women. Bat thiel ie
not merely a gneotlon of expediency, a prob-
lem in probabilitioe ; It ;id based upon the
broad eternal riaoi 1
a of ri h
and wrong,
! Daum we omniscience of
pr a all admit the oma elan
God' and the inspiration of the Bible. For
there who rejeot thee° cardinal dootriues,
this letter to not written, and with thew it
will not have weight. ' There may be a vast
number of statements is the 'Holy Writ
that are not onithetioally poetic and will
hardly "square up'" with the siokly sent*-
ment of the times ;, but they are the utter-
ances of God through the mouths of Hie in.
spired and devoted servants. God created
Woman to bo the " help•meet" of man, and
in pronounoing His curse upon her after the
Fail, He said •'` and thy desire shall be to
thy husband, d he shall rule over thee,'
The Bible is•y ry clear upon this question
ofThoughthe evangelical Churche
rul[ : Th g e
of th , . ' ve grown tea " mealy-mouth-
od " t.' to that brutal word " obey
In' the go nervier), still the sturdy old
Bible writers did not hesitate to deolare
clod's own truth in the plaineet of lan-
Hear them!
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own
huebande, as unto the Lord.
Likewise, ye wives, be in a lbjeotlan to
your own husbands. -1. Peter M. 1.
For the husband in the head of the wife,
even as Christ is the head of the ohnroh ;
and he is the saviour of the body.
Therefore as th6 charah is subject unto
Christ, eo let the wives be tb their own hue -
bands in everything.-Ephealana'v., 22 24
Wives enlimlc yourselves unto your own
husbands, as it le fit in the Llyd.-Colos-
dians ill. 18.
There can bo no doubt that, whatever
fashion, chivalry -in -the -shoddy and wind -
vane eooleefasts may say, the Bible in-
tended woman to be obedient and subser-
vient onto man. This may not bo polite,
but it le unmistakably true. It is man's
work to broaat the storms of life, woman's
to help snetain and encourage him in the
fight. Longfellow covers this thought with
the flowers of his chaste genla8 until it is
" As unto the bow the cord le,
"So ,into man la woman,
"Though she bend him, the obeys him,
"Though she draws him, yet she tollowe,
" 'Unless each with)utthe other l"
Now, no amount of equirming can escape
the inevitable here, As it is nusoriptieral
for woman to rule man, she cannot hold any
office that in any way oontrolu man. Nay,
farther, she cannot dictate ae to whether
la shall hold office or not,
man r
i. eurtica., she cannZ-vote for or against any
man for any office. She has a perfect right
to her own opinions upon any subjeat and
she may exeroiee persuasion, reasoning, or
any other womanly meane to carry
her point ; but the moment she at-
tempts to tdiotate, rule or decide with
authority (a - s •e' "would at the polle), she
steps beyon • her sphere and over the bound-
ary that God Himself has put upon her
If there can still oxiat any doubt as to the
intention of the Divine author upon this
point, read 1 Timothy, ii. 11.12,
Let the women learn in eilonce with all
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to
ueu, p authority over the mens lent to be to
The picture of the true woman le drawn
hete in plain,,teree language. and the artist
is all -wise anidii aali•akillful. It is not hung
up for our. dltiti . m or our approval, but as
a model for nn'to copy. Let it haog there
a moment.
11 a woman votes, she thculd vote Intel•
ligently, and thoroughly understand what
she is voting for and why elle does so:
Hence she must read up and discuss poli-
tics from the N. P. to the Riel question,
and from the C. P. R. to the Inch Arran
fiasco. What a broad field Is opened up
here for eloquent " silence 1" Again, if it
is right for woman to vote, she has certainly
a right to be voted for. If she can make
anti unmake officials, she con hold an effioe,
"and why," snap the extremists, "shouldn't
she ? What claim has tyrannical manto
all the sweets of life T' Give=' woman the
ballot end she will very soon query -evitb
the weight of her millions of voters why
some of these velvet -cushioned official sine.
cares should non be open to her and her
alders. Grant woman office ; put her on
the hnetinge ; in the caucus, and the
Parliament ; let her electioneer and
lobby. Then paint her portrait in accurate
colors and hang it up beside the one we
nulled from Scripture a moment ago.
" Let a woman learn in silence with all
On the right hangs God's work ; and on
the lett, tue.produot of the poll and the
cabus. Many of our temperance friend•
say, and earnestly believe, that it is God's
will and desire that women should vote,
Let them look upon these two picture°, re•
membering that the one upon the left is the
certain result of woman euffroge and know-
ing that God commands usto follow as
olosely ae possible His own pure ideal upon
the right ; then let them harmonize God's
commandstamped upon His own revealed
Word, with the desire that they to -day im•
pate to Him.
What mean you ? Must the God of the
ages stoop to break down the divine har-
mony of His creation and thrust our gentle
home -makers into the fury of public life
that Henay epnrify the race ? Has Elia
hand's, ,sour,, weak 1 Ah 1 we are always too
ready !tech oat our puny human fingers
to steady "the ark of the Lord. It may
tremble and totter, but it never can fall,
This divine order of wifely obedience,
which I think has bean fully established,
will effeotually vitiate the woman vote in
another direction. Wives must obey their
husbands in questions appertaining to the
franchise as in all other matters. Hence
the woman vote will simply be an echo of
the male vote, and will effect nothing for
moral reform, I ban, in fanoy, see the
scornful smile that le curling your lips ae
you try to think of a woman who would
obey her husband in the old soriptural
style. " Rot," you say, " such old-fashion-
ed ideas are out of date." That may be,
but, for all that it is the direct contmafld of
God, the l,ternal; and surely we, in our
work for temperance and right, should be
the last to advance our cause by the viola-
tion of Blblfoalcommandments, It is much
more out of data to do evil that good may
come. God, will not honor that kind of
In this day of Biblical etudy it is not ne-
cessary to prove that the whole trend of the
Word, from Gonole to Revelation, is in per.
foot harmony with the passages quoted. God
created man and woman to be as the oom
element of eaoh other and apportioned to
each a distinct sphere. Through Hie inspired
writers Ho very clearly indioated the bound'
arses of these spheres, and urged with loving
authority that they be not crossed, It ib
very cheap to dub this plea "eld•feebioned"
end t' behind tin age" ; and in foot, it.does
teem as if God in Rio grand eirnplloity hod
fallen very far behind thio rapid aged aura.
We no longer drink the juicer of the grape
but a distillation of acids, Truth is "stupid,"
honor is voted a metier soleolsm and honesty
as something only fit for babes and to adorn
is sermon. R:otitude' le woefully eat of
taste and all the grazed virtues of our fore.
fathers are teeleughing docked this "smart"
and cleverser and o anon. Loyalty a d sa-
triotiem have become obsolete and the mar,
tyre and U, L' Loyalieta of the past are
"troublesome oranke,"
Bat in spite of this wonderful elevation of
ourselves, God rules, and his plane have
never yet copse to naught. And it behoove*
ue in our efforts to bring theworld nearer
to truth and right, to accept the plana of
the All•wise and work in harmonious union
with the Omnipotent. We may fauoy from
our little knoll of a few years that we see
a strategic move that woull rout the enemy,
but the orders, of the Great General who
views the wide battle field of the oenturlee
from the lofty peak of eternity, say "no.'
And, like true eoldiere we must obey.
, ,y
a -we,
A Money Making Betting Machine Agent.
The Now York Star reports an interview
with a drummer, who furnished some infor-
mation as to the way in which the members
of the craft can sometimes make a good liv-
ing very easily':
When I first met Jaok he was always
flush. In foot he is now, but he is manager.
Jaok was at work than fora sawing machine
noose, and had charge of the city trade,' He
need to ask me often to dine with him, and
I noticed he never paid for what he got
We seldom ate twioe at the same place, and
I began to think hie credit was monumental.
'Next time we go to Craft's to dine let's take
all the boys in the office with ns,' said Jaok,
as we left a well-known reetaurant one day.
'1 don't like the plaoe at all, and I'm anxi•
OUa k0 eat up what he owes me.' t Then he
owes you money,' said I, to draw Jaok out.
' Yea, they all owe me more than I'l1 ever
get. I might quit work now and board
around from plaoe to plane for two years.
and not •fat the accounts up, You see, I
once put au advertisement in a Sunday pa•
per, which road something like this :
"' First-class board wanted for a firet-
°lase sewing-maohine, direct from the fac-
tory. References required,' "
"' Well, I got over seventy-five answers.
I was given the best of references -bankers,
preaohorlend dootoro. Most of the letters
were from boarding-house keepers and ree-
taurateurs. They were from all parts of
the city. Aa manager et the city trade I
could sell a pity machine as a sample at the
wholesale price. But I didn't do that, I
Oohed ont twenty good restaurants and
boarding houses, and bought twenty ma-
ohinee0 n my own account on four months'
time. The wholesale price of each machine
wan $19 and the retail price $55. Of course
I paid$19 each, and sold them at the retail
price, At each . of the twenty places I told
them if they wanted a brand newemachine
I would let them have one direct from the
officio for $20 oash, acid would take the bal-
ance out in board. They jumped at it, es-
pecially as the machine was one of the beat
made, and I promised to take it baok if not
satlofactory. Near three restaurants I got
a suit of rooms on the machine account. lu
less than two days I had delivered the twen-
ty machines, had $400 cash in my pocket,
vith fcur m Inths in which to pay for the
goods. I had $700 to take out in board and
Lodging in various parts of the olty, and, as
I say, 1 got tired of eating up my profits on
the scheme. The $700 wan all profit and
aloe $1 on each mammae, Why, I worked
the a21113 plan on the tailors -they wanted
sewing machines. I could sell a taller a
heavy manufacturing machine for $60
which cost ma $30 -and what an elegant
Emit of clothes I go, for that $30.' "
Where the East Wind Oomes From,
In the winter the sun Is vertical to the
south of the equator, and the eouthern hemis-
phere is being heated, which causes the air
to expand, and it Isgently flowing off in the
upper stratum of the atmosphere into the
northern heetephere, and by this means the
accumulation of air becomes very marked,
especially over Russia and Northern Europe,
where the cold is intense and the air con9e-
quently denser. The exceptional height to
which the barometer commonly rises in win-
ter and in early spring amply proves what
might otherwise appear theoretical. As soon
as themore southern portions of the northern
hemisphere become heated, air ascends, and
rn indraft or general flow of air seta In from
the north to supply its place. The east wind,
which is indeed air from the northward de-
flected to the east by the earth's rotation,
hae blown for the most part overland before
it reaches the Brltl&h Islonde, and, although
cold, it is at every stage of he progress to•
wards, the south becoming relatively warmer
by sheer oontaot with the earth, of a some-
' -hat higher temperature, an which it it im-
pinging, and the air`ie.:thuo constantly be
coming capable of holding more moisture by
its well-known physical properties ; but
owing to the low temperature at whioh it
started, and the consequently small amount
of moisture which it could possibly hold in
solution in the form of vapour, it is ever
ready to lick up more moleture in whatever
shape or form available. It is this dryness,
coupled with a certain degree of cold, which
renders the east wind so intensely disagree-
able and unhealthy in its effeote, alum it saps
the moisture from our bodies, and tends to
warm itself by conduction, and robs the hu-
man frame of a large amount of animal heat,
and thus levies a severe tax on the constitu-
tions of all expend to it. It seldom in this
country that an east wind is accompanied by
damp weather, although 000aeionallyit does
so happen ; bat, whetner.dry or moist, it is
unmistakably disagreeable and t notoilously
unhealthy. The greator;the'dryness of the
air the greater the energy with whioh the
human body exhales from every pore of the
skin, Head more eopecially from the lungs and
the more delicate parts of the mucous mem
bran. -London Standard,
,What Bone Women Eufer:
" A Young Wife's Greatest Tr141" is the
title of a oterye in the Chrietiup 0oeerver.
We know what it le all about last as well as
i# We hadread it. She forgot to 'bring iu
the wood and break up the kindling't11s
night before; then she overslept: and tho.
rain wap Pouring down like ell osaesaed*,
end there was a small lake lq ervenin'.
between book door e
we d o and the 'wood•houa
and her rubbers leaked n
, ; and the the fire
wouldn't burn end the coffee was muddy
and tho muffins heavy and the eteaka burn-
ed,; the baby cried, husband was prone and
scolded, and she wondered why girls ,,were
all so crazy to get married,
Eleven•year•old Tommy B8okue of In•
dianapolle stole a horse sad,buggy, and
drove away with them. The buggy didn't
suit him, and he stole another that did. He
kept this rig three days, taking daily rides
for health and pleasure until he was arrest-
ed, He will be tried for grand leroony,
"Gentle as the Breeze of
This line ofane
old hymn i quite appro.
plate .when epplicd> to 1" Pleasant Purga-
tive Pellets, I dont like to take ' pills if
I can avoid it," we often hear perilous ssy,
" haoause they constipate me so.' Now the
"Pellets" never do this. They are eo gen.
Ole and mild that their effect is almost pre-'
cicely elmiliar to a natural movement of the
bowels, and no unpleasant effeote are left
Joy in Every Drop.
Ibis may be truly said of Poison's NERv-
ILINE, the greatest pain remedy of the age.
It brings oomfort to the weary sufferer when
failure has attended the use of every known
remedy, Nerviline is an absolute cure for
all kinds of pains, internal, external, or
local. Purohase a 10 cent gample bottle
and try this °great remedy, Nervillno, nerve
pain cure. Don't forget the name at any
drug etore.
It is related that when the first 'Maine
railroad was started, about forty years ago,
W. C. Pitman cf Bangor was a oonduotor.
One rainy morning he started from Water-
ville, and, on arriving at North Belgrade,
a flag station, not seeing any flog, ran by
the station. Just as the train had passed
the red flog was run out for some paosen-
gors to get on. Mr, Pitman stopped his
train and asked Stephen Richardson, the
station agent] why leo did not display the
flag; before, Mr. Richardson replied, " Be
yott a•goin' to fun your train in rainy
weather t I didn't think you would,"
Joan of Aro was Mold of Orleans, but
Noah's Ark was made of gopher wood,.
Premutarely Aged.
Many a woman is robbed of these oharms
which tho gentler sex valve so highly, and
made old before her time by functional irre-
gularities. To such the bloom of youth may
be restored by the use cf a remedywhich
has stood the test of time and whih is to-
day aoknowledged to be without an cgaai
as a cure for all female weakneeeee-Dr.
Pierce'° "Favorite Prescription ' 'iBy all
A young girt wants to linew. "If it 1e true
that kissing oures frecklea." Wouldn't say,
pooitively, but a simple receipt like tilde is
worth trying. Call after business hours,
Throw Away Trusses.
Cares guaranteed of every case of rup-
ture undertakau. Book of particulars, 10
cants in stamps. Address, Weed's.Disnen-
eary Medical Aseooiation, Buffalo; N. Y.
Mrs Mimosa-" Now, Johnnie, go and
kion your little sweetheart and make up."
Johnnie-" No'm I won't." Mrs. Mimosa
-" Go and tell her how much you love her
and how sorry von are." Johnnie -"Guess
not, Pa says he got into a breaoh of pro-
mise came by
tellin' a girl that,and had to
marry the old thing. I ain't rennin' no
rlaka, I ain't,"
Don't nee any more n tusoous rurgativos such
as Pills, Salts, &o., when you can get in Dr.
Carson Stones h Bitters, a medioies that
moves the Bowels gently. cleansing all im fur
ities from the syetme and rendering the Blood
pure and cool. Great Spring Medicine 50 cts.
The Englieh swallow-" 'Alf and 'elf."
M, EN -THREE -end two ladies- as Oanvaesers ;
,life good pay. H. E,' KENNEDY, Toronto. Ont,
ehorlhoro bulls • registered io Dominion Herd -
book. Joliet HARDY, 4ebgrovo P.O.
llDi Plvmpton for sale cheap; small amount
p„oWn; balance at 6 per cent. M. J. KENT, London.
k equal to best imported : all kiede of re -tatting..
Galt Fils Works, FREDERICK PARKIN, Galt P.U.
80 Acre Farnt-°$700 60 Acre Farm
9-100,000aoting plays,' 16 cents t 100,000
6 cent mush); instrumento half-price. BUTLAND,
wholesale hooses, men ufaeturers; fleet prize
Central Fair& Address M. D. NELLIGAN, Manufao-
tuter, Hamilton.
REPREOENTOTIVE in each county 10 sell "Pro.
poral and Eapoueat "-a book on Love, Court-
ship, Matrimony and kindred thomee. Write for
ciroulars. International Book and Biele House,
Toronto, Ont.
improvemente; bracket band saws for attaoh•
Mg to poste; neat, cheap and durable ; send for
circulate, JOHN QILLIES & CO., Carleton Place,
BIBLES -large type. splendid maps, betntitul
illustrations; contains 4 000 queetione and answers
on Bible Topics ; liberal terms. International
Book and Biolo House, Toronto, Ont.
township, to sell Dr. Taimage'e new book,
"Live Coals." The keenest and moat vigorous
epeotmen of oratory ever written ; nearly 700 pages ;
only $2; full particulars of this and other new books
mil. Schuyler Smith ee Co.,'Pnblishers,London, Ont
t.3 cffered to young Ladies and Gentlemen during
May. Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Commercial Bueinees,
English, Oleesloal or Mathematical courses, separate
or all together, at half the regular tuition fee. Ad
dices immediately, Tan TORONTO Semmes COLLEGE,
Toronto, Ont,,
elel Mail ; or students attending oor Academy well
be thoroughly prepared by highest Masters In Shoot -
hand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, and Business Train-
ing. Advanced students helped to situations. Ina•
mediately address, The Union Shorthander's Com•
merolal Academy, Arcade, Toronto.
FJ able educational advertisements and do not
spend your time and money for nothing. Bengough's
Shorthand and Busireee Institute le old and firmly
eetabliehed, employing only terchere who are pine•
tloaland experienced in every department. Positions
secured graauatea without extra charge. Write for
particulars. Thos: BESooUell President,
0, H. BRooxs, Secretary.
county for a new hook we will place on the
market in two weeks;' it will contain five hundred
pages, and retail at 82 76 ; it is edited by a prominent
Canadian gentleman, who has not made public hie
name ; it le expected the literary world well be all
astir to ,end out who the brilliant welter is; the
book is upon an important topic, one never before
dlocnlsed by Oanedian autboro ; all wishing to be.
Dome agents for this remarkable volume aro advised
to write for particulate. Address, International
Book and Bible Baum, Toronto.
J gives bettor satietuotion or that you can make
money taster with than " World's Wonders," Belle to
all classes-Chrlettana and infidels, Catholics and
Protestants, old and voung ; old agents who have
not canvassed tar years are going foto the field with
it; C. F. Jenkins sold 128 the first week ; J. Brace'
save: "Tho first week with " Wonders" netted hie
one hundred and sixteen dollars." A good ebanao
for unemployed persons ; outfit free to actual can.
vaesore; write for tonne. BRADI,sy, GAR/LIMON d
Co., Brantford.
Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships,
Sailing during'winter from 'oetinnd ovetyThurs.
day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and In
summer from Quebec evoryrSaturday to Liverpool,
calling et Londonderry toland malls and'paesengere
for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via
I0a1lfaX and St John's, N.F.; to tiVernedlYortdlghtly
during°eudltnor montho. the eteamort 'of the oleo
gowelinoa doll during winter =to and item; Halifax,
Portland, Boston and Phitedetpbla ; and during tum•
neer between Glasgow'and Montreal wooltly; Glee.
goer and Boston weekly, and .Glasgow and Phtladel
phla fortnightly.
Fer freight, passage, er ether informatfonapply to
A.:Sohumaohor & Co,, Baltimot e ; 5, Cunard,& Oo ,
Hdllfd{x ;=S'hea & Co., St. Jbhn a 'N,F. ; Wm Thomp.
bon & Co. 9t. John, 11.13,; Allen & Co , Ohlohgo
Love & Alden, Now York; 11. Manlier, Toronto;
Altana, Rae & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookte, Phlladel.
phis; H. A, Allen, Portland, Boeton, Montreal.
S -l' MPT® Blptchca, Pimples.
aloha, JCru h,p)i, Erup.
ti0Ue inntota,Abate,tscs,16adGompkxioa,
1.01v 7(4111111Y Poor Circulation, etc. As
Inipnre ltlood ,Ind Poor Circulation is
!elle t
Hall a to crrnso rtenrlY every disease, thin
symptoms utast vary according to ihe
organs most affected.
See(dn,ray or'
Taint in the syel-
tetn, lead Air, Improper Diet and planner'
of Living, Bad Drainage, ltutetivc Bowel's
and Iii.lucys, Weak Lunge, Torpid'l.iver;'
and many oilier obvious canner♦, ijpeniding
want of Cleanliness. As imperfect organic
action makes lead Iliood,so too Had Blood
in turn makes imperfect action of every
bodily Organ,
CUREObaere0 strictly all the jaws 01
Ilealth, Beep the Skin Clean,
the Bowels and Kidneys in perfect work.
big order to carry off poisonous matter,
Avoid High Living,'nave Access to Pure
Air and Ilealthfal Exorcise, Eat Plain
!Nourishing Food, and take
The great Key to Zlealth, which unlocks
all the Secretions by Acting upon the Four
Cardinal Points of "literal -the Stomach,
Liver, Bowels and Blood. in this manner
Pure Blood.
LA a,c KN VCS SiAVa 0(I r Eit, iTaVE
jo 0ter cheese box, veneer leather epi t ng
buoubindere, moulding, tenoning and other machine
knives of beat quality, manufactured by PETER HAY,
Galt Machine Haile Works, Galt, Ont. ; send tor price
Productive Town, Village & Farm Property,
6 Union Block- Tomato Street -Toronto.
We want an &gent In every
school district to sell our School
Specialties -by oors
Canadian Novelly Co.,
Toronto, Ont
I have n positive reined • Or tile shove disease ; b • Its neo
thousands oteases 00 the worst kind and of long standing
bavo been cured. Indeed, so strong ie my fait!: in its.
efficacy, that t will Bend T 70 B°TTLP_S FREE, together
with u V,ALUARLE TREATISE on this disease to any
sufferer. Give express and P, 0. address.
Branch Office, 37 Yonge 3t., Toronto
CA. t• ltflsGB; & WAGON AAXECOS.
Menufacturera of the Celebrated
P PPE'rt rk00., Guelph, Out,
Our uplex Axles are all to be had at all the
principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion.
Hand Files.
Consumers will fled it to their advantage
to aelk the trade for our make of Files and
Rasps. Re•Catting a Specialty. Send
for price list and teams.
Hamilton, - Ontario.
$120 Per Day.
Has no superior 1 20 fent per tour; hand or horse
power ; combined boring and rook drilling machine ;
grand suttees ; firet prizes and diplomas. Send for
60 Mary St., Hamilton, Candida.
The Royal Manufacturing Company,
6 Perth St., Guelph, Ont.
Improved Family and Laundry Mangles
And all kinds of Laundry Appliances, Burglar
Proof Window•Saeh Locke, Step Laddem, etc., etc.
Model•Making, Ml11•Wrlghting and Oarpontering
A. nuts Wanted.
c OLD 'V.1 ER
Awning, Flag, Tent & Camping Depot
169 Tonge Street. Toronto.
Pork, Packers, Toronto.
L. 0. Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon, 0. ,C, Dacca
Glaegopt Beef Hama, sugar Cured Ham, Drier
Beet, Br' sat Bacon, Smoked Tongues, Moet Pork
Pickled ongnes, Chem, Family or Navy Pork
Lard to Tube and Pails, The Beal Braude of Eng
ilah Fine Dairy Salt in Stook
nen /5(8
Our Picket wire Pe nee 1s I log it au passes
all o her fences tar strong h, clutarLt y, neat appear.,
anon and quality of era 'meal, Tlil is hot a lath
fotoo, bet a good picket tense at halt the cost, suit.
able for lawns, parka, cemotcnleo, schools, gardens,
orchards, vacant beta, side lines, farm and general
mqurpoeo fence. It le the cheapest lane in the mar.
kat, We Can't bo beat for qualityot fence. Solo agents
Mr the Dunkin Fence !,laking Machine for the Do-
minion of dinette. 1laobinos and Territory for sale.
Send lot Woe mei, 181 hirer St84 Toronto.
.r. , iltt S P ,O l,V G Jv 00.,
NUPs. ..Agt.u. Rg 8 01'
Wool, trzuon :: . r and Damtook
Of now patotme and deelgns, Guelph, Ont..
'rho BoanA, at _Dlreettrt of the Temperance Golon•
isalton Society (Limited) request that every Scrip
Owner this season aeleot. the land in the colony to
which lila scrip entltlee
The resident agent at Morse Jaw is Mr.. John A.
Whitmore, and tate resident agent In the colony l8.
Ur. Thomas Copland, Saskatoon,
J. 0. WHITE, President. -'
0. POWELL6 Manager
Society's) 0011?e; 104 Rlnz et. West, Toronto.
Toronto,' 24th April, 1888.
New Orleans Road Cart IJo'y
C3 -4101T-110, SellairX4.
Winters' Patent Road Carl,
Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, &e.
end fol Catalogue.
J. WINTERS, Manager.
Galt. Out,
Patent Tempered Steel
B ggy & Carriage Gears.
Ulu' "Jump Beet' Body en Eollpeooear meets with
a ready sale, and makee a 'sight, handeomc, durable
and metal oonvoyaeoe. Ridge easy with one or our
passengers, eudphnateed trona a single buggy to a
double carrlago quickly and conveniently. Ask your
carriage maker nor partioulare, Catalogue mailed on
applloatlon to
J.'B. mIRMSTI ONG Mfg. Co.(Ld).,
When say cure 1 do not moon merely to stop them for a
time and thou have them return uguln. I mean a radical
cure. I have madethe disease ol'FITS, EPILEPSY orFALL-
I00.SICKNESS a li fo-ion,;. study. 1 warrant my remedy
to care the worst cases. Because others have failed is no
reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a
treatise and a Free Bottle 01 my infallthie remedy. Give
Express and Post UOicu. 0 costs you nothing fora trial,
and 1 will cure you. address DR. II. 0. ROOT,
Branch Ofcc, 37 Yom St,, Toronto.
Tli lids .
B1i TTEB, 1 t`
Tho teen graft Be ng Pewee,/ Uu, rir,lnitorn Ont
600 Engines, Btlicre, Iron, Wood, and misoellan
eons machines for solo, Far pertlo'tlare address
TI. W. PETRIE Brantford, Oni.
LJNY'r(ON,J4AILE & CO. Galt, "Ont.
00008 Ho&IW
weans. Cu.
reeve re Wagon
Axles, Iron and
Steel Set & Cap
Serowe, eto.
List on application
tARkit kEe,
;$ U L
ANT `r1�
110 K,l1ICI ST. WEST
yRrl v�P�S
Mention This Paper.
Retailed at Wholesale Prices.
Below we quote prices for
Genuine American Watches,
Waltham, or Elgin.
rat up in Solid 3.oz. Coin Sliver Cases,
!fust• proof.
Movements and Owe fully guaranteed by
special certificates, giving I:umber, grade and
quality 0f Silver.
2} oz Open Facie, dust -proof, Broadway -8 8 00
211 oz Oce. Face, duet-procf, Elgin 6 00
3 oz Hunting Case, dust -proof, Broadway., 9 00
3 oz Hunting Case, duet proot, Elgin 9 00
8 Go Bunting Case, duet-pr00f, P. S. Bart-
lett -_ 12 60
3 ee Hunttn Cara d pr o
t Appleton,
Tracy 0et o CoOo 24 50
3 ea Bunting Case, dust -proof, Dominion,
(same grade as P. S. Bartlett) 9 00
3 oz Hooting Case, Peerless Chicago,
(same grade as P. S. Bartlett) 9 00
52 Church St., - Toronto.
Manufacturers, Impertere, Wholesale and
Retail Dealers,
120 page Catalogue, with 1,000 illustrations,
tree on applicatio:t,
.'_"•, .,,Ikc . 1fA:1iI ' i7 rat
cCoiFs Lardillo Madhine. O1t "
Try it once and you will use no other, - - Every Barrel Guaranteed.
We are the Solo Manufatcturers of the Genuine Lardine.
ea" Also Cylinder, Engine, Wool and Harness Oils. 's
Try Our Canadian Coal Oil, "SUNLIGHT" Brand, Finest in thir
arexvraorea18e or-
" L. 11 S.t' ENGINES.
Awarded FIRST PRIZE, 1885. a1 Provincial Fair,
London; Oenttai Fair, Hamilton, and Northern
Fair, Walkerton.
"Grain Saver" and "Peerless/1
"Pitts"Horse-Powers, for d, 6, 8, 10 and 11
Tread Powers, ler 1, 2 and 3 Horses.
Light Separators, for Tread and Sweep
W. Send for IUnetratod and Catalogue Price Ltd.
are not generally aware that
°'isore contagious, or that they
these diseases a
are due to the presence of living parasites
membrane of' the nose a
lining �
In the.Microscopic research
Euittalclan tubes. and the result
has roved this to be a fact, aa been forma-
ls that a Simple remedy
ted' whereby these diseases are cured
4 simple applications
M from one tns three escriptive pamphlet's
made at bomb. receipt of stamp by A. H.
sent free on ret p set West,
Son,806 King-etr
TToronto, Canada.
orn , t ,. ,