HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-27, Page 1LEGAL, H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soil- (titerofSupremo Cour t, Notary Palate Oouvoyanoor, Domtniaeioner. &e. Money to Lean. Oflicoiniranson'sllook,Exeter. MoFADDEN, .Yl • Barrister, Solicitor, ConIeya,nccr, Rtc.,t EXETER, - • ONT.. Ohlee Samwoll'8Block (aall'sold oflieo,) DENTAL.. NOMA "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XIII., NO. 40. C CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., Has opened dental rooms over O'NEIL'S 13ANK, where ho will be prepared to extract teeth without paiu, All operations performed with ease and skill. Gold fillings a speoiality, Office hours 9 a, m1 to 5 p m. ChrAnGios MODERATE. TERMS CASH. H KINSM; DFNTIST.L.D.S tracts Teeth without pain, glying Vitalized Air, or by gthe New Local Anassthe- n the gums; makes Gold gs and all other dental gjrork the beet possible, Rooms Upstairs in SAMwELL'e BLocii, East side of Main -Street, Exeter, MEDICAL ri LUTZ, M. D., V • Oit,coathiaresidonee Exeter. T W. BROWNING M. D., M. C as • P.S,GraduateVictoriaUnivorsity.Omce andlresidonco,Don inionLaboratorv, Exofor EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1886. I14IPORTANT NOTICE S 111 Lfly01,7 P Wishes to announce to the iuliabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out JOIN WIIlrrE & SON (Pat,lrshers and Yrroprtetors SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE Xk®. J, 3aE ARINC'S LA T R NG RY AND PARISIAN BAnGS, Without a doubt they are the most becoming styles otter introduced: Ladies, for something in very fine etylo, such as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga War es, Switches, Puffs, Curie, or Wigs, call on Ike. J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Whore he will supply all your wants in the Hair Line, COUNTY OF HURON EXA.MI NATIONS,1886. Second °lase nouprofoesinal examination at the High Schools iu the County on Monday 28th June, 9 R. m, Third class nonprofessional TIR, J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. 1 . S examination at the .High Schools- in :the O. OSileo, Main St.Exeter,Out, Rosiden County on Tuesday, 6th July, 9 a. m. First plass celaons ere °ently occupied by P. McPhillips, grade alonday,12th July, 1p,m. First class Esq. ,; grades A and B, Tuesday, 20th July, 9 a. in. Candidates who wish to write at either Olin- DRS. lin- (� ti S. HYN U1ViA,N AND HOOPEB,P. ton'or Seaforth must notify D.M. MALLomr, of HurDr on, lle n dman, Coroner r or Licentiate of than the 25th MOaS , statingowhiehoofficf the schonot ols u they wish to wriio at, and those who wish: to the Royal College of Surgeons, E dinburgh ; Licentiate in Midwifery, Edinburgh (Scotland) write at Goderioh must notify JOHN -r . Tou, Post -graduate Student of the University of met ties accompanied at the same dare, The notion Vienna (Austria) and of the Sioorfleld Eyo , the candidate applies fox a 3rd aa fee s well as or a 2nd Hospital, London (England) &c., &c. Special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear andlaes examination, No name will be iorwdrd• Throat. Office, Main -Street, Exeter. ed to the Department unless the fee accompa• I nips it. Forme of application may be had • from the secretary. The headmasters of DR. WOODRUFF, F,• High Schools will please send the applications Permanentlylocated in No. 185 of their candidates to the County Inspector of Queen's Avenue, London, a few doors the division in which the High School is situ - east of Post Office. Special attention given to atod, diseases of the Eye, bad sight, an d tho pres- ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the oar; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness; diseases of tho Nose, Catarrh being a common cause of impai-ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. �ENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for Flay, S tophou, and MoG illi- rray;Townships: Sales conducted at moderate sates, Orrice—At Post-eflice,Orediton,Ont, TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborno and the Village of Exeter. All sales promutly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this 'office, VES MARX• . --.— TE ?'NENT Sr TENNENT, Veteri- 1 nary Surgeons, Graduates of tho Ontario Veterinary College, Toron- to, have op enod an office for the tree, trent of all Domestic '( Animals, on 1lainstroet Exeter. Calls from a dis tnce promptly attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c always Obi 110.0._. MONEY TO LOAN. � ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES tate for thr n & ErieLoan ,t. Sav- ingsSooiety. te.theofintorosi. Apply to ,To,hll aokman,L oter. Funds .1�1° arc Augusti5,'8,, ;{IY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6k nt.according toterms. Private Applyyto B. V.ELLIOT, Solicitor, Exeter , ONEY per cot. Loaning Com{ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6:- t, $25,000 Private Funds. Best tallies represented. L. H. DICICSON, Barrister, Exeter, NSUTANCE, rT1iE WATERL0O MUTUAL ,' ;i' FLRE INSl'iRANOECO. i Estaladishedy�in 1863. IE4 D OFFICE - • 'WATERLOO, ONT. This comxanv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Westiorn On- tario,andoontinurl to' i Sure a'gei�i tloss or damage by Fire,B,tg• 'in s Mercha.ildlse,Man- ufactoriee,nd all ot. ,,t olicripti s aftiusur- abloproperty.Intont t insure s.b:avothe option of insuring on tis ' re4 tf" i:Note or Oaeh System. 'we- t.:' During the past ten y'hars tl+ts corepany has issued 57,096 Policies coveyihig"proporty to the amount of $40,872,038 ; and paid inloss- es a lone$ 709,732,00 AsfetS, 88176,100.00, consisting of Cash n Bank, Government Deposit, and the mien - eased Premium Notesonhandaudinforce. J, W WALDEN Ai D. Pr aside IA. C. M. TAYLOR, Secretary. J.13. TIuenct,Inspector. CHAS: SNELL Agent for Exeter and vicinity, THE ioderoolo�ialRailway OF CANADA. Tito Royal Mail, Passenger and s'roigbt Route between Canada and Groat Britain and direct route betn the West and all points on the Lower , t ,• lawrenco and Buie dos Cha• lour, also t New Brunswick, lova Scotia,* P. E. Island Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping andDayCara rug on through Express trains. Passengers for Groat Britain or the Conti- nent liy;leaving Toronto at 8;30 a. m. Thurs- day will join outward mail steamer at Hali- fax "a,'m. Saturday, Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ac• conimodationat,Iialifax for shipment of grain and general merbhandiso. Years of experience have proved the INTER- COLONIAL in connection with stoat] ship lines to and frol'n London. Liverpool and Glasgow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between Caduda and Groat Britain, Information as to Passenger and Freight rates can be had on application to M11319R7, B. MOOD/E, Western Freight & Passtfngor Agent 99 Ressin House Block, York St. Toronto. D. r0TTINGER, Cbiof Superintendent, ltallway C) to NCB:, 13,1885. GIpq�y Send le coats postage �' ■ and aro3tal send yon 1■ area a royal, valuable sample box of goods that Will put yon in the way of malting More money at once, than anything eleo in America. Both sexes of all ages eon live at hereto and work in epare time, or all the time, Capital totrogttirucl. Wo will start you. Immense pay sone for those who shirt at once. SteiNsoN & Co, Portland Plainoe PETER ADAMSOI,, Goderioh, May 3, 1886. (2t) Soc'y B, Exrs. IIARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its. growth, and will not soil the skin. As a hair dres- sing, it has no superior. Guar- anteed harmless. Prepared by Harkness & Co. London,, Ont. Sold by all Druggis__ and Patent Medicine Dealers. CEN TRAM . ., DRUC STORE A full stock of all Dye -stuffs and Eat Shoo Silop in the corner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o; ordered work. Sewed. work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late l4lanagcr C. Eaorett's Boot and Shoe Establishment, May 14th 84. LTE, TSE HIM MR. WM. LYE is prepared to do CUSTOM TAILORING At IKirktoi . SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made iu the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES; Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and bo convinced that will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. Butter & Eggs WANTED. J. Matheson Hae opeped our in Currelley Co's. Old Stand, EXETER NOFTH Complete stock of Groceries. 16 lbs. Sugar; $.1 Tea,- 25, 50 and 75 cts—Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of HARDWARE. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING `GLOVES (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60c per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. A reduction of ,ri Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Suit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for $7.50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheap. kinds of Our Dress Goods are marked down to package the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the nsark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. LOOK, LOOK Ti10 CASII I. 31b. bar Family Soap .. Horse Shoo Salmon 2 "bars Eloctrio Soap 2 bars Victor Soap 1 box Rice Starch 2 lbs Sago 2 lbs. Tapioca - 3ca cans Iackerl 3 poxes Blacking (large) 3 plugs ,Smoking Tobacco. r 3 " Chewing " (lliicic)' 2u 1 lb. Y. 11, Tett .. .. - 25 ( bars Soap, Erosive, .. 25,M 6 lbs. Rice .. .. 25 3 packages Pearline .. 25 "Try niy TEAS. They eiVe Satisfac- tion. The LIQUOR TEA.—A. Prize with every three lbs. r•. Roller Flour, General Family Groceries, Oranges and Lemons. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS .. 15 cts .• 15 15 1.5 .. , 15 15 - 15 25 25 Drew's Block, South Store. A House and Lot to sell or rout. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. O. Exeter Butcher Shop, R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer -IN ALL KINDS 0I1- MIM(AI Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. LADIE:, GO TO DULMAGE'S pot, STYLISH MILLINERY. GOODS ARRIVING DAILY AT DTJLMAGE'S K.IRKr N. �OOK 11.ERE l Any purchaser of 12 lbs, J of our CELEBRATED 60e. TEA will be awarded a No. 1 Gingham or Print Dress (fast colors.) Factory Cottons at Bock Bottom Prices. 100 cans MIXED PAINTS just to hand for House Painting. GROCERIES,' BOOTS, SAES Cheaper than over at ROUND THE COUNTRY. Hibbert. Messrs. Bradley Bros., of New York Sate, on Wednesday last par- phased from Mr. James Oolquhoun, of Hibbert, a two-year-old filly, sired by “Major," for the spm of206, They report the stock as good in Ghia neighborhood. Mr. Boding, of Goderioh, got $226 Wan entire oolt from the earns horse, and other equally good sales . have lately been made. , Adare, Onr enterprising horseman, Mr, P. Curtin, who recently Bailed for Soot— land, sondeword that be on Thurs- day last shipped from Glasgow seven Clydesdale stallions, being the best to be found. Mr. 0'e. experience in this Bort of thing eusbles him to judge exactly as to what is required here. We will have the pleasure of . geeing them in a week or so. 13rinsley. Three of Mr. N. Corbett's family are all of diphtheria, but the attend- ant phyeioian, Mr. Anderson, con— siders two of them already out of danger. - A fishing excursion took place here on Friday Last in which Messrs. J. Lewis, E. Slack and others took part, The party left Brinsley ib the morn- ing and proceeded to Exeter via the Sable and for fear of their being over- loaded they did not fish going up, and they returned without danger of sinking the boats with their load of fish. McGillivray. Mr. Lintott, one of the much re• spected,pioneers of McGillivray, died at Luoan last Thursday, aged 75 years. Mr. Lintott was In the en- joyment of good health until a few days previous to his death. A difficult surgical operation was performed by Scott Bros., Veterinary (surge liasl, rdet week, on a valuable colt bi ongi g to 11t'r. patten, of the 8th con., McGillivray, which had a natural rupture in its abdomen into which about 40 feet of intestines had been forced. The intestines were )placed back Ifo their proper position and the rupture, which extended about flve inches was Closed by several stitches, and the animal is recovering nicely. I3iddulph . ! We are this week palled upon to record the death of Johh Simpson, of the let non. of the township of Bid- dulph. He departed this life on Sun- day, the 16th day of May, aged 69 years. Up to within a few days of his death he seemed to enjoy good health, but when suddenly seized with an attack of dropsey, he suo- onmbed to it. He had been a resi• dent of McGillivray upwards of forty. five years, and by his industry ani perseverence gained for himself and family comfortable homes; and by his jovial disposition endeared himself to all who had the pleasure of his ate- gaaintance, which was expressed et hie funeral, thffre being one hundred and seventy-five vehicles in attendance when his remains were interred in the St. James cemetery. He leaves a widow and a grown-up family of three girls and four boys to mourn his death. Nissouri. A fear days ago George, son of Mr. Alex. Wood, of East Nissouri, met wit a terrible accident . He was leading his team out of the stable after another horse. The latter was not moving quick enough, and he lifted his foot and touched hila with his toe on the hip. In doing so his feot became entangled in one of the age, which was looped` up to keep it off the ground. The horse 'became frightened and started to run, drag- ging the boy about 120 rude before it could be brought to a standstill. He a•asterribly bruised, for the ground over which he was dregged.:'was n slashing, covere< with lois ,Ind stones. The clothes were torn from Lis body, 3lith the exceptiou of a heavy woolen shirt, whioh gather, ed aroundhisneck and head, and which in all probability saved bis life. He is recovering, A.r.&A. M. The Masonic Grand Lodge Com- mittee on the rearrangement and re— distribution of districts met in Torou— to Iasi week and concluded their business on Friday, They formed four newdistri 1 namely : l os am , y Erie, South Huron, Algoma and Fronteneo. The lodges In this section are in the followieg districts : 4. South "Huron, 16 lodges—God- eriah, Smith's Hill, Clinton, Seasfor,th, Zurich, Mitchell, Stratford (2), Exe— ter, St. Marys, Blyth, New Hamburg, Baden, Parkhill, Ailed. Craig, Lnoan. Kirkton. On the 24th the Union Jack was seen gayly floating over Doupe & Co's. new store and the Anchor Mills. The R. T. of T. picnic talked of for June let has been postponed to a more convenient season, as speakers Could not be procured for that date. The Methodist S. S. has decided to hold a strawberry festival on Domin- ion day. Rev. James Turner, of Don Mille, late missionary to British Columbia and a former minister of the Kirkton circuit, hay been secured for the occasion. The band of the Methodist church hold anniversary services on Sunday next, afternoon and evening, a year having passed since its organization. It is expected that tbs Anderson and St. Marys bands will be present and participate, so that a good time may be expected. It is our pleaaiug duty this week to note the marriage of Miss iiarah, eldest daughter of Mr. B. J. Road- house, of the Spruce Carriage Works, to Mr, Will Brown, carriage maker, all of this village, which ha;,py event took place on Wednesday evening, the 19th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents. Miss Brown, of Exeter, sister of the groom, acted as bride's maid, while Mr. Thomas Roadhouse, brother of the bride, performed the duties of groomsman. Rev. E. A. Fear, officiated. It is needness to add that the young couple have the best wishes elf all for happiness and success. Mr. Wm. Hanna received a very Close pall on Friday Iasi. While en- gaged in cultivating he had occasion to raise the hind end of the cultivator to relieve a clod when the horses gave a quick start, upsetiug it, reach- ing forward to right they gave another bound jerking him ou top of it and also turning it in right shape with him underneath, in which positiou he was dragged for several rode before relieved. An ugly ge,sh was found in his left leg just bedew the knee and another in his right instep, one of the diamond teeth having penetrated his boot besides several bruises, all of whish Combined made him feel pretty sore, but thankful he is., that his in- juries were not m)re serious. Rambler. One would scarcely believe that times aro dull, when looking around the County 80 many new brink resi• dermas, barns, '&o., are to be seen in Course of erection. This may bo an indication that they are to improve. On nearly all concessions new build— ings are being put up. Kirkton, unlike other villages, is making rapid progress in various ways. New buildings are being put up, the people of the village are plan- ing new walke along the, streets, and the population is increasing. The cheese factory, which is controlled young Mr. Campbell, promises t a profitable conoorn for its p Mr. John McCurdy, of Ki has disposed of his two year-ol blood horse to Messrs. Mc° McLaughlin, Thames Road, for the sum of $216. Thi a fine specimen of hors got good notion, and wil fu urs make a profitabl present owners, who k how to rear such stoc Business in the v at present is very Act, which o county of Mid observed in t 1 i, stumpy word, the upon givi many m it is a f drinks;. Mr bree selling is likewis 4 Por+tune 'p''ivoroct Hili". Co,wnius, 0., Nov. 5, 1895.—five years ego I had a terrible attack of vertigo, with about three weeks illness, Physicians did me little, if any good. Extremely nervous' Tired, Pain in stomach. Could not urine at all at Otte time. Had bleeding pile 'Took eighteen bottles of Warner's Safe esti with Warner's safe Pills, Hays not had G K P7 -- r C.+, BAILEY, 30 S, Ninth street, nam or "oho olover have used othe m r eclieino. I eannot say enoughfor p08 N having inside of the post twelve months parried four sopa. A like oo inoidenoe we may safety nay oanpot be Wention04;. elle is a bright bay very rangy,. and ,baa ,a noble appearance, She ie in faot the most Valuable ani• mal among his stoop. Nores,---The formers are done treading. Sheep encoring arta Oona menoed: ,Farmers will soon be dcireg their road work, and' would i4 not be a good idea to glean up eomn pit the old lege audroota and rttbbiat, that is strewn along, Idle eider' of the voted ? Some farmers, we are glad to• say only a few, are in the habit of trim- ming their orchards and throwing She brush over the fence on tha,road. Why not see if tins ie according to law?' A goodly 'number of 'farmers have plowed and levelled up that part of the road between the ditch, and the fence, and it adds very much to the general appearance of their fermi. We are sure that none of them repent having done it. We see that a few farmers leave their agri- cultural implements where they were Met using then until they would need them again. .HERE AND THERE. News Condensed The orangemen of St. Marys, and neighborhood intend holding a pionio at Kirkton on July 12th., We understand that one of the resident clergymen started a fire in his garden on Sunday night last to keep away the frost. We have not heard how it worked.—MetclielU'Advo- 01110. A clergyman in Staffs offered to assist another with revival work, when he was politely told "that he had better get converted first him- self." Christian like, was it not ? The corner stone of a new Meth- odist Church In Mitchell was laid on Monday by Mr. Warring Kennedy, of Toronto. Rev. W. C. Henderson, M. A.,, of St. Marys, conducted the services. The church is to post in the neighborhood of $10,000. . Bev. Mr. Pascoe, of Exeter, also tools part. Callander Bros., of Clinton are in, financial difficulties. The "firm' ,has been apparently doing a ,.good busi- ness, bnt unexpectedly found itself in a deep water, and a meeting of ` the creditors was held last week, when 'a statement of affairs was given by Mr. Callander, and a committee appointed to go through the books. A. second meeting was held when some under- standing was arrived at. A good many rumors have been afloat for several days, with the general result in such cases, that the reports are worse than the facts warrant. Lia- bilities Will be in the vit+inity of $2,500. The cause of their present difficulty really dates back three years ago; at that time they met with a loss of some $2000, in the North- west, from various causes. They were thou advised by their friends to make an assignment, but they thought that by hard work and economy they would be able to pull through, but their expectations were nob realized. A meeting of the directors of the, DIminion Draught Horse Breeders' Society was held at the Ratteubury House, Clinton, on Monday of last week. Considerable business was•' transacted, looking towards more per - feat organization, and greater purity of the entries for the new book, and it is the intention to call a general meeting of farmers, breeders and dealers from all sections of Western Ontario, just before the haying sea- son, to discuss the work and its ob- ject, and adopt such further features as may seem desirable. The Society is now incorporated under the sta- tutes of Ontario. The farm of Mr. George Woolf, of West Zorra, four miles north of Campbell's Corners, was visited on Friclay evening last by one of th most terrific o clo through Da