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The Exeter Times, 1886-5-20, Page 8
INSUR ANQE. PENEST h,, ,l.tfO'T �3 ' M. F „s...i ,, F•11r: t1'19S'd'i ttN: ASfitnt NQ I cceI� PANT of'ermitet.lalsoter tinel#kTCellelei1` Jl• IIiISi7Ii4NGI;COMU1ANY,eteiolidoe. and, the li0'yAl:2 0 A NA; England, T?IAIe of eSte AN see d - the 13;LtIQ'ISJ[I 1'7AIk'11$I!1 Iii ' l ,et,SS P 12V of 1;ouctoe, eon V A2the CC,> , ) size e at Assets over *5,0 0 ,, nbo 1ses x,0,00 Paid, over w1000000 0; elevate tient bonuses 0> ✓ `Teeehers' Convention. LGCeiD �'1Y5, -Ik e shall 1 `The semi -auntie' be happy to re. annual meeting of the care , eats le times, • I3u • t County, t r s, front any part of the li d'etiel3bu jag her T1 a o'z.ow i and urtty, ?iorree it focallaublio sollool , , n the f news, such as ac- den. building bore, rogrannue has cidents,or any xnterestfnp (irked zthe following day, l goad h r ever, front crftr, o f our IfR G what 1 beenprepared,pz g awwa bels J • subserfbers or read. Dr, R n i e, of t those who will ars genera?' for the meow o ' telco part is D. Ronnie, of Exeter, erten, f public- read' " e, who Nis n paper on o I , Sloe , 1 Hygiene," 1 0 n Y e. J T' l This . - napes will be of .dine to school teAauer_ as Its unite necessary that they shoo d thorou 0 be (y/�J�,g7 (� d �y 111. EST '. � !�!�`��F 6 .b* 3'170s•�ed 'On the L '. 1 1 sibo t la, o Z1�? ther E. �`�. � to e r1 e will 11 1 also take part, Everybody eve as _ __ cordially invited to attend. Cu r'riday oven- ---.- - Eng at 8 o oloek, in the ,1 'aiu- t Motile - THURSDAY, scot Methl>= ', MAXMAY 20th, 1080. dist Chlirel Wm. Houston, Escj,; M. A„ of _ Toronto, wih deliver a lsetuCe on "The TExCNNTs t'crline for tlrstinsertto �~ the Assohool ciation. the Stara,,, under the auspices of OTfR CANTS per line for each usert1 ueut in cal s ozatlou, A variety of olloioe muei- eIt' , Ion will b0 aha se ct le zap x of s. so D will sic be tidorend s a ,ere t ea 'o byf this I rIn creme, Pthe ou' E united n e1 d heirs of tics. Presbyterian and two Methodist Churches of the village. The public are oar- �� - dielly invited to attend what ' • AL HAPPENINGS, be a bight), h i struetve en g y znterestizig and instructive on- tertaienzeut, Admission free. Strauglee. Mr, Richard Waddien, of Usborne, last a valztabie twO,yeenold colt on Friday last, ft scozns that while putting the izaltaz• on fire animal it became frightened at and jumped i to Manger, something, � th Sian it e dnanoot, in which' post; remained until strap =lad �16Q t , The oft was valued a to dsnth Just received at the Central Drug Store, a fresh supply of Hollebbre dad Insect Powder rsrevetles Goto O. A. `ayndman's for Allin's Prize The prooession hero on T,oniato and Cabbage Plants, promise of being somethingthe ense gives $carlatt, the druggist, has ordered Tim roller rink closedfor to re dal r will be e gf sufor supply of Paris green, rvllich will arrive in sou one week frees Saturda nim tee sea - dem timethe execution of the potato bugBig- fish stories are again be' g t, May 29. me family, forrk the place where to procurof whtoh are rather am sib Ing told, some the 6 pure exam when red,uired, Mosquitoes are in seascu. The last idea Without exception, the best and cheapest CMoa jran brought 'em around. lines in Boots and Shoes we have as s pony, Tel died very suddenly seen, can now be lead at O. Eaorett's, Clift , on • Thursday evening last. It was a posit drens Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys' ' Several of dux villagers Bicycles of all sizes, Men's!land-made Boots; days' fisbiug excursion to the laker on two also harness, trunks, valises of every desorip_ They report the last weak, tion constant] on hand.F catch Y Call and see them. llggs of Dor/zings weigh moderate] ounds 12 ozs. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods, per score, Leghorn eggs alittle over 8 pounds C. EACRETT, t> and Spanish eggs 2 pounds 14 ozs. Carnival. F' are so plentiful iu some parts of Ca. Tbe last grand carnival of the season will p da that in order to tell a first-class lie the be held in the roller skating rink on Monday s J. Boa n has to swear hewas didn't vetch any, evening, May 24th. There is 'a good list of deboye last weeks °f from an Attack 01 sickness. Clan - prizes es for competition, The band will be in He is again on the road, of azakness. attendance. The 5 mile race for the medal now held by John wail, champion of Huron, picnic The Masons of ley ther intendtp holding a will be interesting. All should go. Admis-b gginn Portof August,g latter part of July sion, 10 cents ; skates, 5 cents extra. or beginning g .',Phos: Hankie, who, it was mentioned last week, reeeided injury from a kick by a horse, Large Egg. is, we are pleased;to'state, prop Last week we published an item concern- under the care of lJr. Brownin=ressini nicely ing an egg which was Iaid by a hen belong- •The new PresbyterianChnroh at H ing to H. Mosher, of West Williams, weigh- ing is 4 ozs., and measuring 7i-x6i. inches in circumference. Mr. W. Bissett, of Exeter, has a Black Java hen which beats this rec- ord; it laid an egg weighing '5.ozs.and mea. tomiringsizsknow who has a fowl Mr.Bissett out tb at this. .be A Handsome Present. A oanoo oapszzed en Piollard's pond Tues day evening, If you waut to buy Oortstzit the -or yr zin a farm or liouso e r eperty list ie another eaten). A sheeting of the l o - �b mal (,ousoepa ' tit 13 '0` eA- 9OE tipn of �,xeter toole�, Place s Spacltenan'e of2f ee an .F ' I o zu dire John rzday evening fast; at which there ryas a good reprosentation. Be- sides transacting other important business, a number of delegates wore appointed the annual zueetiog of the North to at- tend dieser Assoeiatien at Ailsa CrainHeid, day last. }; ou Tues. Messrs. l, Roberts and W. J. Alar will a lIo general 'store About June 13th, in F'aus ��� blocks'liotli these gentlemen have had long experience in' the business, and aro well and favorably known in feud around Exeter, Roberts arts having been in the employ of Mr, Jas. Pickard for a number of years, anti Clark kept store at l'looresville for fifteen Jen years, Look out for their announcement. m nt. Norlrtb Association. 1 iatllesex Conservative A n aloe 1e gloisuatr ; to CUlCL1>,• u, metered from fey had pltailed ill itis hat n n East ate Iuissieutar the Por l omstryanbast vegetable remedy for oto s , ed• a of a alnil>le vo lure 0I G'Oti,enl tion • 0edintio, en re, cure r of andnsouohttis, La t . rh alt �g x A 2 throat 8t 1 e eal enref Mery us also tyaa tivo:tsztdlradioal c:tire for Nervous Debility t kill Nervous Oompieents, after having tester Iit s wonderful curative powers izt tizoueands of cases, has feltit hie duty tomakeit I0 QNn to tfis, Actnetectby thie mot' his sufforine feolo and a desire to relieve human 'sail0riu •,Ivo Bond free of cbarge, to ell wit 6 1 will OTIQE.--- Tee An -.7,'ee,An u tun e Ie eti ors, 8O Co, will /Wen SalthWerke be Eloc11 lu told it c Bloat ,at7i5I�yI'icitliral'a , 1t >t.Tal', gist of May, at 7,301,t: m• n.gAltLTli•G,•Sec^;etary,' PBOPERT3; LIST. OTSIQ1 JIE CUUItp or Bu.n for the i OWNSElp of STll will be Bele inGi' ut's I tr UTNE day, the 25t1. fayinat, at1OOt}0n, A,ov rti.OS who have arty eamplttintsregtiiillue thAll ein fla• sosamonta will thou be hoard, WN - C, POUT', TINl:OI1' 11:1 NOTICE r IcIL r .a o T,—Tae -�•�„ ., SIIIC OP US11gItN10,`..Notic ' it Ger . an 0 LYl'IN Li Til + given that a Court of lie. i, i t is hoses. 'znairecipe, x rn ,1ron. o rioszre it, tbis.�. '-_, e lixeter IIOtel. a Y.9 on of t diroot, ta,fter xo eh or l=ix)t;ifan, Witll full A ?to near tits Exeter tU men rodlop the O'owuslri >' o the assosa- ibyaddressinge1r 14ring and UN 110. Sent A1}p1y to I, CAll I ; 1tai2rvad Station, yoar1$ O tr+111 bo held t tz P TTsoarnv for the ivith by L zXG, y,i e2 tbd ytvn a i0r o»stamp, . Sou thinISbo k lir o tem .rho k dt hall, LAnv A o N x n s14 OY4 , o at Y o Nor' t f 1t isI3o a ^ C7• Y Cock, RIchester, , uxj. r0the leans of tett bbem lc iv the forenoon. ' � �u s;AIiE _oro person or persons having btrsiizoss at the y ....."""*""""-----------12"^-- -- the S, lot Township ACRES, dream will oyez t said. &uvicnxoRloT .^ "*."--- CoI {{ lots, frogovern 880, olvesOlerk, l eend ver - night and br l ziz zt®, deo you tut e l iron, Smiles fro r 9f 'jsboree, tiSlY•. fi b feu of y disturbml at aleaioc , batance tiwber: to 1 serer; 45 pores Usboriro May ' W. IeoLSCAN, el r y .ii rest bya su 'ea•161 u and crying bleak child frame barn 00• the promisee, so A e aring Y 4tl---- , Goode, 17limvitl0. gutter? y S with pain of Cutting .or5har cif c two neve - If so sena at once and get a bottle of fit d 1 hoose frau he se and "Mrs, i'yieslotv's Sootltiug Syrup" for a ,tog wells of water, Th ytiro ne ver- CURB Fort Q r 'i've cL N'o/ Teething,.Ira value' ei examinable. quality and fit good o sell is pl excellent ' S relieve the ainable. It will limiearoer, Proprippor,. condition. pp Apply to aEn cuRE �Q Y Effervescent Seltzer Teoeud upon pour mottle s; ther immediately. no ike - -____ about it, 2 n Il, mothers ; there is no mistakeQN{{��'° n n R pe,'(eft �. It cares Dysentery and rotcea, ''ABM:FO 1i �I if ATJY. regulates the stomach and Petrels, sure R ,SAL °' ••- `1'lle !'l au bt • colic, softens stomach (su s Wind snbsarlb.' Ugaut ethos Ion auzs,reducoeIntiammstion, ship Of Pad re fol balelzot ex Co , f I L'ti r� "J'�\ plea to ;14Pecloixrwl i0r2tzilthqbfas Ivest ow's Spot �xn^Y to thelvhOlosystom, south p ?diddtilph, RTiddleaex (e Ov' ivn FLRA41 form 0[cioi• no,"Mrs, n . . o hing Syeep" for ch # Ll Aterou tize Lon 0 miles P, % ducto11z 1 , ti g<lzse0lvedILs aur ire a u _ _..vseri r n .l I . ... atI 1 ar -4 N e.to !lr in ts a ,o h 1 t ©culo litxai zo issia �zYRsttioattnoeof0, of Liffe y mme .a I e l-* r T 1� y ens snot nurses in the Unite coed barns dud atttblos,' and brtolt house; �L L, z Z 1 reaommoxl e `' pest" StabOa, and is forstLlo try all dr d onYoniOnt to schools won watel'od ,.._c...,....._______, ±�" �- slat Ph it I :our ce wentY live o x er part oula • es o oa. `9A � ' liable'ysIclrt •: a..re- too. B0 euro 'and a ents'ati'�at- }TOOP, zs apply to T •p d sit foe Mn AR,carbo: r ii' LLIAisI o CZbbXe Saossr o Sx s, �vrxaLot u euzieos, �F R i F Iomo . 0e^iCon= stiPat ,.W In. i ea: t __ , tion, • urs rye '&pant, ourosPiles o e ((� , sTalt u ick-Headac bar 0ache' cures tlad ANL e cures Liver„ dui. plaint,, our Sick Sto, • act a $; n d ehl g t lir e y ssl . DYS s 1 P�r+pp t G C he �x t71� cI A etDr • aoi n. to should be found in 0veryphoueoholdtau cal! rind by every traveler, ,sold ej dregefsts ev. TIME 007:7170/Zo 67'Uwhere, of the Corporation of The CQV�T TY'QF11 �'�,ON Wimimeetinrho OOt7IZT ROTUSE) GODE1IIOII, on TUL SI?AY, . Tl 19 5 1 x dr don 0 o JO atlullai meetin Of t g P asant to the t t e soros oIeared d itoad 100 ttcras ltliddeeen Liberal Co g h6 NO.rth ,ekualeph sxo oldest and be t I w 1 drained good gtaEioq was held ee°- nservative A nt Aitea Craig, on out tile world 1'rz t uggistethrough For fu th chuzclies and t IIT ' `Tuesday. There was a targe rep're. 1 ?lt?S and take 8entati ve an from every municipalityno other kind' . the' utea of the for lowing gentle e e eeted office s a ,.t Oe Pr1aF Wnea t... ••,-, ... 0 eJ`PO 82 bearers for the ensuing tsarlo to Y ear Y 0.73 ---Pr ' e T tl Fox, + a ohn o ars 54 to 0'78 0l0ver Seed ,,, Time •a Timothy Peas •" ' In ridlag. After re d' - I a tag 'the tin- MARKET RElPI)RT Wer meeting, the fel- I (Ciorrecteeat5o'omoolKeau. Wednescla . idea war l Ealtrviiea i y Luoan, Vio9-do• • . Cal. Goodman Parkhill; seat'. J. W. Orme, .Lucas; Treasurer, B. Stanley, Lunn. The following gentlemen were appointed as eouveuers for 'the different municipalities r AilsaCrai,' W. Walker; Biddulph, S. Hodgins Exeter, Dr. Rollins; Lucan, T. Dight; Lobo, A. Gray; McGillivray, A. Robinson; Parkhill, W. M. Robinson; Stephen, J1, Eitber; East Williams, John Milligan; West Williams, John 61e0doneld. Judging' from the re- ports of the delegates of the different man' lc t l a ' 0 I �lit' n i oled1' 1 ' x n Xorth Middlesex, is certain, beyond a doubt„ of soaring a pouch greater victory in favor of good government, by elect- ing as the representative, a supporter of the powers -that -be at Ottawa; they also gave, an encouraging mania of the prospects of redeeming the riding e Warned Carmel Presbyterian Murcia./ l for the Local Legislature. Eaoh 11llessrseWeekrs Bros,, of this place are to delegate promised to support, for' cut the inscription °tone for the edifice, bout Houses, the roominess of the Monday next will be the 24th of May, a onvention; gala tray iu Exeter. This will be the first lt'Toved by Dr. Rollins, see. celebration of the kind held here on the 24th by of May for, • James A Yatie m a e8 , s. fifteen Ma (teen years. Harr, that .his take Association, in Mr. E. H. Fish's barber shop has been re- convention assembled; take this papered and fixed up generally. ft has a opportunity of tendering to the .1)n_ Mr. George Holman has shown us a bean - and clean appearance and will compare minion Government the assurance of 1 favorably with any city shop. neat oil painting of his Iittle daughter Jennie, We understand that all the merchants ' who died last March. The picture is about town will close their places of our continued Joh confidence; of assuring half life size, and was painted in Boston, 11. the 2 1n our chieftain, Sir John A. ab bee Wiz b, This painting, enclosed in a beautiful the 241o' o that farmers comings too town n of our hearty gratification t ratay fids ' • gilt a wag tion 86 theira antt his I asproduce8 ' a1 'c r present to the be_Anew with them, proved health; and 'of congratulritin reeved parents by their brother -fn -taw, Mr. with 24,000 ngvords,dic lona whis o Joseph Orr, of Ancaster, It is without doubt on having the last word comma out the government an its magnificent a timely and handsome present.are ever bent victory an the "Kiel isa once. d should tsubscribe at q9� and ire It 1s said that a comet %s come glorious majority of ninetyfoor.. Personal. :.._ .. with 8 tail 1t, a come s coming tins way Carried. Mr, Robert Holmes of the Era Cline ought t i enough ,000the -brig' Tins Moved b ton,Mr, R e a call on 1 the New Era, while Henry James' tuges doe stophs a assertion n that , y W. Uon, that t secondedm- en a mission to lfirkton,--Rev, Mr. Tbomp- 1latenee. x " by Andrew Robinson, that this rtt9eE- son,ofHensall, occupied tliepulp. in the tag, ittoconvention atisembled, would Presbyterian Church on Sabbath evening, property on Main -street hfzompn147has d th desire to take this opportunity to ex an d Mr. Br dun d preached ea P In the mor press ee paying ate , g #o p r a oar R 8 ev Mr , I entire liar ' good suCo tm m.n b' 141confidence emu rde a . Ono g way attending the sepal property was sold b s per- OoughIin Es a in T funeral of his brother at Mount Forest. -Mrs. +Saturday: He intends ley public auction on his general course tree d our apprEt� vel el' John Trick Heade, and of his diligent exertious on behalf ot: our agricultural and manufacturing industries. us ' trt es. Carried d unanimously. Short to addressee 9118 e8 were given by 7,r. Rollins, of ExeEer;•Mr. John 'Morgan, Weal) Williams; Col. Goodman, Park. hill ; Mr. McKellar, Lobo ; Mr. B. Stanley, Lucan, and Mr. W. `Stanley, reeve of Biddalph, when the meeting adjourne4, until the call of the Pres',. dent. Cheers were given for the" Queen, Sir John A. Macdonald, and T. Coughlin. Esq., M, P. for the riding. The meeting throughout was char- acterized by enthusiasm and unau- itnity of feeling. The Ontario Gazette contains the following' announcement: James_ Noble, Stratbroy, to be police magis- trate for the west riding of the county of Middlesex. The youngest child of Mr. Dodge, blacksmith, Gordouville, a boy about a year and a half of age. who ,was etandiug near the kitchen stove' ap- parently quite wall, fell suddenly on the floor and was observed to be`gasp`.'' ing for breath. Ere soot- afterwards expired. Re had got a pea in his' windpipe. • , or e' Harry` Elliot, the elcest'soo of Latex-Thoabove report has been eon- Mr .Jae. Elliot, of firmed. louse incendiarism. warwIak; died" recently of lock,jaw, Fre was play Mr. George Sleanton, of Usborne, was in ing fill a field, • *hen he tau a town the other day. Re is now 84e later age_and is as active as a man of9. Last: knowledge and apt the fact from` the summers lie could cradle and mow as many) festered acreaiu:a da parents. ,The soh' advertises his s the most young men. Ile i summonedn t was when found that itanR were column, sale is another nothing could b is life. Wr. W. Trey e e ark aClark, rk P til is atpresent in Windsor visiting The bankrupt stook ($1,102) of . 3. Reed - her brother, Mr. Wm. Treble, who is serious. ding, Zurich, was sold at auction Tuesday at ly.in.- . London by Wm. M. Moore. Itwas,purebased • b N. Y J. Hooper, r of Pr F , Exeter, et et er our Emit. S reit , for _ t69 cents ante e don dollar. This the timtoeMr. fight the earCLIU0 by Thos. Dearing last weak purchased , spraying the fruit trees. It is now found lot on North -street, from Mr. J,a that the spray remedy is not only effectual for the sum'of $150. Property is Howard, against s rondo, but is equally fatal to the hands quite frequently around that corner. canker worm, codlin moth, and tent cater- Guess the Salvation Army won't erecta bar - pillar on the apple trees, and in fact the tacks there, whole tribe of insect pests. London purple Both teams of firemen are in tolerably is better and cheaper than Paris green. golf e. good condition, and the hose -reel race to a pound of purple to sixty gallons of water is take place on Queen's ltirthda ' plenty. The purple should be wet like paste fore be close and exciting. Y will it to before p Do net fail t to patting it in the barrel, and then come t and see this among numerous oth- lt will mix easily, and not float:on the water. er attractions in Exeter on that day. 11 does not settle in water as the green does, $10,000 in cash we would like during next and doesnot need one person to stir it, two mouths,, and if you've got the money, Banton Bros, are prepared to give you better Free lilasonry, value than you can get on a 12 months Our worthy townsman, Hr. G. F. reek; so come along 05511, lively, has ur promised us n seriesHr.G.of articles Dyer, oBwill make things go. lively, we Free Masonry, which will be published from terested in he followinen and g Ithas been be in- decid- week to week. The first Nil! appear 'next ed by the courts that ifs partner of a dlssoly- week. We think the articles will be perused ing firm neglects' to give notice through a with pleasere by our subscribers, as he has newspaper of a dissolution in partnership, he acquired his information from history, Ur. is equally liable with his partner for all debts D. also observes that if the Order of Free contracted after dissolution. .Masons had existed amongst the ancients it 'would have been mentioned by contemporary MANY PERedxt esuffering lfrom liver Cough P Y have imaginedionbthemselves victims of ,con• writers. This argument, however,,for the xeeency of their origin is far from being con- gumption, 'but have been enteral elusive; for although it is allowed byy restored to all that by means of Warner's safe cure. 1 ree Masonry has existed in England for at It was reported here yesterday that the `least 400 years, yet the Assoeiation is never residence and post -office occupied by Mr, once mentioned in app of the histories of Shoff, licenseire early in CIandeboye, sas England• destroyed by fire early in the morning. to the time of this writing we have heard Talk up the Town. ' nothtng-ns to hot. the fire originatedth If every man in Exeter would improve his amount of the los opportunities, and'never permit an 00055100 to pass without saying something good or favorable of the place, there would be no estimating the good ho could do, We can maks no better comparison than that which follows the throwing of good seed. broadcast in the wind. It 1s borne hither and thither ; some will fall on barren spots ; others will. fail by the way side, never to bo rooted ; others' will fall upon minds anxiously looking ,about for locations such as ours, and attract them sufficiently for them to come and see us, and settle down in our midst, Our town consists of men of enterprise, capital and in- dustry, but there is room for more, Talk up the town, speak. a good word for it when ever you can, and good -results will certainly follow. tz marry season. 1, The pronsised May cold spelt presented it- kelf last Sunday, bringing a fall of the mor: 'ottr, to several degrees below freosing point en Sunday night. Cousiderablo drip age was done to'tba'fruit and barley but,^: notwit1= t nein a til.. is neck calf vegetation is still in ad, angio of the' average, and if "Jack :'[`Yost" eel clot again breathe on them the fruit and Dun SC 6r eta e boa • h wilt ,r pall throuoll, Taking t`' all through we bevelled a beantiftil spring, T I alrtlt n and t a• Ido . n gardening g o eratibns have i o o bean zo tel fv tri g She d Y 1 during the past 9t 1 month, and from what we can'leatn, seeding is about completed, if wo retnember rightly, the pings of 1873 and 1878 were still earlice, nd iu bot n years there was an abseur° of Ito frosts. In 1878 C5 bola 1 p 1 the indica- " Y, ttclica- fon etirly stimmbe realised, and the A temperance convention will be held in a done to save h' the town hall, Clinton, on >a'riday, May 28th, North-Western raids lway the to thelom and commencing at 10 o'clock a,. m. Everytent: railee the ay ache of de d13j40 have been issutsi`l by the t perance worker ,lir the county is cordially in• vited to be present; as matters of importance are to be discussed, there should be a large Ili dwh018 amounank t London, England. atteaclnnee from parts of the county. four days. snb80tlbed In days. The Steamship ('Ontario," of the. y Appleton, Tracey 44c Co corn nater .. Flourperbbl, 030 to 031 70 U to 175 to 5(; 053 to 050 058to000 010to010J 32t0014 00 to 565 otafttoes,per bag ,,. 00 to 0 00 APP1es,perbag• 40 to 0.50 DriedApplespr•b ` " Geese per lb. ., 0 5 toxo oa Turkey per lb 0 00 to 0 00 Dueksleerpr •• ... 0 06 to ,0:08 Ohiokens per pr ' ••• 0 40 to 0 60 Eogs,dresaed er100 ,• 5 25 to6 25 Beef P •• , 5 50 to6 00I Eldesrouhg, .. 5 00 t o 00 " seed ... "' ••• 6 00 to 6 00 III Sheepskins each 0 00 to 700 Dalfekine 0 50 to C 57 Wool perlb ,. •„ 050 to 070 as '• - o l 1 toa er 8 y to P n tlaionsuerbush ••• 800 to 0 00 WOodper cord "' 0 50 to 0 75 - ... 250 to0nol _ALLAN LINE ROYAL NAIL STEADISSIPS. Summer Sailings and Arrangements via Quebec. Commencing with Extra SS Cir f May, to be followed by caslan from nebee or. Liverpool direct n 14th NailRte a 6 .a mr Po mail myialan Thursday,2othMay, Extra " Parisian Thursday, 27th May Mail ,, Sarmatian, F'riday.4th Juno Extra " Sardinian Thuxsc5ay, lOtb June E Mail n Circa ssian Friday,16th June Mail " Polynesian,Thursday, 2410 June ]tetra " Paritian Thursday,IstJuly. Mail Sarmatian .,.P,tiday, Oth.Tuly Mali " Sardinflsn .Thursday, 1510 July Extra : " Circassian Friday, 23rd July Polynesia Tb • . ozs Ma da Mail Parisian r Thttrad y 6tt uy (Note) -The . ext • " "extra" steamers do not! Aug. y Interreediato and steerage cant' g passengers RATES OR PASSAGE--I,Iy.EEPAOZ 6R; LONDON- nEhnY,-Cabfn, $00, $70 and $80, according to. accommodation Sm. Tants in Cabin, 650. In- termediate, $30.E Steerage, S20. Return Tick- ets, Cabin, 8110, 8130, 3150, Intermediate, $00. Steerage, X540. LTVERP00L DXOTOT.•-$y Sarma- tian, Clrcaseian or extra steanrere, Cabin; $5e. and $60, according to -accommodation. Return Tickets, 50O and SI10. These steamers go di- rectto ' Liverpool. Through Pi 11 Im an Dr awe - n Roes in m g and as Cars b Moon- ing g e r tw between 1 To• Toronto so sengers can be booked by andtmer to Quo Quebec elandsiaud 1#. desired-passing oft the tile swrenceeQby daylight. t amehips'-at Quebec -free of all expense. The cabin plans o the Peruvian, Circassian, rca viaeset eto.. �, as o ., have r been altered. ired s noThe now Saloon aloe amidships n hI e on P these steamers, mor Cabins a insand d are so arranged as to be also in the best position to avoid the :notion, For Tick eta, etc., apply to 3. SPAC$1vIAN; Agent, Exeter. t Passengers andtueirbaggage are put aboard he Ocean Sbe THE Bigigest Reductions Yet ON 'WATCHES We don't allow anyone to be lower. in prices than we are. We offer the following bar- gains to you'for the next 90 ele ms Mail Steamships ;; bout midnight on Friday opportunity of visiting the Colonial Exh bat of people a wedre killed and injured aiana to Kenna, nd tion. Apply to Capt. George Kemp, agent, p'- p Exeter, J d 'slid At the recent .Assizes 'at Stratford °befor Mr, Justice O'Clonnor and a jury, the ease of Urquhart vs. hteCtlish was tried. Our readers will remember ser that --'McNeil and McInnes were. arrested ith two t end tried before tlzo late ,john MoDoneii, ,i, P., for ass cult an a ho u . qb br 1885. They woo all committed. for trial a d, IVIcI`nnestvws completed to jail, but the other' two got off: This action was brought by Ur: alt art to • nrecover Vel damages false imprisonment, naAfterorhetari n tt he evidence C tli oItis tonne e d' a o Line n# Royal Dominion A Montreal on the 2nd Juke siwel at sail from another destructive cyclone wept Montreal on Dock -through to London by rail, through the Western States, extend. Cabin passage,only, This affords front Waltham:, .Mass in a Solid Coin Sliver Case; $23.00. an lmmeng0 amount of pr arty l And dad S Bartlett in. Mass., has taken upthe V case of trio seizure G'a,Sf1t fat, 2,00. o f. the destroyed, i, op eia The American l'isliery Union, of a Solid Coi11 Gtouotieter, David schooner J Adams on behalf of ber owner, er , an dtwill l fightthe matter the bitter end. ,Gila 1 sec Iiavatovn, Miss., t Aug. 13, 113,L11886. -Pour 1 lsmzssol the. Soars ago, from a fall frotn my carriage • ryas tinusuail lana with costs,avithout lotting it go to he. action lcidneye and bladder became badly diseased. Let us with o sy wit o u 'Telt &t Cnmo11 jbl'y. Physicians said ray recover: wa aeasoli natty b0 els fa-�plff's. saliritors; 15It, l3, ir,' ' were Took seven or eighty s impossible« the date., the lvtocru. lles. Elliot tiered fpr cure, and it battles of 4Varndr's safe CA1tLOP has saved my life, --ANNA. Each Wench Warraatcd for rive Years, ANI) ALL, OUR: OTHER, Goan.. AT GREATLY DEDUCED PRICES. Watches, CIoclis; add Jewellery Cleaned and Repaired ptomptiy. TEOS, FITTON, FARM FOR SA.f.1E4 The sub• scriber otters tes• sale the the north half of lot 30, con. 13, Pownsbip of East Wawanosh, dotinty of Enron, containing 100 acres ; well folioed ; a geed stream of water from a never - fruit trees; a frame bbaisk orchard of house; PO 90 acres cleared* auk be rn and log house; bush. Price $4,000. and seeded" down balmiest , thfrds oat*. rt, atUo. given any time. Apply fir To: Stewart, cattle.' Buyer, Winnham,ort o J, Matheson, .ev17, o ARM FOR SALE. --The subecirib• er offers for sale Eo acres, c! land, more or less,being the North Half 01 Lot A„ in the 0th cocession Usborne. There are on the land a frame house, frame bare, and horse stable, also a small orchard and give water. Tbe eroperty is pretty well fenced and soil of good' quality; s.'tuate( 8miles fromExeter, 7 milds from Granton, and 9 miles from Liman: Pos. session given after harvest, . Terms: f pur- chase money cash ; balance to suit purchaser. Apply JO$N CORNISH, Eltzuviojo, ■ ■ A Z AXLE ..,E BEST IN TBE WORLD! G R EASE •pP' Get the Genuine. SoldEverywe rq -- ADVERT/SEM by addressing GE O, P. R OW - EGL '& CO., 10 Spruce -St., New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING in .American Newspapers, IBS -100 -page Pareph,et, loo New Pump Factory JOHN SWALLOW •Wo of the sur respectfully ownships that inhabitants op- ened a N ew Petal) Factory in J. SOUTHCOTT'S OLD STAND, 11tAIN•sT•, EXETER, OPP. POST -0E7100. Where he will keep on hand; all kinds of Pumps, which he will sell et moderate prices REPAIRING AIRI NG A SPECIALTY. cIA L TX, THE FIRST JUNE NEXT, All accounts efe the second day of meet must meeting. May2010,1880, PETER ADAMSON, Co. Clerk. Has dome, and the result is a large Increase Business -WITH- J.Doupe & Co. GOOD CHEAP GOODS, LOW PRICES AND S U A Y Q I: AL ING -TELL TUE TALL -- ells and 0isterus contraeted for at reason- t HIGHEST PRICE able prices, and work executed with despatch FOR EGGs.eli BUTTER SATISFACTION GU9,ItAI1�TERB. I At poUP a, ao's, JOHN SWALLOW, I{ ALING rt BLOC. _FOR Spring d Surnmer . Goods General Dry -Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Ottoman Cords, Nuns' Cloth, J6rsy Cloth, Gin gha Lawns, Plain and Spotted Muslins, Printg ms, . • s in endless variety. '' t'�'. XtL,� �� i)::'ale ,) ,1 Stott, r a;. It We have now on hand a choice lot of Millinery, Colored Ostrich Plumes. Fine display aemark• and ably' Iow Priced Gents about to purchase a 'SPRING OUTWIT I Would do well by callingand� � stock. Suitings in Worsted, Scotch our large and varied Tweeds. Our Pantings ar"SimplyIm Canadian InHats, Ties, Scarfs, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Braces and Socks we have a fine ' ��yy Display. Wef�.:7r 1'� O M S.. take the lead for Style and Durabilit received the finest lot of Shoe ._. y We have justand 'Gemas' ,• , Shoes--bin Ladies' Weal=-tl j,t we ever offered, at prices that':wjII surprise you. Give us a call, We will false any produce you; nitz Y offer, and will give the It, ides price. A call solicityyed HURRAH, HURRAH 1+/Olt THE PAL1VZILY c*nOoLay China Cup and SaucerGiven Away With E ERYP0UN.1 ofBAIKINGPOWDER pm:chased chased a Gt. ate,. , ' "NDjyr ''' : .