HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 108*0,1eit1r4Airtovirf,41-41-f frN.41"4rtit'tiqre - • CORD0THITRSPAYOUVY 74* .4 ,the Legion In Clinton to many Of eitiaella,„and even tO Annie 01 the mOrObers Means the large white hall whit* 341244495 Kirk ,S,tteet. It is perfect place to go in the evening to socialize, play • cards, darts etc but to many Legion members it means much more. ••in—the initiation Of a new member part of the ceremony which is read to the candidate is "the :Principles and Aims of the Legion". The last paragraph reads, "The Legion shall stand for strong and united 'comrades _among alt those who -have served so that their welfare and that of their dependots, especially the dependents of the disabled, sick, aged and needy may always he safeguarded". "Mat is Legion". Following WOrld War 1 it was realized by many of the returning veterans, that in ander to -receive - the recognition and assistance which they had earned,.they must organize in some way. As a result the G.W.V.A. (Great War Veterans Association) was ig;unded. This served as .the liaison- between the veteran and the government for a amber of years: however.; -there were certain born leaders in the British Empire including Canada whir felt the G.W,V.A. was not strung enough.and in November 1925 ata "Unity Crinference" held in Winnipeg the "Canadian Legion" of the British Empire Syr% ice League was birn. January 10. 1929 was THE DAY for the G.W.V.A. in Clinton. That was the &Ay the charter was issued ;iind,,Branch 140 became a true, Menthe.* of the Canadian Legion Branch 140 remembers the G.W.V.A.. but has never looked back. Charter members of the newlY-formed Branch 140 were (nu ranks 'shown) - H.B. Combe. Dr. J.W. Shaw. M.D. Mcfiaggart. ILL. Turner, G.M. Cciunter. M. Agnew; 1.1... Lucas, LC. Harrison and F.O. Ford. For the sake of remem- bering. Ihe following is the list of presidents of Branch 140 taken from the plaque in the Legion Hall. 1929 -19301-C-cd.H.B,Combe 1931 - Dr. J.W . Shaw 1932 - 1933 - G.M. Counter 1934 - 1935 - Dr. F.G. Thompson 1936-1837- 000/%0 Mardeck 193$ -1038-4.L.Nea4 1944-1941- Alex . lladdy 1942-1904X. Cornish 1944 - 1946,1T.G. Scribbins 1947 agerge Wilson 1948 McIntyre 194941.1t,flawkins 1950- R,M. Irwin 195/ W.Klngswe11 19$2 -LB. Streets 1953- F.M. McEwan 1954 - /C.C. Cooke 195.IM. Counter 1956 -1,V.J. Denaturise 1957 - D.F. Andrews 198-A,S. Leiborne 1959-C.C. Proctor 1960, LE:Dale 1961 - LE. Graham 1962 -.ID. Thorndike 1963 - H. McPherson 1964 - K.W. Colquhoun 1965 - R.D. Fremlin 1966 - E.R. Porter 1967 - W.J. Chambers 1968 - S.C. Freeman 1969i- 1910- P.M. Brown 1910 - 1971 -H.M.B1agk 1971 - 1972 - Harry Crich 1972 - 1974 - G.W.A. Campbell 1974 - 1975 - 1. Hoggarth. Under the leadership of these ,tssmrades the Branch has progresSed front a few members of the G.W.V.A-. to its present membership of approximately 200. The "Legion Hall" has moved many times since -the Chasmr was issued. The first. meeting place was the Library: the pastime clubrooms over what is now the century restaurant on lloron Si. The next move was to rooms over the old Bank of Montreal, then to the building where Chapman's Barber Shop is located and finally into the "volunteer built" hall. the corner stone being laid by the late Dr. Shaw November 11, 1952. Many discussions such as "remember the time" have taken place over the years and this is the spirit that keeps Legionalive. • Branch NO. 140 has had only one presentation of the Meritorious Service Medal. This was presented to the late Comrade Doug Thornlike for service above and beyond the call of duty within the Legion. Branch 140 also have had Zone Corn. 'minders m thepersons (Attie late George Wilsonthe late . Doug Thorndike. Doug Andrews. and •• • • Bill ChaMbers; it has also had District Officers In the persop of the late D. Thorndikwand Hank, Black, both District Poppy Chairmen; The Ladies •auxillary * Branch 141 wasgranted its charter In November 1932 and has proven a m_almtay Or the Branch since the day it received its charter. The Branch has found it necessary to thank the ladies many times and to this .day we still say - "Thank you Ladies Auxiliary'. As the years passed since the end of World War 22 Canadian Legion found it necessary to • adapt itself to the present day Society. At the present time new type members are being ac- cepted. the fraternal ,affiliates - Abase who far reasons beyond their control were unable to join but are 1.40$on minded; 4nd now the associate roetribers these are sons and daaghters of Utica, members, Or sans 41140anghtera Of deceased vetenms. The hitter members WIIISOnte day "Take up the Torch", and carry the Legion onward,' as "old sweats" cannot live forever. Dominion - wide, Legion has adapted quite readily to a part- time service club, Hockey teams, ball teams. scouts. guides, brownies, public speaking. essay contests and others are a few of the present day activities being. sponsored by the Legion Bran- ches across Canada. There are other community activities also in which the Legion is showing much interest community centres, swimrning pools, parks, playgrounds etc.. are a few that fit into this category. Clinton Oranch 144 is very pleased and prouel'to take its place in the ..COnimunity, put realiZes that Viithout the!. corn - facto confidence and` atWtance of the citizens of Clinton this would he iropossible;There is no better time than Centennial year 1915 for ClintOn Legion Branch 140 to that* the citizens of Clinton. alt of us members - or- dinary, associate and affiliate for their trust and cooperation. May we always remember the solemn obligations we have assumed as members of the Royal Canadian Legion and remembering them may we ever pray: . "Lord God of Hosts. Be with us yet, Lest we forget. Lest we forget," • , Compiled by Geo. W.A. Campbell Lock Cree is shown delivering groceries Orengell's 'in the early 30is. Bab Casnpben now tic- ..upies . Clintonian. Club marks On November 28, 1951 Mrs- Maitaret fitiinV McDonald in- vited around ten ladies of the Clinton district and Mrs. Good and Mrs. Smith from the Goderich Club to organize a Mary Hastings Club in Clinton. Mrs. Smith the vice-president of • the Goderich Club gave some pointers on how to form the club. Election of Officers took place and Mrs. Margaret McDonald was unanimously elected as President; Mrs. Connie (Wilfred) Colclough as first vice-president. Mrs. Milton Wiltse as second vice-president: Miss Clara Harrison as treasurer. The Clqb was named the "Good Neigh- bours Club". later changed to the "Clintonian Club". There were around 40 members with an average attendance of 27. Sewing was chine -; pyjamas- and nine layettes were made for hospitals: quilts were made and once a year a quilt was made and tickets sold and a draw made for the lucky winner. The Club sponsored card parties. to raise money for the club, and an annual -banquet was held in November. A- pot luck luncheon was held at the Christmas party. and each year a picnic held in the month of June. A bus trip was taken earth year. The members enjoyed a free bus trip to the Mary Hastings picnic each year at London. The Ctub has helped needy families; donations have been made to the Blind. Muscular 24th year. Dystrophy. Salvation Army, and the Cancer Society. Two large lams- -were_heeght and presented to die Clinton Public Hospital, We have made donations to town projects; send flowers and treats to shut-ins at Christmas: visit the sick and send cards -to the sick in • Hospitals. The 1975 officers are - president. Mrs. Leona Lockhart : secretary Mrs. Edna -(Harold) Adams; treasurer. Mrs. Viola Lampnian. A "Dutch Auction" is held at every meeting at which' Mrs. Pearl (Frank) Cummings is the auctioneer. A mystery prize is given at each meeting. lunch is served. and a social time en- joyed. By Mrs. Harold Adams. . , mete* curial!: Altivrazt. ovr. The Baptist Church in Clhtton on Huron Street. Opal Jones nyis firsi head of Eastern Siar, Clinton Chapter No, 266, Order of the Eastern Star. was instituted on September 8. 1951 with 93 Charter Members. The first Worthy Matron .was Mrs. Opal ,fones and the Worthy Patron. Mr, Sidney Jones of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Thompson, formerly of Parkhill, now residing in Stratford, were instrumental in teeming this Cher. • The Chapter meets the first Thursday of each month in SL .„ Paul's Parish Hall. Clinto. where it hate met since it was formed. The membership at the present time is 120. The Order of the Eastern Star is a Benevolent organization. Over the past years our Chapter has supported many community projects. They have furnished a room in our local hospital. as well as contributing to tbe Cardiac and intensive Care one of our own Eastern' Stub - projects is the assistaace we give students in training for religious leadership. Maxine Aiken. Secretary /