HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-20, Page 5st , li10:Li1 XOU1aCO. ilararsione, Md. 1885,• -six months 1had,� a liver disorder, Caused great indl;sposithoil, and yellow blotchos on my face. Doctors' remedies diol me no good. After using Warner's sato cure. I have iigt one symptom of tiger trouble, ora blotch. on my face.— H. l). TIIAY.EIZ, 503 Lexiugton street. NEWS NOTES. of an Interesting Character. It ie oetiuiatedthat the !oases by hist Wednesday's tornado in nine counties of Ohio alone will aggregato two million dollars. It is understood that Lord haring• ton andMr. Chamberlain have agreed upon a course of action todefeat the Home Rule bill, and also upon their future policy. The Orangemen of Australia have cabled the L yalists of Ireland prom isu to aidllieui iu their endeavours to prevent t,Uo adoption. of I1:[r; Glad– stone's Irish measures, Prof. J. W. Robertson, the Govern- ment 411tierintendentof Dairyiug for the nntatio Agricultural College, delivered an exhauetive address on the proper handling of milk, and the most approved methods of making cheese, at a meeting of cheese makers held in Listowel last week. Mr. Roberson contended that the best way to salt cheese was as far as pos- sible to supply the cows with plenty of salt and have the saline element supplied to the otieese through the milk rather than to the onrd. .-*+. Blind Drunk. CLEVELAND, 0., Oe . 30, 1885.—A few years ago, I suffered intensely from uric, acid poiaoning. Would become totally blind blind and stagger. My friends repeatedly thought:I was drunk. Took twelve bottles of Warner's safe cure and am well.— GEORGE F. RIDGEWAY, ex -deputy sheriff, 98 Murison street. THE CANADIAN ExinerrloN.—We. have received from the Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, the High Commis- sioner, a Dopy of the official catalogue of the Canadian section of the Colon- ial and Indiian Exhibition. It is a very haodsonie volume of 300 pages, Svo,, and besides having a large map completed up to date, is further illustrated by a page showing the arms of the Dominion and of the provinces of Canada, and on the coyer a plan by which the visitor may see at a glance the portion of the gre t,build ug which the Canadian section; couples. The work ocntains a list of the commission, information for Canadians—also valuable to. others; notice to intending emigrants; an ietroduotion to the catalogue; an index list of exhibitors, and the cata– logus. Tlie work is beautifully print- ed, and is issued for sixpence. The pride will not pay, but its cheapness will induce great numbers to purchase` it when they come to visit a section of cue ole most spirited of our oolonieeeriiid which covers nearly as much space as the exhibits from _India. The Canadian officials have thrown heart and soul into their work. --Western Mercury, Plymouth, Eng. Presbytery of ttlu,ali. Iluroil Presbytery' met tib. Loildes. bore on. Tuesday, May 11th, et half past ten, the Moderator in the chair. There was a large ttttend.uioe both of ministers and elders. Mr. Duncan Buchanan, Knox College student, applied to Presbytery to be recommended for the first year le Theology. In view of the fact that Mr. Buchanan, though not hav- ing spent the full time required for the literary ooureo of study.. had yet passed with lin exceptionally high standing all the required examinations with one exception it was agreed t0 ask the Assembly to recommend him for entrance into theology, with the understanding that the remaining subjects of the literary amuse be also taken. ere lie Huish. Mr. John Young, Colborne, graduate of Queen's College, Kingston, applied to be taken on trial for license. After examining, him andfinding all satisfactory, it was agreed to apply to the General Assembly for leave to license. A call was presented frotn Bruce - field congregation, largely signed, in favor of Mr. Simpson, from Knox College. After hearing Commission - ere, it was moved that the call be sustained and transmitted to Mr. Simpson. As some doubt was eater- tained whether no had complied with a regulation of lest Assembly requir ing from each student six months' labor in the mission field, after com- pletion of the ordinary course, except- ing when a corresponding period had been put induring the winter months of the course, au amendment was offered to hold the call in abeyance until advice was received from the General Assembly at its regular meeting next month. This was 'voted down, and the Dalt sustained and transmitted, several members recording their dissent on account of the above doubt. Provisional arrange- ments were made for ioductiou in case of acceptance. The report of the delegation ap– pointed to visit Berne cougregatiou was given in. After a long discus• Sion it was agreed to postpone fur- ther !lotion until next nleetiag of Presbytery, tend oouusel all concerned to pray to the great Head of the church, that in his providence ,he may open up the way to a satisfactory solution of present difficulties. The report of the Committee on statistics was received, and ordered to be printed and distributed to the families of the different congregations. The report of the convenor of the Home Mission Committee was also received, Mr. Pritchard, the retiring convener. thanked for his services,. and Mr. Musgrave appointed Con- vener for the ensuing year. The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Goderich ou tale second Tuesday of July, at 11 a. m. MARRIED.. BELL—Arms-esAt the residence of the bride's father, Hay,` on the 12th`inst., by Rev. S. Acheson, Mr. R. B. Bell, of Stanley, to Miss Lizzie,' second daughter of Mr. T. Dick. Four naw Government telegraph , -. offices have been opened in tee North- West Territories. Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your mouth in the morning? Do you stiffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biliouaness ? If so, Dr. Carson's Bitters will cure you. Try it. Your Druggist will refund money if not sat- isfactory. The St. Marys Argus says: -There is probably no town in the Province where the proclamation regarding Arbor Day by the Minister of Edu- cation was paid less attention to than in the tree -loving and tree plented town of St. Marys. The school yards are no less like cattle markets than they would be had no Arbor day been declared. They are as treeless, as rough, as uninviting as any school yards in Ontario. Tho Quarteily Official Board meet- ing of the Hensall South circuit, was held at Hensall, on the 10th last. Matters pertaining to the future work- ing of the circuit were lengthily dis- cussed, in a christian spirit. The ;,connexional claims havebeen' well. sustained during tip year ; the mis- eicinaty collections show a large crease over the previous year. The eer, Rev. J. Ball, was cordially and heartialy invited to remain for a third year. \? Mr. James Miller, of McGillivray, met with a heavy lose Wednesday night 12 inst., by the ' death at Cred ikon, of his well•known first -prize imported Clydesdale stallion, "Sandy Scott." Mr. Miller's loss at this season of the year is at least $3,500, "Sandy Scott" being one of the most popular Clydesdales in this section of the country. He was imported in 1883, and was five years old this spring. ea` No Conn No PAY. —E. Scarlett, drug- gist Exeter, has secured the agency for Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure, and is prepared through the proprietors to give this very liberal inducement, i. e., "Procure from our agent, E, Scarlett, druggist, Exeter, six bot- tles of Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure, for which he will charge you 55. He in return will ve ori a guarantee, signed b * himself, to g Y g , g 3 , the following effect : If after using the con- tents of the six bottles, a cure is not effected, return the six empty bottles with your signs- oro written across the label and also on the tuarantee, When Mr. Scarlett is instruotcd'by e to refund the 55 paid," DIED. MURLEY.—In Usborne, on May 17, John Morley, aged. 29 years, 4 months and 12 days. Interesting Items. Ir 18 THE undivided opinion of the medical world that rheumatism is caused by the acid condition of the blood, the taking of cold, exposure to inclement weather being merely the occasion of its development in some pale of the body. Its especial liking is for the joints and the sciatic nerve. When Inflam- matory it attacks the entire muscular 'sys- tem, and is very dangerous; painful at all times, daugerous in many, the Person afflict- ed with it should give himself prompt treat- ment with Warner's safe cure and Warner's safe rheumatic cure, two remedies which have no equal iu the world for -clearing: the system of the acid elements which are the only causes of the rheumatic condition. Hookosett, N. H., May 18.—Frost was discernable this morning in t towns. Never drug the stomach with nauseating and weakening expectorants and opiates; ,Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is pleasant and reliable in its effects, and sate iu all ,throat and lung complaints that, if neglected, end in consumption. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle. of Shil'oh's Vitattze>'' It never fails to cure A FORTUNATE ESCAPE. Mts. Cyrus Xilborne, Beamsville, Ont., had what was -supposed to be a cancer on her nose. She was about to submit to a cancer docter't,treatrnent, when elle conclud- ed to try Bardbcit Blood Bitters, internally and extornally,r a few bottles of which entirely cured her. Major-General Sir Frederick Middleton, will shortly leaye for England to spend a few months there. TITAT 'HACKING COUGH can bo so quioklycured by`Shiloh's Cure. " We guar- antee it. Solcl by J. W. Browning. Rev. Samuel Rose, 1). D., Christian Guar - diem and evangelist, Toronto, bad sovoro and painful trouble,'erysipelatous affection of limbs, tried the best medical skill without suocoss. Giles' Liniment removed the Rolling, burning sensation ; effected a cure. Trial bottles, 25c. C. Lutz, Control Drug Storo. ror lame back, side or chest, rise Shiloli's Porous Plaster. .Price 25' cents, Solcl at Dr. Brownin's Drug Store. g g. CATARRH CURED, health and Sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector froo. Sold by J. W. Browning. MoGI1EGOR dz PARKE, of Hamilton, Ont., are the manufacturers of the greatest healing and purifying com- g g P g pound known for Soros, Bruns, Cuts, Scalds, Salt Rheum, Frost Bites, etc. It is called McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Bo sure and get tho genuine McGregor & Parke's Carbolic, Cerate, sold at Dr.Browlring's dritg. store at 2t;c. a box. 5 1"real Yenie 7 tiow eases of cholera 00(1 3 (loathe aro reported; groin Berl 21 new cases and 0 deaths. S11401I'8 COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It Dares Consumption. Sad by J. W. 13rowuing. A'USEFUL tII1`l. a the 1 c a s U•olioway's Pills. --Nervous Debility,—No part of thoi human machine requires more watching thee' the nervous systoul—epee it hangs life itself, These Pills are the - best regulators and streugbiionerb of tho nerves, and the safest general purifiers. Nausea, headache, giddiness, numbness, and mental apathy yield to them. They clispatcli in a summary manner those distressing dyspeptic symptoms, stomachic pains, fullness at the pit of the stomach, abdominal distension, and overcome both capricious appetites and confined bowels --tiro commonly accompany- ing signs of defective or deranged nervous }ower. Holloway's Pills are particularly recommended to persons of studious and sedentary habits, who gradually sink into a nervous 0,11(14(141 -dated state, unless some such.. restorative be occasionally taken. SEIILOH'S VITALIZERtifs what you need` for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizzi- ness, and all symptoinsof Dyspepsia. Price, 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold. by J. W. Browning. Tim Geese Sounon of Consumption' and many wasting forms of disease, is scrofula lurking in the system. The trio specific for this condition is found. in Burdock Blood Bitters ; that medicine purifies the blood and builds up the enfeebled frame. The earnings of the Canadian Pacific for the second week in May shows an increase, of $51,000. WORTH REMEMBERING. There is probably no better relaxing remedy for stiff joints, contracted cords, and painful oongestion, than Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It cured Mrs. John Siddell, of Orton, Ont., who was afflicted for years with Don- traction of the bronchial pipes and tightness> of the chest. It is the great remedy for internal or external pain. Mount Etna is again in a state of eruption GROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bron chitin immediately by Shiloh's Cure Sold by .1. W. Browning. A SECRET FOR THE LADIES. The great secret of beauty is pure blood. Eruptions and all blotches That disfigure the face, may be quickly cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Annie Beath, of Portland, certifies that she was cured by this remedy, after suffering two years. Paris papers say the expulsion of the Orleans princes is imminent. Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure is no longer as experiment. No cure, no pay is the terms on which it is sold. Money refunded ifr not satisfactory. Ask your druggist about it, then buy it and take no other. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible congh. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold. by J. W. Browning. Scott's .Emulsion of Pure. Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosp11tes, Possesses the remedial; power of these two valuable specifics in their fallest degree. Is prepared in a' palatable form, easily tolerated by the stomach, and for delicate, sickly children, Emaciation, Consumpton and all- impoverishedconditions of the blood.is `un- equalled by any other remedy. The christening of Qaecu Christina's son will take place on Friday in the Royal, Chapel, It;n y be useful for' the roador to know that 't1 a popular preparation known as Efagyar 's Yellow Oil has proved a soyereign remedy for deafness, many certified cures being on record. IIagyer's 'Yellow Oil also cures wallas, pains, and lameness, and may t3liDE MPcFLK: be use internally as well as outwardly. It is said that the C. 1', It, folks will con- C7" T L E S street divisional building at Kamloops, 1 ., C. 1MPORTAl4T TO OWNERS OR STOCK, tafiElielfiCi dFTGR u' A. CARD. To all who are suffering from ibo errors a indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early' decay, loss of Manhood, &c, I will send a receipethat willeureyou, ,GREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send a soif-ad- dressed envelope to REv.TOsnra T, 'max Station D, New York Olt LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE R'Y, GooxGNolcra. Express Mail Freight London,depart ...7 55 Aai 4 50r, M. 6 05 A.rr. Exeter ...•........ 9 13 6 08 9 35 Hensall 0 24 6 23 10 Kippen 9' 29 6 29 10 Brucefield 9 36 6 $8 10 25 Clinton ....:9 55 7 05 11 30 Londesboro00 11 7 28 12 00 Blyth 10 20 7 32 32002a1 Belgrave .. 10.35 7 47 12.50 Wingham arrive 10 50 8 05' 1 20 Go1NGSoura, Express Mail. Freight Wingham,depart 7 20 A13 3 10 r.01. 10 20;A.ar Belgrave. . 7 88 3 30 11 23 Blyth 4 54 3 46 11 47 Londtsboro ,....:8 02 3 55 12 00 Clinton • . 8 28 4 16 12 4o 8 42 4 35 1 10 4 43 1 25 1 48 1 40 4 50 2 35 600 530' Bruacfield Xippen S 51 wenrall 8 58 Exeter 013. London arriz e....10 30 his and adjacent. EXETER auseatin POULTRY YARDS. W. G. BISSETT, PLYMOUTH ROCKS,- BLACK JAVAS, BROWN LEGHORNS and HOUDANS NO. 1.YARD—P. Roche ; •Cockerel, score 03i; 4 Hens, average scorn 92. Eggs WO hail set- ting, NO.2 YARD—P. Rocks; Cockerel, score 91 ; 4 Pullets, average score 90; Eggs $1.50 per setting, • NO.3 YARD--B..Loghorns, Cockerel. score 03; 8 Pullet's, average score 99; Eggs $1 per set, ting. NO. 4 YARD—Normans, Eggs $1 per setting* Those birds worn all scored by Mr, Jarvis and won a good share of prizes at the Exeter Poultry Show, r.'dne trio P. 'Rocks for sale, MACKINAC. no Most Delightful SUMMER TOUR $class steamers. Low Rates. Tour Trips per Week Between DETROIT MACKINAC KINAC And Evers, Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque 1lSactiinac,ss Illustrated. Contains .cull Particulars. Mailed Z'reo. Detroit d Cleveland Steam Nee. Goa C. re, WV ire, OM 0,. GGN.'FAoo. AGE., c,1:1"1;014. MICH. QUEENITC'LfC r p 'l F. 9 8 At Toronto. Every Darrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used, rii ell machinery dui lel t1e Exhibition. It Has beer, awarded SIK COLD j111n1)ALS during the last three years. ., t'See that you get Peerless. Itis only made by SIIMVzz, 0q 'i we a Co., sioncastirc FOR SALE 13Y TAS, PICKA.RD, Linimnt Iodide Ammonia I iron liND aces in Cattle, Spinal, Bfeningitis, l+ound- i. � Removes all Unsightly Bunches, Cures Lame or, Weak Limbs, Sprung knees, Spa. s in, Ringbouo, Quitter, Windgalls. No stable should be without it. Railroad, Mining and 'isxpress°empanies all use Giles' Lininient,and ui trio great racing stables ‘if 13elmout and Lorillard it has achieved woad - dors. One trial will convince, Write DR; GILleS, I3ors 3485. N.Y. P. O., who wiil,without charge, give advice on all diseases and also on the mauagemontof cattle. Sold by all druggists at see, and 81,00 bottle and in quarts at $2.60,iu which there is _great saving. The Liniment iu white wrappers is for family use; that iayellow ter cattle. t�LDS' IODIDf0 AMMONIA HORSE AND (TATTLE POWDERS. Used by all the reading horsemen on Jerome Park, Fleetwood, Beach, Slioopehead Bay aucl Butl'sllead. Never dissapoint,are Tenni, Al- terative and Diuretic, Destroy Wormat Cure i4digestion, Colic,lOots, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Pone der, Piuit-eye and Rheumatism. The dose is small and the power is great. The Powders are Guaranteed and. Purchasers Failing to Obtain a Cure Kelley Refunded. Sold by all druggists at 25 eta, per box. C; ILUTG, Agent, EXETER,ONT. JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER CABINB r -MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY ODESORIPTION. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture e is un- excelled. t GIVE DTE A CALL. S.ALT! SALT! SALT 1 81, TI3E Er CETE . Sall Works Company Have for sale TEN HUNDRED TONS of SALT suitaUlpurposes, Agricultural offd erlestic AT $2.50 PER TON :A call respectfully so- licited, Apply to T. 13. CARLING, Secretary. WE— ANNOUNCE A ARRIVAL OF -New Dress Goods-- Albatros Cloths, All Wool Ottomans, ' All Wool Nun's Cloth, s:,n1 Prints, Sateens, Cotton Crapesr Gingbams, .Embroideries, Oriental Laces, Valenciire Laces, Torchon Laces, Dentine Laces, TWEEDS. Scotch Tweeds, Scotch Pantings, English Worsteds, Trish Serges, Canada Tweeds, Collonades, - _PAPERS New Groceries, New:Field and Garden Seeds, Call and inspect for yourself, you will not be importuned to buy. Samwell C. SOUTHCOTT & SON Have recently received a choice assortment of Worsteds,Scotch � r Canadian Tweeds in Plaid and FOR SUITING. ALSO A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT O1' Pantinq in Stripes &Checks. Work made up in the LATEST STYLES and a Sure Fit Guaranteed. GIVE- US A CA_i. Lt. O. BOVTI'ICOTT cf4 SOFT, Tho Exeter Clothiers. RENOWNED . REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMIAC'H, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitate?. Constitutions, and are invaluable in the Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are priceless THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bed Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It. famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF TBE CHEST 17' HAN NO ICQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Glandnlar Swelliugs, and all skin disea it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints itactslike a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Taoaras HorLowaY's.Establishmeut, 78 NEW OXFORD STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON; also by nearly every respectable Vendorfof Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. 10., 2s. 9d 4s. 6d., 1'is.,,22S., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d, size contains three times the quantity ofjthe is lid, 'size ;the 4s.'6d. size six ; the 11k, size sixteen ; the 22s`size thirty-three ; and the 4 the 33s size fifty-two times the ctu..ntity of a smallest Boxes and Pots Full printed directions are affixed,to each 'Bos and Pot, and can be had in any language rte' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they . are; spurious. W ILLTA.Wit DREW Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. I have Just received a Car Loacl of Now Stylish Furniture and I am SELZi=NG A.T COST For the next SIXTY DAYS. It will be to your advantage to call on me before going elsewhere. REMEMBER THE PLACE, ONE DOOR NORTI3 OF MOLSONS BANK. WILLIA.14 DREW. E=titer Post Office Time Table. eIALI,S ABnrvi 1 cnosE. ifirktou, Woodham Winchelsea andElirevillo ,.. 4.00p.m, 10 00 a.ni S outh,eas t and Wed, including London ,Iiamilten Toronto Montreal, Manitoba,Unitod States, English andforefgri mailys .. ... 0.15a.m. 8.15 a. in. South, east west Te ... 6.45 p.m. 4.15p. to North and east, including Godmrcil iVingham,,ltlncardine and all points north, Stratford, Toronto, iltontroal, and Eastern States...- ,,, •.. ...1C.15a.nr North cast,ct:e ... ,,. SaroptaTuescla3s ThursdaysaudSattiidays ONEY ORDERS Issued and paid on and from any Mono yOrclorOMee irithoDnmiareaofOtinatla,Grent11 itafl : andireland ,f3ritish Newfoundland, Italy, Australia, Neiv South \Vales Tasmania, Nor Zeland, France au Algeria, the German Empiio, sweeten „Norway, lDelnuark, Iceland, Bolgluir the tt'othrlauds,Switsorland, Anstria•Ituugary, Roumania, United Status, ,7amalca and Dar baclos• POST OFF LOE SAVINGSBA,N7f, Deposits will be received at this oilieofrom $1 to $300. Depositors obtaining the Poa maser -General's specialpermissioilecu deposit 31000. Doposits on Savings Bank accountr caved frout, l) a,m. to 1p.m. Interest et4 per cent per annum will be allowed Oil ell deposit.' CPI to i ui o. "LSO .m. 7 1' urafi m73 Otltco ro 1 , Lettersintended for registration must be posted 15 minutosbotoro the dosing of each mail 8,15 a. rt ..• . 5.80 p.in, 5.30 p. na 11,00a,in. 10.00a, in. ,OOnam 1000 am •f,v , y y N B; [t i particular roquostect tlattllo'sohclera of iiaattoi• tv,lt kiucll slid rho uanies .. s,rho Onuutios to t110 addresao_,C D.30ICIS, Postintoter Plicka w