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PAGE 2CIANTONNEWS-REcoaroinntswor, any 24, 1975
• The WOMell'S Institute is a
world wide organizatien; and the
Clinton Branch was organized in
1905. with Mrs. D. French as first
Pesident, and Mrs: Watt as.
Secretary. The Clinton Institute
held their meetings hrthe homes.
and later as the membership
grew. they met in the Town Hall.
every three months. They had no '
committees. just the President,
Secretary, Treasurer and the
Vice Presistents. Oe year later
Mrs. French was County
President. She and Mrs. Cam-
pbell. Mr. Bailey and Mr. Tom
McMillan formed branches in
Blyth. Wingham and Londesboro.,,,
itOte- 110 been he
The theme of the
organization is 'For Home- and
Country, for in love of Home the
Country I= its rise'. Through the
foresight of the founder ,of the
• Institute organization, Adelaide
Hunter Hoodless. back in 1897,
the membership has increased
until now it numbers in the
thousan.dsis world wide, and
accomplishes many things.
In 1923 while Mrs, H. Jenkins
was President. the pillars and
gates at the cemetery were built
and donated by Clinton W.I.
costing 5900.00 In 1928 the Town
Hall stage was decorated, and
stage curtains purchased at
$300,00. The Institute helped with
Red Cross and Red Shield work in
the war years. In 1947- cut stone
pillars were built for entrance
to Town Park. These were
donated by the Clinton Institute.
In 1947 when the Federated
Institutes of Canada celebrated
their 50th • Anniversary, each
branch celebrated in some way,
ours by having a banquet. when
Mes. C. Sturdy was president. In
1957 when the Federated
Institutes of Canada celebrated
their 60th Anniversary, the
Clinton W.I. had a banquet when
Mrs. M. Batkin was president.
- Christian Churchfounded in 1948
It was in the early spring of
1948 that the first Dutch im-
migrants came to this part of
Ontario. Soon these people were
visited by Rev, Chas. Spoelhof of
Kitchener, who was sent out by
the Christian Reformed Chinches
of the United States .as a Home
Missionary to help the people
with their troubleswhich were
many at first. Itilost, important
though was to find a time and a
place to Worship.
After meeting several times
In different private homes. the
Presbyterian Church board was
found .to share their church
budding with us. The first wor-
ship -service was held in the
basement of the church an Jane
20. 1948 and conducted by the
Rev. Spoelhef.
Soon many more immigrants
located in this area. and it was
(tecidct to ask "Classes** of the,
Christ an Reformed church for
perm .-sion to formally organize
as 4 congregation. Permission
was franled ond on November 20,
1949j our little band of wor-
shi ors heclarne known as the
Cli ton Christian Reformed
Church. On that day the Clinton
C.R.C. had 172 members: 57
communicant and 175 baptized
members. Voting .by ballot (only
the men could vote m those
days)., . for elders and 'deacons
resulted in the following brothers
chosen fin- elders -Mr. 14-. Reamers,
now deceased). Mr. john
Gael ter t sr. ) and Mr. .1. DeWeerd
,(wlici later that year was killed in
:4 tragic traffic accident). Mr. C.
Deilaari and J. Westerhof were
elected for deacons. Also that
afternoon two weddings took,.
place ("Goodness knows whey
, we might see an ordained'
It certainly.
was a 'busy. butf3r1appy-tif-.-
iernixirt. We were able to meet
quite regularly with many
visiting ministers officiating at
our services. since we as yet had
no pastoraif our own.
Our gran great so large that
some -of them met together in
Exeter and started a
congregation there.
On July 27. 1952 it was
decided to call together with the
Exeter group. Rev. G.J.
Hoyterno from Monster. Holland
to come over and be our pastor.
We hid heard him preach while
he was visiting in Canada and we
liked what we heard. He was
indeed milling to 'come. and on
Dec. 7J92 he was installed by
the, Rev. Glitter of the London.
Ontario area. During the Summer
we had bought a parsonage An
Joseph Street. Clinton which was
all ready for the Rev. Hoytema to
move into when he arrived with
his wife, one daughter and three
That Fall two acres of land
was purchased— in Hutlett
township as a future church
In June 1954 the building .of
the church started on the end of
Princess Street E. and on Dec. 3.
1954 the church building , was
dedicated. From that time on we
have two -services each Sunday.
Nummeetings have been held
by both the young and the old of
the congregation ever since.
Twice our Church building
proved to be too small, as many
more, immigrants moved into the
Area. The first time those who
lived in the Blyth area started a
new congregation there.
Just a short time age another
new addition became necessary,
' to make added seating capacity
for the increase in membership.
Several pastors have served
our congregation during the past
years. With gratitude we
remember the Rev. G"...1.
Hoytema, Rev. L. Slofstra, and
, G.J. Heersink.
Last November we could
celebrate our nth Anniversary.
Several of the former pasurs
were able to take part in this
special service and could testify
of God's Grace in our
It is our hope and prayer,
that we may continee-to worship
Gad in Spirit and in Truth, and
that He will continue to shOwer us
with His blessings in the future as
Ile has done so abundantly in the
To Him be the Glory and
Honour forever.
Compiled by Mrs. Cornelius
70 yea:
And again in 1972 when the
Federated Women's Institute
celebrated ..their 75th Anniver-
sary rif the founding of their
organization, Clinton held a
'banquet when Mrs. Popp was
president, and at which time we
had the resume of the Institute
history for those years and when
we had the District President fo,r
West Huron, Mrs. Gaunt, and
Home Economist Miss Hunt in
attendance and taking part.
The Clinton Women's
Institute have also donated to the
Wading Pool in the park. as well
as the Arena, and also the Rides
for Residents Van for HuronvieW.
We take our turn in entertaining
at the Huronview Birthday
Parties. We sponsor 41,14 work and
provide volunteer leadership..
Also we assist with the Hospital
Cart one month each year. We
raise our money by. Teas.
Bazaars. card parties, and
donations. Short courses are
available 'through . the Homo
Economics branch of the
Department of, Agriculture and
are an Eaucational factor and
are appreciated.
In 1947 when Lord Tweed-
smuir was Governor General of
Canada. his wife Lady Tweed-
smuir conceived the idea of some
organization. preserving , the
history of TowiLand Country for
posterity, and since the Women's -
Institute stand for Home and
Country, the Institutes were
chosen to take up this project;
and so.in 1947 Clinton as well as
ether branches.began theproject,
aid in 19511 we published a book of
history. Many homes in the
community and elsewhere have a
copy. This work has continued
through the years and the W.I.
have endeavered to keep abreast
of the news. If, anyone having
historical facts for our records or
pictures we would appreciate to
know about it. The present
Ciutor is Mrs. Chas Nelson, and
the president Mrs. Cecil Elliott,
both of Clinton.
In 1975 the Clinton Branch of
the Women's Institute will be
organized for 70 years. and we
hope to celebrate in soma way.
The W.I. is an Inter-
denominational organization
working for the good of home and.
country, and is an Educational
,prograrnme. We welcome new
members and visitors. We meet
. in the Agriculture Board Room.
the fourth Thursday of the Month
• at 2 pin. As a good citizen of your
community, how about joining
the Women's -Institute and help
do your part ladies. in making
your town and community a
better place to live?
Compiled by Mrs. C. Nelson
krtltffs ielivertst bried by sleigh
Our b st wishes to the
As they mark their
1 00th A VERSARY
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