HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 101k A ( Cf41411*NMV/4-141ACO • 'xi in ellataa owes its orign 10 a. ealbasfssls Who 'tnet intheoflice et Mr. Samuel 11. Rance. 304,1851, for the purpose of securing a Drseensattont which was granted by the Grand Lodge, and and in Augest of the smite year a Warrant was obtained with the following names inscribed therein: S.II. Rance, W.M.; H. Middaugh, S.W.: Alex McMillan, J.W,; .it. Read, W. Owens, J.W. Kerr. J.F. Biown. and W. Rat- tenbury. , The warrant for Clinton Lodge (still in essential use) bears the date August 1857. The Lodgewas then designated by No. 46, but in the following year. the lodges throughout Canada were re -numbered and Clinton Lodge became No. 84 and is still listed by that number. A room was leased in Brother 2.. R800040'4 tavern et $75.99 per anfipm which was sidtlet to Brother 'Kerr for • MAW ThiP Lodge was consecrated and dedicated on the 7th day et Sep 1551, b thelkt. W. Bro. D;134,B11.,40 the District. At e first regular meeting On Sept- th the following applications ere received and at a subseq ent ,reglar meeting balloted fa and aceepted: J.D. Sharma . G. Dobie, 0.S. Doan. Ed..Dins ey. G. Fulton. and W - During the first yea there were initiated 21 rnembe s in the mysteries of Masonry. n those early days suitable Ind c rooms were difficult to obtain and we rnd the home of Clinton Masons frequently changed. Rat- timburfs Hall remained the rendezvous for a couple of years when the property changed hands and temporary quarters were AnniftspAvtivi. zosTs;,PAown •red frOrothieGoisttentelers, afterwards, the Orange Hail at the Owner Of FrineeSS, And Albert Streets was leased. Then Ruseeil Iteed_bel4 ha near the preteiot Perrin- Stook; this was efterwards retztoeed, ' and cluerters were secured in Jackson's Hall and then in the Searle Block, which was retained until March 1907 when the Lodge moved into its present quarters in the Royal Bank of Canada building. Lodge rooms wre fitted up at .,a cost of nearly 5800.00 and the dedication ceremony was performed on the 6th day of May A.D. 1914. War. Bro, H.E. Rorke was - Master of the Lodge and >Bros. J .W . Treleaven and A .C. •Clarksoti. Senior and Jr. Wardens respectively, when petition having been( made to Grand _Lodge for dedication. the then • Cusit's Prise Minister Visited visited here 1. 1953 ; 2)H i53, * 40. L 1• 1; -r z- • 4- 11 444 V', J. vv. S .tvaw 444.41t •C 0 fr) :Py k Grad Master Master the Hon - MacPherson accompanied:by a number of grand age Pere held a special- coraMOOleat on of Grand Lodge in , Wise No. 84. Many visiting brethren ,were present to arrest the Grand Master and to witness the inr. pressive ceremony.' A banquet. and toast list followed the dedication. When the Masonic Lodge reiched its Centenniailn 1957 the Wet. Master was Barry Bell, and the Secr.. H.E. Rorke. On this special. occasion he .Lodge was honored by a visit of the Wor- _shipful. and Grand Master Archibald and guest at a banquet held in the Ontario St. United Church on May 8th. A special Divine Service was held in Wesley -Willis United Church on May 19th, "With the Reverend Hugh Wilson. pastor of the church delivering the ad- dress. The choir was under the leadership of -Mr. M.R. Rennie, Past Ma-sters of Clinton whi* .00 braust,... gtraok as District Deputy ur*Fm Masters are; RE Thompson (iM); GM.- Jefferson 0,34); H.E. Rorke 0918); Dr. IN. Shaw (1856): and D.M. 104100 was also a WIXOM. elthettetthe exact Year is not known. Gordon Shortreed attained the degree of District Deputy Grand Master in 1964. Worshipful Brothers Mex F. Cudmore and Fred—Middieton received their 50 year jewel pins on Nov. 1st. 1974;i tee McConnell 1 513 -year Jewell Jail. 7. 1975; 'Ernest Lawson also received a 50 -year jewel in 1975. These are the most recent local members receiving honours for long ser, vice in the Masonic Order. Isaac Rattenbury 'of Peterborough, Ontario received his, 641- year jewel 'n 1974. ;is he joined the Lodge in Clinton on May 15. 1914. He is a grandson of the late Isaac Rattenbury pioneer andliatel keeper. Clinton. Douglas Ward. Secretary. (1975) Congratulations to the people of CLINTON and district on your centennial irir • s • noriteuttura pc -ley um formed in 1890 According to records, the ticks coming from the members. CUuithfi itortIcultxrral Society was formed in 1890. Ceasing to fun- ction only during the war years. the Society has provided the many beautiful flowerbeds throughout Clinton. The Society has also been responsible for flowerbeds at the cemetery, pots of flowers onposts downtown. An investment in the future is the Society's support oT the Clinton Junior Gardeners presently under the capable leadership of Miss Margaret Sloman. These members also participate in the Rose and Flower Shows and have a good understanding of growing—and tree planting and helping with the looking after plants. - - --Toundation_plantingAt the Clinton 1 1974 a floiver called Public HOspitars new Wing, iffitir • Lotitthilati" which have added to the beauty of Clinton. We are indebted to a large number of people for their dedication and outstanding leadership and service to Clinton through the Clinton Horticultural Society. Some of these have been presidents of the Society - Mr. W.S. Holmes, Mrs. L McKinnon, Clinton Horticultural Society's emblem. This flower grows 5 to 10" high, sheathed at the base by two to four leaves. The bloom is greenish yellow with a blue berry. in 1974 the membership/if the Society reached wren time high of 347. The Society will work a flowerbed at- the Hospital in the Rev. Di. Lane. Mr. Fred., Spring, plant and maintain ,this Sloman. Mr. Albert Livermore. .Mrs. Frank Finglarid, . Miss Luella Johnston, Mrs. Chas. Nelson, Mrs. Don Pullen and our -present president Mrs. Ron McCann. tri recognition of outstanding service the following have been flowerbed of roses donated by the Sarah Hale Chapter 1.0.D.E. We hope that each /Society member as well as each citizen of Clinton intends to make Clinton. Ontario an even more beautiful plate egeh year in the future. By Mrs. B. Wiiiistroft honoured with Horticulture Diplomas - Rev. D.J. Lane. Mrs. L. McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs- • Salvation Army Clifford Epps. Mrs. Frank FIngland. Mr. A-, Livermore, The "Satvation Army- was Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Mrs. Chas Nelson. and Miss Luella Johnston. ln 1965 Mr. Clifford Epps, who had been District Director of District 8 for 9 years, was given the Award of Merit. Successful Flower Shows have been held for many years "iving the public the pleasure of viewing both old and new varieties. Eacb year the Society has the Rose Show in June and the Flower Show in August. In recent years a Year Book has been compiled and published by the Secretary and Year Book Committee with ar. W111000 aftlir~MIRM 4 MIOMMiiftiliw CLINTON COMMERCIAL PRINTERS LTD. A COMPLETE FRINTEN6 SERVICE SOK* 60.,t, OFFICE SUPPLIES started in flnton during the ' early 'Ws. Originally ,the building was the Temperance Hall. �iId was erected by the Royal Tempters about the sixties or early seventies. The Orangemen used 'the building as a meeting place at one time. Salvation Army headquarters was removed from. our town about the year 1944 and the building was later sold. Captain Wright was the last official to carry on the wait here. The headquarters for the Salvation Army in this area is at Goderich. •• W.I. History book*(19q0) John **Wilson St Thomas Colgohoun owners Staff: Pearl Hartman. Derail* Dopee. Untie Colgultoun. Tom Coletubeutt Jr.. Paul Robinson.