HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-20, Page 4TER' i EX.1,:nIJt„L:I.R 1IME$e ..ea'aietee- art Garr papers wax very indignant. Mr. George` Hose, .of Zturiell, lite. over the immigration expenditure of the contract of putting a eleck of spublisbedevery Thursdayworning,attb4 the Domiuioii Government, >' ud vet immense dineeneious iu the tower of TIMES STEAM PRINTING NOUSE they view with the utmost e,ompltio- the Lutheran church at Tavistock, Main-st-reet,ngartyop opposite "f<ittou's Jewelery cue M. I\Io\vat'e oatlay for the came county of Perth. The dial plate is store, Exeter,Oxt,.,p iJohn SVhitest?Son,kro- y Eft. in diameter, site pendulum i ., prtgters purpose, lb&TLS ON ADYIIRrestn0 :. 9 ft. long and. weighs: 45 lbs. The eirst insertion, per hue .10 cents, -- To insure insertion, Each subseguo,ltinsertion,PO 11a1o,,....3gexts. the counsel striking banner weighs 30 lbs. Theadvgrtisontquts should. IT is understood that Mill in uotlaterthan tVedncsday morning. for the defence iR the trial of the quarters are struck on a bell weigh- -- often) _— 1 11 our J013 PRINTING DEPARTMENT one king '1,600 lbs. The driving ofthelaeeestanclbeeteetuanOcti the comity Court will follow the same line Ks 'Weighing o Apron, tlllworligntrtlstgdteuslyiilrttcely eau BOl]QOnOr J. R. W101ieCSOn, seized weights are 1,1300 lbs, our u on, All work. entrusted that taken iu the case of the Ameri• On Wednesday nftelnon of !net I)eelsiolls Regarding Nowa- sixteen years ago. It is 11u odd cit- week, a little boy named Upshall, of, papers. uumstanoe that the aefonee in that Clinton, met with an accident wbioh Any person who takes apa>erroqularlyfront case was conducted by Chief justice may yet prove serious. Ha was With another's,r whether helms subscribed or not McDonald, who will sit as Admiralty some °laildrtiestyedaway wereho ontthem, tana zsirospensiblefor payment. Judge in she present ease. e If aperson orders his paper iliscontinued __ when one of the number shot at a lie Must pay all airears or the publisher may continue to send ituutilthe payment ismade, BY the fih'st of the C- P, 1%. ohipmonk, a number' of shot glanced and then collect the whole amount, whether July and struck U shall, several entering the paper is taken from the office or not. will be absolutely free from the Gov. p g be t medical mayhis bo vele. He is under er the tut1 d subscriptions,ls s in suits forernhueut connection •its railways, its insted, n1iutheplacewhorribe paper is pub- ' treatment and if inflammation does lishecl, although the subscriber may reside lands, its everything, will be free from hundreds of miles away. nob set in,may soon be all right. 4 The courts have deckled that refusing to the Government lien ; and the onlyy g take newspapers or pemiodicals from the post. OOnneatioII of any!clad it will have On Saturday morning last, Mr. E. office ,orrouiaeioevi mud leeof thorn uncalled Turner, of Tnokeremith, lost a splen - forisprimafacieevidenceofintentionalfrata with the Government will arise out of did brood mere by inflammation ; it was valued at over $200. Itir. Turner has been unfortunate this year, for about six. weeks ago one of his horses ran against a wire fence and out its fore leg to the bone, malt• ing such a gash that the horse has not been fit to use since ; the loss of the second animal, just at a time when its services are needed,puts him to much inconvenience. On Saturday an accident' happened to a prominent citizen, Mr. `Thomas Kitt, Lumber dealer, of Luoan, which well nigh resulted in his death. M r. Kitt was riding on a wagon deliver- ing a load of shingles when the horse became frightened and started to run, throwing him down over the whiffle - trees at the horse's feet. Whsle on the ground, and before he could recover himself, he received injuries either by the horse kicking or tramp- ing on him that will lay hien up for some time. He is progressing nicely. The charge against Mr. David J. Craig, hotel keeper, of McGillivray, who is charged by Inspector Shoff with having violated the provisions of the Scott Act by selling liquor on his premises after the first of May, was heard at Parkhill on Thursday before Squire Wellls, Mr. McDerrnid of Lu - can appearing for the defence, and Mr. Shoff personally prosecuting. Several witnesses were called on the Mitchell, has I part of the Inspector, all of whom testified that they only drank pop and soft drinks at the plane, with the exception of one, who said he felt light headed after drinking what was given to bine. Another of Mr. Mo,oat's blunders.— Mr. Scott, of Clinton, we underetaud, has tendered his resignation of the position, of Police Magistrate of Huron. He was under the impree- sion when he accepted,the office that all easee could be beard in Clinton, but be has been advised that cases must be heard in or near the locality where ;the offences were committee. A change has also boeu made in the law at the last cession of the Ontario House which would prevent Dither Mr. Scott or his:.partner being en- gaged professionally in any criminal matter whatever. Such being the. state of affairs, in order to attend to the duties of the office, Mr. Scott I would have been compelled to give up his profession, he has, therefore, tendered his resignation to the Gov- ernment. The appeal case of McIntyre ve. the trustees of S. S. No. 8, Blanshard was recently decided in the courtt. The appoat was against the following decision of Judge Lizars; that the' action was maintainable by the bay; sec. 102, sub -sec. 19, giving him right to attend; that he was suspend- ed by the teacher properly; that the complaint was adjudicated on in said resolution of Jau. 6, 1885, and the refusal to admit after thio wrongful; that the terms imposed, being neyond Iha power of the trustees, should dis- mies the boy; that the damages were not much if the boy's and the father's conduct were looked at; that 50 cents were sufficient damages as to the trustees; and that the action must be dismissed as to the teacher. The appeal was allowed. David J. Adams before the Admiralty lug 400 lbs., and the home; on a be he rirxeler atrtes. THUSRDAY, MAY 20th, 1886. F10.11ERULE BILL. THE defeat of Mr. Gladstone's Home Rule bill is now assured, and the Land Purchase hill will of course • fall with it. It is believed by many, however, that his proposal will be followed at no distaue day by a scheme for granting local legislatures to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, whilst maintaining the unity of the Three Kingdoms and the supremacy of the Imperial Parlia- ment—in other words, that the feder- 4Tia fact that it has deposited with the Government over $12,000,000 in cash to guarantee the payment of a three per cent. dividend to shareholders for the next seven and a half years. THE bill for establishing exile: i - mental farms has passed through the House without any opposition. The movement must be very popular. It is the intention of the Government to start one of these farms in each pro- vince, the annual expense of each being estimated ab about $5,000. The central farm will be located near Ot- tawa, and will consist of four or five hundred acres. It in veru generally conceded that they will be of great benefit to the farming community, as such institutions have proved to be al principle will bo adopted. The in the United States and Europe ; ob'eetiou to each a scheme aud.erith proper management can be priucipal woulddoubtless come from the made so in Canada. Nationalists. Whoa they epeak of Home Rule they do not mean local government such as our provinces and the States of the Union enjoy, but of a Home Rule that would en- able them to create an independent Ireland and ultimately effect separ- ation. lu the days of Greaten's Parliament, the cry was that Ireland was not a nation. "Who respects "us?" was the question, "with our parish polities ? What notice do "other countries take of us ? Where "are our ambassadors, our foreign al- liances, our prestige abroad, our "nationalism ?" Under Mr. Glad - stone's Poheme, Mr. Parnell and his associates would have been able to answer thoee queries to their own satisfaction. Mr. Gladstone had apparently argued himself into the belief that they would be quite con- tent to keep within the sphere allotted to them, and to spend their time in discussing such colourless questions as the reclamation of bogs, or the A barn owned by Mr, Currie on the best mode of providing relief for the 11th concession of London township, people in the congested and etrile near Bryanston, was struck by light - regions of Connemara and the islands ning about 8 o'clock on Friday night adjacent. But Mr. Parnell himself, and totally destroyed, together with and certainly Mr. Patrick Ford, had the contents. a far different ideal. Their aim, be- Mr. Patrick Doyle, youngest son of pond any doubt, would have been the Michael Doyle of McGillivray, died severance of thee' connection with very suddenly on Thursday last. He England and the establishment of au was a promising young man 20 years Irish Republic hostile to British of age, unmarried and respected by power. And just because the area- all who knew him. tion of a local Irish legislature, with 0. G. Martin, of Lubknow, has a greatly ciroumecribed field of action, been found guilty at the Guelph would prevent the realizltion of that assizes of inciting Wm; Walker to dream, it is morally certain that the 1 purchase and circulate .counterfeit Nationalists will oppose the introduo- bank notes, and sentenced to two tion of federal system, and probably render its adoption impossible. Mr. Matthew Arnold, writing in the Nine. teenth Century for May, expresses the belief that they would be compelled by force of circumstances to support the federal plan if it gave a legislature to each of the four Irish provinces, but his reasons for thinking so are not very strong. The Irish -Ameri- can press declares with emphasis that the Nationalist party will accept Mr. Gladstone's bill simply because it supplies the thin end of the wedge, but that any measure of a more restrictive character would be rejeot- ed on sight, and that, to use the words of an editorial contributor in the Irish World, "patriotic Irishmen "would immediately feel bound to "renew the war and to stink at "nothing in order to humble Eng- land," which doubtless means that an active dynamite and outrage cam- paign would be inaugurated. VI)RTIGO and various forms of dizziness, coming upon a man with a spiral sort of motion, indicate that the blood is full of bile and, uric acid; cause, the failure of the liver and kidneys properly to act. For this con- dition that great specifics Warner's safe cure is prescribed by many thousand physicians with the best results. HERE AND THERE. News Co- nde- nsed R. W. Keeler, of made au assignment. Mr. Duncan Dawson, of Blanshard, shipped last week from St. Marys junction, one hundred head of fat cattle for the London (Eng.) =tricot. A telegram has been received to the effect that Iver, Dennis O'Leary, of con. 13, McGillivray, while work- ing on a "boom," near Bay amity, Mich., fell in the water and was drowned. EDITORIAL NOTES. IT is expected that the Dominion Parliament will be prorogued very soon, Dis. GoLLnlaN, of Seafortb, is to be the Conservative candidate for South Huron ab the next election for the Ontario Legislature. The doctor is a clever gentleman, well known, and will in all probability bo elected. THE bill introduced Into the Do• miniou Parliament to amend the oleo, tion law extending the hours for vot- ing, a few weeks ago, has been de- feated. A similar measure niet with the same fate in the Ontario Legis- lature. Polling places i are liar en- ough to voters to give each one of them an opportuntty of voting be- tween nine and five o'clock without extending the time into darkness of both morning and evening. The Act us it is at present is satisfactory, and 4annot be improved upon. years in the penitentiary. Collector Cavan, of Stratford, and Gfficer Nichol, Walkerton, arrested Anthony Mehan and had him sen- tenced to pay a penalty of $300 and go to jail ono month for working an illicit still in the township of Culross, county of Bruce. Statistics for Bayfield: -140 child- ren from 5 to 16; 86 from 7 to 13 ; 69 over 12 and under 16; land 1,703a acres—total value, $S5,545—value of inoome and real estate, $89,795— persons from 21 to 60, 236; total population, 547; 56 dogs --127 cattle 81 sheep -12 hogs -64 horses. Dur- ing the year 4 deaths --9 births. At the vestry meetings of St. Paul's Episcopal church of England on Easter Monday and Monday last, at Kirkton, Meesre. Robert Creery and W. Robinson were elected church• wardens; Mr. J. Burne, lay delegate; Capt. Brethour and Mr. John Robin- son, sidesmen; Capt. Paisey, sec- treas.; Mr. Robert Robinson and G:Money, audition, and Capt. Paisey, caretaker for the ensuing year. James Regan, teacher of S. S. No, 6, has bought lot No. 15, Lake Road east and west, in the township of Hay. This was the estate of his late father, Francis Regan, and is a valu- able farm, containing 113 aores of good land, and commanding a delight- ful view of lake Huron. Mr. Regan has uo intention of giving up his profeeeion, which he has followed succeesfully for nine years, but will continue teaching and rens the farm. Mr. G. B. Fitzgerald, the well known horse fancier, of Lunn, is, in Ottawa. He has with him a beauti- ful piece of horse flesh for studding purposes, in the shape of Hon. Charlie, a promising four year old colt, No. 3,693 in the stud book of Great 13ritain, and Ireland, The animal took first prize in Sdotland when but two years old, while its sire tools no legs than fourteen first. prizes. A half sieter was never beaten in Scotland. .-...-. Territorial News. LEwISTON, Idaho Ter., Jau. 8, 1885.—A long time I have suffered with pain between my. shoulder blades, loss of appetite, sickness of the stomach, pain in right side. No doubt liver complaint. Six bottles of warn• er's safe cure made me well and sound.— W. S. DYER. {1t /860._ h t by n'rallet4, ,t dui to all pppllauat,, sad tot 110) parso1. fcm year wlEbbap orderiall If. It to ool til about US Rages, G`>0 )llastratlakbd, prices, accurate debet! ttonb and valuable t•lrootions for slanting 111 varlotloc ofRv191;F1�:TAltLhf •,ud 1'LQv:?Eli $EE11t? IITf1.IlS, oto. Invdlunb4' ' to all espeatattyl to 1tarket. G' ardaucrs. Send for LE. 1 O. �p FERRY nn Windsor Ontario. 0 .. Mt C ., netroit, �,no1 igan. How Lost, How Restored' We have recently published a new dditiou� of DR.OTJLvlil1IWELL'S CELEBRATED ES- 1 SAY on the radical and. permanent oure (with- out mdivine)of Nervous1\On6 Debility . AI cutala ud p Y capacity N h steal caiuctt .iin impediments to liariinge, etc .,,resuitiugfrom excesses. Price,in sealed envelope ,only 6 conts,ortwo postage stamps. Tim celebrated author ofthis admirable os sayolearly demonstrates, from thirty years suceessfulpractice,that alarming consequen- ces may be radically cured without the dang- erous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife ; Point out a naocle of cure at once simple certain and effectual, by moans of which every sufferer, no matter whatbis con- ditionmm\lty bo,may cure himself cheaply, pri vatelv and radically. ' Thi lecture shouldbeinthe hands of ev- ery youth and every stun in the land. Address THE CUVEHWELL MED ICAL COMPANY, 41 ANN ST., NE\'VYORK, Post Office Bos 450 0 Emi 0 0 E4 0 y!2• t�-I rn �lA � U2 -ice0 CD cu t24 Pal ei) g �' • tro -t c to CD 0 r MMO X1--1 9 9 at 9 z 0 C. & S. GIDLEY, °��i1d11�1l�IThlhl0 p0�+�Om^ � .1.? Aa UNDERTAKERS ! --AND--- Furniture Manufacurers —A FULL STOOK OF Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wants. We have one of the very best THS 'ATV 'r'® HEALTH, Hearses in the County, And Funerals furnished and conducted at extremely low prices. Easuussrs or AEI, TUE DIrFaitrt r SOCIETIES Jnlocics all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying off Gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dia- ziners, Heartburn; Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dinr ,-,ess of Vision, jaundice, Salt Rheuni• Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility ; all these and many other Simi. tar Complaints 'yield to the happy' influence of BURDOCI£. BLOOD BITTERS. Saida 'Bottles 10c; Regular size $L. For`sate 1�y all dealers. T, j1IlIA 1p.il ye f CO ; Preprletors, ;ie esto ADVERTISERS can lean r the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising. Burerlu, 10 Spruce St., New ' ark. Send 10eta for 100 -Page` Pamphlet. I300MING-. GINGHAMS,, COLORED i1l:l'Jsr INS, & S 1TYL MUSLINS, SPOT, CHECK 1..1 S WHITE &; COLORED VICTORIA LAWNS, OAS.FilVi 'PE PRINTS, COLORED LACES , CORSETS, PARASOLS, .GLOVES, &c., &o. VSSinte —4 -OF NEW AND ----- ASHIONti LE cKODB And at prices which please every time, at ON RosySTARTLING VALUE In Bik. Silks, Rroches, Stripes, &c. Dress <Mantle Making Upstairs Gents' Felt and Straw Hats, Ties, Collars, Socks, Um- brellas, Underwear, Ready-made Clothing, Suitings, and Pantings—the newest goods we can scare np. All are welcome. Everybody come for great value in Gents' or Ladies' wear to RA T T N BROS. 'OLD ESTABLISHED" I -la s Just Received One Case American Cinghams,- Direct fiolal oston. Canadian Ginghams, Beautiful Goods. t: 1s Scotch Cinghams Very Fine. American Prints, Muslins, Skirtings, &c. 13EAUTTFUL GOODS AND PRICES AWAY DOWN. Stock Complete in All Deeartments, No Trouble to slit Goods. JAMES PICKARD, EXETER IIURIRAH! --FOR-- DRUG 'STORE 0 • Pure Drugs & F ;ii ily Receipts Carefully Compounded NOWON THS WA The following Tines, which will be sold at the Closest Possible Cash Figures: 20 tons Cut and Steel Nails, American Pattern, 40 tons Lindeman Blacksmith Coal` (will be sold Cheap for Cash or on Short Dates,) 10 tons Buckthorne and Barb -Wire Fencing, 100 boxes Glass, 5 tons White Lead, 5 bbls. each Raw & Boiled Oil, 3 bbls. Turpentine, 10 bbls. Machine Oils, Also a car load of Locks, Hinges, Butts, and general Shelf I-Iardware. Full Stock of Stoves Tinware Chea for Cash. Cheap SAVE 'TROV CIHII G A SPECLAL'I t SISSETT 8R08.