HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 95• ',iv it 15 ,4014r4 a^N ° If wyloftptio, I , 4k .101 4 0.0 • ,V.", r ' Patmtlation laid for prlooTne.. antrum Olovirition. firofighting in the viltage of befo the Reve or any one or •(7,111.1 ;SIX • named tiCe Of the Peace •—• shall - net of • departmentet ittl)Vitt Petent friletion. 'Engineer",less than one dollar and net More Pee"Aulstant Chief vs .Itettr , together With one. a .tary", ane. the cost ofthe pro n, and "Brigade one the 5ame shali be levied by • "Engine Cornpanr, :and one distress and SaleOf the goods and "gook and adder.,‘CO, 4, of net chattels of ,the offender or of- leSo than 40 men each, eaOh• and such fenders; and in case of no std - other companies as the Cor- ficient distress being. found Porn1404 Shall frotn lime to time whereof to make the fine and decide" upon, and the said Fire costs it shell and may be lawful • Dept. shall be under the control for the 'Receiver Justices and directiettef the Council. aforesaid, to commit the offender 10875 the minute book of the or offenders to the Common Jail. "Hoek and Ladder Co." 'elected of the' United dOuntiesof Huron the following officers —Captain - and Brace for any period not R. Patterson; 1st lieutenant - W. exceeding one month nor less R. Walker; 2nd 'Lieut. 1. than one day unless the fine and Mer411rry; Secretary - Isaac costs be paid goner. Dodd; Treasurer - W. Grigg; • That 44 By -Laws relating tee" Steward - Luke Trouse. The Co. theoperation and managementof met monthly in the Town Hall. the Fire Department of the Names at this Co. Included — D. Village of Clinton shall take ef- R. Menzies, William Grigg. Luke fect and Come into force -im- Trouse, W. Thernton. James mediately on the passing thereof. Bouie John Bouie, Joseph Rider. Passed in open Council 6th.. • I William Bottle, Robert Reed, Apri11863. George Ward, T. C. Doherty, Signed —7 Isaac Dodd, R. Patterson, John Countersigned Fox, Peter Grant. Two men from Russel H. Read, Clerk. Joseph this 'CO. were appointed to act as Whitehead, Reeve. . monthly firemen.' A fine of 10 in 1879 a meeting was held cents was collected. from an for the purpose of forming a Fire ficers were added — Foreman of - absentee and paid to the Treas. Dept. for the Town of Clinton. W. Leading Hose; Foreman of • ' Why member could be 'expelled (. Searle, Mayor presiding with SuctionHose; Six /Branch Men; from the Co., if he missed three 1. W. Rowlands as Secrete*, pro ,Two Signal Men and two meetings or more, upon a motion tem. Mr. Councillor Menzies stewards. • , by the members present. Each introduced the Clerk of the Town The officers shall be elected member received a hat and a belt Council Mr. John Callender who annually the second Monday in upon joining the said Company, read the draft of proposed by-law Jan., or as often as a vacancy after paying an initiation fee of formed by the Fire and Water • occurs, all to be elected by ballot. 25c, " Comm.. for the regulation of a All officers were given their, At -each meeting: a report of Fire Company. •,•• • • .^.44 ' — — 9 _) • The Clinton Firemen pose with their 1928 truck in front of the library. Picture taken about 1938. separpte duties :and put 'into . the equment in the Engine The . following enrolled action. Any officer could ask the • - Room was siven.en March Sth, themsetves to form the Piro -Co..,.. assistance of any citizen between. - 1815 the fellowittgequipment was — Hugh Scott, Luke Prouse, the ages of sixteen antLsixty to -- an hand one wagon, 6 axes, One Thos Holloway; Joseph-, Copp, ,help combat a fare. and they did ladder (20 foot), one ladder T15 Francisjenes, R. J. Culrett, John not comply they were subject to ft.), .2 large hooks, 2 ropes, 30 Powell, Edward Foster.- R. •T. all the penalties for such neglett Reed. Robert . Fox, John or refusal. While on duty they Dickieson, Geo. E. fay, Israel could not use any profane „Taylor. W. C. 4,,,sea,rie. Joseph language or have any disputes, Ryder, Albert Wife, John Cun- also were not allowed to tise in- nifigham, A. T. Salt. Henry toxicating liquors while on duty. . Walker, Joshua Inwood; R. A commwas set up to in - Sturgeon, W. Rowlands, Adam vestigate such matters, the Chief Foster, Arthur Couch. George to act as Chairman, and said Oakes, John Boles. John comm. decided the guilt of the Callender, John Shedden. James , 'offender. Any member guilty of disgraceful conduct was fined 25 cents or for not carrying out their duties as set forth in the book of rules. „ Signal men were only charged ten cents for leaving a fire without permission. and for being absent at any roll call five cents. If you miss a fire' today or miss a fire meeting the line is one dollar, and there is no initiation ,fee. In • the year 1878 Clinton bought a Steam Fire Engine, built by J. D. Ronald of Chatham.. It was used until 1910 and then sold to Mr. Albert - Seeley of 'Clinton. ' Fire Chiefs, Lieutenants and appointees 1875 - 1975 — In the year 1875 . John Loreitoi was Chief; Chas. Helyar, Assistant Chief; Lieutenant, Chas. Carter and Treasurer. C. Finch. 1880 — pails. drag rope still missing... • In the early days large barrels were embedded in the ground in low4evel areas so -that water could seep into the barrels for use in fighting fires. This water was pumped into a large wooden tank on a wagon and drawn to the scene of the fire by a team of horses. Fair's Pond was extensively used as a source_of ,Sparks. W. H. Cook. John Amer. water supply. It was situated to John Smith. William Taylor. ,the left of the main- entrance to the Clinton Town Park. - The- little pumper shown in the picture and dated 1851 was a much faster method in com- batting a fire than the former bucket brigade. In the days of the hand pumper. the bucket brigade was needed as well. All persons being at or near any fire shall assist in ex- tinguishing the same when required to do so by the _Reeve or any of the. Cotmciilors, or by the Chief Engineer of the Fire Brigade, the Ass't. Chief Engineer. the Brigade Secretary. the Brigade Treas.. the Captains of Co., or persons in charge of the 4 Those nominated and elected, were — Chief Engineer - Henry Walker:* Assistant Engineer - Joseph Copp; Captain - ' Luke Prouse; First Lieutenant'- Thos. Holloway; Ass't, Fire Engineer - Arthur Couch; First Fireman - Joseph Ryder; Second Fireman - Edward Foster; Secretary - J. W. Rowlands; Treasurer - J., Cun- ningham. Hugh Scott and Henry Walker, Luke Prouse. and J. W. Rowlands and Joseph Copp were appointed as a committee to prepare the by-laws and report at the next meeting. On Feb. 24th, 1879 this committee reported and apparatus or belonging to the recommended that the by-laws of Fire Dept.; or by any_constable. the Smith's Falls Brigade be Any -persons -;or persons -refuting adopted- - with the. necessary or neglecting to comply with such alterations. The report of the orders.4or refiising to retire when Comm. was adopted. It was ordered by any •dof the officials moved by John- Boles that the Co., aforesaid, shall be liable to im-, , be called the "Clinton Fire mediate arrest and im- Brigade". Four • additional of - The 101 Clinton Fire pumper is rto . In the Huron County _ Pioneer 11/fuseurn, Lock Crief, Dde Shaw, and Harry remitn ' wise withit. Chas. Helyar. Chief;'N. C. Potts. Sec., Treasurer. Jan, 28th, .1889. J. Scruton was elected Capt/., by acclamation. Mar. 2, 1893. G. - Rumball appointed Lieutenant. Feb. 26. 1894. Norman -Cook. Met Feb.. 1897, Chief. W. Coats; Capt.., Hearty; Lieut.. G. Rumba!'; Engineer. S. Pratt: Assistant Engineer, J. Ryder: Stoker, A. Seeley and R. Welch. 1903 Chief was Gee. E., Pay: CePt-, J. Scruton; Lieut.. W. Roppg.• Feb. 28, 1917, Chief, Harry Bartliff; Retording Sec., Hy: Glazier. Carl Draper joined -the Fire Dept. in Aug.. 1919. Frank Dixon ' joined Jan. 26, 1920; Feb. 27, Lieutenant was W. Kennedy; Sec.. Treas., H. Glazier. Mar. 28, 1927, Chief. Dick Tasker; Capt., Alex Cudmore. May 30,1927. Carl Draper appointed Rec.. -Sec, Gordon Lawson joined on Feb27. 1926. April 3, 1929. Alex Cuelmore was Chief with Locke Crce. Asst. Chief. Jan. 25. 1932. Chief, L. Crec: Ass't . Chief, H Fremlin. Jan. 12, 1935. Chicf Grant Ruth: Ass't. Chief, H. Fremlin. George Hanley was engineer, in 1937. 1948 Chief. Grant Rath: Ass't. Chief. Frank Dixon. 1951 Frank McEwan was appointed Sec.. Treas. 1958 Robt. Draper. Ass't. Chief. Gordon Dalgleish, Cap- tain. in 1962. Aug. 8, 1966, Jerry Cox elected Sec.. Treas. May 1972,' Chief, Robert Draper: Asst. Chief, Hector Kingswell. 1973, Chief. Clarence Ncilans; Ail. Chief, 14. Kingsweli. Firemen for 1975 are — Clarence Neilans; Asst.Chief, Fred Lobb; Engineer. D. Cart- wright; Captain. Gordon Dalgleish; Sec.. Treas.. Jerry Cox; Firemen, Eric SWitzer, Jack Peck. Don Petteplace, Dean Reid, Clayton Groves, A. Finch, Harvey Carter, Craig Cox. Paul Draper. Randy Glew; Don Gautreau. Bruce Schoenha1., Uotig Cantelon. Ross Jewitt. In the year 1909 the water system was installed in the town: and the tire hydrants provided an outlet for the fire hose. The hose was wound on reels and these were 'drawn by the men. The'fire truck was later introduced and this gave speedy results, thus saving many more homes and' buildings in Our town, The first fire truck was a 1928 Chevrolet; 2nd, 1948 Chev: 3rd. a 1969 Chev. In addition they have a 1966 International Tanker which holds 2,000 gals. of water. and is -- used for all out of town fires. These trucks are all in good working condition. the 1928 model has been completely overhauled to take part -•in Centennial parades both at home. and as far away ms the northern United . States. - Compiled by Doris G. Ba tk in. e°11.77kIJOYiNG YOUR VISIT TO CLINTON CENTENNIAL? . Why not drcipinat.. • the PIGEON - HOLE BOUTIQUE . BRUCEFIEID —FINE CRYSTAL - —EUROPEAN CHINA —BERGEN POTTERY . kir''GPEN: Noon to 7 p.m. - Seven days a week. ' • Joining in the celebration for Clinton's 100th Etirththayi Proud toile a lifelong resident -of thiranmrionity. John Wise General Insurance. Guaranteed Investments S Rattanbury Si. 4124644 ..orrrr• •