HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 94ilo
The Anzillaryatarted inform
in embet 110.0 as the Dranch,
4. In havtitte ladies felP.
HaroId Turner whe was
'Oa Legion came to
dies to_Sett ithey
were willing- to form the
There Was an election
President -Mrs. Alice
'Meow_ (E.G.) Vice -Pres.
„ MAY Os* s(Cap.) - Seco.
treas. - Mrs. Tom Morgan •
(Pilante)., -
They met in the pastime club
rooms over where Gordon
Lawson's Pool Room was located
do Huron Street.
Then the Provincial tptn-
mand Auxiliary and elected an
executive group to help. This was
given NOVember 1932.
- Charter members were:
Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Lac Crce.,,
Mrs. Tom Morgan, Mrs. G.M.
Counter, Mrs. Cap Cook, Mrs.
Norman Miller. Mrs. Theo
Vremlin, Mrs. R. Tasker, Mrs.
ilert Brunsdon. Mrs. -johns..Mrs.
Nelson Cole, Mrs. T. Leppington,
wIrs. A.S. Inkley, Mrs. J.
\ppleby, Mrs. J. Butler, Mrs.
.co. Cook. Mrs. 118. Combe.
Jrs. Wm. Counter, Mrs. Gco.
ooper, Miss Davis, Mrs. T.
lerman. Mrs. Geo., Murdock.
lis,. Winnie O'Neil. Mrs. H.T.
Rance. Mrs. Dr. Shaw, Mrs. E.
net(. Mrs. E. Steep, and Mrs
'oirdon Seribbins, ' •
The 'ladies were helpers to
he Legion men selling poppies
;rum door to door prior to
Armistice Da j9y, which they have
chine till a couple of .years ago.
Mien the men took over the task.
Fund raising was by having card
parties. smite being held at Mrs.
A.S.. Inkley's who ran the
Graham Hotel 1 where the Jervis
Apts, are now). Another means of
raising money. each member
was given one dollar and it was to
be doubled over the summer
months. The feeat time of
starting were $1.00 per year paid,
quarterly and each member
received a members. hip pin with
In 1939 II* 2nd World War
broke out and the meetings were
Old -in rooms over the Bank of
140ntreal (since 'torn „down anfzi.
Real gootl'OCialS were held
in 1941 and iilitt$0 on Saturday
nights in the Town Hail', always
Bazaar ire* a Year. The boys
were rememhered overseas with
cigarettes and .treats every now
. • and then. Wits were assembled
for -the Red Shield and the Red
Cross, also an afghana, Pot luck
suppers were a great thin* with'
'wonderful social timesI Sep-
tember 1945 the Zone Rally was
held at the Town Hall. Inthe Zone
at this time were Stratford.
Mitchell, Wingham, Paris, No.., 2
London, Duchess of Kent. Lon-
don; Woodstock. " Lucknow,
Ingersoll. Clinton. making ten
Auxiliaries in ,the zone.
Auxiliaries paid • 55:50 each
toward the expenses of the gaily.
On April Sth 1947 the
Auxiliary moved to the Legion
Hall an Ontario Street over where
Frank Chapman'S Barber Shop is
now. We had an Easter tea as an
opening affair. Then in March
1948 we moved • hack over the
Bunk of Montreal.
In 1948 we gave a generous
check of $225.00 to partly furnish
a semi -private room at our
Clinton Hospital. In -May 1952 it
waSIlecided by the Legion men to
build a new hall and we joined in
with the men. and held our first
meeting in the new Lodge Hall t
Kirk Si.. en May 11. 1953. In 954
we had another 'Zone kat and
..till another in 1965 .ith a
marvelous turn out of con rades.
Once a year we take treats to
the veterans at Westminster
Hospital London. and also
remember adopted vets. We also
give a Bursary to a Grade 13
student (veterans child). also
help with the Provincial Bur-
sary's that has come to several in
imr Zone at times.
Now we Make mosi of our
Turf club her
The Turf Club originated in
1943. It was made up of a group of
people interested in the sport df
training and racing standardbred
horses. and promoting a race
circuit in this part of Western
The original Board of Directors
started out with a $10.00 per year
membership fee. They were as
follows: Clinton Lions Club. Dr.
G.S. Elliott. G.?. Elliott. Geo. C.
German, A.M. Knight. L.W.
Lavis. J.P. Manning, ,G.R.
McEwen, OLL Paisley. T.J.
Riley, Ernest Rozell, Jas.
Shearer. Willitti•Virdlgtf."'-'
The first race meet held by
the Club wa.s =June 20. 1945. The"
Turf Club rented the track from
the Andrews lantilY. The track
was located in the North-West
corner of town where the Wil-Dex
factory stands today.
The classes and purses for
ihts mem were as follows: Free
For A 11 - $300.00., , 2 - $250.00„
2:24 Pace - $250.00, 228 -$250.00.
There must lave been a Int of
high finance as the' Club ended
with a credit balance of $7.95 for
the year.
A book to keep records of the
Club was presented by Dr. J.W.
Shaw in 1946 and has been
retained by Mr. A.M. Knight.
• The first race meet held at
the new track In the Clinton
Community Park was on August
21. 1946. There were four classes:
2:28 Pace - $300.00. 2:24 Pace -
$300.00. 2:24 Pace - '$30000, 2:20
Pace - $300.00 Free For Afl saaosto
The Aorses, were stalled in tents
becarse there Were no barns in
the area.
The Club donated money to
the Clinton Park Board for a new
grandstand at the (Immunity
Park. They abo donated $50000
to the Park Board for track ex-
1947: Race Day July vlft
Cfintontorntrittnity Park
-OA; Race Day Sune,23.
1$611: Race -D0 Jane 22:1111
Turf C mut Spring Pair Board
to cutch *bds and
Ueda ittliO Tba
slaarad tba costs 8140,
e in '43
On Nov 18 the first meeting was
held in the "Tack. Room- in the
new barn.
1950: Race Day June 21;
Requested steel roof and judges
stand be added to the new
1951: Race Day June 20.
1952 : Race Day June 18:
October 18 - 5500.00 to the Park
Board for track re -building ex-
1953: July .22 and
• Thanksgiving Day October 12.
1954: Race Day June 16:
Booth privileges sold to Kinette.
1955: Race Day June 15
1956: Race Day:Juno-12: Club
members ' assisted in seeding
-north-blink-of-racetrack_ „
1957: No races due to poor
track conditions.
1958: Race Day June 18
1959:. Race Day June 20
1960: Race Day June 18
No races during the time
period of 1969 to 1966:. The Turf
- Club re-erg/00400r through the,
efforts of Bruce Nkholson.
Directors for 1966. Geo. F. Elliott,
G.R. McEwen, Wilbur Welsh,
Bruce Dupee. Jack Holmes,
Charlie Brandon, H. Gibbings, W.
Pepper. Geo. German. Frank
MacDonald. Wm. German.
Wilfred Ross. Bruce Nicholson,
C.W. LeBeau. Charlie Johnston.
Lorne Brown, Fred Fowler, A.M.
Knight, Eric Schellenberger, Don
McLean. Doug. Thorndyke and
August DeGroff.
1966: Race Day August20.
1069: No races due to other
part commitments on available
nice dates.
190: Race Day July 12 ,
1970: Sundays, racing started
, by Clinton Kinsmen- Club
operating as Clinton Kinsmen
Raceway. The Turf Club spon-
sored a Stake Race on July 12 in
cooperation with the ItinSitteu.
Since racing on an extendt4 basis
has been taken over„ the Clintrin
Turf Cluv Is still active In stnall
way. Itt 1975 there ate *bald IS
paid up tnefaberit.
-Compilt4by Harold Gibbings
money, from the good .banquets
we put on at the Legion Hll. We
are 01159 Yen, active in the fieldof
sports, suelt. as Bowllng, Cards
andlOarts. • -
We have helped t4e men la. a
lot of ways with the expenses of
the Hall as this Is Our Main
concern to,see a nieehotne here.
Our Zone nowconsists of 12
Auxiliaries ' Kincardine,
4,401,trtow, Ripley,
Wingham, Brussels,
Oederich, Clinton, Hensel',
,Seafortit, and Exeter, ' with
Clinton being the oldest in the
Zone. Margaret Thorndike
the office of Zone Commander at
this time, the first time the
honour haseorne to Clinton. '
The Legion Provincial
Bursary was first started in 1950,
and we OMft 4um Of
now we give oleo generous
amounts MOO.
Past Presidents of the
193234 Comrade Alice Thompson
1938-41 Comrade Verna Heard
t942-43Comrade Pita Seribbins
1944-45 CentradeMehle Miller
1945-49 Comrade liabyRaddy
1949 • ComradeAlmalpitley
1950451 Comrade Margaret
1952:53 Comrade Grace Castle
19541-5.5 Comrade Betty -Stanley
1956 Comrade Beatrice Cooke
1957 Comrade Laura McAlpine
.4 4.4, ,••
'1958-59 Comrade Marle Proctor 1A,H
1W -comrade MarionTiuefl
1901 -corrode GhtdY$,Chatnhers
LVOV Comrade- 014ttureen
W1964atk-Itnosrnra. de Doris Burke
190 -Comrade' Marion Andrews
1964 ',Comrade Frances Porter
1967 -Comrade Dorothy McLean,
1969 Comrade Jean Colquhoun
1969 - Comrade Helen Bisback •
1970 -Comrade Resale Black
1971 - Comrade Betty Brown (6
1971-72tomrade Lena Kingswell
1973-74 Comrade Margaret
1974 - Gladys East
Compiled by Margaret Thorndike
Zone Commander
Okt Heine Week in ISIS was welt attended
* * 46
Remember the old
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fire engine? . *
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, *
* , 1 *
. ,
--- -
Dennis Fleischauer. Lorne Love, Carl Cox, Wayne Hartman
• Well we think it looks agsgood-as it ever did! We are point% to hive been called an to do the
13 NARY fri. cum,.
442.0531 *
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