HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 874hfl�
up1d ley .r
±�True 4t.
r , iiy. - ted tr Myth, Ont.
Both the above paper* ceased
uhll;+ atitin In the:411 of 1994,
0 - (Fitly 6) - "The New
- Edmund .Holmes and
rrge Laycock. k- Same location
the Coprier in.1864.
' `dtnund . Holmes and
• Layoeck (who owned the hook
store at the front of the building)
carried on parine*ip for 6
months: R. Holmes who was a
strong; .Free Trade Liberal, heard
t the Conservatives were
Wing an opposition paper, sold
the "New Era" to Edwin Grigg, a
Conservative, who changed the
name to the "Monitor", and in six
months Ate sold out to Robert
Matheson. a school teacher from
Milton, who also ran into
financial: difficulties inside 6
months and the business'reverted
back to the Holmes family. This
time it was owned by E. Holmes
and Son. The son Robert Holmes
wins Mayor of Clinton from 1894 to
1898, and later LiberraEMemberoof
Parliament for West Huron 1904-
1908. He had also taken over
owneestiliiirthe New Era.
1881 - :"The Huron Record" -
Edward . Floody. Purchased a
defunct printing plant at Blyth.
First office and plant was above
the store at 15 Victoria St. Later
`moved to somewhere on Ont. St.
then to 61 Albert St. where
lat Clinton Cleaners Speed Wash, is
situated. -
Mr. *Floody was a Goderich
-` Township school teacher and
urged by the Conservatives,
'started "The Record" the first
issue coming out in Jan.. 1881. In
May 1882 Mr. Floody sold out to
A.H. Blackely and J.T. Havill.
They sold the business to N.H.,
Buckner in Nov 1882 but he
rernained'oniy two weeks and the
business • reverted back to
Edward Floody who held the
1883 - ,.,The Clinton News -
Record" - W.T. Whitely and A.M.
Todd. Same location. Whitely and
Todd were publishers of "The
Goderich News" and moved part
of them plant to- Clinton and_
changedthe name to "The
Clinton News -Record."
About . 1900 '.The Clinton
News -Record'" W.J. Mitchell,
from Hanover.
1910 - "The New Era" - W.H.
Kerr & Son. No record is
availableas to where the Era
Office and -plant was located, but
at This date it was in the building
now occupied by Durst's Garden
• J. Leslie Kerr eventually
took over from his father until --. - -
selling out to G. Edward Hall in --L....
t924. Then Mr. Kerr purchased
the "Brussels Pest."
1916 "The Clinton News'-
Er�vvar+d"`iT i1... .
Albert Street,.
Mr. Hall was employee, first
of the -'New Era" and then with
the "Clinton News -Record." His
Editor was Miss Mabel R. Clark,
1862 schedu f
nit aunt et the Well-known
columnist and . feature writer,
Greg Ctar,k..1Vllss Cly died" in
Febrfua? y 1937.
r1�924•, - "The -C.�tirn News.
I,Es ► Edwardll. in,
Oct. 192.4. Mr, Hall purchased the
"Era" and since that time one
paper has waned ln,ClIntoh.
1945 - September "The
Clinton News -Record." - Rich-
mond S. Atkey and Harry L,
Tomlinson. Mr. Atkey was a.
former Editor of "The Daily'
Commercial News", Toronto.
and.. formerly of the. "Barrie
Examiner". Mr. Tomlinson was
a . printer item the "Barrie
Examiner." '
1946 (June) - "The 'Clinton
News -Record" - Richmond S.
Atkey. Mr. Tomlinson went back
to work at Barrie.
1948 (March) - "The Clinton
News -Record" - Richmond S.
Atkey and A. Laurie Colquhoun.'
Mr. Colquhoun had started as a
printer's devil at the Clinton
News -Record in January 1932,
/working after school far $1.00 per
week; he was in grade 10. He
continued at the paper until
January 1941 when he joined the
RCAF: In Sept. 1945 on discharge
For Wingham • and in- '
termediate places. Londesbtfio,
Blyth, Haggerty's, &c., every
Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-
day. at 6 p.m. • . t
For London'and interuediatg
"places. Brucefield, Rogerrvle,1
Francestown. Exeter. &c., daily
Invites you to -drop in during
your visit to homecoming
weekt-at Clinton. - You'll see an
original 1142 map of Upper
m t$ Clark, be,rae backktu
the +IIISTApeOrd' until August
1R!► went. to Hanaios.
11 tumble and worked .kr
tf,ke= ""C'a l ,= t,�r�ee i�,ss'
until March 1948... 4
1952 - "The Clinton News -
Record". - A. Laurie Cotquhoun.
Frank M. WieEwan and Harr r J.
Frank McEwan who began
his apprenticeship at the "News -
Record." in Feb. 1929. worked
there until: going, into'the armed
forces in 1942. After the war he
started a commercial' job prin-
ting business and . published,
"Clinton Citizen's News' for six
1957 (July) - "Clinton News-
Record.- - Robert J. Shrier.
Purchased the publishing rights
to the "Clinton News Record"
and the paper is: printed on the
-modern offset printing facilities
`"af the "Signal -Star Publishing
Limited*' at Goderich. Mr.
Colquhoun retained thebuilding,
all the printing equipment in the
plant. and operates a commercial
job ,printing plant at the same
location, 56 Albert Street The
newspaper rented office space
for two years, until the "Signal
Y .^
Star" purchased s n .va d:
bOe former Ontario Hydro
ull. in at 03 Albert Street
a' et).
:e pratlea plant t o Site #! r
Tom Colquhourt and his br er-
tively whoa actives
`In the buslr ess=to-day.(1975).
1915 "Clinton News-
Record - Published weekly at
"Signal- Starr" office, et
+�nd+tr�'rnIn aft` a ,the i
office °Ward';Ait enf and
theEditorls Mr. JIM .,Fitzgerald.
Res and
It ,04 r4... ix ,.... .
Margaret Carter
l.R . i Hal) Hartley Len Theedom K.W. d Danny) Col
Also Associated: Allan Campbell RR• 1. lieaforth
Asian Amy. Bayfield
Insurance partof the business was purchased from the late H.E. Rorke on .January 2nd 1949.
Mr. fiorke'had been in the insurance business since 1926. Aflhat time the office was located
at the rear of the Royal Bank and the monthly rent for a number of- years was $6 40 a month
until the bank increased the rent in 1954 to 110.00 a month. In 1954 real estate waY added to
the office. In 1956 the business purchased the Fred Ford Peed and Grain Bldg. at 14 Isaac.
Street and renovated the office as it is today 1975. Although it- is a young business. only 26
years old, it is the .6th oldest business in Clinton -operated at present by the same owner
under the same name.,: - . •
K.W. Colquhoun. Ltd.
insurance &Real Estate
General and Life Insurance
Real Estate r• Investments trot Mortgages
r it * * i * * * * * V * r * d + .r0 ,* .aw * iv* ,r . i .d . i+ .k * :a d y .i ," .s, .W .r ,, *