HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-20, Page 3r YOUNG • FU1,.KS. KOOr4&NA, BY W, II, GILDER, The first important gift I received after becoming a resident of ten Etquiman village in North Rudson Bay was a. boy, Ha Wiwi a bright, haudsome lad, about twelve yeara old, whom I had often p artloularly noticed for a manly and dignified bearing. Hie Mame was Koomana,F euphonious 'hat was and pretty, but when later I learned 'its meaning the name lost that pleasing soured which in my unenlightened state 1 had so much admired. All E geimau nameBTave some meaning. Usually a person is named after some objeot. One man (a . woman, for there is no distinction of geador) will be called "Wolf,” anther "Seal," another "Salmon," and a man who joined our party in King WIlliam's Land wan named '' Tee keeur, whloh means firet finger, but some- times by way of j Ike the others would gall him"Potow a " i off inggroat toe. My boy's name, 'oo ana , means louy, but in Oafs case It was a misnomer, as Koomana was partioular cleanly—for an Esquimau, His parents were pleaeed that he bad found favor with one of the white men, and one day formally presented him to me. In re. turn I gave the father a handful of gun. powder and a few perouseloa cape, and to the mother half a deem needles. Then the boy moved into our tent and was fed from cur table, but I noticed that he prudently took the rough edge off of his appetiteat the pile of reindeer or walrus meat ill his Parente' tent. In the course of a few days I reached the conclusion that if 1 could not alter his name I might, at least, change the con- dition which seemed to make it appropri- ate by giving him a new suit of clothes. There was a difficulty now arising from the fact that all our clothing camel from what Is called the "clop -conk" of a whaler and had been designed for full grown men. In all EEqulmau•land there were no tailore or seamstresses who could fashion and make woolen clothes. So I was constrained to exercise my own ingenuity with scissors and needle, and alter some olothes eo that my adopted eon might be clad In civilized garments, It was a change that he had long desired, and no boy in the civilized world ever attended with greater anxiety the hour when he might don trousers and coat than that artless eavage waited for hie first woolen Bulb, The material was only rough sailor's cloth, and the out and stitches would eoarcely pass muster in a ready-made clothing store, but it was a Brent feat for mo to accomplish, and both Koomana and I regarded the garments with unspeakable pride. Before he donned his new suit I longed to take him Into my tent and give him such a beth as need to commemorate the Satur- day afternoon of my childhood. But know- ing that these people never wash I was afraid to run the risk and omitted the bathing experiment. The next day I heard Frank Maims, one of our party, tell Koomana, as he handed him a piece of brown leap, that I would like him better if he wash his, face and hands. Away went theNad to the nearest puddle, and seen came running into the tent, breathless from exercise, and turned hie smiling face upward to me for inspection and approval. Then it was that I saw what an effort he had made to please me. His fade was clean and ahiny, while all around it, at the roots of his hair and on his neck, the newly applied Buds lay white en the black grease and dirt that had not been reached by the oleansing proceed, Poor child, he had done the beat he could to please me, and at what cost of safferin was evident In his bloodshot eyes, whfoh„$'ade had invaded through his unskill enipulation, Ko ns waa au excellent hunter and dog drlwar for his age, and had a record of five reale killed on the ice, which was two more than the next best score among the boys of his tribe, even including these several yearn his senior. Ho had ales killed five reindeer, and had vanquished all competitors ef his ago in their canoe races, Although my boy had a man's waist lis arms were. those of a child, and con- equently a gun with the ordinary stook was awkward for him to handle. I there- fore made for him a small and effective magazine rifle by replacing the stock of a large Smith & Wasson pistol with one which I out out of a black walnut beard and made into a abort gun -stock tvhioh he could use with facility. With this crude weapon Koomana contributed thirteen reindeer to our general stock of pro7lalons while on the journey to King William's Land and return. Wherever, I went, whether on sledge journeys or hunting exoursions, Koomana was always my brave little companion. I enjoyed his society while profiting by his knowledge of Esqui- mau craft ; therefore it is not atrauge tnat we grew very fond of each other, and that parting was a groat trial to both of us Koomana was drowned the year after I Left Hudson Bay, and when I return it will not seem like the same place without him, The Value of Salt. Severe painsin the bowels and stomach are often seedily relieved by the applica- tion of a bag of hot salt. A weak solution mf salt and water is recommended by good physicians as a remedy for imperfect diges- tion, and for a cold In the head it is a com- plete cure snuff id from the hollow of the hand. We have known severe oases. of catarrh entirely oared by persistent we of th simple remedy every night and morn - I fr for several menthe, when the beat of ffurte of the best physicians failed to do It should be need milk -warm. cod.. A good handful of rock salt added to the bath Is the next best thing after an "ocean wi dip," and a gargle of a weak solution is a good and ever -ready remedy for a sore throat. As a dentifrice, salt and water is very cleansing, and also hardens the gums. It will also prevent the hair from falling out, When broiling steak, throw a little salt on the coals, and the blaze from the dripping fat will not annoyer, A little in staroh, boiled or raw, will prfrent the one from sticking. If the Irene are rough, patia, little ealt on a thiok brown paper, lay a piece of thin muslin over it, and rub the iron over It till perfectly smooth. Ink stains are entirely removed by the Immediate ap- plication of dry salt before the ink has dried. When the salt becomes dieoolored by ab- sorbing the ink, brittle it of and apply more; wet slightly. Continuo this till the ink is all removed. If new calicoes aro allowed to lie in strong salt water for an hour before the firstwashing, the colors are lese likely to fade, Damp salt will remove the discol- oration of oup5 and saucers caused by tea and cardless washing, A toaapeonful of salt in, each kerosene lamp makes the oil give a much clearer, butter light. " Mamma," cried a five year old girl, " I started to make my doll a bonnet and it's tomo out repair of pante," le Mortar and paint may be removed from window -glass with hot, sharp vinegar, To remove paint splashes on window glue moisten the epote with a strong solution of soda, Then rub hard. There is a goose farm in Virginia on which are kept some 5000 geese, The, main ob- jest is the produotion of down,. U•3EFUL AND SUGQESTIVE" THE LIMEKILN OLIIB, n bas rem y ea m xe r;ith mon j glee, P Y By washing a pine door with a solution of one pound of copperas in one Ration of strong lye, the appearance of oak flooring may be produced, The following is a good remedy for burns : Mix four ounces of the yelks of eggs with five cu rose of pure glycerine, This forms a kind of varnish. " I will give any man $100,000 who will produoe anything that wilt preventa wall ot ceased brick from turning p white,"says a prominent , Empty spools are nine to use to hang tow- els and clothing oz, Drive mile through them so the head will eiak in the endo t, tae spool. 1V o danger of rust in using them, BORAX SOAP,—Cut an ordinary bar of soap in small pieces ; put it in one quart of boiling water, and add one ounoa of borax. Let it all melt, but not boil. When cold, out in pieces, and use like oommon soap. It is computed that a twelve -inch wall of hard burned bricks and good lime and sand mortar could' be built 1,600 feet high before the bottom layers would be oearhed. If Portland Dement were added to the mortar, the height might••reaoh 5,700 feet, S me physicians are prescribing nitro- glycerine as a stimulant in place of brandy. It le said that two drape of one per cent, solution are the equivalent of an ounce of brandy, and that this dose creates no unna- tural craving. A good authority says that a first-class cement, with which tofasten stone to atone, or iron to iron, is made by mixing a paste of pure oxide of lead, litharge and glycer- ine This mixture hardens rapidly, is in. soluble in acids, and is net affected by heat. It has been used to fasten the different por- tions of a fly -wheel with success, while, placed between stoma and onoe hardened, it is easier to break the stone than the joint. If it is desirable to sot up an anvil so that its use will make the least possible noise, set the anvil on a block of lead ; or make a putty ledge around the anvil upon the wooden block, one-half inch clear all round, one inch high. Raise the anvil clear of the block one-half inch, by any means available, pour in the lead until it rises above the bot- tom of the anvil ; or set the anvil en a good bed ot sand held in a box, To etch your name on steel tools, proceed as follows : Clean thoroughly of grease, and then spread a thin coat of beeswax, or par- affin, on it, the place where the name is to be. This must be ,as thin as possible. Then, with a sharp needle point write through the wax to the steel. Pain; this over with a mixture of nitric and muriatic acid, in the proportion of six to one respec- tively, and, when bubbles cease to rise, the work is done. -Yash in strong sola water, In order to take away ink spots from paper it is customary to use a blotter, which freely soaks up the liquid, and if, by this means, all traces of the ink do not disap pear, recourse is had to a salt or some sub - :Ammo having the property of bloaohing paper, for instance, oxalate of potassiu n, etc., to attain :;this end. A simple modifiea tion of this renders still better services. Take a thick blotting paper or board, steep it several times in a ,solution of oxalic acid or oxalate of potassim. Then dry it. if there le a spot to be taken away, apply the blotter, which has been prepared in tide fashion, to the same. In proceeding thus, the ink le entirely rsmoved. The blct;or drinks up the ink, and whitens the paper at the same time, A Novelty Fe in Surgery. v An electric light inside the hip -bone of a man is an unusual spectacle, and yet it was witnessed reoeutly at the Postgraduate Med- ical School, in New York oity. The light was used in an operation to cure hip disease. A student, twenty-two years old, in the col- lege of Burlington, Vt., slipped on the pave- ment about two months ago and strained his thigh. Ho,soon lost the use of his left leg and suffered excruciating pain. Ho Dame to New York, was planed in a cot in the Postgraduate Hospital, and Doctor J. Milton Roberts, a professor in the institu- tion, performed on him a remarkable oper- ation. The young man was put under the influ- ence of ether,and Dr.Roberts,h a e with sea pel, lab:Mata porion of the hibone about three Taches wide. Then he called into play a bone -cutting machine, invented by himself, and called the ialeotro•osteotome. Itis worked by an eleotriobattery, and can revolve surgical instruments 12,000 revolu- tions, if necessary, in a minute. The doctor attached a small drill to the instrument and cut out portions of the hip- bone up to its head, a distance of four inches These pieces of bone under the microscope showed disease. The doctor then used still larger drills until there was a space large enough to admit tho entrance. of a man's fin- ger, He now wanted to eee the exact con- dition of affaire inside of the bone. To do so he used a novelty for this olase of work —a tiny Incandescent electric light, about as large as a pea, This Dr, Roberrs intro. duced inside of the peonage in the bone. and the several flashes of light enabled him to see lust where the dieeased bona was. Then he took up his drill again and cutout the diseased bona wherever .11 was necessary as easily as if the bone were open before him on an operating table.. Dr, Roberts put in a drainoge tubo to take off diseased matter that might form, sewed up the wound, and applied antiseptic bandages. A hypoder- mic injeotion of morphine was given to the patient, and when he recovered from the ef- fects of the ether he was in a satisfactory condition, and it is conjectured that he will in a comparatively short time bo able to use hie disabled limb, For the Year 1886 No batter resolution can be made than to resist buying any d the substitutes offered ae "just ae good"as the great only surtepop corn oure—Putnam's Painless Corn Extrac- tor. It never fails to give satisfaction. Beware of poisonous fleah eating substi- tutee, �-.a Never did any soul do good but it Dame readier to do the same again with mora en. joymont, Never was love, gratitude, or county practised but with increasing joy, which made the preotieerr still more in love with the fair act.—[Earl of Shaftesbury, " Now, look'or yer, Charlie, Jim'mout be an honest nigger and then, again, he mons ten't ; but if I was a chicken and know'd he was about the yard, I tell yo wot, nigger, I'd roost high' --that 1 would," "I was readfn' in de paper eeterday," said Brother Gardner as the meeting opined after the usual style—" I was readin' a in - went bekaeo de ole fashun'd man an' woman had died aft an' would bo seen no mo' on airth foreber. Ize glad on it. Do ole fash- un'd man aoraped off de measure when he sold wheat; he believed dat any sort of food an' any sort of bed was good 'nuff fur his ohlil'en he took the biggest piece et pie at de table ; he ate mo' like a hag data a human bein'; if he had sympathy it was fur hie, cattle instead of his feudist. Da ole•fashun'd man was a reg'lar attendant at prayer-meetin', but he worked his hired help twenty hoursout of twenty-four; just de same, He'd drive five miles to ohuroh on Sunday to show his religun, but door in' de odder six days of de week he was a bad man to trade hosme% wid. It took bis wife six months to git up de courage to ex hire furdress,a mos'of his anew kaliker n 1 ' owentawayfrom oht 1 en growed upan'r home widout a rekoleokehun of dozen kind words. " De alt: -'ashen d man had two reelpee fur hie fellow•bein's. D3 fust was bard work ; de sex' was bonelet tea, He had but two ideahs in regard to boys, DI fust was lots o' work an' a leetle sohoolin' ; de neat was lots o' licking end no holidays, He had but two ideahs in regard to biznees. Di fuet was git all ye kin ; de nex' was keep all ye git. He argued dat a liar could neber enter de kingdom of Fleaben, bat would go out an' lick a sick ox to death widout any fear about his hearafter. He prayed loudly dat de Lewd would increase flip crops. but he kept hie hired hands down to de lowest possible figger, He made a great show of submlttin' to de will of Provi- dence, but if 500 panda of hay got wet in a rain storm some of de chill'n Dome in for a Hokin' befo' night. " De oto-faehun'd man an' woman hey de- parted, an' de world hasn't lost a cant by et. It was a good depart. Wicked as some folks claim de world to be, I feel dat I kin walk into de aiverrge crowd an' pick mo' charity, humanity, religun, sympathy an' morality dan could be found in a tIn•acre lot of old•fashun'd men, Lit us now pro oeed t0 bizness." CAN'T RECONSIDER, The secretary announced the following communication from Point Pleasant, W. V a,: Brother Gardner : DEAR SIR—I see by the proceedings of a late meeting that you are not an admirer of cern doctors. Being a corn doctor and toe and finger nail trimmer I most earnestly protest, and hope that the late action of your " club" concernirg such doctors will be reconsidered. I am also the inventor of MeCaney's corn and bunion exterminator, and will forward free a trial bottle to any one obtaining your oortificate that he is a member in good standing in the Lime -Kiln Club. Yours, PIrLEGM MCCANEY, at Da eo'n digital)," Said the President, "am a pueson who makes a bizuess of re• movin' co'na an' chargln' fifty cents apiece. In about fo' weeks de removed co'ne turn up smilin' ag'in,'while de oo'n doctah has passed on to greener fields, A bunion ex- terminator, as I nnderetan' it, am a salve to exterminate bunions. In a couple of weeks arter`the bunion am 'sterminated you look down at yer heel an' you diskiver dat she has returned from her trip to de sea-eho' an' am ag'In bent on (loin' a rushln' bizaese Frew de fall an' winter. Die club has an- nounced to de world de fack dat it has lost faith in de oo'n doctah an' hie remedies, an' we ain't gwine to take it back. We kin suffer, but we can't suitify ourselves," BRO JONES WILL GO. The following letter, from Carlisle, Ky., was then presented to the meeting : CJARLISLE KY. MARCH 2. , 1SS6 To Pres, Gardner and the3 L C, : Annexed to this enterprising little town is the village of Henryville, a town of about 600 souls all belonging to the colored race. Recently asociety was formed composed of twenty of Henryville's beat citizens and palled the $onryvllle Gardner Club. The idea of the society is to elevate and educate the colored people to a higher standard, and we find we cannot be suoeessfal without outside aid or without connection with a stronger organization, the L C. being the best and most ieflaential eoolety of the kind in the United States. Wo pray for admlaeion into your ranks, and would be pleased to have you or Brother Glveadam Junes come down at once and properly initiate us and deliver the filed lecture before our society. Humbly, HARRISON PIPLR, Secretary. Oa motion of Lekadoshul Burrows the Henryville band was accepted as a branch lodge, empowered to work to the 31st de- gree, and authorized to use the picture of the Torpedo Chicken on its banners for street parade. "Brudder Jones kin propar' hiseelle to go down daa'�-widout delay," said the President, " an' in gwine so fur away from home it will be well Eur him to remember : 1 " De kivered kyars won't git dar' any sooner by puttin' yer head outer de windee. 2 D3 three-keered monte men may look asp i tr o a as de real church deakun. 3. Pomposity am a pumpkin wid holler insides. 4 Keep yer money what ye can't lend it widout pullin' off yer butes. "De meotin' will now disrupt and we will gamble to our homes." The facilities of Intellect grow stronger by labor, and the sentiments of the soul ac• quire strength by the exercise ef the will. The paeslona acquire strength Bey our weak- ness. If you are bilious, take Dr, Pieres's Pleas- ant Purgative Pellets," the original "Little Liver Pills," Of all druggists. Ice two incnee thick will support a man No wonder then that ice -dealers, who store their houses with ice from ten to twenty' inches through, can live in luxury. Young and middle-aged men, suffering from nervous debility and kindred affec- tions, as less of memory end bypoohondria, should enclose 10 cents in stamps for large illustrated treatise suggesting sure means of cure, Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, ;Buffalo, N. Ye There's a new cemetery out Weet that is. rushing up trade in lots by advertising bar- gains in misfit graves, The Brand till Cain waenot more fearful than are the marks of skin diseases, and yet Dr, Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" Is a certain cure. for all li of them, ; Blotches, pimples, eruptions, pustules, scaly inorustt,,tio;oe, lumps, in flamed patches, salt -rheum,' totter, bode,' carbuncles, liken, old;eorae, aro by its use healed quickly and permanently, Now comes the seabon when the faeltion- able belle, who has been'shookod all Winter at the opera ballet, goes to the seaside and die/plays the last new style in ba°hirg 'drosses Pon"t use any more nlueequs rurgativee such as Pills, Salts, &e., when you can get in Dr. 04s13on0 Store oft li.tbere, a medicine that moves she towels gently. cleansing all im our, hoe from the syn tela and rendering the limedpure and cool, Great $Pring Medicine 60 eta, The English swallow-t"'Alf and 'Alf," f 0Je0RE0 GOOD LAND IN TOWNSHIP OF Pivnlppoo toe tale shear) ; small amount dowp; butanes al 0 per cent, 0...J KENT, London, CLI UPS:R JR FILER AND RASPS WARRANTED 5, eq tai to hest t imported 1 p a l kioda lof iting, no Galt Filo Werke, FRxa/eK PAa1CIe, Oulu P.O.P,U. ennn 80 Acre Farm—Into' GO Aere Faris 1111.0I—100,000actinglaYe, 16 cents; 100.000 6 cent musk; inetrnmente hulf•price. BUTLAND, Toronto. ARM AGE LORRIESFortCAREERS, wholesale houses, ,nao^faoturere:heat prin. Central Faire. Address 60. D. NESLIGAS, Aienufeo- tuna Hamilton. AN0 SAW MACHINE 1—ALL SI'LEi—LATEST improvements' bracket band saw forr iii e ipo g to poste; Haat thea and durable le send for oiroulare, JOHN GILLIES & 00., Uu;leton Plana, Ont. ^NETaNGUtSHENE—GARDEN LOTS—over. looklag rs ; harbour, ad j Aging g boE centre, two to three hu Edrad' (wham per acre hilt -acre building lots, two handrail dol are ; large park Iota, one hundred dollars per more up; lovely land and water eeenery ; healthy nos tion; the town ot Pone. tAnguisheue is 01l5100 wonderful progreee; addrase A, M. KE tTING, Penctnngulshene. AMAN OR A WOHIA,Y WANTED IN EVERY townehtp, to soil. Dr. Talmage'e new book, Live Coals " The keenest and moat vigorous specimen of oratory ever written ; nearly 700 pages ; only $2; tuft particulars of thie and other new books Faso. Schuyler Smith & Co , Publishers, London, Ont ir AM OLE AR ENG UP A SWAMP LOT — 176 acres—immediately adjllning'Pane tanguiahene; front twenty cone seedy loam, rest black muck ; well drained; will mike eplerdid stock farm ; good spring creek ; creamery being built ou next farm; price now, four th'Iueand; terme easy. A. M KEATING, Poneh.ngutehene. WE wore oe TIOIEtiJS AGENTS IN EAO $ county for new book wa will plea,: on the 'Market in two weeks; it will contain five hundred pages, and retail at 02 75 ; it is edieed by %prominent Canadian gentleman, who hoe not mads public hie name ; It is expected the literary world will be all astir to find out who the brilliant whey is; the book is upon an important topic, one never beton) dimmed by Canad,an authors ; all wlehing to be- come agents for this remarkable vo'ume aro advised to write for particulars. Addreea, Smternatif.nal Book and Bible Hoose, Toronto. (e3PEC1' L ATTE:UTIO)N.—Something every- 17body ehould have, a "Wirt" fouatelo pen; the cheapest and meat durable ever invented; every pen guaranteed to give satisfaction ; agents wanted for all narte of Canada ; large commission and no eapitai required ; send for descriptive circulars and epecial inducements to agents. 0. H. Brooke, Sole Canadian Agent, Toronto. XTELSON&CO., MILI LWRawnsi; ENGINEERS, Berlin, Oat'—sole mat uf'cturere In Canada of automatic engines from 2 to 15 h, p' ; automatic en. glass for printing offices ; high speed automatic en - gimes for electric lighting; automatic engines for cheese, butter, and sausage factories, or any other purpose where a light and cheap pnwer,ls required. For price Het and other partioulare,,,pddcese-,'•,ae above v 3iOIr.TIIAaD' THOROUGHLY T AUGHT BY Man ; oe students attending our Academy will bo thoroughly prepared by higheet Masters In Short. hand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, and Business Train- ing. Advanced (students helped to eituetione. i n. mediately address, The Union Shorthauder'e Com. menial Academy, Arcade, Toronto. ,Q GENTS I—YOU CAN'T FIND A BOOK THAT £ t. gives baster eatieteotlon or that you can 1nake money faster with than " Wor1d'e Wonders." Sella to all classes—Chrtstlane and Infidels, Cotaoiics and Protestants, old and young ; old ugemte who have not oanvaseed for years are going Into the field with it; O. F. Jenkins sold 12i the first week ; J. E Brace SAYS : " The tient week with " Wonders " netted me one hundred and sixteen dollars." A good chance for unemployed persona ; outfit free to actual oan- Vaeeera; write far teSma. BRADLEY, GARRErsON & Co., Brantford. MONEY TO LEND --ON-- Productive Town, Village & Farm Property. D. MIrCi1ELL 3IcDONALr, Barrister. G Union Itloc.d— Toronto Street -Toronto. C1 PECiAL NOTICE.- GRAND INDUCEMENTS \ offered to our) Ladies and Gentlemen d young untag Bay. Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Commercial Bu. lame, English, Classical or Methematic.1 courses, separate or all together, at halt the regular tuition fee. Ad dresa immediately, Tam TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto, Ont. ASUCOEs3 AG kI NSt ALL PREJUDICE 1 Williams' Eye Water hna proved itself a ego• cess by ail who have used it according to directions, if their eyes were curable, as will bo seen by the undersigned certifcatee It cured me, 8 years blind, mullet failed, 0. Fortin ; it has cured me, ooeuliet would not try mo, Alexander Wand ; 6 years blind, Chas, Amiott; 4 years, Elle Dufour; 83 years blind and now I eee, John Lacroix. Ask your druggiet for It. Wholesale—Lyman S3n9 & 00„ 384 St, Paul St., Montreal tiq R. SPENCE & CO., Consumers will find It to their advantage to eek the trade for our make of Files and Rasps. 1:c -Cutting a specialty. Send for price list and terms. Hamilton, - Ontario. •sdsru pealIE GUELPH CARPET WORKS. J. & A. ARMSTRONG & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Mkt Wool, halon - • (andDamask CARPETS, 01 now patterns and deeigne. Guelph, Ont. SUM I have a positive remedy for the above disease ; by tie us® thousands of -eases or the worst hind anal or long stnmiing have been cured, Indeed, so strong is my faith to Its emcacy, that 1 win sand TWO IIOT[LES PIt00, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer. Give eS1 rens and 1'. G, nrlrirese, •DR, et A. SLOCUM, Eranch Office, 37 $dllge St,, Toronto ARRIAGE & I'AGION AXLES. Mantelaeturers of the Oelobreted 1 Ue4t GucLP.L AXLE WORKS D nrx, T. PEPPER & CO., (' uelpah,'Ont Our Duplex Axles aro all to he had at all the principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion. Ssnd Truck forFartcataloguenslnthe esof eacFruit, Grain and centremDalsus Dao of hBtheelt taof. P I ■ nwars to DAVIS at CO., MILFORD,. DEL, JeliAt L e IN V .8 BTAVLO OUSTER STAVE Jo nter cheeee box, venae eaeborep ti ng: btofrbinders, nein d ng tenon ng and other =airline knives of beet quality, manufactured by PETER HAY, Galt Machine Hullo Works, Ga t, Ont. ; send tor price list. v� y -y... T F COL]) &JLIER RICE �iT ARCH NEVER FAILS. SNOW DRIFT THERE IS NO. BETTER The deer/ Drift Baking twists/ ' Jo,, Brantford, yu, az.43,,c3riciciirizwir. FAVORITEe10 0n08 mEngonnlessHoorlGlealHres,- awFeo,onP,WRtoeOSdulaBnddorisce rd 101anpo , 'Felt 86 Slate Roofer, Manufacturer and dealer In Tarred Felt, Roofing Plied, Building papers, Carpet and Deafening Felt, Y head Rooting ete. e For low prices addrees S WILLIAMS, 4 Adelaide St. E„ Toronto, LINTON, LAKE & CO., Gait, Ont. AXLE I ee Ate ranee t3oaaw Weans. Gar. doge do Wagon Axles, Iron and StealS et & Cap $crows, etc. Lis n A List o application: PP o Allan Line Royal Mail Steamslpsa Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurs- day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, add In summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, nailing at Londonderry to land malls and paoeengere for Scotland and Ireland; also troth Baltimore, via Ralifax and St John'e, N,F , to Liverpool fortnightly during summer mouths. The eteamore of the Glas• gow lluos sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during sum. mer between Glaegow and Montreal weekly; Glae- gow and Boston weekly, and Glaegow and Phlladel phis fortnightly. For freight, passage, or other information apply to A Schumacher & Oo„ Baltimo,e ; S. Cunard & Co., Hallfax ; hhea & Co , S. John's, N.F • Wm Thomp- son ea f'o., Bt. John, N, B, ; Allen &'00 , Chicago ; Love & Alden. New York; H. Bowlier, Toronto; Adana, Rae & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brooklet . Philadel- phia; H, A. Alien, Portland, Boston, Montreal, ALL ABOARD FOR SASKATO� The Board of Di'eotor' of the Temperance Colon• izatlon Poolety (Limited) req*toot that every Scrip Owner this season shot the land in the colony 63 which hie aerip entitlee biro. The resident agent at Moose Jew le M.: John A. Whitmore, and the resident agent in the colony is. Mr. Thomas Copland, Saskatoon. J 0. WHITE, President. 0. POWELL, Manager. Society's Office: 111 King St. West, Toronto. Toronto, 24th April, 1886. 1., h:i z 0 CONBOY'S CARRIAGE TOPS Are the Beet and Cheeriest in the Market. Order one from your Barriage hanker. Take no other kind. Send for Catalogue -407 King St. W., TOILONTo- THE PICKET WIRE FENCE. 1 f ■' I' 1101 1011111101111111111111111101 1111111111011111111111111119 {' flII gip! I��'I " �. uliuIlIlItlulul Our Picket Wire Fe arc is''ding, It surge son all o her fences fer etroeg h, dura(ibty, neat appear• anco and quality of ma erlol This i not a lath force, but a good picket epee at half the cost, suit- able for lawn, parks, cemeteries, sohoele, gardens, orchards, vacant iota, side lines, farm and general purpose fence. It is the cheapest fence in She mar- ket. We can't be heat for quality of fence Sole agents for the Dunkin Fence Making Machine for the Do. minion of Canada. Machines and Terrltoty for sale. TORONTO PICKET WIRE FENCE CO., Send for Prion List. 1:i1 River St., Toronto. !ARMSTRONG'S Patent Tempered Steel Buggy&ail �� � � � Cal'. Our "Jump Seat"' Body on Bellew near meets with a ready -caro, at -d makes a lgbs, handsome, durable. ENG useful conveyance. B'ldos oily with one or our paeeengere, and changed from a tangle buggy 4o q double'oarriage quickly ar d conveniently, ,Ask your carriage maker for particulars. Catalogue mailed on application to J. Ii. AIt1FIS'rRONG Mfe. Co.Lit). ` s GUELPH, CANADA, •� v �■I ■ 1■ a �r When I any encu I' do not mean. moreiy to atop them for' a timean h mean radicar ero,. 1 hare wad) the diSesse of FITS, again. 11ILLI'SY or t+'.LLL- 100 SICKNESS a' lifo•lon study. to tore the worst eases. K E o I others let e my remedy. no. reason for not now receiving a cure,'r Send at olnco fora. treatise and a tree Bottle of my infallible remedy. nava EXpreee and Poet Ogles. It emits you nothing for m tr;et, ea 1 win tura you, Address DR, H. G. HOOT,.. Branch En 37 !MG St,, Toronto. New OrleansRoadCart Co Q, J 111‘51IIPAtrraaa98-- Winters' Patent Road Cart f Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, &e. end for Catalogue. J. WINTERS, Manager. Galt. Ont. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. Awning, Flag, Tent & Camping Depot 109 Tonge Street. Toronto.. The Royal Ianufaoturing Company, - 6 Perth St., Guelph, Ont. L. C. WIDEMAN & CO., —MANCIPAOTURERO OF— Improved Family and Laundry Mangles And all Mode of Laundry Appliances, Burglar. Proof Window•Saeh Locke, Step Leddets, etc., eta - Model -Making, Mill-Wrlghtins and Carpentering Work. dZ'r31:ND FOR (PRICE LIST. Agents Wanted. JAMES PARK 85 SON9 Pork Packer's, Toronto. L. C. Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon, C. C. Baso® Glasgow Beef Home, Sugar Cured Ham, Dried Beef, Br set Bacon, Smoked Tongues, Mese Pork Pickled ongnee, Cheese, Family or Navy Pork Lard in Tube and Palle. The Beet Braude of Eng. lisp Flue Dairy Salt in Stook FOR TaBI MILLION.' Along the line of the Chicago and Northwester Railway In Central Dakota and Northers: Nebraska. New sections are being opened up and rapidly settled in these wonderfully productive regions, and the " first comers" will have "first choice" of - Tor mullinformationlocation (which will be Bent yon free 01 charge) about the tree lands and ohean home, apply to JOHN H. HORLEY, Western Canadian Pass. Agent, C. & N. W. Ry., R. S. HAIR, 9 York St„ Taranto, Ont, General Pass. Agent, Chicago, Ills. 16 -Nkr 'A Li. AWA .r Flo KING ST. vJE T-- TORONTO L., .0 FOR. FULL may. PisC��e. Mention This Paper. Peerless Oils Are made only at the Queen City Oil Works, and have received during the last three years ample barrel. It It ices not prove satisfactory we will pay freight both ways. SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., 30 Front St, Bast, Torout L. D. SAWYER & 00., HAMILTON, ONT. —UANursoxaasas 0P— " L. D. S." ENGINES. Awarded FIRST PRIZE, 1885. al Provincial Fair, London ; Centeal Fair, Hamilton, and Northern Fair, Walkerton. "Grain Saver" and "Peerless" SEPARATORS. "P1tta"Horse-Powers, for 4, 6, B, 10 and 11 Horses. Tread Powers, for 1, 2 and 3 horses. Light Separators, for Tread and Sweep Powers. tSl,Send for I Uuebrabedatad Catalogue Priceice List. THE EAGLE BRAND FINE :BOOTS AND7SHAUES. Bit Virearing, Fitting, Looking • *RADE MARK torr roll, IN THE MARKET' T': Every pairand every be bears;thiS eagle AS TRADE MARS. 'T Km No O ix i*O.,