HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 75• , , ,„. „.„‘„ • -^ " • " "' " " : ", 2 1, 114 age VMS formed- on anuaryllithliMby the late Wat • Murphy When) the Lodge Was teP.Ilatrted after'. He was hernia 10.,!ettftCo., TrelandandeaMeI0 • coralwith. bis parents in .ancy. Ile was known as an table men a genuine. Oearted, 41;4 neigbbnitr, voted husband. and OM of the qiflrs best citizens. He fa*- ReCt Mr many years on the 16th WIPOStilort Of` Goderich Twp. The Chapter members of this e were - Thomas Ryan, Uel Archer, John Pollock, Read, Arthur Knox, Alex Smith,nines Mti4s# Wm. Farquhar, Rick MtArPitY4 John JelmSkitt, George Knox, and Thomas Archer. They started off the first year with 44 members. Mr. WM. MOVIari was the Mater. It is not a certainty where the first meetings were held, but in 191* there was a drawn up by Ridout and Rail for the sum of ten dollars per.annum for use by the Lodge of rooms over theft/1013We Bank where the Bank of Montreal now stands. They were still meeting there in 1914, but soon after the Clinton Knitting factory took over the rooms fog a recreation hall' for their employees. The Lodge then rented the room over the' Car- UNTONE 1975,PAOS,27 • negie Library front the 4140103w Order of Foresterit, bought their furniture, and held meetings there tmtil ° )949 the RallwayStatioi'l at Brucefield was '; pnrchased, moved to Albert Street on Nov. Iltb, and placed on the frm- dation which bad been made lo readiness for the building. Mr. Mitch McAdam deserves Special mention as he supplied all machines and cribbing and supervised the, i. finishing Of the building. Men were hired to put in the electric work -i'and the plumbing. The members did all the carpentering and the pain- ting. In 1960 the Lodge moved into the new meeting place on George Lavis Sr. takes delivery of a load Of Implements irtMarch of 1899. George Laits. Sr. sold implements -In 1882 the late George Levis • began a Massey Harris im- plement business in the building now occupied by Lavis Con- tracting Co. Ltd. at 26 Isaac • Street. (Picture No. 1) On Marth 14th, 1899 Mr. Levis received a delivery of Massey Harris implements, (Picture No. 2) and he is shown sitting in his office in 1910 (Picture No. 3) This office on Isaac St. was used on many oc- casions as a polling booth for the municipal elections and also as a censeLiii in office . • Mr. Georgi-Lavis eiiiited by his son Bant. continued the 'im- , plement batiness, and also started the General Motors Chevrolet car agency. In 1917 Mr. • George Lavis died and Mr, Bart La vis gave up the implement agency a few_ years later but continued the car business using • the building at 26 Isaac St. as a garage and repair shop. In 1930 Bart Lavis changed his car agency from Chevrolet to Chrysler and continued in the car business until 1938. in 1938 Bart and his sons George and John started the send and gravel buSinesp using this building as their machinery repair shop. The old Jabez Rands Sr. blacksmith shop (beside 26 Isaac St.) was purchased And torn down to make possible the con- struction of an office in 1952. • - - Mr, -Bart -Levis died and George and John had the business name changed to Levis Contracting Co, Ltd. An asphalt paving plant was 'purchased so that paved streets and roads could become a reality in this area. The Town of Clinton main streets were reconstructed and paved irr the mid ,1960's. in 1960 One of first subscribers JOHN CUNNINGHAM When the Telephone was in its infancy In Clinton (1885) John Cunningham. was listed as one of the first subscribers in his Express Office, which at that. time was located on Rattenbury Street. in the Galbraith block where the Centennial Center is located. Itis sop Gordon came ..into the business with him and the office was moved to Isaac Street one store north of the Counters Jewellery Store. recently pur- chased and renovated by Mr. Gordon Duern. Many will remember Mr. Timmy Perry. who came to work for Sam Cooper at the hotel. He 40ad club feet and used to help with tht express taking boxes to the station for shipment. Another faithful servant was Henry %man who picked up,packages all around town that were shipped through the Express Office. He worked for the Cun- ninghames as long as they were in Business. John Cunninghames daughter Miss _Florence being a lover of flowers started up a florist business in her fathers shop. on Isaac Street as early as 1918 and before. The Cun- ninghames residence was on the corner of Huron and Shipley Streets, and they had- a greenhouse for the plants built behind the house. The home of their son Gordon was directly behind their house on the corner of Rattenbury W. and Shipley Sts. Gordon . and his sister Florence continued in business for many years, then' retiring to —their respective homes in Clinton. Miss Florence passed away,' winter 1970.71, and Gordon in 1974.1 , 1 the expanding business required an addition to the rear of the • , main building. • This Isaac St. building has beenlised by the Lavis family -for 93 years and may be a record for ,a family business operation at the sameIncation in Clinton. %%emir Hill (as this street In Clinton is historically known), The Ladies Orange 'Lodge helped with the paying qf the hall. and it is the meeting platen, hotb Lodges. They have helped with manyprojects when the need arises. Jointly with the 1...0.13.A. they furnished a room in the Clinton Public lospital; gave' a cash donation to the Arena Fund; purchase a wreath for the Legion 'Remembrance Day Service and Oleo It on the cenotaph as members from our order have fallen in both World Wars. They have Home at Rich- mond Hill which they help to keep up, also the Trillium Home at Orillia. It is interesting to know that the founder of this Ledge Mr. Wm. Murphy was a brother of Mr. Joe Murphy's grandfather. Therey.tem at least one mile of vehicres la his funeral carOile, and fully •one hundred Orangemen fpn foot who pmeded the hearse. The pallbearers who at this time have particular historical significance were - Mr. • Cantelon, Wm. Ford, Thos.' Kearns, A.M. Todd. Thos.. Beacom. and W.G. 'Smith. The Episcopal 'service was conducted by Rev. J.P. Parke, The present Wprthy Master is Mr. Wilfred Glazier, Huron Street. The Lodge meets the 2nd and.laSt Thursday of each month. By H. Mervin Hanly (who joined in 1014) Happy 100th Anniversary Clinton! We are proud to -have served -the rural Clinton area throughout many of the years gone by, and look forward to serving many more in the Years to come. * Bob Elliott * George Picot • * Ken Harris RM. ELLIOTT MILK TRANSPORT R.R. # 1, Bayfield A dependable name in transportation. Ser- ving the dairy industry for 45 years, 1930 - 1975. - Real Estate Limited • Congratulates Clinton on its Centennial Proudly Promoting • Huron County MASON BAILEY • Broligtr,/ Manager 132 Albert St. FAYE FEAR Secretary 482.9371 • •