Clinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 70,I• ,fN, 0 `- r w. P GE * -CU ul fe .RECO , Ui AY, TFT 2 Heie since • 418 The olfdcee of the Dept. of Agricultural for Huron Co.. first opened in the town of Clinton in 1918. The first office we can remember was located in the north- etufet the Normandy Hotel to the south of G brit Irwin's Meat Market. it was 'there that S. 8, Stothers was Agriculture Rep., and Miss Ettlalia Hull .the first stenographer from 1918-1921. She was followed by N. K. Daawzer. 1932-25; and Miss 'Olive Schoenhals (Mrs. Geo, McCague) 1925-27. Other stenographers . include the names of -- Bessie Watt. M. Henderson, Edna McDonald, Mrs. M. Nicholson. Maxine Miller. Elizabeth Reid. Marjorie Stanley. Jeanne Gib'- birhgs, Leona Johnston. Mae Coleman. Lois Jones. + Helen Wilson. Mrs. H. O. Schilbe,. Carol I'ay!ot, Faye Bolger. Linda • I'reszcator, .8971: Gail„ Richar- eison. Before the old Hotel (then the Star theatre) was torn down, the office was moved to a building owned by the late W.S.R. Mimes. which at present fni4ms the north half cif the Beattie Furniture Store on Albert Street. Agricultur+L Representatiyes at this site were -- G. R. Patterson. 1926-29i G. A. McCaguie. 192940: .tan • McLe,od, 1930-38: James C. Shearer. • 1938-44: Bruce Matheson, 1944-45; J. D. Moore, Acting Agrie. Rep:. 1945: F, K. Bain --Stewart. 194547: LeRoy Brown. 1947-48: R. Gordon' Bennett. 1948-51: G. W. Mon- tgomery, 1951-57: D. H. Mi1Ss, 1957-68: D. S. Pullen. 1968 to the present time. ' On Jan. 21st. 1963. the Dept. of Agriculture moved to the new building e►n the corner of Mary and King Sts. An official opening ceremony was held with Agricultural Minister W. A. Stewart cutting the ribbon. Mr. Doug Miles. Agr. Repr. for Harron Co.. acted as master of ceremonies. Mr. Chas. McNaughton of Exeter. Ont., Minister of Highways, presented .a pair of gold scissors on which were inscrilted the names of S. B. Stothers and Mr. D. Miles. Other officials attending the ccremnnny were R. Gordon Bennett. who at that, titer was assistant Deputy Minister of - Agriculture.for Ontario: Walter J. Fobes. Warden of Huron County: Mayor W. J. Miller of Clinton: and K. •E. Lantz of -Toronto. director of extension Dept. of Agriculture. Mr. S. B. Stothers and Mr. Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. for Huron and Bruce. were unable to be present. Miss Isabelle Gilchrist. Home Economist for Huron County was also present. Mr. John Lavis attended representing the Levis Con- tractingj Co., who built the building at a cost of $24000.00. It is a two-storey brick building with Board rooms. washrooms and kitchenette on the first floor. arid several offices on the main floor. It is with pride that we note the promotion of one of our for- mer Agric, Repr.. R. Gordon Bennett to the position of Agriculture Minister for Ontario. • as of April 1st, 1975. Assistant Agricultural Representatives have been -- D. A. Andrews.' 1924; .1. B. Nelson. 1925: D. . A. .Andeews5 J. Y. Kellough, 1925-26: D. A. Andrews. 1926: J. R. Ostler. 1927-28; C. A. McCague. 1928-29; Ian -McCleod. 192940; A. M. Barr. June -Aug.. 1940: H, L: Atkinson. 1930.33: G. E, Nelson, 1946-48;. J. D. Butler. 1951-53: 14. R. Baker. 195x-2-55 ; A. S. Bolton. 1955-59; D. G. Grieve, 1959.62; D. S. Pullen. 1963-68: T. W. Clapp. 1168-71. STAFF 1975 "ONTARIO MINISTRY OF , AGRICULTURE & FOOD,j CLINTON DON PULLEN, Agricultural 197 Representative, direction and Co- ordination of all agricultural policies and programs in the County, emphasis on farm management (swine,,ur sheep). credit counselling, STAN PAQUETTE. Associate Agricultural Representative. emphasis on Farm Management (beef and poultry). -credit counselling. BILL BROADWORTH, Associate Agricultural Representative, emphasis on Farm Management (dairy). credit counselling. MIKE MILLER, Associate Agricultural Representative, emphasis on farm managetnent (craps). credit counselling. LEN MacGREGOR. Extension Assistant. co-ordination of 441 agricultural club program, Junior Farmer liaison, general extension duties. Safety Council. • GEORGE. PENFOLD, Agricultural Engineer. engineering extension, farm building construction and renovation advice. consultation regarding farm drainage, farm - ponds, • grain handling, inachinery management, 'Agricultural Code of Practice'. SAM BRADSHAW. Engineering Assistant. farm building and drainage plans. 'general engineering extension duties. 4-H Farm Machinery and Tractor Clubs. MISS JANE PENGILLEY. Home Economist (Home Economics Branch), supervises and cone ducts 441 Homemaking Club proglraams. liaison work + with Women's lnstitutes-,.Available for consultation regarding specific home operation questions., IAN K1, I EDY. BILL ELLIOTT (Milk Industry). responsible for Milk Commission regulation enforcement on dairy (arms, assistance to milk prbducers with quality problems. WM. TURNBULL., BOB TUR- NER. Capital Graant.Inspectors. BRUCE LOBB, (Ministry of the Environment ). Pesticides Control Officer. SECRETARIAL STAFF --- Mrs. Ethel Ball. Miss Catharine Potter, Mrs, Linda Dillon, Mrs. John, Anthony Van Egni.ond poses with his horse outside theold post Office, now torn down. Rhea Potter. Mrs, Maxine Aiken (per diem). Mrs. Betty Young (per diem) -- Milk Industry. HOME ECONOMISTS in Huron since 1918 -- Miss Flora Durnin, (1918). Jean M. Scott; Jean M. Sieckie; Mrs. Howard Filsinger; Shirley Bullock: Shirley Pat- terson (M'rs. fan McAllister); Bette Tillmi.tan (Mrs. Dale Miller) ; Isabelle Gilchrist (Mrs. Gary Theiss); Patricia Damude (Mrs... Sam Squire) ; Dianne Liddiard (Mrs. Matti Pirhoneri); Sharon (Mrs. John Hart): Susan Heard (Mrs. Larry Wheatley) ; Catherine Hunt (Mrs, John Scott ); Jane Pengiliey (1975). Information courtesy Dept_ of Agriculture and Food, Clinton, Market report 1901 Wheat - .64c to .66c per bu. Goose Wheat - .60c - .62c bu. Turkey Red Wheat - .68c bu. Barley - .42c - .48c bu. Oats - .38c bu. , Peas -.60cc-.65cbu. Rye-- .40c - .45c bu. Potatoes - .25c - .30c bu. Butter - .9c, .13c to 14c in rolls or crocks -/per 1b.) Butter in tubs - .14c - 15c Ib. Eggs - .12c - .13c per doz. Hay $ per ton. Live Hogs - 84.75 - 85.00 per cwt. Chickens per pair - ' c to .4 Flour per cwt. - 81.75 Bran per ton - 815. Dried apples per lb. - .0 Happy 100th Birthday Clinton • r llvi n Costo Mans wit the finest meats since 1963 Minton Menu Market Grant Erwin, proprietor - 14 lag Strut, Osten 482-3834 Ont. A11. the foregoing personnel may be reached by phoning Clinton 482-3428. We at CARTER'S WEST END appreciate the hospitality we have received over the past 8 ye' ars -and Congratulate Clinion.... on its 100th Anniversary CARTER'S WEST -END SUPERTES 215 Huron. Clinton 482-9363 0,