HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-20, Page 1LX GAL. II, DICKSON, Barrister, Soil- otter or Supremo Court, Notary Public Qeliveyaneer, Do minieelon(.r, &O. Money to Loan. Ofho(1in.i auswi'sBiools,lTxotel', 1\i . 1ioFADDEN, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Eto,,1 EXETER, • ONT. Oglee galirwoll'sBlocls (flail's old ofUce') DENTAL, CARTWRIGHT, L. I) C. td eras opened dental rooms ovor O'NEIL'S BANK, whore he will be prepared to extractteothwithout pain. AU operations performed with ease and skill. Gold fillings a,tpeciattty. Office hears D Z. in: to 5 pm. (D. Anon MODERATE, T Xs OAsin. itlesatrna KIN SMAN, DENTIST..u.D.S Extracts 'Toth without pain, by giving Vitalized Air, or by using the Now Local Antostho- tic on the gums; makes Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Rooms Maimirsrin P' otn LOutBLOOK, East side of MEDICAL., CLUTZ, M. D., • OfIicoat lrisrosidence Exeter. teW..13±ZOWNING M. D., M. C • P. t3,GraduateVietoriaUniversity.Offiee audlresidenoe,DominionLaboratorv, Exeter T1R. J. A.ROLLINS, M.O. P. S J 0. Office, Alain St.Exeter, Ont. liesiden cehOuserecontly occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. LIS.HYNDMAN AND HOOPER, Dr,Hyndman, Cor000r for the County of Huron, &c., &o. Dr; Hoop er, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; Licentiate in Midwifery, Edinburgh (Scotland) Postgraduate Student of the^ University of Vienna (Austria) and of the &foorfield Eyo i Hospital, London (England) &c., &c. Special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. Office, Main -street, Exeter . DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, a few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, an atilt) pres- ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the oar; diseases of tho Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of impai•ed hearing. • ' AUCTIONEERS_ 11EN1 Y EILBER, Licensed Auo- tioneor for Hay, Stephen, and 11IcGi11f- atSales conducted at ©s. Office -At Post -office, Crediton, Ont. OLIN GILL, Auctioneer for the t e Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the llfi11a 'o of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, andeattsfactien guaranteed. Sales arranged attb s'offic0. VETERINARY. TENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri- nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toron- t'o,havo op onecl an office for the troa tmont of all Domestic Animalson , Msinstreet Exeter. Calls from a dls._ �� ' tp.P.cbprOmPt,:Y attendedto:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c always on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. TVI-ONE).T J LOAN ON REALES ILL tate forthoHuron & ErieLoan .c. 'Sav- i,ngeSoeiety. Low rates ofinteresi. Apply to John Spackman ,Exeter MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6e .LV11 percent.according toterms. Private Funds. Apply to E.V,ELLIOT, Augustl5,'85 • Solicitor; Exeter , ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established In 1863. HEAD OFFICE - . WATERLOO, ONT. . This come any has been ovor Eighteen years in successful operation in Western Ou- tario,andcontinues to insure againstloes or damage by Fire ,Buildings ,Merchandise ,Man- ufactori es,and all other descriptions of!insur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company, has issued 57,005 Policies. covering property to the amount of $40,872,038 ; and paid inloss- es alone $109,752,00 AssotS, 8176,100.00, consisting of Cash 11 r8onh, GoverumentDeposit, and the unaes- ossed Premium Notes on hand and in force. J, W WALDxN11 D. Presidei.t. C. J. TAYLOE, Secretary. 3.B. Huonns,inepector. CHAS: SNELL Agontfor Exeter and vicinity, IIMMUCIWPSIMMICIT "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE ORIPs FALL W13,Ct+RE, THEY MAY,"` VOL. XIII., NO. 39. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MORNING, MAY 20, 1886, IMPOR'T'ANT NOTICES JCRIIN Win= & SAN JPubiisherp onci groprietors 404:0441ip COMMUNICATIONS. than whom no higher authority is to e d° nth 1 ourselves be met with in westera :Ontario, a 1L P W i f4 to make an 11 OAS )N a n hold respenei, .i for Under entleman who has s eat hie lifetime Ons oxgressed ! byi oorros000fents under g p t113R. h0adin SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE Ike. J. DE AMINO'S LANGTRY AND "PARISIAN BANGS, Without it doubt they are the most becoming styles ever introduced: Ladies, for something in very flue style, >suelt as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, Puffs, Curls, or' Wigs, call On. Ike. J. Doaring, at' CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Where he will. supply all your wants in ,the Hair Line, C OTTATlONSNTY,OF1888',U U.1BON. EXAMI. N Secondolass nonprofessival examination at tho High Schools in tho County on Monday 28th Juno, 9 a`..rn, Third class nonprofessional examination` at the High Schools in ,the County on Tuesday, 6th July, 3 a. m. First class grade O , 4londay,12th July, p. m.' First class grades A and 13, Tuesday, 20th July, 9 a. m. Candidates who Trish to write at Dither Clin- ton'or Soaforth must notify D.M. MALLODx, P. S.Inspocior,Clinton post office, not later than the 25th May, stating which of the schools they `wish to write at, and those who wish to write 'atGodori'ch must notifyJouN E. Toni, P. S.I., Exeter, at the same date. The notice must be aocompaniedby a foe of $2, or $4 it the candidate appliesfor a 3rd as well as a 5nc1 class examination. No name will bo forward. ed to the Department unless the foo acoompa- flies it. Forms of application may be bad from the secretary. The head masters of High Schools will please send the applications of their candidates to the County Inspector of the division in which the High School is situ- ated, PETER ADAMSOI,, Soc'y B, Exrs. Goderich, May 9, 1986. (It) In1;1nii ilway OF CANADA Tllo Royal Mail, Passenger and .r'reiglrt Rout Y• otween Canada and Great Di Actin and direct, uto between the West and all points' on th . 1,Wor St. Lawrence and Buie des Cha - lour, arse New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton, Newfoundland., Bermuda, and Jamaica. Now and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Day Cars run on through Express trains. Passengers for Great Britain or She Conti- nent by leaving Toronto at 8;30 a. ni: Thurs- day will join outward nail steamer at Hall- ' fax a, m. Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ac- coinmodation at Halifax for shipment of grain ,and general merchandise. Years of experience have proved the INTER• HARKNESS' HAIR BAI Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops thehaix from falling out: increases its growth, and will not soltthe Skin, I As a hair dres- sing, it has no superior. Gunr- anteed harmless. Prepared b» Harkness & Co London, Ont. Sold by all Druggists nod Patent Dledicin; Dealers. Wishes to announce h •t is al s ,ii, in building and overseeing bridges, to the In abi an exhaustive examination Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out The Scott Act. 'i;, n, hi h t, did b b i d ver To the ditor of the Tv)n s �i rlo i piece of timber to tile heart, and , Ills n r c 'ram's' conolosion - was "ii is a' well built D1 nR SlR, ,1be Scott Z�'aP yon, 1 b d d t m mind effect 0o anao�sho y perfectly P of ceruse, are �ware,has been in force ri ge an o safe. Mr. L. iu the corner Store North of Samwel 6& Pickard's, where he is prepared to make. all kinds of ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eaorett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. 1 LYNE, THE T!LOER MR. WM. LYNIi is prepared to do CUSTOM TAILORING At Kirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. &Eggs Butter WANTED. moo. 1111Ca#3seson Has opened out in Currelley & Co's. Old Stand, EXETER N ORTH Complete stock of Groceries.' 16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts—Good Quality. CEN TRAL Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best .1i in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. LOOK; LOOK TRY The Cash drcv ! 3 Ib. bar Family Soap .. .. horse Shoo Salmon .. 2 bars Electric Soap .. 2 bars Victor Soap .. 1 box Rice Starch 21bs Sago •. . 21bs. Tapioca .. eioLONIAL in connection with steamship 3 Dans IVlnckerl lines to sail from London, Liverpool an. 3 DOvc6 :Blacking large), • 25 Glasgow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight g ( , u,oute between Cadacla and Groat Britain. i 1 Smokin obacco 1 Information as to Passenger and Freight rates can bo had on application to ROBERT B.IVIJODIE, 'Western Prod r1it.&Passenger Agent 93P r,ssin House Block, York St., Toronto, D. POT TINGED, Chief Superintendent. Railway (1 to N.14:, Nov 13,1885. .. 15 cts 15 .. 15 15 . 15 15 25 p 11)45 S T(thick) 25 3 " Chewing j 1 lb. Y. III, Tea .. .. 25 6 bars Soap, Erosive, .• .. . , 25 61bs. Rice .. .. .. 25 3 packages Pearling .. .. 25 t Try my TEAS. They givo Satisfac- tion. Tho,, LIQUOR TrtSA--A Prize with every three lbs. Roller Flour, General Family ,Groceries, Oranges and Lemons.. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS I Se• nd 10 cents postage and we will send you freta royal, valuable sample box of goods .that will pout you in the way of making 010)0 11,1; Onde, tint,, anything. else in America: flethsexos of ell ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital not -required. We wilt start you. Immense ay 1/015 for tlioso who start at once. ST/Naar (/0 , Portland Maine' Drewr, Block, South More. ti I , GEORGE 1(E: r p, GE'S s T-I.A-RDWARF. FORKS, SCY'T'HES, BINDING GLOVES, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60c per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER.' r A reduction of 5 Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Suit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for 9$7.50. Suitings and Overcoats' Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0. Exeter Butcher Shop. R• DAVIS, Butcher it General Dealer, -IN ALL KINDS OP- M{�.. TIS Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. LADZES, GO TO DULMAGE'S FOR STYLISH MILLINERY. GOBS ARRIVING DAILY AT DULMAGE'S KI1tIc ON • OOKK HERE 1 Any purcl.naser of 12 lbs. I of our CELEBRATED 60c. TEA will be awarded a No. 1 Gingham or Print Dress (fast colors.) Factory Cottons at Rock Bottom Prices. 100 dans MIXED PAINTS just to hand for Hoose Painting. i SHOES d.,tla G�,CC��JI�S, BOOTS, A7�4J Cheaper than ever at Hardy, another life• Y long bridge builder, says, with the e e on the community, but so far matter stands thus: The oouucil, after re eated examinations and tests, say it is 'safe, Mr. F. B. Talbot, county engineer, and Mr. L. Hardy (after the results of examinations were laid before him) both declare the bridge "perfectly cafe ; " on the other hand, .Pro Bono Publico" says it is "dil- apidated" and a "disgrace." He don't enlighten us as to how he reached that conclusion ; so the public will have to judge between us—to take either the evidence of the coattail, all practical men, pone of thein dealing in that eorl of thing more or less for. 12 years, Messrs. F. B. Talbot and L. Hardy, on the one, hand, or the ipse- di:sit of a gentleman who had not the moral courage to make his charges over his own name. His memory is ai fault, too, when he says our corpo• ration intended at one time to rebuild the bridge this season. '1'he'corpo- ration' intended nothing of the kind, as they thought from examinations made that it would be a waste of money, or at !eta, for the present, an unueceeeary expenditure of the pee• ple'e money ; and, in conclusion, let me assure my friend that'if the bridge is as he asserts Y would be going the' wrong way to make popularity by de- ferring the building of what he' .says is a continual danger and menace to the travelling public.; If to make popularity. were my ambition, oar citizens are too enlightened to be; im- posed an in that way. I would just matte one suggestion to my friend, if from the fact of a few boards of'the inside lining being removed so that the timbers could be got at toteat,'I renders the strnoture suoh;; s,n eyesoe` to him, 'if be will say no more aboutla' toa s4lzort to enable one to judge of its t,;, ff c t added bent it is "perfectly safe, The as Lucen Is concerned there is no g a g s a person most is perhaps the abeenoe of people on our slreete and of farm - ere' teams at hotel stables, but as this is albusy season with farmers, .tt>is may not be attributable to flee Scott h Aothiving been declared in force. To the gnediion—ie the Act honestly car ried out ? different, answers are re- turned. Those who eupported it think the Act is faithfully observed, while' on the other hand, those who opposed it say that the law is'quietly ignored, and that the initiated oan get all the strong drink they want. This will probably be the case while the Act ;remains in force, one party de• nounoing it as a failure, and the other upholding it and; claiming that it is observed as well as the ordinary run of other laws upon the statute book. The great danger which I and others appreIend is.not the - open violation of the Aot by respectable hotel -keep- ers and ;.those who formerly dealt in liquor,btit the transfer of the business from duly licensed individuals, amen- able to the law, to low, unlicensed dens, kept by people who have no character to lose, This has been the ease whe'reyer the S. A. has come in force, and unless something be done to prevent this Bort of thing the Act will not be a success. I am afraid it is a hard row to hoe, although here in Middieees active steps are being taken towards the enforcement of the law. I uphold giving it• a fair trial, and if, at the end of the three years, ib has proven a failure, repeal it. The hotel -keepers here,are apparently observing the. lav„ a..iI is:to'be gelled: =that none'of them will ever be found guilty of transgression. Yours, &tee INDEPENDENT. Lucan, May 18th, 1886. That Sanble Bridge. To the Editor of the Exeter Times. SIR. —In your last week's issue your Lucan correspondent, under the 7100 de plume of "Pro bono Publico," (which in the present case is a mis- nomer) reiterates his former state- ments about.," dilapidated objects " and "disgrace to the township," and such choice phrases in describing one of our bridges, which he now ocates on the road between Clandebo and Liman. In his former oommunloation it was a few miles west of Lucan, but now he takes another direction and briugs us to the Sauble bridge. If he had~husbanded his Latin and gave us his own name we would know what value to plane on his opinion, for, in his ease, I am quite sure' it can only be a matter of opinion. Let ns now consider how far his statements are correct : Our eonncil has recently and repeatedly instituted a series of thorough investigations into the con- dition of the bridge in question with the result that,we have not disoover- ed the slightest development of weak- ness in the whole superstructure ; we have not found one piece of timber, from abutment to abutment,displaoed, warped,, or otherwise disabled, and that the superstructure from one abutmentabuttnerea to the other has not sagged one•lialf inch, which would surely not :,be the case if P. B. P's assertion was correct. Further, we found every etiek of timber in said bridge perfect- ly sound, with one exception, and I would venture a new hat that our Lucan friend would not find that spot without making a thorough search; but to enable flim to find it at once end examine it for himself, it is the south chord and oorbler just at the west abutment., and even that spot has not moved or been displaced in the least; end to prevent any giving way at that point, we have placed a strong bent sufficient to reeeiye the whole weight of the end of the bridge, so that if the whole tress were. taken down the two bents would bo sufficient to eatry the bridge safely. The truss is as sound as the day it sane erected, and from aetiral and searching exam- ination we woe led to the conclusion that the bridge is not "di(apidatee" nor a l disgrace," but perfectly safe for public`travel. I believe you could place a string of Stearn threshing en• gines from10130 ens to the e other with „ safety. to be doubly sure and to restore public confidence, while as weakened' by senseless talk of bridge being unsafe, we omployell Mr, F. R. Talbot, coleety engineer, and Mr, M. Ttiornpson fell, from Ilia wagon on Saturday evening, and the wheels passed OVOL.` hie legs, but the igjury was alight, A moot pleasant and harinonious Meeting of the Official Board of the L+'limviile Circuit Methodist Church wet held at Elimville on the 10th lust There wawa large attendance. There were no deilioieucioe reported. All the reports indicate steady growth and prosperity. Messrs, D. Melnoels and T. Worry, jr., were elected to at- tend the district meeting. Extensive improvements are to be made in the parsonage, Rev, W. H. Gane, " sup- erintendent of the circuit, was unani- mously invited by the November of. ficial meeting to remain the third year. Rev, T. T. George, his col. league, was tendered a cordial vote in recognition of his efficient services during the year. The Ub orae circuit was one of the most important fields in the late Bible Christian denomina- tion, and now the Elitnviile circuit takes rte place among the most promi- nent airouite in. the London Confer - Oboe. lil.ansbi rd Coifed. The regular meeting of the council was held on Monday, the 3rd day of May. All the members present., Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Wm. Pea - cook, applied for an outlet to drain a portion of his farm. Moved by Mr. Graham, sec, by Mr. Speariu, that the Reeve be ap- pointed to meet Mr. Stanley, Reeve of Biddalph, on 'Friday; the 7th inst., at 10 a. in., to attenit to the matter, the clerk to notify Mr. Stanley. Carr. Bylaiedw No. 131 was read, passed, and eigned, also by-law No. 132, for the oolteoting of the taxes, on or be- fore the 14th day of December, as provided for by statute, was read and passed. Several culverts were reported out o(: repair. Moved by Mr. Lawton, sec. by Mr. Speariu, that, Messrs. Graham and Hudson, be appointed to have them put into repair. -Carried. Mr. Gowan, reported the road near Nicol's mill, in a yery bad condition. Messrs. Graham and Speariu were appointed to have it repaired. The following orders were issued. and signed : Wm. Paynter, $2 tile; Frank Wilson, $1.50 culvert; R. Rayoroft, 50o. cleaning out ditch; H. F. Sharp, $3.65 stationary; H. A. L. White, $4 advice; Ruth Pitchie, $7; Geo. Wilkinson, $3 charities; the clerk was instructed to procure a LiouX,smber.bonds. .:ofytJaetto forme for °entree - .t we will gladly do all in owl power Ws) ".,The council then adjourned, to meet on the first Monday, in June, at 10 a. in. A Court of Revision to be held at 2 p. m., the same day. S, CLARKE, Clerk. make the bridge an imposing strife-. tore. We could have it decorated with a boquet on each end, so, that, even Oscar Wilde's feelings would not. be in the least affeotod by its appear- ance. Now, Mr. Editor, I am done with this matter, and hope that all ground of complaint between us and Lnoan friends is removed. We are tired of this whining. We are first rated over a mad soheme of building a branch railway, next over refusing to establish a High School to be un• der the ooutroi of the village, and, non again for what ? For daring to attend to our own business. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your former kindness in publishing my reply to our Luoan friend, Hope this will reoeive the same courtesy. I remain yours re• speotfully, W. H00PER. Centralia, May 17, '86. LADIES wino surasn, as only themselves know, aro now beginning to know that a congested condition of the system, if not removed, causes the chronic complaints from which they so much suffer; this congestion occurs most frequently in the kidneys, liver and other abdominal organs, and it can readily be removed by that wonderful pre- paration, Warner's safe cure. Centralia. Mr. Lingard has got word from headquarters that the Salvation Army will storm the town next Thursday evening. ' Messrs. P. Breen and J. Darcy started from biddulph for Scotland last Monday. They intend to bring out about a dozen Clydesdale stallions, Word was received last Thnrsday from Messrs. Curtin and Sullivan tt the effect- that they had lauded in the old country, malting the trip in seven and one-half days. They intend to bring out horses. Centralia is improving in appear- ance this season. Wm. Al airn 11as made his house look like naw by aid• ing it up. T. Boyle has put shutters an his house and he intends painting it. Satnuel Baskerville is building a kitchen, and T. Hodgins has over- hauled his temperance house and got it painted inside. ►.• • Lucan. Mr. J. R. Armitage is making pre- parations for the erection of another story on hie dwelling and store. Mr. N. A. Friss, barber, has been making considerable improvements in hie shot, lately. The appearance of it is almost as handsome as the propri- etor himself. Messrs. Atkinson & Eedy, jewelers, Kaye moved into their new establish- ment(Soott Brothers' old stand, oppo- site the Central.) They keep the finest and cheapest stock of watches in town. Mr. Linlatt, formerly of Clande- boye, but late of this place, died at the residence of Mr. James Wilson on Thursday, May 131h. His remains were interred at the Nursery cemetery on Saturday. On Saturday evening, May 22nd, a meeting will be held at the Queen's Hotel for the purpose of the reorg- anization of the Irish Nine 13, B. C. All interested are requested to attend at 8 o'oljok sharp. Mr. A. Murdock, who has beeu away fqr the benefit of his health the past few weeks, returned to town on Saturday for a abort visit. We are pleased tp see him teething so well and hope he wilt continue to improve. The celebrated trotting stallion Tontine, owned by Mr. John Beacom, suddenly took ill at Clandeboys last week, but by the skillful exertions of ,our local pets. he is improving fast, and it is hoped will take his regulre route again next week. John, son of Mr. John Mulley, of this viliaso, died at his residence in Usborno on Monday, aged 29 years. Deceased was a promising young man, and his sudden death has cast a gloom among his friends. The funeral; which took place yesterday, was fairly well attended, the remains being iu terred in the Eden cemetery. The following is dedicated to our spring poets : The poets that bloom in the spring, Tr -la, Have a great deal to do with our baud : One of them whistles and sings, Tra-1a ; The other goes olY T'ER•biug, Tra-la, With an alto horn in his band, And that's what I moan When I say or I sing, Olt, bother the pouts That bloom in. the spring, Tra-la•la-la ! Tra-la-la-la 1 1 A number of the Conservatives of this vil- lage attended the annual meeting of the North Middlesex Association tit Ailsa Craig', on Tuesday. Friday night's frost did little damage hero,, Vegetation was deterred but very little. Mr. Wm. Vail shot a crane last week. - Mr. John Andrews had his barn raised last week: 11s ster James Heywood sprained his leg seriously last Saturday. A fine two•yeai•:•old colt owned by Mr. R. Wadliri broke its nock last week. lir. R. Johns is the possessor of a Len egg which measures 7x74" inches in circumference. r,.