HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 47•
NE M) otstsx 3114Y24 9E13
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The large brick house at the-
SoOthwest corner of CfrallgV
Street and Wellingtonwas bunt
SY Sate Cooper in 1900 as hisewn.
residence, The brick was ob-
tained in the same consignment
'is that for the bricks for the
Nhite tibory. Different ''morns
4n 1e hoh;e rem fished in
dillerent *Pod Warder that Mr,
Coop et* oonici'ShOo .custoiners of
h15 .091.1-001.,, Ct0.11 besiness the
varietM, effeeta that could be
obtained; '
The site had previon.$1Y been
occupied by the "Drill Shed"
which was demolished in
1895. The name eeforred to the
building's having been used for
drilling a Home Guard formed in
1866 lift= the Fenians were
ter/leg. to invade Canada
from the. United. States„ It a
believed, . however, that the
building ere4ated the; frfome •
Guard, and was. Origittally an
"agricultural hell" 1.0. a show
building for aigromfturel fairs. If
soi it probably dated from second
half of the MO'sfor the first
agricultural show in Clinton was
held without benefit of a show
building in 1856 "on a piece of
43 Greenhouse built on old null
- 43 -seutheast corner of
Wellington* Orange Streets
Cooke's greenhatise
te) Copywrite 1075
In 1884 Henry Stevens moved
Diehl's. frame furniture 'fietory
from Victoria Street Isee 13) to
the present site of Cook's
greenhouse. and converted it to a
planing Mill. Two years later it
was taken over by Cooper (Sam)
and Swaffield who called it the
Dominion Planing Mill. By 1895
the partnership had been
dissolved and Mr. Cooper Was in
sole possession. Like Thomas
Mackenzie, (see 30) S.S. Cooper
"Ibe Wi am." was
home for
40—southwest carrier of
Orange Street
and Huron Street
"The Wigwam" '
C iopyright len
The red brick house on the
corner of Orange and Huron
Streets occupied by Joe Murphy
was originaqy a frame house
known., as "The Wigwam" before.
being modified to' its present
As the Wigwam. it was the
home of the three Mountcastle
sisters - Clara.. Ellen and Eliza -
scions of a pioneer family. Clara
was a poet and painter who
published several beoks of poetry
and became fairly well known in .
Canada_ She was born in 1837 and
died in 1908. For a small fee she
WAiuld entertain groups in the -
Vifigwam with recitations of her
poetry ' and sometimes gave
performances in . the town hall.
'S.eme of her patriotic poems were
published in national newspapers
and received considerable ac-
claim. although they would
nowadays, be considered more
than a little bombastic.
At least one of her paintings is
known to have survived - -Pebble
Cottage- - the house on the south
was a builder, and the
planing mill provided material
for the numerous buildings he
,constructed in Clinton and
surrounding areas.
In October 1895 the mill was
burned to tifeground, but before
the end of the year a new mill
constructed of brick,. 62 by 75 feet
and two storeys high. was built.
This burned in 1908 - the year Mr.
Cooper took over the operation of
the Normandie HoteL and was
not rebuilt;
MounicastiesThe greenhouse was built by
Thomas Cottle at a date un-
determined. After Mr. Cottle it
side of the Huron Road just east was operated by Mr. Frank
of the leth Concession or& Jenkins and was taken over in
Goderich Township. 1926by C.V. Cooke. father of ICC.
grottnOxing .on 00'40, Ode of
the Mrett. React between the
main corner and the first street
Who owned,the brit, Shed is
uncertain. It may have belonged
to the Agricultural Soclety. It
seams never to have had the
Official status of an armoryand
so was not likely to have been a
government building. Apparently
it was used spasmodically( for
drill purposes at least until 1879
when the "Clinton Vohmteer
Force" used -it. That same year,
however, theclintonCricket eh*
tPed. It AS:a *Om rnk. In
December - 14$0 it was ;PO fox
baling •hay. At another time
aserohaehttply;millirorye 1880for'sWa gra"511Speot
Irish immigrants Whowere
accommodated with straw
spreadbaorthatithie neeivrbeoto itwasSoltenlife's
pulled down in 1896 it was "to the
infinite relief of residents in that
vicinity, for it was supposed to be
the sleeping - place of many a
tramp". 7-
Suntmerhill community
the Town of Clinton
on its
00th Birthday
Residents ''and ex -residents of
Surnmerhill can pick up their
"Summerhitt Buttons" 'at the
Registration Booth. .
Compliments of Tim Mason
41 Tannery was
burned down
41—southwest corner
of Orange and
Mary Streets
Moores Tannery
Ry. 1894. the sotehwest corner
of Orange and Mary Streets was
occupied by a tannery operated
' by Hugh . Moore. As discussed
relative to Doan's tannery at the
southeast corner of Orange and
Mary Streets (see 44) there was a
'tannery on Mary Street Operated
by Charles Counter as early as
1863. but it is not known whether
this was subsequently Doan's or
The Moore tannery was of
frame construction, three storeys
high. and in the form of a squat T.
the base of the stem facing on
Orange Street. The cross of the T
was aligned north'sauth. parallel
with Orange Street. 65 feet in
length. The stem of the T was
appnecimately 25 feet in length.
The tannery was burned in 1891.
Sam Cooper bought. the property
after the fire, but in the same
year it passed to ,James
Sheppard who Cleared the site
and built the present house.
section two
We are proud of our association with
the Town of Clinton and Welcome
this opportunity to Extend Best Wishes
on the occasion of their 100th Birthday
Bonier of Coca-Cola under contract with Coco *Colo Ltd.