HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 45nw i.i�tx
"St's Y ,. 7�
.,., . Pub 1975
n -.law 1' ill#9m
r and as Mackenzie
tet tete a partnership in a
planleg Milt Waled atthe;corner
or William and High Streets in
IVO (see 3). In 1880 they bbilt a
new plant located at the- nor-
thwest corner of the intersection
or. the Hayfield Road with' the
Railway, with frontage on King
Street and Dunlap. Street. The
ounds of the plant included the
sites of, the present cottages at
the east end of Dunlop Street, In
1881 the vacant salt refinery (see
20) ort Victoria Street was moved
the planing mill site to be used
AS . a storehouse. After' years
of use the mill was burned In
December I„. and rebditt by
February of the following year, .
but now under the sole ownership
of Thomas Mackenzie.
The main component of the new
31 - Salt works
3i, South end of Fulton Street,
south of the Rallwdy
The McGarva Salt Works
coFyright 1975
. _ o
After salt vidS discovered at
G.oderich in 1866, salt wells were
drilled in a number oflocalities in
"the Southwestern Ontario among
Which *ere Wingham. Windsor.;
Mooretown, Henson, Exeter,
Seaford,. 13rdsselsa, Courtwright,
and Clinton. There were two salt
works at Clinton - Ransford's east
of the town, and - McGarva's
between the Hayfield Road and
Isaac Street south of the railway.
It is understood that McGar-
va's well was drilled in 1870 by
John McGarva. a grocer in town,
in partnership with Mr. George
Laycock = a bookseller and
newspaperman, and J.H. Combe.
druggist. The well and derrick,
were -about where the newly
opened- Wiseway Horne and
Building Centre is now, and there
was a second • building.
presumably for processing
packaging and storing, south .of
the tracks near Isaac Street.,-`I'Iie
company also apparently
maintained a storehouse for
barrel staves close to the nor-
theast corner of King and Maria
The prosperity of the company
seems to have been variable,
with several periods when the
plant was closed for other than
mechanical reasons. About 1890
the strange situation arose in
which one of the partners ap-
parently paid the others to keep
the plant closed, and in 1905 it
was demolished.
32 •FIaxmiII
32. Southwest -corner of the
Isaac Street railway crossing
Merndr's Flax Mill
The barn that stands at the
southwest corner of the Isaac
Street railway crossing was built
as a flax mill by Jonathan
Merner, who in 1%17 became MP
> for the riding. The mill is un-
derstood to have been built
during the First World War when
flax from Russia that had put
D.M. Forrester's flax mill out of
business in 1898 (see 55), no
longer reached North America.
The mill originally had another
wing on the east side of the
present building, as well as a.,
boiler house and engine. The
farm on which the present
building stands was for a time a
government experimental station
on which hemp, which was
presumably marijuana. was
grown for fibre on en ex-
perimental basis. The "plant is
believed to have closed in 1922
when the Fordenay-McCumber
Act put a heavy tarriff on
agricultural products entering
the United States.
About 1930 the present wing of
the building suffered the in-
` dignity of having most of its
numerous __windows broken by a
bunch of juvenile delinquents
-whose names are stillknown.
plant °Itfatt two4to? ame
d a f tabcu ►here
thinel Vole band neW
stand*. .
andsnTh ter room an -drY
kiln adjoining the' -rear. Yhere
were at least three Seeds with
floor plans only a little scalier-
ttian the mein handing elsewhere
on the property, as well as
alumber yard. The office of the
plant was a separate building
that stood on King Street about 50
feet south °Monlop.
The planing mill, atutrt from
producing for retail sales,
provided material " for the
building operations of Mr,
Mackenzie who built many
buildings in Clinton that still
stand, The Clinton Showcase.—
Company (see 79) was started in •
the mill in 1903, manufacturing
..cosy. corners, seats and grills„
as well as the "Silent Salesman" •
a type of showcase. After the
showcase company's plant on
William Street burned in 1995 the
operation returned to the planing
1i `. has not . been determined
when the planing mill shut down •
probably shortly after the "fist'
World War aridcertainly before
190 when the boiler room. dry
kilns and sheds had been torn
down,, leaving only the main
building and the 'company office......
The latter was
1930's and was co.. .
htuse that still 54110
North Street. -After the
at 10
World,Warftip Mein hnitidtag w .
bought ntk4r the Goderich
Manut'aet zr ng. CetoluktlY and
latefb-rtber.owo o? Clinton as a
garage fgrit DenartM
vehicles.. "?fie building -burned
about 1974 andwas,replao - s ►
the present .bulb
w« ,1
Sf Bit#ilaflen tnh rchin down ' king Street about to entrain for overseas. The
laeit of the oto fsMackenzie's planing /Hill.
� pilll#tf'4i{
�•114A�,, r f:
Henry Baker, Karen Tait,- Melly Baker. -
Durst Farm & Garden Centre was established tar uary 2. 1961 by Milford and Ina Mae
Durst. in the location formerly occupied by C..1. Livermore's Egg Grading Station. '
Mr. and Mrs. -Henry Baker took lover in November, 1974, and now invite you to "see
Dursfs First" for, your farm and gardening supplies.
+ Everything for the home gar-
+ Orden Tools
+ Soil Conditioners
+ Fertilizers
+ Seeds - Largest Stock in the Area
fer tke family get,.,
+ "Preferred Foods" by Ralston,
Purina .
+ Grooming Aids
+ Animal Health Products
+ Fly Control Products
l- Insecticides - Herbicides -
Perla Shies...
+ Authorized Ralston -Purina deeper
+ Hardware - Brooms - Shovels
Scrapers - Fencing materials - etc.
+ Depot for Surge Milker's Supplies
+ Ralston -Purina Feed: Available
in Bulk or Bag [Slivery
+ Other items for your farm