HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 40•
• •
PAGE le...;,cuisrroNmewsagtoap, TiAtotzwr, JULY 24, Ism
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(continued from page 15)
Mahon, 1002, the, latter being the
operators when- the building
ITV October of 1902, Sam Cooper
hOtIght the burnedlover Site for
$1350 with the Intention cif
building a new hotel. Bricks -110d -
rubble from the old hotel were
used as fill for the cavity under ,
titiltse's Store at the time being'
removed by Mr. Cooper rebid/VC
LS block four times
to the_eonstructicin of the' new
post OffiCe (see II). As *lames for
the new hotel Mr: Cooper gave
consideration to The Vendeme,
The Iroquois, and The Parnell,
• but decided on The -Xi Edward.
'However, the hotel parently
never operated under that name.
Before the new hotel was
completed it was leased to WH.
McClean. who in Not-overt:her 1905
rented it to Peter B. Lewis who
• previously had operated the
Normandie Hotel in London. Ont.
The new hotel was formally
oPened'on 19 January 1905 to'Ahe
music of the London Harpers as
„The Normandie. It was am-
structed of cement blocks With a
pebbled surface manufactured
by Mr. Cooper, and was the first
!nodding in Clinton of any size to
be so constructed. A small
nisi. . nt..ntber n Ow team that pulls the Union Bus turns his head to the statue of King
IA.Ir-'I Nt.intling protected in the entrance to the Normandie Hotel sometime between 1906 and
remnant of wall veneered in this •
surfacemay -still be seen at the
rear of the Sloane Block.
Mr. Lewis rented the hotel on
condition that Local Option which
was being voted on about that
time. did not come into effect. It
did not. but it is evident that Mr.
Lewis In particular was not
popular with the temperance
interests. He fell afoul the law in
a liquor case which he won in
1905. Nevertheless in April 1906
his license was renewed for only
two months, and in May 1906
there Was a "street episode"
between him and i Mr. A.T.
Cooper, a temperance le,der,
which resulted in Mr. Lewis
being fined $2 and costs for
assault. A license was then issued
to Sam Cooper on the un-
derstanding that it would 'he
transferred to Mr. Scott who had
been clerk -of the hotel. Mr. Scott '
left town in December 1906 and
the operation of the hotel came
under B.W. Brown who almost
immediately transferred it to
AL. Strome.
In December 1908 Sam
Cooper's planing . mill burned
down and was not rebuilt (see
43)°. It appears _that, at this time
Mr. Cooper decided to operate
the hotelhimsell having retained _
the ownership of it, and at the end
(rf 1908, he - took over the
management personally. Mr.
Cooper's first choice for the name
of the hotel had been The 'King
Edward and in January of 1906 he
had obtained a statue of the
monarch. executed; it is believed,
in plaster. Fora time it steed ina
niche at the front entrance at the
corner of Mary and King Streets,
and subsequently was placedon a
bracket above the entrance to the
bar on Mary Street. Despite the
statue the name of the hotel
.apparently remained The Nor-
Option was voted in in
1913. and Mr. Cooper opened a
restaurant in the hotel to coM-
pensate for the vanished bar
business. He #pparently
remained optimisticl about the
hotel's future, for in July.1914 he
purchased three elaborate cast
iron lamp posts with five glebes •
_each- for placement on King"
Street beside the hotel, the town
paying for the electricity.
Information has not been o‘
tained on when the hotel. ceased
operations, but it was not longer
operating in the late 20's, and
most of one floor had been con-
verted to a silent moving picture
theatre - the Star Theatre. with a
player piano for sound effect (0
accompany such a8 adventures of .
Rin Tin Tin - a hero of the canine •
persuasion. The theatre closed
about 1930 and the building was
not used thereafter, except for a
small part rented as an office to _
the Ontario • Department of
Agriculture, it is thought to have ,
been ,.kmolished around 1939. _
Th -ret government building
was erected a few years ago and
the adibining lot that wasvacant
when the Gr.uid Union was built
is again vacant, with nothing to
testify to a glory that is gene.
Congratulations to the people „.„..-- -
of the -Town of Carden -on the
occasion of the Town's 100th
26 - Lawn bolding started in 1899
26 • Southwest Corner of
Mary Street and Isaac Street
The flow ling Green
c copyright 1973
The Clinton Bowling Club was
Founded in October 1893. The first
green was behind the east end of.
the Perrin Block on Rattenbury
Street (see 76) i.e. in the interior
or the block reached by the alley
across Rattenbnry from the
Public Library;
The site or the present green
was obtainedk in1s1p,vemher 1999.
Sod"was taken from theoia green
for the new. So 'far as has been
found out. the Club has not
missed a- season since its in-
ception. 'although for some
red:Son there was bowling on br.
Agnew's lawn in 1901. Dr.
Agnew's house. built by Thomas
Mackenzie in 1899. is presently
occupied by Terry Maguire at 69
Joseph Street. No building is
known ever to have occupied the
bowlinggreen site,
• Clinton
Serving Clinton_ _
with Ovality
Men's Wear
since 1900
Tozier1 Brown
.(1900 - 1920)
Davis & Herman
(1920 - 1948)
Hermsn's Men's WOW
(1948 - 1975)
Herman's Men's Wear.
Jean & Gord Hermon
32 Albert Street, Clinton 482.9351-