HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-13, Page 5tf- , 3 1 i ay ,e) ay 70 y- d - e, -e lo e 0 S,tepbe>t Va i►elli , Council nn.et A ay 3rd. All merry bets present. Minutes Minutes of liter meet, ing read and signed, 0 um iqa• tion from Mr. Wilsop WWI zeal and ordered to be tilled. Resolved that the assessment 'el1 be received, The en r. a. lra ' i Coun�'il divided the gowns 1ia� n to 7 polliag subdivisions, instead of 0 rte fortnerly. The Council will meet again on Tuesday the 25th islet., for the purpose of revising the; aaeeee 'Ment roll, lotting oontraots for gravel- ling the centre road and other roads -- and for general business. The fol- lowing ',orders were, gragted:—Trea- surer, M. C. D. $325; t/. Eilber, Plank, :; $1,70; J. White, repairing bridge $7,65; J. Allen, interment of J. Allen, $21.24; 3'. Vincent, oulvert C let .,�,..."2 W. W xner tile croseen g road gnu con. $2.20; D. Collins, stone on 0. R. $13.60; J. McGregor, ditch- ing; $2; M. McIntosh culvert 18t1 con. $4; J. (arranger, culvert 22nd con. $4; W. Holt, removiug snow C. R. $1; P. McKenzie, hauling etone C. R., $8.50; C. Prouty, expenditure 4th con, $11?; F. Triebner,,"stone $2; C. Christie, salary as assessor and other work, $82; R. Ireland, ,2 cul- verts, 18 con. $4; Balance of reflector account, $4.25; G. Young, relief, $1; C. Prouty omitted expenditure 'in 1884, $4; C. Prouty, repairing M. C. B. $1; Satchel, $1;' C. Prouty, repairing bridge and seeding. D. R. $2. t C. PROUTY, Cleric. ..•. 4 a Hensall. Peatlt;, of >4e ,v%s klallustii: Que by ono the old settlors ettble loc1hter :are t?ass,ng away, aucl nlnong the liurlrbvr wo, are culled llpen at present to, pay oar last tribitto of respect to the memory emory of LeWls Holman, of the township of Stephen, who Bled at the residence of his son, in Loudon, on the 8th inst., whither lie had on two e. Pi wooks' retic s to N to la visit.Although a 1 fazliug and sbnwing marked signs of oo3istis tutioual breal{ing down for scute time past, yet Hopes were ontertaiued that the brittle throad would not soap so suddenly and un. expectedly, but such was ;lot decreed, On the evening previous to hie death, oomplein- ing af,a severe pain in the head, and rising to go to his bed, lie suddenly fel in an epilep- tic fit, from which --though every expedient was used by ',nodical aid --lie uovor rallied,' but gradually sant{ until the morning, Mien lie peacefully breathed his last, Deceased was a native of Devonshire, England, whore he was born iu the year 1814, and was therefore 72 years of age,, Emigrating to this country when in his twentieth year, he had, as it were, grown ap with the country aucl had witnessed the various gigantic steps which for the past 52 years have doue so much in reclaiming the forests of Canada, and the wonderful trans- formation of this once wolf -haunted wilder- ness into one of the finest and most beauti- ful of oouutrfss. Like a great many others of his time, he not only had his share oche hardships aid privations of backwoods' life, but when the alarm tocQiu was sounded through the land during the rebellion of 1837.38, he not only felt his duty but also au honor, to shoulder his musket to do battle for the clause of his country and queen. De- ceased leaves a family of twelve children to mourn his lose, the wife and mother having preceded him just six months. The re- mains were interred in the Exeter cemetery on Monday last, a large number turning out o pay their last tribute of respect to their departed friend and neighbor. His last udible words, -"I am ready to go," are full of encouragement and hope. The Marehell Block, occupied by Jackson Bros., which was recently destroyed by fire, is being rapidly re• HEALTH IN THE WILDERNESS. TEM GREAT ANTIDOTE To'MIAs,A. built: Messrs. Jackson Bros. well Tlie axe and the plough are annually making vast inroads into the wilderness of open again in the fall. the western world. Forests, as if by magic, bIr. John R. Clarke, the boot -blank are changed into cornfields, and plairios,. orator, gave n his celebrated lecture swamps and canebrakes into arable land, ramps , e on here on Thursday evenlui last i❑ es a quests of industic ate not , y a achieved ,vithout loss. 1'iunclreds, ti e Y Hodgtne ball. here was a good at thousands of the energetic pioneers whose tendanoe. labours have caused the wilderness to A. Parkhill paper says :--"Mr. "bloom as the rope," fall a sacrifice to the Thomas Blackwell, for some years the terrible diseases engendered by the miasma popular assistant of Mr. W. M. Thompson, agent _ of the G. T.' R. here, has, we are glad to learn, been promoted to the charge of the Hensall station, on the London, Huron and Bruce Railway, next station north of Exeter. Mr..Blackwell left. here latst Friday. His family will remove to Hensall shortly, Mars, Blackwell being at present i ernoihealth. Mr. Black- well it an dxempiary citizen. We are s`.,rry to lose him. His Christian zeal and effort in connection with the Methodist Church In this place, will .be greatly mit sod by its members." INSANE.—A few days ago a Mise Kerr, whose parents reside near Hen- sel!, was tatted to Clinton for medical examination, she being of unsound rl nd, and they desiring to secure her a'Fe ace in th'asylutn. She was ac- cordingly ex•ed and pronouuced to be non couz ws mentis, and was taken to London. is said that she had made several attempts to commit suicide, but her plans were rather crude, aoshe`li od tried to drown her- self l sitting down iu two or three inches of water. It is said by medi- cal men that the asylums are always full, and applications for vacancies are filed, end heva,to await their turu. $].50 to $3.00 a visit; you can buy Warner's The Warden's cointniitee, consist- safe cure, sixteen ounce bottles, for $1.25. ing of Messrs. Raiz, Elliot and Gir• Do not be imposed upon. vin, and the clerk and county en- St, Louis citizens indorsedrGladstone's giueer, met on Thursday afternoon policy Monday, night and cabled an indorse - to let the contracts for building meat to him. A PLEASINGDUTY. county iron bridges at Egmondville "I feel it my duty to say,"' writes John and Pot Albert. Both bridges are Borton, of Desert P. Q.. "that Burdock low truss iron bridges,'%bout 64 feet Blood Bitters cured ray wife of liver corr- in length, Egmondville bridge being piniut, from whfell she had boon a chronic slightly the longer, and both are sufferer. Her, dastressing, painful symptoms soon gave way, and 1 can highly recommend euffiole kly strong to eustain a weight the medicine to all suffering as she diel." of 100 tbs. to the square foot. The tenders were very close, and were as follows :— Egmondville. P'rt Albert. Hamilton Bridge Co, pr ft $15.95 $14-75 Toronto ". " 15.46 14.40 Peterboro " " • 15.30 13,50 Kincardine " " 15,07 13.28 The last named company etas award. ed the contract for the construction of both bridges. Eginundyille bridge must be completed by let July, and Pyrt Albert by the 1st of August, under a penalty of $10 a day forfeit. The contract ie looked upon as being a most reasonable figure for the work. Mr. Hunter, it the name of the Kincardine • n who will build the bridges. of the soil Violent intermittent and remit- tent fevers, rheumatism, neuralgia and affections of the stomach and bowels, are the almost inevitable penalties incorrect by families who settle on new lands. Hence it is that the demand for Holloway's Pills and Ointment in the far West is so largo in pro- portion to the population. The cultivators of the soil on the outskirts sof civilization look upon them, aucl with reason, as among the prime necessaries of life. In the more densely populated regions of the West, they are universally considered specifics for tine diseases we have named; and every provident farmer takes care to fore -arm his family against the prostrating influence of an in- salubrious atmosphere and climate, by keep- ing a supply of the remedies constantly on. hand. This will be no news to such of our readers as have travelled iu the West. There, as in the North, the East, icnd the South, the prestige of the medicines is con- stantly increasing, and Holloway's success in the glorious work of mitigating humau suffering, and saving and prolonging human life, is spoken of among all classes with wonder and gratitude. We believe that there is scarcely a family in Europe that does not keep these medicines by them ; the soldier carries them in his knapsack, and the sailor has them always ready to hand in his chest for every case of .emergency, either from internal and external complaints, knowing thatby the aid of these wonderful medicines he mad brave the disease of any climate with impunity.—Greenwich Journal. Interesting Items. T ous:suns OF PUYSICIANS all throngh the United States prescribe Warner's safe care, in bottles of their own. You pay them from About throe weeks ago, the store of Mr, J. G, Quarry, of Limerick, was entered by burglars and .a consider- able quantity of goods stolen. Mr. Quarry kept the matter very quiet in 'the hope of getting some trace of the stolen property. Last Friday night the burglars returned again and this time weighed themselves out Some powder and blew the safe open. The noise, which was heard by several persoue who were sleeking near by, Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis ld b J. . Bi•Qwnty Herr Meeet, the Aliarehistagitator, hes bean ,arrested to Neer York. ..o break tip e cold or eougb or its ill re- sulte there is tie better remedy tliati. ^,T,Tag^ yard's Pcetoral Balsam. `1'4,0latest; assessed; valuation of Detroit property is 01:33,8,930. The disooversy of the ieetant?neeee process of tel{lp photogra hs lies beau i niel{l. fel p l y 1 t t:e l Od` n v rn lPv i i C 1 11o+ and d Pm t 1, cperfect l a e..t 1•r i by p Instantaneous i'Pmedxkoi' all mate aPboe anl. pains, ll� s Nouralgla, `Toothache, Ibeumatism. oto. 'rliis valuable remedy is called Fluid Lightning, and is so1d<ilt p5 Renta a bottle by T. W. Browning, druggist, 2 Provincial police ere searching for the whereabouts .of a girl named Barbara Grant, who ,disappeared last fall from Toronto.. A MODERN IdIltACLE. In a recont letter from W. B. Dawson, of Delo •aine, Opt., lie' states that ho lits re. covered from the worst form of dyspepsia, siftersuffering for fifteen years; and when a council of doctors pronouuosd lulu incur- able be triad'l3urdock blood Bitters, six bot- tles of which rostored his health. Are you wade miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yet. low skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive 011" Sold at Dr, 13rowning'sdrug state. Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia cures neuralgia, face ache, rheumatism, gout, frosted fact, ohilblaius, sore throat, erysipelas, bruises, and wounds of every nature in man or animal. The remarkable cures this remedy has affected olasses it es one of the Most important au d valuable remedies ever discovered for the cure and relief of pain, Sold by C. Lutz, Central Drug Store. The rainfall at Halifax was unprecedent- ed for six hcurs on Sunday, reaching nearly six inches. • The Rev. Geo. H. 'Thayer, of Bourbou Ind., says :"'Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Caro. Sold by J, W. Browning. Dr, Carson's Catarrh Cure is no longer, as experiment. No pure, no pay is the tertian on which it is sold. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Ask your druggist about it, then buy it and take no other. The new German tariff is threatening the industries of the Empire with loss instead of promoting them as Bismarck expected, Rev. 3. G. Fallis, Dutton, 'certifies : "For some years my wife has been troubled with dyspepsia, and has tried one thing after an- other recommended with bat little or no effect till advised to give i12oGrogor's Speedy Cure a trial. Since taking the first bottled have,uo- ticod a decided improvement, and can with confidence recommend it to be ouo of, if not the best medicine extant for Dyspepsia. This invaluable medicine foe Liver Complaint, In- digestion, Kidney Complaint, is purely vege- table. Sold at J. W. Browning's Drug Store. Trial bottles given. free. 2 Why will you cough when Shlloli s Cure will give immediate relief ? Price 10c., 50c, and $1. Sold by J. W. Browning. ONE DOLLAR AGAINST FIVE HUN- DRED. Isaac Brown, of Bothwell, Ont„ was afflict- ed with chronic humor in the blood, He says one dollar bottle of Burdock Ulood Bitters was worth more than $500.00 paid for other medicines. It is a reliable blood purifier. The P. E. I. Legislature will likely be dissolved the present week and elections come off in June. Scott's Emulsion of Pure. Cod Liver Oil, with UIyj ophosphites, Possesses the remedial power of these two valuable specifics in their fullest degree. Is prepared in a palatable form, easily tolerated by the stomach, and for delicate, sickly children, Emaciation, Coneumpton and all impoverished conditions of the blood is un- equalled by any other remedy. The Temperance Bill has finally passed the Nova Scotia Legislature. A GA 10,D. To allwhoaru suffering from the errors a indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of Manhood, &c, I will scud a receive illnt will cure you, FREE 011 CHARGE, This greatroutody was discovered by a mis- sionary in South AuteriC'a. Send a self-ad- dressed envelope to IIEV. TOSEP { T. INMMAN Station 1), Nely York Cit LONDON, HU.RON AND BRUCE R'Y. GOING NORTH, Nxprese tl ail Freight London,depart ...7 55 Ant 4 50P, at. 0 05 A,at, Exeter 0 18 0 08 0 35 Hensel' 9 '� 0 23 10 0 20 10 0 38 10 25 7 05 11 00 7 23 12 00 7 82 12 00 P aI 747 1250 8 05 1 20 Mail. Freight Kippen 9 29 Bruoefield.. 9 30 Clinton 9 55 Londeaboro 1011 Blyth 1020 Belgrave 10 85 Wingham arrive 10 50 GOING SOUTE, Exp Tess Wingham,depau•t 7 20 Ant 3 10P.M. 10 20:A.at P,elgrave 7 SS 3 30 11. 23 Blyth 7 54 3 40 11 47 Londteboro 8 02 3 55 12 00 Clinton ,825 410 1241 Brucetield.....•... _8 dS 4 05 1 10 So y V g• Rippon8 51 4 43 1 25 McGregor drParka's Carbolic Cerate is in Hem all ..............8 58 4 48 1 40 valuable for Wounds, Sores, Salt Rheum- Exeter 9 13 4 50 2 85 Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Festers, as a heal- Loudon arril e....10 30 0 00 5 30 ing and pnrifyiug dressing. Do not be im posed on with other useless preparations, recommended to be as gond. Use only Mc- Gregor & Parke's Cerate. Sold by 3. W. Browning, 2 . The Governor of New York has signed the bill looking to the winding ap of0the Broad- way Railway Company. A SEVERE TRIAL. Those who endure the torturing pangs of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, and similar painful complaints are severely tried, but there is a speedy ` relief in Hag yard's Yellow Oil as thousands who have used it joyfully testify. ft banishes pain and lameness quickly • Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A positive eure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Mouth. Sold at Dr. Browning's Dreg Store. Sir Thos. Erskine May has been made a peer;with the title of Baron Farnborough. A DOUBLE BENEFIT. Harry Ricardo, of Toronto, certifies to the bonefitsreeeived from the use of Hagyard'e Yellow Oil as a cure for rheumatism and deafness, his affliction with these combined troubles being a severe one, A Nasal Injector free with each brittle of $hiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents,' Sold by J. W. Browning, wass'uffioier-tly loud to frighten them zloltotoay's Oint,nent gull Phis.-�As Spring approaohee a most factorable ,oppor- and they decamped without getting tunity offers for rectifying irregularities, at ite contents,. removiug impurities, and ertteing blemishes which have arlsen from the presence etef Matters forbad by Winter" from being teen Spired through the pores. This eat rehieg, O' ntmeilt, wolf rubbed open the skin, pone- trates to the deeply -seated organs, upon which it exerts et most wholesome and bene- ficial influence, Well nigh all the indiges' tions give way to this sirdple treatment,, aided, by purifying . and aperitfvo doses of Heliciway's Pills, roltiitt eablf bot of sielitehe plain +'instrnctiotis" are folded, Bilious disorders, loss of appetite, hilneee after oat t, lit'. hottmntisfn ma lin lassi ude � b and r begmlleetitle'ly e'er eked ftt their paitifnl pro press, and the seeds of long 'Offering erlicli- dated by dies& retnedice. ile Was Wiliitl to Ante Up. Inco ^ i N. Y , Oct. 1885.-1 had a severe tr 1e with fny bladder, Consulted y , h .ieiatie, without Bret class s a number�fo fie , ply. benefit. After using half a brittle of Warn. er'e cafe dare 1 was rolieved, and 1 would gladly have paid est physieiati $100, could be lave done what tl at •small cieantity; did, Now 1 OM tborongilly eared. Would• litre to proelaitn its value' froiml the top of the White ou"ntdin with a Yoko strop g enteigh for the w'hble world to hear;. F D ORes$ A1, grape grower, hate proprietor of the 1i,es>tin lioitse, Toronto, Canada. EXETER POULTRY YAfl®S. W. G. BISSETP, Breeder of PLYMOUTH ROOKS, BLACK JAVAS, BROWN LEGHORNS and HOUDANS NO. 1YARD—P.Rooks ; Cocl{orol, score 94; 4 Hens, average score 92. Eggs 52.50 per set- ting, NO, 2 YARD—I'. hocks; Cockerel, soots 013 4 Pullets, average score 00 J.gge 51,60 per setting, NO.3 YARD -13. Leghorus, Oiokorel. sooro 03; 8 Pullets,arerago score 02; Eggs 51 per set. ting. NO, 4 YARD--Uotidans, Eggs 51 per setting: These birds wero all scored by Mr. Jarvis and won a good share of Prises at tlio Exeter Poultry Show, r�Utie trio 1'. Rocks for sale, AVIA ISI N • Tee Most Delightful 8 MMER TOUR ]'Mace etearders. flow Rates. t'on Trit,d' Der Wools Between DETROIT AND MACKINAO .Ant avert'' Webft DO- 13etthisa bL �TR01T AND lL�U� AND 'Witte fob On* • Pleturesgtie Ivisekitteo rr Illustrated. Contans r'aU linrtietilaib. MMRaiie4 Prot. Detrrolt & bletieland Stearn Nay. Coo, rr.'tr. t81w,lYcoi��, title, PA8s A0t., tIE;YFIOi'r. M1nl�. 4411.41t0 Oil' QOUI'iTl.It. rEITh. GUIIES'" LINIMBN T IOEJDE AIiMONI A, The Speediest and most certain uiectioine fix bile welld. ALL T+'Al+I1L1F1'S USE Weak Beck, Enlarged ,Toiets, Paralysis, llhotlmatism, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, SOiation, Prolapses, literal, Female Weal{ness. The best and ortly certain reinedy to relieve pain of all kinds, nclrtuzs ttor of how long stand- ing. Instant relief guara•tteed, Grippes. Swol- len Joints, Vwricose Veins, Bites of Insects 0c Sick Headache. No oil or grease; is glean and sweet ; will not soil. INPLAAtruATrozi o17 ',nil KIDNEYS, BRIGHT's Drums', Diabetes. ivaoutinones of Urine; Is theoulyLiniptont in the world possessing a 1- terhtivo powers, Can he taken internally; cures Crampe autl Collo, Diarrhoea and Dye outcry. SOLD DT ALL DRUGGISTS, TRIAL BOTTLE 250. Write Dr, Gilos,box 3,482, N,. Y. P. ',U. who will give advice on. all diseases free of &barge, r=s Beware of unscrupulous dealers and coun- terfeits, The genuine has the name blown in,; the glass and frto siuiilie of the discoverer's name over each oork. GILES' IitPi1QVED 11i ifl(Uui 1'ILLs. SATE SUI{E,RELIAIILE andEvreo IVE. Do NOT GRIPE They ate composed entirely of vege table sub. stances, and can be taken at all seasons of the year without restriction as to Chet or clothing,. $oralldisorclers of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, &c. Price, 25e, 'per box. C. LUTZ, Agent, Exeter Ontario, JOMEN BRAWN, ''N, UNDERTAKER & CADIZ f' -MAZER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO 00771110 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. S ,'GIVE 11E A CALL. •t te o it. Ile 1.1 Ali d �1 tJ? yr nGtl n e. i x a liar 1 A o. P Oi, l'' X t y s s sail of an a 1 z soh o• l u•' �• t i n iii i c t u t ,Y i o .. .Cxiiibition, 1't llas beCti at+'arcic d tlJ;il, {dpL'0 h11�DAL,' - t � �* t lllu�, ho lust tllx ca years. ',See that Ton get Peerless. ' It is only made by 5.4:44V -ZZ; ➢.A '�, rS Z134.t ,,. cf4 01;),, T O, . Z`I! FO�t 64L`Jla, 1lY JAS. PXOKA 3D, OA SPRIRG 9ND -- ---._MER TA C. S. & U TH �COTT" SON Have recentlyreceived a choice assortment s luent ot, � ' Woj ste is core ds ,h and Canadian , d an iwee.c/s in Plaid FOR STJITIN G. ALSO A VEBAY FINE ASSORTMENT OF Panting in Stripes & Checks1. Work made up in the LATEST STYLES and a Sure Fit Guaranteed, GIVE. US -A C. SOVT1-100'1719 CO'1 cgc SON, The Exeter Clothiers - RENOWNED REMEDIES. 4YS PfLlS,&OINTMEPlT�} THE RILLS Purify the Bleed, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are pricel, THE OINT/IENT,. Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, 010 Wounds, Sores and ,Ulcers. It famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST 17 1148 NO 1:QUAL, For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Glandelar Swellings. and all skin discme it has no rival ; and for coutracted and stiff joints it actslike a charm. The Pills and ointment are sold at Tlioeres EozLow.Y's Establishmeet, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of 1Iedicine, in Boxes and Pots, at 1s. led., 2s. 9d ,,, 4s. 60., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity ofitho T��'is led, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size tbtrty.three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the .smallest Boxesand Pinots. ri li Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be lied any tau{ nage ! Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. s_.Z'Z' T TILE EXETER at Works Company Have for sale TEN HUNDI{ED TONS of SALT suitablo •Por Agricultural an cl Domestic Purposes, which they offer AT $2.50 PER TON A call respectfully so– licited,. Apply to 1'. B. CARLI'NG, Secretary. ANNOQNC E ARRIVAL OF —New Dress Goods— Albatros Cloths, All Wool Ottomans,. All WoolNun's Cloth, Prints, Saloons, Cotton Crapes, Ginghams, Embroideries, Oriental Laces, Valeueine Laces, Torclion Laces, Dentille Daces, TWEED' Scotell.Tweeds , Scotch 'Footings, English %'Worsteds, Irish Seizes, Canada Tweecls, Collonades, WALL. PAPERS, New Groceries, New Field and C atteletl Seeds. Call and inspect for yourself, not be importuned to btty, you will y WILI1311 EW Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. I have Just received a Car Loacl oflNew Stylish Furniture and I am SE"LDI 0- A2' 00S - For the next SIXTY DAYS. It will be to your advantage: to call ou me before going elsewhere. REMEMBER THE PLACE, ONE DOOR NORTH OF MOLSONS BANK.. WILLIAM DRQ '. Emceter Post Office Time Table. Nra 'MAILS Kirkton, Woodham Winchelseaand llimville ,., ... .,, Southeast and west, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, ... .... ... 6fanitoba,United States, English axrdf ()reign mails .,. South, east west Se ..r North and east including Goclerielt, Wingham,Kincardine and all points north, Stratford, Toronto, tient,& til, and astern States,., .., ... North cast, && ... Saropta Ttiesdsys, Thursdays and Saturdays ARRIVECLOSE.. 4.00p. m, to OO a.m, 10.15a.m. 8.15 a. nr 0;45 p.01, 4.15 p, to 10.13 a.m 8.15 Lt.:31 5.30 p,m, 5.80 11, 11,0oa.nt. 10,00a. M. h 0o a in lO''00 tt]ii ONE? o11DEns 1851100 10 paid 00 and from anyMoueyOrder OMeo in theDotitinion of aanaela,G}reat Brf 'iz nnd[rebind,Britiahindia,Newfonedien.d,Italy,Australia, Net Settth. Walss,T8sina%ia N0 Zeland, France an Aigeria, the Gorman Empire, SSvoclen .Norway, Denn'iark, feelai,rl, Beigluir! the Nethrlande,Switzerlancl, Austria-Iiuugary, 4toumania, United States, daiiiafoa'and Ba`, t)ados. POSTOFFCOE SAVINGSB %N1i, i)epolls will 110 roeoived at this dfllco front '$1 tit, $300. Depositors obtaining the lees inaeer-General's specialpbrmisaion can deposit $1000, botrosits on Savings tank 0000ilntt- delved Irom0a,m.bo4p.nt. Interest at pot cent per iteme ewillbe" aiiowitd011,811 dipOlit" Office lours fiam 7.30 a.m,107 ,ni . nd d form istr tion n n. s ''' Lotteistnto e g a t 4tUopotbcltunituutoabefoiothbdlosrugofettidhitaAri 4� i ., .art' lar. re ti. t. k N 13, [t s ice oat. d that senders of inattei ill 1 p y ti w undl acltttho iia lues y the Co iutiosto the addresses- D,J01' lege•Es letinfitedu