HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-24, Page 22r -AVP,40..1 tt, :Pr • • r , • 0, • • *), • • AtOalc, vcciternent • re are MVO, rivers., DiCI it fo110 one tre_ PI. the tOrn, of 10004 Ness in �dand and Otne vtiPkellYthe pths of LakeHuron, tosur- e near a SCOttOli-Canadian town? The are very clannish --per Wan applies to seal „ Of course, it will be 'good,for attracting tourists, and perhaps this year Kincardine may not, have been getting, its share of the, tourist industry. And so this phenomenon has arisen, just like the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland to do its share • in attracting tourists -- even -if the trip does use up an extra few gallons of gasoline which needs to be conserved, both to save energy and ease .the purse strings. Lucy wonders if possibly it were a sturgeon. ?romptly shppecI to priceperhaps ozeesix (hanatroutdoe IntheWator t like porpoises.- , .tweiirt 10 and feet o* irt leo :13 ore' 'we Ift d .0mo 'a tented' upside do in the water with the ridge at the top. We conclOded that it was a school otsturgeon. Occasionally, when com- mercial fishermen frtom Hayfield set nets for lake trout, they would get a baby sturgeon or a fall -grown one in their trout nets. Those days have long since passed... Lucy recalls when John W. McLeod, son of- the pioneer Hugh fibeLeods: from- Reeve's Isle, and the tether of . Donald MacLeod of Bayfield,-hrought in a Urge sturgeon., ' in ' his- Assoc. raises 8 Kathleen Whitmore, chairmn of the Flowers of Hope for the South Huron District Association for the Mentally Retarded reports that this year's campaign was the best ever. Donations amounted to $5„,711,.19. That's about $2,000 more than last year. The. Seaforth lady expressed gratitude on behalf of the Association to everyone who helped with the canvass, donated fonds or contributed in 5,000 any way. The hieztk-down for donations from the various communities end organlzaUos is as follows: Centralia $129; .Crediton $97.35, Exeter 51009.93; Grand Bend $260.80: Hay ,S1,302.68 Iterisall $517.20; •Londeshoro United Church $52; Port Franks 5170: Seaforth UCW $40; Stephen 5413; Thames Road past -Si -al charge 563.07 ; Thedford 5623.32; Tuckersmith 5506.19; Zurich • e • e-chiltiren Puppet Theatre for Chlidret1 and Country Cabaret at Blytb A puppet show for 'children and a Country Cabaret will be added to .The Blyth Summer Festival during the final MI' weeks of its seen. Rutl Klassen and her Chantecleer Puppet Theatre will perform "LOGGING WAWA' PAW. BI4NYAN" as part of the Myth Summer Festival --Irt Blyth Memorial Hall on, Saturday, July 'Sat 11 a.m. and Ms. Klassen makes her own puppets and involves the children in her audience directly in the action of tb story. Admission for all is 50 e: Reservations may be obtained by ceiling The Blyth Summer Festival box office 523-4452. Country Cabaret, a cornedy - variety show will' be presented for one performance only in Blyth rnemoeial• ,Hall on. Tuesday, July 29, at 8;30rrsm- The pmfessional actors of The Blyth Summer Festival will perforni songs and skits, many of local interest, 'for family entertainment. This show will be approxirriately one hour in length. Admission is 51,50. or ,041'401)r Mayers at alt. ., same' MS 40 be happening lAtiple labour -unions stry make it iMpossible fOr t industry to have rev onged labor peace. Evenit: a tOntract is still valid, they metime break it anywae•, cause some other industr begotiated a better deal. It used to be that .an efficient work -force could demand mor because of their efficiency. ow, they ' demand more because their union is more, efficient. Countries like Wet • -Germany, where the Workers show more responsibility, have the lowest rate of inflation in the world, and those Workers are better off for it. What really bugs me is at strikers can legally force atiler workers off the job as well. They are apparently legally justified not to cross a picket line manned by strikers, even if they are not intended to takeon-, . the strikers' jobs. It is a mess and it's time that we who suffer the consequences in loss of - business and in unnecessary higher prices start protesting. more vigorously. * Why. Should, you and I, suffer because some union heiss has riled un his workers to a strike fever. , so he can justify his astronomical salary? Thirty ships are lying idle in Van- couver harbour. ready to be loaded with grain for needy people, just because a few hotheads refuse to weigh and grade the grain. It's outrageous* that thousands of people face more threat of starvation because a few hundred overfed people Want more money. When they go back to work, it will be the longshoremer. and after them the • railway engineers and then the railway clerks. Government will do nothing until we demand ac- tion. ,., 'Centennial clean-up fever has Stricken nearly ever7one- in town, vilth many business, homes and churches receiving a spruce -up. Recently, members. of Calvary Pentecostal Church volunteered their time to paint the church onNictoria Street and make some general repairs. Painting the church are Ron Hoy on the roof, Norm Hoy on the ladder and Gary Hoy. (News Record photo) Colonel Sanders and his boys are cooking up a 3 Pieces delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken TUESDAY ONLY Golden Brown French. Fries Creamy Cole Slaw OM MAI ass DINNER Grecian Bread e Tit IIVS olonelanders aril his boys make itfinger lickint good" fit LOIN AV The heart Of OktOberfest c�ufltr '1leitener-Water1eo, whlcb reflects the German heritage of the local talk, will beat through Clinton streets when the Dutch Boy Cadets MUM and Bugle Corps march In the August 2 Centennial Parade. The 98 band members Who are ;around 12 years of age have played In band T9DAYS HEALTH Swimming's good exercise --but only when it's safe by lila* Woods . t Is there a recipe for fun, relaxa- tion and exercise with no fancy equipment. and little or no cost? Yes, there is: you — and just add - water! Swimming is one of the best formulas for health. It expands the Lungs, exercises the heart and muscles and just makes you feel good, generally. put. as is evidenced by the. 500 Or so tkovinings that occur in On- tario each year, it can also be' a dangeroot sport — one in which it's truly vital to look before you leap. Here are some ways to make swimming safer: • Make sure that the water you plan to swim in has a firm, safe bottom. with no obstacles like rocks or 'weeds and no strong currents. • Never dive into a swimming pool without checking the water level immediately before, or into shallow water. • Always swim in the company a • another person, no matter how good a swimmer you may be. There might be a time when you'll need help close at hand. • Avoid swimming after dark, during a storm or immediately following a heavy meal. 0,,Make sure. that children near a body of water, are con- stantly supervised. 'Never ler the children who can't swim rely an inflatable toys or makeshift rafts. •• If someone takes an unplanned . dive frOm a boat. don't icap in after him. If they're within reach, hold out an oar and haul them in: if not, throw a lifebelt. or something — a thermos jug or a gas can, for example — that will provide buoyancy. • Recognize the limitations of your own swimming ability. You may be able to swim 50 yards our • from the short, but will you be able to get back? • And don't overdolt, especially if you're an occasional swimmer. Swimming like other sports Involving , human. beings and the elements, requires discipline and knowing the drill. And this is best. learned early in life. Children can taught to swim as soon as they can walk, but part of that training should involve, an awareness of the dangers, too. To be a,good all-tound swimmer. you should know about helping others who may get into trouble in the water. You can learn about water safety. from the 1d Cross or the Si. John Ambulance services. And the Ontario Ministry of Health has produced a pamphlet. Get in - The Swim. which provides useful tips, including a simple guideto mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The pamphlet is available in govern- ment .or physicians' offices, or you can get it by writing to the Health Resource Coltre, Communications Branch, Ontario Ministry of Health. Hepburn Block. Queen's Park. Toronto. Ontario M7A 12. • Right now mortgages cost less That home or cottage you hope to own some day can be yours right now! The money you borrow at today`s lower rates will enable you to build or renovate now before material and labour costs go higher. Do it today at Victoria and Grey! The all Oniario Truvf Company began in 1889 VG and TRUST C9JVIRANY SINCE 18:89 MANAGER J. D.(DAVE) CROSS 104 ?A 1 • tioDERICH cone:10110ns sine 1970 and. besides being the 1974 National Novice Guard Champions were the 1971 National Bantam Champions and the 1972 Jr. C. National Champions. ThiSIs their second year in Jr. B. compedtion. The Empty Pew By W. lone Miller. Ph.D. -But God, they cried, "You promised! You said there was to be a leader come who would save your people. and here we ore. groaning under burdensof social and, economic pressures which almost destroy us "Your spokesmen said there was to be a day when the kiwi you wanted us to obey wouldbe so written on our hearts that no one would have to tell his neigh- bor about you, because everyone would know you..., "A feller claiming that he . was representing you said our warfare would be ended and we and our families could Iran. sform our instruments of war into ways to harvest crops.... * Someone. in Your Name. said we would have such an era of,real -peace that soldiers woild pick up our daughters and carry them in gentleness -and love. instead of to rape and "People said that you would be coming and so we should make a straight road through the wilderness and listen to a voice crying where there was no life which would declare you to be actually conting.... "One man got so carried away with joy he even talked about..I ions becoming vegetarians and grazing, Side - *by -side with the tender. juicy. little sheep.... "And we 'have waited 'and waited alid w a i Led. ''We have looked to the wisest minds for someevidente of you in the history of aur time.... "W e have looked to those who are closest to 'Isla ture for .Sarne evidence of you.... • Ve hear rtlinoris of angels in the night. and we find rich gift being offered.... **And we know the Jesus story back wards and for - war&"- -How much longer must we wait to have permission to love the way you made us to CONGRATULATIONS TO CLINTON 1875 1975 from • YOUR LOCAL AUCTIONEERS Richard Lobb Clinton Clinton 482-7898 R.G. Gethke Bornholtne Moncton 347-24 Bavarian Tavern NOW OkEN • DAIiir FROM 1,2 to 1 2 • SUNDAYS 1 2 to 10 Highway 21, Bayfield 565-2843 FULLY WENCH, Dhabi s ch,rating, pisese• at stimospliers •