HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-13, Page 417:M flD1IS, ie 1?nl lisb.ea every Thursday nmrinag,t>vt the TIMES STEAM PRINTINU HOUSE Maierstree,nearly opkpositea•ittons' Jeevery Store, Exetwer, Ont., by Voile White Son, Pxo-. piietors NATES QF Anvlqusaslrvo.. First insertion,. per line_ ..ei .10 cents, Each subsequent iuser'tion-,p<iixie.,,... } scuta. To o insure insertion, advertisements 'should be sent in not later than Wednesday Morning. Cur JOE DRI11TINCx I?,hlZ?r1'Ti'P11[i9N!,ris one of tap largest andbost etltilppediu the County of Enron, Ail work entrusted to us `vill, reoeiv our prompt attention: Decisions Jllvegarcling Newsem papers. Any l0rsoiwho i ietie;u la fromm�tepoet oli4e,vlether ieeted in his name or another s, or whether he has subscribed or not is "responsible for payment, 2 If aperson orders his paper diseoutinuod lie must pay an shears or the publisher may Continue to seed ituntil the payment is made, and then collect the whole amauut, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. 3 Ih suits for subscriptions, the suit may be instituted in the place where the paper is flub. lished, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of miles away. 4 Tho courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or peliodioals from the post. office, or removing and leaving them uncalled tor is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud ;Tae 11.4eier „Imes. THTJSR•DAY, MAY 13th, 1886. A"t 13't�t,T TVAS. S)f anItuferairefee telereeeter, Dun QQ. roped a total of 192 failures throughout the country during the past week, fifteeu lege than the week previous. Tcventy.fitve of the number were in Canada, aeveu more than theprevious week. The graze for bi;rds•on.the.bate ill the east, it is said, will serionsly iu— terfere with the ,peach Drop. The. bird that is roostiug on the that of belle ought to be picking vermin from the fruit trees. His Excellency the Goyeruor-Gen- eral has received a cable message from her Majesty expressiug her pleasure at the successful opening of the Colonial t�xhi ition and her delight v via r b t 1 g at seeing so marefy Canadians present. Pacaud',the Fitenoh• Cauadiau, whom 11ir. Mowat took to his bosom in con• neotiou with the Riot excitement in Essex, was fired out of the Executive Committee, meeting of the Windsor St. Jean Baptiste Society the other day. He was voted N. G. Mr. Triugham, of Windsor, fully believes that his electric railway will be in operation by the 24th inst. He has recently received letters from prominent residents of London and 1.D11ORIAL NOTES. St. Thomas making enquiries regard- ing the applioation of electricity to. Lae Quebec Legislature has thrown steel railways. out one resolution expressiug regre at Rail's execution by a vote of 40 t 16 and mother by a vote of 41 to 18 The Ontario Assembly is, the onl legislative booty in Canada which ha shown any sympathy for rebels an rebellion, its object being to help Mr Edger in securing the French vote. WITHOUT any special effort a very large fund has been already raised in Chicago for the benefit of the wound- ed police and the families of those killed by the rioters on Tuesday night of last week. The amount is now about $40,000, and it will orob• ably reach $100,000. The Inter Ocean says : "Men have been eager to give. Every houest, law abiding citizen feels shat the men who were wounded or lost their lives ou the night men— tioned, did so in defence of him and his, and is glad of the opportunity o1 manifesting his appreciation of the faithful service." Tem opposition are angry because the Canadian Pacific railway company are repaying the money they borrow- ed from the Dominion Government. When the thirty millions was loaued about two years ago, Mr. Blake and his organs asserted that it would never be repaid. Their predictions on this, as tin almoet every other measure, have not been fulfilled. The company are paying twenty million in cash and delivering to the Goverumeut nearly seven million acres uflaud, reckoned at one dollar and fifty cents per acre. When these lands were eiven to the railway company Mr. Blake always said they were worth not less thau two dollars per acre, sr, that the country will gain a considerable sum by the trans- action. MR. ,CHARLTON did not•'find his timber limit attack on the Govern— ment smooth sailing. He struck a great many snags during leis speech, as will be seen from the following "Mr. Charlton said it might also be pleaded that the amount of money received for these limits was large; but it was not of the terms of the leases that complaint was made. The complaint was of the granting' of these leases without, public competition, Limits were granted to Mr. H. A. Ward, M. P. "Mr. White (Cardwell) -when? "Mr. Charlton—In 1882. "Mr. White—You know he was not a member of parliament at the time. . "Mr. Charlton said he was a prospective member any way. ('Oh, Ob.') Among those who put in appications for timber Emits for other persons were Mr. C. H. Mackintosh, 11. P. "Mr. Mackintosh—When was t hat ? "Mr, Chiiilton—In May, 1882. "Mr. Mackintosh—You know I was not a member of Parliament at that time. (Hear, hear.") t 0 y 6 d • Mr. Taylor, M. P. for South Leeds, wag among the many Conservative members who answered the slanders of Opposition speakers on Tuesday t s London, May 6.—Tho Canadian Paoific Railway Company has de— posited with the agent of the Cana. dime Grvernment hero ten million dollars, being the first half of the repayment on the Government loan to be completed by June 1st. A new county Orange Lodge is about to be organized at Wiarton, to be oalled the Loyal Orange County Lodge of Bruce, to be composes} of the Orange ]District of Wiartou and Ar- ran. There are 11 primary Lodges in the Wiarton District and 7 lodges in the District of Arran. The Police Magistrate of Guelph tried the first Scott Act cases in that city on Friday. The defendants were Jas. Welsh, Thos. Middleton and John Doran. All three were convict- ed and fined $50 and costs each. The two first mentioned are reported to skipped out in ord0 to avoid the penalty of the courts. The most important eases before Sudge Sinclair, in the Ninth Division Court, Hamilton, were the actions of the Art Publishing Co., against var- ious citizens who had refused to pay for the work. Various defences were Pet up by the 3efendauts, L. Garland, Dr. Philp, John Rowan, A. McTheal, Geo. H. Snyder, Audrew Leitch and E. B. Feast, but the Judge in each case decided that there was no getting over the written contract signed at the time the book was subscribed for. On Monday night Charles Mitchell and Jack Burke met for au eight - round sparring contest. Five thou— sand people were present. Teu rounds were fought when the police interfered, and' the referee decided the contest a draw, tough Mitchell had the best of it. At the conclusion of the fight Jack Dempsey stepped on on to the platform and challenged Mitchell to fight to a finish for $5,000 a side.. Mitchell made no reply, but turned to the reporters and asked them to note the business -like and gentlemanly way in which the "champion" challenged him. The seizure of the American fish- ing schooner David J. Adams, at Digby, N. S., by the Canadian steam- er Lansdowne, for purchasing bait in Canadian waters, is 'causing a great deal of excitement in political circles in the United States. The matter, will, no doubt, be made the sub'ect of diplomatic negotiations between Eng- land and the United States. The Americans having: persistently refused to entertain any proposition looking to the renewal of the treaty, no other resource consistent with national dig- nity was left open for the Canadian government than to use every exer- tion to protect our fisberiee from en– croachment, and to guard our shores from the intrusion of American fish- ing vessels. night of last week. He did it in the following style "Mr. Taylor said he desired brieflyto refer to the slanderous statements made rgarding himself in the town of Wingham last winter by a person named M. C. Cameron. He (Mr. Taylor) wished to say that he had no interest in timber limits, coal and grazing lands, either in Manitoba or the North-west. He never applied for any such lands, either for himself or for any other party. This fellow Cameron who knew when he made Don t use any more nauseous purgatives, itch as Pills, Salts, &c., when you can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that moves the bowels gently, cleansing all impurities of the system and rendering the blood pure and cool, Great Spi ing Medicine 50 cents. HERE AND THERE. News Condensed ti i'l:•ere is considerable stir in Hen- ' tall there being several new build - the statement that it was false, that it was r manafactured ant of whole cloth, be stispect- fags in course of erection. ed was a paid agent of the Grit party, ,going I DZr. A. M. Polly, of iGoa er10h, in around the country and opposing those tendsivinthe liveryb J3 g u P uinneAe and has sold his stock,' • John organ, of Stanley Mtownship, has been appointed e.erk of the Seventh Division Cotlrt of the county of Huron, in the place of W. W. Conn01'4 removed. The Government haul promised a grant of $2,200.per toile for the con• t ntianoe of the C. J? B. from Tees. Water to Winghain. The prospects. of the road being built are now good.'' Saturday afternoon the Scott Aet Comlleittee for; lt1jddlesex met and o ganised stab-cotnmittees for the carious tovtnsbi a to see that ak ttie set whom lie could not oppose himself, vu., 'mal.iciou who circulated these wilful and gentlemen. 1f this fellow Cameron e false- hoods, Was the M. C. Cameron who repre- sented South Huron in the fIouse, it was deeply to be regretted that any gentleman espirrng to the position of a statesman should stoop so low. (Hear, hear.'') _y A Loss or TASTE and a thirst for acids, yel- low cofnplexion, pimply skiff.,, a my,terious, aching of the bones,ta distressed condition of the -head, woe -begone expression of the fano, irregular action of the heart, periodical head- ache with prostration,high temperature of the body ;with shills and Ivor, gird constant sense ofr' i wee It esB'. tl uttering in the stbtinartlr, and sinking sensation of spirits, Irritability of temper, hulicate what is called a miller. ial`'condition of the Systotli' a co3iditioii which must be remoi✓ed, if at.a11@ through the rernvrgoratlon. of;the kidueye and Ryer iced. Appropriation Of $500 ie eefn wear made as the nualeQs of a fttnd to for whish nothing &pals that great specifies, , aict the t'D+5tnbuttee ill acoottupliefiing Warloar'e oaf0 this' ends • Two attempts have been evade within a month to btlrglarieethe store of 1Mir, J. O. Quarry at Lim. eriok, in McGillivray Township. Oa the last occasion they blew open the safe but were soared off, Mrs. ,Albert D. 'White (nee 13elia Baldpate of Listowel, fired at her fn,ther's residence, Gederioh, on the 3rd Inst., at the age of 21 years ; of consumption, The Lisenso, Commissioners for North Middlesex have granted drug- gists' licenses under the .Scott Act to E. P. Stephenson, Parkhill; T. Hey, Ailsa Craig, and 11I. Mara, Liman. Messrs. J. lir D. Mernor, of Zurich and Hamburg, respectively, have re- cently purcbasecl the general store and business of Mr. J, K. Wing, of Zurich. J'. T.Z. goes to the U. S. Mr. Hillary Maher, of West Williams, has a ben which laid an egg, weighing 4::1 oz.; and measures 7fx(j?t inches in circumference. Now coax on your hens to beat this mam- moth egg. Mr. W. G. Potts, formerly of Olin• ton, has lately received another pro- motian by the American Express Co., in whose employ he has been for some time, and now bolds a position as messenger between Suspension bridge and London. The following are the totals of the township of Stepheu assessment roll: —Real property, ;1,777,418; income, $800; personal property, $36,325; dogs, 463; horses, 1,111; hogs, 809; Sheep, 1,984; cattle, 1,779; popula— tion, 4,034; deaths, 27; births, 51. Mr. H. Happel, of Zurich, left on Monday fir Germany to bring oat fifty German laborers to assist in his flax business. He will be about 3 months. Laborers in this vicinity must bo scarce, when au i.nportation of this number is necessary. Owing to the letter asking for .the appointment of Mr. Patrick 1lalouev as postmaster of Metropolitan having gone astray, there was some delay in filling the vacancy, but a telegram from the Hon. Postmaster General received on Monday announces his appointment. It is to be hoped that the petition signed by many of the influential people of the county in favor of the release from petieteotiary of James Henry Benmieh, will be speedy. The sentence was a severe cue—severe to injustice. The murder of Maines was done under the most tantalizing provocation, and that unhappy affair has already cost the elder Beamish his life. James Henry Beamish should be set at liberty. He is said to be in consumption, the disease from which his fattier and une sister have died since the tragedy, and to which another sister is else succumb• ing. Brussels has been excited over a romantic case, iu which the wife of a blacksmith of that place is a chief actor. Her first husband, or a man claiming to be such, recently arrived in the village, and had a warrant issued for her ar• est for bigamy.' After a consultation with the woman and her prevent husband and some friends, the iuforration was with- drawn by husband No. 1,- the woman in the case signing away her right of dower, and giving him permission to apply for a divorce. She is now happily married, and has the sym- pathy of the community, owing to the unhappiness attending her first marriage.. What an Increase. GRAND RAPIDS, Micb., July 14, 1884.- 1 'suffered many years from Chronic Diar- rhoea, and was able to get only temporary re- lief. My disease seamed to baffle medicine. Began to take Warner's safe cure, and in- creased in weight from 115 pounds 140, and have not had a sick spell this summer, whereas last summer I was sick all the time. —M. H. WALBR.IDGE, Mich. School Moderator. NATURE'S TARRANT'S CURE FOR Effervescent Seltzer CONSTIPAT1ON Aperient. tan elegant efficacious, RqN flth e ormof�a apowder,erientnpro- ducing when dissolved •J , in water anexhiliratirg, Effervescing, Draught, ISELTZER'blotPh sicansasa°e- f=urniture Manufacurers ,J�9Asj�°. liable and agreeable remedy. It sures Con• stipation, cure d p shiges- tion cures urea Dyspepsia, Sick-Headache.burn, cu e, cures Heart- Caskets, AND urn, Duras Sick-teacl•cFurniture,Coffins,, echo, cures Liver (lora- plaint, cures Sick Stotn And everything iu the above line, to meet immediate wants. 11866. Wltl511toltel r *jest: toall auflltaanta, mud Lec,t t00 00101 fast Sear without ordorluS lo, it oeltulue Punkt 1115 paps, ,;.1QAtustruttoux, pricoo a curate cteecrlptlnnd arta ,utu. Ulu tlreotrone for planting at vArletics of Vir;giii .tA.fth fr Rod Plj,() Iq EIL. n0.' I I C ltFlt ll1 , etc, I,ti a t 51;? to all, ggft9"i :A ervrclally (tto Iforrlyot O aarrdeu eo .Seu,1 i,r R, Fee I+CR t Edi •+'CCt7 01.c, r;i'lrifl'SSran. il) t nee BEL TMEI, i'. 1 Never Could `To think my gun went off af- ter taking such. straight al�llt aim suet leave those birds sitting,there ! Why 1 could. scarcely believe 1T1 own eyes, but there the.. are, and this tingling pain in my 'shoulder, it convinces me. So �._..�t�• yowill fined s, num• bs of people � ' ,h don't on' 1'1 1 t 1 ze to believe o beeeew•- tli ,l v every - How 1 L q L .. HOvv" LOst, 0 Restored thin much less a "funny" t - We nave reoontivpublished a new edition of DB,C1TLVEBWBLL•'S CELEBRATED ES- SAY outhe radioalandpormaneut euro (with- out medicine)ofNervousl)ebility,Mental and. physical oapacity.lmped4ments to Mtrriege, etc.,resuitiugfrom excesses, Price, in sealed envelope ,only 6 eon ts,ort wo posLal'e stamps. Tie celebrated autlaorofthis admirable es say clearly demonstrates, from thirty years successful practice, thataiaruolug consent-ten, may beradicaily cured without tb o clang- orous use of internal medicines or't'heuse of the knife ; Point (Pit a mode of euro at onee simple curtain and effectual, by moans of whiehoverysufferer, no matter whathis con- ditionmay be =ay euro himself eh.iap1y„ pri vatelv and radically. i Thi lecture shouldbe in the hands of ev- ery youthandevery man in the land. Address THE CUV.ERWELL MED ICAL COMPANY, 41 ANN Si'., NEWYORK, Post Office Box 150 114 0 0 114 E CO— CD 75 c' cd 0 Q) ca R -i 0 U 0 t3 r• --t nn0 h� p-10 c2�-i C o e-1 Fl - U U �-t A U 71 rd W 0 rif bio o cn03 4 in 405 CT3 C�3 fh 0 0 0 vertisemeut), but if they will visit our store theyill have convincingproof that we have the goods i'ce advertise got`b' c advertise, Surely you can scarcely d'sb licfveyour I 1 SC e 1 eC eyes es . �! So y y come and see a lot of ® . New Goods in this Week. Beautiful V7"iotor'ia Lawr. in Cream, Pale 31u,e5 Lemon, Seige, ►moo£±ee, Navy., • and Black. PRINTED 'THIN In great variety. Fifteen patterns to sele3t from. An immense assortment of LIGHT GROUND PRI NTS— all the new colorings and prettier goods than ever shown before. MORE NEW DRESS 0®0DS, Parasols, Gloves, &c., ;ire., at RANTON BROS. All the ladies come and see them. 'Remember Miss Wood makes up, cuts and fits Dresses, Mantles, (kuo, whether bought from us or not. GENTLEMEN—We are showing some ex.tra tart goods in !Fine Pantings, Worsteds, and Scotch Check Suitings, also a select stock of Gents' Ties and Scarfs, Great value in 9 "White Shirts. No trouble to show G-ools at RA..� 1, ;1t Y 4.4 C. ec S. GIDLEY, UNDERTAKERS --AND--- -A FULL STOCK OF— 0 DpCp(�IA sot and gently urges all f G P S .the Excretory organs to a proper action. It should be found in every household and car- ried by every traveler. Sold by drttagists et- erywhere. IOUREFITS! When I any curo.I do hot menu moroly toatop them for a tlmh, nd then 52101 them return again. r moon o 1o,IIcal titre;I have made rho dl0enso 0 11'12'5 FPILFPSY or PA Lt.. INO SIOKNPSSi I1(6•10ng study. 1 wai•rint rnyremudy to caro tho worat'daoea. 110caueo others have railed le no ,•eaaon for not no* retching a ante. Shod at onto roaa trcntGo and a hree Ballo of my tnfnlllhle remedy. (ROS ExSreta and Post OBlca. It coats you nothing for a trial, and I' will cars you Address Dli. n. (1, rid. 9', Branch Ct one B h Moe, 37 'Y St '°rout ), IG OrFmR atteetholn *e will GIV11 AWAY i,eCO' "Self -Operat- ing Washing Machines, h'f you want one send us your name P. 0, and express office at once TRIO NA/ION/ill (NI, 21 Vey street, N,Y: NSUMPTI r116vonSoifsivo+onlelyfor thea66/eInaed/id try Honed tlio,(anrte of cas01 or ilia *brat 1,End and of long aiandliiit 156(6 6080 Mlydd. Indeed 6o. fi'ti•ong is my"f61t61n 11111 1Blcsoii`, that f *Ill 13o111 TWO 1O'rl'Lg,S FREIE, t0g0thef: `ilrlt0 a, VArITA5(51 '!1r£A TIS5 00 the df0daao to 6010 iufforet.- l0lve oxpwnfat nods. o oAdroaa. Erattohdffiloei37' 'ni geStti! creme We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And Funerals furnished and conducted at extremely low prices. EllusLE1ls OF ALI, THIS DIFFERENT Soca TIM ADVERTISERS can learn the exaot cost of line of tri Y advertising in American papersby . addressing Geo. P. Rowell &n, lAiellvrapapbr AdY.v rtis ng 1311t`otlit1 10 Sprttleei St., btertar York,, Strict tooth, for 0+•l a el ic'tlrriphtiet THE 'OLD ESTLISHED" r.s Just Xteoeive't --7-- One Case American Gingham's, Direct from Boston. Canadian Cinghams, Beautiful Goods. Scotch Ginghams, Very Fine. American Prints, Muslins, Skitngs, 8cc. BEAUTIFUL GOODS AND PRICES AWAY DOWN. Stock Complete in All Departments. No Trouble to show Goods. JAMES PICKARD, EXETER is cc ff 11 IIURRAH! --FOR scaikstxmvpritios DRUG STORE! 0 p 0 Pure Drugs & Family Recei is Carefull mpounded OW ON THE WAY � The following lines, hich will be sold Closest Possible Cash Figures 20 tons Cut and Steel Nails, American Pattern, 40 tons Lindeman Blacksmith Coal (will be sold Chea for Cash or on Short Dates,) p 10 tons ]3uckthorne and Barb -Wire Fencing, 100 boxeGlass, 5 tons 'White Lead, bbls. each Raw et Boiled Oil, 3 bbls. Turpentine, 10 bbls, Machine Oils, Also a car load of Locks, ocks, Hinges, Butts, and general Shelf Hardware, FU ll Stock of Stovesd Tinware Cheap for Cash. r aag�er �y1( a�y� vf.11 Vi T .�iS, VvaiiVliiliY, ' Gni SF R Ll,.