HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-13, Page 3TEEL FARM The Potato bot, --Its Catl> a and Rein ediee, The use of the micresoope in the fish of eoientifzo research has revealed muo that is of importance to naan, Miley for of dfeeese, about when origin tittle w known, have had muoh light tined Delon thorn since thele instrument was employee i their study, both among animals an plants, We find now that man is oonatan iy lashed by invisible 'foes --some attao ing himself acrd ott-ere the food whish h eats, Daring the pant" et maser and tall striking example of this ccourred in th prevalence of the eo•called "potato rot, which has proved a groat loss throughout the Province and in many parte of th United Slates, In the bullctin iseuecf i November from the Bureau of Industrie we learn that the '" rot " prevailed through the whore southern belt of the Pcoviec In many oases o"iso-half to tbree•fourtha the oro was Itro ed and in Some it wa P d y Wall such ,''rear - th t e not worth diin . W around nee the questions are naturally eu geeted, What in the cause of the " rot" and, What remedies can be adopted ? Cause.—This disease hoe received a gree dual of attention front botanists dime tb days when it became a scourge In Ireland and other Tarts of the Britieh Isles, and i Hs now conceded to be the result of minute fungus called Phyto hthora in es g 1 dans. This attacks all parts of tae plant leaf, stem and tubers. By. tbose ignorant of the life history of this tiny parasitic plan little attention is paid to its appearaaoe o the tops, and no alarm is experienced un til the potatoes aro affeoted. But being very contagious, its presence on the leave should become a seriouo matter, especial! when we remember that it spreads wit great rapidity. It is usually indicated b the tops presenting a blotched, brownish spotted, dead appearance. A o:or'e exaul inatien of the potatoes showing this will discover innumerable slender stems growing up out of the surface of the leaves andotem of the affeoted planta. Then branch and swell out at the enols into pear-shape minute bodies (eporeo),.wh1ch are produce by millions. SVhen ripe they separate from the stem and being exceedingly light pass into the atmosphere, where they ar wafted about, many of them finally reach ing the ground or settling upon plants. Under faerourable conditions of moisture and heat the contents of a miorosoopio spore may push out a long minute tube, whin can penetrate into any part of the potato plant and give rise to the fungus ; or may separate into several distinct portions (swarm spores) .which beret through the spore -wall and become the source of the parasitic plant. The mature plant which lives in the tops and tubers le very minute, and oan be seen only by the aid of the mi- croscope. It consists of many colonrlens, branohine, thrsad.like structures. These penetrate the tissues of the potato and feed upon the juices, so that it soon weakens and begins to waste away, From the thread-like structures tiny stalks arise, assuming beautiful plant -like forms and bearing uroa th sr nnhee the spores al- ready referred to, They five but a eh( rt time, but the thread-:ike structure is perennial and hardy, and from fragments of it new fungi may arise. It is said by some that another kind of spore is produc- ed which oen winter, and thus give rise to the organism in another " season, There are the eo-called resting spores, apparent- ly for the purpose of keeping the species over certain periods, while the spores al- ready considered are produced rapidly so as to hasten the spread of the fungus under favourable conditions. This minute mi- croscopic plant is deft/drily a low form of vegetable life, Inge pe of manufacturing food from the mineral kingdom, but fastenlagupon other plants and feeding up- on their juices, A wet season supplies con- ditions well adapted for its development, and hence we find the "rot " associated with such heather. There is no doubt that many spores are always more or less present, but they are prevented from being a source of treubio because the weather is not enited for their growth. Remedies ,—The " rot " tonally appears about the first two weeks in August, and if the weather is favourable its spread is very rapid, for as soon as the threadlike structure wbich arisee from the spore is de- veloped it immediately becomes spore -bear - Ing. Hence the importance of examining the plants for the appearance of the brownish spots that Indicate the presence of the fringes. TSE S' 'QR)d'S APPEAItA,NCE, An Lye "Clears,' iresrrpUts the Cyclone A1it1UC$otl. The beet testimony that eau be' had'fr ds eye witnesses of the storm is to. b offset that the cloud vas somewhat differ ms !n appearance from velem,' in general as as perked. Iran. J. A, De/nettled, an ex•n1e n her of the house of representetivea was n his bout) near George Iake, not far from d triode of the storm. t e told a ropoeter t- rhe, appeeranee of the cloud, Sad ho : " k must have fumed rapidly, and just ab e the lake. as it was there when I first noti a it, , It; Was very black, and seemed to e oenstantly in motion, At first I thou "' it was the melee from some large lite and was moving rapidly across the lake who e first saw it, -I, was OA and oval in eta a with a cert of spiral at eaoh of the extra Industries, Mee, one extending upward and the of downward, It was peculiar in appearan s and I wsetohed it closely when it had pass across of the. lake, . It seamen to stop, movement resembled that of e a fano e pni r and olosing, and it remained stationary g- some eeoonds, Almost instantly rte fo ? changed, Instead lying flat, it awned turn on end and the spirals that had r t up from the other Sud formed a part of © big double epiral, It had a movement t was peonifar, as if there was a oommoti t within it. a ITS COURSE WAS RAPID and as soon as the big e p ire P 1 was formed began moving at a terrific rate in a eon that was somewhat zigzag. It dropped do t to the ground, and f saw the entire work n ruin. Ite course after it creased the ri was rather sinuous, though hardly as mu eo as before. Ii swept across the eonutr a and in five mli;utes from the time it reach y the Sauk Rapids the work of deatruotf n was done." A Mr. Clarke was driving wi y Mr. Cooper of the State board of aprioultu He said that he had seen the cloud for '- '!hero were two at first that came togeth J directly over the faire, and then turned end and swept onward. A daughter s Governor Gilman corroborates Mr. D,m:ul story. She naw it when it lay like a fa d and she Bald it was apparently stands d still. She thought it wen the smoke fro some large fire and ran to a lookout on t top of the governor's house, to d'acover who e the fire wee. Before she had reached t top the cloud had tuned teed was appreeac ing with terrible rapidity and was alrea creating havoc. whereupon she ran doov et gentleman who did not give hie name to h Mr. Alexander Rigg, of Monticello, w was here that he sad seen a man In t epiral rapidly moving after the clouds b passed Sauk Rapids three or four mil' There are one or two mining, and it is pc Bible that it may have been the druggist w had not been found. A peculiarly aid incident ocoured at San Rapids, Minn, Out in the rubbish so rods from the depot, wandering about t stricken neighborhood, was a middle age man. He looked haggerod and took notice of the curious peeplo who eons:anti passed him in their search among the ruin It was Chariot Shellgreeu, His home ha bean leveled to the ground by the cyolon and he was wandering near the spot whe his home had once stood. He was a pe man and had nothing but his home, 0 of the vieitore was the Rev. Mr. Pierce, Fergus Falls, who had onus proaohed Sauk Rapids, and not knowing how M Shellgreen had been afflicted. he approac ed him and asked if he had lost any bssid his house. The man stopped, walked u and shook hands with the man of God an said "my baby," He could go no furtha but eat npon the ruins of hie home, and th tears rolled from has eyes as his voice thio oned. His entire family had been killed, wife and four children, The woman an three of the children lay over in the dea house awaiting their oeff. s, but the fourth a little girl baby of some weeks, had no been found. The mintator could not ea cheer up, and he left the man sitting alon and desolate, with the tears streaming fro his dazed eves. He Fired. on Time. They engaged a new porter at a Lafayett Hotel, Everybody liked him, he was s cheerful, so obl€gnlf, end so rigorously an ecrupuldnely exact in carrying out every orde given him. The other day. Mr. J. B. John son, the vice-president of the Omaha Collie Plough Works, put up at the hotel. Mr Johnson is a very dignified and polished gen tieman, and extremely particular about h room and service. That evening a very extra ordinary thing occurred. Some say it wa about 9 o'clock, others place it as late as I0 At any rate, somewhere near that time Mr Johnson was amszld to sea the door of hi room open and a man step in. " Who the dickens are you ?" asked Mr Johneon. " 01 am the porter," replied the stranger deliberately removing his coat and rollin up his sleeves. "Well, what He the meaning of this singu lar intrusion?" Inquired Mr Johnson, Thomas did not reply. He spit upon hi 'Janda, executed a -rapid and fantastic jig, and leaped Suddenly upon the estondsne guest. " Help ! Murder 1" bellowed Mr. John son , "crazy man killing me.,t " Shut up, ye dhirty epaipecn 1" exclaim ed Thomae, obtaining a firm grip upon th bust of his trcusere, and propelling him ra- pidly out of the room, ".its none of the loikea'of ye that ie wanted in a demont house," "But,' my good man 1" gasped Mr. John- son, his wurde coming by excited jerks, 'thorn ds acme mistake, Let Ise expt.tin 1" "slyer a weed, ye hcodium'1' re pled ]Thomas, rushing him toward the attire ; "we're on `to yo, The 'house has had ye spotted 1" The next instant the guests in the corridor were amazod to Gee two figured, one eplu.tter- ing and kicking and the other grim and determined, scoot down the etairchee,,plunge through hlobby, and dieappear into the outer er dal n a e. In a few moments Thoreau returned, panting and rolling down hie eleeveG. " What in the name of heaven were you doing ?•' asked Mr, Weekly, the proprietor, when ho rcoovered sufficiently from the shook to speak, " I was firing that dhirty blackguard Johneon," replier! Thomas'. " Firing him ? Hold ino, domobody t What rut ouch an infernal idea into your hood t' " Here she is," replied Thornes, with an injured air, holding the slate before the proprietor's ayes, " By--the—great—horn spoon," gimped Mr. Weekly, and swooned away. wh Thin was r• . at he read " No. 40 ; fire at 10:30." 1. As noon as discovered, dig the pota- toes. Delay will allow it to spread to the etems, and thence to the tubers. If it reaches these and damp weather comae, "rot " will certainly appear. 2, After digging, the potatoes should be put in a cool, dry place, thus surrounding them with conditions unfavourable for the growth of the (tongue, if any happens to be upon them, 3. Growing early varieties is worthy of consideration, to that they may mature be fore the seaso.s arrivon when this parasite ds likely to affect the prop 4. All potato stalks in affected lands should be gathered and burned, so as to destroy the millions of spores which may be upon them, 5. Use none but good seed, If at all af- fected, reject them ; and plant in well - drained land, If the potatoes to be used for„ seed have been taken from cellars where affected 0ne8 were kept, they are likely to have the microscopic spores on them and escape notice. It would be best to get and from unaff€:ctod districts. G It is scarcely. neoecsary to remark that it would bo , editions to plant pota- toes in the samaf' old tie following year aft(r a visitation or he "rot," inasmuch as the ground may retain the ge7ms of the disease. 7. Avoid planting upon heavy clay soil, but prefer a light, and dry soil. This pre- sents the fewest conditions suitable for the growth of the fungus. The nature of our climate Is not so fa- vourable for the dovelopment of tide in- jurious fungus as that of Britain ; yet as we are sometimes visited by it, and although aoaroely viewed as a eoourge, it Is well that we should remember its nature and habits and always bo ready to guard against failure if it appears, As Mat summer was favourable for its propagation, great care should be exeroleod in the selootfon of mood this erring.—By tit Hoyes Panton M. A. Professor of Natural History at the Ontario A gricultural College. N ..,uun+.r-1 .5' -,'+art.--•—.-'. The rSolxth African Diamond Yield. The total amount of diamonds discovered Tiithe diamond 'fields of South Africa in 1885 le estimated at not Iess than 2,440,738 carats, vatted at over twelve millions of dollars, The quantity is greater but the value lees than the findm for the years 1883 and 1884, Ih 1884 the most valuable diamond now known was obtalnod, *eighinjr,t when firet discovered, 457 carats, hut wbieh will be reduced, by out. ting, to 200 carob, 1tht1ra a Note of This, Pain banished as if byma io. Polsen' a Nervitine le a positive and Itimoat inetian- tanooue remedy for external, internal, or local pains, The most aetivo romedy'hither. to known fallsfar short of Netvilloe for potent ;power in the relief of nerve pain. Good for external or internal nee, 13ov a 10 pont sample bottle, Large bottles 25 oente, tit all druggists, in ore the 04' re• m• ee the Qt It eve oed be be it. n I so, m- her ie, ed Its n for rm to un a at on it we 80 of v0P ch 7'' DU '°• er of 6'a n, ng m 1'° re four h° akin dy n' 1d often hO Adeagerly, before 8, friend," s- he jest k and n16 She's he d and n d wardone e, quiriee, re officiating or is no therewith of ingford at pol, r° I. without dstarts treated r :tient ° woman, k- would a d vatioa I phyaloal senses. ' do t tion," , 'Asses n, womankind. shirt bosom. e delek-headaeie, r want live ii all Dr, acts iii removes - Nervous irritability j nervous should luetrated cure. g' ation, ' ere s gry'a d Calomel, sult physic stipation purifies stimulates ily ® Indirreetion. end find your bottieo SCIENTIFIC AND UBEPUL' Silver that is not in fre �aeant use will r tarnieh if `bathed in oatmeal, To remove paint s laehes on window wgla' nlo;aten the vete with a strong eoletien soda, then rub hard, The amount of goal in the. Pittsburg Riva is estimated ba Profeeso Y r L :eley, Of t l'Annay1Vania Geologloaf Survey, qt 30,i)f) 000,000 tone. About 11,000,000 tone now taken annually from the bed, of wig two thirds are bituminoae coal and o third anthraoite. Professor L3sley belle that the oil and gee eupply will preotloa oeaee ten or twenty years hence. It is announost that Messre, Apert Clichy, France. Rave discoveredP a proo that will make glass blowing by the mon unnecessary, Many attempts have be made to get rid of this painful process in t op.ratione of glace -snaking, but to this d in every. bottle home rev be seen pale -fav men with their ohesks hanging limp in fold the remit of years of glass-blowingbyt mouth. Casae have ben known ihi men's cheeks have been worn so thin th they have actually cracked, and it Is a o0 moa sight in a bottle house to see blows at work with their thin cheeks puffed o like the fiegere of a glove. , The two comets that are approaching th earth are coming at a tremendous rate— comate will—and promise to be objeo:e great brilliancy. Profeesor H. A. ]Vewto of the Yale Obeervatory. thinks they w be brightest+ about May 1, and will sh well in the Northwestern sky. The one d covered by the Frenoh observer, Fabry, w come relatively very near—within a d lance of only 15,000,000 rniloe, or but a li tle more than one-half the distance of t planet Venus. It is not et certain th both comets will be visible at the san time in the samequsrter of the heavens, b it is possible thee that unusual epeotac may 000ur, A Leapaard Gan Chane'e His Spots. " That, my young friend, is a leopard observed a schoolmaster at the Zoo the oth day as he was showing cif before three favorite pupils. '" Notice the apo upon his skin. Can the Ethiopian alter or the leopard change his smote ?'' "Yeo, sir," unexpectedly replied a keep who was standing near " that 'ere es does." F1 Row so ?" inquired the eohoolmaete with vioione of discoveries floatir hie eyes. " Explain youreetf, re " There, sir ! Didn't you see her ? She done it," answered the keeper. "" Sl was firot of all a -lying down on thie apo then she got up and. changed, and nor lying down ou that spat. Exit keeper amidst dleguel of sohooimaete stillsd laughter of pupils. The bishop of Oxford sent to the chutcl. in his diocese a circular of i among whack was : "Does you clergyman preach the gospel, an his couvoreetion and carriage eonsiete 1" The eburch warden at Wal replied : " He preaches the go.s but does net keep a carriage," What Wonta the World Do women ? asks • the essayist wh out to say something new on this ofl subject. OE course the flumen elf of the world would not exist withou so the question is gratuitous, 1 have been far more eenalhle to ask What would the world do without the sal of woman, without a panleea for be ills and Duro for her peculiar di In a word, what would the worli without Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Preeerip the great remedy for female weak ? ft is indispensable for the ills o The woman who neglects her blither eV front is no longer the wife of hi Nightmare, depression of spirits, an of ambition are symptoms of a disease , The lungs, stomach, and bowels an in sympathy. Life is only a living death, Pierce 'e"Golden Jlediesi DF covery' upon the torpid liver, and effsntaa113 all these difficulties and disorders. feeldage, gleamy forebodings, atif of temper all disappear. A nightgown is nothing but a napeack. Young or middle-aged men suffering from debility and kindred weakneseea send 10 cents in stamps for large 11• treatise suggesting aura masse o! World's Diepeneary Medical Assool- Buffalo, N. Y. What with strike° and defaulting bank- and treasurers the lump in this coon- throat never gots a chance to subside. Do not take Pills or Powders containing for, at this time ot the year, the re- may be serious; If you require a done of take Dr. Carson's stomach and Con- Bitters ' it acts gently or. the Bowele, the Blood, improves the circulation, the Liver and Kidneys, and speed- cures Biliousness, Headache, Dyepepefa, Search the Drug Stores from ono of Canada to the other, and yon cannot a remedy equal to it. Try it medusa it in families. Bold everywhere in large at 50 conte. A.P.270 ci,gj, AORE 3 GJOD LIED IN TOWNSHIP OF FF��1.9 Plvmpton for sale cihean • ' email amount auwn ; balance at 0 per cent. M. J, KENT, London. ciUPBRII.R FILES AND RASPS—WARRANTED eel equal to beet imported : all kinds of re -cutting, Galt Fila Works, FREDERICK PARKIN, Galt P.O. pp� tf.Divri 80 Acre Eaxnr-$7OO CO Acre Farm dYls l—100,000aottngplays, 15canto; 100,000 5 cent mueio ; Instruments half -prion BUTLAND, Toronto. grIAITIRI&GE: artnyJ5S FOR CARTERS, �/ wholesale houses, ,nan"(aetnrera ; tiret pries Central Pates. Address M. D. NItLLIGAN, Manufao. tures, Hamilton. TO ND SAW lifWHOIJ3—ALL SIZES—L AT11i3T improvemente; bracket band save for ateaoh. ing to posts; neat, cheap and durable ; send for oiroular,, JOHN GHILLIES & CO., Ca.letoe ]Plano, Ont. Q�'V/ 17, May. English, or dre,a Toronto, IdM front well . spring p prion FECUAL NOTICE.- GRAND INDUCEMENTS offered to young Ladies and Gentlemen during S harthadd, Boskkeepfag, Commercial Businsas, Clase:cal or olathomaticel neurese; separate ail together, at halt the regular bullion fee. Ad i mniechately, TIM TORONTO Bu,tN$se COLLEo11, Ont. CLEARING Ili' A SWAMP LOT — 175 acres—immodtatelyedjoJning'Penotangulehene; twenty awes 'sandy loath, rest" black muck • drained; will make'spierdid stock forth ; good meek r dreamer o built bin b I Ib on sax to m' now, tour' thousand ; tonna easy. b t A. M. IMATING, Penetrtigutahouo, E 1VAlt't THREE AGJiifl'S .1N kACII Y county for a towhee!? wo will plate Ori tbo market in two wean; it will contain five hundred paged sad retail at ee 75,; it ISeditedby?aProminent Canadian gentled -alb, Who haa'not made public, his nano° ; it is expected the literary world wilt bo ail Skit to find Out wile tiro brilliant, miter is; the 1 book irl a on an ifsportant top'o, one never befoee discussed by Cantdlan ambers; all wtebinqto be• come agerte for:illis remarkable volume are advteed to write tot portfoulare Address, International knnl.x-Are t.r. tie ot 8,. or re• he. 8 e e oh; A0 - u y of 668 tb be, he ay 4 tie ah at m• rs ut e tee of 111 48 is - 111 ie - h6 at m6 ut ole ' er Or to his r e r, Ig ly '8 to t, s- ur d nt 1- f d d e d JO 8NST NUMS:'IENSe-GARQFN LOTS—over. looklpg humour, edlatntez badness centre two to three hundred dollar° per aero'; II olaZ huliding Iota, two t,sndrod dol aril t large park Jotx one huadrod defiers pet "tare up; Jowly land and avatar aoeuery ; ,healthy nos bion; the town 02 Pone• taugut?li'sra 1+m+1/1ng wonderful progress; addrel,e A. M, KiD 1'r1Va, PonetaaeulaAane. A n*AN OR A 0Yvvl&A5 t1 All 1E0 1,vnAt5 Cia townehtp, to sell Br. 'palma c's now book ' X,ive Coats " The kttneet and roost vigorous apsoimen of oratory ever written; nearly 7110 pages : only $2 ; toll parUionlars of Bee and other new books F508, tl h o uylorSmltb & Co,Puhllsh4re,Landon,4ur �t11U1I7t141ANt► Tf1OROUQHi,Y TAUGH`f BY .-", Mail ; or stndonts attending aur . Academy will be tbo•oughle prepared by highest Masters in Short- hand; Typewriting, Bookkeeping, and'unloose Train- ing. Advanced etudonte.4eipeto situations, lin. mediately address, The Won ehorthander's Corn. menial Arcade, Toronto - G!4!VTS iwrou CAN'T FIND A BOOK TFIAr nit give,' baiter eatiff cotton or that you can make money fu°ter wltn than '" World's Wonders,"- Sellst0 all clauees—Ohrieti.n, and Infidels, Oatnotlee and Psoieetanta, old and young ; old .genre who have not oanvaeeed for years are going iota the field with it; U, R', Jen kine ?old 121 the finer week ; J, E Brace save ; " The fl ret week with "Wonders " netted me one n hundred d a areas dollar.) error " a for unemployed persons; ontUt free to a actual van. Vas3ere; write fur terms. BRADLEY. GAaaaTSON 0o„ Brantford. • MOEsIEY TO LEND Productive Town, Village & Parra Property. ]D. sill I'eIIEliff, lttcUONALD, Barrister. 6 Union Mach— Toronto Street —Toronto. STAR AUGUR >$ Per Day. A 20 TER WELL BORING Hae no euperior 1 20 feet per hour; hand or horse power grand eu ate eioeflrst ring nd rock prizes and diplollinmachine mae Send for Catalogue. 68 nary St.. Ilantiltoet, Canada. geeniatiesitt ICN y1•,.4 SiAya 0U11.Sit, sTa VE Jo nter cheese box, veneer, leather ep tit g bcokbindere, moulding, tenoning, and otaeSipach ne kulves of best quality, m00ufaetured by PETER HAY, Galt Maohine Saito Works, Galt, Ont. ; send for prloe list. JAMES PARK ' & BUN, Park Packers, Toronto, L. Ca. Bacon, Rolled Spree Bacon, 0. 0, Bacon Glasgow Beet Hama, Sugar Oared Ham, Dead Beet, Br an Bacon, Smoked Tongnee, hese Pori, Ptoklett angina, Oheeee, Family or Navy Peak Lard In Tuba and Palle. The Beet Mean,'° of Eng lith Fine Dairy Galt in Stook BRANTF ouLD ?&TPR, RtoE &TAROB EVER FAILS. N1NGS D SENIII TOR PRICE LIST. Awning, Flag, Tent & Camping Depot 169 Yongo Street, Toronto. Ilaind Files. R. SPENCE & CO., Consumers will find it to their advantage to ask the trade far our make of Files and Rasps. Ile -Cutting a Specialty. Send for price list and Cornea. Hamilton, Ontario. r GUELPH CARPET WORKS. J.& A. ARMSTRONG & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF 1Vool, Union - - and linnrask CARPETS, Of new patterns and designs: Guelph, Ont. Peache Send for eats'ogale c Pride, Grain and S Truck Farms the ofee centre the, moue Pooch Belt t ■ Delaware, to IDA VAS Alt CO., MILFOItD, DRE. The Royal Manufacturing. Company, 6 Perth St., GsuIph, Ont. L. C. WIDEMAN & CO., —MA8UFACTURRRe CF— Improved Tamtly and Laundry Mangles, And all hinds of Laundry Appliances, Burglar - Proof Window•Saeh Looks, Step Ladders, etc„ etc, Model -Making, Mill -Weighting and Carpentering Work. �•t SZSEND FOR PRICE LIST. Agents wanted. New Orleans Road Cala Co'y, MANIIFGOTUE.Saa— Winters' Patent Road Cart, Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, &C. and for 0atalogue, .7p WINTERS, Manager. Galt, Ont, � Irl 1 `4f t' °11 Rill Mint airy euro i (to not mean moroly W stop them for I n, ami then 91550 them rdturn ngni 1, 1 mean n rndleai euro. I kava node rho lIu0 uof FITS, B; IIIIFSY or FA 1,1.. ING SIOKNI.`y9n life -lana study. I terrant my remedy to euro the worst enao9. L•ocnnu nth re have failed In no reason for not now receiving n. cern, Sond atone,* for inutile° and it Woe Bottle or. my lone! Ihle remedy. Givo Isxproxa and font erne. It coats you nothing Mr a trial, and I rolll core you. -Address DR, ,r n. ROOT, Branch elks, 37 IOW St,, Toronto. WE T:. R. With or witltout•1'atent Tndex. WEB3'TE,ps,, .04B12004' .,' DJCT.i'ON,gq, IT IS THE STANDARD Authority with the U. S, Supreme Court and In the Gov't Printing' Office, and is recommended by the State Sup'ts of Schools in 86 States. To 1 s many other valuable features wo havo De l-. JUST ADDED P(, Allew Pronouncing kI F- 41 5 car el t1 Containing over 2C,,00t) Titles, 'briefly ' doecribiug the Cot ntrice, Cities, 0Towne, and Natural Ventures OP IiVERV PAST OP TI—IS GLOBE, It as an invaluable canlpenion in over Sohoat, 18 and at every Fireside. Y 0,14C, MERRIAM & CO., rub'ts, Springlttnld,linsa FAVOlit TB. TEtEIt IS fQ 1;11TTER ' • Che Snow Delft Baking r't,iG5ee r,,, oranrreeG, Vn 509 Engines, Boilers, Iron, Wood, and adeoelian 0006 machines tot sole. For partlo'ilars address H. W. PS 8051E klrantford, ant.' Amp Line Royal Nail Steamships. Sailing duringwinter r p from Portland ever Thum day and Halifax every Saturday to Ltvorpoo and lo summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, tailing at Londonderry to land untie and paeseogera for Sootland and Ireland: also from Baltimore, via Entities. and St John's, N,8' , to Liverpool fortnightly airing eu rimer rnontht, rhe steamers of the Olen gow lines sail oaring winter to and tram Halifax, Portland, Thema and Philadelphia; sad dutia Sum. mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ;S0 -as. n Boston gow and n woekiY a nd Glasgow an d Pklla del phis fortnightly. For freight, passage, or.Other information apply to A Schumacher Si po , B ohne e ; S. Cunard d Co , Halifax ; Shea k 0o., so. john's, N-ff ; Wm Thomp. son & Co., St. John, N. B,; Allen & Co , Chicago-; Love & Alden. New York ; 13 Souther, Toronto ; Aflame, Rae & Co., Quebec ; Wm. Brookle Phlladel• phis; H, a. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal. 0 I have n earth nom oaY.ath,a ax P Lits �thousands otaexeq pthe worst Riad au'oClong standing nava been cured. Indeed, so strong 1a my faith in its onlescy, that 1 wt 1 send ''Wo Bonus ERRE, tegetler with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any su8orer. Give aspr.s,i nud 2, 0, address. Branch Office, 37TSonga St,, Toronto To Woodworkers, Carpen ters, 45c. ARR AGR WA.GooN dMaetatni,'re Ianutoturgre otseeColebrated tgpTll12 AAIPWHIM TuI m, T. PEPPFIt it Ca. Guelph, Ont. Our Duplex Ax1ee are all to be had at all the '. principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion. I INTON, LIKE & CO., Galt, Oqt. Arm atm Ma- cnrsa eicgew Wosrs. Oar- r1a:e d Wagon Axles, Iron and Steel Set & Cap Screws, et0. 1480 011 application; FOR THE'' MTI�LTON. Along rholi n ot the' C is A OandNO rtFwe NtUl !Railway in Central Dakota and Northers Nebrnsira, New sections are befog opened up and rapidly nettled in these wondertally prOduettyf regions, and the '"'hot oomere" will have "Ant helve " of Iooatlon. For1 information lilt (which will be Sent you trod of °harge)about Oho Iron lands and cheap homes, apply to ,TORN 1i1. 310111E11, Western Oanadlan Paso, agent, 0. at N, W. By., R. S, L{AI3t, 9 York St., Toronto, Ont, 43eneroi Paas. Agent, Chicago, 111a. ARMSTRONG'S Patent Tempered Steel Buggy & Carriage Gears. Our "Jump Soot" Body on Eclippse Gear meets whit a;ready eelo, and makes a 'ight, handsome, durable and ueetul oonvoya0Ae. Rides easy with one or four passengers, and changed from a single buggy to a double carriage quickly and conveniently, ask your carriage maker rot particulars. Oatalogue maned on application to J. B. ARMSTRONG Mfg. Co. (EQ.. - GUELPH, CANADA, l'atent?Plckot Pointing is theta/irk Machine. Thla machine will make one thousand or more cute perhor itself Ina week. ooI1 an be adjusted to cut lwill argeay for email pioketa; will °iso cut square plekete. This machine can be Adjusted to out in any way desired Seed for circular. active agents wanted. Sole agents for the Dominion of Canada, TORONTO PICKET Warta Faxes Co., 161 River Street, Toronto, All Humbugs Set at Defiance. The Masterpiece 01 Hold, lag the Largest Sprotal Hernia or RUPTURE! Under a sure guarantee, and not to bo fmpo3ed on by catchpenny humbugs. Having made o new die• oovery in the shape of applying the Spiral Pad In twee of very large Scrotal Hernia, I hereby invite the suffering public t0 Oorreepond with me, and have a day ser for theme:Ives to bo at my olfioe in Toronto, and I will guarantee to hold thele ituptaree under any circumst,anceo, or no obarge. The final trial shall be: —I will alt on a common chair; I weigh 175 pounds ; the patient shall lift me up with the chair in a bent poeition, which is the eeverest teat known. As a•proof that thie cif sr ie genuine and not thrown out to tee public tee a decoy duok, I do not ask a cert until the Trues has performed its work during this severe trial- NOTE —Thla applies to h000jeu cases that have tried all manner of trustee without 0000ene Send 5o, stamp for book on Rupture and Human Frame ; valuable information. Address, CHAS. CLUTHE, 113 Ring St, W., Toronto, Ont, Watches! Detailed at Eihalesale Prices. Below we quote prices for Genuine American Watches, Waltham, or Elgin. Put up in SoItd 3.0%. C0101 mixer Cases. Dust. proof, Movements and Oateettely guaranteed by epeelal certificate?, giving number, grade and quality of Silver. 2i oz Open Face, duet -proof, 13 roadway..5 S 00 ee rz one Face, duet-pmtf, Elgin S 00 3 cz Hunting Case, duet -proof, Broadway,, 9 00 3 oz Hunting Case, duet -proof, Elgin 9 00 3 oz Hunting Case, duet -proof, P. S. Bart lett. 12 50 3 c1 Hunting Case, dust•proof, Appleton, Traoy & Co a . .... 24 50 3 cz Hunting Caeo, dust•proof, Dominion. (same grade as P. S. Bartlett) 9 00 3 cz Hosting Case, Peerless Chicago, (same grade as P. S. Bartlett) 9 00 CHAS. ST _,• txIC 52 Church St., - Torofi nto. Manufacturers, limpet tere, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. 120 page Catalc8 ue with 1,000 fllueiratione, free on applicatiea. )T4 Mt I' -rx.'C&LLA At 4iG,iG!]'}rt ST LI E.5'p o FOR .FU,LL r9�T fC��Pcy_r? Mention %his -Paper. ONTARIO PUMP CO'Yg (Limited.) Toronto — Ont. Seventeen Sizes GE AHED WINDMILLS, From 1 to 40 h. p., for Pumping Water. running Grain Cruehere, Straw Cut- ters, Root Puloers, or any other machinery np to a 40 h. p. Grist Milt_ HAYING TOOLS. A Full bine of iinnTHE BEST. I N L FEE1D n1ILL guaranteed to grind from 10 to 20 buehtis per hour, according to size. These MOTs are the most durable, perfect and cheapest iron Feed M711 yet invented. Parntp- WINDMILLS tug Front S to 30 feet diameter. TANKS From' the smallest up to 2,855 bbls. PIPE AND Pipe Fittings. In taut a frit line of Wenor Supply Material. .r rq� PUMPS. Iron and wood, Worm: or t lilt.. DEEP WELL PUMP8. A Specialty, Send on'nur eddreee on a pest card and we wi tend you I°4 -page lllusttatrd catalogue freer' L. D. SAWYER & 00., HAMILTON ONT., --BANOFACTURRRB Or— t_'• ' \ " L. D. S." ENGINES. Awarded FIRST PRIZE, 1556, at Provinotal Fair, London; Conttal Fdr, Hamilton, and Northern Fair, Walkerton. "Grain Saver" and "Peerless SEPARATORS. "Pitts"Morse-Powers, fob 4, 6, 8, le and 13 horses. Tread Po•wcrs, for 1, 2 art,' 3l ifor8os. Light Separltors,Pofowr Trerrd and Sweep ers. lee Send for Illustrated and Catalogue Price List. .. °?it. P aiw., MANUFACTURERS .AND, WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING y >a la 011 .alas�iic c�.1 fl6 Try it once and you will nee no other, -- — Every Barret Guarttntetd. We are the Sole Mantrfhetnrer8 of the Go ►uitte Lilydivto. ts' Also Cylinder, Engine, Wool and Hartness Oils. 1st -. L; �t� alk w (moi CO,. T. Try Our Canadian Coal Oil' "tt117 1..... •9r -. rTr' r�.1� � C•i•EC!1' l3rolad, ?blest In the