HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-17, Page 9wi�44A#hM++llw�rr�v+* .Iln_a� d sal bride bbl . Simpson of Ilensal Ashen they quare; hada atton .in the, S' tnhn �� do4 the ()anal() Annual ;c+ uleF„S Bali dwar theti S 1►dt+ , p yo ! your a ej airs. gut n�tte white► 'Olde �'* o sf w'.''".^" ing *TM'^T t � ound: bx� the U$ A '�!!�at!M' " . s7o14'� 's�64�47171'�s. c :, t ,nt+ °s � ho + �+' . at Ba 'ietd W iseo ret& . 'tball • fey"er begins tn' bury ot !q)1? r n if g d �! ,sta " atV the ay tem w tthin ° t heat• , highland t of Villa ,tet fake ,Although therye are not 010 'sons* and Superior and met the Vice- enough w 'girls to (rialto an in all ist ens part +i: B. 14 ld, term date team there wero .tna e... � .tel $ called gin tiNra+0SS1e aMtclf of ld+islt of elle �roir#► isto>rieal SoietY enough t*i td ::;: and e►t14..tt)istoryZai day .,. °s .. S ilei ler at. R otic . Air 4 legit felon. lte"s oriel hell, sd;ys. .drrvo by' file school �J imill1111111111111111111 � : t t d ill1111111111111111111 III II II III �� �i II III ■ ! NI 611111111111111 1 1 a ammo a a a 61 IIII ill 111111111 A a iA111111111111111111111111ii Ili NI ainiiniai NI II 11 �" 11111111111111 ialli1111111111111 E UL in and send to Nevis -Record `Ou may win'. DOWN 1. Welding' 2. Kum 4. Building block founded by Joseph Whitehead 3. Roy police 4 River_ provincial 0 Duration of Centennial celebrations Society Hi Clinton ----- r; . ----Radars _--Radars 18° Ernie or Lorne •.19: Goderich road Highway : 24. County home : 5. Pastor of St. Joseph's Church 27. Baseball team 28.. Dairy ccs 30. News -Record's Peggy, 32....._.. -.--field 35. Country -.37. Recently celebrated Centennial 38. -,Former 'owner of Clinton newspaper 40. Fire chief • e 41. Water company 42 • Theatre show based on the town 45. News -R 47. and 's anew(grocer store) 48. Settled by V derburgh and.Gibbings 49. Auctioneer 50. Public School 4. 5. Helped fund Clinton Library 6, Street in west end of town 8..W here proceeds of Monster Bingo go --A-Racing li, 12. Police Constable_ 13. Drinking and driving on backroads 14.Military rank at former Clinton Forces Base 15. Centennial activities revolve around this building 20, Feeney or Twyford 21. Shape of radar site 22. Nickname of north end of town (3 words) `23. Firrn erecting senior citizens apartments 26. Food crop 39. fraternal Order 31 • Doctor 33. Former military base 34. July 12 Protestant celebration 36. Insurance agent 37.Building housing library reading room 39. Clinton Fire Department has one of these 43. Tout Vient Dieu (phrase on town crest) 44.N'lcGregor 46. Tower back of Town Hall tet t9t to Dr. t1e4 y, July 15th Mar ks t i tch a change . With 1lu'itetTwp. The boys are settifI towtlshin o low! 'They organized in A and -1. teamsas managed. hy' Stever ortps 'Theyv'e played Stanley ,d: Colborne `Townships four games o date winning three and losing by- one tin on the W �►ape15+1 all a"milt ' It t+�m:':;fi;test scores with mullet A,11' S.` �tete�►tf �,� presented ' trig stet' .and �i holiday with With b c ► is the local history at t)t T. sti ,y, rriiviaal; �� � �� �; t . • droit ir+ �vrth tt booklet of their • . ,�es�llle on,� + oderi+ h in the eat" a ins ?Ars, Frank Joty Sth to a defeated: while U from They. thaw They hued a Mrs R Wiiloekand Hells s played Colborne, tr s the livery livery sttatble� a ca. to Burch. ,Mrs. - i � , ., Ho vey tor at Brnitlitlerr and W?n their first the prey '.in Ba► eld hence lNlrs,, t'rta 27«16. 'aattoo' way to sock f the arranging a► most interesting f t 3essiebeing d theme an old and nostalgic meeting arid to- cm girls .poly thing errlthere, was in Mrs.. Fred Cl#t.. lunch convener ise, This she and her assistants, Mrs, Elva . t eiate 1 :•: �'s or early 1 s. A.S. Moreno. the Metcalf, Mrs. (ton, Mrs, Gwen. �ern�erton� fid. �ddleif��n► Society ehalrian, then carried Mrs4 of the Harvey MacDougall and Mrs. �; the isusin�ss part ..,Phil Du Boulay for a .v�e�ry t�eetittg when she said that on lover tench. Also a special August Mho pirbgrami;wv>�ld.be you to all those who on Benlxriher and everyohe is thank ►. welcome to attend. She Balled 0 loaned orcenes of donated t are now ctures of on Mars, LeRoy , Poth�to tell of u t e�nemer�es. their trip. along with Mrs. just a mein wilt, score 1,7-15; B ML tERUU STORES ,?r ,i1 IWOY. pm was net player., So folks, if you want to see CATEGORY some good ball games tarry GODERNCN. awhile in Hobnlesville almost FRIDAY,. JULY 18 Sweepstake Lottery & Beef Barb+tcue Night at the Arena. 3.350 `prize money. t -•�.1 a.m. Air Force Weekend • RCAF Station Clinton Reunion FRIDAY, JULY 25 5 p.m. ,.T.G.LF. at Clinton Legion Hall Wine and Cheese Paity at 'Clinton Community Centre for alt ladies returning for RCAF reunion and ladies of•community. Ball Tournament. SATURDAY, JULY 26 . t :30 p.m. - Parade forms at Legion 2:00"0.1n. 7 -Official Opening Ceremonies Following parade reception at Clinton Legion Hall. Balt Tournament. '9:00 p.m. - Radar Ball at Clinton Community Centre. Chris Black Orstra. n , SUNDAY, 21 a.m. - Special Church Services 1:45 p.m. _. Harness Races - Clinton Community Park Raceway. Night. 8:00 Q•m. - Musical Variety MONDAY, JULY ` Z:8 10 a.m. - Golf Tournament at Sunset nset loaves Goderich. 10 a.m. - Ladies Mystery 7 Arena • 8:00 p.m. - Monster Bingo TUESDAY, JULY 29 9:00 p -m. - t.a-m• Centennial Honky Tonk Hospitality Night Arena, Admission 81.00 WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. -- Talent Night Community Park. Admission.SO c -- an adult. free. Centennial 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. E.W. Parsons, President of the Canadian *Foresters Life Insurance, Society, Brantford ' - presented a cheque for $20,000 to Alan Martin, National Executive Director of the Canadian Cancer Society. This $20,000 represents the 1975. payment towards a total three - year goal expected to exceed $50.000 and to be presented to the Canadian Cancer at the •Canadian . National Convention being held in the City of Winnipeg in July', 1976..To date Forestershe ers of have the Canadian raised, through various Projects, over. bbO0,000 for Cancer Research. Alan Martin .,expressed the gratitude of the Cancer Society for the continued support•of the Canadian . Foresters • Life Insurance" Society as one of their largest coittributors towards Cancer Research. ARMSTRONG CANDIDE CUSHIONED (ORLON 9 5 PER REGULAR 8•95 NOW • YARD front of Grand Stand by Children, accompanied Hospitality - Arena. Free-,, U4URSDAY, JULY 31 p.m.3- Live. Children's Theatre at' Central Huron Secon- dary Children 25 c School. Adults SOK **Musical Evening" Admission 81.00 ti"P-m• -- �nior Citizens'adult. free. -- children accompanied by FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 Ball Tournament •� Costume Ball, 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. - "awn Memory Lane, Clinton Community Centre. Chris Bek Orchestra. 55.00-p(r person. Advance saleDance? 9:00 p.m. - Teen -Age SATURDAY, AUGUST. 2- 9:00 a.m• to 12 noon = Back to School at Central Huron Secon- dary School. Coffee and donuts. a.m..-- Ball Tournament - Games. will lead. 1:00 p.m. - Giant Centennial Parade. Bobby Gimby Top Bands participating followed by Band Tattoo at Community Park.Party at S:aro p°rira• - 7:30 _" Gift tt Barbecue , r+aen s �50�. Advance Sale - Community Park Ade Tickets Alienable. 5:30 • 8:30 p.m. - Entertainment - Bobby Girnby and Ciinton- Schooi .Children - Grandstand - Community Park. 7:�30 p.m. --- Beard Contest Judging _ 9:00 p.m. •-- "Centennial Bali" -Community Centre Arena a - �bby Gimby Orch. sb.0t� perperson. ts available. SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 a.m. - Special Churdl Services at individual Clinton Churches. 1:45 p.m. -- Harness Races - Clinton Community Park Raceway featuring day Evenn ing entennial lag ChurchPace for Service inrse of Comm Y 7:30000. p.m. Sunday Park. Massed Choirs. Special Speakers. Hymn Sing. Centennial Band. MacMillan Family. MONDAY , AUGUST at Community Centre 11.00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Farewell Brunch Arena. - Soccer Tournament , Bali Tournament Finals a 00 p m Monster $logo at Arena. puzzle and solved the Clinton 'News -Record's Centeno ll Crossword i puzzle ked Mrs. Jean Livermore pocket watch .i hire and -her �•rr€vecl this centennial charm mounted • on a Margaret �� g -Ach ' Howard Aitken. Mrs.Marg lace contest winners. Mrs. (,lades Wallis from `Gbseral Ofareager. r as second and third p (.ladys 1�<arlls won stibscrvptions`�ri the newspaper mother local puzzle appears this week, (News -Record). Arena floor... (continued from page I A motion made by Dennis Jewitt and seconded by Larry Reinhart asked that the minutes of the meeting stand with the tures and it was suggested original sigma that Mr. Proctor attend the committee's August meeting if he was dissatisfied with the decision. A request from the ladies scrub- teams for money to purchase bases and 18 base balls was rejected by the Committee on the grounds that every other baseball team • Brucellosis.. (continued from page 1 - were liable for damages to hydro towrs on their property and began to at they plight be held responsibie for losses caused if they knocked over the tower and cut off power . to a large .portion of the population Insurance companies con- tacted, including Lloyds of London were uncertain enough of the legalities involved that they reftfM d to quote a cost for in- uranCe to cover such a possibility. The resolution extended the inv(Stigation not orlty to W-dro lines but to other utilities. was responsible to buy its own equipment. Mr. Neilans said however, that the ladies could get use of the bases if they played on the arena diamonds and suggested he be contacted by the league regarding the matter. The. Committee also decided that the organizers of the monster bingos and the Centennial Committer be charged 51000 for each day they rent&I the tise of the arena. F ['laity. a recompendafi•on by Frank MacDorrald will have the Committee look into the possibility of Moving the shower taps at the pool to within reach of a child's grasp, Mr. MacDonald said that the showers are allowed to run even when they are -not being used because the children cannot.reach the taps to turn the water off. He :risorsuggested that the pool be lighted at ni ,ht , because kids were jumping the pool fence and using the pool after hours. Lori Biggen who hopes to give baton tesons to interested children this fail appeared before the Committee and guested help in having someone handle the finances pf her project. Bill Crawford volunteered o help her get started until the KinettCS had bL'en contacted to sea it they would accept responsibility for her vcn- QUALITY SUNDANCE •CELANESE CELANESE ATUNTES BIBBY (SHAG) • 0CI ELAGA !mil:1E4M RUsBERBACK ItUST SHAG) rtiAG ICOODS RUBACK�`i��R ... .• THORNT�N PLACE M0RtIING GLOW MIRABELA FREEALL iN STOCK NOW .. WE'LL COME OUT AND PREPARE ESTIMATE AND WE HAVE SKILLED QUALIFIED STAFF TOLA 'HANDLE THE INSTALTION• REG. 76.95 GREEN GREET" RUST GREEN- WHiTE GOLD BLUE GOLD RED BROWN to case Wn t+ grandstand events will be held in the arena. at • Advance locketsttee room.n7 are on St. Phone 442- tennial Committee 372`. LIINISER PHONE 412.3441 ° BAYFIELD Rte., CLINTON HOURS OF BUSINESS MON. TO THURS.SAT.., X.M. TO 430 P.M. FRI. -., 8 A.M. TO P.M• ., _ .