HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-13, Page 1LEGAL. H. DICKSON, Barrister,. Soil 1 / . eitor of Supkouie, Court, Notary Public onveyancer; Doinlulssront ', &o. Alouey to Loan. OtMMoeini anson's131ook,iilxoter• 1\/fMcFADDEN, Barrister, 'Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc„! EXETER, .. ONT. Office Satuwoli'sBlock (Gall's old office.) , DENTAL. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S Has opened dental rooms over O'N1IL'S BANK, where he will be prepared to eatraet teeth without pain. All operations performed with ease and skill, Gold fillings a speciality. Office hours it a.1 v to 5p m. OaAnoiss MODIIRATE, TEnMa CAsit. Ts KINSM rN,DI+PNTTST,L.D,f3 11 so Teeth without pain, Cs 1 , bygiving Vitalized Air, or by. using the New Looal Aniesthe- tio on the gums; makes Gold Filings and all other dental work the hest • possible. Booms Upstairs in SAMWF.iLL's BLoos, East aide of Alain -Street, klxeter, Out. MEDICAL CLUTZ, M. D., . Of,00athisresidonee Exeter, T W. BROWNING M. D., M. (3 tr • P. El,GraduateVioteriatiniversity.Office analresidenoe,DorinionLaboratorv, Exeter DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. O, P. S O. Office, Main St.Exeter,Ont.Residen, eshousereeently occupied by P. MoPhillipe, sag' ` DRS.HYNUMAN AND HOOPER, Dr.Hyndman, Coroner for the County of Huron iso. &c. Er: Hoop er, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons,, E dinburgh Licentiate iu Midwifes; Edinburgh (Scotland) Post -graduate Student of the University of Vienna (Austria) and of the 11oorfleld Eye Hospital, London (England) &o, &c. Special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. Office, Main -street, r7Aeter. DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, a - few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, an dthe pres- ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, Un- paired hearing, and discharges from the ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of irnpai-ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. ENVY EILBER, Licensed Auo- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGi11t- iray'Townehips! Sales conducted atmoderate. ates. Otiico-At Post -office, Oroditon, Ont. TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the y Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All'sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETE rllrfAAR`X. TENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri- navy Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toron- to, have op ened an office forth(' trey tment of all Domestic Animals, on Al .instreet Exeter. Calls f from a dis ..,. ^- 49' tanoe promptly attendedto: Medicine for Horses Oattle,&o always on hand: ar: ' ° ii . W TO THE LINE, L _+ T THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THE now able to be around again, though still bearing menial of his ,escapade. "Star of the Weer Council, No., 172, B. T. of T., was on Friday night last favored with a visit from ft nut:n= bei of members of Gough Council, No. 101, of St. Marys. Under "Good of the Order,," short 'addresses were erne., given by brothers H.1ln Bice, S. C. ; VOL. XIII, NO. 38, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1886. JOON WHITE Ss SON 'Publishers and Proprietors I MPOIZTAN T NOTICES. SUMMONED To Appear before the Bare pp 0410114 **son COMMUNICATIONS Wishes to announce to the Inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that hehas opened out E. 11. FISH, - . Where the mr,n who name at the cry of "next received a Shave and a Hair -cut which could 00 00 ouot possibly nave boon surpassed by any barber.L � NEAR THE POST OFFICE. ig jusT Tin 11011.V 11W I SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE Ilse. J, DE aRINC'a LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS. Without a doubt they are the most becoming styles ever introduced: Ladies, for something in, very fine style, <such as the Langtry and. Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike.J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER. SHOP, EXETER. Where' he will supply all your wants in the Hair Line, MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN ON REALE S tate fertile Eur, Q, Erie Loa. Sav inisSociety. Low ratd`s0 in `irteresi. Apply to John Spaokman,Exeter. 1V1ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61 percent,accordiug toterms. Private Funds. Apply to B,V,ELLIOT, August15,'85 Solicitor, Exeter , MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61 per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICXSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE TORN MoDONELL, ISSUER OF El MARRLIAGE LICENSES. Ov)?IOE IN PANSON'a BLOO$. also agentfor the LondonMntualInsnrance Company of Canada,MercantileInsurance Co -Capital $500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo; Ont. Glasgow & London: Insurance Coy-Cap- :tal-$2,500,000 ; Head Office, Montreal ; Stand- Ird Life Insurance Co., Hemel Office,London, England ' Guarantee & Accident Co Haid' HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its. growth, and wig; not soil the skin. `As 'a hair dres- sing, it has no superior. Guar- anteed harmless. uar-2steedharrliless. Prepared be Harkness & Co London, Ont. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers. Send10 cents postage A 6 -!FT and sea will valuable sample you bie free a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you in the way of making more money at once, than anything else en America. Bothsexes of all ages can live' at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital notrequirnd. We will start you. Immense pay sure for those who start at once! STnesoN & Co , Portland Maine in the corner Store North of Samwel & Piokard'e; where he is prepared to make all kinds of ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. dr GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Hacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. LT!L PSE !ALOR MR. WM. LYNE is prepared ..o do CUSTOM TAILORING At Kirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respeot. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. We do not hole. ourselves responsible for opin ions expressed 1y correspondents under Zeis heading The Temperance Aet. To the Editor of the Exeter Times. Six,—The Canada Temperance, or Scott Aot, has beau in force in this county for over a year. During this period we have had'the name of being a Scott Aot county, but this isas far as ib has gone ; If not more, there has been as much liquor drinking go- ing on since the first of last May as before. Those who supported. the Aot (and I am one of them) thought for a tithe it had some weight, but as time went on, their ideas changed. This has been the experience of many. and will, T believe continue to be their experience unless steps be ab once' takento enforce the Aot. We have an inspector right in our midst, who, it has been said, was going to put an end to the selliug of liquor after May 1st, but, from appearances, the hotel - keepers seem to ignore the official's warning, if any were given, and sell' right along. I, as well as many oth- ers, would like, to see the law rigidly enforced, or if this cannot be done I. would by all means say to repeal the Aot, for then we would have the sat. isfaotion of having some restrictions on the liquor sellers, instead of hay- ing free trade in .the business, as at present. But I hope the recently ap- pointed inspector will ;,immediately set to work with a will and a deter- mination to enforce the•Oanada Tem- perance Aot without fear or favor. It is nothing mote than hie duty thus to do. Yours, &o., TEMPERANCE. Lucan. Butte_` To the Editor of the Tines. lg'" EJgS ddulpb ommieeTi er for Division 2, /� Biddulph township, endeavors to WANTED. J. iaatheson3 Has opened out in ";a Tea, o0 Boots Shoes (All Styles) at My M1 Currelley & Co's. Old Stand, EXETER N OLTH Complete stock d.; Z2roceries. 1G lbs,. Sugar;. �1 Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts—Good Quality, Boots &Shoes (All at Low Prices. CEN TRAL DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's • ;ffiee, Tcironte. Condition JOHN MaDONELL Exeter. THE WATERLOO • MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CC. Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This comxanv has been over Eighteen Years in successful operation. in Western On- eario,andeontinues to insure againstloss or. damage by Fire ,Buildings,Merchandise,Man- ufactorieeAnd all othe rdescriptions of'tnsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Bromine!' Note or Cash System. During the past ten years tL'is Company has issued 57,006 Policies, covering property to the amount of 840,872,035 ; and paid inloss- 0s alone $700,752,00 AssotS, ii117e,100.00, consisting of Cash. nnank, GovornmentDoposit,and the unass= assed Premium Notes on hand and in force. J, SW ecretary. Ng ''J.8 Ilvenee,Inspeeter. CHAS. SNELL Agoutfor luster and vieiuits, T1Fill �.- i1n erco oniailvay OF CANADA. 1!ho Royal Mail, Passenger and ,might Route between Canada and Great Biitaln and direct route between the Weal and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence, and 13aio dos Cha- lour, also New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton, Net' eoandLagsd, iyerinlrtla, and Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman Buffot Sleeping and Day Cars run on through Express trains. Passengers for Groat Britain or the Conti. sent by leaving Toronto at 0;80 a. iia, Thurs• lay will loin outward snail steamer' at Itali- ax a, m, Saturday, Suporior'1i1ovtttor Werohoues and Dock ae- orornodation at Halifax for shipment of grain 0cl general merchandise, Yoare of exporionoe have proved the INTER- OLONIAL in 'cotvioeticn with 'stoamshii ties to and from London, Liyertiool and laSei w to Halifax, to bo tlru quickest freight Otto botitoon Cadada and Great Britain. information as to P0sa0nge1: and Vroight tos 000 be 111td 00 application to 11011 DIRT 13. MOODIE, St Passenger Agent Western Freight g 00 P.nssin Reuse Block, York St., Toronto D. r01 TtNGE L, chid Suporiutsndent. away 0 to N,Ii:,;li'ov 13,1885. A nicely assorted stock of HARDWAR-E. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60c per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. la A reduction of 5 Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A -good Snit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for $7.50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to Powd- JOHN MATHESON. ers HAY P. 0. the best Exeter :Butcher Shop. in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. L,UTL LOOK, LOOK It. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer --IN 'ELL RINDS Cnstome,rs supplied .TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT` THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION: "LADIES g --TRY GO TO DULIIAGE'S FOR he ac icrySTYLISH 3 lb. barFamily Soap ........18 eta Ilorse Shoo Salmon 15 2 bars Electric Soap - 18 2 bars Victor Soap 15 1 box Rico Starch .. 15 21bs Sago .. . • - • 15 21bs• Tapioca .. . • • • 118 3 cans llackerl . . • 25 3 noxes Blacking, (large) . 25 3 plugs Smoking Tobaccoffhick) 25 Chewing " ) 3 fI 1 lb. Y.11, Tea . , .. 25 6 bars Soap, Erosive, 61bs. Iiice 25 3 packages Pauline .. .. 25 1..., -Try myy TEAS. They sive SatiafaC- tion. The IQUOR TEA --g Prize with every three lbs. Rolher flour, General Family Groceries, Oranges and Lemons. E11Il3ER Tf1U ADDRESS 1tEM j ,. Cheaper than ever et smooth the matter over concerning the bridge a little over a mile west of this village, by stating that he would like hi know where this bridge is situated. If he will start at Clande- boye and come Eastward to Lunn, his eyes cannot fail but drop upon the dilapidated object. I care not what 4111r. H. says to' the contrary, the bridge is a disgrace to the town- ship, and ought to be replaced by a new and more substantial structure. if my memory serves me right, was it not the intention of that corpora- tion, some time ago, to erect a new bridge ? I presume so; but Mr. H. thinking he might gain a little pops. larity, claimed that the bridge was quite good enough for • some time to come, and that the money spent in the erection of such a bridge, could be applied to something more need- ful. Of course, by chance, the bridge might hang out until fall, but still at is a dangerous place, and the sooner it ie replaced the better and safer this point will be for the Jeeavelling public, It metiers not were the correspondence was written, as long as its contents were true. As the (tom- miesioner will, doubtless, now know where such bridge exists, I would like to have him examine It and re- port in your next issue whether or not it is in a proper condition. Thanking you for this space. Yours, &o., Pao B0NO PUBLI00. May, 11th. 1886. 11Iany of the farmers around Zurich village have completed seeding oper- adons, while others have but nicely Commenced, This year Caledonian •gatnes will be as follows: --Paisley on June 23rd, Wingham on June 24, Brussels on June 251b. The stook of hoots and shoes, and de is of Justus b dao. Jus us ruedding insolvent, of Zurich, Will bo sold by public) auction, at London, in a few da,ys. .� nt- A tit 1 ton race for horses owned in GOODS ARRIVING DAILY AT the Comities c f Huron, Perth and ROUND THE COUNTRY. Zurich. Zurich clan boast of eleven bioyeles.. Can nob we form -a club boys ? Farmers in this vicinity have most all finiehed their seeding. The foot -ball club is working up in good shape ; they have sent out sev- eral challenges, but made no arrange meals for a match as yet. A number of friends took tea with our enterprising townsman, Mr, Hart. man Hippel, on Sunday evening last,, and to give him a parting shake on the eve of his departure to the "Fatherland." Mr. H. intenda being away for a few months. We wish him a jolly trip and a safe journey home. Bruce, wile be trotted at Spafortil on September emb er 3eeThe Foggo«ing owners MAGE'D sShhavlet mrPaS dectilbeo hsoecroensd payment bfeo1r Magician (leorge Whitley, Carlisle ; E. Livingstone, Mountain Eagle ; J. Ward, Mohawk Chief ; A. Singh, Wife lbs. Gndetich ief, and R. Thompsoth, O'oltldost. Another Victory at Gettysburg. Grrrrssntiaici, Pa„ Nov. 20, 1s65. -Two years ago, I became a confirmed invalid. My friends thought I was far gone with con- suurption. I grew worse under the treat- inentphysicians, auclat last resolved to try Warner'S sato cure,' In two weeks, I was lino n new creature. In four weeks, was able to assume my household duties, At this writing, poi foctly well. I believe W;trn- er`s safe cure will cure 00-100 of all suffer- ing people, se 1 convince ail sufforing pee - p10 of its merits: y-bICtS. if. J. WOLF, � V of „ReV. Theodore` Wolf, DL. D., Editor Ltttltcrtrn Quay. ierby.. Nissourl. It issaid that: Mr. Samuel McQuil- lan, whose sudden disappearance was noticed from Nlesouri last week, is in Muskoka. It is believed that Mo- Quillen, left the vioinity on account of financial troubles, which he got into by going security for a very laige sum for his brother. His wife started for lel.uskoka .lone last week. OsiruAaY.-Death has within the past three months removed from this sublunary scene several of West Nissouri's pioneers, and one of the oldest, in the person of Mr. John. Fitzsimmons, was summoned to the Great Beyond on the 5th inst., at the age of 71 years and 10 months. Deceased, with his parents and five brothers and two deters, oame to Canada from the County of Wicklow KI f j .rjl(y .100X HIEItE l Any purchaser of 12 -I of our OELEBItAT7'D 60c. TEA will be awarded a No.1 Gingham or Print Dross (fast colors.)' Factor. Cottons at Rook Bottom Prices. 100 cans MIXED PAjust to hand for House Painting. OROCEItIES, BOOT,S, SHOES Drew' South Otore. Drew's Block, � P GEORGE SEMDULMAGES Dr. McCullough, C. I.'. ; Rev. Mr. MoOlaurin, C., and Faulkner, of Gough Counoil, and Rev. E. A. Fear, of ''Star of the West Council) The meeting wag a profitable due (and was enjoyed by all, as slso was the splen- did eutertaiument prepared by the sisters in the adjoining hall, and par- taken of at the close of the Council. The visitors spoke very highly of the manner in which the ceremonies were conduoted, and extended an invita- tion to the Council to return the visit at as early a date as convenient. Granton. Out of 65 trees planted around our echoed yard on arbor day in 1885 64 are in a good healthy condition. Mr. 'Neil 1t1oLellan, one of the pioneers of the 8th eon. of Blanchard, passed away on Sunday last. Rev. IVIr.Hincke, of Prospect, will preach for the Oddfellows on Sunday evening next, in the Methodist church. Mies Jessie Cameron, is under the doctor's oars being troubled with a severe attaolt of bronchitis.—Miss Stevenson,.of Clinton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eames. Our hotel -keepers have expressed their determination to abide leg, the prravisions of the (tots Aot.'ropers have tried in vain, to obtain the one thing desired. At the present rate of increase Granton will soon be eligible to ap- ply --for incorporation. The latest addition to the population being a hay daughter to Mr. and Mrs. R. Harris, on the 8th inst. No leas than nine; carloads of pots- 'toes have been shipped_.o this station. during the season, seven of them in- side of two weeke the competition was so keen, thab two carloads were last week sold at 45o. per bag, and two more at 50o., and • first class fifty years ago and settled in the I tubers at that. township of West Nissouri,ewhere he The Episcopal church now has Sunday sohool every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and Bible class on Fri- day evenings.- Our village, is well supplied with Sunday services, there being throe congregations and three Sunday sohools. At the final business quarterly meeting for the Methodist church the finances were ekn good shape, the. Granton appointment being the only one in which there is a deficenoy and that is a small one. No difficulty is expected in making up the ;amount. A oommittee was appointed to ar- range for renovating the church, has resided ever since, At that time, as many readers know, that portion of Middlesex was a veritable wilder- ness, with no roads to travel upon, except through the bush, and then only by the "blozo" on the trees. The family endured all the hardships inoident to the pioneer, and few were more respected by those whose esteem was worth cultivating than the sub- ject of this notice. He leaves a widow, five sons and one daughter. Mrs. Harris is getting better. Mr. Nixon and family moved away from the village, ou Friday last. Mr. Ira Andrew left for Bright last week, to learn oheese-making. Ivir. William Skinner sold his farm and farm stock to his father for. $3,800. Mr. John Minora started for Michi- gan, on Saturday, on a prospective tour to see if he can suit himself with land. The falsity of the Mormon doc- trines was fully exposed at Zion Churoh,` on Sunday last, by .Revs. Gane ' and George. Some of the reasons adduced for rejecting and condemning said doctrines are as fol- lows :--They teach Materialism. That man by obedience may in etern- ity reach the heighth and dignify of a God. Salvation by immersion. Bap - hem for the dead, by which, if a sub- stitute could be found, Judas himself may yet be saved. The dishonor of woman by declaring that woman apart from 'man is nothing. The gross sensuality of their teaching the most debasing for centuries. Their gross perversion of Scripture. The teaching of each polutive and soul destroying doctrines is a shame and a disgrace to this enlightened age. A reply will be delivered in the Mor- mon church, on Sunday, May 16th. Fuilart ne A great number of colts are dying in this township, Mr. Josiah Skin- ner lost one from bis imported Clydesdale mare, and, being an en- tire, the loss is placed at $1000. Mr. James Gowan, living on the town line of blaushard and Fullerton, has a ewe so prolific that he would like to hear from the man who can beat her. The first year she had two lambs, 2nd year three lambs, and the last two years four lambs each year. One of her first lambs •had three lambs every year singe she com- menced breeding. FATAL ACCIDENT.—A frightful' ac- cident, whereby an old and highly esteemed settler of the township met his death, occurred on the afternoon of Tuesday last. Mr. Wm. Cornish, of the 13th concession, was assisting at a barn raising ou the farm of Mr.. Richard Haines, a little south' of Fullartcn Corners. When raising the purloin plate a post gave way, and fell to the ground, striking Mr. Oornieh ,behind the ear and ou the shoulder, which resulted in his death. He only lived four hours afterwards, during which time he was uucon soious• unless for a moment, when he asked what was the matter and re- quested to be taken home. Deceased Iiirkton. - lived in Mitchell for some years as a Campbell's cheese factory com- menced operations on Monday. Mr, Will. Brown, carriage maker, is building a new frame house in the village. The Methodist S. S. hold a meet- ing on Friday night to arrange for the coming Dominion Day picnic. The Royal Tempters are arranging for a union picnic to be held June first. Nineteen pupils of the public school sueaeesfully Massed the recent promo- tion examivatioe. Tile Rev. Mr. Seat), of Mitchell, preached in the Methodist Church on ell se. �ulied for ea. • '.iris on 1 hehavingt g who is ill, tingling), of last week Mr. On Wedneadey , Wm. Kirk, who lives near 'Woodham, met with what might have proved a very serious accident: Driving home fur dtntier, hi. team became unman- ageable anti ran away, throwing him from the wagon and knocking him insensible. The kited inen was ileo but n ped t nh -.'rt W e' thrown otlt, iso p 1 u V are pleased to know that Mr. K. is the occasion of the recent quarterly me&lug. Mr. J. H. Flagg, of Mitch 1 R Mr.II Sunday est, cone o Mitchell to supply for Bev. Dir. Can. retired farmer, and. was amon the beet citizens, aud his sad death has naturally cast it gloom over the entire neighborhood. His funeral took plane Thursday last, and was largely at- tended, testifying to the high esteem in which bo was field by all who know him. His bereaved widow and relatiyes have our heartfelt sym- pathies, An ititereeting event was celebrated a few days ago at the residence of Charles Gustio, Lakeside, township of Boeanquet, on the occassioii of the marriage of his d'si'gn'er, Josie, to Mr. Joseph F. Pratt, it Loudon boy now of the firm of Grant & Pratt earpetitere awl bnildors, Chicano The ceremony was performed by Rev, R. I. Warner, B. A, of &lima College, Si. Tnoinae. The Bride wits attend- ed by Mies Susie Morris, of Forest, and Miss Mary Johnston, while the bridegroom was snpportecI, by Mr. Frank Gustie, brother of the bride, , and Mr. Barry Morris, of Fureet.' rAs Amino sensation midway clown the back and at the right of the spinal colulmn indicates aderanged condition of the liver whit$ can be rectified by the rise of that great specific. Warner's safe cnre,