HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-10, Page 16IAMO Oea.MM�'ama .46,4 hlnl nl�r�,l� eftis fd : ibute to,.' J. Glenn - ydtttRR 2, r found the n guilly on . 11 its of , submitting false tentents to the .'teem- ,. oyrnent Insurance Coxn- ion and•fined him $440 or 44 days in jail at Clinton court last week, July2,..,. 1f many ale did what you did, there'd be nothing left to pay out when hard iimes came around," judge Bays con - timed, ed, "and I'm notbeingover dramatic in saying' that children -could go-'hunm if that were allowed to continue." Mr. Floyd, 29, failed to report earnings that he had made as a part-time hotel beverage waiter from January to June - ' 1974, and Bruce Foster of the Unemployment . Insurance Commission (1.1IC) in London said the Clinton area: man.ead_ received $348 overpayment in • ° unemployment benefits. _ When the Judge fined him $40 on each false statements Duty Counsellor Gerald Hiltz argued that Mr. Floyd be allowed six months to pay thestiff fine. "He has to make restitution, . pay the court fine, leek up fandiSrstippixt payments to his first wife and he's got to live," Mr. Hiltz said. "Yes, he does have a problem doesn't he?" Judge Hays noted, allowing Mr. Floyd five months 4 in which to pay the $440, after which he is required to make restitution to the UlC, Keith Bottema, 20, of Orange sltryeet was found not guilty ' after one of two trials of the day, in which he conducted' hit own ' defence.. The Clinton man had been charged with having liquor after the car he was riding 'in with -two friends was stopped by Clinton Constable. Wayne McFadden who found a bottle of whiskey and a puddle of some alcoholic beverage on the car's floor. Mr. Bottema called.: his.. two friends to the Stand where they testified that the puddle was the result of a drink that had been spilt while the trio had been hooking up the car's stereo in a Bayfield garage. They also said they- were transporting the bottle of whiskey to a patrty they were going to attend when stopped by the police. "Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction," Judge Hays said and passed down a verdict of not guilty. A similar decision was reached on Marie Proctor of 108 Raglan Street who was tried on a charge of careless driving. In a trial that resembled an old Perry , Mason rerun, Defence. Attorney Paul. Rivers - - of Goderich produced _ a photograph and 6 called on witnesses to convince the court that a dent in the left fender of a car owned by Phillis Cleave of Mitchell was not made by Mrs. Proctor as she backed out of her driveway. Witness for the crown, Ernie Brown, testified that he saw Mrs. Proctor slowly back her car out of the drive on March 6 to "barely touch the fender" of the Cleave car that was parked on the east side of Raglan Street. • He testified that Mrs. Proctor's mar had stalled several times as she backed out and that a snow storm from the previous day • made driving conditions slippery and left very lite room...to maneuver onto the road which was lined 'with parked cars on both sides. Mr. Brown said that after "touching" the fender of the Cleave car, Mrs. proctor • checked It and announced. that • she didn't think she had done any damage before she drove away. Mrs. Cleave's daughter Marilyn, who had parked her hidepeadest Skipper to Uetei C+i.eperstfve of Ostsrf e Livestock Dept.' Tweets Ship,Your LW/stack with. byScott:how why, Ila 511rrig Daj Pr ithtt'it it lWii' t' kystifi CALL AYacs,V4..Atasss2it i' otriPtlY damage Ch Vff+estloatke - Mr• avers tben pi' seated or the bent fender ctakett by Crimen motor as. evidence that ° .brownA Cant scratches located so hi on he fe.nder above the rear left to of the Cleave carr proved Uzat the damage could riot have been. °+done by the Proctor station wagon.._......, • The attorney' went. on to cite past cases which found that inadvant negligence was not enough ° for a conviction_,of careless driving and tht a person doesn't have -.,,to be a perfectionist when driving. After deliberating, Judge klays said that be was im- pressed with all of- the wit- nesses whotestified but in view of the fact that Mrs. Proctor had very little space to drive in arid` witseclat-: 'the - business of getting going," he foundtheaccused not guilty. A Stratford youth, who was fined $75 or seven days in jail for possession of marijuana, was reprimanded for ap- pearing in court dressed in shote and aasleeveless shirt. ' "You may think this is 'an age :of informality," the Judge told Richard Roth, ut-this-is-still- a court of law." "I didn't think you had to get dressed up," Mr: Robb replied. Michael Burley, 16, was penalized $200-0-20 days in jail for what the court . teamed "such a•gross act." Mr. Burley -created IWO damage to a door at Corrie's car ash on Victoria Street when he rammed into it with his car. "If that's what drinking does to you, I'd suggest you become, a teetotaler even at your young age;" Judge Hays told the Goderich youth,. on learning that the act of wilfui damage had stemined from the minor's consumption of liquor. When 18 -year-old Michael Bechard of Blyth spotted the Clinton Polite cruiser foll6*1ii him, he "got a little carried away." and led Constable Don Shropshall on a merry chase down Highway 4 and area sideroads -that ended when the drive shaft of his car snapped. The Constable reported that he began following the Bechard vehicle when he noticed that it was missing a tail light and noted that his speedometer up to 111 during the sash Mr zed to the'rt which► drew a ngerous .;driving paid he_b i bit, himself had a 10- bicycle. He WaS fined $200 or 2O days titian besides a license suspension fir three months, fey John W. Wyatt Victoria Street, Clinton was also charged with dangerairs- driving but received a stiffer penalty of $250 or 25 days. n jail in addition. to a 4.45-1110001 —amanth license suspension. The lodge told the 20 -year -Old that 'the heavier tine was levied because the incident occurred on Winnipeg Street in Ilanastra. an area in which "children can usually be found playing on the road. "You'd be well advised to walk for the next six months." he said. Judge Hays also suspended the driving permit of Joseph T. Hollingshead, 32, otRattliibury Street for three months and fined h014150 or 15 days in jail after finding hire guilty` of impaired driving. Mr. Hollingshead had con- sumed a modest number of five beers before driving to a stag party at the Clinton arena but Duty Counsellor, Gerald Hiltz explained that the Clinton man had only emigrated to Canada from Great Britain six months ago and hadn't yet got used to the different alcohol content of Canadian ale. . . The third and final three month license suspension went._ to Larry Heard of Isaac Street who was stopped whiledriving on Highway 8. A breathalizer testshowed the 18 -year-old had 140 to 170 milligrams of alcohol in his blood far surpassing the accepted level of 80. Mr. Heard pleaded guilty and was fined $150 or 15 days in jail in -addition to the driving suspension. An ' Oshawa man, who claimed he had paid by mail a 153 fine for having liquor, was SAVE! on our low --f.ash & Carry Prices WHITE EXTERIOR House Paint FROM $6.44 - $ I X47 GAL Interior Poiat FROM $ • 49 GALLON SEE SOMETHING NEW IN . COMPLLTE UNIT FROM SHELL TYPE VANITY TOPS FROM s68 00 $25." We're able to supply your requirements for almost any job ... remodelling, house building, farm buildings. ° Dashwood Windows Let us quote your iob..large or small. Give us a try,-you'Il like the price. Proton Metol Now In stock. GOod Delivery. on 50 40 1 lengths, °'You'll' like our price on it, too. Vi l COUNTER CASH 8( CARRY Building Supplies 48 2--96 1 2 Warmed : -that the nevi Coon 'lase Hobert dS 'hays tu,. whereabouts .or the bank note that he said his wife_ had mailed to Sty in _- was also found gull relegAr -driving an ° SIM o lOdaysinjaai 1. In�,..or convictions, Ronnie: "arinateer, 19, was fined $'''i -rte three day in Ail for having ligttur. Judge Hays considered the fact that the Iran was found. with only a half full bottle of beer and decided the standard $53 fine was too were . a penalty for the misdemeanor. Ile then, threw the full weight of the liquor law dot Street David Kuehlof Raglan who was seem tossing a beer bottle out of his car as he drove along. Bradley Snell, 17, of Regina Street pleaded guilty to driving with an instruction . permit unaccompanied by a licensed driver. He Was fined $23 or two days'Nall. In exparte testimony, 21 - year -old John Bjerg of Cowper Street was fined $53 or five days for squealing his .car tires, 'Which left 17 feet ° ;01, black marks on the road surface. A Brussels -man, whose squealing tires left 120 Net of black marks. was also found guilty of unnecessary • noise. 'DavidWesseslink, 19, was penalized with $100 or 10 days in ja t Murray Honking, 20, of Londesboro drew a fine of $28 or three days in jail for running a red Light Susan Goodwin (left) was presented the S.S. he, .4 Com- nrunity Club award for.he1ng1*..top history stutter" in the 19 Uobnesvil:le Public School Grade 8 class. The presen- tation was made by Mrs. Mariene Forbes. - D.R. Williams photo . Playhouse receives governmeni grant The Ontario Government's Experience '75 announced its grant to they Huron County Playhouse tb ' assist in the formation of the Playhouse Young Company, which is now in rehearsal for 'a Musical Revue "Playhouse Past and Present" and the well-known children's play "Puss in Boots". Both productions will open at the Huron County Playhouse. The revue will be performed as part of the Cabaret Showcase on Friday, July 18th following the performance of -Dames at Sea". The children's"play is scheduled for Saturday afternoon. July" 19th in the new theatre. - After July 19th-, both productions are open for bookings and will be touring the. surrounding communities during July and August, visiting rest homes, parks, hospitals, shut-ins and , any group or organization who do not have the opportunity to view live theatre. For further information and bookings, please contact Ann Antkiw at (519) 238-9222. - axlet`ach, some month go resulted in a private rnenzber's the• Commons last week �hrcla w n d make further 'Ilmilar depredations . • a criminal Offence. Crawford Douglas MP (1.-Ot°uee-Otey). who spon- sored the bill expiaked "there is something sacred about these colors, par'ticular'ly to the men .her served under them and they are part el our history." ' "Laid up" colors are..ose of disbanded military units or those which have bcern replaced after; years of service. Often they .are displayed in churches were' assoc i. are di$Plased: in other places sa char museum Active colors, Mr. pointed caul, are . uatt protected by the tests Which possess deem. His bill would. 'protect flan and the guiders p itiounted units, 'which. noW are usually armored regiments. ;1 _ said the guns of artillery .bat- terns, which he said are the. colors of such units. w_ouid visor l be protected. Guns retired fry,.. service are to be found in hundreds of communitiesf across the country. Riecause o their exposed position they ar frequently subject to damagi he said. • rile,.wlllmmultlli0lr1li11IlIiliMilillllll mullith,gailimN . This at ant $510-williiireVou an introduction to . i� � ■ New- World of Flying at • asommeramossumniassummosomorpinimill COWENS AIR SERVICES IIwy. 19. 2 Miles North of Stratford Stratford Municipal Airport Government Approved School CALL I ° Flights Passenger and Charter 2714881:lig F Yate you ever thought of moving a bandstand intact? Well. deputy reeve Robert Swift &Oka he sumaid and Provided I dssaseii with «l ur headache. The time is Monday and two lifter pine to be the can't budge the Some time and a taw ,heated words later Mr. Squire has decided to elevate himself so Chat -ase -carr Issue .Air atriacfeatn-s ionto mesas timely =_ to the additional siosimcn who hate beet called in. The lite is 15 pan. and a flaw has farm caked in to give assistance. Secure on the ileal a httrdcd mea aurement reveals the toad will be too dig's to ,go under eniephotwe cables to its Rayfield ittaddestittatina..Thrattswer?c The deputy reeve grabs a 43w .utd crawls op to demolish the spike on top. TM. mutt? The dote is 1: t8 p.m_ tete spike has Wen dear -110=X btu t!*r load is ssit7 too high. A taker to r*r sse'snbded craw c! shouts: "?Sancta the a corcasal" At * t5 p.m. the instrtatticns go an ,to pack it for tate Wghi. And e it's where the bandstatad staycci lar• t3W rtighratsiy"ielyd` y' awa-troy, its oli hest - placc, Nest night. under prrssure iron county officials. .t saitt:ig service traria. M. Wenn• oar forced to chap a few tees from the coo of the band stood so lite tourney could be cons, Mr. S .-iirr is to tsar ced batzda ae0d as a •K;ift sem.. Today you'll be seeing this It's our lOfh anniversary and to commemorate it we will have two birthday cakes during the celebration. Yoe may be the kicky person who finds n 1915 Silver.Dollar in your piece.. For those of yoe whe don't win Silver dollar they will be . on sole for twos weir - MIAMI!! IACN IAT 9 In 027 Robert Standish built a bandstand for Goderich to Celebrate their ieoth birthday. It had a prominent plate in courthouse park for many 'years. Bert Squire a nephew 01 Robert ' Standish decided to preserve the structure as a piece of local history an keeping with .Canada's Cen- tennial year 1967. . The result of this conversion can be seen on Ifi W, ay 21 South Godertch at Squire Gift% s Iemeiisb r herd to fled... se we west limit this sffer to 1 silver dello per costeser v Celebration Begins Iborsdoy July 10 Ends Monday, lrly 14 Berl and Winnitred Squire take pleasure in inviting you to %resit their uniq,'o cCntre of Canadiana Gifts and Souvenirs. Why not come in and browse around? &,uie glib tacGc:;vav oa i.,'JT33 CCC7Fii,r� ti 11) nail 6'6%1 to * II 9 PIA ()AVIS A Wien