HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-6, Page 8Nsui1ANCI. -F i 4£NEST LLIOT, AG,LNT L Oki ;cFII) WN4S1hkEN ASSUl1ANCl. (:O:aI• I'ANY ofToronto;also for the PII4iN1?iEIRE TI3;SURANC1' COMPANY,ot Louden, England! 'tit° ROYAI, 0 \NADIAN,of. Montreal, and the d31iITISH1 ?L I11 LIFE ASSCI1ANCU CO:'tt- :Pt',NIx, of 1 on fort. l+lutland,, eatabliehed 1841. ,Ascots ovo,• +5,000,040; charms and bonuses 'paid, over ell/ :000,004. LOC41, rS.--1lFa shall ll 5e happy to re-. cave at ail times, front any part of the County, items of local 'hews, sttch as ac. cfde, ts,or any interesting incident what ever, from any of our subscribers or rrad- ers generally for the purpose of public- ation. fleeter ruses. THURSDAY, :MAY Cth, 1886. in Clysthouoton, neat llxoter, England, in the year 1812 ; Wes ivarried to Wm, tram-- linin 1830 in o cotultr and immi- grated , it y, zee grated to Canada the, sine year, ; settliug at. Toronto, oto, wltdro they lived for la few3 roars,. and then tisane to the 2nd eoucession .of the township of Stephen, wlrero°, the followed the voctttioil o£ famine until', about ten years ago, at which time they retired in Exeter, having eerie the, country-- a tt'ildernoss when they Dame to Stephen-conyerted iuto what it is today. Mr Hamlin died atsout 4 years ago. M. Hamlin has lived on Gid - ley -street over since she left the farm, and always enjoyed good health: except for a short time atter each of the previous, paraly- tic. strokes. She was highhly respected by a large oit'ole of friends, for she was of a kind hospitable disposition, and her delight was to make those happy around her. She had been a consistent member of the English Churcb. A son, Mr. Thos. Hamlin, of this. place, a brother, Mr. Geo. Walrond, with other relatives mourn her` death, -Mr. Ju o. • Mitchell, of Dashwood died yesterday morn- ing at his residence, at the age of 73 years, Some year" ago Mr. Mitchell had a paralytic stroke, and since thea has been unable to TENOENTS rperliue for drstinsertion, and l do any work, but for the past six months ?OUR CENTS per line tor each subsequent in I was unable to feed or dress himself. He ;croon column. was notices apltearint this olumnwas born in Devonsbite, England, yearsold,8 . came to this couutry when yti -•-" settled on the farm now owned by ¥Zr. Time, Rowe, a short distauoe south of Exeter, this vicinity then being all "bash." After labor- jug for fifteen years in clearing and other-, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. 8lScarlatt, the- druggist; has ordered a large arrive in 5 will am 'ah i Paris ren vhl u 1 of e w supplygreen, due time for the execution of the potato',bug ' a family. Mark the place where to pros ire the pure green when reluired. k, Without exception, the best and oheape:it lines in Boots and Shoes we have as yei seen, eau now be had at U. Eaerett's, Chil• drens Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys' Bicycles of all sizes, Men'sHand-made Boots; also harness, trunks, valises of every deserip- -tion constantly on hand. Call and see them. foroods. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange g r C. I:ac RLTT. Lersonal. Mr. Robert H Verity. who a few weeks ago left for Winnipeg, returned home on Friday last. Mrs. H. Spackman and Miss Annie Weekes of this place, are visiting friends at Stratford. Matrimony. An interesting mut occurred at the resi- dence of Mr. Alex. Dyer last evening, being the marriage of Miss. Annie, second daughter of Mr.Dyer, to Mr. Daniel Davis, both of this place.. Rev. S. F. Robinson officiated. There were a number of invited friends present, and after the ceremony was over and the sapper partaken of, a pleasant time was spent by the guests. We extend our con- gratulations to Mr. andMra.Davis, and hope that their best anticipations may be fully realized ; and that joy and happiness may attend them through life. Onr Sidewalks. Of course, at the opening of spring there :e considerable to be done .in the way of re- pairs and general fixing up, but the first thing to which the council ought to look is the sidewalk. Along (Drain -street from the northern terminus of the new sidewalk to planks are in a bad condition, rho bridge the•pia !many of them being loose, while in some. plaees the nails protrude nearly e. of nninoh above the surface. On Monday morning a young lady when meeting another person on the street near the market, was thrown vio- lently upon her face, caused by the upturn- ing of a loose plank. pturn-ingofa'iooseplank. There was no injury resulted from the accident bat the lady re- ceived a severe shaking up. It will be for- tunate if some one is not seriously hurt. Cattle Shipped. Yesterday 3 car loads of cattle were ship - pod from this station by J. H. McRoberts, of Liman. They were purchased an this vicin- ity by this gentleman, assisted by J. Woods, of Exeter. The average weight was 1425. Four of the animals were purchased from Mr. 1Jasaes Pickard -two steers, two years old, 27490 lbs,, one thoroughbred cow, 1820 lbs., one thoroughbred heifer, 1550 lbs., -also several Iohoioe steers 'were purchased from Mr. Thos. Russel, and four from Mr. H. Jones, of Ileborne, which, it is said, were the finest animals of the shipment. Mr. McRoberts says that the shipment composed the finest stook he ever purchased. They go to Liverpool. Farmers assert that Mr. McRoberts is a good buyer and pays •a right by price. Mr. Wood is also.a keen buyer. o rt removed to the wise improving the farm, he re o th concession of Stephen where he farmed nd mennfaetured brick for some fifteen years, (his briok yard being the first in this section.) At this stage of life, Mr. Mitchell. retired, going to Dashwood. where he resided until the death summons came. One son seveu daughters, and his wife survive him, another son, Wm., having died eight years ago. Ifrevetles Itauy of the pioneer settlers of this dis- • are passingawayinto eternity. tilt, y Mr, Thos, Stacey, of the Union Motel' Farq, uhar died very suddenly on Saterdily moruing last, having boon sick only a fow • days, His remains were .interredin the Exeter cemetery Sunday after oan. Ir. Stacey was well known born, haying worked in town several years ago - The Parkhill Gazette .11eforiu adluits that t ( ) a Conservative is sato to be oleeted for North Middlesex for Elm newt terua in. the Dominion House, Our .confrere could do nothing else, and strike the mark, for the Conservatives aro stronger now thau they' on and of coni were at the last election,o will s eloot their man by a larger majority. Scott Act cases.' The population of Loudon has decreased., according to the assessment roll. Call at the Old Established and see the finest Canadian Gingbams in the market, al 10c. per yard. The Messrs. Sweitzer, of Crediton and ter, shipped from here on. Saturday, a quant- ity of tow, to England. Just received at the Central Drug Store, a fresh supply of Hellebortaud Insect Powder for the currant worm. C. Linz, proprietor. Mr. john Gould has added some new ma- chinery to that already in his saw mill here and fixed it up generally. The Old Established has the largest, cheapest and best assorted stook; in the county, and prices right. A runaway occurred` on Main -St, north of the market, on Friday evening, but, fortun- ately, on part of the driver, no serious dam- age was done. Loos out for bilious fevers in the spring g' b oadm the liver and and prevent them unl v v' o P kidneys,andres 1 iiu them to healthy ac- tion by Warner's ;afe cure. Are we going to aye Maize•street watered this summer. The time is fast approaching when the dust will be flying in donde, if sometbieg be not d ue to keep it down. Be sure and call et the 01d Established and see those yeri "no American Goods, di - 8 0 Gin am_ Prints Skint: sect from Boston. h i. t g Ou Tuesday iuformatiou was laid before Polido Magistrate Scott, 1. n Peacock, c against McBride. and F Goderioh, who wore. charged with violation of the Scott Act. Mr. Powell, who represented %he defend- ants, stated that Mr. Pea000k would retire from tiro liquor business en. tirely, if Mr. Yates would drop, all prosecutions against hint, but this Mr. Yates declined to do, end stated his reasons. Mr. Powell then, on behalf of Peacock, stated that his client might plead guilty, if the Ma- gistrate would exercise clemency to- wards him, as lie was a poor man, and not in the position le stand the etatatory flue, and he was even plead. ing his case free. Hid worship stat- ed that this was impossible, as he had ho option, but so far as he was oonceruod would throw off all his Oasts, and make the penalty as light as possible, and 1\ Ir. Yates agreeing to this, Peacock plead guilty, and a paid 1n fine of $50 woe impcsed, tobe a mouth. In speaking of Mr. Pea- cock's, case. Mr. Powell animadverted on the assumed fact that Mr. Yates was continually prosecuting poor wen, while men who were wealthier, managed to escape prosecution. Mr. Yates, 111 reply said he had some sympathy for men who had their all invested in the hotel business prior to the passing of the Scott Act, and who, by force of circumstances, drifted iota -a violation of the law, but he had no sympathy whatever for men like Mr. Peacock, who, after the Act had passed, fitted up any old barracks for the express purpose of setting the law at defiance. In the ease of Mr. McBride, Mt. Yates asked for an t adjournment on the ground that ma- terial witnesses had purposely absent - i3 not wish ed themselves, and he dl to proceed until these parties were present. Mr. Powell wished, to have the case go on, and considerable "feeling" was manifested between he andr'Yates.nti illi Scott de• M. Ya es until aided ou an adjournment to the 14tH of May. ngs, &o. Times cannot ba very hard, for nearly all ur exchanges sat that building operations their respective towns this year are es en sive. Any person wh) intends visiting the 01d and. this summer, will do well to consult' dv. of Allan Lin( in another column. John packman, Exeter, is the agent at this point. Owners of fast ;horses in town may now be een speeding their animals on the course. T. are a number of very good horses here his spring, and doubtless some of` them will matte "flyers." Mr. W. H. Westlake, of Exeter, who has ecu attending the' Toronto School of Medi- cine, has passed his primary examination for .,D., C. M. W. congratulate Mr. W. on is success. r As per announcement, Revs. Gane and George, of the Elinrville circuit, occupied the ulpit oft he Main-st. Methodist Cburch last unday, the farmer preaching in the morn - ng and the, letter in the evening. The residence of Mr. Robert Morrison, of the 4th concession of`Ueborne, was destroyed fire on Thursday; last, with nearly all' its ontente. ~To insurance. The fire originated rn the etovij-pipe. 0 in L a 8 t b M h p s Queens Birthday. The celebration committee have arranged a lengthy and varied programme of sports for the 24th of May. There will be a grand trades procession, with "calithumpians" and firemen, headed by the Exeter brass band at 1.30 a. m., starting from the North end and parading the principal streets a tug of war between men living ;on the east and west sides of the London Road, captained by Pani and Robert bell ; also an old-time wrestling match',(Devon and Cornish style) ; a 300 yd. hose reel race between the two companies of the Exeter fire department ; a great High- land pipers' contest, an Indian war dance by Indians from the Munceytown . reserve, and along list of other sports and game, includ- ing running, jumping, Bicycle, boat and other races, winding up the day'd programme with the best of all -catching the greasy pig. The admission to the agricultural grounds, where the sports will take place in the after- noon commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, p will only be ten cents. For additional particulars see posters. All shouid ayail themselves of this opportunity of witnessing ,and taking part in one of the best programmes of this hind ever presented m any town -we mightht say --in Otatio. Tho prizes are liberal and if the weather bo favorable, Exeter will un- doubtedly be visited by a very large crowd. The management committee are worthy of great praise for working with such vigor to get up the celebration, and should be assist erl by the citizens in every possible way. The games will be conducted in 'a satisfactory manner, and fair play will be shown to all competitors for prizes. Passed Away. On Monday evening, last one of Exeter's most respected citizens passed away, in the' person of Mrs. Hamlin, relict of the ' late Wm. Hamlin, aged 78 years and 7, mos. Cause of death was paralysis, as on Thursday morning she was seized with a severe stroke", It appears that about 8 o'clock she left the house to do the milking, and while there received the stroke as above stated, and when discovered, was almost dead, being in an un• dust , Gonseious state, from which eho never re- e, e- e, Covered sufficiently to speak. Ilad the inteher not called she would likely have ex- pired. where she was taken ill, for, finding that Mrs. Hamlin was out he went in search and found her almost dead. This was her third attack and from the time she was found in this sad condition'not the slightest .hopes were entertained of her reeoeety, The :funeral, which, took place yesterday, was Order was apekon of in complimentary tering g up aria largely attended, the remains being brat and its momberg urged to litre to all g ' Christ Church (English) thence to practice its teachings. • The sermon was very taken to G Exeter cemetery, where the remains were appropriate and practioal, attd was lkstened to e eterred, Roy. S. F. Debi/igen officiating at with 'marked attention and ititerett by a the church and grave. Deceased was born large congrogationl There is a new disease prevalent among horses thrc ughont the country, which affects the legs. A worm bores a hole into the heel of the animal and eats its way into the leg. The result is the leg swells and the skin falls off. We have no fear of any one contesting our will after we have passed'to the ethereal sphere. for the reason that there will be nothing left to fight over ; all that` editors are ever able to leave their heirs are a lot of unpaid subscription accounts. Trout fishing opened first of May. It is said the catches ° were not so large as on former occasions,'as the Scott Act ' is in. force, and many of the lovers of the piseatory art will"notbe able to secure the requisite bait. Ladies, remember` Miss Wood makes up, cuts, and fits dresses, mantles, ,2c., for all. whether geode are bought from us or not, We state this to contradict a report 'which has been circulated that she does work only" Boos. from ns.. 'RANTON for those who bey Y We are constantly testimony that Dr. ()arson's Catarrh Care ig what its name implies a""Catarrh Cure."Your druggist is authorized to refund the money if it fails to fair, be more give satisfaction. What can, and need you suffer any longer 7 MARRIED. CO1tisuMir1 [ON CURED; Ali old physician, retired from pre.eblee; ;bay. iug Led paced in his hands by an East Indian pnission:iry the farnlu1a of a 0110018 vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of t1 n Bronchitis, Catarrh, stbrn Consumption, t xs, n h, A a and all throat end lung niioetions, also a post- tive audlradioal cure for NervansDebility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its woudertul curative powers in thousautls of cases, liar felt it his duty to woke it known to his suffering follows, Actuated by t his motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of obargo, to all who desire it, this recipe, iu G4rmau,Fronoll er Pnglislr, with full directions for prep nringend using,, Bent by b addro in with Stam , earning tine t a u g wail y 0# g A T vs. 14 P wuer'st3iod11lcohester vapor, W. .No .S, 0 9 , New Pump Factory JOHN SWALLOW d rose a inform the W u. s eetfully i fo 1 inhabitants 0 1 1 - of the surroundin g townships ihataire has op- ened a' New Pump Factory in 1 J. SOU'TIIUOTT'S OLD STAND, MAIN -ST., EXETER, OPP. PosT-oFrIOE, Where he will keep on hand all kinds of Pumps, which he will sell at moderate prices REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Wells andCisteres contracted for "treason- able prices, and work executed with despatch. SATISFACTION 0115lllANTIIED. JOHN SWALLOW. COUNTY OF HURON EXAMI• NATIONS,1888. Second class nonprofossinal examination at the High Schools in the County on Monday 28th Juno, 9 a. m, Third class nonprofessional 1 examination at the High • Schools in ,the County on Tuesday, eth July, 9 a. m. First class grade 0 , •uonclay,12th July,' p. m. First class gradesA and 13, Tuesday, 30th July, 9 a.' m. Candidates who Irish to write at either .Clin- tenter Seaforth most notify D. M. Marmots, P. S.Inspocior.0linton post office, not later than the 25th May, stating which of the schools h to rile t ' d those who 'wish to theywish wriie , and writat Goderich must notify JonN E. Tgnr, PSI , Exeter, at the same date. The notice must be aocompantod by a 'fee of $2, for $4 if the candidate applies for a Seel as well as a 2nd class examivatwn. No name will be forward. ed to the Department unless the lee accompa- nies it. Forms cf application may he had from the secretary. The bezel masters of High Schools will please send the applications of their candidates to the County. Inspector of the division • in which the High "School is situ- ated, PETER ADAMSON, See'Y B . Exrs. Goderich, Bay 3, 1880, (It) Days -DYER. -At the residence of the bride's father, on the 5th inst., by the Bev. S. F. Robinson, Mr. Daniel Davis to Miss Annie, second daughter of Mr. Alex. Dyer, all of Exeter. SOOTT-METHERs.-At the residence of Mrs'. N. Whitely, Clinton, on the 28th ult., by Rev. W. Craig, B. D., James Scott, barris- ter, to Miss Annie Mothers, both of Clinton. DIED. MITCHELL. -At Dashwood, on the 5th inst. John Mitchell, aged 73 years. The funeral will take place from his late residence to -day (Thursday) at 2 o'clock for the Exeter Cemetery. HowEx. -In Usborno, on the 30th, ult., W. Percival, infant son of Wm. Howey, of. Exeter, aged 5 months. STACEY. -At Farquhar, on,lst inst., Thomas Stacey, aged 29 years. Heettne.--In Exeter, on the 3rd inst., Mery, relict of'the late William ,Hamlin, aged 73 years and 7 months. A Lemon -Colored Woman. RocxESTaR,N. Y., Dee. 23, °1885. -Three y ears ago I was confined to my bed in a de- plorable condition. e-plorable,condition. Skin as yellow as a lemon. Slightest food would make me se ream. Also had prolapsus and ulceration. Treated by physicians.for twjnonths. Grew worse. Doctors said it was the worst ease of liver trouble they ever saw. Lost forty pounds of flesh. ` Oould not sleep. Improved rapidly under the use of Warner's safe cure. Never was healthy. Would have been in; my grave had it not been for the wonderful powers of Warner's safe cure. Am now per- fectly well. MINS. J. J. BAYNE, 52, Lake Avenue.• ALLAN LINE ! ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Summer Sailings and Arrangements via Quebec UTIOE.--TI COURT OF RE. ve I for the OWNSFIfI?'etSTFAVI1:O%N S 11N r h T. will be held lz Grant's Eah, Oroditon, on Tues, day, the 204bMay 1st, atlQa,1in. Ail 'Parties who hcyo any o)mplaints regarding' their as- sessments will then be heard,' •C, 110A'Pr- P Commencing with Extra SS. Circasian from Quebec for Liverpool direct on 14th May, to be followed by , Mail Steamer P olyuosian, Thursday, -Oth May re a 27th isfan lhu d t Ps Yr 9 Mail r J Extra Sarmatian Frhday,4th one Alai Sardinian lbw:8day,lOth June Extra ` Circa.ssoau Friday,18th June lriail Polynesian, Thursday, 2413 June Mail Paririan ..,Thursday,lstJuly. Extra '" Sarniatian........Priday, 9th July Mail Sardinian,..Thursday, 151h July )Extra " Circassian ......Friday, 23rd July Mail " Polynesia n...Thursday,29thJuly Mail Parisian ......Thursday.5th Ang. ADVICE TO MOTHF., ss. -Aro you disturbed': at. night'aud broken o your, rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cuttine Teeth? If so gond at once' and get a bottle. 0f Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor llttle sufferer immediately. De pend upon it, mothers' there is no mistake iatrbma t and D gen ,01 it. I t'curos D Y about y regulates the Stomach and Bowels, curos'Winct Colic, softens the Gums, reduceslnflamnration, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the and bust tri tion of ore 0 i the oldest res p pUnited female physicians and• nurses in the States ,and isfor sale"by all druggists through- Fruit.growers from the lake report the out the, world, Price twenty-five cents a bot- ruit #reit prospects as something magnificent and ,the. Be BUM and ask for MRs. W a s nprecedented. The trees are literally eov- SOOTHING SYRVP "and take no other kind. SET REPORTS. 1lIIliR u e e b red with blossoms, and should this section scape frosts and "cyclones," the yield will o something immense. (C orrectedat5o'clock p.m. Wednesday. The merchants in town, like those in other Pall Whoa 1 ... •,. •• 0 78 to 0 82 towns, ought to enter into an agreement to Spring..Wneat... ... 0 G0 10.0.78 lode their places of business at 7 o'clock p. cite°y 007 3o 115000 o 0 31 m., with the exception of Saturdays. The Clover seed 7 7G 50 2 00 publicjp would be est as well leased, and the Timothy .,, ,0 53 to O 56 summer months. during the Peas ' "' 0 58 to 0 60 clerks would have more recreation Corn Eggs ,. 01010010 At a meeting of the lacrosse club, held on Butter 12 to 0 I5 Monday evening, in'hanson's Hall, the fol- I'iourperbb1. -.00 to 5 s.5 lowing officers wore elected ; President, Dr, Pobatoos,po bag ... 60 1650°00 60 Rollins ; 'Vice -President, N. D. Burdon ;' ,Apbag ples,perb b ;;; 0 04to 0 00 Captain, A. Snell ; Secretary -Treasurer, B. DriodAppiospr Geese •per 113. .. '0 00 tog 0 6 00 S. ONeil; Committee : A. Snell, Captain; Turkey per b .. 0 0.8 to 8 ... o 40 to 0 60 Dr, f3oo er P. Sawden, Jas. Fairbairn, H: Ducks porpi 0 25 to 0 40 Hooper., Chiekensperpr ., .., Samwe1l. Now that the lacrosse club has dogs,dressedperioo ,..' 5 50 to 6' become ostabhshod it fg hoped that the young Beet ,. `5 00 to 6 00 mon of the town will do their best to sustain llidearoting, ... Goo to 6 00 " dressed , 0 00 to 7 00 its former reputation. Sheepskins each „ 0 50 to 0;87 The annual sermon to the Oddfellows of Calfskine • .,. 0 GO to 0 70 this village and a number from Henisall was Wool per lb ... ..- .:: 0 17 10 0 18 preached in Christ Church on Sunday oo t 9 00 morning last, by the ineumbent, Rev. S. E. d 2 5o to ri o0 Robinson. He spoke chiefly of charity, one of the main principles of the Society. The c :a (Nate) -Tho "extra"steamers do not ',carry intermocliato and steerage paseongers RATES OF PASSAGE-LIVERPO]L & LONDON- DEhnY.-Cabin, $60, $70 and $80, according to. accommodation, Sori•ants in Cabin, 250. In- termediate, $SOa Steerage, 820. ' Return Tick- ets, Cabin,;aiio, x130, 8150. Intermediate, :$60. Steerage,140. LIVERPOOL'DIn£OT.-By Sarma- tian, Cireassianor extra steamers, Cabin, $50 and $60, according, to:accommodation. Return Tickets, $90 and $110: 'These steamers go di - reale Liverpool. - Through Pullman Dir .\ 'ug -Boom and Sleep- ing Cars between Toro rid Qn ebec, or Pas sengers can be booked'; ?i earner to Quebec if 8o desired -passing t alt tue Thousand Islands arid Rapids of ,y,> St. Lawrence by daylight. Passengers and their baggage aro put aboard the Ocean Steam.:hips-atQuebec-Tree of all expense. The 'enbinplans of the Circassian, Peruvian, 01o.. have been altered. The Saloon is now, amidships on these steamers, and the Cabins are so arranged as to be also in the beet position to avoid the motion. For °Tickets, etc., apply to T. SPACEMAN, Agent, Exeter. PROPERTY LIST. OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT o Sanders Street,x ter with hard t Sa d A o i A a all duo conveniences, n sort at and modern d water It sold, $100 wilt be required down, balance in instalments. Auply to GEOI GS HODGINS, Exeter. THE Biggest- Reductions Yet 0 RENT. --The. Exeter IIgt8i to rent near the Exeter Railroad Station. Apply to I, CARLING. 1 1 ARM'POR SALE.—The aubsorib• eroffersforsaleLotNo,6 Con, I, Town- ship of Biddulph, Middlesex five milds London 1 ad 1G0 acres south of Exeter, on this 90 acres cleared and in a first class state of oultivation, well drained, good brick house, good barns and stables, and well watered, convenient to schools churches, au l post office. For further particulars apply d WILLIAM[ HOOPER, an the premisos. ON WATCHES We don't allow anyone to be lower in prices than we are. We offer the following bar- gains to you for the next 90 ARM FOR SALE.— The sub• scriber offers for sale the north half of lot' 30, con. 13, Pownehip of East W awenoeh, County of Huron, containing 100 acres ; well fenced ; a good stream of water from a never failing spring • nioe young orchard of choice fruit trees; a frame back br rn and log house 80 acres cleared and seeded down balance bush. Price $4,000, two-thirds cash. Possession. given any time. Apply to D` Stewart, cattle buyer, Wingham, or to J. Matheson, Hay P. 0 UNIOIPAI:NOTMCI+I •T0W SNIP OP U 13O1i otieo 15 hereby, given S. l? S NII. N ivon thfct a 0ourt of lloyisiou. of the assosR;T g moatrollof the 7;gwnsbipp otC734orue for titP.. year 1880 will bo hobi at the Town' half, lop, villa, on Saturday, Mite IOth,day of Iktay,l 1300 at the hour of tett o'olook in the forenoon. Any person or persons having business at the sale Court will goverut hemselvcs ace ordtngly,, (f, W.ROLh1AN, Usborno, May 4th, 18410. Cleric, Elimyillo. l 3Kas come, and the result is a large increase r3 Business -WITH-- J. J. GOOD CHEAP GOODS, LOW PRICES AND SQUARE DEALING -TsnL THE ITALE,- HIGHEST PRICE FOR EGGS c@ BUTTER At DOUPE a CO'S, KIRKTON. CARLING'S BLOCK FOR Spring 8c Summer Goods General Dry -Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Ottoman . Cords Nuns' Cloth, Jersy Cloth, Ginghams, , y Lawns, Plain and Spotted Muslins, Prints in endless variety. Appleton, Tracey & Co. Waltham, Mass., in a Solid Coin" Silver Case; $23.00. t, ett in ar 3l ., Anda P. S. B a Solid Coin Silver Case for $12.00. i Each Wctch Warrantcct for Helper ton e Five Years. Onfonsperbush 0 GO to 0,75 Oo per cord H1;NSALIr MAl1HETS1 Pali Wheat perbh ., $ 0 80 to 0 81 Sorin( " 0 50 to 0 80 Barley (bright) 0 55 to 0 70 Barley Datan'd) 0 40 to 0 40 White Oate, 0 28 to 0 :1C Illdok Oats 0 31 to 0 110 Apples per bbl: .,. 1 00 to 1 00 otatooe nor bit :u . , 0 55 to 0' 70 AND ALL OUI1 OTHER GOODS AT GREATLY REI3tCLD' PRICES. Watches, Clocks, and 3'owellory Cleaned and , Bopsrred promptly, roroot *UV Ittoittat 11% We have now on hand a choice lot of Millinery, Black and Colored Ostrich. Plumes. Fine: display and remark- ably low Priced. Gents about to purchase a 'SPRING OUTFIT ! Would do well by calling and examining our large and varied. Scotch andCanadian Scotch • Sin Worsted, k. nitln stock. S g Tweeds. Our Pantings are "Simply Immense." In Hats Ties, Scarfs, Shirts, Collars, duffs r Braces and Socks we have a fine`. Display. SHOES, SNOBS- take the lead. for Style and Durability. . We have just We y y , received the finest lot of Shoes—both in Ladies' and Gents' Wear—that we .ever offered, at prices that will surprise you. Give us a call. We will take any produce you may offer, and will6•gzye the highest trice. A call solicited _. C6,RLINC. HIJRRAH,HIIRRAH FOR THE FAMILY GEOC1IY -China Cup and SaucerGiven Away With EVERY POUND of BAKINGPOWDER purchased at G. A.inrATDryzAzirs. tea. 200 WANTED R1 Ht G AWA QUICK!! 'About TWO' HUNDRED good customers at the NEW CARRIAGE SHOP, Exeter. 200 7 The undersigned begs to intimate to the residents of Exeter and surrounding country, that he has fitted up for Purposes - Makin Pur Carriage p Tho buildings lying immediately south of MR. PARSONS . - having stocked the'same Blacksmith Shop, Main-st., and hav g with suitable material for construction of Carriage and Sleigh work, we therefore solicit a liberal share of your es- teemed patronage. and done at Repairing promptly properly, Satisfactory Prices. Yours truly, '. W. 'r ,EV, 1yesTIIIVZ. V. 13. SkeCtal rates o theLivery trade arta arties buying ' OS. flTTON 1quatathes. Coovc Loan. Odic 'v1 pain. Da.m: COASE. Upsta Main - J. aal n r, Di oe Esq. D' ) of He the b Lice, Post. View Rosp. atter Thro; D Queer oast discs ervat diisen being of tan haps vias;' 4 rates k To . V 7 audt atter arras T' Vete, to ,33.1 forth Dom Mein from atter al wa in gal Joln 1V1 F este Augu Loal f Com Ont. .tat Engl X110 1 HE, T1 year Mari dam ufac able anti 0 as,. has to t: e8 a Ae nu 088e Sew SNF Roo dire on t loin 1 S adaynd Pi len ax S' 08 nd 0 Irl li at