HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-07-03, Page 10Salary:. S234.74 - $254.1! per week DUTIES 4 Under the direction elf the Feed 'Service Administrator,'to -the food production area, which includes rayon - Oyler the preparation at food for all regular meals, and le Iniantity sod items for therapeutic meals; to assist the rrvi+cie Administrator itrplannifng for long ramie food c participatee"in purchasing and cost control; participate in train ngj and supervision ,eeai ittatelp►.' OUAUFICAT'IONS e to or acceptable equivalent; successful Completion of *not Advanced Che is Coors*, or equivaleent; and-a- AntrollYMatelt.and Chef certifiiate Rt the Deparintint Of Lalmiter. A minim l Ytars expe11414ce1 : in' iwt '' i►itiwl t with at -toast two years ill a supervisory DeMentitraittlitab011y to supervise serge staff and tit uctio costs orgt$1 d 0 cosi!. re at ty, good sense Of Iliirid•.follinttent. Tal► applica`ots may apply le thi Personnel Office JMIy 1111,.1•15. ett Is File tit tf t'5, Ooderlch Psychiatric • - ' CHUTES PLUPARING 7 -HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace IflaIIRIMIone D(AVAL$ b_ .. $UMPuts #• W. 40 !ting St, 4424882 c-1$tfn _ r ., , r N I `T 0 b Se na: A�acil�eb� . t n Uous4ng n.��#yyy'#t , {(_eat A#ent.Phone :fenxil Phone 4021 ON 3 area forMy NEL . HURON C: T' ` rootan house . reg *pot t, DEPUTYCLERk e in Clinton .TREASURER :.. Phone 482- Sealed applications 'clearly marked tApplicatio. t far DePallo Clerk TTeasurert '"° III "'b!e received by the uretgne0untf 5:00 A.m.. Frida. y, uly`llth.1675.. Applications s!bo hero writing, stating qualifications and. ex- perience. Duties will be primarily in Accounting but involve assisting Clerk- Treaser in all phases of his rosponsibilitiees. Applicants are required to have at least a Secondary School 4raiduat its dipteilllfia, " or equivalent. Preference will be given to a recognized Accounting Degree, and related Municipal experience. Enrollment in or a graduation certificate from the Municipal `Clerk -Treasurer's Training Course would also be an asset. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Replies will be held.strictly''confideential. B. G. Haply, , Clerk -Treasurer and 'Administrator. Comity of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ont. PRA 1M2 .11 G TnN eelr Tsui peelireailMfef. " . +BInewimain atanoca hIndellelg a a rials ief Fer lee sod fisterrfow,. Safety Depart** 7M Ciatedien lastitete it Traoter Trailer Tridekte Ltd. 367 Closest* limeyW. :.. Ten . ctoCorriotme liens-Cettade , Traeseprt . ahresses, Bartenders Required FOR THE 1P1 WOW Family Room • Must be 1$ years' ror over. Apply to Box 778. Clinton or call 4821437 after 4:O0 p.m. tike odd 'a 'ptl emen± Ph4$ °A ' w errifl. ' available in. . LI QI'e' Huron ary-Qrange Streets area. InterestedZ ° all Mrs.. Thomp� S+ clrth' 4274. 0234, Mrs.. Millon, Londo�4r 054L-25,27 f N. 4. IOOKKEE .\S..+ fforof e ie. small °f lit* _ ater* ih Brussels.. Must be xpetiencell in keening a complete sat . of books.'; financial statements. budget, etc. ` ApplY: Box 251 Brussels,- Ont. s 7..S..♦ ...... i .4 f r r We NTED• (G'os ral) WANTEi! Art' buy used pianos, anycriftditiOn-. State Maiteheight and amount asked. Box S. Clinton News -Record, Clinton,, Ont. - 24tfn. MANUFACTURERS representative would like at- tractive site for display of new' aboveground pool. Call collect (416) 536-9278.-20t1 Thi HUron County bard of Education. requires ., OCCASIONAL, . I ,,.. ••.,.. . tq lup®ptgtaa rk in ,� eletn'entary and secdh'dary sc�clironls during 1974.74wr a° ir:. J e ''' -14*,:�' • �y • Written ankistia ar including qualifications, social in. sprance number, and telephone number must be mailed before July 23rd to • - R. E. Smith, Superintendent of Education • Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street. Clinton, Ontario Applicants should indicate the grades and -or subleects they are prepared to teach and 'the schools in which they would ` serve. From this information lists of available teachers will ..prepared for each school. Principals will then contact -afolicants when •lheiriservices are required. `.• Persons%preseently serving.as Occasional Teachers in our -- cte:lots' need nollit.opply. Names will automatically be in- cluded for the coming. year unless notification toffee contrary is received from either the 'teacher or a principal. f.3. Cochrane. W. S!>ortrwced, . • Director. ° Chairman. Goderich Psychiatric Hospital Announces a vacancy for a soon 5.(CHEfl-- KNAPFS will buy outright. Com- plete household, estates or single pieces of furniture. Best pri. a paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our air:, is to please. 67 Main( Street, Seaforth. phone 527-13336...tfn 14. EMPLOYMENT WANTED STUDENT will babysit part or full time in your own home: Phone 482.9628. -27 LAWNMOWING -Eleven year old boy would like to. mow your lawn. Preferably in Maitland Con- ce;5Sipn and Concession 16. Phone MiTHWELL'S AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS IRUCEFIELD. ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSES AND BONDED .., ONTARIO -WIDE BRUCEFlELD 482-3120 -cgtfn 11: TENDER • IIS! DIA - CONTRACT TE R 0' -of.:. Antiques , '& Household Effects at the Auction Rooms, Hwy. 21, one milk South of todericb, Erld . ,EvtaE Ally 4 it :.a. Flattto.wtlll cupboard; 2.1011 seats; dining-rirrt ext cion table; connode� narb - fvrnture; blanket-boa; 2 pine Washstands; 2 desks;clocks; ,c irs-; 6 .ISc pitcher `<i+e� , ha . boys � pi.. sets; wicker rocket; chesterfield S chair; reclining chair;- -owl tables; si all tables; table lamps; pine WO; • frames; oil lamps; lanterns; trunk; brass fireplace screen A tools; t•irop patio furniture;; 2 wool A. coal stoves; fruit Teas;, bottles; crocks; dishes; antique car seats etc. etc. Mike Cuurnnlings - Auctioneer ritli = 4044 ..._.-..__ ' PLAINLY marked seal . ten- ders will be received by the undersigned up to Tuesday, July 15; 1975. for contracting custodial services at Walton Public- Schcoi, Walton. ALL tendersmust be submitted on the official tender forms which are available at the Huron County Board of Education. 103 Albert Streit. Clinton. , Ontario NOM ILO. THE lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. B. Dunlop Superintendent of Business° Affairs, Huron County Board of Education" W. Shortreeed- D. J. Cochrane Chairman Director • u1' > ,� 'E:OO Pomo . w at th;5. ,Station.. ,side tie! Liquor `,5to re • a - consisting of .. Many items suitable foga cotta le, such aM refrigerators, stoves, washi .. mach net sewing machine dresses.. 140vision, chrott set, q.rR styl n deuinport,, *dl.r- V cuu .cleaner, lamp, and numerous other• arileles. flys 11;71 Firemen --as is, IC* Mites, Auctioneer , Harold Lamb 5244171 iA. ICES AVAILABLE STA ....n ° . _LW E S Travel ravel Service. 32 lngtan Str Stratfori _ For au airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours, low bank -rates on time payments. 4' (),repaid , arrangements for. rftllitives visiting from overseas. Call 271-5710.7.-23-1 Lob ► 4 Gethke' AUCTION CALENDAR Auctioneers & Appiraisers* Clinton Monkt64' 482-7898 147-2465 Sat., Suly' 5 -furniture antiques. etc. in the Town of Mitchell for Mrs., Valentine Neeb Este: Sat.,Jttly 22= ` odteview Saleto Maachery Auctleir Sat..July 19 - 1 o'clock Piirnittue and antiques- n4 town of Mitchiet for Cecil Ralph. "..July 26- at 11 „ a.m. Machine shop and lot plumbing and heating and machine shop tools Incequipment for f in the James 1).fop. village of IMMO. r ntr „Ole 11110.--.0"- AUCTIO le- 11Y61'tOM SALE of furni e. antiques and' house- hold effects to bei held at the erly end of St. Andrew Street ka the• Town of Mitchell' on • M1RMY, . . -1211 NiNN Ste' Rat is urea cupboard; 2a seats di R matching preasb*ck chair's: 12 ,piece setting of Lung of „china: ket drawers with 'porcelain pulls el• • irnpec 'antique clocks; dry esed large offering of bade ng and oolitic large offering of dishe3 and glass ware including many antique pieces and many, many other arti- des eaO' numerous to mention. ' NOTE: This is an excellent offering of antlgn o. items. TEAMS: Cash. No Reserve. Mrs'. Valentine Neeb, Estate. Proprietor. R- $.RICHARD LOBO. , AUCTIONEERS. • Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. 141 001''f 0 1r injR, EELCHAIRS - The CP & T "and- Of Clinton Oddfellows -tL•dge have wheelchairs available for loan fres:. Contact Tom Chuter 482-7652 or Mrs. M. Batkin, 482;3866. -23-1 TENDERS FOR MUNIcIPAL DRAINS TOWNSHIP OF HMU.]'.T-.---...._,..........�... Wallace: 250 lineal feet of open.. drain (400 c.v.) 24762linealfeet of closed drain 't'fi' -1W') 2 'Catch Basins 4,411 lineal feet at open drain (11,400 c. -y.) S.5*7 lineal feet ofclosed drain (I$ ' - 6") t Concrete Catch Basins 2 Township Road Culverts 1 Railway Culvert 1 County Road Culvert ° .en Separate Tenders will be accepted for open ase# closed work Lowest or any Tender" net necessarily accepted- Tenders to state dates of a Ornmeenceement and finish. $ritakdown between +Crossings and Lands to . be shown A ghee fforr le percent of the Tender price to accompany Tinder. - $ Te+M~rifer SO*Iitetdafter 5:00 p.m. on Friday. July 18, 1e7S Further Parti fart. Plans. art; Specifications may be seen at the Clerk' Offitee. ' 1st - 2nd MORTGAGE FUNDS for ' debt consolidation. .new pur- chases or refinancing. No hidden charges or bonuses.. '. We, pccialize in they hard to get nortga,pes. Call collect anytime • 1-885-1900 HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICES.-r20tfn. 3.. ER' `I: ES 4/44.1400',E, SEPTIC: 'TA KS' EANEDf Modern* equipment. . work :gualantccd.4Write or phone a le. Clinton. :`,'Photte '452.3320 or `.74 SZ4,- ;4tfn NEED aj'•new roof? Shingles Or steep for free cstinnates phone. nonslip - I1oug 2663• x4,85. Dave 26 ,2. ` 31 24tf . -n SIGNS. large orstnath'estimat. - t'' did English a "specialty: � 'llane4S2.3Sl3.. = Stfn le l `f Y Ute OLS -�- W � will � lY c re>zilild« re-t-iner or ne-st les lnnr otil furnitnure hotter than new. CO .7939. 71 Prineesx St. 4V' . Olin- - in- REMODELLING... ..-renovations... roofing and floor laying. expertly,. done. MI odd Oho around the home. Kitchen cupboards specialty. Phone ' " 482.7676; •'Ken McNairn, tfn VACUUM CLEANERS sALES' * * VIC E ALL WAKES BOB -PECK VARNA. 2624741 gctfn CUSTOM KILLING • M AND PROCESSING eutchirt.nwdatos - " • .TuewSday and Thursday TUESDAY --Gael and Pork FRIDAY --Sail Only PICK- OP SMALL back hoe. suitable for small excavation. Pary Triebner. phone -2806 -l4tfn OR Ind Picture franslaff, choice cif IOW* 1N les 3" width. Regular or non erg e - Ready hang ng - 4$ hour orrice phone after- 8 p.m. 482-7409 Nttilf� Tyadoll Clinton tb HOUSES PAINTED FOR CENTENNIAL' ewintionwinii Students to Paint Houses. Phone 48 2-9494 9 a.m. - S p.m. -. 482 -7767 after 5 p.m. SERVICE AVAiLASLE Marnae's Abattoir 237-3314©aehw°ood BO. 4 EN CARPENTRY 41 For Siding - Rentwatione Additions • Comets .VIIIMIlaa.7 Olen* fttu wC Tasha block end Stowe Work Leen v 0011 LANOENDO►EN R.R. 2 • Catton . Phone 52!t40210 t7tfn ova 11 i` Rt Abattoir custom ` brat- 00ring, cutting and. wrapping, f. Curing beef n Pigs es . � � :and pias e:dnt aY ntortlings. Call collect 2341939 8 to S p.m. or 23'.46#1 (etyenings).. 91f l `: STUDENTS, FOR'HOW At Y JO.... N'1 SIZE 4 4' SumNted Tao Soil esssliell Rad Gavel' Crositod • Stade : a Ceateot Glove! ;•::.'.. Pit Roo sod ESI Great. Sock I otir'•Work Lyle Montgomery C�.INTON 4 •. 48 2-7,644 21 tin NORM:,,', Tw�it Auction Sale of Household -Furnishings, Antiques and Misc..ltoms July 9 at 6:30 p.m. sharp - at SS William St., behind 63 Main St., Exeter, Ont. ,,,_...._....,_ .,.,_,..,.._ .Cit • Mr. & Mrs. Frank Huff, Exeter and Miss Efda Brown HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS -- Admiral 2 door NO Frost refrigerator, tike new;'wolnut finished corner china cabinet; Duncan ()fife table and 5 choirs; 5 wooden chairs; buffet; drop leaf table; platform rocker; 2 hostess chairs, student's desk; Eterctrohome dehumidifier; mirrors; step stool; table and floor lamps; heater; cord table; rug;„mots; runners; blankets; books; dishes; pots and pans; wall plaques. ANTIQUES A COLLECTIBLES --. 3 washstands; dresser; Iddebonrd desk with drawer and secretary desk on top: trea- dle sewing mcichirtet 'piano stool; 1-,°T. Rowe pump- organ; trunks; leather chair.? wood rocking chairs: 4 pre, settee set; ,press back high chair; polio tate, bamboo parlor. table; set of 6 chairs Woferbury mantel, clock,; teverat�pictures and frames, some fancy; hall tree; 'lion -fry pan; 2 • 6' Of. toilet sets;itcher and bowl; cheese die; souvenir pieces; Bride's boatel with trod*: ippon stilt and pepper and others; some •Bavaria; milia gloss; depression gloss; 2 ail lamps; tins; books: pock"; E.rttmma1Y oth*c thorns. , MiSC. ITEMS -� 'Coledion stove; sleeping bons; fish spear; large berbeque with hood, like new; wheelbarrow;rabbit ears for TV; and many many other items, terms: Cosh Norm Whiting, Auction or • Phone 2354964 T / ET" h t11 "BEND,E , 1,ATE OP " H ,VILLAGE OF .t:I.OLMESli LI IN THE OF OU.. .,. Ail persons claiming againft above Estate e�y e, u re '.. the . t for ' t' •• t f is rstheir �a d ut pa�art,...: w1a of ,A, claims to the undersigned. 'Weir 'before the 14th.day of July, 1975.. MIondate be distributed. Me and NI. Louis . Jerry Maloney : .Murray. CONSTRUCTION • DUBLIN, ONT. Poured concrete foundations and all types of cement irk.' PHONE 345-2554 HURON PINES -Construction ge Tee Centre - 482 -790i- CLINTON Electrical Wiring Poi* Line Construction General Contracting - Excavating Back Hoe and Dozer Services - Trencher 'Service up to 14" - Boring Service - Sand. Gravel. Topsoil tem Need a New Roof? SHINGLES OR STEEL. FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE HENSALI. Doug:- 262-5 4 8 5 Dave - 262.251 51 DONNELLY � . yy� wl� 1.. ' Arflarristers. IrThe Square. E IC O o. . OD R :H .tri.. O. tt a ... Solicitoars for the Estate. 25,26,27 Your TV Full -Service Centre & AUTHORIZED SAES AND SERVICE TO' ELECTROMOME • ` " PROISitTS 041/.41' '110.41110. 041~00111110.0"11111~ G ALBR AITH RADIOATV-_ CORNER ALBERT S RATTENBUR.Y CLINTON 412-3441 Ansimmilminanomm 15: PUBLIC -NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF WIT:LIAM HERBERT' McINTOSH, late of the Township of Tuckerslnitb In the County of Huron. Retired Buokiteeper. deceased. ALL persons having claims, against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 31st day of March. 1975. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 14th' which date. ul 1 75 aftere dayJ of 9 the assets will be distributed only to the claims of, which the un- .dersigned shall then have notice. DATE0 at Clinton. Ontario. this 18th day Of June. 1975. E.B. MENZIES. Q:C.. Clinton. Ontario, Solicitor for the ExectitoPs. 26,27,28 IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZ''BETH JEMIMA BUTLER . ,Mate. of the Town, of Clinton in die 'County of Huson. Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on -the 27th day of February. 1975. are required to file full :particulars., thereof with the undersigned on or before the 14th day of July. 197. after which date thi. assets will be distributed, having regard only to theclaims of which the un- de4igned shall then have notice. '- DATED at .Clinton. Ontario.. this 18th day of June. 1975. E.B. MENZIES. Q.C.. • Clinton. Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. 26.27.28 15. PUBLIC NOTICE . "The Nearly -New Store" - WINGHAM, ONT. Cl sea July S. and alai 1ticles unsold must be piciaid upby July 5th. we Re -Open' August t6tt' for Fall' Goods and close Oct. 25th. 16. PERSONAL HOGGART: I. Arthur Hoggart of R R. T,Bayfield. Ontario. will not be re 4ponsible for any debts other than contracted by me personally afteriune 26. 1975.-26.27.281 - Ontario EAVIR-ONMENTAL HEARING BOAR© NOTICE Of PUBLIC. HEARING WASTE DISPOSAL Mit FOR LANDFILLiNG TOr'' "NSH OF STANLEY 44 The Township of Stanley. has applied to the Ministry of the Environment for approval of a waste disposal site for land- filling to serve the Township of Stanliey to be located in the vicinity of the west half of Lot ta. 'Concession B.R.N. in the Township of Stanley: The Environmental Hearing., Board will conduct a public hearing to obtain.information and to hear the views of the public so that it con form an opinion on the merits as to whether the use and operation of the proposed site would or would not be in the" public interest. Written and oral sub- missions may bei *nade to the Board at the hearing. The Board ' wilt not consider any submissions regarding the proposal- after' the hearing has been closed. The hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 15. 1975 corn- - ,p relsci.n+g at 10;00 o'clock itt; lhte, morning, left time, in the Township of Stanley Hall, Varna. Ontario, Copies of a plan rel'ated,to the proposal will be available for 'examination and inspection during normal business hours at 'e3a't}m pe -thee office of the Municipal Clerk of the Township -of Stanley. --• RR; I, .Brucefieeld.'Ontario. STATUTORY REFERENCES The Environmental Pretetcliore`Act, tell (5.0. ten. Chapter . , as amended). SeOctiep is 33a (II. 33df 1). 38 and 39. T. M. Murphy Secretary Environmental Hearing goad.