HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-6, Page 5af- land lore ( re my are, amy )aa eople very- " ad- have Also, So s- Lowil 1sS bher in rise la a The North. West Indians. f' NEWS NOTES. Ottawa, 2,9411 ,April. ---Father La or auIntoresttl)g Character. oonlbe, who hoe spent a lifetime A. conveution of Liberal Cotlservia•. amu(; the ludians of the Nort,h-west, fives of 4116 1'iaviuce of Manitoba will €lad enjoys their full cotlfideuee, says. -'The ,Indians were never more con. tented than at present, and there A PLEASING ,DUTY.. "T feel it my duty to say," writes Jolla Borton, of pesort P. l .. ++that .'Sin•dock Blood Bitters cared my wife of liver tom-. plaint, from whital she had boon it chronic eufforer. Ilor distressing, painful symptoms bo held iu June to organize for the soon gave way, and I eau highly remia'nond the medicine to all suflering as shedid. Dominion and PLovinoial electoral It's o poor baseball elite flint doosn't own oanmpeagn, 1 a diamond bigger than the Koh-ismer. not seem to be the "slightest They can telegraph from a moving For Laino back, side or chest, use SINIOles ground fur apprehension." "Kee train now, and the purveyor of rail- morons Diaster. Pr103 2u oonts. Sold at Dr,, 13 g' Ortig Store. W4y elation pie oars know in an iu-• llolloway's Oltitnient aitd.Pills.-Diseases there been guy uneasiness ? ho watt asked. "None of a serious character," was the answ or. "These Indians, of eouree, hear what is being discussed' in the ue sspapers of the whites, and there has been notalk of trouble among them beyond 0012n -tents upon those senseless." roti Tr your blood is impure, you are liable to take any outagious or infectious disease that may 1 eppen to be in your neighbor. A idall danger by keeping yourself hoed. g in e aura Warner's rue 'u� wa e:i1 it Aril h t y 0.4414-4 non. 117Er . 11 ar1jn g's Sceme. Hon. John (lading, the Minister of Agriculture, introduced hire scheme in the House Friday night, for the establishment of a Central Dominion Experimental Farm and Experi- mental Stationsin the Lower Provin- ces and the northwest. He intro- duced it in a brief but comprehensive speech.• Sir Richard Cartwright, Mr. Me, Mullen and Mr, Watson, of Manitoba, prominent. Liberals supported the scheme in general. Prominent Con- servatives spoke in. enthusiastic sup- port of the projeet,.at the same time asserting it was in competent hands. Mr. darlings previous meac'ures, while iu the Ontario Goverhmeut in the interest of advanced agriculture were referred to in complimentary terms, notably his establishment of the Ontario Model Farm. It would seem at present as though the Bill Will be passed by a large majority. , To those who are curious to ascer- tain how many varied and nosye- tematio electoral franchises prevailed throughout Canaan before the adop- tion of the Act presaribirig a uniform franchise for the Dominion, the fol- lowing short summary of the provin- cial franchises, taken from 1V Sr. Hod- gins' recent work on the "Franchise Act" may be useful: "The iranaiaises in the Severnl provinces are as follows: Ontario: 48 Vic, a. 2, 0., prescribes 9 classes of voters: (1) owners, (2) tenants, (3oo ants of real property, (4) income voters, wage earners, (6) house- holders. (7) Ian -holders' sons, (8) enfran- chised Indians, and (9) Indians nonpartiei patingin annuities. Quebec: 38 Vic. o. 7, Q., three classes of voters: (1) owners, (2) occupants, (3) tenants of real estate. Nova Scotia: 48 Vic. is. 2, N. S., five classes of voters: persons assessed for or possessed of (1) real or (2) personal property, or (3) both ; (4) tenants, (5 sons of owners or tenants. New Brunswick: C. S. B., e. 4, four classes 1 of voters: persons assessed in respect of (1) real, or (2) personal estate, (3) personal and real estate, and (4), annual income; and if there be no assep@gasent then possession of the qualification is Proscribed is Elia:ieni. Manitoba: C. S. M. e. 3, four classes of voters: (1) owners, (2) tenants, (3) occupants. and (4) bona, fide householders. British Columbia : 39 Vie. No: 5, one olase : persons resident in the province for twelve months. except Chinamen and Indians, (38 Vic. No. 2.) Prince Edward Island: 24 Vic. c. 34, three classes of voters: (1) freeholders, (2) occupants, and (3) statute labour voters. The Franchise Act of 1885 adopts for Dominion elections the provincial franchises of British Columbia and Prince Edward Island, and prescribes for the other provinces a uniform frauehise for eight classes. of voters: (1) owners, (2) tenants, and (3) occu- pants of real property, (4) income voters, (5) real property owners' sons, (6) farmers' sons, (7) fishermen, ante (8) Indians (except en Manitoba, British Columbia, Keewatin, and North-West Territories) in possession of a distinct and improved lot of land on a reserve." 0-4404-4 Opinion of the 0. P. R„ by the Bells, an English paper :-We do not realize yet the enornon9 advantage that we shall gain in many ways by the opening of the view Canadian route to the Paoifio. The following instance will serve to suggest some. thing of its possible value. Some time ago a British vessel, bound from China to Victoria, British Columbia, was injured when near the harbour of •lilsquimault, the British naval station on the Pacific. It was thought that the vessel would have to be bowed for repairs to Liverpool via Cape Horn. The Canadian Paoifio Railway Coil - pony, however, telegraphed to Vie. toric that the machinery could be cabled for to Livrarpooi, and be con- veyed over til anadian Pacific line. The owners oafi;, t+. a ship consented, and within fifteen days the machinery was delivered at Viotoria. The time 8 less than seven from Quebec waft days, the quickest 'time ever trade Dorms the Contineflt to Vancouver Ieland, on which Victoria stands. A. short tim ago a representative of the S. P. G. told Ars that, in anticipa- tion of the rapid growth of population which is sere to come along the Tine on heist) sides of .the Rocky Moon. tainei, the Society is artxiour~ to be prepared to follow the population promptly with reiigions provision, Contribntione towards this special object, will, therefore, be very oppor tube and valuable," Do not take IfI Pine or Powders containing Calomel, kr, at this time of the year, the re - If you require a dose ' us q 30 1t y be s er y A' MODERN MIRACLE. In a recent letter from W. I,1, Dawson, of Deloraino, Ont.. he states that he has re covered from the worst form of dyspepsia, after suffering for fifteen yoare; and when a council of doctors pronounced him incur- able he tried Burdock Blood' Bitters, six bot- tles of which restored his health. Monday's games-Detroits 11, %unsex citys 4; Pniladelpbias 6, New York 8 ; Bos- ton's 11, Nationals 12; Chlcagos 7, St. Louis 3., Captain Isaiah Rynder's bad an attack of paralysis: tried NeW York's best physicians, got n0 relief nutit 110 obtained Giles' Iodide Ammonia Liniment, which, to his unspeak- able joy, cured hitn. Captain Ryuders will give any information desired. Resides 310 West 238d st., New York, Sold by 0. Lutz, Central Drug Store. SHILOHI'S VITALIZER, is what you :toed re- sult stent how many are coming along in seardll of dyspepsia. Wm. Lewis, of Crediton, has been appointed cleric of the eleventh Di• vision Court of the County of Huron; R. 0. Hayes, of Goclerioh, as a Notary Public, for the Province of Out. Geroniou continues his crusade against the American people. A. few days ago he and his baud killed rt t -h1iv b t there are several millions more staorline between him and complete victory. At the Salvation Army meeting in the Temple, Toronto, Thursday night, some of ti:e women convertstore the feathers from their hats and threw, that'll away, Some of the men also pitched their pipes and tobacco away. The greatest exoitemeat prevailed. Mr. Fowal'd, Inspector of Lunatic Asylum in Quebec„ in, his annual report on Longue Pointe Asylum, strongly condemns the further con- tinuance of the contract system of oaring for ivaane patients, and urges the Quebec Government to abolish it and take the lunatic asylums under it own control. Wru. O'Neal, of ltidgetown, wont into a room below .Moody's roller mills on Friday evening last to grind apair of shears. He was found dead the following morning, terribly mangled by a shaft, having been naught by the belt when coupling it from the main shaft to the grind- stone. Ottawahas another sensation. Matthew Molvtahon, of Asbburnharn, went out walking with a young lady, and after parting with her to go dome he met a tall woman with her face concealed in a cloak, wbo threw oil of vitriol in his face and fled. At a later hour an attempt was made to throw the liquid on the young lady with whom MoMahon bad been walk- ing, but its was unsuccessful The only vitriol throwing to whiob Ottawa is accustomed is that which 000urs across the house of commons, and this outside use of the corrosive has caused considerable alarm. , Interesting items. Skeleton. Tnonre, Tenn., Dee. 29, 1884. -Warner's safe cure restored me to perfect health, from anemaciatedcondition caused by chronic of the Bowels' -A remedy-, which has been tested and proved in a thousand diiferenit. ways, capable of eradiontirug poisonous taints from ulcorsatid healing them up, merits a nett of its capacity for extracting the intern- al corruptions ;Nom the bowcis. On rubbing Holloway's Ointment repeatedly 00 tho ab- domen,a rash appears, and as it thickens the atm() irritability subsides. Acting as, a derivative., this ungaout draws to the surface, releases the tender intestines from all acid matters, and prevents inflammation, dysen- try, , and ilea for which blistering old-fashioned, though successful was the treatment, now from its painful,lness falien into disuse, the discovery of this Ointment having pro- olaimecl a remedy possessiug equally deriva- tive, yet perfectly painless, powers, The retail price of bread in Toronto• has been raised to llo per largo loaf and 0o per small loaf, THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We gnar- antee it. Sold by J. W. Browning. Hazleton bas a baseball club called the Mugwump. Nine kickers ought to be able to kll for n mnir snake it interestiug fo _ e, Rev. J. G. Fallis, Dutton, certifies : "For some years my wife has been troubled with dyspepsia, and has tried one thing after an- other recommended with but little or no effect till advised to give MoGregor's Speedy Cure a tidal. Since taking the firstbottle I have no- ticed a decided improvement; and can with confidence recommend into be one of, if, not the best medicine extant for Dyspepsia. This invaluable medicine for Liver Complaint, In- digestion, Kidney Complaint, is purely vege. table. Sold at L W, Browning's Drug Store. Trial bottles given free. 2 ONE DOLLAR AGAINST FIVE HUN- DRED. Isaac Brown, of Bothwell, Ont„ was afflict- ed with chronic humor in the blood. He says ono dollar bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters was worth more tban 1500.00 paid for other medicines. it is a reliable blood purifier. CATARRH CURED, health and. Swee breath secured, by Shiloh's Catatrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by J, W. Browning. Robert Harding, Assistant -Postmaster of Cleveland, 'Obio,.committed suicide Monday .morning. "Blood will 'tell" A face adorned with Pimples, Boils, Blotches, sec., is not a partic- ularly pleasant sight, anrl,invariably betokens au impure state of the Blood. Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters free the system from all gross humors, renders the Blond Pure and Cool, aids digestion and gives a healthy ap. petite. For sale by all druggists in large bottles at 50 cents: Lieut -Colonel C. E. Panet, Deputy Minis- ter of Militia, has been promoted to the rank of full Colonel in the militia of: Canada, in re- cognition of his long services. Scott's Emulsion of. Pure. Cod Liver Oil, with Ifypophosphites, Possesses the remedial power of these two 'valuable specifics in their fullest degree. Is prepared in a palatable form, easily tolerated diarrhoea. Had it twenty years and was by the stomach, : and for delicate;. slokiy reduced to a mere skeleton. I am well. children, Emaciation, .Consnmpton and all h 120. -JOHN L. GORMAN, p un weig impoverished conditions of the blood is The Empress of Austria is suffering with j' equalled by any other ren tedy. ophthalmia. I At Lincoln, I11., Chas. Doane, a farmer, shot and killed bis brother Tuesday evening, and then enicided. A family quarrel. A. CAR ID. The discovery of the instantaneous process of taking photographs has been quickly fol lowed in, the medical world by a perfect and instantaneous remedy for all acute aches and pains, as Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism, etc. This valuable remedy is called Fluid Lightning. and is sold at 25 coats a bottle by J. W. Browning, druggist. 2 WILL YOU STJFFER with Dyspepsia and Livor Complaint ?- Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed tocure you. For sale by J. W Browning , • , McGregor et Parke's Carbolic Cerate is in. valuable for Wounds, Sores, Salt Rheum Cuts, Berns, Scalds and Festers, as a shoal- ing and purifying dressing. Do not be im- posed on with other. useless preparations, recommended to be as good. Use only Mc- Gregor & Parke's Cerate. Sold by J., W. Browning. 2 Subscriptions received from America by the National League daring thelpast fortnight toward the Parliamentary fund amount to 060,000. A SEVERE TRIAL. Those who endure the torturing pangs of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, and similar painful complaints are severely tried, but there is a speedy relief in Hag - yard's Yellow Oil as thousands who "have used it joyfully testify. It banishes pain and lameness quickly, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by J. W. Browning. A DOUBLE BENEFIT. Harry Ricardo, of Toronto, certifies to the benefitareceived from the nae of Hagyard'e I Yellow Oil as a cure for rheumatism and Breeder of - I TvOCIiS BLACK JAVAS 1 troubles being a severe one. BR.O - L-GHORNS To allwhoare aut%eriugfrona the errors a indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of lanhood, &:c, I will send a reoeipethnt will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy. was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send a self-ad- dressed envelope to i8Ev. Te nni T. I'rnt&w Sietionn, New Yorke CO LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE' Ii Y. GOING NORTn. 'Express Mail Freight London_depart 7 55 Aar 4 50P. er. 6 05 Aar,. Exeter...., ...9 18' 0 08 9 35` Hensall,.. ,.... 9 24 ., 6 23 10 K ppeu..... .........9 29 6 29 10 Brucefteld 9 36 6 88 10 25 Clinton ... 0 55 7 05 11 80 Londosboro 10 11 7' 28 12 00 Rival...... 10 20 7 32 32 00 P 3t Beigrave .,10 35 7 47 12 50 Winghani arrive 10 50 8 05 1 20 Gone Setna, Express ;!Lail. Freight. Win'1ham,depart 7 20 der 3 10 p.m. 20;Aou Belgrave.....,...... 7 38 3:30 11 23 Blyth 7 54 3 46 11 47 Loudtsbolo .. .,:8 02 3 55 12 00 Witten 8 25 4 16. , 12 45 Brueefield ., ...: 8 42 4 35 1 10 Klippen 8 51 1 43 1 25 Rent all 8 58 4 48 1 40 Exeter. 9 13 50 2 35 London arris e....10 30 0 00 5 30 EXETER POULTRY YAFIDS W. G. BISSETT, enol HOUDAN � c deafness, his affliction with these combined-( PLY�IOUl I + Harold -Papa, when I grow up, can I get married ? Papa -My son, do not let us an- ticipate theworse. . To break up a cold or cough or its ill re- ( sults there is no better remedy than Hag- ' ag-t, yard's Pectoral Balsam. CROUP, WHOIOPING COUGH and Bron otitis immediately relieved by bhiloh's Cnre Sold by .1. W Erownine. NO. 1YARD-P.Roc1 s; Cockerel, score 981; 4 Rens, average adore 92. Eggs 52.60 per set- ting, N0,2 YARD -P. Rocks; Cockerel, score 01; 4 Pullets, average score 90; Eggs 51,50 per setting, NO.3 YARD -13, Leghorns, C,ekerel. score 93; 8 Pullets, average score 92; l8ggs 51 per set- ting. N0, 4 YARD-Houdans, Eggs 51 per setting; a'vi and Those birds wore all ecorecl by Ur. J i s WW1 a good slime of prizes at rho Exeter Poultry Show, t 'Orto trio I'. Rocks for Salo, al of physic, take : Dr. Carson s Stomach ape foforCaustipati n, Loss of Appetite, Dizzi- Const1pn tical Batters it nota gently on the' floss, and tell aymptotiiec# Dyspepsia. Price. 13otvels piirfica tho Blood, improves the air. 10 sad 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. `t1', and speedily euros Biliousness, headache) pensee i S COU(rH and Ceme mptio Inch ostion. Search the Drug Cure is sola by tie on a guarantee. It cared Dyspepsra, g f Canada to the other, Consumption. sold by d. W. Browning. Stores frets ttotonafind C a remedy equal, to 11. I+or Dyspepsia and Divot Complaint, yon gaol yeti en 'Cryit And tiro it in your fttimilies> Sold have n printed guarantee on Query bottle of °veiyeliere be largo bottles et 50 Bents, �i.:r i.in v,+aura,• It never fails to cure cul0ti0i1, atiinnlatea tiie Liver tend Kidneys, Boosening u MAC:K A. The Most Delightful. SUMMER TOUR Palaco Stoainors. Low Pates. Pour Tripe per Week iSotwoon DETROIT AND. MACKIN'AC And Evory 'Weak Slay' ?#etWoon i AND CLEVELAND DETROIT T Write for our iC + �f t iriii3'Oeijne fVlaokinac, 1lluslNateil Nont:cina >:'u11 Partioularb. 5ranocI b'ref:. DO.e ft fit Otevoland steam Nati. CO. riirr,oivlehrttriv; PnstriAat.. ,Sest 't' IVIi Kl. IMPORTANT TO OWNERS Oti STooKi .T'Tlij' GITY QUO GTLT;S' LinimentiodicloAmmonia 110.0. 141 Unsightly'lluu:nes, Gores Lazne floss ire Cattle, Spinal Meeingit'a, Found- er, er, Weak Limbs, Sprung Knees, Speer - in, Ringbone, Quitter, Windgalls stable No tabl shouldbe without it Railroad, lah as t Minin�and Ex r•essCompanies all use Giles' Linilnont,audin the grat raping stables of Belmont and Lorillard it has aobieved wend- ders, Ono trial will convince. Write DR. GI'LL'S, Box 3188,N.Y,P. 0., who will, witlio ut 011art,;0, give e,dviee omen diseases and also on the management of cattle. Bonney all druggists at 50e, and 51,00 bottle and in quarts at $2,50, in which thorn is great saving, The Liniment in white wrappers is for family use; that in yellow for. cattle. GILES' IODII)P1 AMahLONIA- HORSE AND OATTLE POWDER@, Used by all rue leading horsemen on Jerome Park, Fleetwood, Beaoh, Shoepsbead Bay and Run'selead Never elssaeo int are Tomo, terativo and Diuretio, Destroy Worms', uArle. Indigestion, Colie,13ots, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pink -eye and Rheumatiam. The dose is small and the power is great. The Powders are Guaranteed and Purchasers Failing to Obtain a Cure Money Refunded. Sold by all druggists at 25 cts. per box. C. LUTZ, Agent, EXETER,ONT. JOT 3R,AWsr, UNDEITAKER, & CABINS t-1 ban, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete • Stock . of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISFED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. rR GIVE ME A. CALL. SALTI SALT! saxlr 'ICBM ',METE'c, Said Works C:pany Rave for sale TEEN HUNDRED TONS of SALT suitable for Agricultural and Domestic purposes, whielithey:offer A t Lowest Market Prices. A call respectfully so- licited, Apply to 'V. 13. CARLING, Secretary. -WE--- ANNOUNC E ARRIVAL OF- -New Dress Goods- Albatros Cloths;: All Wool Ottomans, All Wool Nun's Cloth, Prints, Sateens, Cotton Crapes, D broiderie' ' h s rn 1 am n G e, g Oriental Laces, Valentine Laces, Torchon Laces, Dentine Laces, T W F TT;_ I) S. Scotch Tweeds, Scotch Pantings, l]tiglish Worsteds, Irish Sages, Canada Tweeds,' Colionades, WALT, - PAPERS, Now Groceries, New Field end Garden Seeds, Call and inspect for yourself, you will not be importuned to bats'. S��nw�U Pcl�arc OIL WOKS P .E I S S I At Toronto. Every Buret Guaranteed. This Oil was used cu- ell ni ichinery during tho Exhibition, ' It has been awarded SIX GOLD mEDALS during the hist three years.: r'`Seo that you got Peerless, It i$ only matte by SL aoaras& O, TOlitODITC FOR, SALE 13Y JAS. PICKARD. FDR SPRIG AND UUM ThAE, C. SOUTHCOTT & SON Have roeeutry received a choice assortment of worstede o s! S oteh and Canadian Tweeds in Plaid FOR SUITING. ALSO A. VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF Panting in Stripes &Checks. Work made up in the LATEST STYLES and a Sure Fit Guaranteed. GIVE ITS A CALL. 0..SOVTEYCOTT crat BON, Tho Exeter Clothiers. RENOWNED REMEDIES `HOLLOWAYS PFLLS&OIPITMENT` THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all,iDisorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and• are invaluable in k, Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are prioelr 4, THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and 111:ers. It famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF TEE CHEST 13' I3AS NO 1CQT7AL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Glandelar Swellings, and all skin diseta it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it aetslike a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOMAS Hoteowne's Establislemeat, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET Late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at 1s. lid., 2s. 9d 4s. Gd., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity ofQthe• is lid, size ; the 4s. 66. size six ; the 11s, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the. 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Fell printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hag in any language - LW" Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not. 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WiLITAIANI DREW Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.. I have Just received a Car Load oflNew Stylish Furniture and I am SM E DING- .151.-'T" COST For the next SIXTY DAYS. It will be to your advantage to call on me before going elsewhere. REMEMBER THE PLACE, ONE DOOR NORTH OF MOLSONS BANH.. 'WILLIAM DREW'. Eatster Post Office Time Table. MAIDS Kirkton , Woodham Winchelsea and',Ellimville Sout3,east and wesi, including tendon, Hamilton, Toronto tfanitoba,Unitod States, uugliall and foreign mails ... .., South, east west &a ... North and east,includiiig Goderich 1Vingham, Kincardine and north, Stvtttoxd, 'Poronte,141ontreal, and Eastern States.,, North east,o ,.. Saropta TtieSdays, Thursdays and. Saturdays ... ARRIVE 00,08G:,.. 4.eop, m, eo Oe aero Monttesl, 10.15a „an, 6.45 p.m. 011 points „ 1C,15a.ni ... 5,8o p.m. 11.000.ni, ... 8 0o u nr 8.15 a.zn 4.15 p. 03 8.15 a. tr 5,80 p. m 10,00a, nr. 1000 nn ONEY ORDERS Issued and paid on and.fronl any Money OrderOiileo in the Dominion of Canada,Great Britaia and Ireland ,British India, Newfound1 Newfoundland, aly,Australia,TewSouth Wails, Tasmania; Nos - 7 eland, TP ranee all Aigcria, the Geima t r r , Sweclon,Norlvay, Deninark, Teemed, Be gbnx tee Nethrtaeds,Switzerland, Austria-IIungety, nounienia, United States, Jamaica and Baa bases, POSTOI'F[UE SAIrINGSBA•NK. �; � • coved at this office from , 1 to r ' Lepositswiliboio„300: Dop<s1to1•s obtaining filo nese imager-48000ral's special permission den. dopoait'54000, Depositaou Saviuga Bonk acc0011(w delved froin 0 a,ln, to 4 p, ni. Interest at 4 poi cont. per annumwill be allowed on o 11 dtpgsit^ a.in,to7 m Office br`f1om730 Oific lies p. Lettortintendod forrogistratien 1313184 be pootcd15Ininutosbetorethe elosiug of each mail 5,--tt Et ...articular. request thattbo senders of matter: will kindly edit the rf N 13, Y411 smog it no y t addresses, S the oa,int�os 60`tlJe it a , ,n U,30111 -T$, Peel:tis*