HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-6, Page 4TRE0 EXETER TIMES,
Is published every Thursday niorning,a the
1liaiu-sbieet, ncu,4y^ oppositek itton's Jeweler),
Store, Exeter, Ont„byMini White aG Sou, Pro-
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THUSRDAy, MAY 6th, 1886.
213E Sls'A SO \`.
Vegetation in these parts shows as
adv:enosd A growth at the present
time as is frequently seen three weeks
later ou. The trees are. all ou`a in
leaf, and the cherry and other fruits
are in blossom, and grass is more
than sufficiently developed for stook
to live without being fed in the hause.
Just here might be said something
oornoerning the Council causing
• cattle to be housed uu.till May 15th. a
E. positor, as 111r. Oetuorou's offic
organ, and oleim.e that honor itee
We aro iuc;Ined to think that t
Godericih Deform orgau has saeriao
all good graces for. Mr, Cumorou
order to keep him well in the eyes
of lne constituents,
ial ollised woineu woeavail thotnsslves of
if, their cighta, will ',be a most powerful
he consideration either for or againet the
ed proposal, Any lack of interest shawl
in in either decurinit or exerolsiug the
of eufferage wbiell is theirs by law, will
tell strongly against female etifrtul
ehiseolont.: Evenifit is not valued
d ; in municipal affairs, it will be taken
li advening° of iu political waiters -
0$ the 27th April a severe blizze
prevailed in Dakota, A despat
says ; There is now ou the grou
1 from two to three Welles denim +s
it continues to fall with no hopes
an early abatement, The snow 11
'drifted a little in some planes, but li
enough to impede travel in any ma
nor; No farm teams are in tow
hence business is at a standstill,
cent illness, Sir Hector Langevin le
H us
Howie of Commons, and gas
ample proof of his capacity to direr,
and control a deliberative assembly
Courteous but firm; prompt len
direct in action; without any circum
loouthou or ambiguity of intention
clear and distinot iu statement; thor
otighly iihformed on whatever eubjeo
was before the House, he inspired hi
followers with oou idenoe and coni
palled his opponents to respect hi
nd A GREAT deal has been end in the
of House this session regarding the
as superior position or the Australian
of Feolonies over Oauada. Such com-
a pariaons have been made only by
n, members of the Oppositiou, and
would have been unpatriotic had they
been well founded; but they are corn-
.epietely upset by a fair analysis of the
d' fade. In nearly every respect
e ada stands head and shoulders
t her antipodean riyals. Our taxa
, many times lighter and our horde
d debt is not to be o.mpared with th
An official paper, just to baud, re
I thus to the financial position of
`, ueusANus or reeves sutler iu dltout pa'
tion from diseases of the bladder. If
there Is anything more distressing among
chronic diseases, medical titeratuio has not
yet revealed it. A newspaper is uo pleas to
wbioh to deecrtbe the particulars of this
agony. Eery viotisr knows it for himself, '
but every victim sloes not know what thou-
sauds have testified to; that when all other
remedies fail, they have boon restored to
health by uiceans of Wainer's safe cure.
This great specific curroote the action. of the
kidneys, drives the oris acid irritant from
the blood, reduces the eo{lgostioil, and after
a thorough course of4.i
ou ala t t t o n
ga nlen the f salon
of mucus ceases, the alastioity of the }bladder l 1- . Ws
returns and health and happi;iess are regain-
IT ,
To think my gun went off af-
ter taling such straight aim
,, and
leave those birds sitting there
Why I could scarcely believe mn
own eyes, but there they are
find this tingling pain in mm
wt, Shoulder, it convinces me. ,So
How Lost, How Restore d
over Wehave recently nubllshod a new edition
SA.Xonthe radical andpermauont ouzo (with-
n of out mea icinelofNorvousDebfltty,r,i•enta1and
ei e, physical capacity-11134106i=euts to Marriage,
etc„rosuitiug iroui excesses.
fens Prioe,in sealedenvelope,ouly 3 cents, ortwo
poetaPe stamps.
New Theeolebratcd authoroftllis admirable es
sayeteari' demonstrates from y m thirty years
ate'successful praotioe,that ataraliug oonseuen-
mbly, cesnlayberadioallyouredwithonttllodang-
crone use of internal medicines or the use of
y of the knife; ci'. :ru4a mode of cure atones
Elle simple eeatain calci effectual, byy means of
which every sufferer,ua matter wbathis oou-
Orlr• ditionmay be,mayy ourehfmself ob�aply, pri
flail vatelvandradioally.
i Thi lectureshouldbeinthe hands of ev..
pos.. eryyouthandeverymanintheland,
South Wales:—"Ip his finanial st
t nient in the Legislative Asea.
the Premier announces a polio
retrenchment and economy,
estimates of expenditure for the
rent year being reduced by more t
£500,000, Fresh taxation is pro
led in the swipe of a tax of id. in the
pound ou unimproved land exceeding
81,000 in value, and of 4d. in the
pound on incomes exceeding 48
In addition to the present ape
duties, new duties to the extent o
per cent. ad valorem ate to be impo
on the articles on the present f
list, and additional stamp duties
to be levied. The new taxation
expected to yield upwards of £1,0
000 per annum. 13y this means
removal of the deficit is espec
within two years. The ordiva
expenditure is brought within
income. The Premier stated th
the Government would abstain fro
fresh borrowiug until the. end of t
year." When to this statement is add
the fact that in South Australia, t
present harvest returns show
average of only 2i bushels of grain
the acre sown, Canada has no reaeon
to fear fair comparisons.
Box. EDWAI;n BLAKE was banqueted
by his party at Ottawa on Saturday
evening last. Ib goes without saying
that the beneficiary, so to speak,
made an eloquent and pleasing
speech. But unfortunately for him
and his party, it also giber without
saying that not a word of it indicates
that the leader of the opposition has
yet grasped the situation or shown
ny inkling of what is really demand -
This is `very wrong nt this season, j e
and the Council should have repealed
the bylaw, and allowed miloh cows
to run on and after I%Iay 1st, if at
any time during the eummer, as the
grass is sufficiently grown to warrant g
good grazing for months to come. p
This 15th of May by-law was passed
some three years ago, when the
spring was backward, and yegetation
slow, and we think that when the
season warrants the date should be
made earlier. Seeding is in many
places through, and preparations are
being perfected for planting potatoes,
mangels and other roots. Farmers
say the land has been in good condi-
tion throughout, and a more favor-
able seeding time farmers have never
had. Stook looks fine, and a few
weeks grass will ,still more improve
them. Sheep have done welI,and have
been prolific of a heathy crop of
Iambs. Milch cows have also been re-
portedin a healthy breeding state, at -
d in the way of a policy in order to
ppose Conservatism eucoesefully, The
rit goverument, is to be everything
which the Conservatives aro not. That
the sum and substance of the pro -
ram mapped out. The opposition
olioy is simply one of the negatives
nd criticism.
Tea iteform orgau of Godericb
stylus the Rev. Mr. Andrews, a mis-
sionary in the North-west, as being a
Conservative. Our ootem is estray
in this respect, unless the clergyman
has changed his views of late. When
we knew him, and were well acquaint-
ed, too, he was a devoted Grit. If
he'has changed his views with riper
years, there is yet hope for the editor
of the Signal, for "while the lamp
holds out to burn, the vilest sinner
(in this respect) may return.” The
letter to the Guardian by this rev.
gentleman, from which the Signal
es an extract, was never intended
an attack on the Government, as
(totem would have its readers to
though early calves were scarce; awell-' as
fed calf brought a good price, it being our
believe, but merely to illustrate the
way in which the Indians are treated
by the unprhnoipalled white settlers in
the oountry.
knowu of one which was purchased
for $15. This, an exceptionally well-
fed calf, was converted into veal, but
which, we imagine, would not recover
price paid. Good horses, at present,
are in keen demand for foreign
markets, and sales area daily being
made in this district. The fall wheat
in this vicinity never looked more
promising, and has attained a very
heavy growth. Some of the early
sown spring grain is peeping above
the ground, but nothing can definitely
be said regarding its prospects, as a
severe frost might at any time deter
its advancement. On a whole we
have had a glorious spring, the Eke
of which cannot be remembered by
the "old-timers.”
Tem Premier's health continues
improve, although, acting under th
advioe of bis physician, he does u
spend much of his time In the Hone
IT is stated that Mr. Gladstone ha
decided to accede to the Radical de
mend that the home rule measur
shall be so modified as not to exolud
Irish representatives from Wesemin
The Goderioh Signal man mus
have been using some of this oleomar
garine, and he thinks so much of it
that in nearly every issue he trees the
word' to a great extent as an illustra
tion, in some way, of . tho Govern -
anent. —`
IT is to be hoped that the manage
ment of the Tory model farme will
not be given to any of the Indian farm
instructors.-Refot•ln Exchange. It
would be quite impossible to misman•
age them any worse than the Ontario
model farm.
THE provincial eleetione iu New
Brunswick last t week, were not ran
on Dominion issues. Judged by toe
position the successful candidates
bays taken in Dominion politics, the
new House of Aesembly is composed
of twenty-three Liberal•Coneervatfveg
and eighteen Reformers,
THE Argus sayq Moore's foundry,
St, Marys, is running full time. We
wonder at that journal malting men-
tion of the fact. It says nothing of
the N. P. in connection, but when,
this same foundry some months ago
was running on short time, our co -
tem. did not fail to blame it on the
National Polley.
Tun Cxodhr:ch Signal is cheeti
the Mail for alluding to the Seaforth
ei J..
CONeIDER4BLE interest attaches to
theresultsattained by American and
foreign scientists in their attempts
to aseertaiu, by careful and prolonged
observations, the daily increase of the
earth's mass from the falling upon it
of meteors and cosmioal dust. Briefly
these observations indicate that about
450,000 meteors fall upon the surface
of the whole earth every hour, the
average weight of these bodies being
about five grains each, the total
representing nearly 5,000 pounds
per hoar, or a fraction short of 60
tons evey 24 hours. It is remarked
that such an amount of material fall
ing thus daily is certainly no small onl
increase to the earth's mass, and for
this increase the earth's attraction is
considered responsible to the extent
of 20 per cent.; the balance of 80 per
cent., it is alleged, would be increased
each hour by a globe the size of the
earth, even if it had no attraction,
00. I Post Moe Box qac 41 ANN Sr., NEWYOR 3,
f 5( 1 ,---i
sed I '� Q .1..4
to l
At 12 o'clock Thursday night the I
large three -masted scow sehoonei 1
Grace Amelia, which has been lying
all winter a short distance below
Windsor, was discovered on fire.
Tbo fire started in the cabin, and as
the vessel lay with her head • up the
river, the strong wind from the East
prevented the flames from spreading
to the forward part. The Windsor
fire engines arrived shortly after the
alarm was sounded, but lhad some
difficulty in . reaching the vessel,
hioh was moored some • distance
rom the shore. Finally a small boat
as secured and the hose carried on
oard. The fire was soon got under
-ntrol, but not until the vessel was
amaged to the exteut of about
1,000. The Grace. Amelia registers
99 tons, burden, hails froth Pt, Bur -
ell, and is owned by Ma Bride. She
as built in 1876. Last year she
t•cI U2
t --I
•a A
Q2 El
ryryCa F-94 � • 1�-t
p-1 cp
rd CI)
0 A cc9 6.1
0 >'a
principally to carryties, end wasN ,1... -n
handled by Detroiparties. It is
supposed . that she was fired by0 Q) CLQ
tramps. as no authorized person has 0 0
been aboard of her since last summer. Eat
She is lying at the same plass where Ca 5
'� W
the barge Pratt was burned last fall. Pi
Blood Will Tejl,
CINOINNATTI, Ohio, Nov. 17,1885.--Iu C CD
April, 1881, my daughter wa1 taken sickFJ -ta
with symptoms. She grew O
cia M
1—'1 c41r-1
COURT o> REVISIONS for Township
of Stephen, Village of Exeter, and
Township of Usborne, will be held
25th, 261h, and 29th May,respective-
ly, at the Council Chambers of each
municipality. Any persons, whose
names are left off the roll, should ap-
ply at the revision of their municipal-
ity, and have their names put on.
According to the Assessment Aot of
1885, a new 01ase of voters have
been added to the roll, that of wage-
earners ; qualification of such voters,
is, that they have derived, and earned
wages and income from their trade,
occupation, palling, office or profes-
sion, of not less than $250, including
board and lodgings, and have lived
in the place twelve months. If there
are any who can in this way qualify,
appeal at your Court of Revision.
Women, too, who desire the franchise
which they already possess in munici-
pal mattere, to be extended io the poi•
itical sphere, must chow themselves
vigilent in availing themselves of the
powers they now have. Donbtlese,
many who have the requisite qualifi-
cations to vote, have been inadvert-
ently left off, and if they apply at
the Court of Revision of their muni-
cipality, an opportunity will be af.
forded the ladies by the judge, for
special hearing of their claims. It is
to be hoped that this iaet occasion of
getting on the roll for this year, will
be generally taken advantage of,
When the question of the extension
of the franchise to women, comes up
in Parliament or the Legislature, the
complication of e
se under the best medical treatment.
y lap e, grew
r apidlym improvement.
at thi time,
had palpitation of the heart, intense pain in
the head, nervous dyspepsia, and physicians
said, catarrh of the bladder. She fell away
from 135 pounds to less than eighty. Began
to nee Warner's safe cure and Warner's safe
Pills, tojetber with Warner's tufo Nervine.
In ten days she was much better, and in
100 days after she gained fifty pounds in
weight, and was restored to good health. --
H. 'THOI$NTON, room 9, Johnson
CURE Fol? Effervescent Seltzer
CONSTIPATION, an elegant efficacious,
pleasant aperient in the
R ft q,p form of a powder, pro-
_ duoing when dissolved
in water an eahiliratir g.
Effervescing, Draught,
� SE L TZ C R recommended byour
�'• ` a+, b 1st Physicians as a re-
,o ��a° liable and agreeable
FIR1 �,� remedy. It cures Con.
�� etipation, cures Indigeg-
tion, cures Dyspepsia,
sick -Headache, curesPiles, re curekBeard.
burn, cures Sick -Bead.
AND a ache, cures Liver Com-
plaint, aures Sick Stone -
Dy S P E P S IA cab and gently urges alh
• the [Excretory organs to
should be found in every proper hold Land`
ried by every traveler. Sold by druggists ay.
.. gym,
1I S
When 1 day cure 1 do not morin 115111y to atop Melt for a
time and then have them return again. 1.mean n radical
cure. i' have rondo the d!Kana of I iT$ 5i'ir 'iii sy orin tLta
!NG Src1iNEssa Ilre.]onti study, i warrant my remedy
to cure the worst canes, ileo unle othors have fulled le tto
',reason for not now readlVing a euro. Send at once foo a
Irenlldo and a Prue nettle of tar Infallible remedy. elvo
Examen and Post Office, it 009513,60 hotting for a trial,
and 1. will aura roil d,ldresd DR. n, G. 1te01',
Branch OMCs, 37 Yugo St,, Toronto,
33ZP ®"•
3^z. �o intro•
dueo thorn
Jwe will GIVE AWAit 1,000 Self -Operat-
ing Washing Machines, If you want
ono send us our name, P. 0, and express office
a once THrtl NATIONAL all,, 21 Day street,
fhero nponttivoremalytor tho Akovecsheens �v1
thoneande of ranee or the worst kind 0hd d' i150
tin oh
n stn
boon eared, g ndlh
1rwnd f, Or unusual tp ;lit e, tdenthet
with er
taldacq that!' wig '
with..aiurnl A1180 i8 thi Fftt;E',td eAny
VA 1 e et r t al ATfelt atl t1i16 'iltgnuab` lb` day
nolferer ftl.a etprrns and P. O d,(rMa
ul[ 7 ar:octrr an
an ` tta1101;t Ofiie, 37 Magas st,, Toronto Se
,..>�� ,' % • you w ll find a number' of eo
� [ p Pl
1 // t, A who don't like to r.
6 . Il a l-/ _ t believe ever
� ' w ' ' 'lain (much less �t
g ( a funny ad
s instal), 1allt if they will visit our store they will have
i convincing proof that we have got the goods w advertise
Surelyyou can scarcely disbelieve g �
y aveyour own es.
come and
see ,
a lot of
fie ' ',,� o 1i s in this Week.
beautiful '�°a.oto,.. Law iia Create 'ale
Blue, Lemon, Beige, ►coffee, Navy,
and Black.
In great variety. Fifteen patterns to solea from.
An immense assortment of LIGHT GROUND PRINTS—
all the new colorings and prettier goods than ever shown
Parasols, Gloves, &c., &c., at RANTON BROS.
All the ladies come and see them. Remember Miss
Wood makes up, cuts and fits Dresses, Mantles, &o, whether
bought from us or not.
0 GENTLEMEN --We are showing some extra tart goods in
tilt 'Fine Pantings, Worsteds, and Scotch Check Suitings, also
a select stock of Gents' Ties and Scarfs, Great value iu
White Shirts. No trouble to show Goods at
0“ne C,a,se American Gingham ,
was Just moceivec1
`t Scotch Cinghams,
Direct from Boston.
Canadian Ginghams,
Beautiful Goods.
niture Manu fa
Furniture, Coffins,
everything in the above line,
immediate wants.
J' ur curers
And evne, to meet
We have one of the very best
Hearses in the County,
And t' acterals furnished and conducted at
extremely e el low 1'
y P
can learn the exact cost
of any'proposed line of
p P
advertising in American
papers by addressing
Geo. P.
Rowell & Co
Very Fine.
Prints, Muslins, Ski ngs, 8cc.
Corr' f Tete in All Departments, No Trouble to show Goods.
I[t"RL�AI t
Pure Drugs , Family Receipts Carefully Compounded
Thefollowing lines, which will be sold at
Closest Possible Cash Figures:
20 tons Cut and Steel Nail _American
40 tons Lind ' Can Pattern,
emalflBlacksmithCoal (will be sold Chea
for Cash or on Short Dates,) p
10 tons Buckthorns and Barb -Wire Fencing
100 boxes Glass,
5 tons White Lead,
5 bbls. each Raw r,6 Boiled Oil,
3 bbls. Turpentine,
10 bbls. Machine Oils,
Also a car' load of Locks, Binges, Butts,
and. general Shelf Hardware.
Fall retook of Stoves & Tinware Cheap for Cash,
k Jt►.
Zd+6'�' E T c xXVC1 Pt r.I,j,X yp r 1
Y 1,Fw/ .l ���OYe4 Mt,i.tli'�av M.{ � �IW". �M1�1`��,iY
blewspoper Advertising Buratto, T
!O Berlins St., New York.13
Send 10cts. for 1001rirrgo ridrrlpliibk