HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-06-26, Page 14ZA, 1!IsTEWS,104,CORDI fiillak$P1+71, JVNA 20,1975 (Intended for last Nitee1C) The S tiPTICial statement Mrs. Kenneth Seott, , WIVIS F'ranceS . Clark. , icultUral .SOCISY Presided' fol'I " by f.1, Johnson, was given by the town hall last Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. minutes were read by the After the closing )ymn and secretary, Mrs. Beth Lansing prayer lunch° was served by and approved. Mrs,Raithby. A card of thanks, was read • from 1Vhi. Albert McFarlane. SOCIAL NEWS. The Auburn letters will be '' • plastered and painted by Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines Robert Turner- and Mr. Wilfred attended the Rae family Collinson. reunion at Fergusiast Sunday. A telephone coMmittee was We are- sorry to report that. named James Towe, Mrs.' Mrs. Maitland Allen is again a Catherine Jackson and Mr. patient in Clinton Hospital Prances Clark. Plans were following a fall at her home last made for the next open meeting ' Sunday. to be held on July 7 when Mrs. Postmaster ,and Mrs.Ken- A. Barnett of Goderich will be meth Scott and the staff guest speaker and will show - f the Auburn Post Office en- floral slides taken in various tertained Mr. and Mrs. Major places. Voungblut at the Scott home The committee in charge of last Saturday evening. lunch will be Mrs. Frances Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Powell Clark, Mrs. Thomas Jardin,,, ¢1 liven by the treasurer, Mrs. resident of the Auburn Hop. ttidY, Response to China the exectitive Meeting heTO The Auburn. group of. the Women's MissieparY Society of the Presbyterian Church held their June meeting at the home ofMrs. Prank Raithby. President Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson gave the call to worship, Shemelcomed all and the devotional period was taken by Mrs., Frances Clark, Scripture lesson was from Corinthians and meditation followed. Roll caltrwas answered by a B• ible verse with the word `Blessnig' in it. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Miss Minnie Wagner. Business was discussed and plans wereinade to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Frances Clark on July 9. ld in 'visited last wee Ison Wayne at Thorold over the Celia Taylor and Mrs. Russel xt ded to Mr Laura Phillips and Mrs. Manager named for SOTA ,t4 weekend. Brindley. kend with their Mrs Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. "The Little Match Girl" is the theme of a balIet recital next week, June at the Clinton Public school. The students of Mrs, Zablocki ;of Clinton were busy rehearsing last week. Pictured in 111. of the acts are Angela Alcock, Karen McKale, Jane Snell, Cheryl Beane, Pam Alcock, Lori i)ylotioa, Susan McKay, Kathy Falconer, Susan Pinkney, Leslie Swartman, and Wendy Bell. (Newsltecord photo) • Sympathy is e en Th and Mrs. Elliott Lapp on the e xecutiye decided to Eleanor Bradnock entertained nieat itt Newt • toi0frit NComplaints about the quality of meat being sold in Huron County are no more common thdn people com- plaining about dog dirt on the lawn," according to James IVIcCaul, Huron County's Chief Public Health Inspector. "We get calls ..,311 the time from people complaining about the colour of meat or that a piece of meat was sliced too thick," he -said, "but none of the complaints have borne out on misbranded meat." An on-going Pace Com- mission inquiry in Montreal on organized crime's involvement in tainted meat, has discovered that more than 16 million pounds of federallY-inspected horsemeat was used in smite" beef products that were sold in -Ontario: However, Mr. McCaul said the problem of tainted meat in Huron is non-existent, becatise the, County is located s6 far west of the. Ontario - Quebec border. "There are a lot of people in the slaughterhol.ise business in this area, especially around Kitchener," he said. "We know I k lunch t0'1 nch being Mrs. George Beatty of Varna to The Board of Directors of the Industry and Tourism formed where their supplies come sudden death of her father, change lunch plans from a pot- st Wednesday on the Southwestern Ontario Travel 12 travel associations from, so we know they're not ut the rovince in 1974, dealing in bad meat." ' Mrs. Lela Ball; Clinton, Mr. supplied by the c mmittee in a inner WilliamWood. and Mrs. Bert Allen and charge. The comtnittee will occasion her birthday. -Mrs. Association are pleased to Barbara of Agincourt were also be in charge of program. Beatty "w a teacher at U.S.S. announce the appointment of Mr. Morgan was the"Stratford Mr. McCaul has three hea t Saturday evening visitors with It was reported that a silver No: 5 Hallett and these three Mr. W. F. Morgan as manager. representative on the Board of inspectors working under him Mrs. I3eth Lansing. - maple tree had been planted on 10.dies had been pupils of hers. Spence Cummings, the Directors of 'the Southviestern who are responsible for the Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rath- ManChester Garden on May 9th own cattle May also sell' th meat as uninspeeted It the have owned and fed th animals for 60 days or m0 prior to the slaughter, other- wise, the meat has to be stamped 'as government al), proved, he said. "We had one guy *he claimed he was selli,ng unln- spected meat. The Meat was really insect til but he thought he could ..,Aconvince hiS, customer that his prices were lower if he told them the meat was uninspected." Mr. McCaul said the Quebec investigation into dealings in tainted meat should deter similar problems with meat from arising in Huron County' and expects the goverment "to put clamps" on the trafficking of meat over the. province's eastern border. President of the association Ontario Travel Association. He regular inspection of the 300 , well, of Parkhill, Mn.rand Mrs. to celebrate ^ the 25th an- KNOX UCW outlined , Mr. Morgan's has many years experience in meat handling establishments Murray Rathwell ad Susan of niversary of the • Auburn - backgroun41 in tourist association management and in Huron County. Provincial London visited last Sunday with. Horticultural Society, two were The genral meeting of the development and promotion. an intimate knowledge of the guidelines set down the rulesof Mrs. Celia Taylor. . planted at the home of Mr. and United Church Women of Several years ago, he was concepts and objectives of how often a place is inspected, Mrs. Aire Redmond of Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, one at Auburn Knox United Church active with the Alberta Tourist regional tourist promotion. which varies from twice a year Godericlr-was a guest last the home of Mr. and Mrs. was held in the Sunday SchOol Council. This included the The Southwestern Ontario to once a month. Sunday with Miss Laura William Berry and Mr. and room on Wednesday evening, administration of a regional Travel Association covers the "School cafeterias and Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Harry Brawley planted June 11, Unit 2 was in charge travel association similar- to the eight counties of Elgin, Essex, hospitals are checked once a Thomas Johnston. two trees. with Mrs. Gordon Gross as Southwestern Ontario Travel Huron, Kent,' Lambron, Mid- month, while small meat of Mr. and. Mrs. -James Mrs. Myrtle Munro and Mrs. Those planting the trees were Pianist. As ociation. 1n1967 Bill Morgan. dlesex, Oxford, and Perth. The dealers are inspected less McMichael oy Clinton, recently Beth Lansing attended last Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby, .The leader, M. Norman moved to' Stratford as the, objective of the association is to frequently," he said. Wednesday a , banquet in manager of the Chamber of co-ordinate the efforts of all " Mr. McCaul added, that Vernon VoMCMichael, the son . , Educatton degree from Commerce. His duties included municipalities, community people who cut meat. before ,rireteived __his Bachelor of Clinton of the Retired. Lansing, Mrs. Donald Haines P WS. Frances Clark, Mrs. Beth Wightman conducted an im- ressive "In Memorium" Althouse College of Education Teachers' of HuronCounty. and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock. service for the minister, Rev. tourist promotion and in- organizations and the private returning it to the owner are Miss Lynn Turner- has ac- Garnet Potter who passed duvvsthrieanl development. to promote and develop exempt from inspection. 19/1 Bachelor of Arts graduate cepted a position on the staff of Clinton visited for a few days before. A few minutes silence bu,tcher their in London. Mr. McMichael is a Miss Carol Rueger of R.R. 1 away suddenly the week Clinton Public Hospital. - ' . in Honours Physical and Health .last week with her sister, Mrs. was observed in his memory. „ Education of the University of • Donald Cartwrig,ht, Mr. Car- The theme of . the worshick„ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ben.nett of Port Albert ;and Jim Bennett twright, . David, Derrick and service was "Giving" Various portions otscripture on the use Miss pf time, talents and money were read by Mrs. Wightman. Meditations on the scripture —portions were given by Mrs. Norman McDowell, Mrs. Ernest Durnin and Mrs. Gerald McDowell. \ ' Quest speaker of the evening - wa'S' Pastor' ' Alfred ' Viy of GodefiCh. He chose as his topic "StewardShip" This was very inspiring and he gave all much foodfor thought. Mrs. Gordon Gross thanked Pastor Fry for his fine talk and presented him with a gift. The offering was received by Mrs. Ted Mills and Mrs. R. Koop- man and dedicated with pray,er. President, Mrs. Gerald ' McDowell presided for the business part of the meeting. The minutes of the executive meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Betty Lansing and approved as read. The treasurer, Mrs. Norman McDowell gave the financial - statenient. .-.... of sector the visitor trade in the area. Farmers who Western Ontario. He is a so graduate of Central Huron of Exeter visited on Friday Secondary School. (Beta-Stgaevening with Mrs. s. Eleanor Lorie. 1‘(Irs. phot) Bradnock. 44 Oliver Anderson, the M inistry Or. James Robert Nott Garrioch* graduated recently from the University of Western Ontario, arid is now practising in Windsor. Dr. Garrioch is the grandson of the late Mayor and Mrs. George W. Nott, formerly oi` -High Street, Clinton. Guiders spanning the past 40 years returned to the Centennial mother and daughter banquet recently at the Legion. Left to ri ght are Mrs. Maynard Corrie, Mrs. Owen Delve, Mrs. Jack Irwin, Mrs. Gordon Phillips, Mrs s. Harvey Carter, Mrs. Doug Ball, Mrs. A. J thews, Mrs. Percy Brown, and Mrs. Sam Cast de. (photo by Jack Hunt) int Lord _ e • limilk li rig 111:40.41 0011tiiii, lip .illuir , ,,, 41 ..1 .01111h, 011-111111, Mil/ 001 Iiii) li OHM 1972 Pinto Runabout 4 cylinder 2000 cc engine 4 speed tran- smission, radio,front disc brakes, one owner in top condition, excellent second car. • 44 1972 Toyota orona Mark 11 4 cylinder automati Stationwagon equipped withatadio,tape ayer, Power Brakes, low' mileage top of e Toyota line. , ' Bottle of 100's f. tqn11112.;P:FE7:2i-rn,`17;e: -*Lr2,:, 3teI whew :lousiness and pleasure mix f: ••. -:-RAp-oftiousefand.aardeP 4150 mj . $._. BUG- KI LUER- ' / SHELL VAPONA ,, N04:1 ,,...7 STRIP'$249 Jo1,4,v lty • . A R-11 ID' 'Off ft -A -DRY Unscented, scented, up scented powder, light powderi DE It's a pleasure to do business when you stay at the Lord Simcoe, ifyour calls are downtown you are within walking distance. For uptown, calls, the.subway is right at our front door. After your Business day is over, theatres and entertainment are close at hand. , If you are driving we offer free overnight parking ft 6:00 p.m. to 8:3.0 a.m.,-and if you are flying the airp' t bus stops frequentfy at the hotel. Try mix ing hushiess and pleasure. .'. stay at' the Lord Simcoe Hotel, o) the frieindly one. ' 150.kit 1g Street West, Toronto. , Telephone: 362-1848 " , A*1 Large Family Size Jar, Tube and Lotion. ROYALE • Asst'd. color print PAPER TOWELS 2 Huron 0., Clinton 2 Main 04 Seaford' We reserve the right to limit quantities' on advertised items