HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-6, Page 3YOUNG FOLKS. "Cheep i oheep,!" Where did it oome from —that plaintive little cry 7 John hoard it in the conservatory, and going out into tho garden found a wee baby - bird, evidently too young to fly, and . ;noob frightened at beteg left alone. Kind-hearted John gathered the flutter ing creature up to hie handy,: and carrying it: into the warm ooneorvatory set it oatle down under neer afra ran lemon mon res en I t Th g he soaked there in the m ate l his pocket,, ad finding @ r riGg•oan, and strewed them before the birdling, which was at rat too frightened to touoh them. butas John quietly resumed t rs his work little dietanoe at length began to feel mo'rt- confidence, anti soon was bldly picking up the crumbs with contented little chirps. It had each a wide-awake, self-satisfied air as it grew comfortable and more at home, smoothing its wisps of feather& in such comi- cal,imitation of bigger birds, that .John's honest heart warmed toward the little thing, and aoon,loey and bird became the best of friends, lin called it " Chip," and never tried to nit, but gave it the whole con- servatory for a play -ground, with which ar- rangement the little guest seemed perfectly satisfied, nevert rying to escape, even when the windows were open, probably not know- ing the difflrenoe between clear apace and transparent glass. After the brat day Chip never showed the slightest fear of John, alighting on his shoulder with perfect oonfidenoe, and after a little even taking food from his lips, As time passed he learned many cunning trioka ; as, for instance, when John would say sternly, " Naughty Chip V' he would droop his little head a ani f ashamed and when he .. oriel ,, leve anti , P y, Good Chip ! Pretty Chip !" would raise it again with a mosey " Peep' I" He had too, a canning way of playing hide -and seek with John. Placing himself under the dryoping leaf of a calla. or palm, he would keep very atilt, while John hunt- ed up and down the terraces of plants, call- ing " Chip 1 Chip 1" till at last with a queer Little ohuokling noise, he would hop into eight as delighted as a child. The people who employed John often brcught visitors into the conservatory, and all ad- mired his pretty pet. Once, a gentleman, whose only son was a little cripple, saw the canning bird, and, thinking It would amuse hie poor child, ask- ed John what he would take for it. "t I'm Lure I don't know, sir," he answer- ea r modestly. „ I never thought n ht o f sell Chip, and I'm afraid he wouldn't be so play- ful anywhere else. You see he's used to me, and knows I never hurt him in my life— that's why he's so tame." " Yea,' said the gentleman, looking thoughtfully, at John, Itoe—unvarying kindness will tame almost anything. But will you let me take him home and try Y I don't live far away, and if Chip will do as he does here I'll give you thirty dollars for him." This seemed a great stun to John, who was poor, so he reluctantly consented, and, for the first time putting Chip in a cage, let the gentleman take him away ; but when released in the cripple's beautiful room. though thele ere almost as many planta as he had le used to, poor Chip only flew about �xith harp cries of fright till quite tired out, then hid himself ander a begonia leaf, where he sat in Balky silence, refacing to eat, and pecking at every hand that came near him The next morning the gentleman went after John, " It's as you feared," he said, " and Ar- thur is so dteappointed ! Will you oome and see what you oan do with the little thing ? Your master said you were at liber- ' ty now.,' Always g1a'dY to please others, John at once coneenteg I and soon was in the great house where li'o inch sorrow dwelt, for its sweet mistress 'was dead and her boy a hopeless invalid. After he had spoken with the pale -faced child, John looked slowly about the room and made a peculiar sound with hie lips -- something between a whistle and a kiss, The begonia lealeatirred. He repeated it, when there came from ander it a quick, bond " Peep 1" and out flew Chip, straight for John, where, almost hiding himself in the boy's coat collar, he flattered clear around his neck in the fannieat little danoe of joy you ever saw I At this the little Iame boy laughed eo heartily that he had to lean bank in his chair, while, looking up, John saw the hay- py tears spring to the father's eyes, " It is the first time he has laughed aloud in weeks," he explained to John, as, after' putting the now good-natured bird through all his tricks, he was about going away. " John, I know you have a kindly heart, from the way you have tamed this little, wild creature. If your master will consent, would you like to come and be a companion to Art her wheel him about, amuse him, road to him Y You can read, John ?" Oh, yes, sir," his eyes sparkling at thought ot the books he had pored over by night, and the opportunity this would give nim to read more ; "and if my master's willing I'll gladly oome." So John and Chip wont to the great house and beth made the little cripple very happy, but when, in hie mercy, God at length took Arthur home, John had become well enough educated to be private seoretary to the gentleman, so he remained at a good sal- ary.- And al- ary: And Chip.? Alas, that I must tell it 1—a cruel cat ate him up ! But we hope his end was sudden and painless, for he had richly repaid hia kind protector's oare, Modern Proverbs. In a mnititu ti of counselors there is no- thing done. , Here s th`�e ,will there's VP rea way y to break It. Good deeds are never lost, if you have a good lawyer. Honesty is its own reward ; dishonesty pays cash. Always put off until to -morrow any con- templated meanness. Man propane, woman accepts if the con laterals aro good; Marry in haste and escape a breaoh of promise snit, rty your debts, even if It makes you ap- pear eccentric. Have stability ; a rolling stone gathers no mOSE, Avoid etabilIty; a Betting hon never gots fat.' "Does death end, all t" Alae, no ; there is the monument subscription -fend, Student—" Well, tyo treated the patient in a most approved way." Dootor—" How Y" Student—" WeH, we put him on milk' diet ; then he was put on wine ; then we put him on electrical treatment; then wet put him on "quinine, and now*" Dootor::-e" You will pat him on Ice." 1 ANEODOTBS OF aItBAT MEN. °erretnoee that " It , , upon the Whole, a tau more riglit•h to , a never ox., mote ser d r ugusnma i DH TILE REV W. S. BLACKSTOCE. ed" " Wherever yon see a Zine of her, st• hie Own bwriting, you may be titre to find not ing Tho nae Carlyle is another of those char the wretohedut truth thm1ett k s which !pea fer eaters of whoa; it is not easy to make fine ages make concerning their which test. gentlemen. He had InOre irritability, thougb eel d;: " Wh the Jewsogreatest. perhaps lees ferocity, than Johnson; and, in somundeel, and thoughtaltth theyJane fur some of his mooch, was, 1 suspect, Rot an do with Him was to pil Hlmat ncool altogether amiable oompanlon. The dye- Iowa Ah, thatup on a ga Pep* atomtiohl no doubt, wire responsible return nal had business ; eg. R for much of hia irascibility. But without about the streets buyingao deY of ee." gin „ that d lebrd ere1 do he artat of s. hie P in ora• t sl economy, vnomyy, This was in 1824. In 184$ Cproline Nle Against which he enveighed so bitterly, ho visited Carlyle, and sound him thin bu W addnot have been the unique figure in well and literary history that he really is. If it be the sixove o i from the torment true that eveu in thins evil thereY new Cromwell to letters; and wit gis soul a ri m determination ami 00nano d iu good, t is not improbable that` even to thio more trash ones on any terms t take id as divested organ which inflicted so much tor- lyhe wan Y .But his sub tura upon its unfortunate possessor,theject. P°nee&and oaths rpris df hie cub readers of his works are indeted forgood h t the year followinge ate Was to fin deal of their, Edge, and , Y g was not writing energy.ra point and fire but reeting, goading Eagliah history, and - .A man: who is habitually in the •disagreeing with the age, Blessings on him mem:a fon of one who has breakfasted or I have great reepeot for a man who . when dined upon pen -knives or rewire, eepeoially he forms hie opinionsla with the blain of such a one as Thomas reading, careful Study, the resultrofound Carlyle, whether he pay very minute at- thought, dares to differ from the age. It is tention to the graces of style or not, is easy to aim with the current, and to run sure eo say sharp things at least, with the multitude ; it is easy to re-echo And this, by the way, raises an interest- the aentiments of the chattering crowd, and ing phyaiologico-psychological gneation : to conciliate those whom we flatter, but this, namely, , whether her Y a diseased gastric .the mnitttude-not over wise at any limo—, apperatoo is not a positive advantage, If not need to be instructed as well as flattered ; a necessity, to men, like Thome Carlyle, and when a reel man appears on the scene, who deem it their special mission into the if he is true to his mission, he will find world to detect and expose cheats] and more serious work to do than offering in - theme. This, we know, Sidney Smith re- cense to the multitude, or singing peons to garded as hia special function ; but, though the age, he succeeded after a fashion, no one oan tell how much more effectively he might have fulfilled his mission, If instead of boing a The Most Northerly Railway in the World, bon vivant, he had been condemned to len- In the tenreport o rf perpetually, Cane 1 byConsul Pea ohane P y,goalGeneral Mitchell ltchel dis- ordered 1 Y on the trade of Norway, it is stated that ordered etomaoh, Whether it would have given him greater clearness of vision, and the Oeted, Lulea Railway, which will, when enabled him to discern more clearly be• completed, greatly influence the future of Y the iron trade of Europe, was commenced tween the evil and the good or not, it would doubtless have enabled him to apply the last summer at very on the aGulfble of Bosnia, PP Y and has made very celiaiderable progress Th t of net he a d L• e g t o knout with more stinging effect to the back i The contractors confidently aspect to have Poor Tom ! He appearea upon this planet of the entire railway), as one born out of due time. Whether he ed for traffic by thed�1 of1886, The oeted and om- knew the people of his o, n generation or mencement of work at the Norwegian tea- pot, it le evident that they did not know minus has been delayed a year, in oonse- him. I suspect, indeed, that they were quence of a disagreement as to the site of muoh more at a lose to understand him the terminus at O oten. necessitating fresh than he was to understand them. Nothing surveys being made, These `have now been is more amusing than the attempts of some completed, and the plane, eto,, of the Nor - of his liliputian critics to assign him his wegian portion of the line deposited with proper plana among men. One of them, the Norwegian Government, upon the are writing in a first-class American newspaper, proval of which work at Ofoten will be corn - thirty years ago, alluding to the complaint menoed. The site chosen for'the terminus of some one else that he was neither a Chris- at Ofoten is on the west shore of Narvig tian nor a gentleman, said, he made no pre- Bay, a commodious and well -sheltered na- tention to being either the one or the other turat herb or at the bottom of the Oloten of these, but simply a heathen and a devil-, fjord and within a few hours steam of the worshipper! famous Lofoten ood fieheriea. On account An det Thoma Andyet, e Carlyle e was not cal • of Y y the inflnenees of the golf stream, the Ola- the greatest Sootohman probably that has ten ford is navigable throughcut the year. hitherto appeared, but one of the moat The length of the Norwegian section of the highly gifted beings that trod the earth line is only 28 miles, It will orosss the daring his lifetime. The last of the Cynics, Bolen Mountains, at the frontier at an elm he was a worthy successor to DIogenes, vation of 1,600 feet above sea level. Os the With an eye quick to detect genuine man- Norwegian side the country is very wl'd hood, whenever it might be found, he could and mountainous, but the engineers anticI- not be Induced to accept every " forked pate no difficulties of an unusual nature radish with a curiouely curved head how. either as regards the nature of the country, ever fastidiously and elaborately clothed, the severe climate, or the snow. This rail- aa,a fitting representative of the genus homo, way, when fiaiehed, will be the most norther - He had a profounder insight of the ly railway in the world. " science of clothes," and of the religion of The railway is being built by English en - the " Dandaioal Seat " than any of his con- wineers, contractors for the Northern of temporaries ; and, should the race survive Benin Railway Company (Limited), which for any oonaiderable length of time, and its was formed in London in 1883, with an progrees should be upward, the probability authorized capital of £1,500,000 in shares, is, that " Sartor Resartas " will be read and £1,500;000 in debentures. The railway with more thorough appreciation in the has been most favorably regarded in Scan - wiser ages to oome than it is at present. dinavia, except by the Swedish iron -masters, It was a somewhat cynical eetimateof the who have oppoeed it from the first, although character of hie countrymen that Carlyle the export of these iron ores from Lapland made when he desoribed Great Britain oan hardly influence the Swedish iron in - aa a country of twenty-three millions of in- duetry, but could rather compete with the habitants, more or leaf, mostly fools. But, interior Spanish ores from Bilbao. though he may have been mistaken in hie ----„,„,e--ntir ..4...— --- judgement, this at least is to be said in his favour, he poetesses the courage of his con—victions. And this, in an age of which dem- The new gold mines discovered in the agogism is the besetting sin, and the modern valley of the Djolgute river are galled New hydra, the many -headed monster, is the ob. Califernla. The valley is upon the Chinese ject of twill unstinted adulation, to no. bank of Amcor, opposite the Rueaian col - small virtue. He did not believe to Samar- ony of Tgnaohino, and as the soilIs very merci, the government of the world by " the marshy, and there is no roads it hi only ac- oeunt of heads," and he had the courage to oeesible in the winter. Gold was first die- say eo, - covered there in May, 1884, and it soon at - Carlyle, like most great men, especially traoted a great many adventurers, the earli- such of them as hsve their natures pervaded est comers being Ruesiau desertere and era - by the poetic and humorous element, can oaped convicts from Siberia, and by the only ba understood and appeeolated by each month of January in last year there was a as have some of the came ingredients in colony of 9,000 Russians, the total having their own composition. Like some others of been very muah inoreaeed sine, while there the beet things in- literature his works must are also about 6,500 Chinese and 150 adven- be read between the lines, if their deep earn- turers of different nationalities, the laat estness and pathos are to be perceived. In named of whom have joined the P.nesiana, a letter to a friend, written while he was the organization of the colony being alto - engaged in writing "Past and Present " ho gethor Russian. affirms that his work made him " sad and The goldfinders are divlded into 722 small efokly," Tnat work was not written con groups of workmen, all of whom are Mese- amore, but of amenity. He was goaded to it lately equal. These groups elect twelve by a voice whioh oouJnot be silenced or elders, who did not work themselves, but gafnrayed. One:who Mew the feeling with superintend the diggings, and receive a ea- whioh he wrote, a pereonalfriend and corral- Lary of 200 roubles a month. They are se- Pondent, nye of this "Ter•lacted fromamong the dealers in gold and ethic as it is to him to pronounce the words tavern keepers, and form a sort of district that hodoes, he feels that these and no others pollee corps. They do not meet with any are given him' to speak; he sees some twent- interference from the Chinese authoritiea in ty thousand In pauper beatifies looking for this remote valley, the laws of which are a Voice. inarticulately beseeching, ' Speak very simple but severe, the penalty of death for us,' and oan he be silent?" being inflioted for cheating at play, for And whenthis disagreeable task had been adulterating the gold dust, or for theft ; performed, the seer was not at rest, for he while flogging is inflicted for drunkenaese felt that more work of the same sort was during the hours of labor or for bringing waiting to be done. After the publication fema100 into the colony, of " Past and Present," John S terling, his Since the foundation of the colony there intimate bosom friend, said : "Carlyle does have been only three murders and two in• not seem quite happy; though he has blown fliotions of the death penalty ; a Rued= so loud a blast, and though it has awakened having been hung for adulterating the gold so many deep echoes in the hearts of dust, rend a Jew flogged to death for having thoughtful men ; there' are other trumpets epread false news as to the approach of a to sound before Truth can get itself recog. body of Russian troops, hoping thereby to nized, even by those who have one far." Bend down the price of gold owing to the The "Life of Cromwell" morelvale 1 isThere hero are t thought by the P wheats -recon taverns In critics to be Carlyle's chef d teuvre; but, like the colony, and, owing to the competition, all beat things, It costthe g ,an immense deal of la• prices are not high, except for spirits, bong and suffering. In a letter to Caroline The gold fields which are twenty-five miles in Fox, he says : "I am about writing upon Orb. length by three miles broad, are said to be ver Cromwell—still about it; for the thing very rich, and 7 pounds of gold are obtained will ,not stir trona the spot, let me shove it from 32 owt. of gravel, even with the primi- never so deaperately1 lb approaches the tive mode of washing adopted there. impossible, this task of mine, more nearly t-+aesa,.-•r than any task I ever had, How awaken An Extended Experience, - an oblivious world inoognfzent of Crom- wells, all Incredulous of 'such ; how rhesus Writes a well-known ohemltt, permits me to citato a hero sunk under the disastrous say that Putnam'sPainless Corn Extractor wrecks of two such centuries as lie dead on never fails. It makes no sore spots in the him Y.' Caroline called on him four months flesh, and ooneequently is painless. Don't aftetethie, and still found him 111 at ease, you forget to get Putnam% Corn Extractor, "lie groaned over Oliver Cromwell, for his now for sale by medicine dealera every progress in that memorial is lowBand pain-• where. ful ; all that had been said' or written it his favor had been destroyed or ignored when Ingersoll'a sweeping atnertion " that Charles II. dame to nigh ;`as a Calvinistic nothing is over lost" staggere our faith in of unfortunate tranegrescore, 'the first section, Lulea•Gellivara (one-third Chrietian he was detlpfaed ; and as a ruler him. If he oxoopte umbrellas he can restore acid regicide he was hated ; the people Would the religious harmony between us; not forgive him for having: seemed to de- Mr, Eineh Lane, of Mete, weighing 210 celeve them, and so they dug up his body pounds and standing aix feet eight inches and hanged it at Tyburn, and have been toll• high, is the tallest man in New Hampshire, ing the most abominable Hee about him ever and, describes himeelf as 0' one rfthe lanes since ; lately there has been memo better that has no turn." feeling, but the Date is still very bad." That was a cautious old tramp who said, ' He felt that in his attempt to put things being asked whether he would have a drink right, and so pat Oliver in a true light bo. of whisky, as he' vas.beginning.a. job of od. saw. world, nd, it Was Carlyle against the ing wood, or would have it when he had WoAnd yet tate • stubborn and hard. ' $niched it, answered: "VPefl mumt 1 think headed Sootohnian not Only maintained his T'bl take it now,' Thera has bee 0 opinion, but went far toward proving he sudden deaths tay te! ie n a pibo1 lo of Greatest Discovery Since 1491.. For ooughe, oolde,eorethroats, bronchitic laryngitis and consumption . in its' earl) ' 8S els, nothing cquats Dr Pierce'& 0' Golden sooveyIt le also a great blood Pnori±er andi etrength•restoror, (r tonic, ane for liver complaint and ooetive condition o' the bowels It has no equal. Sold by drug gtate, Signe of Spring --Boll frogs and "o he oroak 008805f , t r u The „ Favorite PrescriPtio>q,. Dr, It V, Pierce, of Baf£alo, N. Y.,. whose name has become known over the over the world through hie mothea as aphy eloi a a , and (specially' through the reputat• leapyt hie Gulden Medical Diacavery," hae dede'a good work inre arin an ea ciai remedy for the many charming tr abler classed as "Mantle weaknesae5," It ie known as the "Favorite Preecriptton. " Under its administration alt the pelvic or - gems aro strengthened, and the woman be - vomer that embodiment of health sad beauty which God intended her to be, Der cysickle cos no goot-ho vas some eavesdropper. Rupture, reach, or Hernia, neglected, often beoomee strangulated and provice fatal. We employ a new method and guarantee a cure in every cavo or no pay. Send 10 ciente in ataolpa: for pamphlet and references, world's Dlspeneery Medi- cal Association, 663 Main Street, Bnhlo, N, Y. A spring mattress, like a Spring chicken, is in season all the year round, Do not take Pills or Powders containing C alomel bar. . atth tell moo of the yser, the re. snlcmay be serious. If you require m dose of p hylic take Dr. Carson's Stomach and Con- stipation Bitters • it aote gently on the Bowels, purifies the Blood, improves the circulation, stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and speed. fly cures Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Search the Drug Store. from one end of Canada to the other, and you cannot find a remedy equal to it. Try it and use it in your families, bold everywhere in large bottles at 50 cents. & P.278 SUPIIRI >R FILES AND RASPS—WARRANTED eq nal to best imported : all kinds ot re -cutting. Gait nal Werke, FREDERICK PARKIN, Galt P.O. $Olf® 80 Acre Farm—$700 60 Acre Farm Vvi� 1—100,000301:Mg plays, 15 cents: 100.000 5 cent music; instruments half-price, BUTLAND, Toronto, CABRIAGE LORRIES FOR CARTERS, wholeeaCentral Faire-1eAddreee M a1).mNkuuseir, Msnnia°. tutor, Hamilton. MD SAW MACHINE i—ALL S1ZE3—LATEST improvements; bracket band saws for attach. Ing to posts; neat, cheep and durable ; send for circulars: JOHN GILLIE3 & CO., Carleton Place, Ont. IAM CLEARING UP A SWAMP LOT — 175 acres—Immediately adjoining Penetangulenene ; front twenty acres sandy loam, rest black muck well drained ; will make epleedtd stook farm ; good creek ; creamery being bullt on next farm ; price now, f!ilrrthnusand ; terms easy. A. M. KEATING, Penetangutshene, BENEE>.NGUISHENE —GARDEN LOTS—over. two tothreeuedred doliarelperacroaaeli It -acre building lot,, two hundred dol'ars ; large park lots, one huadred dollars per acre up ; lovely land and water scenery ; healthy notation; the town of Pone. tanguirhene is making wonderful progress ; address A. M. HEATING, Peaelangnlehene. FOR SALE CHEAP BY PRIVATE TREATY: 16 Head fire)-olase pedigrees; 6 Thoroughbred eld T or ughbreedtAyrshirree Cattle, pedigrees rieh �rade Oate6 heawIth d Theouhbred LeioestehepFor psrtloure address H. GaAaeeaooa, Simooe, Norfolk Co„ Ont. A BAN OR A'WOMAN WANTED IN EVERY �� township, to eel! Dr. Tslmage'e new book Live Coals," The keenest and most vigorous specimen of oratory ever written ; nearly 700 pages ; only $2; full particulars of this and other new bootee VOL Schuyler Smith & 0o., Publishers, London, Out ``lIIORTHAND THOROUGHLY TAUGHT BY bein th thoroughly prepared pprepared by highest Heaters Academy hort- Short- hand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, and. Buelneee Train. ing. Advanced eludente helped to bituatione. Im- mediately address, The Union ShorthandeYa Com. menial Academy, Arcade, Toronto. SUCCESS AGAINST ALL PREJUDICE A Williams' Eye Water hue case by all who have used it according itselfoved irects ns, It their eyee were tamable, as will be seen by the undoreigned certificates. It cured me, g years blind, :mullet failed, 0. Fortin ; it has oured me, °oculist would not try Cm Chas, Am ott;4 years, Elle Dufour ; 83yyearsblind and now I see, John Lacroix. Ask your druggiat for It. Wholesale—Lyman Sons & Co., 384 St. Paul St., Montreal. l'crE W1 N1 TIiREB AtENTB rN EACH Zig t !or anewb Y nok we will I aa0 un P the market in two weeks; it will oontalo five hundred pages, and retail at $2 75 ; 11 is edited by a prominent Canadian gentleman, who hap not made publlo his name ; his expected the literary world will be all astir to findout who the brilliant water Is; the. book is upon an important top'o, one never boloera discussed byCanrd an aurhors ; all wishing to be• come agents fur thle remarkable vo'nme are advised to write for parttoulsre. Address, Internationl Book and Bible Hamm, Toronto. p GENTS I -YOU CAN'T FIND A BOOR THAT money faster withrthane"action es Wontbat dersou,"an mske Sells to all classes-0hristiene and Iofldele, Catholics and Protestants, old and young ; old agents who have not canvassed for years are going into the field with 1t; C. F, Jnkine gold 129 the fleet week ; J. E. Brace pave: "The first week with "Wonders" netted me one hundred and sixteen dollars," A good chance for unemployed persons ; Outfit free to actual oan. vaeeere; write for terms. BRADLEY, GARRETBON da Co., Brantford. '1 PEC14 L ATTENTION.—Something every- . body should have, a "Wirt" fountain pen ; the cheapest and most d arable ever Invented; every pen guaranteed to give meetuotion: agents wanted for all parts of Canada ; large commission and no capital required; send for descriptive circulars and epeofal inducemente to agents. C. H. Brooke, Sole Canadian Agent, Toronto. lt►TELSON.000., MILLWRIGHTS& ENGINEERS, Berlin, Oat—Solo 'manor .cturers In Canada of automatic engines from 2 to 15h. p' ; automatic en. Bines for printtne offices ; high speed automatic en• glnes for electric lighting; autoroatio engines for cheese, butter, and sausage faotoriee, or any other purpose share a light and cheap powerrle required. For Moe list and other parttculare,,,addresajse' above. 31141C4X.eit, MN 3C INT Zi1 300'En in g os, Boilers, Iron, Wood, and misoellnn• ecus inaohinea for sale. For particulars address _ H. • W. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont; PLAINER KNIVES 'STAVE OU7TER STAVE boo kbindors, ntecheese d ug tenon ng, and other e; veneer leather smach not e Icel ves of best qua ty, manufactured by PETER HAY, Galt Machine Knife Works, Galt, Ont. ; send for price Het. J.•L:J'QNES '.'WOOD ENGRAVER 1 10 KING ST EAST TORONTQ.; e a Cs 11. SPENCE & CO.,' Consumers Will find It to their advantage to ask the trade far our make of Flies and nave. Be•Cuttirfg &Specialty. Send for price list and terms. da Iramilton, a, ,Ontario. JATAgS PARK & SON, Pork Packers, Toronto. L. 0. Bacon, Roiled Spice Baton 0. C. Boon Glasgow Boot Ramo, Seger Cured Ham, Brief Beef, Br net BACON, Smoked Tongues, Item Pork Pickled ongnos Cheese, .P'amtly or Navy Pork Lard in Tubs and Palle, The Beet Beehde of Ente Iieh Fine Dairy $8lC 1n Stook 1;Rg, I8 NO B]aTTE& , aloe Snow Drift Baking powder Co., Brapword, Opo Y To LEND N - productive alis ' five Town, Village &Palm Property, 1r+ II11 rCIIELL MODONA1;0, Barrister. 6 Ueafoa Block— Toronto street —Toronto. til"1GTARIp, 11. Felt 86 Slate' Roofer, Manufacturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, RooQng P1tch, Building papers, Carpet and Deafening Felt. li!eady Roofing, etc. For low pilooe address 11, WILLIAM3, 4 Adelaide St. E„ Toronto, FRE`; FLOWERING PLANTS BY MAIL, —THE— AVpRTTE. 1, 13 for $1 001 Ata niter QudtirY, and with every 6 " 50 Dollar order, au Amarellis, a Owes. 3 " • 25 anthemum or Monthly Rose, FREE, The Best Strawberry Tants, 25 cls, a Dozen I guarantee Plante to plow, and to arrive iv good order at any poet oflloe In the Dominlon. Large plants by freightorexprres. J. P. Cockburn. Florist, (Stamps taken. GRAvrc;nty0ST, ONT LI. NTON, LAKE & CO., Galt, Ont. AZLE AND SU. CHINE SCREW WORKS. Car• doge k Wagon Axles, Iron and Steel Satk Cap Screw Lisi on application: s, eto. CARRIAGE & WAGON AXLES. Manufacturers of the Celebrated nd GUELPH AXLE "WORKS D� T. PEPPER & CO.. Guelph, Ont. Oar Duplex Aria are all to be had at all the principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion. ill/ N I N G SEND FOR PRICE LIST. Awning, Flag, Tent & Camping Depot 169 Yonge Street. Toronto, BEES -- The Rifling Out sad Packing for Norsery rues and Dealers a SpeciLeading hardy kind', In !urge ty. on our own grounds, in let, large quantities, Asad H. H. Hurd & Son, Berlin Balton Nursery, piton -TREE Ont. The Royal Manufacturing Company, 6 Perth St., Guelph, Ont. L. C. WIDEMAN & CO., —MANUFACTURERS c Improved Totally and Laundry Bangles, And all kande of Laundry Appliances, Burglar. Proof Wlndow•sae11 Locks, Step Ladders, etc., etc. ifodel•Making, Mill•Wrightla5 and Carpentering Work, tarSEND POR PRICE LIST, Agents Wanted. ARMSTRONG'S Patent Tempered Steel Baggy & Carriage bears, a'reeady cele, andamakes a ldy ight, haeGear nrom durable and acetal oonveyaaae. Rides easywithone or four doablegcarriage qufckly and onvenientl buggy to a ur carriage maker for particulars. Catalogue mailed on application to J.11. ARMSTRONG Mfg. Co. (Ld)., GUELPH, CANADA, Deformed and, Ruptured ! You cannot begin to enu- merate in one advertisement the 111, that flesh is heir to which rosy be oared or alley!. a Oed by ch me ant cat tr a e Omeu t. Crab Feet Spinal Dis- ease. BowLegs.Rupture, etc. None of these can either be relieved or cured by any other means tban mechanical, doctorsSome advertise that they oan holdthese troubles without a trues, and condemn trueees. I meet many patients who have been treated by these doctors, but I meet none that are cured by them. The :meg, ands want toysellllthem trusses at exoeptional prices. I will pay your return ticket up to 300 miles if I oan not hold your rupture, if reduoable Send 6 cents for book on Rupture and Human Frame, Addrees CHAS. CLUTHE, 118 Bing St. West, Toronto. 1 CU.E FITS tie and then When I the cure a do m rete n merely M stop them for rn again. I mean a euro. I have made the tdisease, of PITS,EPILEPSY or PALL,. ING remed to cure tho SICKNESS. orst cases. life-long Because others have fastudy. I warrant iled ed is no reason for not now receiving a euro. Send at onco for • treatise and n Free Bottle of my infallible remedy, Glyn Expres6 and Poet Office. It costs you nothing for a tri.!, and I will euro you, A<Irirens UR. n, G. ROOT, Branch.0tflco; 37 ironffo St,, Toronto. GUELPH CARPET WORKS. J&M �1. .0114 PRONG V4 00fY uANI.IPACt'UEERs Wool, Ireton orand Daruttslr CARPETS, Of new redeems and designs'. Guelph," Ont. Send for cataloguande of Fruit, Conn Poaohes!Tel waremcue Qaah 8e aeutnrk Pa mthet ISA 'EIS .1r CO.;. d1 %roan, DBL, Hew Orleans Road Cart - cf'.a. ai °,w•. ^lS.1NOP,lOTURHbta-- , WiR leas! Patent Road Cart, Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, &c, end for Catalogue, J. WINTERS, Manager, Galt, Ont. kfFORDygp� COLD WATER ATER RICE STARCH. NEVER FAILS. MONEYLOAN THE subscriber hae a large amount of money Oo lend for clients on security of mortgagee on productive farm and town property. The lowest current rate of ince set is charged, and repayment privinges granted in such terms that the borrower le placed in an extremalyfavorable poestlou to pay his indebtedness se he finds himself able. without eoelnining lose of interest. Special inducements are offered. All oommunics- tsone confidential. ' E. M. Chadwick, Esq., Bank of Toronto Building. TORONTO; Allan Line Hoyai Mail Steamships, Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurs- day and Halifax every saturday, to Liverpool, and In summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling gat Londonderry to Y land and engers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Wigmore, via - Halifax and St. John's, N,F„ to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the GIas. gow linea earl during winter to and frcm Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during cum. mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; Glas- gow and Boston weekly, and Glaegow and Philadel phia fortnightly. For freight, pssaage, or other information apply to A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore • S. Canard & Co,,. Halifax ; Shea & Co,, St. John's N,F. ; Wm Thomp- son & Co., st, John, N. B, ; Allen & Co , Chicago ; Love & Alden. New York ; H. Boudler, Toronto; Arians, hae & Co., Quebec ; Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia: H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal. FOR THE MILLION. Along the line of the Chicago and Northwester Railway in Centras Dakota and Northers Nebraska. New eeotione are being opened np and rapidly settled in these wonderfully productive regions, and the " first comers" will have "Arse choice " of location. For full Information (which will be sent you free of tocharge) rge) about the free lande and cheap home', apply LE Western Canadian Paw. AJOHN ILBgen , C k N. W. Ry., R. 8. HAIR, 9 York St., Toronto, Ord, General Pass, Agent, Chicago, Ilia. ice Y-', 0 Fr -1 0 0 FHj1' 0 CONBOY'S CARRIAGE TOPS Are one, dromyour Bart and r geeMaker. Take no in the othhert. Order kinnd.. Send for Catalorne— 407 Bing 8t. W., Toaotra'o. OON8UMPT�fg0 0 h.vo n poit!vo rnc000y bor tho aboeodjne,noc bit!, 08thousands f case oheworshindaoflong oaninr have boon cured. Indeed so strong 1s my faith In Ito eflicncy, that I wi'1 send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABhE TREATISE on title disease to any sufferer. Give empress and r. 0, address, DR. T, A. SLOCD'Af, Branch Office, 37 ronge St,, Toronto Ek To'�9 Ara' `a, .. 41r, WAy 110 ,,<1 tt'YC St . vJH }T. To Ro.N.TO FCR FULL T./Cvv• Mention This Paper. Peerloss OWs Are made only at the Queen City Oil Works, and have received during the last three years cMIICI . ample barrel. If it does not prove satisfactory will pay freight bot& ways SAMUEL ROGERS &. 80 G®, Front Sir fast, Toronto T H E EAGLE BR N'D i... FINE BOOTS AND SHOES. RADE "MART(• est searing, �ltillg� Looking IN' THE MARKS Every pafr and every box bears this eagle, AS TRADE MAIM, 1 'rT4sE Na OTHER' i�: