Clinton News-Record, 1975-06-26, Page 2PA
"S , JUNE 26, '1i7;
Ser$940, 4/04
Rusin son,Arthur and Mie el . „ $2 600 was realized in this ay.t' ,
Were renewing old -friendships ,
in Clinton last week en route - , t,+ +
from Lahr, ,Germany to . them-' ,,„,, Following is the official list of
-new home at Shilo, Man.. ey successful • candidates in
helve spent the past, si c years at e . aminations .held rercently in,
Catiadiahr..F rce ,.".Base, Lahr, Clinton b the Royal. Con -
having been transferred there servatory. f Music of Teronto
from the Clifton Base, Grade VII! Piano; honours
++ +' 1.. Patricia A. Anstett, Elaine
XI' and Mrs. Edwin Cooper, Hopper; pass - Jeff Alla,.
Brian and Jamie of Bond ,Grade VII Piano - first class
Street, Clinton attended the honours - Dianne Wilson; pass
,wedding of their eldest son, Dianne Smith, Kathleen A.
Bruce, in Toronto on Saturday, Neilands, Jill C. McLellan.
June 21 at Glen Ayr United Grade VI Piano - honours -
Church, Scarborough. Miss ' Doris A.T. Heipel; pass -
Peggy Cooper; sister of ,the Kimberley Campbell.
groom was a bridesmaid: Their Grade V .Piano. - Honours,
new daughter-in-law is the Graham Kafir, Paul R. Finlay,
former Lynne Elaine Bob Thompson, Karen E.
Woodhouse of Scarborough. Dunn; pass - Griff T.' Murphy,
+ + + Robyn D . McLellan:
A lovely surprise 36th wed- Grade IV Piano - Honours
ding anniversary. supper was Susan Jefferson, Wendy
held for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tyndall.
Leibold of RR 2, Clinton on Grade III Piano - Honours -
Sunday, June 22 by all mem- Susan Smith; pass - Patrick J.
bers of their family. Attending Duffy.
were Grandma Leppinton, Grade II Piano. - First Class
Clinton, Corenda Hulley, Honours Lorrie L, Mann, Ann
Seaforth; Douglas Leibold and E. Deichert, Thomas. D. Fox,
' Ann Overholt, Clinton; Marion Roblin K. Lewis; honours -
Malcolm, Kim; Don and John Marianne A. Menzies.
Bezzo, Clinton; Ken Leibold -I- -I- +
and Vabriea Dale and Most people know that a
Charlotte,'Clinton; The evening parade held on water is a sail
ended with the opening of gifts past - but did you know that the
and'picture taking. annual sail past held June 15 at
-I- + + Goderich was won by "Miss
Back home after a 15 day tour Clinton" a power boat owned by
to the West Coast are Mr. and Dick Atkey with Greg Wise as
Mrs. Les Pearson of Rat- crewman.
tenbury Street, . Clinton.. They + + +
report leaving Calgary in a With an attendance of over
temperature of 52 degrees (F) 400 - the Clinton Kinsmen held
and arriving at Mallon in last their Centennial Dance on June
Saturday's sizzling 90 degree 21 in the Clinton Arena. Bearing
) _ . out this year's theme, antiques.
+ + + were much in evidence in the
`Once a sportsman always a decorations - even to a copper
sportsman, - this could be said lined bathtub complete with
of Clinton's Fred Elliott, who steam. Prize for the best
returned., last Saturday after costumed lady was won by Mrs.
participating in the Pro Hockey Heather Hunter, Ontario Street
rPlayers - Annual Golf Tour- and in the gentleman's class by
nament, held this year at t e Don Kemp, King Street.
Summit Golf Club north tie
+ + +
Toronto. Big names in hockey Let's . turn "apathy” into'
were almost as common as the "action" and start sorting out
hooks and slices of 'the game. some old school pictures for the
Among others attending the "Back to School Reunion" to be
tournament were Teeter held on Saturday, August 2nd of
Kennedy, who won the trip to Centennial Week. The Com -
Nassau prize, Dave Keon, mittee in charge is most
Frank. Mahavollch, Paul anxious to receive the pictures
Henderson, Andy Bathgate, immediately. If you have any,tq
Bob Got'dham, president of the loan, (all will. be returned lilt:,
By Mrs, 011L heSilell
Quer 800 maple attended thee
'01ited Church 'ork.: Barbecue
held on; June Board e
Stewards .000i .like to thank
eve one who helped ill any
On Sunday, June 14,192,5, the
former Presbyterian " and
Methodist congregations
became the Varna United
Church. The . Presbyterian
Church was used for services
and the Methodist manse was
kept. Rev. J.. ' Durrant "bf the
Methodists continued as
minister for a three-point
charge including Goshen and
Blake congregations.
,yent ally, the Blake church
wasold to the young people of
the Mennonite Church and this
became a two-point charge.
Last Sunday afternoon, the
Varna United Church held an
old-fashioned church service to
celebrate the Fiftieth
Anniversary of union. Greeting
visitors at the door were 'Mr.
and Mrs. Elgin McKinley' of
Goshen Church, who were
dressed in Centennial style, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McAsh of
MOmbers of the choir and
some of the congregation were
tossed in centennial fashi'
church full of peopleenjoy
Singh Mg many of the old 'by
much as +'Bringing • In
Sheawes", and "Pie
Assurance, Jesus, is Mine
Two'anth.ems were sung by
•senior choir, and one by t
junior choir. Mr. Peter Post,
sang a solo, "flow Great
In his short ser kion, Re
Taylor stressed that..althou
our way of living has Chang
greatly in recent years, man
basically the same as always,:
sinful person in need of
saving grace of God.
Following the servine,
and Mrs. Eric Luther
Hensall provided spec'
music. A bountiful potluc
supper was shared in the aren..
The anniversary cake was c
by Mrs: - Sherlock Keyes
Varna... --and Mrs. Richar
Robinson of Goshen.
' Mr. and Mrs. Grant Webst
have returned from a trip to
Midwest States. They travel'
through Illinois, Iowa a
Nebraska; and visited man
large feedlots in Nebraska an
the Union Stock Yards'
Graduation exercises` were held last Friday at the Clinton and
District Christian School. Those leaving grade 8 are front row
left to right, Beverly Branderhorst, Annette Branderhorst-,
Nancy Greidanus, Debbie Postma, Irene Heykoop, Christina
Valkenberg. Centre row are Ingrid Domsma, Trudy Nykamp,
Peter Ridder, John Otter, Peter Klungel, Jo -Anne Dykstra,
Audrey ''Roorda. Back row are Richard Rooseboom, Peter
Hamming, John Greidanus, Peter Uyl, Tony Van Dyke, John
Benjamins. Missing, was Elizabeth Amsing. (News -Record
photo) •
Graduation'held at Christian School
As the flashbulbs popped last
Friday evening,,of June 20 at
the Clinton Christian School
impeccably dressed youngsters
filed by and were warmly
congratulated by the principal,
Mr. R. Schurman and the,vice
principal, Mr. L. "Uyl onethe
occasion of , their ..,graduation
from the Clinton and District
Christian School. The group, as
well as an audience of parents,
relatives and friends had
Pro Hockey Players good condition) please contact
Association and Syd Smith the Mrs. Helene Bartliff 482-7014.
Secretary -Treasurer. July 15 -Ts the ABSOLUTE
Fred, -who won a lovely DEADLINE. ,
Kodak Instamatic camera, Also, a little more action is
played his round with Frank needed on the accommodation
Goldup and Red Heron. He also line. We hope to have visitors
lunched with . Orel Duffey, a tramping the sidewalks during
former World's Champion the day - but we hardly hope to
Speed Skater as well as a pro- see them sleeping there at
hockeyer. Mr. Duffey in- nights.' If anyone has overnight
cidentally is a cousin of Clinton accommodation available in
Postmaster, D ick Dixon. their home during Centennial
Besides the individual prizes celebrations would they please
of this " tournament, it is contact 482-3858. Thank you.
rewarding to note that the ` • �, + + +
Association annually turns over T'o celebrate the Senior
any excess profits 'to a Citizens week, the Golden
'own Talk.
Radars held a. successful
euchre party , at the Legion
Hall: Jim Armstrong; Mr. C.
Cunningham and Russ Archer
`Won the draws. Mrs. Sootheran,
Mrs. Barnes, Mr. C. Cun-
ningham and Mr. M. Wiltse
won the euchre prizes. Many
thanks to the management of
Huronview who entertained the
club - on Thursday for a noon
luncheon and program which
was much enjoyed by all.
Also as a part of the'week's
celebration, Mrs. C. Van
Damme gave her home and
garden on Saturday for a Cake
and Strawberry Tea. The club
is most grateful for 'this
The last regular meeting will
be July 2 at 7:30 in the Town
Hall - no lunch. please.
previously been treated to a
performance put on by the
entire school body.
The subject of the per-
formance was Canada, the
prevailing sentiment was one of
apgreciation. The audience was
taken on a tour of Canada from
theAtlantic to the Pacific, from
theCod on the Grand Banks,
through , hi -lingual Quebec and
our own "Place to Stand," into
the land of "the cowboy and the
buffalo" across the Rockies
and Coastal Mountains into the
land'pf the Pacific salmon.
Grade one suitably closed
the performance by taking the
audience on a ride by sled and
husky into the .. northland of
Canada to visit the Eskimos.
The song, "From Ocean unto'
Ocean Our -Land. Shall Own
Thee' Lori; las'''sung by the
some 200 students, very
strikingly pointed out the
theme of the performance and
added a wish that Canada
might be a land where Jesus
Christ and all that He means
might be confessedyfrom one
ocean to the other.
Of special note that evening
Were a number of presentations
made. Debbie Postma of R.R..1
Brucefield received a mint
Canadian coin set donated by
the local chapter of the
I.O.D.E.',for her,proficiency in
the area of history.
Peter Klungel, the
valedictorian also happened to
be the ,captain of the team
winning. trophies for first place
in the schools" recent round-
robin tournament field day.
Joanne Dykstra and Melinda
Wieringa happily accepted a
framed certificate showing that
they had won the award of
excellence in the "Canada
Physical Fitness Award"
Continuing the presentations,
Mrs, A. Berg and Miss A. Uyl
were the recipients of gifts
from the P.T.A. Both ladies
have been . teachers in the
Clinton Christian school for
several years and both have
made plans to leaite'" the
teacIiti profession; ate -lentta
Mrs. C. .Kuiper, Mrs. J.
Roorda, Mrs. J. Baker, Mrs. C.
Hamming, and Mrs.. J. Van
Dyke received from the school
board, bouquets as tokens of
appreciation ;for their many
hours of volunteer work for the
school this year.
The presentations having
been made, the diplomas and
Bible having been given to the
graduates, Mr. Peter Damsma,
chairman of the "Board"
closed the evening in prayer
and all those present adjourned
to a delightful strawberry
social held in the school.
The end of the evening
brought with it the end of
elementary schooling for the
pupils in grade eight. The
nature of the school's per-
formance that evening brought
with it a sense of appreciation
and of thankfulness to God that
we live in this country, Canada,
where diversity if not always
encouraged, is "t least
tolerated. We went home
thankful to God for a country
that allows a Christian school to
exist and for a country that
permits parents to teach their
children the faith of their
-fathers. by Clarence Bos
JULY 2nd 8 p.m.
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2 - 1969 CHEVS 50 -series -with 16' stake
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