HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-06-19, Page 22Bio,
ny f?l the loveliest
bridal°'drresses rrre]'�gent/lyy
(_z�]j' ltli y� raMPA�tcc' ty1rM1,n�(: GGT.
• 4ets and ircTla^' .ski t8 ofM
tenr,give :then? Suid;'move-
The ;heirloom Victorian
gowu,shdws:up everywhere
--- sometimes With, some
very new, 'very' contempo-.,
rant touches. ,,, ,
Scooped. ruined bodices,
' squared -off necklines, pin-
afore x fronts and lots of
flounces Fare seen. .Little
girl puff sleeves or leg o'
mutton ones can be de-
Another favorite style
appears to be the high-rise
bustline ,- with the,prin-.
cess,and a newsy tent style
also making their; bid for
The oriental touch can
be found in a dress with
a Mandarin neckline. This
season there's something
to match every- bride's
mood. And if she doesn't
see what she wants in a
style, she ' may very well
design and whip ' up her
own, since this is the year
to express yourself -- and
expect the world to love it!
Fabrics may,. be just
about anything the bride
prefers shops are show-
ing silk" organza or net,
cotton and lace, crisp taf-
feta and, newest. of all,
Long filmy veils or short
ones attached to a close -
fitting elm seem to be fa-
vorites. Many of spring's
bridal gowns are' l topped
with wide ,brimmed hats
and veils.
The reeording of. history is important, etp' cially
• .when that :history.'is your own
causes ;it only IlaPPens once, hopefully,the'.
. choice 'of"; a photographer should. ; be mode
carefully. ' - .• u
Most pht'Qtographers require about a month's
notice before the wedding. Some wilt reserve
dates as far as a year in advance for very.ar-
ganized couples. F •
In 'the -suburban area the average cost for a
wedding° album of 8 x 10 -inch color prints is
$250. The minimum. number of prints which
most photographers will allow is 30. The
average. cost per print is about $7 for color.
BLACK AND WHITE albums are not ;sub-
stantiaily lower in cost, and vogue is To have
albums in color., Because the price of mass -
printed;, color; prints these days, it is worth
the few dollars more to have your -wedding
recorded in color.
The cost of the formal wedding portrait of the
bride or bride and bridegroom runs about
$75. That generally r includes three 11 x 14
prints (black and white) and sufficient prints
for new6papers for the announcement of the
Many P hotogihers are ' ,nOw also taking '
formal wedding .portraits (in their studios) in
color. Of course, group formal shots may be
taken -after the wedding ceremony itself. •k.
PHOTOGRAPHERS, in. order to make their
burden of correctly reporting .your wedding,
pictoraily easier, use a format or story pattern
for -shooting your pictures. Generally a photog-
rapher will shoot from 70 to 120 shots. -Your
wedding 'album will be made from proof . al-
bums of these. _ -
It is important to choose a photographer care-
fully. Most have sample albums for you to
study to that -you will have a bettera:idea of _how
he works and what he likes to photograph.
Many photographers have adopted a con-
temporary attitude toward wedding photog-
raphy and thankfully so'. While the mother
of the bride may like stand-up and smile shots,
the contemporary bride -and her -new husband
may feel like a flowered field is a formal -enough
setting for their official wedding portrait.
When Oackin j }mor the
honeymooh, be careful not
to crush delicate items with
shoes. Putting each shoe in
a plastic bag, and placing
thein at the bottom fold of
the suitcase will help.
From a Seventeenth .Century
traveler in Persia we learn that
the tulip is considered the emblem
of Perfect love. He wrote: "When
a young man presents one to his
mistress he gives her to under-
stand,by' the general color of the
flower° that he is on fire with her
beauty. and by the black base of it.
that his heart; As burnt to a coal."
July 12. St.. Peter's Day, is the
traditional time in Galicnik. Yugo-
siavia, when group weddings are
-celebrated. Many young- men of
the village are employed away
from home most of the year. Those
planning marriage return for St:
Peter's Day. and wedding cerea
monies for the group are held.
Festivities include feasting and
dancing: they last for several
Let. the spetialisfs' at .'Bartfff'a Bakery create a
beautiful cake for yOur wedding,
We also specialize in Birtbday Cakes, Anniversary
cakes, pies and cookies. -
{Bartii.ff's Bajery1
46 Albert Street, Clinton
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