HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-5-6, Page 1LEGAL. H. DICT SON, Barrister, Soil -1 . weer of Supronio Court, Notary Public Conveyancer, .:i°rnlniWsloucr, &c, Money to Loan. OMee in,Pa,usoct's I3lovk",xoter, 11.-cFADDEN, . Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, ''Etc.,1 11X1 '171711, - Office qamwell's Block (na11'sold office,) DENTAL. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., Has opened dental rooms over O'N EIL'S 73ANli, wherein) will be prollareato extract teeth without Pain, All operations performed. with easoanti skill. Gold fillings It speciality, Otlice hours D a. in: to 5 7 nGlBM CniA VA 'R '� p m. U ♦117. raft Vr8 QAszr, IK IN SMAN, D E NTIST. iu.D. S gtracts Tooth without pain, living Vitalized. Air, or by tifling Cie New Local Anaesthe- tic on the gums makes Gold Pilings and all other dental • work the best possible. Rooms Upstairs in SA>4rwii,L's Break, East side of Main -Street, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL CLTJTZ, M. • Ofhicenthisresidonoe Exeter. JW. BROWNING M. D., M. C • P. S,GraduateyictoriaUniversity,Ofllce and(residence,DorrinionLaborator v, Exeter DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S 0. Office, blain St.i xotor,Ont, Itesiden 0o housorocoutly occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. DRS. HYNDMAN AND HOOPER, mi. Renewal), Coroner for the County •of Huron, &o., &c. Dr; Hoop err, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh ; Licentiate in Midwifery, Edinburgh (Scotland) Post -graduate Student of the University of Vienna (Austria) and of the tloorfleld Eye I Hospital, Loudon (England) &c., &c. Special ! attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. Office, Alain -street, Exeter. DR. WOODRUFF, Qoeen'sPeAvveuue,t] London, air few No. 15 doors east of Post Office, Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, and the pres- ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from tho ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a common a:ruse of inipai •ed hearing. • AUCTIONEERS. T{ENRY EILBER, Licensed Auo tioneor 1or tiny, Stephen, and ateGilli- 7ray:TOwushllls: Sales conductedat moderate rates. Office -At Post -office, Crediton, Ont. OEIN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen,•IIay and Usborne Exeter. and the Village of All sales pr•omutly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. TENNENT ~ STIIENT, Veteri- nary Surgeons Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toron- to, have op oiled an office fortho tree tznent o f all Domestic '1'.7 Z e�, ' Animals, on llainstreet Exeter. Calls from a Cris , .. ate- tanco prompt'y attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c always on band: — — MONEY TO LOAN. 1' /CONEY TO LOAN ON REALES L tate forth° Huron deErieLoan ' Sav ingsSooiety.,Low ratessfinteresi. Apply to Jo111r 3packnlan,Esete;yy' %/1ONEY TO LOAM. AT 6 AND 611 perceut.acoording totorms. Private Funds. Apply to B V.ELLIOT, Augustl5,'85 Solicitor. Exeter ONE1 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6: por cent, 525,000 Private Funds. Bost Loaning Companies represented. L. FI DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. TWIN MoDONELL, ISSUED OF MARRIAGE LIJENSES. OFFICE IN PANSON'S BLOOIC. Also, agent for the Loudon Mutual insurance Company of Canada,3lorcautile Insurance Co -Capital '1,500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo; Dut, Glasgow & London Insurance Coy-Cap- .tal 52,500,000 ; Read Office, Montreal : Stand- tr'd Life Insurance Co., Road Office, London. England ; Guarantee Si Accident Co, Head Jffice, Toronto. ' JOHN McDONELL Exeter. HE WATERLOO MU'T'UAL FIRE INSUIIANCE CD. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This comxany has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western Ou- tftrio,audContinues to insure againstloss or damage by Fire ,73uiidings,Morobandlso,Man- ufaetori o s,aud all 0 tiler descriptions of jiirsur•- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash Systorn. During- the past ton years this Company has issued 57,005 Policies. covering property to the amount of $40,872,035 ; mud paid in loss- es alone 8709,752,00 'Assets, 80176,100.00, consisting of Cash n thank, Govern entDeposit,auci the unass- ossod Premium oteson handaudin force, J, W WALDEN II D. Presiclor.t. 0. 14i. I'AYLon, Secretary. J.B. Hltgnes,tnspoctor. CHAS, SNELLL Agontfor Exeter and pity. THE 1n1cr1uay OF CANADA. The Royal hail, Passenger and rroight Route between Canada and Groat Biitain and direct route between the West and all points en the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale dos Ohs, lour, also New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Cape BI'eton, Newf'ounttIalld, f5erinuda, and Jamaica, Now and elegant Pullman Buffet Slopping and Day oars run on through Tixpress trains. Passengers for Groat Britain or Oho Conti- , mint by leaving Toronto at 8;80 a. m. Thnrs- day will join. outward mail steamer at Bali - Sfax a, m. Saturday; SuporiorElevator'Warehouse and Dock ao- commodattbn at Halifax for shipment of grain and general merchandise, Years df experience have provedtho INTER - COLONIAL in ,„connection with stoarrlshipp lifieg to and from London, Liverpool and Glasgow to Halifax, to bo the; quickest freight relate between Cadacla and Groat 13ritain, Information as to Passenger and Freight„ r.ateS can bo had on application to VOL. XIII;, NO. 30. T1rPORT'ANNOTICES. SUM III ON ') '"I EW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 6, `fid * ( ,' t? To Appear before theBad Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of aryl Exete rand vicinity, that he has 0 0 ilea out I p a Qi. Hsu, Whore the m.iu who came at the cry of "next" received 11 Shave and a hair -cut which could not possibly have Y been surpassed ase od 1 bany bo by z B op h'and00 hop lin tho corner Store North of Samwel a 6jusii LiNgLy 1,& Pickard'e, where he isreared p p to melee all kinds of ordered work. SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS, Without a doubt they are the most becoming stylus over introduced. Ladies, for something in very duo style, such as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, Puffs, Curls, or swigs, call on Ike. J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Where he will supply all your wants in the Hair Lino, S URES•r.OUCHS COLDS, J H2O'ARSENESS,ETC. HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey.._._ hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hai,t,l.,' from falling out increae:;r, growth, and w r, `>+ gad not soil the Skin. 4,f. As a hair c:r sing, ft has n, superior. C;'',r nnteed -r a.r z,,, i;_ Prepared Ir- Harknes.s London, tris,,. Sold by all Un] 'l,et. and l'a1 utllJai.-, Gifrac a royal, valuable FT and d we colts postage and will send you le box of that will put you in the way of makinggoods more money at once, than anything else in America. Bothsexos of all ,ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital notrequirud, We will start you. Immense pay sui a for those who start at once. Sriwsos & Co , Portland Maine . CEN TRALL Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager O. Eaerett's Boot and Shoe May 14th 84 stablishment. LTNL TH[A1LI1 MR. WM. LYNt; is prepared to do CUSTOM TAILORING At Kirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. . WILLIAM LYNE. Butter &Eggs WANTED. J. Ma#heron � • Has opened out in (cue of the pioneers of the northern MAY." 188(1. JOHN everiTg et SON tPubiiaheee and Proprietors ROUND THE COUNTRY. Nl;ssourl. J. W. Barnard, of Nissouri, came before Squire Hannah, Loudon, T'rie day, on the charge of obstructing the fish•way in his dam, as mentioned last week. The obstruction truot'o plained of was a large wooden beam, grousing below the shoot, whioh the fish would have to ` leap over before they could gob np. The defendant acknowledged the offence and at the request of Inspector McCann the fine was reduced from $29 bo $4. Mr. Barnard promised to have the obstruction removed at once. Lucan. Business in town has been fairly good during the past week, although several showers of rain have Dome upon 118. As was mention last week, Satur- day brought forth the let of May, the the day in whioh we bade farewell to the Crook's regime, and droffed our plugs to the Scott Aot. We are in- clined to think the Act will work here, although there will be a boom in the crockery trade. For instance. the prudent aid respectable citizen, who likes to take a little semi•ocoasionally for his stomach's sake, these warm days prooureth him a little brown jug, eauseth the store -keeper to en close within the same an appropriate quantity of the fluid tha•. cheers and also inebriates if you take it too fre- .quently or too strong; and bestowebh the same in a quint and secluded cor- ner of his cupboard, egaint the days when the S. A. shall rule, and "John B.&rleyoorn" shall be a fugitive and an out -jaw in the land. One can notice a difference already in the physiognomies of aur hotel•keepers; they have not yet had practice enough to thoro"ughly fight the Act but give them time, they are equal to the occasion. ► •- (xranton. ' On the 28th ult., Mr. Thos. Walden, Currelley & Co's. Old Stand, Baa t of London township, passed ny, aged 80 years. ' EXETER NORTH 1 On Saturday last Jae. Ratcliffe's Complete stock of Groceries. team ran Away and demolished Mr, 161bs. Sugar; +1 Tea, 25, 50 Langford's buggy. Baby girls are the rage here. blr. and Mrs. Oggiesby this time, on the 28th ult. Within the last week or two, three carloaas of potatoes have been ebip • H .A RD -WAR E. ped to this station. They came from FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, the counties of Grey and Bruce. (Cheap.) Best Machine 0i1 60e per Gal. • GRANTON MARKETS.—Wheat, 82ets.; C„UAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER.' barley, 55cts.; oats, 32cte.; potatoes, r• A reduction of 5 Per Cent. on 75cts. per bag; flour, $2; butter 16o.; eggs, 10o. DRUC STOB jand 75 cis --Good Quality. 1 Boots & Shoes (AII St les at Low P y ) rices. A nicely assorted stock of A full stock of all kinds of Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Suit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for ti7.50. Suitings and Dye -stuffs and package I Overcoats Cheap. Dyes, constantly on 1 Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. - hand. Winan's +COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON-. HAY P. O. Exeter Butcher Shop. R DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer --IN ,ALL BINDS OF -- the Central Drug Store Exeter' /11MIAIrTIS CLUT rte. Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THUItS- \J Lj DAYS AND SATUIDAYS at their residence SUCCESS! ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. SUCCESS I Prepaid Tickets —nY— DOMINION ROYAL MAIL LINE, ANCHOR UNITED STATE MAIL LINE, —FROM— ENGLAND,SCOTLAND, IRELAND, GERMANY. APPLY TO GEORGE CEM P, CHEAP CASH STORE. LAaIE GO TO D ULD'1A.GE'S' FOR 5 18TVLl8H MILLINERY, GOODS AR RIVING DAILY AT D ULMAGE'S KIRKTON. UOB HERE! Any purchaser of 12 lbs. .14 of our CELEB r 1'ATLD roc. TEA will be awarded a No, 1 Gingham or Print Doss —o o (fast -colors.) JUST REC ,.XV +'D: FactoryCottons Sart Garden Seeds, Maple Sugar, Bock Bottom Prices. Factory; Cheese, Canned Corn, Tomatoes, Dire Boneless Codfish, Oranges, Lemons 100'caus MIXED PAINTS lust to hand for Christie Brand Soda Biscuits, House Painting. Pure Malt Vinegar, Teas,Coffees Sugars, syrups, Tobacos Cigars, /�I r /� t�•� �o Dashwood Roller Flour; g 1 GROCERIES, BOOTS, S, SIIVES lIOltERT' 13.111UOD117, Western Ifroight &Passenger Agent Rolled Oats. Cheaper tliarr ever at 33PossitiNouse Mlock,York St., Toronto. , [iEMEMDi,NTRE ADDRESS D. POT'l'INGI%','.e,;. � in A brt S Chief c' v utondont. � ,,,w , r E �9 deg.'''' Drew' J7 ckSouth 811�r Store. e.��� %thesay 0 to 11.1:1 eis"e tie 1 Rev. Mr. Thomas, of Ailsa Craig, officiated in the Episcopal church on Sunday evening last. Quarterly services for the _ Methodist church Granton circuit, will be held at the McIntyre appointment on Sunday next. Mr. A. Thompaon, B. A, of $amts• ton, and Miss Ida McMillan of Lon- don South, teachers, spent their Easter vaction at their homes near the village. Mr. King, of Brantford; Professor of magna-therapentios has been, treating several patients here during the past week. Usborlle Council. Council met Saturday last pur- suant to adjournment. Alt the members present. Minutes of pre- vious meeting read and confirmed. Moved by H. Horsey, seconded by R. Gardiner, that the expenses in connection with the burial of C. Blau. shard, amounting to $12. be paid.- s Car•i led.. ' Moved by J. Halls, seconded by R. Gardiner, that this council will meet as a Court of Riviaion, on Sat- urday 29th day of May, at 10 o'clock a. m., and that the clerk be thereby instructed to advertise the same ac cording to law.—Carried: Moved by J. Shier, secooded by R. Gardiner, that the scale regulating the number of days statute labor whioh all assessed persons aro liable to perform, as now prepared, be adopted. --Carried. Moved by J. Halle seconded by H. Horley, that bylaw No. 3, 1880 be and is hereby recinded, and that by-law No. 5 1886 be adopted instead thereof. ---Curried. Moved by, J. Shier seconded by R. Gardiner, that by-laws Nos.' 8 and 4 as now read be passed. --Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded b R. Gardiner, that Mrs. Johne receive $4 for relief. --Carried, Moved by J. Falls, seconded by H. Roney, that this council do now adjourn to meet Saturday, 29th May. Uarried. Geo, W. iewiAN, Clerk. HERE ,AND THERE. News Condensed The St, Marys flats are being fenced iu by the owners, By order in oonnoil, Listowel has been declared a tobacco' port of entry. A daily mail a1 now roue between Mitchell and Russeldale. Tile town of Goderioh will have au arbor day in the fall of ' the year, in- stead of at the present season. The editor of a Mitchell paper was COMMUNICATIONS. Wo do not hold ourselves rosponeiwle for opin ions' expressed by oorrospou3.ents under this heading To t1ie Editor of the Times, DLAIf Sin:--Iu your issue of host week, your Lucan correspondent re- ferred in somewhat seething tonna so a Bill w milesddulpwest of Lbridileange,soadmewhklavierellia few ap- parently pawed through a cyclone, and being iei r dangerous condition. If your valued ' correspondent would be a little more explicit and state. where such bridge is in our munit oipality, he will merit and receive the gl anks of hje wnh couratefuncil. Ithhave iu Qontunoticton withsip our deputy reeve and other council officials, made this day a tour of is apeotion through a large portion of thes tqe ternrt of a t' township, P and regret to say if such bridge exists I and colleagues oau'b` find it. If your correspondent faits to do as above requested, 1 will be forged to the conclusion that the article teas attacked by a videos Irish setter dog, l written ;e Creek on soon the mewhere eve of the ad- . Mr. Davie is an Irishman also. St. Marys lacrosse club is endeav- vent of the Scott Aot, when perhaps, your correspondent's vision was nob as clear as could be desired. Respectfully yours, Wit. li00PER, cum., Div. 2. . Dominion" Franchise Act. To the Editor of the Exeter Times. In answer to several luquiries as to what course I intend to pureue at the approaching sittings of the Courts for the final revision of the voters' lists in the Ridings of Middlesex, . for which T act as Revising Offiicer, I make he following reply, whioh you will oblige me by publishing: -- 1. In order to strike any name off a list whioh now appears thereon, oral evidence must be produced at the sittings of the Court for the final revieiop, and if required, this evidence must then be given under oath. But when death has reudored it necessary to expunge a name, it is supposed that there will be a sufficient agree- ment among the parties present to render any previous formalities un- necessary. 2, Any person applying to have his came inserted on a list whioh is not now thereon, mast appear in person at the Bitting of the Court, and be prepared to support his claim by oral testimony, and, if required, this oral testimony moat be under oath. But if some satisfactory rea- son be shown for the absence of such applicant, as, for instance illness, then his solemn declaration, under the 27th' Vie., chapter 37, sufficiently setting forth his claim, or sufficient oral evideuse uuder oath, will be ac- cepted at the sittiug, subject to ob. jections at the sittiug, whioh ob ee- toationhs., if so required, must be under 3. In the case of applications for amendments of names or qualifies - tions of persous already appearing on bite lists, the sense description of declaration, or the oral evidence et the applicants, or of others, will be received, eubjoot to objeotieng. 4, In all cases the requirements called for in the notice which is given as notice G iu the aohedule to this Act, and which is printed ou the lists whioh have been distributed since the Preliminary Revision, must be com- plied with. 5. My intention is to avoid giving effect to mere technical objections, and to admit all the suffrage whose claims to it are supported by rea- sonable proof. 6. .Hitherto in ,the preliminary proceedings no oath has been admin. istered, no one having asked for it. Perhaps it is too much to expect a continuance of the same state of things throughout the final proceed- ings.. But 1 venture to tape that the spirit of fairness which has hitherto been manifested by all parties will continue to render the recourse to oaths unnecessary, or at all events infrequent. WILLIAM ELLIOT, Revising Officer for the Etat, North and West Ridings of Middlesex. London, 3rd May, 1886. ►r•• 111 Although three comets are looming up in the heavens, Greece still hank- ers fel- war. Another rebellion has broken out in Mexico, and will continue as long as, thefineweather taste. 'Mitchell wants a public cemetery, on account of those belonging to the various denominations being full. The Good Templates of the counties of Middlesex, Elgin, Larobton and Huron are called to meet in 'convon. Hon in the foresters' Hall, Federal Bank Buildings, London, ou Monday, 10th May, at 2; p. ne.,'for the pttrposo of forming a District Lodge. The head of the Order, the Hon. J. B. Finch, will be in .attendtuce In the evening a mass meeting of all friends of temperance and �rohibitio t n will be held in the City Ilall, to be addressed by Hon. ,T. B. Finch Col , ,Sibley and ring to arrange for a match on the 24th of May, What's the matter with the Exeter club ? Mrs. Anthony Roe, of Mitchell, fell from a step ladder while papering a room the other day, and' broke both arms. The Mitchell Turf Club had a meeting the other night, and it was decided to hold the first meet, on 24th May; when, it is said, large purees will be offered. Mr. A. Colq uhoun, of Mitchell, an old man aged 75 years; had a par- alytic stroke of a serious nature last week. We learn he is recovering slowly. Two parties at Kirkbou had a set- to not long ago. The party assailea, who can have but little manliness or spuuk, had his assailant" before a J. P. who lied to pay $6.20. Mr. W. E. Stauley, of Lucan, has bean elected People's Warden of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, and Mr. Wm. Stanley, J. P., the Rector's Warden. On Tuesday a son of Mr. Jonu Saunders, South NVard, Miochell, was sawing a stink of wood, when his little sister go;; one of her hands in front of the sa,v, resulting in the loss of a finger. .- Mr, George Austin Rogers. brother of Messrs. T. Li. and A. R. Rogers, of Parkhill, and an officer in the 1st Battallion Sutherland and. Argyle Princess LJUise Highlanders, is . now visiting his brothers there. ' Mr Rogers but receutly left Pietermaritz• burg, Natal Colony South Africa. A. McQuillan, of -East Nissouri, has been missing for eons days. It is not known whether by means of foul play or a skip -out. He has been a hard working sober man all his life. He is dark complexioned, wore chin whisker, is abort 5 feet 9 inches lngh, and when he left he was dressed iu his working clothes. As Mrs. Joseph Foster was riding from Varna a few days ago4she met with what might Have been a very carious accideut. It appears that while Doming down a hill some part of the harness broke, causing the horse to take fright; the buggy was upset and the occupants thrown out. The quarterly meetiug of the Libsr- al-Couservatives Association for the South Riding of Huron will be held in Varna, to -day. The South Riding of Huron consists of the following municipalities:—Townships of Stan• ley, Hay, Tuokeremith, HulIett, Me• Killop, boron of Seaforth and village Bayfield. On the 17111 inst. the coruer stone of the new Methodist church, 'Mit- chell, will be laid with the usual pomp of such occasions, at half -past two o'clock, by kfr. Warren Kennedy, of Toronto. Rev. kir. Pascoe, of ,Exeter, will preach there on the Sun- day evening previous. a The Goderioh Lawn Teunis Club has a membership of thirty. and is officered as follows; --President, S. Malcomson; first Vice, 1?. W. Jahn. son; second, B,. A. Starke; Captain, Dr. Holmes; Secretai•y.Treasurele R. S. Williams; Committee of 1Manage- ment, E. N. Lewis, C. C. Rags, F. Widder, J. Strachan and H. M. Reynolds. Mr. J.' Grayson Smith, of Strat- ford, Revising Officer for North Perth, under the Dominion Franchise .Act, being about to leave for England for a term of years, tendered his resigna- tion to the `Government. His resit. nation has been accepted, and Mr. Edward Sydney Smith, Revising Of- ficer for South Perth, has beets ap- pointed Revising Officer for the Rid- ings of North and South Perth. E. Peaoocic, of the .Maitland hotel, Goderich, pleaded guilty to a charge of selling liquor contrary to the Can. ads Temperance Act, and was fined $50 and costs, Some truthful men were subhiuned as witnesses, John McBride was Also charged with n other temperance leaders. once, but on a000net of the similar off . non-appearance of an important wit- CommonlyCalled led Lauri CIItcAoo, Ili,, Jan, 14, 1 ees. 884.• --In the sum- mer of 1879,1 noticed I was fro u s Had diarrlrma, 1+'amil' ntsy tired. y physician said had malaria in stomach. Bowels would.' Tut depressed anxious, tip move half a dozen tinter, if 1 walked ed, prostrated rapidly. Finally in August, I becamea block feeling with disposition to dhilis and fovor sidle to leave too headache, malaria and nervone prostration Red night sweats, and Layein bed site tongue, indicate that the blood ` ars full of uric ,:.:acid, six Bottles of GVartor's safe yellow raocured Ino, whioh can only bo effectually remedied by WILT/IAA WALT4Mit 1.01T jS±±Eiilhy, that great blood purifier, Warner safe mire, formerlywitli,Nashett t15oit ;ompan'% hese the case was postponed until May 14111.`