HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-06-19, Page 16It was annoupcl d this eek In
y " t Legislature by 'the chaff
tan of the:ManMetnerit mrd
cahlnct „AVIOVItNer,that ail
basen1 ntr On police' salaries
been ,''reached, This.
agreement 'coverstha ppriOd.
from prig" ",1975 toil:arch 34.
1916, and N provides 41,1,
. prove'ment, . in" sa1arLes, em -
,Saturday June ',21st:, He alit It
;way the ,qtli,i0onsecUtiV year
day, f a;Ont 'io
bas set asid ,alopeglat week. it
recQgnitiOn the.1,50.,0p4senior
citizens in 0.ntario'.4nsf to focus
attention onTthetr. contlributions,
to the Prcvince.„ov r the. years.;
The' theme for t is..year ”"It"s
the •tlineof our Dives" is meant
pioyee benhfitahnd` otheUerms", .to' emphasize the capacity,..to,
of a rfllptoyment ,for bap- • make one's retirement rears' 'proximately. '.30,8000 uniformed interesting end fill of leisure,
QPP , staff. 'in the bargaining ,learning, :rocs tion, and
unit. The maximum, Wary fora . community acttvi>t ds - pursuits
a constable :.underthe new ,, that one capnotalways`take full
agreenient,'wili be $16,100 per advantage of while fully .em-
year effective April I, 1975. ployed:?
In . additiontQ the salary ' Me. Brunelle Said 'there are
increases, -d :shiftpremium of many Myths about 'aging and
• : 15c per; hour will be Introduced its , effects which they ,want tq
effective - from • June 2, 1975; ,dispel, 70• percent of the -s, nior
plain clothes allowance" will be `-citizens in Ontario; enjoy, `.od
increased froth $425 per year to health and are active ,iiia their
• $500 per' year; there will be ran communities. 'Only 26,000 ,are
improvement in the paymentresidents in homes for the agegd:
with respect to Statutory Mr. Brunelle said a/at
holidays the government throughout Ontario, special
,will pay. the full premium for • pragrams,rnd opportunities for
the supplementary ,health and the . elderly -are expanding
hospital . insurance ,. plan, . every year. •
previously employees have • In preparation for senior.
paid 75 , percent of this citizens' week, over 20,000
premium. resource kits, have already
'The minister of agriculture been distributed to senior
, and food, William Stewart, said citizens and individuals who
• in the Legislature that he had` work • with the elderly,; This.,
discussed with the minister of •
agriculture ' in Quebec, the
Honourable Normand Toupin,
the exchange of information of a
the'nterprovincial movement
of, eat from licenced .dead
ani al receiving plants and
dead, animal meat brokers in
Ontario and Quebec. •
He said that the Quebec
.-Government is drafting new
regulaion% relative to dead or
incurable animals and meat
inspection which will become
effective June 15. of this year.
These 'new regulations, Mr.
Stewart said, are being for -
'warded to, his office, for in-
formation, review and com-
ment. I Both • provinces will
submit the name.,of com . . ies
pr individuals. handling meat
from dead animals, the
volume, the buyers of the meat,
the carriers involved and the
.dates of shipments which have
crossed provincial boundaries.
plr. --Stewart said this . mutual
exchange of information will
assist investigators ` in both
provinces to monitor the flow of
meat from one province to
Liberal leader, Robert Nixon,
questioned the Premier
'regarding the information
released by Statistics Canada
on Unemployment levels. The,
information indicated that the
unemployment figure for
Ontario .this month as being up
again to 6.3 percent while
across Canada, unemployment
levels have gone down or as in
.. Quebec” and „ B.C., have
remained fairly static.
Accor4 ng to .Mr. ,N.ixoan the
unemployment level is now as
high as any time since 1960. He
wanted to know if there is some
program more effective than
what is being done .to, reverse
this trend in this period of time
when the position should be
improving and ' ' not
deteriorating. The - Premier
replied that they were, con-
scious of this and that, that
percentage relates the
automotive industry w ich - is
stillln some difficulty because
of the market in the United
States. Ian Deans, NDP
Member for Wentworth, by
way of a supplementary
question asked the Premier
whether he could provide the.
house , with a single program
brolight in by the Government
that has produced 'new jobs in
...,„, .1.bLIthee, rilvinee rio
tha3aamne Broezektia ht 4 ri1
vas. —aimed ' n- pd.dt�'"macrny`I.rroeze, - off.
trying to reduce the spiralling graduated ” from Fanshawe
unemployment rate. . College- of ,--May--311` with_ a
The minister of community" diplomat in • Respiratory
and social services announced Technology. Miss Broeze has
the off'cial celebration of accepted a • position at St.,
Senior. Citizens Week. Senior Joseph's, Hospital in Guelph. '
Citizens' Week begins .on She- is a graduate of Central,
Sunday, June ' 15th through to Huron Secondary School. ' r
consumption of a1coi7►a,ii ,
wh/ic(il in we
torthe social„costs t^, at we all'„
„•fiettlore,n The Ilse of alcoheiis .
more , injurious to•,4ociety 'than;
,;the use Of tobacco, he said,
Sidney i lndleran,fmini,$ter
of consumer and cornmergia'i
relations' , 'iatrodu e'd• -the
.Government's new ' .i quor bili•°
by ' saying, that • liberalization'
was not of primary interest:
"There have been pressures
brought ; to bear on ,the . r
Ooverntrent since the in
trfduction of the brill, and prior
to •it,, to take a more liberal
attitude' towards, the
availability of . beverage
alcohol, " ;
Mr. Handleman said they''
find public health and safety
More important- than longer
drinking hours, , beer irl;
supermarkets • or . consumption
in public parks. He staid as
much as we would like.to forget
it from time to time there is a
direct relationship . between --
freer drinking and the., social
problems of alcohol abuse.
The new act will make it legal
for parents to, serve alcoholic
beverages to their children,
regardless eof their age in their
residence., • It will also allow
motorists to transport Open
bottles of liquor in their cars as
special booklet, "Resources foie, : long as the liquor is not readily
Senior Citizens" details where__ accessible while they driire.
help for seniorsmay be found. • Donald MacDonald, NDP,
A variety_of aethrities will -be Member for York ,mouth, was
taking place ¶Luring this special asked to withdraw from, the
week , in • communities Chamber for the remainder of
throughout the ' Province. Mr. the.- day, last week in the
Brunelle said that over 1,000 Legislature. It all arose as a
elementary and secondary result of a question directed to
schools , throughout the the minister of agriculture and
Province plans to participate in fes. Mr. MacDonald referred
a variety of ways,bySpon= to his comments bn the income
Poring art contests,, picnics, Stabilization plan in British
inviting seniors to their Columbia. Mr.' Stewart said
classrooms, and otheir planned that he was simply referring to
activities. Many restaurants, the fact that according to all the
shopping plazas, theatres and information they were getting
other organizations have also from B.C: that the plan "is too
arranged special activities, as rich for their blood," b"
•well as reduced prices for the - Mr. MacDonald deminded
elderl during this special 1r Stewart stop.,
Wee . -
Mr. Brunelle indicated that
the theme for this year's
Special week was submitted by
Unionville, . Home for the Aged
in Unionville, in a contest.
Ontario should liberalize its
liquor laws but curb ad-
vertising of alcoholic
beverages, Liberal ' Leader
Robert Nixon said. Speaking in
the Legislature during the
debate on the second reading of ,
a Government.bill to amend the
Liquor Control'Act, Mr. Nixon
said he could not see ' why it
should continue to be illegal to
take a bottle of.Arine on a picnic.
• Advertising ., ,of alcoholic
beverages though, he said,
must be reduced since it is
"adding unnecessarily to the
misrepresenting the • B.C.
situation which he said
;`amounts to a lie."
The Speaker in trying to
restore order said that; there
was a firm rule that no one
accuses another of lying. He •
:asked Mr. MacDoriald. to with -
'draw his 1'Statement. • Mr.
1VIacDonald said he could not
withdraw what is a fact. He
said he informed the Minister
that he ismisrepresenting the
situation and it's the
misrepresentation that
amounts , to a lie.- The speaker
said Mr.MacDonald left him no
alternative. , Mr. MacDonald
was escorted ' from the
Chambers by the Attendant. ,
Allowances paid- to• injured
workers under the Workmen's
Compensation Act are to ' be
increased by' the Prgvincial
Government on July 1st.
The maximum rate of
compensation payable to in-
jured '\ workers 'will rise *25.
percent to $216.35 from $174.08 a
week, representing 75 percent
of theceilings on earnings
which will be raised to $15,000 a
The absolute minimum for
permanent total disability will
be increased to $400 from $260 a
Pension increases to
• dependent widows will go up 10
percent . to $286 a month,~ a
` dependent's child's pension will
rise to $77 a month. - . -
Burial allowance will go from
$550 to $600 and the initial .luny
sum payable to , a widow for
,in'cidental expelnses will be
increased to $600.
The changes will cost $108.2
million.. . • -
e Fait: parade depicted the aloe
Sheep judge Wilson Douglas, right, carefully inspects a ram
"luring the Clinton Fair. Organizors said the sheep show was
tii•eond olily to the CNE. (News -Record photo)
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Pat Webster leads the Clinton Legion Pipe Band in the Clinton Fair parade.
The Ausable-Bayfield Con-
servation Authority is planning
a guided hike at the Rock'Glen
Conservaticn Area near
Arkona:•The public is 'invited to
attend this event which is
scheduled for Sunday, June 22M-
rom ' p.m.
Rock Glen Is famous for its -
natural scenic beauty including
the Rock Glen falls, and for the
many fossils which have been
exposed by the Ausable. River
and Rock Glen Creek. The site
also contains a number of
historical features,''such as an •
old power dam and the remains
of a grist mill.- •
The hike is scheduled to start
at 2 p.m. from the area's
parking lot and a guide will
point out and discuss the
various historical and
geological features of the area.
Following the hike lemonade
will be served.
If Sunday, June 22 is un-
suitable due to rain, the hike
will be cancelled and
The success. of the
Authority's guided nature hike.
at the Bannockburn Con-
servation. Area near Varna has
prom ted the • lannin: -of this
r e and all t ose ,interested
are, encouraged to attend.
The Rock Glen Conservation
Area is located on Rock Glen
Road, north-east of Arkona,
just off Highway 7. '
The heavy horse show at the Clinton Fair was again the biggest in Ontario. There were 13 en-'
tries in `the unicorn hitch, a class which calls for.four evenly' matched horses working as one
(Nets-Recordphotb' •
If you are 65 or older and have
Iived here for the past year, most
prescription drugs can be free.
This is what Ontario is doing
for you to get them.
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Margaret Sharp, Sec. Treas. phone 527-0400
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fire, Extended Coverage, Wind -
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Liability, Etc.
Directors and Adjusters:
Lavern Godkin; RR 1, Walton,,. Ont.
Robt. Archibald, RR 4, Seaforth
Ken Carriochan, RR 4, Seaforth
Ross, Leonhardt, RR 1,- Borhholm
John MC Ewing, RR 1, Blyth •
Stdnley Mcllwain, R•R 2, Goderich
Donald McKercher, RR 1, Dublin
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J.N, Trewartha, Box 661, Clintbn •
- Effec`live August 1, we -iiave a new law rrtOnita►ric.
It will allow almost everyone who is 65 or older and
has•been an Ontario resident for at least the past 12
months to receive most prescription drugs free.
That means prescriptions written by physician or
dentist and filled in Ontario. Only those drugs listed in
'Ontario's Drug Benefit Formulary are free.
Hdre is who is eligible:
Ontario residents who receive Old Age Security.
If you are 65 or older and are presently receiving
an Old Age Security cheque from the federal gov-
ernment, you will automatically receive your new
Drug Benefit eligibility Card before August 1. (A d, of
course, if you are already getting a drug benefit card,
ypu will continue to get one.) You don't have to do
anything about it.
Ontario residents not receiving Old Age Secu 1�
If you are 65 or older, and have lived in Ontario for
at least the past year but less than 10 years, you too
are entitled to Ontario's prescription drug benefits,
But because We don't know who you are, you'll have
to apply for the drug benefit card- at your pharmacy
or from the Ministry of Health: After you're enrolled,
you'll automatically receive your drug benefit card.
Here's how Drug Benefit works. -
There are more than 1,500 prescription drugs
listed in the Ministry of Health's Drug Benefit Formu-
lary. When you visit a physician or dentist, tell him you
qualify for the Drug Benefit so that he can prescribe
medication from theFormulary. Then, give your Drug
Benefit Card to the pharmacist. Your pharmacy will
keep your card. But you can have it returned - in
.. cri ,ex.Y�..ov 4,81(: ,�a,QE a01n#949-.. o a.dit*P.t?10.4(ma
1\�Mbod to Vu. .,....n . y. ..
When you get your prescription, you pay nothing.
The pharmacist will be paid by your Ontario govern-
ment. •
In Ontario, we wish you the best of health. A d we're
doing something about it. So if you need to appy
(and most people don't), pick up your Drug Benefit
application form at your pharmacy, ,.or write to:
Ministry of Health
Drug Benefit
Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2S3
For more information, telephone (free of charge)
by dialing "0" and asking the operator for Zenith
8-2000. Residents within the Metro Toronto local
calling area should dial 965-8470.
Ministry of Health
Frank. Miller, Minister
Phone 527.1$77,
• 527.1545
• 402-7534
Agonts r
Janes Keys, RR 1 Seaforth K.J. Etue, Seaforth
Wm. Leiper, Londesbo'ro Stove,,h Murray, RR 5, 6eaforfh
Government of Ontario
William Davis, Prefnier