The Exeter Times, 1886-4-29, Page 8IN$1,711ANCE.
IThe annual vestry meeting of Christ
PANS:, of Toronto : alMPR
IN8LIZANOal 00,1TANY,oilannlon, England,
tkeROTAL (ANADIAN. of Montreal, earl tlie
13BITISFI 13,11311)111F, LIFE AS ST./ 11 AN OE Og-
PANT', of London, England, eetablis,hed 1847,
Assets 0vor, $5,000000 ; and bonuses
paid, over $10.000,000,
Christ Church. Vestry Meeting.
Church, EXeter„ was held, on EaSter Men -
day ; the Rev.. Sameel Ttobmson, 1110114 -
bent, in the phair. The Chnrch-Wardens
presented their report, showing a surplus ou
band of 8.17. The financial year had boon.
most successful ; in addition to $100 added
to the clergyman's stipend, the Church -
Wardens expended $94 en improvements aod
M.10011.111.100./141M.ill repairs on the Churn and parsonage. The
offertory for church purposes was $76 in ex-
&QUAL shall be happy to se- gess ol the previous year, and that for die-
eitle et all tinte,s, from any part of the eesiau purpeses, showed an increase of $34
over same period, The parish hes foo the last
niue months been doiug without the grant of
180130 from the mission fluid, and after this
date the mission of Hensel' will be separated
from Enter and formed into a new mission,
Staff a and Dublin being added to Hensall,
under the ohargo of the Rev. 0. ti. Bridg-
man, Messrs, John Specimen and A, A. U.
Donovan were re-elected Olinroh-Wardens.
Messrs, 33, V. Elliot and William Case were
eleeted delegates to the Synod. Messrs. 13.
5, O'Neil, Thomas Hawkins, B. V. Elliot aud
Thomas W, Hamlin were elected Sidesmen.
Messrs. W. J. Carling and B. 8, O'Neil were
elected Auditors. The Guild, composed
principally of the ladies of the congregation,
have now on baud a oonsidereble:sum of
money, which they intend expending on more
parsonage Improvements.
t.orraqt, 'trams oj local news, such, 43 ac-
eideatS,or any in resting incident what
ever, from, any ef our subscribers or read
er5 generally for the parpese of public-
(Vm ,frelet Times.
TIITIRSDA.Y, APRIL 29th, 1886.
TENCIENTS perliue for nret insertion, nue!
t‘017,9 0 WYSS per line for each subsequent in
tertian win. be charged fo notices appearini
this cow= ,
Scarlatt, the druggist, has ordered a large
supply of ?aria green, whieh will arrive in
duo time for the execution of the potato bug
family, Mark the place where to procure
the pure green when reauired.
Without exception, the best and cheapest
lines in Boots and Shoes we have as yet
seen, eau now be had at 0. Eacrett's, Chi
drens Carriages, Express Wagoas, Boys'
Bicycles of all sizes, Men'sHaud-made Boots;
also harness, trunks. valises of every descrip-
tion constantly on hand. 001 and see them.
Butter and Eggi taken in exchange for goods.
C. EaCanrr.
Good Friday.
Friday last the streets of Exeter and the
business places in town presented a deserted
appearance, nearly every person having taken
advantage of the holiday and gone fishing
or shooting. Judging from the number
who thus spent he day, we should think
that there would be very few fish left in the
river and not muchigame in the woods. A
great many ladies were out eugliug. Some
spent the day at the lake, others visited their
friends, and thus the day was spent. In
the evening the rink was well patronized,
and a good number attended the concert in
the James -street Church.
Mr. H. Elliot, of Windsor, and Mr. B.
Elliot of London, were home spending
Easter.—Mr. Cox, of the firm of Meredith &
Cox, of London, spent Easter here.—Mr. H.
Smith, formerly of Exeter. spent a few days
:here last week. Mr. E. Grigg, who is at -
lending Wiese at Toronto, is horae spending
Easter vacation.—Bev. 0. E. Bridget:eon, Pf
St. Paul's Church riensall, occupied the
pulpit in Christ Church, Exeter, on Sunday
evening last, and preached a very eloquent
sermon.—Miss E. Hall, of London; has been
visiting friends in Exeter this week.—Rev.
Geo. Cobbledick, 'of Dungannon, was here
this week visiting his parents,—Many of our
townspeople spent their Easter holidays with
friends in other places.
Concert and Entertainment.
The organ recital, concert and literary en-
tertainment held in the James -street Metho-
diet Church on Good Friday evening, in aid
of the organ hind, although not so largely
attended as it should have been, was a suc-
cess. Tbe programme as advertised was
carried out to the very letter. Mr. Birks, of
London, presided at the instrument in his
usual able manner, well known to the people
of Exeter, the choir sang several appropriate
pieces in excellent style, Dr. Hooper and J.
E. Tom, I. P. S., eaoh gate a reading, in a
style which was highly appreciated by the
audience. A recitation was also given in a
creditable manner by Miss Horinoll. The
chair was occupied by the pastor of the
church, who gave a short and suitable ad-
ViUago Council.
The Council met by order of the Reeve at
the Market House, April 26th. All the
merabers present (except the Reeye.) The
dep. Reeve in the chair. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirm.
ed. Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by D.
Johns, that a court for the revision of the
assessment roll of the village of Exeter, for
1886, be held at the Market House, Exeter,
on Wednesday, the 266 May, at ten o'clock
in the forenoon.—Carried. By-law No. 1
for 1886, to divide the municipality of
Exeter, into polling subdivisions, was duly
read and passed on linden of J. Pickard,
seconded by W. Hoskin!. Moved by J.
Pickard, seconded by D. Johns, that W.
Hoskin and the dep. Reeve be authorized to
secure suitable posts and timber for a side
walk north of the bridge.—Carried. Moved
by J. Pickard., seconded by W. Hoskin, that
Mr. Johns accompany the Road Inspector in
a search for gravel.—Carried. Moved by D.
Johne, seconded by W. Hoskin, that this
Council adjourn, until call of the Reeve.—
M. EACEMT, Clerk
As stated last week, we pnblish a short
sketeh of the life of the late John MeDenell,
J. P. whose death it was ourpainful duty to
record last week. Mr. McDonell was born
isa the town of Cornwall in the year 1118,
and went with his father, Mr. Archibald
McDonell, to the township of Osgoode when
about 9 years of age, at which place hispar-
ents had land, his father having received 800
acres of land isa recognition of his services as
an officer of the Glengary Militia during the
war of 1812-15, and his mother, being a
daughter of a United Empire Loyalist, got
a grant of land also. When 24 years of age
Mr. John McDonell came west to seek his
fortune. He was employed as a dry -goods
clerk in the establishment of Ganrc& Gordon,
London, and SO honest, industrious and
trustworthy was he that in a short time he
was entrusted with opening and conducting
a branch store for the Firm in Praneistown
(Ex(ster North.) In a short Limo Mr. Me-
t onell purchased the business end carried it
on for himself for a few years. After dispos-
ing of his busineee at the north end he
built a store on the May homestead, on the well $1. Mr. J. P'elcard 81; Mr. A. A. C.
London Road eouth, in which he carried on Denovan, $1; Mr. John Spaeliman, $1; Mt,
business for some time, Deceased was the J. Ilawkshaw, 50e.. Mr. N. D. Harden, 50c.;
firSt postmaster in the village and was an Mrs. Trivia, 81; Aire. A. V. Elliot, $1. Total
issuer of marriage licenses from 1857 up to 810.
the timeof his death. Mr. 1VIeDonell acted Messra. Davis, Fairbairn, and Hurdon aro
res magistrate in a very satisfactory manner endeavoring to arrange for a celebration here
iron the time of Mr. Gidley death up to on the Queen Birthday. They have al.
'the time of hia last illness, and has been as- ready received subscriptions to the amount
sessor for the village for several years, bav- of about $90 and are trying to secure about
ing returned chs roll for 1886 a few days be- $25 naorein order to get up a good pro.
fore he was taken sick, In Mil' capacity he gramme of Sporta. V tbls and be imolai,.
;else gave good satisfaction,. In polities, Mr, plished, a good time may be looked or On
lq0Donell was a consistent, honest Liberal- the 24th of May, This movement should be
Conservative. In his death Exeter has lost eneouraged by our citizens and if p�tsible
one of its most respected rafizend, We keep pleasure -seekers at home, and attract
sympathize with the beresVed in their af. outsiders. It's a, long time since We baffle
flictiOn. had a celebration of this kind,
A number of our citizens were at Stratford
yesterday attending the Assize Court.
Some of our citizens assert that we had
frost Tuesday night,
A number of the S. A. Soldiers went to
Toronto ou Monday to attend the opening of
the new temple in that (shy.
Whc,e is our lacrosse olub ? We ought
to have a club of some sort here this sum-
= er,
New Satin Broches, Fine Dress Goods.
More Nobby Hats, Tweeds and Gents' Ties
jest in. Come and see the big display at.
Just reoeived at the Ventral Drug Store,
fresh supply of Hellebore and Trisect Powder
for the currant worm. C. Linz, roprietor.
Mr. Robert Spicer has grafted 500 fruit
trees this spring. Mr. S. is noted for this
sort of work.
The Old Established has the largest,
cheapest and best assorted stook in the
county, and prices right.
The grounds about the Christ Church par-
sonage are being beautified. Among ale
improvements, a handsome newlence is being"
Mr. W. C. Charters, of Hensall, has made
au assignment iu trust to Mr. J. C. Clausen,of
that village, foi rthe benefit of his creditors.
See notice in another colamn.
(Jail at the Old Established and see the
finest Canadian Gingbams in the market, at
k 10c. per yard.
I !Nearly every carpenter and bricklayer iu
town is at work on buildings that are in course
of erection. There will be some handsome
residences go up this summer.
The annual sermon to the Oddfellows of
this place, will bo preached in Christ Church
next Stifiday at 11 otelock ss. m. by The Rev,
S. F. Robinson.
Be sure and call at the Old Established
and see those yery fano American Goods, di-
rect from Boston. Ginghanis, hiute, Skirt-
ings, &o.
Mr. Sprague, inspentor, has given the hotel -
keepers until 1st May to rid their premises of
liquors of every kind, and after that date will
investigate. He seems determined to do his
The council met Monday evening, and
with other business decided to build a side-
walk north of bridge. This is a timely
move and will bo appreciated by the north
end residents.
Messrs, Sanders and Johns have just com-
pleted their hunting boats. The workman-
ship is creditable indeed. Mr. S. says it re-
quires considerable practice before a person
is master of boats of this kind.
The pulpit in the Main -street Methodist
Church was occupied by Air. Holmes, a stu-
dent for the ministry last Sabbath. Rev. W.
H. Gene, of Elimville, will conduct the
service next Sunday morning, and Rev. Mr.
George, in the evening.
On Fridaylasti a young lady while attempt.
ing to jump from a wagon at the market,
got ner dress caught onthe seat,which caused
her to alight on the ground bead first. A
few slight bruises were all the injuries the
A Grand Bend (Huron County) man has
gone into the business of raising polecats
for their furs There is said to be money in
it. There seems to be no possible doubt but
he will get a great many scents out of it.
The Rev. F. 8. Robinson preached an
appropriate and impressive sermon in Christ
Church on Good Friday morning to a good
congregation. There was also a seryice held
in the James -street Methodist Church in
the afternoon.
Is not in the memory of the oldest inhabi-
tant, that the trees were in leaf and some in
bloom at as early a period in any year, as is
the case this year. The grass is long and
green, and fall wheat has a very healthy
A stranger remarked ithe ' other day that
the Exeter Merchants displayed remarkable
good taste in the matter of window dressing.
He said they capped anything, he has seen in
the cities. Truly our merchants all have
nicely dressed windows. "'
Ladies, remember Miss Wood makes up,
cuts, and fits dresses, mantles, &c., for all.
whether geode are bought from us or not,
We state this to contradict a report which
has been circulated that she does work only
for those who buy trona us. Mural 33nos.
Spring fires have been raging throughout
town during the past week. One wonlci im-
agine that all the accumulated refuse of win-
ter had now been reduced to smoke and
ashes, but on looking around town, yards and
gardens can yet be seen in an unclean and
untidy condition. It is time all such were
cleaned up.
The additional names which were put. on
the Dominion Voter& List for North Middle-
sex by Judge Elliot at the preliminary re-
vision have been printed, and the
final revision will take plane at the times
and places mentioned in an advertiseMent
in this issue of the Trims. Exeter list will
be revised on the 12th of June and Stephen,
at Creditem, on the 14th of June.
The Rev. Thos. A. Haden; desires to thank
those who so kindly subscribed to the Sabre -
vole Mission among the Freneh-Canadians,
during his recent visit to Exeter. The fol -
levying are the names and amonnts sub-
eoribed : Mr, John Banton, $1 Mr. B. V.
Elliot, 81 ; Mr. I. Carling, $1; Mr. G. Sam -
1 that Cornyn eau defeat Vail, If lais backers
The Wingliatn papers claini a3 Intioh as
are of the same opinion, why then don't
they accept that challenge for from $100 to
$500, to sl;at( a live inn° race on the rinks
' of either Lomlon or Exeter ? Disinterested
parties say that the •Ezeter skater was used
most shamefully. It now remains for this
challenge to bo accepted.
At the roller rina en Ciood Vriday evening
there was considerable amusement. A race
for those who had never skated n rase or ov-
er thought of entering ono, took place and
considerable fouling, tumblim, etc etc
occurred, The race was for oris mile. Quito
a number started but ill did not skate to the
finish. Joo Davis took first place, John
Roadie, 2nd. An. exciting race between four
small. boy i ulSo took pitioe, and the tug of
war created 00 small iiam
nount of usement.
If CYO are to believe what is written on the
subject, the English sparrows, which aro so
numerous iu this town and country at pros.
oat, aro an unmitigated evil. They aro driving
away some of our nicest singing birds, and
they are getting to be so numerous that but
few other birds have a obanee. The boys
ought to hayerree liberty to destroy the little
pests that are so plentiful on our streets.
A nanther of men and boys, either ignorant
Or regardless of the fishery laws, have oom-
menced fiehin,g operations. This is illegal,
as according to a recent amendment in the
fishery laws of the, Dominion, which all will
do well to note, pickerel and dome cannot be
caught from 15th of April to 15th of May.
Bass and mmm
askonge are erobited to bite
or bo killed from 15th April to 15th June.
The regulations distiectly says that no per.
sou shall, during Beall prohibited times, fish
for, catch, kill, uuy, sell or have in posses-
sion any of the kinds of fish mentioned
above, under a severe penalty. 0,
Frank Boling, of Ch erokee, Xan,, threw
himself on a feather bed that lay on the floor
during .a thunder storm. He neglected to
draw up hia legs, and his feet were touching
the floor, when the lightning sttuekthe house
and played about his foot, burning them and
knocking hhimsenseless, That part of his
body thet was on the bed was unhurt, and a
child lying by his side was uninjured. All
of which may be used to show that leather
beds are good places of refuge in thunder
Tho average heading to newspaper sirticles
is fast beginnin,g to take on all the character-
istics of a holiow:snare and ' sad -eyed mock-
ery. A eoluni article made its appearauce
a few days ago, simultaneously in the most
influentiel papers m the county -under the
glaring caption ,of "txold in our old Fields."
Just as we had taken the pick -axe and spade
off the parlor mantlepieee and were preparin„,e
to sally forth into our old fields, we noticed
that the article commenced with the words,
"Health is better than wealth," and endedwith,
with, "For sale by all druggists for 25 cents,"
and went out and got a cloye instead,
Secret of a Convent.
Sr. ANN'S ACADEMY, 814 Tucker Street;
Prnrannustia, Pa —One of the slaters was
very gick with constant pain in the back.
Could not take any solid food. She can eat
meat and vegetalAs, sleeps and attends
to her other duties, She sacred constant-
ly from ukers in the mouth and throat.
Are now all gone. She used Warner's safe
Mr. John Craig, sr., fernier, resid
ing the 3rd eon., of McGillivray
appealed to Squire Wells, of Park, -
bill, for protection from his son, John
Craig, who he said was thingerous
and a lunatic. Acting upon this in.
formation the Squire issued a war-
rant for the arrest of the young man;
and Tuesday morning Constable
Manes went out to the farm to take
him to Parkhill for trial. When
Mapes first saw Craig he was in the
field with a brother, and, after ac-
costing the luziaac, tbe constable said
he wanted him to go to London to
see a good physician who would try
Clarksville Mb,, April 27 --Gemige
E. Wekr, of Smith
the .50 mile bieyela race bete yeSlero
day hi 3 hours, 7 minutss and 44
seeonos, lowering wo yo id's reoord
by nearly half au hour,
Do not take Pills or Pbwdors containing
Calomel, for, at this time of the year, the re-
sult may be serious. If you require a dose
of PilYsio, take Dr- Carson's Stomach and
Constipation Bitters ; it acts gently on the
Bowels, purifies the Blood, improves the air -
stimulates the Liver and Kidneys,
aud speedily euros Biliousness, headache,
Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Search the Drug
Stereo from ono enci of Canada to the other,
and you cannot find a remedy equal to it.
Try it and use it in your fanailios. Sohl
everywhere in large bottles at 50 cents.
eitz-sa ,smv,757rantaparprt=.7cmysFa
(Corrected at5 o'clock p .m. Weilnesday.
Fall Who A, 1' . .. ... ...
Spring 'Vsest ... ... ...
Oee,or Sec a ...1.. — — •••
lo'ignig oath y 4
001'11 ••• -•
... •••
,,,,.., ... ..... ...
FpBelnottkutt rreelpeas 1:pbehr 1 i:."... : : .• ::: ' ..:::::
.., ...
•Dri1A; e( pplospr b
Goose ,ger ib'lnrko•
y poi ib
Ducks perpr
Chickens per pr
Hogs,arossedperl 00
Hidesroulig, .„
dressed ..
Sheepskins eac.)1
Wool per lb
Hay Porton
wood p er cord ...
0 7S to 0 82
mu spring 00 Young nuln'a faneY PROPERTY
sous in middle ago whose pilmers are weak -
lightly turns to tho4gfio pf love," bra per^
Oiled by blood tit 11i calatip0013, get Sells-
fitetory resiilta, from the use of Warner's
sofa Onto.,
Sricene-In F,xoterr on the 28th inet., the
wife of E. Spicer, of a son,
MhustiALL—Wenn —At the residence of the
bride father, lsmersen, Manitoba, Mr. 11.-
5, Marshall, of Snonalie, Manitoba, to
Miss li. F. Webb,
Sraniepem,ow--Fosamit.--On the 25th of
March, by the Rey. Mr, Russ, at the resi-
dence of the bride's father, near Lowville
Halton County, the Rev. Chas. String-
fellow, formerly of Kirktou eircuit, to Miss
Emily Foster.
An old shysieiass, retired front practice,hay.
ing had placed in hie hands oy. an Bast Indian
missionary. th e formula of a sirople vege WA°
remedy for the toeedy and permanent cure of
o° gi;ta,t andCsallingrio°aut. a nrcl°111ucilligi tilteneoCt iaotiani". l'ialseA:tihm113111-
31 tive and/radical Cure for Nervous Debility and
o7 &C)) ro 7.0 all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its
1 75o 00 wonderful curative powers in thousands of
0 53 to 0 55 cases, has felt it his duty to ma ke it known to
0 rs to 0 Gc his suffering fellows. Aotuatedby this motive
0 10 to u 10 and a desire to relieve human suffering, I 'will
se to 0 15 sena freo of charge, to all who desire it. this
5 00 0 5 65 rocipe, in German, French or English, with full
0 40 to 0 54
0 00 to 0 60 directions for prey n ring and using. Sent by
gap_i9lth,yw,a2 dsreosysEi ns g114v9ipthowstoramotocnica,miticnognestthei7i.3
000 000(6f tt10.0000001 y,
MO EENT.—The Exeter Hotel to
oo 2405 tto0 00 4600 Al_pplyrteontInecalar RtLhieNEaxeter Railroad Station.
5 50 to 6 25
5 00 to 6 00
65 0505 Itoto07 0500
030 to c 57
oo 0370 too 00 1786
800 to 0' 00
080 to 0 75
2 50 to 3 00
Fall Wheat per bh $ 0 80 to 0 83
Suring " QOutoOBO
13arloy (briabt) 0 55 to 0 70
Barley (feeaing) 0 40 to 0 40
White Oats, 0 28 to 0 Se
Black Oats 0 81 to 0 83
Apipcs per hid. _ 1 00 to 1 00
otatoos nor 0 05 to 0 70
New Pump Factory
Woind respectfully inform the iohabitants
of the surrounding townships that he hag op.
encd a la ew Primp Factory in
MA111.51., 1,N1rtlIft, POST-OPME.
Whore he will keep on hand a,11 kinds of
Pumpsawhich he will sell at moderate prices
Wells and Cisterns contracted for at reason-
able prices, and work executed with despatch,
Tiro :Entrance Examination for Admission
tothe HIGH SCHt., or, isqn beheld in
5th, Rh, and 7th Days of JULY NEXT
C ommeneing on ilIONDA at one o'cloet p.
m, All candichitss who intend to write are re-
quired to send their name r and addres se snot
later than Wednesday, the 28th instant, to
either E.1. tran g, . A.. Goderich, or to tho
in GT) p.e., wxuron,
Exeter P.O,
6 oderich, Apr1114,18:15.
I° cure ilim' Before the two reach- zggest Iteductions Yet
ed the house, however, the fellow got
so excited that Mr. Manes found it
more convenient to handcuff him,
and in that manner took him to town.
Before Squire Wells, in the afternoon,
the followiug facts were learned :--
One week ago last Saturday, the
father and son were in a fisid on the
farm, wheu without any motive or
warning the young Man made a BELV-
age attaok on his father, knocking
him dwn and stamping upon him
while lying prostrate on the ground.
When Ur. Craig, sr. applied for pro-
tection from the Squire, bilks face bore
Marks of the. awful pounding he had
received. It seems, also, that last
Saturday, a son of Mr. Wm. Hay, of
West Williams, drove up to the barn
of Mr. Craig, and while putting the
horse ins the stable, he was jumped on
by Okaig, and was only saved from a
severe pummelling by the timely ap.
pearauoe of his two brothers. Squire
Wells committed Craig to the County
gaol at London, to await the pleasure
of the Lieut. -Governor.
Daniel Ransom, of Exeter,. who
has for months past:given signs of in-
sanity, was last week lemoved to the
asylum at London in charge of
Messrs. Bissett and Thomas. He viae
taken down ,and placed in safe keep-
ing without any difficulty, although
he wondered why these men took so
much interest in him. Ho was landed
at the gate, given up to the doctor,
who treated him vdry kindly. He is
now doing well, and there is a pots-
sibility that in time he may recover
frOna his insanity, This man Ran-
som came from the township of
Stephen to Ifoieter about two or three
months ago, having lost his farrn
through mismanagement. He en-,
gaged in the peddling of washing
machines and wringers. At first signs
of insanity Were slight, but day by
day he became worse until he began
to beat his wife, and give lectitres
on religious topics. Becoming at last
an intolerable nuisance, he was re-
moved, The losing Of his property
May have had something to do With
bringing him to his present, smfor.
innate condition, but those who have teponed promptly.
We don't' allow anyone to be
lower in prices than we are.
We offer the following bar-
gains to you for the next 90
Appleton, Traoey &Co.
Waltham, Mass., in
a Solid Coin Silver
Case S. Bartlett in
a Solid Coin .Silver
Case, for $12.00.
F40:41' MorthY5°fRor Ssal!".41.4:Eot'N—o,T6,hcoo181.111be
ship of Biddulph, afirldleaex Co., five miles
south of Exeter", on the London Boad,1C0 acres,
00 acres cleared and in in nut class state of
cultivation, well drained, good brick house,
good barns ancl stablel and well watered,
00nYentent to schools chairchestitod post office.
Per further partionlars apply to +Nil:11,1AM
ROOPER, on the promises,
VAEM FOR SA...Le,— The
1. scriber offers for sale tlba north half of
lot 30, 600s. 13, Pownship of not Wawsinpsh,
County of Huron, containing 0) acres ; woll
fenced ;sa yoba stream of wator Rom a never -
failing er)1111g. ;; nice young orchired of choice
fruit trees; a lirmlne bank br rn and log house
90 acres eleartd and seeded down .balance
bush. Price 84,060, two-thirds eash. Posse`ssion
given any time. Apply to D.: MathesonStew, oat tle-
buyer. Wingham, 9 to J, n, Hay P, 0
Anvicn TO IVIOTnErts.-.Are ysou distorbed at
night and broken ofyoirr rest 13)5 51 inch child
suirering end cryingCuttinv
Teeth? If sto sopa at once cd get a bottle of
'Mrs. Winslow's SootbingSyrup' for Children
Teething. Its valuei
is ncalculable, It will
relieve the pour little sufferer immediately.
Depend upon it, mothers there is no mistake
about it. It cures Dysentery and Drairinon,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind
Colic,sof tens the Qum s, reduce s Inflammation,
and gives tone and energy to the whole oyster°.
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for. children
teething is pleasant to the taste and l, the
prescription of one of the oldest and. best
female physicians and nurses in the United
States, and is for sale by all druggists au ough-
out the world, Price twenty-ftve cents a bot-
tle. Be sure and ask for "Mils. WiNsr.ow'e
SOOTHING Sylvia'," ancl take no other kind..
Spring de Summer Goods
General Dry -Goods, Black and. Coloied Cashmeres,
Ottoman Cords, Nuns' Cloth,' Jersy Cloth, GininaM,
Lawns, Plain and Spotted lVfaslins, Prints in endless variety.
Stotler It:UT ttatiat,
We have now on hand a choice lot of Millinery, Black and
Colored Ostrich Plumes. Fine display and remark,
ably low Priced.
Gents about to purchase a
spitirao OUTFIT!
Would do well by calling and examining our large and varied
stock. Suitings in Worsted, Scotch and Canadian
Tweeds. Our Pantings are "Simply
In Hats, Ties, Scarfs, Shirts, Coliars, Cuffs,
Braces and Socks ,we have a fine
We take the lead for Style and Durability. We have just
received the finest lot of Shoes—both in Ladies'
and Gents' Wear --that we ever offered, at
prices that will surprise you. Give u
a call.
We will take any produce you may offer, and will give the highest
price. A call solicited
FOR. 'Ill -1M
China Cup and SaucerGiven
With EVERY POUND of BAKING POWDER purchased at
200 WANTEB200
About TWO HUNDRED good customers at the NEW
The undersigned begs to intimate to the residents of
Exeter and surrounding country, that he has fitted up for
Carriage - Making Purposes
The builaings lying immediately south of MR. PARSONS'
Blacksmith Shop, Main-st., and having stocked the same
with suitable material for z construction of Carriage and
Sleigh work, we therefore solicit a liberal share of your es-
teemed patronage.
Each Watch Warrantcd for
live Yaps. Repairing promptly and properly done at
Satisfactory Prices.
VVIttCheS 06010, arid:Jewellery Cleaned and
known him for years say he ti'fiti
ways it littla
W. irxtztvzwuroxt.
N. B ot7S0eCiai rates 10 the Livery to,ade and parties bitying in
THOS. PITTON. quantities.
yea -
o 113.
to tl
es a
(forte,. t
day w
' „If ax
and gt
',. rates e