HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-4-29, Page 4THE 1,, XF4T-Fa l%. Ts nliblishecl every Thursday a>,7orizlitg,at the TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE l'Inin-street,uearlyopposite 1 ttottls J'ewe-tory Store. Exeter, Ont., by;Jolio \Vii be ‘C Sou, Pro- priotors. RATdils Ol,' ADYPItitst]G .t' First iusertion,por lino.., ...... ..1Q e4tit8• b)(1 Oh eubsequo,lthuserbion per 'itun,.....8 eel) 0,, x'o liaise insertion, advertisoAhoilts should be sentiu not, later than Wednesday nip}'),ting.. I T il> �' , , (1 tr JO13 Pi;l;� ilNCf ]sial, F\1ixAtllNq, is orte of the, largest aitdbest ecluippoctin the County of Huron, All work entrusted to us will renew our prompt ttttaiatleil< Decisions Regarding News' - papers. Any peraontiv ptakesa paper u • r1 .from ]h o la i tli,e,post-odice,`ivhetlher dihpeotediuhis lune or anpther's, Or whether he has subscribed or not 'irresponsible for payment. 2 If alrerseu oldera his paper tllsooutiause he Must pay all atrears or the publisher may. continue to send it until the paynaeut is Made,. and then collect the whole Ornount, whether the paper is taken from the cilias er mot, 3 in suits for subscriptions, the suitmaybe Instituted in. the .pleae'where the paper is pub. ]ishod, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of guiles away. 4 ]Thie courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or •peliodioals froiu the post- ofefee, or removing and leaving them uncalled for is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud Who irr°'; 'f.A/er Imes, THUSRDAY, APRII, 29th, 1886, THI FARM Elis. Reports from the United States agree in saying that the wheat acre- age is being reduced, the farmers be- ing frighteued at the large supply of wheat on hand. The supply, howev. er, is not so euortilous as has been @opposed. A careful statistician in the New York Bulletin figures out that the visible wheat supply on the Atlantic coast will be reduced to twenty million bushels by the first of August, and that the in 'tsible supply 'will be practically exhausted by that time, Australia, I. competitor in a small way, will not octant this year. t Last year South Australia alone ex- ported nearly 200,000 tons of wheat, t but tins year's crop, which has el course been reaped, is e. dead failure owing to drought. About 1,950,000 aures were sown with wheat, of which ' 820,000 acres were not reaped, be- cause there was .nothing to out. The estimated average for the 1,630,000 acres remaining was only three bush= els and ten pounds per acre, and, after deducting requirements for Beed and food, there will remoiu but 36,000 tous for export. These figures should be conned by those Manitoba farmers who aro inclined to fall. into the von- ous habit of "kicking" when they fait to reap thirty bushels of sound wheat to the acre. The reports from ludia predict a large crop. Rust appeared early is the season, in consequence of cloudy weather and damp winds, but rain followed and dissipated it. In the North-weet provinces and Oude, the crop will exceed an average, so that the American, and Canadian, wheat growers may look for keener competition than ever from this quar- ter. In Europe and the United Kingdom the spring Inas opened fav- orably, and as there are still large supplies on hand prices are not likely to improve unless the cloud on the Greek frontier should develop into a general storm. The Hebrew opera. tors at the Black sea ports ore said to be counting on a European war of some dimensions. In Canada seeding is, progressing under very favorable conditions. In Manitoba and the Tula Euglith, l op,l O wirlission ou Mieing Aeeideuts Ieeelhtly issued its report in the farm of a voluminous blue book. The labors of the coin mission have been protracted oyer years, Ind the report scours the whol area of itiveRtig,iatiou, Some of th stetistiabty are estouisbin r. Fot' ex w �. ample, it is sfatcd that the total tame tier of ilt�ilthe from 4'aceideuts of al hauls in mines dur'iu t110 tech 'ears r i g } �. 7 F,. was 1 9 a u 1165 I oa tray to 1. public opluion It ie found that ythe greater cumber of deaths occur from acoidents. other than explosions of fire -damp. From, thelatter (lance u p a there were 2,562 deaths, from falls of roof and side, 4,582, and from mind. laueons causes, 4,021. Ai v oscnin sheets of it report on the strikes and lockouts of they year 1880 has just been sent bythe :eie e h C t su Bureau at Washington to the Interior Department, The number of strikes' reported is 762. Of these a total of 508, or about 86 per'•ceni. of t',hose. relating to wages,* or 62 per oent. of all, wore for an advance, and 77, or 14 per cent. of those relating to rates. of wages, or Neese: cent. of all, were agaigst a reductiaxi. Of 480 strikes - 59 per of the whole -109, or 35 per cent., were successful; 85 or I' 13 per cent_ were compromised, and•! 227, or 47 per cent„ were unsuccess- ful. Of 307 strikes for au advance, 127, or 41 per cent., were successful; 62, or 20 per cent„ were compromis- ed, and 118, or 89 per cent., were unsuccessful. Of 45 strikes or look. outs against or for areduction, 8 only were successful, 8 were compromised, and 84 were unsuccessful. Of 20 strikes in couue°tiou with payment of wages, 11, or `85 per cent., were successful, 6 were compromised, and 8 were unsuccessful. In 414 •strikes be number of then idle were 128,262, making an ayernge of about 810 men o each strike. Of these 64,779 lost $3,711,097, or $57 each. The total loss in wages is estimated at .$18, 003,866. When the strikes were snocessfnl the additional wtsges com- pensated for a portion of this loss. Valets Increasing. n.)ar. Burrito, N. Y., Sent, 22, 14385.-Seino time age, I' 144 a patiout auifol•itig trove. Bright's Disease, Urine nesrly .Balt al- - 'bunion, watt easts, °sett alt the regular `t 7 remedies. Of no avail. 13egan to iiivo e . Warneh's safe cur©, but had little fslth. el 1{irst bottle, patient began to improve, and after half a dozen bottles was entirely eared of kidney trouble, Have sincePrescribed it • in Innliv instances with fumess.-,-J, D, .A. 1 POHLL;, 11. I),; 75l Mielhigan street. oleomargarine. Most of our readers know that the word which stands at the Bead of this paragraph is that used for au article_ now extensively applied to butter, es- pecially among our neighbors across the line. It has been brought more prvtniuontly under public notice by the action of our Government in re- . °TICE TO CR1±1DITORS. IN TRH Aia.'r'u OE 1YfLLIAlif C. CIIAET- Alit, AN INSi:I:VENT, The above named William, 0, Chsrtors has madettnassigniueut to me under, the provi- sions of Chapter 26, 48 Victoria (Ontario) of all his estate and effects in trust. for the benefit of his creditors. A. meeting of the ereclitors for the appoint• merit of inspectors and the giving of inatruo. tions witl, reforonee to the disposal of •the estate will beheld at it1trNoI n'a Kossa, in the 'VILLAGE or Hussar/1,, in the. County_ of V Baron, on p&p/a, the 30th day of APRIL, 5886, at tis hour of two o'clock 'it the after- noon. Oreditora arerequir d to Ale their claims against the estate with me, ou or before toe davofthe meeting, with such proof thereof and particul ra as are required by said Act. Dated this 21st day of Apri1,1088, 0,OLAUSE V, of )3ensall, 'trustee. fereuoe to its manufacture.On NATURE'S 'I'Ait RAN''X'S Tuesday the Minister of Inland Rev- Effervescent Seltzer' entre, among other proposed amend. yCUREpFORn menta to the Iulaud Revenue Act, CONSTIPATION Aperient. !au elegant efficacious, gave notice fo the following;-'sTbat pleasant aperient in the no oleomargarine or other substitute IRA�� form of a powder, pro_ `P % ducting when dissolved for butter. shall be manufactured `.c(, in water anoxhiliratic q, Effervexcept by persons duly licensed,, and SEL'I ZER recoinmsende Dra'ught,r recoiumended by our that the Governor -in -Council may :,' yA� i/'� ; but Physicians as a re- make liable and agreeable make regulations respecting such '� FRi� ti� remedy. It cures Con. mann facture and supervision thereof." etinatton, curesIndigee- tion, cures Dyspepsia, The Government have done well to Sick -Headache .t.:,e files, cares gear take the manufacture of this sub- AND �a 0,114 c eessLive f ern- stance under its control, and provide sob, 1)10,114 cures Sfckstom- such safeguards as shall protect not DYSPEPSIA ... he'Eaac etiu y o pan® to only the dairy interest in the country, should be found In everylbousuholc t nd cart but also the interests and health of xieebv every traveler. Solei by druggists ov- ate - the people. The manufacture of eiywltale. artificial butter in the' U it d S has grown to immense proportions. In Chicago aloue from May 1884 to North-west the acreage will be muchMay X885 the quantity of this stuff larger than that of last year, when made amounted to twenty million farming operations in the Qu'Appelle and other good wheat districts were interrupted by the rebellion, which led to a demand for teams. Every - pounds. The Americans are taking steps to Hass stringent laws to pro- tect their dairy interests. In Canada a customs duty of tan cents and au thing at home and abroad points to exoi a duty of eight cents per pound lave pricey, though 11110 calculation is imposed ou all sub3titutes for but - may be set at naught at any time by an explosion in Europe. h'D.ITORIdT. MOTES. IT is expected the Doua•inien Par. liament will ,get through with the business of the session in about four creeks. WE have received from the Hon. Mr. Carling, Minister of Agriculture, a report on agricultural colleges and ter. In addition to this it is now proposed to give the Government power to control and regulate its manufaotuie. This is rendered all the more necessary from the fact the stuff is often mads from very ques- tionable material If it was made from pure lard, or tallow, or suit, there mould be no objection to it so long as it was sold under its proper name. But the reports that come so ns form the States about the material from which it is often made are • esperimentai farm stations, embrace.enough to deter' any oue froni using' ing infer/nation acquired by Professor j or ellowing it to be used. Itissaid that often the carcases or horsed Saunders in visite to various institn. i tions throughout the United States, and to what has been accolnplished. in Europe. The work will be valuable in view of the proposed establishment of a Dominion experimental farm. Acooxnina to the IVIiiehell Arl•ocate Mr. Trow has been industriously cir- culating Nr. Blake's epeecix on the Riel question among hid constituents in South Perth. It seems, however, 4hat bis efforts in this direction are not its much appreciated as be very probably desireit. One day last Weal{ a number of copies of the speech were to be aeef9 scattered alone the street cattle, pigs and otiler animals, that had died from disease or otherwise, were utilised in the manufacture of. the vile compound. It is Ali the more necessary, therefore, for the Government to exercise .a strict supervision over ile tnnntifacture irn Canada, especially as a company, composed largely of Ameerioane, with a capital of half a million dollars, propose to start a manufactory In Montreal for making oleomargarine or butierine. It should also be distinctly and cleariy labelled or branded under its proper name, so that the publio will , not be imposed leading from the Mitctlell poet -office, upon or cheated by nnserupulotie' thrown there, no doubt, flavine been malrnfaoturers or dealer" in the by those to whom they had been ad- bnsinet+s,' who might seek to pAlru oft dreal cut It ie i ad to hear of such Iti puriooa la article cle for vt ge With to utter of the utterances of thebuy greatest: political speaker. By the it will do 80 knowitig tbfet it is supply. way, blr. Trow 18 one of the .Liberals a substitute and nothing else, In who voted with theIlielitee'. order to pi otect , the public, heavy pooatties`should also be inflicted for all who break the law in Hilts reepebt. Tint aTRHAVI that docs not run freely soon becomes stagnant. The blood 10 the apr'itlg 0+410.+-4 and early bummer months is thick and we are constantly reoeiring testimony that heavy and breeds pestilence and disease in Dr, Carson's Catarrh Care is what its name the body, It is impossible' to purify this blood unless the kidneys are put in ported implies a "Catarrh Care." Your druggist ie the seere,ions by acthng.upou the pour Car•• authorized to refund the money if It fells to (final Points of E3 chis -the (3tornaoh, Liver, Newspaper advertising Bureau, R .1 CURE FITS when I arty cure Ido not moan merely to stop them for a time and then have them return agate,. I mean a radical cure. I havo.made the disease ore1'i's,. ErILEPSY orIrALL. INe re the wS$eJtfes. llecu,n. I rsrrnut my remedy •re euro the worst cases. receiving a e others have foiled 18 no t,aaun for not now rottle of a aura. Send at once fes ea treatise ; and n Pre, Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Exprosiand Post uWco. It costs you nothing fora trial, and 1 will cureYou. Addr,,e 00. 8. G. 000T' Brancl Ofllco, 37 Tuu a St:, Parente. $XQ Qmil'za To intro. duOperanl we will (ri ACVAY 1.060 Seif•Operat- one send us your nani a 1?c0. and o fpres� l3uo at once V NATIONAL Ci l., 21,Dsy street, N. Y: OOfSUMPTIDN. thonliands 1 have a posltl ve [ emedy for the above disease; byite veer ham been cured Indeed, of the wenn strong' is i pu faith In atones', that ivi'1 ssn,t. TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with "a VA LVADLE TREATISE on this disease to any. sufferer. Giro exjrross and P. n. address: DR. T A. SLOCUAM, Branch Office, T. Yonge $t,, Toronto ,> EL Y (l.Gp� �FtRf R NR FE _ Ylllppmancd,�aACI?li•,taaaai, andtnoustomcrao, last )Ter ttitheut ordpring it. 0It 0501,1glntulua about 100 ppy geth Goo 11uetrafpd, prlecaaccurate descriptions a nd valuable ireotiuua forjdautiu Oil vertetied�pVEOrABLE ; and F4\_Slt 'E N� etc, is u u ba tooil, vo aofnll n Market Gardener's. idud 0,1Y1, FERRY8CO.,atcorkhgu. 11, Il J' eOf QW Lost, How .i\\(i N 11 / ll ,c Restore t�, �.��^'• ���� U w � = f lvual� who don't like to believe every. v thing much less a "funny"y @ rt n (ad. v s@In ! t but if theys . ), will visit our score they will have I!convincing g' proof that we have trot thegoods ' a advertise, .� x 8, , 1T• S l 1@ you Can c Y scarcely disbelieve your o\�t n, eyes ! So come and see a lot of New Gq h ds -this Week. Beautiful Victoria, Lawn. - 3,�i Cream, Pale Slue, Lemon., Zeige, t�taftee, Navy, and > i1,aoiPRI �.,., In great variety. Fifteen patterns to sele3G from. An immense assortment of LIGHT GROUND PRIN TS - all the new colorings and prettier goods than ever shown before. MORE NEW DRE SS GOODS, Never Could To think my gun want off r ,. , ' g , . '1 ter taking such t;tl:•ax�,llf, aim and leave those bird sitting there I i? �' e..e . Why I could scarcely behave ro,y own eyes, brit there they are, and this tingling pain, in my shollder', it convinces me. So you will find ti number of people We have recentlypihblisbod a mew edition of DB,OTII,VIIItly;.7L%1'S OE1 1iiiB1t�ATED ES- SAY on the radical auclporananent euro (with- out inedioine)ofNervous Debility, Slrothtttlau physical capacity.impedihnents to art lege ete.,resuitiugfronh excesses. Price, in sealed envelope,ouly 6 can ts,ort we postage stamps. The celebrated author ()phis admirable es sayolearly demonstrates, from thirty yearn suooesafulpraotioe, thataterming consequen- cesmay:beradically cured without the dang- erous use internal medicines or the nee of the knife; Point out amode of cure at once simple certain and effectual, by moans of which every sufferer,no matter what his con. ditionmay be,niay cure himself ohhaply, pri I vatelya,ud radically. I. PIii lecture shouldbeisthe hands of ev- eryyoubhandevery Mania theland, Address THE CUVERWEIIL MEDICAL COMPANY, 41 ANN Sr., NEWYORRK, Post Ofllce Box 450 0 Q 1-L'1 41 a) P4 r to - r,,,Ct us.Q 1~ Est 0 ,a) Qri%�i �tt� lO-f • N tr�1 c bi, CI) � U '04 ct 14) p t113 S -i Ei o 0 Q P4t,O ,S2 3 o cD ' cece a)w Li 4-, El 8 pParasols, Gloves, &o., &c., at RANTON BROS. 9 All the ladies come and 'see thein. Remember Miss -' Wood makes cls, cuts and fits Dresses, Mantles, &c, whether 9 bought from us or not. j GENTLEMEN -We are showing some extra tart goods in jFine Pantings, Worsteds, and Scotch Check Suitings, also select stock of Gents' Ties and Scarfs, &rent vle iii 9 White Shirts. No -trouble to show Goods at St la ft I 1a IN I TETE "OL C. 8c S. GIDLEY, ESTAB3,ISHED° --- .s Just lit,900i7Ci ,` One Case American Ginghams, Direct from Boston. Canadian, Ginghams, Beautiful Goods. SC®tCh Ginghams, Very Fi e. American Prints, Muslins, Skirt) s, Sec. BEAUTIFUL 000DS ANJ) 1'Ix:[CES AWAY DOWN. • Stock Complete in All Departments, No Trouble to show Goods. JAMES PICKA-RD, EXETER 13 cc Of I3 1IJIZ,F --1?0R-- JNDERTANAKERS D Rse_ G S T a R _LBAD BLOOD, _ ii-urniture Manufacurers a 0 -L FULL STOCK OF- Pure Drugs &Famil Receipts Carefully Com000undedSYMPTOMS Bletelaa,Pimplea, Delia, 1 Bashes, Tumors, Absces- ses, Bad Complexion, LowVitality, Poor Cir- culation, etc. As Impure Blood and Foot' Circulation is sufficient to cause nearly every disease, the Symptoms must vary according to the Organs most affected. i CAUSEScrofulous Constitution, or He ridi;,ary Taint` in the system, Bald Air, Improper Diet and Manner . of Living, Bad Drainage, Tnftetive Bowels and Kidneys, weak Lungs, Torpid Liver and Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet Immediate wants. We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And Funerals furnished and conducted at extremely, low prices. Emmaus of ALL TEM DrFFx',nENT SOCIETIES many other obvious Pauses, including what of cleanliness. As Imperfect Organic Action makes Bad Blood, so too Bad Blood in turn makes imperfect action of every bodily Organ, 4641 ADVERTISERS CURIE Obset•ve @tri •fly till tl I Hearth ; Keep the Skin Clean can learn the exact cost 1e laws of Um Bowels and Kidneys in perfect working order to carry off � poisonous ,natter • void High Living ; tia6o access to pure ills and of any proposed line of Healthful exercise Eat Plaint Nourishing adveris'tn in m A Food, and take gAmerican Burdock Blood Bitters papers by addressing The Great Key to Health which 1 V p , 11 & C r,. iv iic I unloeits al eo. . owe o working order and kept so by the 118e of give satisfaction. What can be this U Warner's sate cure, and need you suffer soy long manna: B ' Yb S rapce St. New York, fiOCK 131:00D BI7TFEit nakesPure 131 a. Send Oct..ff(se 100 -Page it t►mphtet, NOW ON WAY The following lines, which will be, sold at the Closest Possible Cash Figures : 20 tons Cut and Steel Nails, American Pattern, 40 tons Lindeman Blacksmith Coal (will be sold Chea for Cash or on Short Dates) p 10 tons Bblclithorne and Barb -Wire Fencing, 100 boxes Glass, .5 tons White Lead, r bbls. each Raw c Boiled Oil,. " 3 bbls. Turpentine, 10 bbls. Machine Oils, Also a oar load of Locks, Hinges, Butts, and,general Shelf Hardware. Full Stock of Stoves c& Tinware Cheap for Cash, 10tAtV` t 1 aoTCTCCHTl°C 0 1 SPECIALTY