HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-06-05, Page 31;ha"Ii7 , th. W+is,tr. 1e s�Annual' ,o.',rearms f
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. . 4 last week lathe Myth Mrs. Donald organed 4elot1s01,Family coyso/eg o
:Ituronyesyonley'sXns�ltutos- �rt�..the,botiches Pre.sident, Other branches Were Activities; Mr*,, ss
memorial flaw myth, Mrs, Luella•McGowan„ alyth; •in$11a 003, Sttfieie s 1905; #fairS; Cella Taylor, the
otegisttborwasis e 1Wlixed ' CQaCiod8h Clinton 1905; Blyth' 1910;CuraterRs xepotiMrs., Keith
or Mrs,; �$Gowan and Clinton; Mrs. Winnie Belgrave 1911 t Kl Webster, Harem l u
wisi o.o Myth, Dungannon.; Mrs, Elizabeth, (�ater disbanded); Dungannon Mrs. Clfid Crozier gave
Preside* 1�t.Donald Sitter,. 90derh Ms,;Wiltiao1914; Auburn 1922; Tiger the public relations report,
nes af Aburopresidedf4 Porter,Goderich Township;Dunlop 1948; Goderich statingthat over $7,477. had
1 Lon- • Townshi in 1972: and Ion- been spent by the Iranches -for
th ,:da ton session,�" h Mrs Margaret Taylor„ p
� Y Ross Gatnra�,ie desbororeorganl�ed in 1950. Home and Country,
ers � o ► P Mrs.. A�wlf. A toast to �iuron est
'11 .1, . welcomed the delegates St. Helens;
and visitors. Lockeridge, Wingham; and occasion of its.75th anniversary
Mrs, .Haines. reported on her Mrs, Stanley Hopper, was proposed by a former
year's activities and thanked Belgrave. president, Mrs, Eleanor
he; branches for their co- Mrs. Gordon Papple, Bradnock of Auburn. Mrs.
operation and kindnesses. Mit) Seaforth Provincial Board Connie Colclough,1 Clinton
Ske on the theme Of the , Director reported on the work another former president,
'Meeting, Equality, Develop- done at Federated Worrien's replied.
rent and Peace., Institutes of Ontario meetings The afternoon session began,
A kit from. Goderich and told about coming events. with the Conventipn song
Township Women's Institute • Mrs.. Wallace Laidlaw of oll wed each y roll cal answered
n telling ed
With commentator Mrs. London, London Area by
William Porter gave much for president, brought greetings highlights of the past Rye for
thouht as they discussed the and invited all to attend the Mrs. Thomas Hagg"
woman's part in to -day's world, annual convention, October 15 Auburn; Mrs. Stanley Hopper,
this being International and 16 in Grace United Church, Belgrave; Mrs. John
)Women's Year. Other mem- St. Thomas. She stated that ,Hesselwood, Blyth; Mrs.
bers of the panel were Mrs, there will be a craft table again . "Norman Tyndall, Clinton; Mrs.
Stanley Mcllwain, Mrs. Lloyd this year with each branch Graham McNee, Dungannon;
McClarty and Mrs. Bert asked to donate. a $3. article for Mrs. Clifford Stanley
McCreath. sale. Goderich;
In the correspondence a Delegates to the Officers' Mcllwain, Goderich Township;
letter was read stating that a Conference at Waterloo this Mrs. Harry Tebbutt, Lon -
new foster child had been given spring " gave a short report. desboro; Mrs. Peter Chandler,
to the District from Korea. Mrs. Stanley Black, Lon- St. Helens; Mrs. Eric Reaburn,
The District bus trip to desboro; Mrs. Keith Webster, Tiger Dunlop; and Mrs.
- iarlottetown next June to the Blyth; Mrs. William Porter, William Elson, Wingham.
Federated Women's Institutes Goderich Township; Mrs. Mrs. Verna Maluske,
of Canada was discussed and Lorne flunking, Londesboro; F.W.I.O. President, ..spoke a
further information will be Mrs. Mar'gar'et. McQuillan, St. Lew words of encouragement to
Helens; and Mrs. Earl Sher- the delegates and officers and Auburn; assistant, Mrs. Lloyd
coming later. Mrs. Donald told aboutplans for the future Pipe, Londesboro; district
Haines is in charge and anyone wood, Tiger Dunlop. Mrs, Ivan Wightman;
•- ---- �erved by B1yth to make Ontario a better place delegate,
p, f►tt"
' s lw resident of Blyth desboro, Mrs. os... ,,
w on the In' the .new barOness it Wad
decided'. to sponsor the fostear
child and 40 cents per member
has to be in. to Mrs. Richard
Buchanan by July 1, The
delegates voted to support the
Children's Aid Bursary» at -50
cents per member.
Mrs. Gordon Papple presided
for the election of officers. They
are as follows:
Past presdient, Mrs. Donald
Haines, Auburn; president,
Mrs. Ivan Wight man,
Belgrave; first vice-president,
Mrs. Graham McNee;
Dungannon; second vice-
president, Mrs. William Pdtter,
RR 2, Goderich; secretary -
treasurer, Mrs. Richard
Buchanan, RR 6, Goderich;
assistant secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. Stanley Hopper,
Federated ,,representatives,
Mrs. Donald Haines; alternate,
Mrs. Alfred Lockeridge,
Wingham; P.R.O., Mrs.
Norman Coultes, Wingham;
curator, Mrs. Celia Taylor,
interested should contact her. ----•---- - The District Directors from W.I. , members and the head to live and
the eleven branches were table guests were introduced by 'For Home and
ratified — Mrs. Donald Cart -
Mrs. Ivan Wight man, The memoria
wright, Auburn; Mrs. Charles Belgrave. Guests were Reeve the charge of
and Mrs oie
R bbLawrie • Miss Haggitt assisted
rk for the motto, alternate, Mrs. Graham
i untry' . McNee.
service was in Conveners of Standing
Mrs. Thomas Committees, Agriculture and
y Mrs. Frank Canadian Industries, Mrs.
Johnston, Blyth; Mrs. Clifford
I Holland, Clinton; Mrs. Lorne Jane Pengilley; Mrs. Verna Raithby, both of A burn. Those Cecil Elliott, Clinton;
.Hasty, Dungannon; Mrs. Maluske, Chesley, F.W.I.O. honoured were Mrs. Robert J. Citizenship and World Affairs,
Clifford Crozier, Goderich; President; Mrs. Wallace Phillips and Mrs. Richard Mrs. Luella McGowan, Blyth;
Mrs. John Banter, Goderich Laidlaw, London, London Area Brooks, Auburn; Mrs. Mary Education and Cultural
President; Mrs. Robert Taylor, Blyth; Mrs. Etta Activities, Mrs. Margaret
I,ondesboro; Mrs. James McCallum,
Township; Mrs. Eric Anderson, Goderich• Mrs. Hoggart, Mrs. Ray Shaddick, Taylor, Londesboro; Family
Aitcheson, St » Helens; Mrs. Gordon Papple, Seaforth; Mrs. Mrs. • Sadie Whittington, and Consumer's Affairs, Mrs.
Eric Reaburn, Tiger Dunlop; Donald Haines, - Auburn; and Clinton; Mrs. Harvey Alton and Ross Gammie, St. Helens;
Mrs. R. -Holmes, Wingham. Mrs. Richard Buchanan, Mrs. Frank Jones, Dungannon; resolutions, Mrs. Thomas
Huron Goderich. and Mrs. W. Cudmore, Haggitt, Auburn.
Miss Jane Pengilley, Following the installation
County Home Economist Mrs. Tait Clark. of Tiger GGuest speaker, Mrs. Robert ceremony, Mrs. Stanley
reported. on the 4-H work in the Dunlop Branch, a former P
County and spoke of the senior District President gave a short �troduced by lum of �eriEleanor reHopper se corsage on the new
inned a
courses and what is coming in summary of Huron West Bradnock. Shegave an in- resident, ;Mrs. Ivan this year for W.I. members. District which was formed in, P
-Mrs. Wilfred Colclough, 1900 at the home of Mrs. Harry teresting and informative man. Mrs alt Clark thanked
Clinton reported on Resolutions Morris; on the 10th concession ��esdonbcitizMrhip.s. Graham and Mrs. as Mrs. Alfred Lockeridge es for her of
'and the Pennies for Friendship. of Colborne Township. A 3'
presentation was in . charge of meeting a short time later McNeofDwnge received from Wingham
s. Thomas courtesies.
Haggitt invited
St. Helens Branch. Mrs. James elected Mrs. Mary Elford,Reports
the District to Auburn for its
Aitcheson spoke on the Holmesville, as president with A rMrs.
cultu`r ill am and Canad an meeting in 1976. Mrs. Wight-
A,C,W W Pennies for Fries- k ;'s. C. t ,�npbell, secretary.,-,,. g i p
Ind�istries; Mrs man invited the Huron y
' Count
ship pre jepts �(�and,b+Mrs. : reastare ;, t• zGoW Rall to be held at Belgrave on
,.. ed x ! ,. . w�:. ; Ct1zensi : an+ Y
rgaret McQuillan played the = xQ t a:� pt' i i"orld° `fairs ; Mrs. B. Walsh, October 16, 1975.
piano ano af..:�m nra..'2172 ."2.+v\, , 1914 when s. earl Chbride
Diana Laura Thompson (nee
Brochu), graduated from
Ryerson Polytechnical
Institute on May 30 with a
Bachelor of Applied Arts
degree in home economics with
a teaching option.. Mrs.
Thompson is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Rene Brochu of
Clinton. She plans to attend
teacher's college in Toronto in
the fall.
Churchmar s c�mmunion
of Mrs. Wm. Cowan for Miss
Barb Wise.
Miss Nancy Koene opened
her home to a bridal shower on
May 30 for Miss Brenda Wise.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kelly of
Woodstock were home with Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Wise for the
past weekend.
Our sympathy goes to the
families of the late Wm. Bender
formerly of the 14th concession.
Yours truly attended the
trousseau tea for my niece,
Lynda Ellie in London Monday
evening. -
By Blanche Deeves,
Holy Communion was ob-
served in St. James Church
Middleton with Rev. Youmatofi
in charge. We were pleased to
have Shelley Brown and Louis
Hartman as visitors in church
Sunday .morning.
The Board of Management
meeting was held Monday
evening in the churcht 'hall.
Many things. were discussed
because it was the last meeting
of the summer. Church Union
talks will continue, and "Our
Talent Money" was discussed.
The confirmation will take
place July 13 with Bishop
Morse Robinson. The Galilean
Service will be held at Stewart
Middleton and many other
subjects were discussed.
Take notice, community,
friends, members of St. James
Anglican "Middleton" Church
will be. exposing , their talents
Much mower.
Mn•;rw�:�yyy,�.naw,.s+n?itirWT'.'..": w:1�.rsF4.A�d+oMnu�.�a;w.
�-C..`�•"•L��:.1.1.`.'.T -am- .e,.«:T•.L.r. ^'^'".3".'s1..J1INa_ ..
• Big -job power. • 5 forward speeds Ek
reverse. • With proper attachments Snapper
solves many yard care problems. • Free demon-
stration on your own lawn.
All Snapper mowers meet A.N.S.I • safety specifications.
Maintenance Se
Seaforth, Ontario
Hutchins 'Welding
ice & Repair
R.R. 5 Goderich, Ontario
this summer.
On Ascension Sunday, Talent
Money in the form of $5 bills
were handed out to all mem-
bers who wished to accept them
and will either bury, invest» or
enlarge their talent money just
like Christ's parable.
Its going to prove very in-
teresting to see the many
different ways the talent.money
will work. Talent money will be
gathered at our Thanksgiving
Service in the early fall.
A bridal shower was held
May 24 in Goderich at the home
FPL newsman will
speak at Hensall
Jack Burghardt, news an-
chorman 'for CFPL- TV will be
the guest speaker for the
Hensall United Church
Anniversary this Sunday at
11:00 a.m.
For those who prefer to
watch the newsman in , his
normal medium, a closed
circuit TV will be in operation
so members of the
congregation and their guests
may watch the service in the
chur church fellowship hall.
This will be the 127th an-
niversary for the Hensall
church, but the event will also
be in celebration of another
important church milestone —
that being the 50th anniversary
of the United Church of
The pulpit is not an unusual
spot for Burghardt. He's
spoken as a layman on many
occasions and plays an active
part in church and community
affairs. He is an executive
member of the United Church
communications branch, a
member of the Salvation
Army's advisory committee,
the YMCA's board of directors
and,the.-Londpn.Rotary Club.
'-:»t:. one time., he.. considered
the minstry as a vocation, but
District Pro -Life Groups -are sponsoring
Saturday, June 21st
8 a.m.
1. -leaving from Victoria St.
United Church Goderich
Union Sideroad, Hwy #21 South
s Mite& *lay
vra_AV IL0 /to.
ss'on .4sf••1.1 ..
Uarfts & saLN
F ,QHT 10
Hilo*. .W
.uN awe
Everyone Welcome
1 0 Mile Round Trip
Lunch & 'Refreshments Served
Funds raised for educational materials,
.publicity, radio commercials, donations of books
to school libraries.
C Is, 0 R $ . 5,1.1
had to give up the idea when his
father died and he left school at
the age of ,14 to support his
family. 1
The 44 -year-old newsman
claims he sees several parallels
between the media and the
"In both, it's a matter of
communication, attempting to
transmit messages affecting a
great number of people," he
Following Sunday morning's
church 'service, which will
involve both the Hensall and
Chiselhurst United Church
congregations, a fellowship
hour will.be held at which time
visitors may have an op-
porttLnity to frieet the guest
speaker in person.
8:30 p.m.
>, I'' 111.r?'LTTR�T��-r.lit
n�l�.#�1h� ,Curc ro saie Sins th 'edkl , hane sthet:Pi
t ,tu r�•81. .tlst rea herc,.. dm .: ans �� g �o, a
rm c.
and. chord�mo.out r S i dl.lt
l�rt�*icllot� s egU�asn� u� to'��i , =. * .e .. ,
the hostile man oxer!
When congregations aren't
looking for a change in
preacher, the preachers are
looking for a change In
congregations t -
Some laymen have tried to
bribe God by offering money if
u preacher pleased them, or to
blackmail God by limiting the
accounting of their gifts to a
certain use or certain ,amount
unless they got their way.
What reality demonstrates is
that no piher can saveand
no preacher,can'cause a person
to "go to Hell". And no Church
makes a minister true to his
professional integrity and no
Church takes it away.
That is why Christians have
proclaimed that One Lone Life,
executed as a traitor on the city
dump, as still the ONLY NAME
by which men are saved.
.about the ,success of the elan
who filllowed hint" .
There is a professional
Ward for ministers in the need
for them to !nuke a ' living
witness. Preachers can get
confused as to whether they are
preaching Jesus as Savior or
their own brilliance and in-
Churches have been so
wrapped up in some per-
sonality -cult of a popular
preacher they failed to recover
when he was gone. Some
ministers have written per-
sonal columns about how no
other Church could be so dear
to them; even as they wrote
they were complaining about
being "stuck" in the Church!
On the other side is the time a
layman used my life - as an
excuse for his anger and left the
Former Pastors of
St. Joseph's Parish
Guest Speaker
Fr. S. McGuire
ole.)otrtoentr o)o)coectoo F
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