HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-4-29, Page 1tai Ii DICKSO i, Battiister, Soil- otter ofSuprotne Coint,Natcary1'ubl(o Gunveyatllcor eiriratissiouca fko, Honey to r, eau, niece lua, tiisoua131ook,Mxote .. Bo,rl'istPr, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.! 14YlfiTE1 , • , ONT. • Oince gainwell's'Rlccit(ftall'sold ollloo.) ,•_.�.,��.-.ter m„ , tai NTAT/ , [ 1 CARTW11ICa-HT, L. D. S., t • ..9. Tl as opened dentalrooms over O'bitIlL':S BANE, E, 5v-herOb0 Will be prepared to extract teethwithout pain, AU operations perforinedwith ease and sletEi, 041d. fillings asnperalLty. hinge hours 0 it, m: to G p rat. O1ca,Itoaas f onnahT a. Timms 1 IN`SMA'i,DT+a1�T` ISTis. D,S �. •ti , n itbut .. , h �vit i ' of ti`,, `i o viral t itaTizatt Air, or by nsillg bile NeW ,L,0Oa1 A,RWB ho - tie on theums; snakes Gold 111ings and all other dental work the best possible. Booms Uustatire in Sntxw1LL's I3Loou, hast side of Main -Street, 'Exeter, Ont. a MEDICAL (1 LUTZ, M. D., • Officeat hisresirlence 'Exeter, JW. 13110WNING M. D., •M, 0 • P,t3,oratitrateVic torfauniversit}.Otlice aud;resideuool�0,Y :1,IOX' boratoxv, Erre ter lI. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P. S d. Office, Main St.T:xeter,Ont. Redden oghouserocontly oocapied by V. Esq. DB 3..1{YN.l)MAN AND HOOPER, Dncmafur ieOy of Huron, &c.,&D.Hoop Leutfoteof the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh ; 1Lioentutto in Jiidwifory, Ediuburgl, (Scotland) Post -graduate Student of the University of Vienna (Austria) and gland) &0.. &0. r the a Specield al' attee I ntion hospital, Ear and I Throat. 1 Diseases tr die oter. Throat. Oilico, rl'Iaill-Btreet, �R. WOODRUFF, 9n,•maueutly located in No.185 Queen's Avenue, Lennon, a -ow dast sesof thelEye,bSadtsaighte1tion andtgiven e pres- ervation rs-ervation of vision,. diseases of the Par, imu- rairodheariug, and distharges from the ear; diseases of the 'Throat, chronic inflammation • diseases Ilia. l lb., AND Thi. Pili ~a. Neter Condensed M. Robort'Ieelar, tvlto� plstiinb to he tlto oldest lnothant i,'o Mitchell, lies,retired from active business,, and ` will bo succeeded by }pis son. ! wee , �, A by-law to grant the sutra ofi2, 5OO to tpe Collogiatu Institute; wall ,. ____- _....,�- ._. - _-,_ shortly be submitted to the St: Marys ,e CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MA ,' people. `1'ebe oxistenoo of the sohool Ii1ia'Y TO TSE LINE, LET THEwill depend on the result of the vote. xoIIN 7vrlirin & sole A Clinton psue r reports that W.- --. thatt fol, zt, has absootidod, levying }I"tal/11K 11ore au dx'Pop rietors Craig, a troll ltnowu cattle dealer, of VOL VIII N , O , EX.ETEI , OFTARTO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 188 6. '"YI`PORTA'N'T' NOTICES.., To SUMMONED tiupaid debts stn t - ROUND TOE COUNTRY. our tag nutnet utt The bridle a few miles weer of the variously from $50 to $2,800.. 04)11 -- -- village is in 1t bad shite of repair, and, " llobt. Campbell, brother of .the 4114.. i%1ans1u d. Henrywitzer, of the 3rd line, lost a Pelnable working horse. One day a8 week. w in ears. The sacramento to ' our eitizeue need not be surprised if, Wisliesto announce to the inhabitants of ivir, there at au early date. 'Pile fences ou either 'side of the approaches aro al• et h ,� �ea,r � f the Bax p H 6i t Exeter and vicin.i ty, that he Rae opened out last ! It its pretty most entirely destroyed ttud 'torn oils the bridge looks area of a passed r. h 'o enclosure u tan de o Ir 1 was administered in the A cyclone, nearly the onlire well rap y down, w tl a Supper til t Lord' bu d of L d , g , PP d b 10 a, u f"ne t ill l) o. t leo cry x tinea t oc Y though o oho ni�4,x•wh e \Vher received a Sbeve•and a Haar -cat which could a d opt not b b of 11oBsiblS have been surpassed Y any Sabbath last. by of one side being it 1t orb ,lVletkiodlat Church on Sabb Tl3�f:PYlSrolnl�CEe (edema. Store North of Samwel; erintendent of the'ciroint, the !'I i3 id NEAR in. the (ede lfile cup 1, t li & Prckard's, where he rat prepared tr? make Ret+ , Mr. Harris, tvho preao.led alt i all kinds JI aorderederork, app Prhate' And well prepared ser* Iron. oetmaster at Anderson (3rd SEE Sewed work a speciality. tb creed to sleet an tnc tv SAI ALL THE LADIES WHOline ft , or. so .._ • 1 idnal r o' from Ilia off, tie the other dray, as he Ike. '• 1:a e9.RIls C S LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS. 'Without a cloubtthey aro the most becoming styles ever introduced. Ladies, for something, in very fine style, such as the Langtry and Parisian hangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, Paffa, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike, J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Where he will. supply all your wants in the flair Lino, being a frequent cause of Clea. -� of the Nose, catarrh being a common cruse of HAIR BALM inipai-ed hoaxing. Restore:: ,toTe grey.• AUCTIONEERS. hair to its a't; tura! color e troves D --td a, stops. the 2. froril ;r-'.0 i it . increase growth, a not soil the s ii As a hairere sing, it has r ute_dhsr:nleas ri� �7 Prepared TENVENT & TE NLNT Vetere- � T. •a s 1, ...,t..r•.•v:t Repairing' promptly attended t ' GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C, Eacrett'a Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84, - LTJE, PEE TALOR T1LN1tY EILBEslit Lioorised Auo- tioneer for asy, Stophon, and aioGilli- :rr atea 0abed-At Post-offee,Orediondueted ton,Ont.Lto JHN 1xILL, Anotioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Ray and T7sborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this oiilce. GARY. nary Surgeons, Guuhiates of the 1 ♦ ' - Ontario I - ''-- Veterinttr College, Toron- to, Suitt by wtl nese¢ y haye op for the tree, Domestic M,•instreet rte- muco prompt'Y from a des _ . -•�- attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&a always on hand: • MONEY TO LOAN. IVFONEIr. TO LOAN ON REAL ES in ocietY �X4 tt1.tesoilnto esi Apply to Tohn•Spaalnua,l,x11x ter. Air ONEYTO LOAN AT 6 AND 61 pOro ent.acco dingly to ernes. Private 8' agar:. B , V,ELLIOT , Augustt5,'85 Solicitor. Fxotes , . ®MONEY T4 LOAN AT GAND 6�- 1V1 Best Private Funds. B percent, es5,000 Loaning Companies represented, L.8 DICIISON, Barrister, Exeter, • ~-- ~i INSU.ttANCE.` TORN McDONELL, IssuLR or es MARRIAGE LICENSES. nen rN FANsoN's nLoorc. oneeand pfiru?.te.:,•,,.; tur0nt of, all aioi:t - 5. Anituals, on , Exeter. Oahe' i MR. WM. LYNiii is prepared .o clo CUSTOM TAILORING A + 9 w1T+A71 used such ink tilting and abusive lain, gunge toward ,the P. . as Ire co not strand. TlaQ threatsIIIof the oluldd man agatn8t ills postmtt&ter were violent, and it tried t() pick u 'a dangerous wee p.'n Suiten outside the tiotsr to slay brae "G'otnent Offroer." A fluecof x'20 or mote would perhaps teah ta.14:2:0102 s cluarrevernlsnme individual to control has p •illoua and not get "alcoholically embarrassed" so often. pre idol of the West Huron enser- 4 they bear of an accideet happening vesion associtt for , has beery given the post of lighthouse keeper at the Goderieh pox. A few evenings ago, souse person threw a stone through the window of a Air. James Scott, Pollee >ylaotetrate, of Clinton, 11 is said this is the torn n is second time the act bas been •.om- Rltauae that ,a township like it alp i .tni'tsd, 11f. S. elenot be frightened out of doing his duty. The Ontario Government has appointed John Sieclair, of the town of St. Marys, M. D., to be an 48800i - i• rho county af. Perth; costumes, The calors Corti holy John Beattie, Seaforth, to be clerk the year are rather odd, being yellow, , the Second Division Cenrt should allow such a bridge as this to adorn its magnificent thorough- fares. BRIEFS. -The Lucaq Bolles ;last Sunday were attired in their summer lyre coroner fc coffee, hevana Soo. -During the past week we have had fine weather with. a few showers; farmers will soon have completed their seeding,, around here; fall wheat has a good appeeraauoe, Dusan has one of the beat bands in the west, and the leader, Mr. Quigley: is to be complimented for its advance- went; be is a painstaking leader. Saturday, the let of May, does away with beer, which to some will seem very queer; but don't despair, t7orbett, aged torso yams, died very N3ssourl- nevb.: tear, for Huron County is � O�dde tt, aged. e years, It: hay O r hotel 1eP.epers, all of been a arontl in its 050ail health People are complaining about the quite Hairs. ' l„ w• -d •li P• y I county of Huron, iu the roots of Lud- wig Meyer, deeoared. The 100 acre farm, tot 4, 6th con- Cessiou of Blanshard, was offered by auction under an order from the Court, of Chancery, by Mr. W. John-: ton ou Satu=til>,y at the National Hotel, St, Marys, It was ltnecked down to Mr.. John Copelaud. of Usboroe, for $7,300. A little eon of Mr. S.a�muel East, of abs lug citizens, :vi op >G' r. until after tent when sitting o. +�* w +' "'„'.11' Align W `""• not wa,....: Not IoL'a' sines it was nhomYtlawecdl}Alt's .hH law, atad 1 fool' Enet's knee, it euddeuly dropped tor- ti.., iere SUITS, PANTS OR COATS the cold. Hard to please everybody. ails satisfied et E0 nte uUy0•nerd sed e= pied instantly The Spring hag come at Inst and people made in the Latest Styles, and g',ttisfaction are busy seeding. Fall wheat looks guaranteed in every respect. good, and farmers are looking forward for a bountiful harvest. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST The Blensltnrd and Nissouri Spring NOTICE AND AT LOW, RATES. fair, in St. Marys, was a grand sue - cess, Some fine horses and pita a -- chow of farming implements. Each a Specialty agent thinking his machine the best, Ladies Jackets p y will give satisfaction. added two new buildtnge to his place, 510 cents postage and we will send you free a royal, valuable sample boa of goods that wiltIputyou in the way of making more money at once, than anything else in America. Bothsexes of all ages nee live at home and. work in aparetime, or an+the time. Capital notrequirud. We will start yon. Immense pay sure for those who start at once. STnisoar & Co . Pot tland Maine 1Live him a trial and be convinced that Mr. F. Evans. of ()hefty Grove, has WILLIAM LAYNE. Butter &Eggs WANTED. J. Matheson Has opened out in Currelley & Co's. Old Stand, EXETER NORTH k of Groceries. t of the ft new kitchen and barn. Messrs. slit . Neil &Rlt While 9eing a hheareMr. nightbo.24th upandLiteinwillday'was andbasematoh.• •were who claim that the "Ugly Pugs"will. some day make their mark, if not in of the base batt field it is no fault theirs; they played vigorously, al >Mr. Fla defeated. though they W.re vin diboharged the duties of umpire in a noble manner, at times standing in defiance of the whole town for his tight. His reputation in this respect Lon- don` upon a charge of neglecting o ,i widespread, and I hear Ld. hnx protect the -flattery ill oonneotion with is the ad. ane'. offer of `r;Q06 itis mill dam It is alleged that a year to'of'lalate at matches throng- • be has placed obstructions in the „ sit bounding upwards, .out �snada. He is awaiti:.ra some. Complete'stoc o recedes. ( path o to thin better. 16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50 so that he has been enabled easily to What to won $tire• Hannah will CENTRAL ld like to see: -Tho and 75 cis Good Quality ?slob them, and q t F d STOREd _ Merohants remove all 'packiug boxes investigate the ,matter ou Friday. t from off the sidewalks, and allow i Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. pedestrians J The weather for several days gee at least 4 of the walk.-- Anicely assorted stock of baa been admirably adapted to ad- That sixfooter, who ran against 'a H Rr 'D W , 13 F, vance all forms of vegetnhan. The snag last week, get revenge. -The usual "cold period" of 11-14 has been 1FORICS council have our plank walks properly at niANed or has been very indistinct, repaired,and and have heaped -on their while the temperature hag been store shoulders a heavy fine, on account of sommer•litce tb,tn venial in large per. somebody falling and spraining an tione of the.country, with a consider- ankle --The polios to soak more GLOVES, BINDING , xs SC YT E +It (Cheap.) Beat Machine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. A full stook of all kinds of I Dye -stuffs and package A reduction of 5' Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A. good Snit of ALL -WOOL SERGEfor137.50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down to he Lowest Notch. Dyes, constantly on � t the London klutualinsurenoe Alsoago0 C Company of Canada,3iorcavtile Insurance Co -Capital .+500,000,00 Read Office Waterloo; i to Accident C , A Rouse and Lot to sell or rent. Apply toe & Ao area Condition • u Ill a orad England C En ii ` g I CapGlasgow & London Insurance Coy -Cap - COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. f ns a Winan's hand.. Out, $2,500,000; tread (IL11ca Montreal : Stand - tel tied Lte Insurance CO., Head ,lntOffice, o oieciot>d )ffice, Toronto. JOHN McDONELL Exeter. 1 PoWd- rT1HE; WA'TERLOO MU'l13AL� ers - FLEE INSURANCE CO . Established in I:SG:1. HEAD 'OFF1C£ - - WATERLOO, ONT. This ooml,auv has been over Eighteen Years indeontinnee t0 insure against beecessful operation in Western Oor n - to damage by Fire ,fluiklings,Mercuanclrso,Malr able property. Intend ng l other do i nsuriersshave the able nof1ins'•. option of Insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. ash ten: years this Company During the p has issued 57,006 Policies. covering property to the amount of$40,872,098;audpa.idinloss- es lone $700,752,00 of Cash !Isset, $170,100.00, pds1t,nnitheunites- n dank, Govet WedrioluinraallotPresidoit'aOcl6fprdyz,ole, Sec etL1.ry x7 11. B GZras,inepeeter. OTIAS. 'SNLLL Ageuttot Exeter and vicinity, n- � fir the best in the mark- et and always flesh. Family rocip- - es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter r 0. .IUTZ. able ,nterepriekling of thunder starms to the southward. The old proverb -- When April blows his horn It's good for both hay and corn - doubtless holds true,•for when Aprils horn (thunder) is heard it is always accompanied by- growing weather, "ns of tore t1U alternations offrequent ` e t t mat g hot sunshine and shower. closely after drunks from Friday fotrward.-Our village have a trade precession on the 24th May; and the JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. O. Exeter Butcher Shop. R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer - -IN ti55 IC1NAs OF --- t T S M E l j f i 'Oustomers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. $ 4J C E S S 7 1 t Prepaid Tickets 1111011010111/11111221V -BY OF CANADA. Tho Royal Mall, Passenger and t reiglit heats betweenCanada, rnte botweand all points oil u the LOWOX St. Lawrence and Bale des Cha - lour, also ha•lour,also New Rrunswiek, Nova Scotia, P. E, Island Cape Breton, NartoullclBermuda, and Jamaica. Now and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Day Cats run on through Express trains, Passengersfor Great Britain or rho Conti- nent by hoaxing Toronto at 8,80 a. in, Thurs. ali- •d mail steamer ra tfl: a trees will oto b i da i v as a, m. Sueaat Haltor ifax ter shipment of ac- commodation in and general merchandise. Years ee experience have proved the INTIM- COLONIAL I t1 from connection Li3verpoolnanl l,1we v an Glasgow to tin,lifax, to bo the quickest no,glrt: route between Caclada and Groat l3r1ta Information as to Passenger anti Visages rates can ho had on applioatiou to i.2CI31;IITB.33001)1E, , on or Agent Western Freight&lass 0 031'nsain'Renee Bleak, York Si., Taranto, 17. POTrINGl , Chief Superintendent. ititlrttivttY 0 to I/Iiit:No% 13,1895, Saturday, 14 Lbs Good Raisins $1.00. DOMINION ROYAL MAIL LINE, ANCHOR UNITED, STATES MAIL LINE, -P, ROrif- ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, ICELAND, GERMANY. APPLY TO GEORGE CEM P, CHEAP CASH STORE. JUST 1tEC.JfiVL'I) .,s-. Ulcera, A base ball match was played at Liman, on , Good Friday, between "The Pug Ugliea" and "Tho Ugly:l Pugs", which resulted iu an easy viotory for the former by a score of 28 to 7. Mr. Ed. Flavin filled the po'ition of umpire, in a eatisfaolory manner•. Thei3 ental weather of the bast few days has dried up the read, improved the roads, set the ivrmers, builders and gardeners al' work, started the grass growing, the trees budding and the birds singing, and uia :e every. body feel happy. THE: CONCERT. -A grand musical conceit was held in tire Town Hall on Tuesday evening, given by Prof, NEWS NOTES. Of sit Interesting Character. On Satttrday half a million white. fish fry from the Newcastle fish hatchery wore turned into the bay at 'Belleville. Oue million whitefish fry , from the Sandwich hatchery were turned; into Lake Erie at Port Stan- ley Re the to ethe fisher question, the Referring y q London Times says: "Oanada; would be wiser not to insist upon her full rights. We have made such large "Ugly Pugs" and "Pug Ugltes" aro- concessions before that we may con- Cher match, -Tire :young Iadies of tinue them without rick of being "egg " . The ,Pall ?)bail Ga- up 'and misrepresented." churchesp soma e-of`the c get. 6 on of a u the formation ,• advocates f Ga - sociable," This is how they are con -„sloe duoted:-"Every young lady brings preme and permanent court for the an egg along, writing her name on it. sottlemeut of flailing disputes between Each young ulna draws oris of tliess Canada and the United States. of a , uotlst sot as an On Saturday next, May 1, the eeggsscortout for thebagyotngavid lady whose ranine Scott Act will au into effect in Brant, is inscribed on the egg he draws. Leeds and Grenville, Kent, Lanark, It is predicted that this form of chick- Lennox and A•ddingtou, Elgin Lamb - emery will hatch out many marriages; 10n, St, Thames, Wellington. Fron- but it is hoped none of the girls will teaac, Lincoln, Middlesex, ,Victoria, get yolked to a "bad. egg" for a huts- Ontario, Peterborough, Northumber- b:<nd. land and Durhaatu, Brume and Chia. - ►.,- outitut, One.. and. Gnyeboro, N. S. From 11 ter we hear fest Prints fast Colas, II apprecslative 4 Atniost Gave ll the Ghost. After May 1, therefor,:, the Act will House OF li+EPitE9)rNTSTIv739', 1�AsutNC�TeN, be in operation in ::ixteethree of the. D. C. -Last fell I contracted malarial fever. counties anti sills of the Dominion. locaSuffered much for, two months. Disease and I almost gave up Winnipeg: Man., April 26, --The in ngwell. kidneys, ever getting well. Warner's sate Dore, great northern Creo chief, Big Bear, which cured me, is a great blessing to num- and three of his head men, all of kind, and if taken re6rllarly wilt cure almost 'whom' have bets in the penitentiary any disease of alta iticlueys.-TYRE YORK, at Stony Monutaiu, thin province, Ni. D. -,�,�- nearly a year, for their acts in con- The'Toronto Salvation Array held neetion with 1113 Reil rebellion, have their first celebrattiao in 1lieir new been set at liberty and`ordered back Temple on Saturday night. The to their rctervo, Big Bear's health Both. roma quarters p was formally dedicated is irrecoverably broken. He is very sbunFts of the .seal+Uenee building y titin in flesh. bent 1u form, luau in of the affair. The attendance Lvae ljunday. yfee° and ricks middling, but should have been At about 8.20 o'cloclkhiSatqurta after The Winnipeg motion. ncl-ioitoba, of the 6 n 1ti1'rs terllnt., Y' Gerdes Seeds, Maple SugarCorn (`I'outatobs; l+actory Cheese, Ca + Pure Boneless Codfish, Oranges, Lemons Cbristio BrandBrandSoda I3iscuies, Pure Malt Vinegar, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Cigars, Dashwood Boller Mont, ].rolled Oats.` 10c, per ya:. 1 o,1 Gingham s 10c yd. Soda„ 50, Ib. Epsom' Salts, 5c. lb. Sulphur, 5c. Ib. DULMAGE'S KIEKToN. such it run in Millinery as the Never had sue p ii resent spring. Call Call and examine Prices and Sty es. larger. Miss lt'ord sustained her past lady of the Sterling 'louse, 00 Adanie reputation as a in next i street Chicago, jest west of Jefferson, Oue week hone nest T^ rldap le an , arbor, day for the schools` throughout 'was in the kitchen wales eradaughter Ontario. Can not this village of otters Emma and Miss , be tuado still' more inviting for those One nQtof them tooltc hghi can ed l olm,aan d and seeping a tiara place for ,etirefient,. holding an by the platviog prat of more ehaae' crenimenced to fill it. Suddenly the trees on our streets and general oil was ignited and the cru exploded boulthink so if the, with a loud report; The burning right spirit ea8 T right s iris was put into the matter. fluid was soatlorott over Mrs.Sterling talc the As the coming Hibor dho edtl1tM e and her t were soon aahter, M18 of filmes. 11tltiss it is tbo seho grorVed, p Whatenl the do,neetld, 1553 trot btirn- the si;'11o01 grottnda'here will be bean- .�.-,►+tea--- trees ed,. but inhaled the gas and smoke. One otcaiiiir,aTzn ns had a favorite espies tlfied, bythe plater be of shade, est Was sfimmonetl, . ,, t the mills out of your basic to the flower beds. Our soltoel ( a d Fire De awed 1 slop. Go g r aild ou will be alL tight and makingsprrrig of life you Y and' tn'rtl men aided in the efforts to v urontli' What tlsoy tand cavo the for auothet two1 o • .stun ntah the flames . Ira. di ou rve your blood S a' • rad iter din lt• realty ruenut asst y g lives+ of i<,tts• Sterling x g t a good cleansing out ru oho. spring, lig t a itlr, bust their nits o in ie tbn la e I use of a perfect blood purifier, like Warner's rl s•evarril hout8 of ititeliee carrel•• safe cure yeti need fret fear that the year A4t r 21st .aye; -"No conntly in the world could or has expel -ion caod more niaguificetit weather than has Mani- toba and the North-west the last ten weeks. It has been simply glorious. Everythiug so far points to a magui- ficeut harvest, acct the agricultural outlook is the very best From all over the province settlers report most favorably. 'Their' seeding is just about Completed, and in ninny caves' the blade is above grouted anis the green." earth AY DJ i41 in Boots and Shoes sold AW 6EIi THD ADDRESS t DULMAGE'S R17MY;M 1 � l'rfaea) a Drew' ock, South store.' c L r grounds ought so be .nada as aurae• Ibeautiful as possible, and tiVe and 1 the tottetees and +ate•payerts ehou,d unite with the teachers and scholars they t ds rheas ' tad; in doing what 1 ey cera clear• desirable end. inlg mut: tlnoee of 'thin women died. will find you un er g