Clinton News-Record, 1975-05-15, Page 17, • *MX 'Whoa titP0Plers ern Square Dance held the t of the season lot Wednesday night In the Clinton SehoOl, inlilluleesgh(rgrit9end them for st d olluwing graduated In tons &shoo on April 28T. Len and Betty Archamhwalt; Bath and Allan Bosman; Esther and Alvin 01401o/ell; Irene and Fordyce Clark; Marjorie and Tem Duizer; Phylits and Cliff Seaforth Silver Spurs meet The Seaforth Silver Spurs BOrse Club held their meeting at the home of Marguerite Snell ort4prill5; The meeting was opened with the Pledge and the minutes and roll call were read by Susan Tyndall. The next meeting will be held at Sharon Colclough's. Susan and Wendy Tyndall, are to bring their horses and we will discuss conformation as well as with Sharon's. It will be on May20. A committee for the planning events was organized and a meeting for them on April 29 will be for planning a trail ride and events. Mrs. Powell then discussed • proper feeding of a horse and we had a quiz after. The meeting was then closed and refreshments were served. by Wendy Tyndall II tt; Doug and Mavjorie -ieltmant, oro y. an , 14,',raSerill.:itedrandVaifft:Otrig't Worgon,; Madelyn sewetc,_ Vaughn ,Klass, and,, Anna Wayne Hartinanl,, Kevin 0,TooiE Oa and Harry ;Aar; }Wiley: .Laurie Staclihouse; name 004 Bert, 4_01; 4040 Dave Reid; Donna Reid; Ray and Lawrence Flaetzet1 McNichol; Mary .Searle: and Florence and PonIt40114--Khnliutpplirles, Mhelnia and jim WirSanr Personsa Goce_anfl_Pon Watson; Norman and Vlorence tere,4 111,, • Modem Square Taylor's Corners gardening club meet The Taylor's Corners first meeting of the Gardening Club was held on Saturday, May 10. Leaders for this club ate- Mrs. Martha deBoer and Mrs. Margaret Hildebrand, assistant leader. The election officers was held with the following results: president, Marjorie deBoer; vice president, Karen Rodges; secretary, Bonnie Westbrook; treasurer, Vicky Oke; press reporter, Lynne Hildebrand. Other members of the club are Jan Ginn, Debbie and Janet Rodges. Mrs. deBoer and Mrs. Hildebrand talked about the general information for the club and discussed several ideas for 'b9Rks, files and garans., Mrs. deBoer also talked about what kind of soil is best and she and Mrs. Hildebrand 'showed pictures of geveral types of annual plants. Next meeting wili be Saturday, May, 17 at Jan Ginn's home. "PLANTING PLEASURE" CAN BE YOURS WITH -* Choice seed selection * Quality boxed plants ,e1* Lawn Care Products -* Soil Conditioners * Insecticides &Herbicides ) * Tools, gloves etc. 1 DURST FARM & GARDEN CENTRE H. Baker, Prop:. 22 ISAAC ST.CLINTON PHONE -482-9333 19,20,21 / a She'll remewedding gift I aber from Squire HIGHWAY 21 S. GODERICH been 10,fi.m. t• 9 p.m. filoys a week f, 6:3 1)a gAre new heginners' class . ''Plans are well under way:ter :.- , in the , Clinton .PubliC School ,...c:0,010,)?q_,stote,011.1:tht4114,- _, • ,f1,.: 0:-P,O.0000141,-POOO'.. ir-Vlbe'.:-'s:441.001;';18411.1inOotoller.' „ . . , . • ... The, Officers- for next .year ,, liiitenitligh .SCh0011001U1r10,:''''*--' '-- ,--,--,' - •-•:,',---- '''', - ''' ',-- - -,t-- ' - are:Pas t president o *Igr.',' and The 'eh* is .Onterin, a float in , 1..,,_ ", Mrs, Cecil Alliott; president, the clintpri ' Centennial Parade . .,' A: '' '-4,tn',,,,e-L.,,,40`0,,.,..,.--11$4.,,,.. ,4:,.„; A, Mr,,, od' Mrs, Aar' VOCI: YIVC-' • on August .2,, " ,, - . ' ' , ', P.*: ogot..y,,,,,,,,ei,,,p,,, third , OesidentilYirm.andlYfro,Oordon •, , , . ,- . ' • '. ,:.''' -te a 'ha' ,' pound of. feathers. Shotihreols;. secretary. Mr, and ' All dancers with a year or .The,Y., are in demand for high _, _,--+' , , TTr,'r-'"Mr"---:-i'nc/i*"4.--70-c---AW-PegHieW—qtl ......., .. alt. ill° 84°,-,0E.114 terS.anct.'•..,... an4Mrgi.gdifitINV6Ok welcome to join with Or 'group "sflig-01013b4s. ,.... ...........,,..., , ,, :3111.114,50AiMA, 511:1(RPTorPt AARIbtt4/,,11111w7Ey' NCE(t"..;11;11,- 1 LA7t1Q""fil4wwyY:2;101.927tin't4,111tri$110°Utt.helftil.01:°:Kiltnhcardin)i • •TRAINING PROGRAMME AVAILABLE Persons learning 10 .Parachute contact: -ift;ormiLsriiitgoir..,44.«,c4;04•4«mioi.b. BLADE BONI REMOVED CANADA GRAN( "A" SW DINNER STYLE, SMOKED, COOKED PICNIC STYLI amino . 14 Vac PaC 89ce Blade. Roast 1b98? Pork $1.48 Siced Bologna Short Rib Roast lb 9u? Corned Beef Roll Shoulders VAC PAC lb $1.39 cooked meats 12 -oz Vac Pac 3 ft CANADA MADE "A" IIIIEF SNOW MOD BONELESS lb MAPS 'LEAF, SLICED, 4 MIME Blade Steaks 0)0.08 "GREAT ON A GRILLI" CANADA ORADIP"A",11111F utormiame — COLE SLAW OR MAPLE PM fp cat SHADED "OnAi ON A GRIW" Fresh_ Ground Chuck Ib 8 se Potato Salad' 24 -oz carton 79? Pork ausages 99? ESSEX BP.ANDt STORE PACK GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE Bee & ork Sausages "6 91 Chicken Legs or Breasts ib $1 .38 9? P BONE IN — POT ROAST, CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF • SELECT QUALITY Shoulder Roast 1b73 CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PAC Young Turkeys 6 to 14 -lbs Average 1b68? CANADA GRADE "A", Eviscerated, Frozen, Vac Pae 10 to 144bs avg Young Turkeys ARP sur-emntia 1678? UTILITY GRADE, EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PAC Young Turkeys 18 to 20 -lbs Average Ib 58 SMOKED, COOKED Pork Shoulders PICNIC STYLE Ib 795i Regular White,' Yellow, Pumpkin ROYALE TOWELS. PKG OF 2 ROLLS • DETERGENT, 1/3 MORE "FREE" • ACTION PRICED! LIQUID 32 -fl -az dan, PALMOLIVE " 7 °FROZEN, WHITE OR PINK (1241.-02 TIN 45$) Kent - Lemonade 4 6 -fl -oz tins 99? smic_ REGULAR OR SUPER (DEODORANT, PKG OF 30 51.99) Playtex Tampons pkg of 30 $1.79 DRY, OILY, NORMAL %ONUS 50% MORE Breck Shampoo 600 -ml Piasticbil $2.09 A Superb Blend, Rich In Bra:Ilion' C.effees EIGHT O'CLOCK BEAN-COFFE —BAG SAVE 16c Sliced Beef Liver SUPER -RIGHT BRAND Sliced Side- Bacon MAPLE LF.AF, RANCH STYLE Bologna BY THE PIKE MAPLE LEAF -- "GREAT ON A GRILL!" Wieners . twig LEAF, SLICED • Co,Ited. Ham Action priced! RUPERT BRAND' GOLDEN BATTBRID • lb 58? Frozen Perch 16..pkg $1.09 12 -oz pkg 59? HIGHLINER, FROZEN LB 594 1248 BOX 50.89 1b4151 Boston Bluefish Fillets 5 -ib bo. $2,. 89 RUPERT BRAND, FROZEN, HOME STYLE 1 -lb Vac Pac$1 .38 Fish Cakes SWEET CORN, GARDEN SAIAD, HAMBURGER, YUM YUM, HOT DOG RELISH Es 12-FipOZ JAR 2189 (2-11 VAC PAC 51.55) GOLDEN, FROZEN-. 1 -lb Vac Pac 7 8? Canadian Kippers ESSEX !WAND, FROZEN / 6 -oz Vac Pac 89? Hamburg Patties 2 -Ib pkg sloe 1b4952! TOMATO KETCHUP ACTION PRICEDI 15 -fl -oz 59,, bottle CANADA N.. 1 GRADE — CREAM ACTION PIHCEDI Billy Bee Honey 1 -Ib plastic jar ggg 12 VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI Nine Lives CAT FOOD 4 61/4-ortins 89? FOR SALADS, BAKING IA PRYING — PURE VEGLIASIS ACTION PRICED, St. Lawrence CORNOIL 35-fl-ortin $1.79 Action priced! TOWN CLUB SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS VAC PAC Ib A&P *RAND CHARCOAL oa BRIQUETS , bag 44, 19 ti0 FROZEN ' (DEWX111, PKG OF 4 PIES 51.69) McCain's Pizza par:1.00.59 *read IS Butter, Baby 0111., Sweet Mood ACTION iRICEtil Heinz Pickles 15 -11 -oz jar 67? RUFF 'N REDDI, PLASTIC Garbage Bags pkg of 10949fe PRODUCE FEATURES! South African, Budlike GRAPES lb MEXICAN, LARGE SIZE PINEAPPLES each 59.1 - MEXICAN, FINEST FLAVOUR 10-0Z CELLO CUP BRUSSELS SPROUTS 49? FLORIDA, LARGE ECON0MY-PACKAGE RADISHES 1.IbpkgZ9% ActionPriced! MARVEL BRAND FRUIT DRINKS Cherry, Fruit Punch, Grape, Orange, Apple 48 -FL -OZ TIN 9 WESTON'S (CHOCOLATE COATED MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS) WAGON WHEELS 12 -oz 99 pkg A&P TOMATO SOUP 2 39c GREEN OR CORAL Lifebuoy Bath Soap' 4/$1.00 JERSEY MILK, VIRGINIA, BURNT ALMOND, ROYAL DARK Neilson CANDY BARS 2 3.5 -oz bars 89? Action priced! YUKON CLUB —9 FLAVOURS CANNED BEVERAGES Caseof 24, 1041-ozlip Top This 49 SAVE 40c PANTRY SHELF PEANUT BUTTER $ 1 29 2 L B . SINGLE THIN, PROCESS, CHEESE SUCES Black Diamond 32 -oz pkg $2,69 LIQUID JAVEL A&P Bleach 7 VARIETIES Puritan Stews Hanson, 100% Pure, Unsweetened, From Concentrate ORANGE Id 128 -fl -oz plastic jug 99? 24 -fl -oz tin 85? CONTAINS RICH BRAZILIAN COFFEES EIGHT O'CLOCK INSTANT COFFEE t. - (3411 SAG SAVE 50c 52.69) Arriving -Fresh from ourown ovens! MARVEL BRAND, SLICED HITE BREAD Cherry Pie , FULL 6 -INCH PIE Each 89? JANE PARKER — SPICY. RAISIN RICH1 (SAVE 10c) ction Priced! Coffee Cake JANE PAIUCER -- PLAIN 0* CINNAMON Cake Donuts (SAVE 4c) 14 -oz cake 75? (SAVE 10c) pkg of 12 5 91 JANE PARKER (BUY 2 LOAVES — SAVE 15c) Bread Pumpernickel 2 16 -oz loaves 79? • JANE PARKER, SLICED, WHITE OR SANDWICH -AP- BRAND AT WI" ROLLS ,KG KAISER OF WI DOOM THE *IOW TO UMIT 01A14/1/0 /0 HORMAL rAMILY .010UtititMEN/S1 —OPEN - MONDAY 9-0 ALL mots SHOWN IN THIS Ab OIJAPANItats OEM* 'MOWN SAMOA MAV i7th, 1935.