The Exeter Times, 1886-4-15, Page 5l', 11 e e 0 t `S y 3, 11 '0 d y S le ts, h. AulirA:It4 Atm elytip 2'I.Itvl!lG'1e6:, LINIMENT IOI�I� AMMONIA?, 11` v Pf b osis incl rQitclster; liozsts, xe ladies to vet rile ahem 'r cam • cone cttzztliess,;los o t ppo i , • in d show a 1vOn i spay ta las i z Q , x o all a'es the shove steetare, lookingthe u, low akin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive in draughts � _.. ,g ,the Pan spend flours in at IQ flea.. d competition in many uxsttt}toes, was y m d * oc s Qu" Sohl. at Dr,.Stowning's. (1rug step, ii101trim 0 a 1 , and In bulls the show was few, but no 6. keen. r " „ Ona of the leading events of the season , It is reported that a eonmerend tra'vpitua , � as.good as we have soon it. llie toads among our lady friends has been the milli- named OQx, Melding 10 I�onaon ruse tired at z �, •. Pin iu a wretched stater, woo unfavorable 6 being nor o Saturday by another passcuger upon rho for rho society, The follo�vnig is the prize y O U1 of yeLO8 l ago inaugurated Sithe Qn The Q this firm three g'ear's inch ruratecl tllq St- Marys broach train, and that the affair l' Rdipst and most certain medicine in list;— opening of the season ba grand display of is being investigated' by the Company's Ghe world, Ilolts:as,-7 etYtries-1st, GQlcjnkroxx �� zxuliinery hovelties, their progress has beery detoetivos, A L L I! A. 11t 1 L 1 Il 0 U S E I T, Dow's "Ma or"* ; 2nd, Colqult0u & Dow sWeak Back, Enlarged Joiuts, P`tralsis ' 7 lr Uil y "Rover" 3rd I Gnxtilx, `cM 1 l,adlle" unprecodonted, BOlieviug that the true The Rev.Goo. H, Thayer,; of Lox b road to Bums was dna is good peas at Incl., says ; "Both myself and wife owe our Bheutnatism, Neuralgia; Diphtheria, right prieos, they have followed. this pcliey lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold Soiatioa, l'rolajisns, morel, PRluale until they have plaeecl themselves in the by J, W. Browning. Weakness. front ranks ot the milliuory trade of Exeter A. VALUABLE FIND. b ,s The best ltuctonly certain remedy to relieve and suri'oondipg district. An inspection of James Alex, Sproul, of Orrangevillo, R pain of alt kiuds,.uo in»tter of now Icing stand - their spacious show room will amply repay he has found l3urdook BIood.Bitters to bo lag. Instant relief guaranteed cremes; Swol• the admirers of tasteful designs ten`s beauti- best;medieine he over took for kidney COM. lou J[i'nte, Varieb@e oVeins, Bites of Ile n e os ful goods. The. new colorings are unusually plaint, with which he' was long suffering. a `e et; will�Onet scoti, l or t;rea@,; is clean aha bright and brilliant, embracing, Tuscan, pink He declares B. B. B. without a rival, SxI LAbI11[ATXe\ on Tznc IiIONEYS, I3aionx's lemon,tobacco, golden brown, creme 1 b and bronze. In trimmings they show a th oulyLurhnoutiu the world possessing nl ria a class . -3 entr let, ghee Berry GaugesdSilks,variety Satins,CCrapes, Plushest and g Velvets. A. glance at their trimmed goods "Pluto Hiahoga" ; 3rd, Gardner Bros., will satisfy the most fastidious that they "`John Scott'". Aged roadster class, -2 en- nave spared no pains to place before their patrons only the newest, latest and moat de- sirable productions of the leading caterers in the millinery art. Conspicuous among the many nine designs is a beautiful Tuscan: plush hat on a Loraine shape, which is con- sidered the acme of • perfection. The Bal- inore in pink Drape, aigrette trimmings, should be seers to be appreciated. An ori- ental creme Dentelle bonnet called Pomoro, is one of the most popular designs offered to "Lord Chesteafi ; , p the trade. The Newport and Soubrette hats will be popular, and aro shown in all shades and qualities. In fancy straws they show all the leading shapes in chips, loop, split, Tuscan, Leghorn, twist, tape, porcupine, Swiss, satin, and Milan. Miss McIntyre, the tasty and artistic milliner in charge, wilt b 1 shown, and he happy to explain and show the varlets/4 kinds of feathers, laces and other trimmings, besides the endless display of trimmed hats and bonnets. The Pentre of the room is de- corated with a floral horseshoe, an emblem of good wishes to all, Tho walls are elabor- ately decorated, and all are cordially invited to eon, as to see is to admire and return. arC Three year old clrauggbt.•--•l entry --J acnes. Miller,y "Lodclie McOonalcl . Two year old draught. --4 entries -J. M. Robinson "Young Major" ; 2nd, 1eonard neuter, „Sir Willianx"•. Purcllloron,-1 entry— Chas. Esset'y, "'!Denveges . Aged Agricul- tural l el try -1st, Richard Meters, "Matchless'... ,.two year old agriculturak- 5 entries—l'st, Chas, Godbolt's "Lothaire". i'wgqyear old,general purpose. -2 entries -- Arca. Hoclgont, "Grindstone". Aged oar- ies-- , "Fear Not Chief" ; 2nd., Curtin & Stewart's trios—lst, :McGregor & McIntosh, ``Judge Fulton" ; Tnoinas Bissett, Jr., "'Volo'. Best heavy horse, any age or class, (di- ploma).---Colquhoun & Dow, "Major". BuLLs,—Durhams.-3 entries—let, John Allison ; 2nd, W. Essery, 'Prince Hoppell' ; 3rcl, Geo. G.dbolt, "Crimson Duke". Two year old. -3 entries—lst, Thomas Russell, "Don" ; 2nc1, Walter Oke, "Proud Duke". year old.—Cp entries -1st, John Heywood, •old" 2nd Thos. Sha ton, "Capser" ; 3rd, Rich. Delbridge, "Fuller- ton Model". MITCHELL. The annual spring fair for the exhibition of horses and bulls was held in Mitchell on Thursday afternoon last, at which a very large number ofanimas were the competition in several of the classes 'vas very keen. The stock was all fine animals, and the show of horses especially would have done credit to our Provincial Exhibi- tions. Some very fine bulls were also on the ground, and it was quite evident that the farmers in this neighborhood are taking a sleeper interest than ever in the improve- ment of stock. Below is the prize list :— Burs,s.-11 entries --Durham bull, calved prior to January 1st, 1884, 1st prize, W. H. Gill, Fullerton ; 2nd, do, Wm. Robinson, Fullerton ; 3rd iso., John Pridham, Ful- lerton. Durham bull calved since January, 1884, 1st prize, Win. McKenzie, Logan ; 2d, do., Thos. Wooden, Logan ; 3rd do., Geo. Buck, Hibbert. Durham bull calved in '85, 1st prize, CeophasDrown, Hibbert ; 2nd, do., J. R. Rogers, Hibbert ; 3rd do., David Watson. Grade bull calf, 1st prize, Win. Hodge, Fullerton. Ilortsis.—There were eight entries in the heavy draught imported class, and it took the judges over an hour to come to a decision. They finally gave "Major," owned by Colquhoun & Dow, 1st prize ; 2u, I to "Rover," owned by the same Publications Received. rm; and ' ' o\ "Strauiaer," the property of Brooks & Colquhoun. There was only one entry in the heavy draught class, three Max.—The May number of frank Leslie's years and under, and the prize was taken Sunday Magazine is redolent of Spring both by Brooks & Colquhoun. In the Canadian in text and illustration. The Easter Pesti- bred heavy draught class, the 1st prize was val, which comes this year on April 25111, its awarded to "Young Lord Haddo," the prop-, latest possible date, is largely dealt with. erty of Robert Jackson ; 2nd to "Highland The "Ancient Customs of Easter Day,. is a Chief," owned by Robert Morre ; 3rcl, very interesting article, and Dr. Talmage's "Robert Burns," the property of George sermon, "The Queen of Festivals," as ft Seehach. There was only one entry in the powerful presentation of Easter lessons. agricultural or general purpose class, and 'The Flight of the Bells," with its rretty the prize was given to Bryan O'Hara's picture, is a quaint French Easter legend,. "Young Wellington." Two fine Percherons The Blessings of Food in Russia is a curious were slio�y�[, and the first laurels were car- ceremony of that coantry. "Easter Morning' vied off kl'y'" . iielihan & Evans' "Napoleon," is a beautiful picture. "Easter scenes ..and and 2nd by "Success," the property of Easter Themes," a characteristic illustration, Fred. W. Moore. The judges occupied a and' The Easter Offering in a Fashionable rood deal of time in coming to a decision Church" will be recognized ns a faithful between "Young Britton" and "Black reproduction. There is also a finely illus. Douglas,." The former, owned- by Thos. t, ated article on "The Lily," and an interest- Balkwill, got 1st prize, and the latter. the ing one on "May Day in England in the property of A. D. Colghotux, 2nd prize. Olden Time." In addition to these timely Best heavy draught stallion two years /and matters, there is a notable article ou under, "Major," John M. Robinson ; 2ncl, 'Chateau Gaillard"' by Sirs. Elizabeth " Young Haddo, " S. Nethercott ; 3rd, Brooks of New York, an article on "Win-, "Duke of Perth," James Watt. Agricultn. cheater Cathedral," with a portrait of the rah or general purpose colt, two years and bishop and views of the cathedral and the under, "Yowig Puzzler," Louis Goodwin ; town, a portrait and sketch of "Mrs. Mad, "Young Donald Dennie," R. Beer. Harriett Beecher Stowe," another of the The judges were Messrs. Joseph Thompson, Parables of Christ, a' well illustrated paper Salem ; D. Denovan, Tuckersmitli ; Geo. on the "Indian Training -school at Carlisle, Hyde, North Easthope ; Francis Dalby, Pa," full installments of the several serials, Elora. and many appropriate and enjoyable short articles and poems. Altogether this is an But Little Credit to the;ProfeS- exceptionally interestiinngnumber. ss-ssion. Interesting stems. A peculiar accident happened to Robert White, ,t tacl:mau near Pais- ley the other day. He was on a hand car, going down the lo'�g grade about four miles north of paisley. when the crani: naught Ili- coat and threw him off on his head on the track immediately in front of it. His back fell across the rail, and the car ran over Min full speed with three inen on it. He was bsdly bruised, but was up and walking around the next day. FnANIT. LESLIE'S SENDAY IIAGAZINE POI; DETnoIT, Mich., Nov. 6, 1885.—Throe yeats ago, I suffered much from enlarged prostrate gland. Had to have my water drawn. The more f doctored, the worse I got. Was completely broken clown. al- most out of my head. Have used 102 bottles of Warner's safe cure. and an perfectly and entirely. relieved.—SOLOMON WES- LEY, 354 Grand Riyer avenue. Millinery Openings. Several millinery openings have taken place here this week, as was announced by advertisements in the TIMES- In the mil- linery line the ladies are very much inter- ested at this particular season of the year, and we believe the inspection openings were successful. The displays made were very fine indeed, and the styles exhibited were numerous, varying greatly from those of last year. Mise Doherty, head milliner in James Pic n d's establisbtnent, on Tuesday last ex. 1' ed in the show room, which was taste- rs feathers, flown w Ince , to with • or ae fa, ticc &c., o'`the various shades, a grand assort- ment of trimmed hats, bonnets, &c., the like of which, our reporter says, has never before been seen in Exeter. There were piles of small' bonnets, no smaller though, than last year, for the minimum was then reached these bonnets are of different shapes, most of them being much higher behind than last year, which, if we bo allowed to judge, looks neater on a lady's head than the shapes worn last year -Many trimmed hats of the different shapes adorned a largo table iu the centre of the allow room, as well as a sloping counter surrounding. There are many cu- rious and oddly combined shapes, compris- ing Cupidar, T?ufn-ynm, Armorita, Belle, and Ohevaleta. High and extremely high crowns were shown, with flat tops, rounded corners, or depressed tops, acid flora square gas to moderately tapering, lnlli steeple tapers, bell tapers, and square hell or Gre- cian tapers. There are innumerable varie- ties of brims, but the prevailing style of last year—short an narrow backs— is still the rage. Brims out at the back and rising cen- tavo mi nsare 1r trim lace back , o< points to inti g ea a t among the newest novelties. Sailors hats, with broad brims, will also he worn. In ribbons, laces, feathers, flowers, dm, Miss D. displayed good taste in tbuyitig, therebeing nothing but the' latest used in trimmings ; birds and wings are not used this year, rib. bons, laee•and 'feathers taking 'their' place. WE CANNOT too strongly impress upon our readers the fact that most diseases are caused by irregular action ot the kidneys; and this is true even though you do not feel any pain in them, for they are deficient in nerves of sensation and give forth pain only in the last stages of disease. It is an undeniable fact that for all diseases of the kidneys caused by excess of uric acid. in the blood,Warner's Three new oases of small pox have been PFESAsl♦, ntabetee, incontinence of Urine: Is reported at Chicago 0 My horse stepped on a rolling steno, terative powers. Oau be taken iuternatlYi sprained her off' hind log, badly swollen, outcry Cramps hurl Co sic, Diarrhoea dna Dys- Giles,' Liniment Iodide Ammonia mired her. OVARY ALL DRUGGISTS, 'NUM, 13o•rrr,z: 250. G. B. Central Canton, Mass. Sold by Q. Write Dr. Giles, box 3,482, N. Y. P. U., who Lutz, Central Drug Store, will give advice on. all diseases free of charge. Robert Brines, a pressman, who was ar- i Beware otunscrupulous dealers and coun- rested at Toronto on suspicion of 'being an terfeits, Tile genuine has the name blown in the glass and 'foe sim hie of the discoverer's incendiary, has been honorably acquitted. name over each cork. NEAR STARVATION'S DOOR.GILES' IawRovrlD MANDRAKE PILLS. SAVE Mrs. Nelson W. Whitehead, of Nixon, SViif,B nasnLE andErr10mivE. Do NOT Gnlrn Theye,ecouiposod entirely of vogetablesub• was a chronic sufferer from dyspepsia and ,stances, and Pan be taken at all seasons of the liver complaint, and was scarcely able to year without restriction as to diet or clothing. take the most simple nourishment. Even a Foralldisoraers of the Stoniaclt, Liver, Bowels, swallow of water caused great distress. Two &voter i' eo 25o. per box. U. LU TZ, Agent, bottles of Burdock Blood T3ittors cured her, when all else failed. She heartily room- inends this remedy to all sufferers. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A positive euro for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Month. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. There are several oases of small -pox at Carmi, Ill, CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE. In order to withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and he action of the stomach are requir- ed. To insure that end, is the eheapost, most available and complete manner, use McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Impure Blood. There is no purer, safer or more reliable remedy in existence for Indi- gestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who has used it. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. 1. CROUP, WH ROPING COUGH and Bron Otitis immediately r•.e;lieved by bhiloh's Cure Sold by .1. W. Browning. HORSEMEN, ATTENTION ! When your horse is galled, scratched or cut, or has an ugly sore, bathe twice daily, and apply McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Create. It is undoubtedly the finest healing and cleansing application for it. Be sure you get McGregor & Parke's. Sold for 25c per box, at Dr. Browning's,Drng Store. 1. Freight brakemen of the Mobile ,'u Ohio 11.11. struck on Sunday. "WHOORLT UP." Probably ono of the most difficult com- plaints to doctor is whooping cough. When treated by ordinary menus the poor victim is left to whoop it up as best he can: Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam gives relief in this as well as in all throat, bronchial, and lung troubles. The men of the paid fire department of Philadelphia have joined the Knights of Labor, with the object of forcing an increase ofpay. A WIDE RANGE. A wide range of painful affections may bo met with Hagyard's Yellow Oil. James M. Lawson, of Woodville, Ont., speaks of it in high term of rheumatism, lame bark, sprains, and many painful complaints too numerous to mention. It is used internally or externally. Shiloh's Care will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis; Sold by J. W. Browning. FLUID LIGHTNING. All sufferers from that terrible torment, Neuralgia, can bo made happy in one mo- ment by a single application of Fluid Light- ning briskly rubbed on painful parts, and without using any disgusting medicine clay after day with little or no result. Fluid Light- ning also cures as effectually Toothache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Headache, and is only 25 cents per bottle at Dr. Browninlg's drug store. Sylvester Baker, of Kansas City, shot his sleeping wife in the forehead on Sunday and then sent a bullet into his own brain. Both are in a critical condition. JOI-IN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, Walnut ski Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS or EVERT DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. CARD. To all who are suffering from the error; a indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, lose of Manhood, &c, I will send a W reeeipe thnt willcure you, FLiEE OL' CHARGE. safe cure has no equal. This great remedy was discovered by a mie' sionary in South America. Send a self -ad - Mr. Frye's fishery resolutions were called dressed envelope to Rev, TOSEYit T. INMAN up in the U. S. Satiate Monday, but went Station .D. New York Cit over informally. MUCH IN A LITTLE. Hamilton Dowd, writing from Burns, Ont., says he was afflicted with chilblains which were very sore and painful and which nothing relieved until he tried Hagyard's Yellow Oil ; less than one bottle cured him. In addressing a jury at Ottawa on Mon - "infamous railway free pass system," Sibbert, at Staffs, Friday, Apri 16. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by J. W. Browning. SPRING WS. Spring shows will be held iu this vicinity this season as follows : day, Judge Armonr Btl'Ol3 g1 denounced the Y East Heron, at Brussels, Friday, April 1G Scott's Emulsion of Pure. Seaforth, Tuesday, April 20. Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, South Huron, Brimfield, Wed•, April 21. In Strumous Children and Cholera Infantum. ; Stratford, on Thursday, April 22. Dr. W. E, BlasoM, Hartford, Ind., says : "I find your Emulsion to be an excellent remedy in lung troubles, and; especially in Strumous children, and a most valuable remedy in chronic cases of Cholera Infan- tnm. Mr. G, W. Ross, Provincial Minister of Education, will shortly proceed to England in connection with the Exhibition. Do not take Pills or Powders containing Calomel, for, at this time of the year, the re- sul t may be serious. If you require a dose ' a of phya, takeCarson's Stomach nue PO U LT RY YARDS. Constipation Bitters s ; it acts gently on the St. Marys, Wednesday, April 21. 1lfilvorton, Thursday, April p Henson, on Thursday, April 22nd. East Wawanosh, at Belgravo, on Thurs. day, April 15, South Perth, at St.Marys, April 21. North Perth, at Stratford, April 22. Blauehard, at Kirkton, April 22. Northern. Fair, at Aliso Craig, April 22. Lucan, April 17. Bowels, purifies the Blood, improves the 01r- eulation, stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, W. G, BIS SETT, and speedily cures Biliousness, headache, B�eeeler of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. gearcll the Drug Sother, ry • S tores from one end of Canada to the othe , PLYMOUTH ROCKS, Bfi ACIC JAVA , to it. DANS and you cannot finch a remedy 111ttat BROWN LEGH01tNS and it and use it in your families. Sold YAltn—P.ItSeks ; Cockerel, score 031; 4 ev otti t 50 cents No 1 erywlxete in large b rGIVE ME A CALL. SALT! SALT! SALT 1 Tam 2112CMTZER. Sall Works 5mpany Have for sale TON HUNDRED TONS of SALT suitable for Agricultural and Dole estic purposes, which they ;offer At Lowest i4arketPrices A o ea a Hene, average' sepro 02. Eggs _2.50 pdr get Hotlotuap's _Pills are the medicine most fn ting, repute for curing • the multifarious maladies which attack humanity, when Suet weather gives place to mOtegenial temperatures, In short these Pills relief, if they fail of being an absolute remedy in all the disturb. Nd, 2 YARD—P. stooks; dockcrol, score 31; 4 Pullsts, average score 401• Eggs X51,50" par getup', NO8Y AIt D—ti#. Logb0 ens Cockerel. seer e 048 overage seersE t;s $1 ,,pet av 02; g g ,per sots aures of ciretilatxon, digestion, and nervous NO 4PABA-4iondans, Eggs:ti per setting; energy, which at times oppress a vast por- These birds wore all eeored by 1tfr, Jarvis and tion of the p`optitatibnI'. oder the whole- won a good share 'of prizesat rho ISxoter seine purifying,and strengthening powers Poultry Show, exerted l y therexcellent Pills, the tong tt''One trio P. toad for sato, t5 A call respectfully so— licited. Apply to T. B. CARLING, Secretary. —WE --- ANNOUNCE .t Torok°, Every Barrel`Guarauteed, This Oil wee need on ilii t»oohluery during: Jilallibition, It Sias been pwarchia, SIX GOLD MEDALS (Wring the last threo yeara.. l e'See that you get Peerless. Tt is only matte by /M e . , Ocrx/„$ co,,. �Y Q Q C 1+'011, SAE 13Y JAS, PICK.ARD. ARRIVAL OF —New Dress Goods-- Albatros Cloths, All Wool Ottomans, All Wool Nun's Cloth, Prints, Sateens, Cotton Crapes, Ginghams, Embroideries, Oriental Laces, i ns Laces, , Torehon Laces, 1)entille Laces, TWE—EDS. Scoteh Tweeds, Scotch Pantings, English Worsteds, Irish Serge', Canada Tweeds, Collonades, Ire PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to lnak:e room 'Winter andinter Purchases which will arrive shortly. for Fall, FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand. All Shades, in Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish, It willpaYyou to order now and derive a benefit from pur. chasing good and oheap Goods. A call is respectfully solicited. i3OId ,rw ItCQ T. Fashionable Tailor, Exetor. RENOWNED REMEDIES. h' 7 LOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT' THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STC1IACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are pricelt THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bacl Legs, Bacl Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It. famous for Gout and Rheumatism, FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST 1T HAS NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds ,Glandular Swellings, and all skin disea it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm, The Pills and Ointmentaresolclat THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishmec;, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor:of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. lid., 2s- 9d. 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size coutaius three times the quantity ofithe Is 1:}d, size ; the 4s. 6d. sizo six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hau in any language l Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. ALL - PA PERS, New Groceries, New Field and Garden Seeds Call and inspect, for yourself, you will not be importuned to burr. Millinery Opening, Ap ril 13th will '.Piokard 'WILLIAM DREW Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. I have Just received a Car Load ofgNew Stylish Furniture and I am SEZ�Z,2�i"G A2' CoSr For the next SIXTY DAYS. It will be to your advantage to call on me before going elsewhere. REMEMBER THE PLACE, ONE DOOR NORTH OF MOLSONS BANS. WILLIAM DREW. peter Post Office Tixss,e Table. HAILS Kirkton, Woodham Winchelsea audElimville Sonth,east and west, 'including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, llfanitoba,Vnited States, English andfcreign snails ... ... .... ... ... South, east west &c ... .. .., North and east including Godorieh, Viighain, Kincardine and all points north, Strattoid, Toronto, Montreal, and !eastern States,.. .,. ... .., North east, dm ... Sarepta Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sntnr•clays ARRIVE CLOSE 4.00p.ni,10 Oea.na 10,15a.m. 6.45 p.m. 1C.15 a.m 5.30 p.us. 11,00a,ni, 00oani 8.15 a. m 4.11p,m 8.15 a. rr 5.90 p. m' 10.00x. m. .to 00am ONEY ORDRES Issuodand paid on and from any Stbney Order Come in thoDoininion of 0anacla,Gron t l3ritair andireland,BritishTndia,Newfoundlatrd,Italy, Auctralia,NewSouth Wass Tasmania, Nei, Solana. an Algeria, the German Empire, Sweclon,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, l3olgltinf the Nethrlands,Switzerland, Austria-Iningary, Ammonia, United. States, Jamaica and Bax bados. POSTOI'1''LCE SAVIN GS13e1Ms. , 1Uepooitswill bereceived atthis office from $1 to $800. liepositorB obtaining the Is es, maser -Generals apecialpermission emu deposit 51000. Douos,ts on Savings Bank accounts • T allowed on ell deposit' la r cent per annum wi.1 be a 1 e e o m, interest in t 4 o O a. 1 ' odir m p civ c p Office hours horn 780'it. m.to I p,m Lettersintendedforregietration must be posted 15 minutes betore the closing of each mail d1 add the names of d that senders of matter will kindly b N.i3,—Itis. particularyroglteste t a ..111 addresses. . the p Intles to tiro ,�. D.JOI•fNS, Postmaster beGnol eH Sflea ?a OP pj?.Qtite improve di• jlest�;Qii zs cltlleitenRd, loud n,ssllxixlatzon ;rQit• psrot' perfect, klolloway's Medicine ;posseSSes the highly esthnable property of eleaiising the whole anaki of blood, whielx, in. its repos voted eoixditiOrt, ettreiSe ptx}'i y, eti'RIlljth, and, vigor to every desire dt tlle.Way. SQYarat choQso , faetorlQa wall Ro u#menoe 4 RratiQus ill. the J3e11Ry1116 distiiot on Mons t? day, the 19th hist, Are you made miserable by indigestion, f t to aL• GT' ;. • O $. f�t�l ]\T�r I RiEUW T,�kI>:1i, The annual spring show Q£ the Stephen t p ' u 1eagorixe Branch Agricultural was heirs, six the 6 9 Qitroucl day was Wore. rr. r large • r0 w u d of spectators ason form. fine, and a sari;good � T fOrtfi. Show Ilot its Pod as U x cut. The he b a . i pies , cr occasions, there beizxg at Qoznpiaratxvcly • r 'n colord� Fp :. ,eliow i , the varioss shades ,liavnaa,';9offQo, tRCo liibhons ori 1l ova Ie are plain, frQin ttyQ and a half to four inches beim the fa yr'z;ite'vidths ].hIW hos of oats tines eurlants,'r »retty,liut Ixat gaudy colors, k► e A1, U d o37: Ria11y l[tita.• rima Oenn "ts, In j[tet, 11'P zNajr ea7 that. almost d7el,';)i fatly ,7,1} ' tr'c TWY be suited, with nix pttctiou• t1ns:dis .z..t, y y , t il. lar shape+, 4P that the yarie y of sprltig 111., llpoz IP the skiow room uuderMiss Dehorty's melon array- wall be guessed, It (rill slipar AulirA:It4 Atm elytip 2'I.Itvl!lG'1e6:, LINIMENT IOI�I� AMMONIA?, 11` v Pf b osis incl rQitclster; liozsts, xe ladies to vet rile ahem 'r cam • cone cttzztliess,;los o t ppo i , • in d show a 1vOn i spay ta las i z Q , x o all a'es the shove steetare, lookingthe u, low akin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive in draughts � _.. ,g ,the Pan spend flours in at IQ flea.. d competition in many uxsttt}toes, was y m d * oc s Qu" Sohl. at Dr,.Stowning's. (1rug step, ii101trim 0 a 1 , and In bulls the show was few, but no 6. keen. r " „ Ona of the leading events of the season , It is reported that a eonmerend tra'vpitua , � as.good as we have soon it. llie toads among our lady friends has been the milli- named OQx, Melding 10 I�onaon ruse tired at z �, •. Pin iu a wretched stater, woo unfavorable 6 being nor o Saturday by another passcuger upon rho for rho society, The follo�vnig is the prize y O U1 of yeLO8 l ago inaugurated Sithe Qn The Q this firm three g'ear's inch ruratecl tllq St- Marys broach train, and that the affair l' Rdipst and most certain medicine in list;— opening of the season ba grand display of is being investigated' by the Company's Ghe world, Ilolts:as,-7 etYtries-1st, GQlcjnkroxx �� zxuliinery hovelties, their progress has beery detoetivos, A L L I! A. 11t 1 L 1 Il 0 U S E I T, Dow's "Ma or"* ; 2nd, Colqult0u & Dow sWeak Back, Enlarged Joiuts, P`tralsis ' 7 lr Uil y "Rover" 3rd I Gnxtilx, `cM 1 l,adlle" unprecodonted, BOlieviug that the true The Rev.Goo. H, Thayer,; of Lox b road to Bums was dna is good peas at Incl., says ; "Both myself and wife owe our Bheutnatism, Neuralgia; Diphtheria, right prieos, they have followed. this pcliey lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold Soiatioa, l'rolajisns, morel, PRluale until they have plaeecl themselves in the by J, W. Browning. Weakness. front ranks ot the milliuory trade of Exeter A. VALUABLE FIND. b ,s The best ltuctonly certain remedy to relieve and suri'oondipg district. An inspection of James Alex, Sproul, of Orrangevillo, R pain of alt kiuds,.uo in»tter of now Icing stand - their spacious show room will amply repay he has found l3urdook BIood.Bitters to bo lag. Instant relief guaranteed cremes; Swol• the admirers of tasteful designs ten`s beauti- best;medieine he over took for kidney COM. lou J[i'nte, Varieb@e oVeins, Bites of Ile n e os ful goods. The. new colorings are unusually plaint, with which he' was long suffering. a `e et; will�Onet scoti, l or t;rea@,; is clean aha bright and brilliant, embracing, Tuscan, pink He declares B. B. B. without a rival, SxI LAbI11[ATXe\ on Tznc IiIONEYS, I3aionx's lemon,tobacco, golden brown, creme 1 b and bronze. In trimmings they show a th oulyLurhnoutiu the world possessing nl ria a class . -3 entr let, ghee Berry GaugesdSilks,variety Satins,CCrapes, Plushest and g Velvets. A. glance at their trimmed goods "Pluto Hiahoga" ; 3rd, Gardner Bros., will satisfy the most fastidious that they "`John Scott'". Aged roadster class, -2 en- nave spared no pains to place before their patrons only the newest, latest and moat de- sirable productions of the leading caterers in the millinery art. Conspicuous among the many nine designs is a beautiful Tuscan: plush hat on a Loraine shape, which is con- sidered the acme of • perfection. The Bal- inore in pink Drape, aigrette trimmings, should be seers to be appreciated. An ori- ental creme Dentelle bonnet called Pomoro, is one of the most popular designs offered to "Lord Chesteafi ; , p the trade. The Newport and Soubrette hats will be popular, and aro shown in all shades and qualities. In fancy straws they show all the leading shapes in chips, loop, split, Tuscan, Leghorn, twist, tape, porcupine, Swiss, satin, and Milan. Miss McIntyre, the tasty and artistic milliner in charge, wilt b 1 shown, and he happy to explain and show the varlets/4 kinds of feathers, laces and other trimmings, besides the endless display of trimmed hats and bonnets. The Pentre of the room is de- corated with a floral horseshoe, an emblem of good wishes to all, Tho walls are elabor- ately decorated, and all are cordially invited to eon, as to see is to admire and return. arC Three year old clrauggbt.•--•l entry --J acnes. Miller,y "Lodclie McOonalcl . Two year old draught. --4 entries -J. M. Robinson "Young Major" ; 2nd, 1eonard neuter, „Sir Willianx"•. Purcllloron,-1 entry— Chas. Esset'y, "'!Denveges . Aged Agricul- tural l el try -1st, Richard Meters, "Matchless'... ,.two year old agriculturak- 5 entries—l'st, Chas, Godbolt's "Lothaire". i'wgqyear old,general purpose. -2 entries -- Arca. Hoclgont, "Grindstone". Aged oar- ies-- , "Fear Not Chief" ; 2nd., Curtin & Stewart's trios—lst, :McGregor & McIntosh, ``Judge Fulton" ; Tnoinas Bissett, Jr., "'Volo'. Best heavy horse, any age or class, (di- ploma).---Colquhoun & Dow, "Major". BuLLs,—Durhams.-3 entries—let, John Allison ; 2nd, W. Essery, 'Prince Hoppell' ; 3rcl, Geo. G.dbolt, "Crimson Duke". Two year old. -3 entries—lst, Thomas Russell, "Don" ; 2nc1, Walter Oke, "Proud Duke". year old.—Cp entries -1st, John Heywood, •old" 2nd Thos. Sha ton, "Capser" ; 3rd, Rich. Delbridge, "Fuller- ton Model". MITCHELL. The annual spring fair for the exhibition of horses and bulls was held in Mitchell on Thursday afternoon last, at which a very large number ofanimas were the competition in several of the classes 'vas very keen. The stock was all fine animals, and the show of horses especially would have done credit to our Provincial Exhibi- tions. Some very fine bulls were also on the ground, and it was quite evident that the farmers in this neighborhood are taking a sleeper interest than ever in the improve- ment of stock. Below is the prize list :— Burs,s.-11 entries --Durham bull, calved prior to January 1st, 1884, 1st prize, W. H. Gill, Fullerton ; 2nd, do, Wm. Robinson, Fullerton ; 3rd iso., John Pridham, Ful- lerton. Durham bull calved since January, 1884, 1st prize, Win. McKenzie, Logan ; 2d, do., Thos. Wooden, Logan ; 3rd do., Geo. Buck, Hibbert. Durham bull calved in '85, 1st prize, CeophasDrown, Hibbert ; 2nd, do., J. R. Rogers, Hibbert ; 3rd do., David Watson. Grade bull calf, 1st prize, Win. Hodge, Fullerton. Ilortsis.—There were eight entries in the heavy draught imported class, and it took the judges over an hour to come to a decision. They finally gave "Major," owned by Colquhoun & Dow, 1st prize ; 2u, I to "Rover," owned by the same Publications Received. rm; and ' ' o\ "Strauiaer," the property of Brooks & Colquhoun. There was only one entry in the heavy draught class, three Max.—The May number of frank Leslie's years and under, and the prize was taken Sunday Magazine is redolent of Spring both by Brooks & Colquhoun. In the Canadian in text and illustration. The Easter Pesti- bred heavy draught class, the 1st prize was val, which comes this year on April 25111, its awarded to "Young Lord Haddo," the prop-, latest possible date, is largely dealt with. erty of Robert Jackson ; 2nd to "Highland The "Ancient Customs of Easter Day,. is a Chief," owned by Robert Morre ; 3rcl, very interesting article, and Dr. Talmage's "Robert Burns," the property of George sermon, "The Queen of Festivals," as ft Seehach. There was only one entry in the powerful presentation of Easter lessons. agricultural or general purpose class, and 'The Flight of the Bells," with its rretty the prize was given to Bryan O'Hara's picture, is a quaint French Easter legend,. "Young Wellington." Two fine Percherons The Blessings of Food in Russia is a curious were slio�y�[, and the first laurels were car- ceremony of that coantry. "Easter Morning' vied off kl'y'" . iielihan & Evans' "Napoleon," is a beautiful picture. "Easter scenes ..and and 2nd by "Success," the property of Easter Themes," a characteristic illustration, Fred. W. Moore. The judges occupied a and' The Easter Offering in a Fashionable rood deal of time in coming to a decision Church" will be recognized ns a faithful between "Young Britton" and "Black reproduction. There is also a finely illus. Douglas,." The former, owned- by Thos. t, ated article on "The Lily," and an interest- Balkwill, got 1st prize, and the latter. the ing one on "May Day in England in the property of A. D. Colghotux, 2nd prize. Olden Time." In addition to these timely Best heavy draught stallion two years /and matters, there is a notable article ou under, "Major," John M. Robinson ; 2ncl, 'Chateau Gaillard"' by Sirs. Elizabeth " Young Haddo, " S. Nethercott ; 3rd, Brooks of New York, an article on "Win-, "Duke of Perth," James Watt. Agricultn. cheater Cathedral," with a portrait of the rah or general purpose colt, two years and bishop and views of the cathedral and the under, "Yowig Puzzler," Louis Goodwin ; town, a portrait and sketch of "Mrs. Mad, "Young Donald Dennie," R. Beer. Harriett Beecher Stowe," another of the The judges were Messrs. Joseph Thompson, Parables of Christ, a' well illustrated paper Salem ; D. Denovan, Tuckersmitli ; Geo. on the "Indian Training -school at Carlisle, Hyde, North Easthope ; Francis Dalby, Pa," full installments of the several serials, Elora. and many appropriate and enjoyable short articles and poems. Altogether this is an But Little Credit to the;ProfeS- exceptionally interestiinngnumber. ss-ssion. Interesting stems. A peculiar accident happened to Robert White, ,t tacl:mau near Pais- ley the other day. He was on a hand car, going down the lo'�g grade about four miles north of paisley. when the crani: naught Ili- coat and threw him off on his head on the track immediately in front of it. His back fell across the rail, and the car ran over Min full speed with three inen on it. He was bsdly bruised, but was up and walking around the next day. FnANIT. LESLIE'S SENDAY IIAGAZINE POI; DETnoIT, Mich., Nov. 6, 1885.—Throe yeats ago, I suffered much from enlarged prostrate gland. Had to have my water drawn. The more f doctored, the worse I got. Was completely broken clown. al- most out of my head. Have used 102 bottles of Warner's safe cure. and an perfectly and entirely. relieved.—SOLOMON WES- LEY, 354 Grand Riyer avenue. Millinery Openings. Several millinery openings have taken place here this week, as was announced by advertisements in the TIMES- In the mil- linery line the ladies are very much inter- ested at this particular season of the year, and we believe the inspection openings were successful. The displays made were very fine indeed, and the styles exhibited were numerous, varying greatly from those of last year. Mise Doherty, head milliner in James Pic n d's establisbtnent, on Tuesday last ex. 1' ed in the show room, which was taste- rs feathers, flown w Ince , to with • or ae fa, ticc &c., o'`the various shades, a grand assort- ment of trimmed hats, bonnets, &c., the like of which, our reporter says, has never before been seen in Exeter. There were piles of small' bonnets, no smaller though, than last year, for the minimum was then reached these bonnets are of different shapes, most of them being much higher behind than last year, which, if we bo allowed to judge, looks neater on a lady's head than the shapes worn last year -Many trimmed hats of the different shapes adorned a largo table iu the centre of the allow room, as well as a sloping counter surrounding. There are many cu- rious and oddly combined shapes, compris- ing Cupidar, T?ufn-ynm, Armorita, Belle, and Ohevaleta. High and extremely high crowns were shown, with flat tops, rounded corners, or depressed tops, acid flora square gas to moderately tapering, lnlli steeple tapers, bell tapers, and square hell or Gre- cian tapers. There are innumerable varie- ties of brims, but the prevailing style of last year—short an narrow backs— is still the rage. Brims out at the back and rising cen- tavo mi nsare 1r trim lace back , o< points to inti g ea a t among the newest novelties. Sailors hats, with broad brims, will also he worn. In ribbons, laces, feathers, flowers, dm, Miss D. displayed good taste in tbuyitig, therebeing nothing but the' latest used in trimmings ; birds and wings are not used this year, rib. bons, laee•and 'feathers taking 'their' place. WE CANNOT too strongly impress upon our readers the fact that most diseases are caused by irregular action ot the kidneys; and this is true even though you do not feel any pain in them, for they are deficient in nerves of sensation and give forth pain only in the last stages of disease. It is an undeniable fact that for all diseases of the kidneys caused by excess of uric acid. in the blood,Warner's Three new oases of small pox have been PFESAsl♦, ntabetee, incontinence of Urine: Is reported at Chicago 0 My horse stepped on a rolling steno, terative powers. Oau be taken iuternatlYi sprained her off' hind log, badly swollen, outcry Cramps hurl Co sic, Diarrhoea dna Dys- Giles,' Liniment Iodide Ammonia mired her. OVARY ALL DRUGGISTS, 'NUM, 13o•rrr,z: 250. G. B. Central Canton, Mass. Sold by Q. Write Dr. Giles, box 3,482, N. Y. P. U., who Lutz, Central Drug Store, will give advice on. all diseases free of charge. Robert Brines, a pressman, who was ar- i Beware otunscrupulous dealers and coun- rested at Toronto on suspicion of 'being an terfeits, Tile genuine has the name blown in the glass and 'foe sim hie of the discoverer's incendiary, has been honorably acquitted. name over each cork. NEAR STARVATION'S DOOR.GILES' IawRovrlD MANDRAKE PILLS. SAVE Mrs. Nelson W. Whitehead, of Nixon, SViif,B nasnLE andErr10mivE. Do NOT Gnlrn Theye,ecouiposod entirely of vogetablesub• was a chronic sufferer from dyspepsia and ,stances, and Pan be taken at all seasons of the liver complaint, and was scarcely able to year without restriction as to diet or clothing. take the most simple nourishment. Even a Foralldisoraers of the Stoniaclt, Liver, Bowels, swallow of water caused great distress. Two &voter i' eo 25o. per box. U. LU TZ, Agent, bottles of Burdock Blood T3ittors cured her, when all else failed. She heartily room- inends this remedy to all sufferers. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A positive euro for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Month. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. There are several oases of small -pox at Carmi, Ill, CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE. In order to withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and he action of the stomach are requir- ed. To insure that end, is the eheapost, most available and complete manner, use McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Impure Blood. There is no purer, safer or more reliable remedy in existence for Indi- gestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who has used it. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. 1. CROUP, WH ROPING COUGH and Bron Otitis immediately r•.e;lieved by bhiloh's Cure Sold by .1. W. Browning. HORSEMEN, ATTENTION ! When your horse is galled, scratched or cut, or has an ugly sore, bathe twice daily, and apply McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Create. It is undoubtedly the finest healing and cleansing application for it. Be sure you get McGregor & Parke's. Sold for 25c per box, at Dr. Browning's,Drng Store. 1. Freight brakemen of the Mobile ,'u Ohio 11.11. struck on Sunday. "WHOORLT UP." Probably ono of the most difficult com- plaints to doctor is whooping cough. When treated by ordinary menus the poor victim is left to whoop it up as best he can: Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam gives relief in this as well as in all throat, bronchial, and lung troubles. The men of the paid fire department of Philadelphia have joined the Knights of Labor, with the object of forcing an increase ofpay. A WIDE RANGE. A wide range of painful affections may bo met with Hagyard's Yellow Oil. James M. Lawson, of Woodville, Ont., speaks of it in high term of rheumatism, lame bark, sprains, and many painful complaints too numerous to mention. It is used internally or externally. Shiloh's Care will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis; Sold by J. W. Browning. FLUID LIGHTNING. All sufferers from that terrible torment, Neuralgia, can bo made happy in one mo- ment by a single application of Fluid Light- ning briskly rubbed on painful parts, and without using any disgusting medicine clay after day with little or no result. Fluid Light- ning also cures as effectually Toothache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Headache, and is only 25 cents per bottle at Dr. Browninlg's drug store. Sylvester Baker, of Kansas City, shot his sleeping wife in the forehead on Sunday and then sent a bullet into his own brain. Both are in a critical condition. JOI-IN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, Walnut ski Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS or EVERT DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. CARD. To all who are suffering from the error; a indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, lose of Manhood, &c, I will send a W reeeipe thnt willcure you, FLiEE OL' CHARGE. safe cure has no equal. This great remedy was discovered by a mie' sionary in South America. Send a self -ad - Mr. Frye's fishery resolutions were called dressed envelope to Rev, TOSEYit T. INMAN up in the U. S. Satiate Monday, but went Station .D. New York Cit over informally. MUCH IN A LITTLE. Hamilton Dowd, writing from Burns, Ont., says he was afflicted with chilblains which were very sore and painful and which nothing relieved until he tried Hagyard's Yellow Oil ; less than one bottle cured him. In addressing a jury at Ottawa on Mon - "infamous railway free pass system," Sibbert, at Staffs, Friday, Apri 16. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by J. W. Browning. SPRING WS. Spring shows will be held iu this vicinity this season as follows : day, Judge Armonr Btl'Ol3 g1 denounced the Y East Heron, at Brussels, Friday, April 1G Scott's Emulsion of Pure. Seaforth, Tuesday, April 20. Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, South Huron, Brimfield, Wed•, April 21. In Strumous Children and Cholera Infantum. ; Stratford, on Thursday, April 22. Dr. W. E, BlasoM, Hartford, Ind., says : "I find your Emulsion to be an excellent remedy in lung troubles, and; especially in Strumous children, and a most valuable remedy in chronic cases of Cholera Infan- tnm. Mr. G, W. Ross, Provincial Minister of Education, will shortly proceed to England in connection with the Exhibition. Do not take Pills or Powders containing Calomel, for, at this time of the year, the re- sul t may be serious. If you require a dose ' a of phya, takeCarson's Stomach nue PO U LT RY YARDS. Constipation Bitters s ; it acts gently on the St. Marys, Wednesday, April 21. 1lfilvorton, Thursday, April p Henson, on Thursday, April 22nd. East Wawanosh, at Belgravo, on Thurs. day, April 15, South Perth, at St.Marys, April 21. North Perth, at Stratford, April 22. Blauehard, at Kirkton, April 22. Northern. Fair, at Aliso Craig, April 22. Lucan, April 17. Bowels, purifies the Blood, improves the 01r- eulation, stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, W. G, BIS SETT, and speedily cures Biliousness, headache, B�eeeler of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. gearcll the Drug Sother, ry • S tores from one end of Canada to the othe , PLYMOUTH ROCKS, Bfi ACIC JAVA , to it. DANS and you cannot finch a remedy 111ttat BROWN LEGH01tNS and it and use it in your families. Sold YAltn—P.ItSeks ; Cockerel, score 031; 4 ev otti t 50 cents No 1 erywlxete in large b rGIVE ME A CALL. SALT! SALT! SALT 1 Tam 2112CMTZER. Sall Works 5mpany Have for sale TON HUNDRED TONS of SALT suitable for Agricultural and Dole estic purposes, which they ;offer At Lowest i4arketPrices A o ea a Hene, average' sepro 02. Eggs _2.50 pdr get Hotlotuap's _Pills are the medicine most fn ting, repute for curing • the multifarious maladies which attack humanity, when Suet weather gives place to mOtegenial temperatures, In short these Pills relief, if they fail of being an absolute remedy in all the disturb. Nd, 2 YARD—P. stooks; dockcrol, score 31; 4 Pullsts, average score 401• Eggs X51,50" par getup', NO8Y AIt D—ti#. Logb0 ens Cockerel. seer e 048 overage seersE t;s $1 ,,pet av 02; g g ,per sots aures of ciretilatxon, digestion, and nervous NO 4PABA-4iondans, Eggs:ti per setting; energy, which at times oppress a vast por- These birds wore all eeored by 1tfr, Jarvis and tion of the p`optitatibnI'. oder the whole- won a good share 'of prizesat rho ISxoter seine purifying,and strengthening powers Poultry Show, exerted l y therexcellent Pills, the tong tt''One trio P. toad for sato, t5 A call respectfully so— licited. Apply to T. B. CARLING, Secretary. —WE --- ANNOUNCE .t Torok°, Every Barrel`Guarauteed, This Oil wee need on ilii t»oohluery during: Jilallibition, It Sias been pwarchia, SIX GOLD MEDALS (Wring the last threo yeara.. l e'See that you get Peerless. Tt is only matte by /M e . , Ocrx/„$ co,,. �Y Q Q C 1+'011, SAE 13Y JAS, PICK.ARD. ARRIVAL OF —New Dress Goods-- Albatros Cloths, All Wool Ottomans, All Wool Nun's Cloth, Prints, Sateens, Cotton Crapes, Ginghams, Embroideries, Oriental Laces, i ns Laces, , Torehon Laces, 1)entille Laces, TWE—EDS. Scoteh Tweeds, Scotch Pantings, English Worsteds, Irish Serge', Canada Tweeds, Collonades, Ire PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to lnak:e room 'Winter andinter Purchases which will arrive shortly. for Fall, FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand. All Shades, in Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish, It willpaYyou to order now and derive a benefit from pur. chasing good and oheap Goods. A call is respectfully solicited. i3OId ,rw ItCQ T. Fashionable Tailor, Exetor. RENOWNED REMEDIES. h' 7 LOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT' THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STC1IACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are pricelt THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bacl Legs, Bacl Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It. famous for Gout and Rheumatism, FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST 1T HAS NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds ,Glandular Swellings, and all skin disea it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm, The Pills and Ointmentaresolclat THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishmec;, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor:of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. lid., 2s- 9d. 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size coutaius three times the quantity ofithe Is 1:}d, size ; the 4s. 6d. sizo six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hau in any language l Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. ALL - PA PERS, New Groceries, New Field and Garden Seeds Call and inspect, for yourself, you will not be importuned to burr. Millinery Opening, Ap ril 13th will '.Piokard 'WILLIAM DREW Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. I have Just received a Car Load ofgNew Stylish Furniture and I am SEZ�Z,2�i"G A2' CoSr For the next SIXTY DAYS. It will be to your advantage to call on me before going elsewhere. REMEMBER THE PLACE, ONE DOOR NORTH OF MOLSONS BANS. WILLIAM DREW. peter Post Office Tixss,e Table. HAILS Kirkton, Woodham Winchelsea audElimville Sonth,east and west, 'including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, llfanitoba,Vnited States, English andfcreign snails ... ... .... ... ... South, east west &c ... .. .., North and east including Godorieh, Viighain, Kincardine and all points north, Strattoid, Toronto, Montreal, and !eastern States,.. .,. ... .., North east, dm ... Sarepta Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sntnr•clays ARRIVE CLOSE 4.00p.ni,10 Oea.na 10,15a.m. 6.45 p.m. 1C.15 a.m 5.30 p.us. 11,00a,ni, 00oani 8.15 a. m 4.11p,m 8.15 a. rr 5.90 p. m' 10.00x. m. .to 00am ONEY ORDRES Issuodand paid on and from any Stbney Order Come in thoDoininion of 0anacla,Gron t l3ritair andireland,BritishTndia,Newfoundlatrd,Italy, Auctralia,NewSouth Wass Tasmania, Nei, Solana. an Algeria, the German Empire, Sweclon,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, l3olgltinf the Nethrlands,Switzerland, Austria-Iningary, Ammonia, United. States, Jamaica and Bax bados. POSTOI'1''LCE SAVIN GS13e1Ms. , 1Uepooitswill bereceived atthis office from $1 to $800. liepositorB obtaining the Is es, maser -Generals apecialpermission emu deposit 51000. Douos,ts on Savings Bank accounts • T allowed on ell deposit' la r cent per annum wi.1 be a 1 e e o m, interest in t 4 o O a. 1 ' odir m p civ c p Office hours horn 780'it. m.to I p,m Lettersintendedforregietration must be posted 15 minutes betore the closing of each mail d1 add the names of d that senders of matter will kindly b N.i3,—Itis. particularyroglteste t a ..111 addresses. . the p Intles to tiro ,�. D.JOI•fNS, Postmaster